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SBP Govt.

Polytechnic, Azamgarh
Programming in C

Assignment 1

1. What is a flowchart? Explain with example.

2. What are the steps in development of program?
3. Discuss the following –
a. Conditional operator
b. Equality operator
4. Explain different programming techniques in brief.
5. What are different flow chart symbols? Write limitations of flow chart.
6. Draw flowchart for finding largest among three numbers.
7. Write structure of a C program.
8. Why we need header files?
9. Draw a flow chart to add two numbers.
10. What do you mean by algorithm? Write an algorithm to find given number is odd or even.

Assignment 2

1. What do you mean by C tokens? Discuss.

2. What are escape sequences in C? Explain with examples.
3. How comments are given in C programs?
4. What are data types? Discuss different data types available in C.
5. What do you mean by format specifier in C.?
6. What is type casting in C? Differentiate between implicit and explicit type casting.
7. Discuss the following –
c. Conditional operator
d. Equality operator
8. Write notes on the following
a. Importance of main( ) function.
b. Enumerated Data types.
9. Differentiate relational operators and logical operators.
10. Explain bitwise operators with example.
11. What are the rules for constructing variable names in C?
12. Write structure of a C program.
13. Why we need header files?
14. Discuss priority and associativity of operators.
15. Explain constant and variable in C.
16. Discuss different input – output functions in C.
17. Write note on characters in C.
18. What are standard I/O functions in C?
SBP Govt. Polytechnic, Azamgarh
Programming in C


1. What is control structure? Explain.

2. Write short note on goto and exit in C.
3. What are the three constructs of looping? Discuss with example.
4. What are different forms of if?
5. Explain switch-case with example.
6. Differentiate –
(A) break and continue
(B) while and do-while
(C) if-else and switch statement


1. What is a ‘Pointer’? How a pointer is declared? Explain with example.

2. What do you mean by function in C?
3. Differentiate –
(D) call by value and call by reference
(E) global variable and local variable
4. What is recursion? Explain with example.
5. What do you mean by scope of variables?
6. Explain parameter passing in function.
7. What is address of operator?
8. Show the use of user-defined function with the help of program.


1. Explain the features of an array and their uses.

2. Explain pointer to an array.
3. What do mean by string in C? What are various string manipulation functions in C?
4. How two-dimensional and three-dimensional array is declared and defined?
5. How pass an array to function? Explain.
6. Write user defined function in C for---
(a) String length
(b) String copy
(c) String concatenation
(d) String compare
7. What is the difference between—
(a) Array and Structure
(b) Structure and Union

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