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Aim: To analysis the acid radical and basic radical from the given salt

Analysis for Acid Radicals:

1. Preliminary Test[Dry test)

S.No Experiment Observation inference
Dil. Sulphuric acid test: Colourless, 0dourless
CO may De present.
A Small quantity ot the sample was with brisk
taken in a test tube, 1-2 mlof dil.H;S0, effervescence tuns
wäs added. lime water milky.

Potassium permanganate test: Cl absent

2. KMnO4 decolorized
small quantity of the sample was with evolution ot gaS
taken in a test tube, 2ml of it was then not observed.
boiled and some more of dil. H,SO was
added and then KMnO, solution was
added drop wise then changed is

Concentrated sulphuric acid test: Reddish brown gas NO' may be present.
A small quantity of the sample was with pungent smel.
taken in a test tube 2-3ml of comc.
H,SO, was added.

2. Confirmatory Test (Wet test)

Preparation of solution for wet test of Acid Radicals:
The confirmatory test for acid radicals are performed with their solutions. The solutions
Or nE pupose is any of the following.

Aqueous solution or "water extract:

Shake little of the mixture with water. The mixture is well dissolved this solution obtained is
used for wet test of acid radicals and is called water extract' or WE.
Confirmation of Carbonate CO

S.1.No Experiment ODservotiOn

2ml of the filtrate was taken add dil HCI Brisk etfervescence cO, confirmed
which turns lime
water milky

2ml of the filtrate was taken and ormation of white CO," confirmed
Magnesium sulphate was added to the precipitate in the

solution. Cold

3. Wet tests for Basic Radicals:

A small quantity of the mixtures is taken ina test tube. Some distilled water is added to
it. A clear solution is obtained, which Is used for testing Basic radicals in the tollowing

2ml of the solution was taken in attest
No ppt observed Group 1

tube, to it 1ml of dil. HCl was added.

Pb absent

2ml of solution was taken in a test tube No ppt observed

to it H,S was passed.
PbC u
H" CdAs

3. was taken in No ppt observed Group

2mlof solution test tube
to it 2-4 drops of conc. HNO, was Fe A absent.
added. It was boiled and some solid
NH,CI was added. Boil, cool and NH,OH
was added until the solution becomes

2ml of the solution is taken in a test No ppt and no dirty Group

4 Mn", Zn"
tube, some solid NH,Cl is added. Boil, was observed
cool and NH,OH is added until the absent.
solution becomes basic and then H,S
Bas is pasSed.

2mi of the solution was taken in a test No white ppt

tube, some solid NH,Cl and then
observed Ba ,Ca absent.
(NHa)CO, 5olution was added. Allow to
was taken in a test Ammonia gas was Group
2ml of the solution
tube, some solid
NaOH solution i5 evolved. present
added it was heated.

Analysis for ammonia ion: the tollowing

The filtrate obtained from the last step
was separated in two parts and performed


Observation Inference
Experiment Gas with a m m o n i a NH Confirmed
NaOH test
S O d i u m S m e l and oense
The solution was heated with giving
white rumes with a
rod dipped in dil. HCI

brown precipitate NH, confirmed

was added t o A
When Nesslers reagent
SOlutuion. Tormed.

From the above experiment the mixture is tound to contained.

a) (carbonate ion) as acid radical and

co basic radical
b) NH, [ammonium ion) as

Therefore the salt is expected to be ammonium carbonate with having molecular formula


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