1920 S1 T1 Revision Paper (Reading) - Suggested Answers

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TEXT 1 (39 marks)

Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-14.

1. What is the personality of Ms Lee?

She is humorous.

2. Read paragraphs 1-2 and decide if the following statements are True (T), False (F), or the information is
Not Given (NG). Blacken the correct circle. (4 marks)


(i) Ms Lee wears glasses.   

(ii) Sarah’s Dad gets her up before her on 1 Sept.   

(iii) Ms Lee teaches English.   

(iv) Ms Lee likes looking after flowers and plants.   

3. Which colour do you think is Ms Lee’s favourite? Why? (2 marks)

Ms Lee’s favourite colour is pink ( 1 mark) because she wears pink glasses and uses only pink chalk to
write on the blackboard (1 mark).

4. What activity do Sarah and her best friends join every Tuesday?

The Cartoon Group.

5. Which THREE places at school are mentioned in the text? Circle them.

Teacher’s Room Art Room canteen

covered playground sports hall rooftop garden

6. Sarah has to write about Kitty for a homework assignment. Help her complete the following
passage she is working on. Fill in each blank with ONE word. The word MAY or MAY NOT
appear in the text. (5 marks)

Kitty is one of my best (a) friends . We spend a lot of time together. We are very much

alike. We both don’t have any (b) brothers or sisters, and we were born in (c) October.

Our favourite (d) sport is table tennis. We also enjoy singing (e) karaoke and playing

online games.

7. What does the expression ‘John is very bookish’ (line 19) mean?

It means John likes reading books .

8. Here are some drawings of Ben and Stella on duty. Specify the times they carry out their duties and
briefly describe what they are doing. (6 marks)

(i) When?    (e.g.) before class at 8 a.m.        (ii) When?    (by)    8:15 a.m./ a quarter past     





What to do?  What to do? 

 checks students’ (e.g.) uniforms  collects students’ mobile phones

(iii) When?    at the end of each lesson            (iv) When?    school finishes // 3:15 p.m.// a     

quarter past three in the afternoon         
What to do? 
What to do? 
 turns off the lights and fans
 cleans the blackboard

9. What or who does ‘they’ (line 32) refer to?


10. You are at Sarah’s house after school. Sarah is creating her personal profile for the school website. Help
Sarah complete the information required below. (7 marks)

Name:      Sarah Ko                 

    (a)         boy       girl 

Form:        S.1                         

Number of brothers:    (e)      0       
Class: (b)      1D                         

Number of sisters: (f)      0       
Class teacher: (c)      Ms Lee               
Favourite subjects: 

(g) PE, Integrated Science and Computer (ICT)  
Birthday: (d)        20 October         


11. Which of the following event does not take place on Monkey Days?

A. school picnic

B. drawing lesson

C. PE lesson A B C D

D. computer lesson    

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

*12. Do you think Sarah is a sporty person? Give ONE reason from the text to support your answer. (2 marks)

Yes, she is.

She enjoys playing table tennis and having PE lessons.


Choice (1 mark); (reason:1 mark)  Total: 2 marks

*13. Do you think Ben and Stella are popular in class? Give ONE reason to support your answer. (2 marks)

Yes, they are.

They are helpful and friendly // They are class prefects // any other reasonable answers.


Choice (1 mark); (reason:1 mark)  Total: 2 marks

*14. Which of the three students, Sarah, Kitty or John, do you want to make friends with? Give

TWO reasons to support your choice. (3 marks)





Choice (1 mark)

Reasons x 2 (2 marks)  Total: 3 marks

*Language accuracy 0 1 2

End of Questions for Text 1

TEXT 2 (26 marks)

Read Text 2 and answer questions 15-27.

15. How old is Billy?

(He is) twelve / 12 (years old.)

16. Read paragraphs 1-2 and decide if the following statements are True (T), False (F), or the information is
Not Given (NG). Blacken the correct circle. (3 marks)


i) Billy is older than Peter.   

ii) Peter held his birthday party in his house.   

iii) Billy enjoyed the ‘Musical Chairs’.   

17. What does the expression ‘just a piece of cake’ (line 5) mean?

It means the game of ‘Musical Chairs’ was easy for Billy.

18. What happened to Billy as a result of tying his feet with strings?

He fell on the floor (for three times) and lost the game.

19. Why didn’t the kids use pins in the ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’ game?

It was dangerous (for kids to use pins.)

20. What does ‘they’ (line 12) refer to?

the kids

21. Arrange the following events in the correct order (1 – 4). Put a ‘X’ in the box for the event that did not
take place. (4 marks)

(e.g.) 1  played ‘Musical Chairs’

4  blew out birthday candles

3  sang the birthday song

X  made the birthday wish

2  played ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’

22. In which game did Billy fall on the floor? Put a ‘’ in the correct box.

  

23. Billy is telling his classmate about the birthday party. Fill in the blanks with ONE word. The word MAY
or MAY NOT appear in the text. (5 marks)

‘I went to my cousin’s birthday party last Saturday

(a) afternoon. All his (b) friends were younger than

me. I played two (c) games in the party but I didn’t

enjoy them. I (d) ate too much and I was sick when I

got home. I won’t (e) forget such a party!’


Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

*24. How old is Peter?

He is nine / 9 years old. (1 mark)

*25. How many friends did Peter invite to the party?

He invited twelve / 12 friends to the party.

*26. Did Billy enjoy the party? Give ONE reason from the text to support your answer. (2 marks)

No, he didn’t. (1 mark)

He had to tie his feet with strings for the ‘Musical Chairs’. /He fell on the floor in the game.

He found the ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’ annoying./

Peter’s friends were too noisy. /

He ate too much and he was sick. (One of the above) (reason: 1 mark)  Total: 2 marks

*27. If you were invited to Peter’s party, would you enjoy it? Give ONE reason to support your answer.
(2 marks)





Choice (1 mark); reason x 1 (1 marks)  Total: 2 marks

*Language accuracy 0 1 2

End of Questions for Text 2




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