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© Word os us a, NY Bes Secrets and lies Speaking __ whew The perfect choice + Making wishes + Giang advice + about Work in pairs. Read these “white lies" and try to decide what the person really wanted to say in each case, What is the situation? 1. Tye been trying to 1 completely forgot to call you. 2 Is not tha feel like driving 2 Discuss in pairs. 1 Which white lies try to protect the speaker? 2 Which try to save the feelings of the person hearing them? Reading h you all da Ton’ love you anymore, 3. I know that you've hardly drunk anything, I just 4 That's just what I wanted. 5. You didn’t get our postcard? 6 The dog ate my homework. 7 You're definitely improving. 8 Don't worry, this won't hurt at all 3 What are the most common white lies? Can you think of any others? cxanptes:“L wasn't feeling very well” “The battery ran out on my cell phone.” I Read the e-mails below asking Maxine’s advice. What secrets do the people have? Who are they keeping them from? ‘alt bh "To: November 23, 2006 From: escotty> ‘Subject: What should ! do? Dear Maxine, {fm 14 and I don't know what to do. Six weeks ago a friend and | agreed to get tattoo put on our arms. My fiend had his tattoo done the next day s0 knew! ‘would have to have one done, 10. went to the tattoo artist two days later, but in the end Ilost my nerve. Instead | Bought ten temporary wansters of a Som: ‘waar and my frend, thinking that it wos real tation, was really impressed. The problem is fonly have one transfer lft because they come off when you wash, Fve been back tothe store but they don't have any more left Hes going to find out itt dont tll hie. feel realy gully ‘because hei in lots of trouble with his parents. Should go and get a tattoo done So that | won't fet like tve lat him down? ‘Scott, Montre "To: Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2008, From: Subject: Help! Dear Maxini Not g0 long ago I met a woman, Susy, rear the club. Wo started talking, and {ot on like a house on fre. Shes a single ‘mother with a 10-yearold boy. She {alked about him all night and I talked Ti tines since, and 'm sure ‘She wants to moet Tim but there's one problem-he doesn’t actualy exist. Well, fhe doos, but he's my nephew, not my Son In fact never realy told her thet ‘Tim was my son, she just assumed it ‘and Tet her eary on thinking that the problem is that Ive fallen in love with fror and now I don't know what t0 do. vo tied to tel or the truth, but as fm. about to say it {think shell top seeing me. Do you have any advice? elf, Sacramento> riday, November 23, 2008 From: Subject: Advice please Dear Maxine, {Ym a student and | have just made a new friend called Ske who lives next door to. ‘me in the students’ residence. Two wooks ‘ago | wes cooking some food in the litehen and | had cooked plenty of food, 0 she joined me for dinner. We had a ‘feat evening but it wasnt until we aid ‘900d night that | remembered thet she had previously told me she was a ‘vegetarian! I didn't have the courage to toll her that | had put tiny bits of bacon in the food, I with I had sald something there and then but | couldnt bring myself ‘to tll her. She has become a good friend ‘and | know she will understand, but sho Is very serious about her vegetarianism {and I don't want to hurt her. What do you think I should do? Tracy, Denver 70 CamScanner BRR NAMMN DOOM An nn 8 The perfect choice 2 Answer these questions. Speaking 1 How did Scott feel when he got to the tattoo a ee 1 Work in pairs. 2 Why has his problem become more urgent? Student A: Choose one of the situations below and 3 What was Jeff's first meeting with Susy like? describe it to your partner. 4 What stops Jeff from telling Susy about Tim? 5 When did Silke say that she was a vegetarian? 6 What stops Tracy from telling her friend about the bacon? Listening Giving advice 1 What advice would you give to Scott, Jeff and Tracy? pas Ea 2 @) Listen to Maxine Forster giving advice to Scott, Jeff and Tracy. Are these statements true or false? If false, explain why. 1. She suggests that Scott get a tattoo on his back. 2. She accuses him of being a coward. 3 She advises Jeff to tell the truth about his 2 Work in groups. Share your problems with another nephew. pair. Who gave you the best piece of advice? ‘Student B: Imagine that you are a counselor like Maxine, Listen to your partner and try to help him / her. 4. She believes that kids generally get along with their uncles and aunts. 5 She advises Tracy to acknowledge her mistake. 6 She suggests that vegetarians are stupid. he ‘only way out of it is to ... (call your - mother) ‘The best thing is to / would be to ... (try harder) ‘Why don't you ... (send him an e-mail)? 