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P.6 English – Key Training worksheet (Analytical skills 1)

Class:P. 6 Name: ( ) Date: Marks:

Read the following and choose the best answer for each question.

A fire broke out this morning in a family in Hopewell Housing Estate. The fire
soon spread to the neighbouring flats. 20 people were awakened from their sleep
and rushed to the street. They are now staying at an urban hostel.

1. Where did the fire break out?

The fire broke out _________.

A. in 20 families B. in Hopewell Housing Estate

C. in an urban hostel D. on the street

2. The fire broke out when most people were _________.

A. asleep B. having dinner

C. talking on the phone D. doing the washing-up

At about 2 o’clock this morning, Mrs. Chan found that smoke came out from their
kitchen. The fire started at the motor of the refrigerator. The Chan family was
scared. They rushed out of their flat. The fire soon affected their neighbours.
Firemen arrived in half an hour. The fire was put out at 4 a.m.

3. What happened at 2 o’clock this morning?

A. Mrs. Chan was woken up by a loud noise.

B. Mrs. Chan was woken up by the sirens of fire-engines.
C. Mrs. Chan was woken up by the smoke from the kitchen.
D. Mrs. Chan was woken up by Mr. Chan.

4. When did the firemen arrive?

A. 2 a.m. B. 2:30 a.m.

C. 3:30a.m. D. 4 a.m.

The Chan family has used the refrigerator for 10 years. It was very old. It might
be the reason of the fire. ‘Old electric appliances might be dangerous. Motors
might be overheated. Check the electric appliances in your homes from time to
time,’ said Mr. Simon Yip from the Consumer Council.

5. The Chan family has used the refrigerator for _________.

A. a year B. a decade
C. a century D. a week

6. What might be the cause of the fire?

A. The motor of the refrigerator was too cold.
B. The motor of the refrigerator was too cheap.
C. The motor of the refrigerator was destroyed.
D. The motor of the refrigerator was too hot.


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