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An Edge Device for Monitor and Control of

Electrical Appliances using Smart Power Line

L N Sastry Varanasi S P K Karri
Research Scholar, EED Assistant Professor, EED
National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh
Tadepalligudem, INDIA Tadepalligudem, INDIA

Abstract—As the cost and demand for energy is increasing, task. This also leads to a reliability hazards to the existing
many users and the companies are looking for the smarter ways electrical system. By monitoring power consumption at major
to control and monitor the energy usage. In residential, com- loads users may observe how much power is utilised when,
mercial and industrial sectors recent technologies like Internet
of Things (IoT) plays vital role in recording the consumption of by who, and at what cost. The loads are monitored and
individual loads. The automatic electrical switch, is limited to controlled by creating a mobile-based Android app and web
operate the loads via wireless medium and they fail to record based Graphic User Interface (GUI) for the consumer. By
and store the consumption data of each electrical appliance. This offering an interactive graphical depiction, the user may get
paper presents an edge computing device using IoT, which is able full control over the individual load and monitor the energy
to monitor and control the consumption of electrical loads using
existing power lines.The system comprises two devices namely usage of each load periodically.
a Master Device and one or more Slave Devices. Master Device As the demand for electricity increases day by day,
consists of a Wi - Fi enabled micro-controller and a Power Line Consumers and utility companies focusses to develop the
Communication Module. This Master Device is communicating solutions for capturing power consumption information
with a user friendly interface using a mobile application through [1]. Peak demad at the grid was occured primarily at the
a wireless medium. Slave Devices consist of a micro-controller,
Power Line Communication Module and a relay module. These night, where all the household electrical appliances like
Slave Devices are directly connected to the electrical appliances television, air conditioner, lights and fans are operated [2]
which sense information about voltage, current, power and - [5]. The Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is one of the
power factor of each appliance and send to the Master Device. ways to address the problem. Power lines are one of the
The system efficiently and effectively uses the existing electrical communication mediums used in the AMR system. AMR with
power lines as a communication medium inside the house which
records the consumption of each electrical appliance and makes it power line carrier [6] is currently being employed in major
available for the user to monitor and control via a mobile device cities. As the utility industry experiences structural changes,
remotely. The device is a miniaturized, low power, flexible, easy the metre must provide a broader variety of performance
to mount plug and play system and it is having applications like and usefulness [7]. The performance of industrial control
building energy management systems, IoT farming, Smart street is changed by the inclusion of advanced techniques in
lighting etc.
Index Terms—Master Device, Slave Device, electrical appli- communication and programming platforms. The device
ance, power line communication, consumption, energy manage- should be built as a customizable product with low cost,
ment system robust and market viable solution [8]. Energy management
Systems are classified as industrial, commercial, and
I. I NTRODUCTION residential. In [9], author examines the present state of EMS

T HE technological advancements and shift of technology

to a digital era enabled to begin new data-driven and
the decision based techniques in building energy management
technology in manufacturing organisations, as well as common
techniques to increasing energy efficiency. Substations are
in accountable for providing safety, control, and monitoring
system. Monitoring consumption of an individual electrical tasks that enable reliable power transfer from generators to
appliance provides the data corresponding to the complete loads over a complicated network of transmission lines [10].
system. This data is needed to take decisions related to energy Using current measurement infrastructure, a non-intrusive
management. Monitor the consumption of individual load time method to transformer monitoring, assessment, and dynamic
to time is a good practice to omit local safety issues. On loading was proposed in [11]. In today’s world, houses are
the other hand with out knowing the actual consumption getting more sophisticated. Instrumentation and automation
of existing load the possibility of adding additional load in technologies that have been making their way into our auto
the future to the same electrical source is quite challenging mobiles over the last decade are projected to spread into
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the complete design.