4 What is Maxine’s attitude toward each writer? Find BAWRES il (eoina out more] evidence in transcript 81 in the Transcripts section. = rears 3 Listen again. Summarize Maxine's last piece of advice to each writer. Pronunciation Pronunciation & spelling II Do Pronunciation Worksheet 8. Cen Unit 8: The perfect choice 71 CamScanner ead 55 The tone ofthe conversation Is very light. Can you Wishing well remember vee jores tld by each person? Check transcript 8.2 in the Transcripts section, Speaking & Listening aaa Cerauecatioces 7 Work in pairs. Imagine that you could have three Hypothetical or imaginary situations wishes. Choose the best three from the following list. Look at these statements from Speaking & If Thad three wishes I would Listening, Exercise 3. 1... be a famous movie star | 2... want to be young forever: George has big feet. He says, “Iwish I had smaller 3. travel all over the world. feet.” George can't play any instruments. He says, 4 bea famous music “It | could play the trumpet, I would be happy.” 5. choose to be rich, Magda didn’t study Hungarian. She says, “If had 6... ask to be incredibly attractive. ‘studied, I would have been able to communicate.” 7. like to be a powerful politician, ‘What tenses are used in the factual statements? 8 ae memorize things as well as a FEAT On hey Changs in the hypothetical serdencoya Look at the examples again and complete the rules. 2 Would you like to add some more? Present tense (fact) changes to tense (hypotheticab. Past tense (fact) changes to__ tense (hypotheticab, Find three more examples of hypothetical meaning. in transcript 8.2 in the Transcripts section. Practice Complete the sentences below. 1 Twish I (Get) to know my grandparents better. 2 Twish | (live) ina bigger town. 3. My mother wishes she (learn) 3 & Listen to three friends talking about what they ‘Spanish when she was younger. would do if they had three wishes. Do they mention 4 My brother wishes he (not start) any of the things included in the list of Exercise 1? smoking 5 Iwish I (can) play the piano. 4 The speakers make wishes about the present and the ‘If my sister —_____ (pass) all her exams, she past. Listen again and mark (7) the answers in the (be) a brain surgeon. table to say if these statements are true (T) or false 7 Ifmy team SHEL (play) better, they (win) the league. Li, 8 My German is terrible. If 1 ____ (study) TIF harder at school, 1 ____ (speak) it better George] - Has big feet ra now. Can play a musical instrument. 9 If! ______ (win) the lottery money, - Has traveled a lot 1_____ (go) abroaa. ‘Magda | - Speaks good Hungarian 10 if my father —_____ (come) to visit, I ~ Thinks George has a good voice (coon his favorite dish—fried liver. ~ Thinks her husband George is rich Rachel | - Believes politicians tell the truth, ~ Wants humans to live peacefully. CamScanner Reading & Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Read the introduction to an article about wishes. Does this superstition exist in your culture? People from every culture have been making, wishes for thousands of years, The ancient Greeks, for instance, used to throw coins in thelr wells, hoping to prevent the wells from running dry. Today, people throw coins in fountains and “wishing wells” for a different reason—to make their dreams come true! But don't throw all your coins into one well—there are many other ways to turn your dreams into reality! 2 Match the two halves of the sentences to find other situations when people make wishes. Make a wish, 1... when you see three birds a) holding your breath, 2 .. before you blow out —_b) in your left shoe. 3... when you see a new 4 before you wear anew — d) moon. pair of shoes ©) ona telephone 5... when you pull wire. ) for the first time. 9) the candles on your birthday cake. a “wishbone” 6 ... you find a penny and put it 7... when you walk across abridge while 3 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions, 1 Have you ever done any of these things as a way to make your wishes come true? 2 Can you think of any other situations in which, people make wishes? 4 Report your conclusions to the class. Do the same superstitions exist in your culture? Speaking & Writing 7 What do you think are the three most important decisions people make in their life? Why? 2 Work in pairs. Compare your life choices with your partner's. Did you have similar ideas? 3 Discuss and continue these sentences. 1 Ina perfect world we would ... 2 We wish people were ... 3 If we were richer 4 If we had the power to change the world 5 We wish things wouldn't 6 We wish ©) with another person. The perfect choice 4 Write down three regrets and three things you are glad that you did. Write in the Simple Past tense— affirmative or negative sentences. Regrets 1 I gave up my guitar lessons. 2 didn’t study biology. a Glad that 1 Tmoved to Monterrey 2 3 Transform these sentences and tell your partner why these things are important for you. exanpucs:t with ( hadr't given up my guitar lestons Ft had continued, | would have learned 40 play really wel 5 Read your partner's text. Ask him / her questions to find out more. The Real Thing: about 1 @i Listen to these sentences (1-2) from Transcript 82 “1 Twas about to go and get you one. 2 ... 'm not about to ruin my life spending it with you... ‘What does to be about fo mean in each case? a) to be unwilling b) to be on the point of 2 4 Listen to these other conversations that include the word about. What are they talking about? 