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More people should not be allowed to smoke in restaurants and bars.

Firstly, smoking has serious

negative health consequences. Nicotine contained in tobacco is highly addictive and smoking is a major
risk factor for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. According to WTO, every year, 8 million people
die from using tobacco. Second, smoking is dangerous with people who are near you. Cigarettes contain
harmful ingredients like: nicotine, monoxit carbon, …, so when a person smokes, they can emit smoke
that pollutes the air and those people around you will smoke passively. Finally, in bars and restaurants
and other establishments that permit smoking, many patrons find the smell of cigarettes to be unpleasant
and annoying. Cigarette smoke tends to linger on people’s clothes and hair and takes longer to fade even
after the offending party has left. Clothes worn to a smoky bar may still smell like smoke days later. In
conclusion, smoking causes many disadvantage for both smokers and non-smokers, so we should ban
smoking in all restaurants and bars.

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