Quiz 7 Univariate Count Data

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Quiz 7 Univariate Count Data

Question 1

In a Bernoulli trial...if q = 0.3, what is the standard deviation of the sample distribution?

A. 0.70
B. 0.30
C. 0.10
D. 0.21

Question 2

Count data is typically analyzed using a _____ statistic.

A. t
B. F
C. Normal
D. Parameter
E. Chi-square

Question 3

The standard error for the confidence interval surrounding the sample proportion is calculated using

A. the null hypothesized proportion

B. sample proportions
C. population proportions
D. expected values

Question 4

Variance in a Bernoulli distribution is maximized when

A. q=1–p
B. p = 0.50
C. p=q
D. p = 1.00

Question 5

The expected values used in simple comparisons of cell size are determined by multiplying the _____ by
the expected proportion in each category.

A. expected number of participants

B. total number of participants
C. observed number of participants in each category

Question 6
In a simple comparison of group sizes, with 6 categories and 101 participants, the degrees of freedom
would be _____.

A. 4
B. 5
C. 100
D. 99

Question 7

When categories do not overlap, they are said to be

A. Exhaustive
B. Frequencies
C. Rigorous
D. Mutually exclusive
E. Count data

Question 8

When comparing two _____ variables, one could use either a chi-square or a z-test of proportions.

A. dichotomous
B. ratio-level
C. Likert scale
D. continuous
E. interval-level

Question 9

In a Bernoulli trial, if you found a chi-square equal to 4, the z-score associated with the difference
between these proportions would be _____.

A. 16
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2

Question 10

A significant chi-square in a simple comparison of observed frequencies suggests that

A. individuals were not assorted into categories randomly

B. the values in at least one category are different from expectation
C. the null hypothesis is not true
D. all of the above are correct
E. none of the above are correct

Question 11

Which of the following is NOT a necessary characteristic of binomial experiments?

A. they have a set number of identical trials
B. they are measured with dichotomous variables
C. they are conducted on dimensions with a continuous underlying construct
D. the involved variables are comprised of mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories
E. all of the above are characteristics of binomial experiments

Question 12

When the results of a chi-square test are significant, standardized residuals that are greater than or
equal to ______, or less than or equal to _____ are considered to have contributed significantly to the
overall difference between categories.

A. the observed frequency; the expected frequency

B. +z; -z
C. the expected frequency; the observed frequency
D. +2; -2

Question 13

When the categories represent all possible options for a variable, the categories are said to be

A. exhaustive
B. rigorous
C. frequencies
D. mutually exclusive
E. count data

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