3 Listen again. What does about mean in each case? 4 Practice dialogues with your pat at the phrases. a) there's a lot of it about b) that's what X is/are all about 5 Translate phrases 4alb into your lage. “ts about time you had yur hair cot a Unit 8: The perfect choice 73 CamScanner Speaking & Reading Work in pairs. This is Sadiq, a refugee. Trace his journey on the map, 1 Can you name any of the countries he crossed? 2 What do you know about these countries? Read about the events (1-8) in Sadia's journey. Where do you think these events occurred and in which order? This could sound like the events from a popular Hollywood spy movie: 1 Attacked by wolves in the Ararat mountains 2. Being rescued at the last minute by a military boat 3. Hiding away in trucks. 4 Crossing borders lined by mines, 5. Almost drowning at sea. 6 Shot at by soldiers. 7. Living in camps where children die through lack of water. 8 Working for slave wages in the clothes districts of Istanbul. It’s then that you realize that this is the real-life journey ‘west of a typical Afghan refugee on his way to England. ‘That’s when the sense of excitement and glamour disappears, replaced by a harsh reality that many of us don't really like to think about. 3 Where do you think the text comes from? Why? 4 Read the rest of the report about Sadiq and answer the questions. 1. Why did Sadiq leave his country? 2 Why didn’t he stay in Pakistan? 3 Why was he able to buy a passage to London? 74 ‘3. What dangers do you think he encountered? 4 Why did he travel this far? ‘Twenty-six-year-old Sadiq Hanafi’s story starts when the authorities took his father away to prison. Two years later he was dead and the family knew they had to leave the country. The only place to go was Pakistan where they ended up in one of the refugee camps. The conditions were terrible—there wasn't enough water, and children were dying of dehydration from. diarrhea, Sadiq was fortunate, his mother had. Sold the family’s land and with that money she could pay for his passage to London. He went to Quetta and then turned west into Tran .. CamScanner ¢ ¢c c © ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ e e Listening & Speaking 1 & Lsten to Sadia talking about his journey and check your answers to Speaking & Reading, Exercises 2 & 3 2 Listen again and say whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). If false, say why. 1 When the wolves attacked, the shepherds that were taking him across the border ran away. 2 The conditions in the mountains were good so there were lots of soldiers there. 3. Sadiq worked for three years in the clothes district in Istanbul 4 The captain of the boat would have saved the refugees and the Greek military boat was not necessary for their rescue. 5. Sadiq is happy in London now. 3 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1 What difficulties do you think Sadiq has living in England? 2 What do you think he misses about Afghanistan? 3. What do you think you would have done if you had been in his situation in Afghanistan? 4 Do refugees come to your country? Where do they come from? What is their status or situation? Language focus Synonyms of if 4 Look at transcript 8.5 in the Transcripts section and complete these sentences. providing exlsnges yrovided that __unless “As I was with them I would have a chance ‘of getting into Turkey. ‘They would put me in contact with someone else __— I gave them some money. _ we stayed calm, the boat would sink. I stayed quiet and stil, they said, 1 would arrive without being arrested. 2 Look at the examples and answer these questions. ‘Which expressions 1. mean on condition that? 2 mean if not? The perfect choice Practice Write sentences with the prompts using the expressions in the Language focus box 1 life in danger / return to Afghanistan Exaroit As long a his life was in danger, he would not return to Afghanistan, 2 freezing winter / journey / easier 3 people were more friendly / enjoy living in England, 4 does not rain / go to the park 5. keep absolutely silent / nobody find us 6 he calls / in a couple of minutes /I won't speak to him again Vocabulary Feelings 1 Label the pictures with the adjectives in the box. relieved embarrassed shocked pens ‘desperate exhilarated nervous 2 Sadiq used these words to describe how he felt during his journey. Use these words to say why he felt like this. exante: Sadiq felt nervous because he didn't want the police to catch him in the truck to England. 3 Look at transcript 8.5 and check your answers. 4 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1. Have you ever been to a foreign country? 2 Can you think of a time when you felt any of the above emotions? Unit The perfect choice 75 CamScanner a. A friend indeed ; Speaking & Reading _ 7 Work in pairs. What attributes are necessary to be a Good friend / teacher / boss / student? exanete: To be a good friend you have to be loyal, to stand by your friends, 2 Share your ideas with another pair. Compare and give reasons for your opinions. 