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SALEN, John Eric O.

Political Science Elec I

Learning Activity 1

With a minimum of 1000 words, critically evaluate “Mi Ultimo Adios”. Use the
pointers below:
1. Describe the author of the primary source.
2. Who are the intended audience?
3. What do you think is the purpose for the document’s creation?
4. What are the main points expressed in the document on a political
5. Discuss the general message of the document. What perspective does it
6. Why is this document important in the field of Political Science?

Just before his execution, the 14-line stanzas poem Mi Ultimo Adios
was penned by Dr. Jose Rizal in Fort Santiago. Rizal is hailed as the greatest
national hero of the Philippines. Born on June 19, 1867 in Calamba Laguna,
the 7th child of Fransisco Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alonso y Quintos, Pepe
was baptized as Jose Protacio, in honor of Saint Joseph and Saint Protacio.
Educated in prestigious universities both domestic and abroad, Rizal was an
intellectual, prominent and a controversial figure during the Filipino
Revolution against the Spaniards. Voicing out the unheard voices of the
Filipinos suffering injustice and maltreatment from the Spaniards, Rizal
caught the attention of the colonial government. Most of his works are
banned by the government with the full support of the Catholic Church
especially the Noli Me Tangere. In the case of then unsigned, untitled,
undated poem Mi Ultimo Adios, Rizal intended to bid farewell and send a
message to his family, childhood friends, to a “sweet foreigner” (alluding to
Josephine Bracken), his loved ones and the country which he addressed
fondly in his poem. Although it may look like Rizal is just conversing with his
country, on a reader’s perspective, Rizal’s intense and evident love for his
country in the poem would be more than enough to provide and spark a
sense of nationalism to Filipinos during the time and readers up until now.
Rizal reminded Filipinos that all death holds the same honor if given for
home and Country wherever one might be buried, may it be in a “scaffold,
open field, conflict or martyrdom’s site”. He could not have expressed more
how huge an honor it is to die for one’s country. This poem written by Rizal
will be forever remembered by Filipinos and readers alike, especially in the
field of Political Science. As a student of the field, Mi Ultimo Adios will always
serve as a reminder for me that there is no greater love than the love for my
family and my country.

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