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1 The diagram shows a lorry moving on a straight road. The arrows represent the horizontal forces
acting on the lorry. These forces act along the same straight line.

Calculate the size of the resultant horizontal force on the lorry.

size of resultant force = .............................................. N [2]

[Total: 2]

2 The diagram shows three horizontal forces acting on a car as it moves along a straight road.

The horizontal forces act along the same straight line.

Calculate the size of the resultant horizontal force on the car and state its direction.

size of resultant force = .............................................. N

direction of resultant force .............................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

3 The speed of the motorcycle in the diagram is 20 m / s.


The rider reacts to a sudden change in the traffic ahead.

He stops as quickly as possible by applying the brakes.
The total stopping distance is made up of the distance travelled while the rider is reacting and the
distance travelled when the brakes are applied.

The diagram shows information about stopping when the speed of the motorcycle is 20 m / s.

(a) Calculate the total stopping distance when the speed of the motorcycle is 20 m / s.

total stopping distance = .............................................. m [1]

(b) Suggest one factor that could increase the total stopping distance.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

4 A car is travelling at a constant speed.

The path of the car is part of a circle.

For this motion, state:

1. the direction of the resultant force on the car,.......................................................................


2. what happens to the velocity of the car. ...............................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

5 The mass of a car is 1400 kg. The car, initially at rest, is moved along a level road by a resultant
force of 3500 N. The car reaches a speed of 30 m / s.

(a) Calculate the average acceleration of the car.

acceleration = ........................................................... [2]

(b) Calculate the time for which the force is applied.

time = ......................................................... [2]

(c) State the name of a force which opposes the motion of the car.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]

6 Velocity is a vector quantity.

State one other vector quantity.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

7 Speed is a scalar quantity.

State one other scalar quantity.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

8 Acceleration is a vector quantity.

Underline the two vector quantities in the list below.

energy forces frequency impulse mass refractive index


[Total: 1]

9 A small steel ball falls to the ground from rest. At a time of 0.2 s after it started to fall, its acceleration
is 10 m / s .

State the acceleration of the ball at a time of 0.1 s after it started to fall.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

10 The person in the diagram is pushing a child on a swing.

State the name of the force that acts against the motion of the swing.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

11 The diagram shows a lorry moving on a straight road. The arrows represent the horizontal forces
acting on the lorry. These forces act along the same straight line.

Describe the effect of a horizontal resultant force of zero on the speed of the lorry.

Put a tick (✓) in one box.

speed increases to a higher constant speed

speed stays the same

speed decreases to a lower constant speed

speed decreases to zero


[Total: 1]

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