the home market in the near future [12]. On low-voltage and storage at Low Voltage (LV) level. Several smart energy
(LV) distribution networks, Power Line Communications devices now request the level of information-sharing that
(PLC) have emerged as one of the prospective technologies is associated with distribution system operation and an
for transferring data between end customers and power aggregated demand response. Nevertheless, it is difficult to
providers. It is necessary to develop a completely new PLC extend current information systems to end consumers due to
system with variable information rate in order to provide complex field environments and security concerns. Utilization
communications services with varying priorities under the networks at the lowest voltage level lack the space and
smart grids environment [13]. The active distribution networks communication channels required to add additional remote
are currently experiencing the need for a capillary generation devices to enable interoperations with power distribution
systems. the data related to current, voltage, power and power factor of
the appliance and transmits it to the master device using Power
The main contributions of this paper includes: Line Communication.
1) Develop a method and system to monitor and control In the final stage the master device receives the information
load profiles of various electrical appliances and the from the slave devices and the information is communicated
consumption of each appliance is made available to to the mobile device through a wireless medium for display
both the users and the utility company through web and and analysis purposes.
mobile applications. 1) Master Device: At the initial phase input AC signal
2) Establishes a network consisting of the main switch is converter to a 5 V DC using an AC- DC converter. The
designated as Master device located at host and all converted DC supply of 5 V is fed to Power Line Communi-
other switches designated as Slave devices connected cation module, ZMPT101B AC Voltage Sensor, Node MCU,
to individual appliances. and the SD Card shield. Here Node MCU is the processing
3) Comprising a data storage unit at the Master device unit which will receive/ send both command and data signals
to store the sensed data with a sampling rate of 1 sec from different slave devices to the web server. It also verify
and further the data is transmitted through Wi-Fi to the the internet connectivity to send the data to the web server if
indigenous cloud platform. the internet is not available or poor signal the data received
4) Provides information regarding power factor, tariff, low from the slave devices is stored temporarily in the local storage
voltage, high current protection, and theft identification (SD Card). Voltage sensor in the device detect the AC voltage
and also an intelligent control and monitoring mech- applied to various slave devices in parallel. Based on the
anism through a mobile application such that users voltage and current data received from the sensors computation
can have control over the consumption of individual of Power in KwH, bill, and the power factor are done in Node
appliances, users can also reduce the power bill by MCU using open source arduino programming IDE.
controlling the consumption. 2) Slave Device: The DC 5 V obtained from the AC- DC
converter is fed to ACS 712 current sensor, ATtiny 85 micro
II. D ETAILED D ESIGN OF THE SYSTEM controller, and Power Line Communication module. Here the
The complete system to monitor and control consumption of command signal from the master device is received through
individual appliances consists of three major segments namely power line and the opto coupler based traic switch connects
hardware, software and the communication. Figure 1 shows the the load to the AC supply mains. Current sensor detects the
complete block diagram of the system where Master device, consumption of load in amps and send to the ATtiny 85 micro
Slave device and the communication are labled. The system controller. Then the micro controller push the data to master
also comprises a hybrid combination of Wi-Fi and PLC to device for computation and storage using the same power lines
trasfer the signal/ data between Master to Cloud and Slave to as communication channel.
Master respectively.
The detailed discussion on the individual blocks of software B. Software
and hardware are presented in the following subsections. The complete software system is devided into two parts
(i) Control flow (ii) Data flow. Figure 2 presents the detailed
A. Hardware control flow used to access individual appliances through a
The system comprises two devices namely a Master Device web server/mobile application. Data flow is used to monitor
and one or more Slave Devices. Master Device consists of device performance in terms of voltage, current, power and
a Wi - Fi enabled micro-controller and a Power Line Com- power factor readings as shown in figure 3. Web application
munication Module. This Master Device is communicating is built using django framework. A postgresql database is
with a user-friendly interface using a mobile device through a connected to the server. Different functions have been defined
wireless medium. Slave Devices consist of a micro-controller, in order to retrieve and insert data into the database. An User
Power Line Communication Module and a relay module. Interface (UI) is designed using bootstrap framework, which
These Slave Devices are directly connected to the electrical makes it responsive across different devices. User can toggle
appliances which sense the voltage, current, power and power the switches of the load, view the statistics, analyse previous
factor of each appliance and send the information through data and download the statistics into a comma-separated values
a Power Line Communication (PLC) to the Master Device. (csv) file.
User sends ON/ OFF signals from a mobile device which Django is a high-level Python web framework that encour-
is connected to the master device via a wireless communi- ages rapid development, clean, and pragmatic design. It takes
cation medium. Then the command signal sent by the user much care about the security and hassle free web development.
is transmitted by the master device using a Power Line It’s free and open source. Django helps developers avoid
Communication. At the other end the signal is received by many common security mistakes by providing a framework
the slave devices and accordingly the relay module connects that has been engineered to ”do the right things” to protect
the electrical appliance to the mains supply. At the instant of the website automatically. Django also provides a secure way
Switching ON of the electrical appliance slave device captures to manage user accounts and passwords, avoiding errors like
putting session information in cookies where it is vulnerable III. C ONCLUSION
(instead cookies just contain a key, and the actual data is stored This paper has proposed and developed an IoT-based edge
in the database) or directly storing passwords rather than a device for monitoring and control of household appliances
password hash. via smart power line communication. The methodology is
designed to provide a user friendly solution in monitoring
and control system. The proposed system was best suited in
measuring and monitoring the current, voltage, and power con-
sumption. The entire communication has been done through
the hybrid approach of PLC and WiFi module to display the
data on web server and a custom designed mobile application.
The data also monitored in real time and historically, where
the data were stored in the cloud database. The monitoring
system makes the system more accessible for customers to
view consumption rates clearly in real time. The control
system build fulfill the requirement of safety, can monitor
appliances in the household individually or collectively, and
can create awareness on electricity consumption. As a future
work this can be extended to a substation level by upgrading
the range of communication and increase the measuring range
of individual sensors. The Analytics using some machine
learning algorithms is also left for the future work.
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