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- Falling objects 
When children start to move around on their own, there is an increased danger of them pulling
objects down on top of themselves.

- Trips and Falls

A fall can affect people of all ages, but they are most common amongst the very young and the
very old. Often, falling over as a child will only hurt their pride and a few soothing words is all
that’s needed.

- Bumps
Bumping to walls or furniture that isn't serious can even lead to nasty bruising which can be
quite painful. Applying a cold pack - or even a packet of frozen peas - to the area affected can
reduce swelling.

- Sprains 
A sprain is when a ligament, which connects parts of a joint, is stretched, twisted or torn. Knees,
ankles and wrists are the most common parts of the body affected.

- Cuts
Any cut from papers, knives, scissors, or blades means that there will be some blood, and this
can be one of the most difficult things involved in first aid for children.

- Burns
Hot drinks cause most burns and scalds to of course, there should be a safe distance away from
open fires, cookers, irons, hair straighteners and matches, as these can be dangerous too. Any
burn should be held under cold running water for ten minutes and then assessed.

- Poisoning

Most poisoning incidents involve medicines, household products and cosmetics around the
house. It is important, therefore, to keep anything that might be dangerous and ensure that there
is proper label on the chemicals. First aid kits are also necessary in homes.

- Glass-related injuries
Broken glass can cause serious cuts and so use of the material around the home in furniture or
fittings should be carefully considered.

- Drowning
Young children can drown in very shallow water, so should be supervised at all times when near
it. This includes ornamental garden ponds, water features and even baths.

- Playground equipment accidents
Young students when unsupervised by teachers or parents might get into accident at
playgrounds. The equipment can be made of plastics or metals and when a young student bumps
his/her head it will cause injury or be swollen.

- Slips, trips, and falls on school premises

There are a lot of times that we are preoccupied whether with our gadgets, talking to our friends,
or have a lot in mind that we do not pay attention to where we are going and if there are things
that could be getting in a way. Slippery floor, sudden change in floor elevation, and messed
things on the ground are only few of the ways that causes students to slip, trip, or fall.
- Classroom accidents
For students who have laboratory classes, a lot of accidents might happen like a beaker breaking
from a fall, a chemical pour, and wrong combination of materials. This is why proper dress code
should be followed.
- Accidents on school trips
High school students mostly have educational school trips. Each student is hyped and have their
own things in mind. Some incidents happen during these school trips wherein a student was left
at a certain stop. That is why a buddy-buddy is important.


- Slips, trips and falls

Whether you’re only at house you’re sure to come across slick surfaces at some point, thus the
prospect that you could fall victim to one is not entirely remote. Falling when working at a height
is another major risk for many; falls from ladders are the most frequent, but they can also be
dangerous, as can falls from scaffolding and other platforms.

- Muscle strains

Anyone who frequently lifts heavy objects at work is likely already aware that strained muscles
are another typical work-related injury. Back and neck strains, happen far too frequently. These
happens a lot when students are sitting for a long period time due to online classes. These
accidents are entirely preventable; all it takes is some simple instruction.

- Being hit by falling objects

There are many instances of being struck by falling things, and this issue is not limited to settings
like warehouses. When items fall off shelves or out of cabinets, particularly when the person
who feels the full force doesn't see it coming, it can result in some nasty injuries.

- Cuts and lacerations

From blades, to scissors, to paper cuts, it’s easy to do yourself a mischief. The most common
causes of these are being preoccupied at the moment.

- Walking into objects

When you unexpectedly find yourself perched on the edge of a door, table, wall, or cabinet, you
may be speaking carelessly or feeling under the weather. Of course, these injuries can be a little
painful. Fortunately, many of these accidents can be avoided by issuing cautionary statements
and removing needless dangers from the road so that people won't trip over them.

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