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Forgiveness sounds like only a word little did l know it carries weight

Carries meaning carries my destiny and flies away if l dont forgive the

Old hurt the old wounds the old memories the rivers of tears

l thought were forgotten only to find them hunting my joy preying on my happiness

Hurt and dissapointment became my daily bread yet l seek a new beginning

a new meaning a new life a new me

Forgiveness not yet accepted in me hindering my life always finding myself

In a different place a different mindset yet deep inside l yearn for inner peace that

was consumed in bitterness only needing forgiveness and acceptance of the bitter past

I wish to erase but now defining my destiny taking my happiness and l’m left with a void

A void l thought would close with love

But love cant grow in bitterness it needs forgiveness to blossom

Chased by loneliness l deprived my heart the pleasures of singleness

I fell in a pit of love that turned toxic

emotions all over feeling empty yearning time to heal to trust to forgive to move on

Moving on needs forgiveness needs time needs acceptance needs prayer

to obtain inner peace

For he has it all and his unconditional love fills that void no man can fill

For man are man with their own problems to carry

Turning to him seeking peace holding my broken pieces tired of suffering in silence

Accepting nothing is more precious than the pieces l hold to be fixed to be given a new beginning

A new life that can only be found in him

Accepting my bitter past repenting followed by grace and forgiveness allowed growth

and maturity bringing peace to a soul that was broken now healed in the building of

a relationship a commitment and fulfilling his wishes in my life

His presence bringing inner peace and happiness l never had till l forgave what I thought didn’t

matter and surrendering my heart to him l found fulfilment l found meaning l found love l found peace

l now know forgiveness is a step needed to find a new life and inner peace that comes from him


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