3 Read the article and choose the correct answer to make true statements. 1. Tim likes his friends to be imperfect a) because he doesn’t believe that perfection exists ) so that his own imperfections are not so obvious. ©) so that his own flaws don’t look so bad. 2. He says that a) itis easier to tolerate his own flaws than those of his friends. b)he has the same kind of flaws as his friends do. ©) his friends and he have different kinds of imperfections, 3. He wants his friends to love him a) all the time b) but not because they feel sorry for him. ©) but not to ask for love in return. 4. Tim requires his perfect friend a) to do a number of different and quite demanding tasks. )to recognize that he has imperfections. ©) to be the exception to the rule. 4 The article is written in a spontaneous way with many changes of mood, as if it were spoken, Find examples in the text of: ©) humor (para. 3) a) change of mind (para.1) d) modesty (para. 4) b) uncertainty (para. 2) 5 Read the last two paragraphs again. Which adjectives would you use to summarize what Tim Lott considers to be a perfect friend? Justify your reasons with examples from the text. Generous ~ pay for a round of drinks Kind - give compliments re eee 76 [0.9] ‘The perfect best friend Tim Lott The idea of a perfect bestfriend is not merely unimaginable but somewhat horrifying to me.I like everyone | know to have a full collection of flaws—it makes my own shortcomings seem 0 much less lamentable in comparison. Thus, the first thing ‘a perfect bestfriend would be is imperfect. But that wouldn't be enough. They would have to possess the right kind of imperfections. It does not escape my own notice that the flaws I can tolerate in others are those that are so obviously present in myself; what ‘this means I am not sure, but if you are a good friend to me, doubtless you will refrain from letting me know. So much for the darkside. What makes for a perfect best friend other than imperfection? A perfect friend performs: the following tasks seamlessly: telling me the truth, but only when I am in a state of ripeness to hear it. Comforting me, ‘most particularly when | am unable to ask for it. Supporting ime, but not out of pity. Loving me, but without mailing me an emotional invoice for it ‘perfect frend would never turn up more than five minutes late for dinner, would be ready to show ther own vulnerabilities, pay for their round of drinks, and smoke Marlboro Reds (s0 | could bum one occasionally). They'd not be afraid to give ‘compliments, and would criticize only inorder to heal rather than to harm, Now that | think about i if had a perfect best rend, ''d mary them. Yet the friends | do have are wonderful in their imperfections and they ae the best fiends | could ever hope for in a world in which imperfection isthe rule and in which I mysef ‘am about as far as you can get from being an exception to that rule. The Observer June 11, 2000 CamScanner Wwwvuwwrrr~- The perfect choice Vocabulary Positive qualities 7 Match the adjectives (1-5) with the way they are described in the text (a-e) generous 8) would never turn up more than five minutes late for dinner honest sensitive supportive onene Write down more ideas to illustrate the meaning of these words. Listening 00 1 &% Listen to three people talking about their best friend and complete the table with adjectives to describe each. Qualities ‘Alinle accogant 2 Listen again. Answer these questions. 11 Where did each person meet his / her best friend? 2 Who a) remains a litle unsure about their friendship? 'b) trusts his/her friend absolutely? ©) has played a major role in his/her life? Vocabulary Ways of relating 7 Look at these sentences from transcript 8.6 and complete them with words from the box. aickes always there ‘get along complement My friend and T 1... just dicked_ straight away. 2 each other very well 3 ware for each other. 4 so well 2 Match the expressions (1-4) to the meanings (a-d). a) Add something to each other b) Have a good relationship ©) Become friends with someone immediately 4) Be supportive to each other, especially in difficult times F(a) i a nn co ee) backs me up, but not out of pity reliable ©) pay for their round of drinks @) telling the truth ©) comforting me, most particularly when Tam unable to ask for it =e me Speaking & Writinj ‘Who is your best friend? 41 Make a list of all the positive and negative adjectives you can think of to describe him / her, 2 Write three sentences about him / her. 3 Think of an anecdote that exemplifies one of his 7 her qualities. Bric i ie at this statement by one of the speakers. He ss-the speaker make the adjective negative? We would never be disloyal to each other. 2 Connect the words in the box with the appropriate prefix. ‘adventurous honest patient sociable decisive intelligent mature practical sensitive reliable tolerant 3 Which of these negative qualities would you dislike most in a friend? Song &) Perfect": See Resource Sheet 8B. Unit 8: The perfect choice 77 | CamScanner

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