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UPI Meeting

November 9, 2022
1:00PM – 2:00PM
Location: In Person
Counselor Lead: Iliana & Robbie
1. Check-In
2. Orientations
3. Partnerships
4. Professional Development
5. Projects
6. Updates
7. Deans Request
1. Check-In
a. Describe your dream team building outing
i. Vegas, Food, Activity (bowling), Go Karts, Tight Rope
b. How can we get ready to welcome a new teammate to the group?
i. Pair current UPIs with a new UPI
2. Orientations
a. Basic Skills 75/5/27 will be commencing on 11/30/2022 and ending on
b. To do: Gabby will you be able to update the orientation sign up form when
the next in-person course

3. Determine Availability
a. Holiday Outreach, Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 11AM-2:00PM, In-person,
Culver City Adult School
b. This event will distribute food and toys to many families. Opportunity to ask
if we can have a booth to share our resources. They are expecting around 300
families, Need Staffing
c. Hermelinda supporting
d. To Do: If interested in supporting, please make sure to add your name to the
Events and Staffing excel.
i. Excel sheet: https://studentlaccd-

4. Class Visits
a. Class visits spreadsheet has been updated (please view any updates)
b. How are class visits going?
- To do:
o Robbie will update the list as needed
o Gabby will be following up Hooper for class visit
o MJ will be attending Palomas course
5. Partnership Visits
- To Do:
a. Venice Skills Center (Adult School)
i. UPI Lead: NEW UPI
i. UPI Lead: Joanna
ii. Iliana will connect with Devon to discuss next steps
c. Emerson (Adult School)
i. UPI Lead: Gabby
d. Culver City (Adult School)
i. UPI Lead: MJ
ii. Overview of West Presentation (Day)
1. Wednesday, 11/16/22
2. Time: 11am
3. Support Staff: MJ and Iliana
iii. Overview of West Presentation (Evening)
1. Thursday, 11/17/22
2. Time: 6pm
3. Support Staff: MJ & Robbie
iv. To Do:
1. Add SSB 554 slide
2. Make sure to print out flyers that Andrea created on Canvas on
the promotion of the SSB 554; please check in with Iliana if you
can not locate it.
3. Please connect with MJ, if interested in supporting
4. Iliana will provide comments on flyer and PowerPoint by early
next week
6. Professional Development Opportunities
a. Counselor shadowing
i. New schedule up
b. Conferences
i. Please make sure to take notes in any professional development
activities you attend in order to share with the big group on
c. UPI Job
i. Applicants have been selected; 3 new hires in noncredit
d. CASAS Training
i. Have you all completed the training?
1. MJ will be working on the Module needed to renew
2. Please make sure to update the Master Calendar that Andrea
shared and add your 5 hours for CASAS support.
7. Projects
a. Handbook
i. Lead: MJ & Gabby
ii. Any updates?
b. Counseling Appointment Project
i. Lead: Joanna
1. Joanna will focus on IHSS first.
c. Phoenix High School Overview Noncredit Presentation
i. Lead: Joanna / Gabby
ii. Next steps:
1. Schedule a day/time for presentation with Phoenix HS
2. Add event to the events/staffing excel sheet
3. Develop presentation – check in with Iliana for review
d. Newsletter
i. New UPI project
e. Half Day Training for New UPI
i. Lead: Iliana
ii. More info coming soon!
8. Updates
a. Robbie’s Fresh Success Updates
i. Any Fresh Success student should be scheduled with Robbie unless
student request a day/time that Iliana is available
b. Robbie out Nov. 11 and Nov. 14
c. Friendsgiving
i. Remember to add what you are thinking of bringing; Maritza shared
an excel
ii. Link: https://studentlaccd-
iii. Located: First floor of learning center next to Robbie's office
d. Holiday Schedule
i. Please let me know if you plan on taking extra days off during the
holiday season
ii. During the closure, the campus will have two work days: Tuesday,
December 27 and Wednesday, December 28. All employees are
encouraged to take vacation time and not report to campus.
1. Check in with Maritza and Dr. Karen if you would prefer to
work on those days
iii. If you plan to work during the two working days, please let me know
ASAP; if you plan on taking a vacation, please submit your ARC (cc
Karen Carmichael and Luiza Petrosyan) and enter your information
on our tracking:
iv. 1 Absences-Faculty_Staff-7.1.2019_ongoing.xlsx
e. Remote updates
i. Be available in the team's app/desktop version please!
1. Please make sure to download app and be available on
teams on your remote day.
ii. If any issues arise with your technology, please let Robbie and I know
so that we can troubleshoot
f. Reminder: Please update your personal outlook calendar & general
g. Food outing?
i. Save the Date: Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 4:30PM – Dinner with
Counseling Team at a local vegan restaurant
h. To Do:
- Business Cards for UPI – request have been submitted
i. Change: Only General Business Cards will be available
9. Deans Request
a. CASAS availability to 5 hours per week; at least one evening shift (ideally the
evening shift should be on your remote day)
a. Add availability onto Master Calendar here: https://studentlaccd-
b. This is an attempt to rebuild CASAS
c. New hires will be trained as well
b. Iliana sends an email to Luiza and Mariner to request information on the new UPI
hiring protocol and then check in with new hires.
a. New hires will email Luiza and Mariner to schedule their appointment and
cc’d Iliana and Robbie

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