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Top News - Oil

China oil imports rebound in April, but weak fuel agreeing on a ban with other Group of Seven (G7)
demand weighs on refiners nations to counter Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, Prime
China's crude oil imports grew nearly 7% in April from the Minister Fumio Kishida said on Monday.
same month a year earlier, its first rise in three months, The G7 nations committed to the move "in a timely and
although weakening fuel demand due to COVID-19 orderly fashion" at an online meeting on Sunday to put
lockdowns has dampened throughput at Chinese further pressure on President Vladimir Putin, although
refineries. members such as resource-poor Japan depend heavily
The world's top crude oil buyer imported 43.03 million on Russian fuel.
tonnes last month, data from the General Administration "For a country heavily dependent on energy imports, it's a
of Customs showed on Monday, equivalent to 10.5 million very difficult decision. But G7 coordination is most
barrels per day (bpd). important at a time like now," Kishida told reporters,
That compares with 9.82 million bpd in April 2021 and repeating comments he made at the G7 meeting.
10.06 million bpd in March. "As for the timing of the reduction or stoppage of
Imports for January-April fell 4.8% versus the same period (Russian) oil imports, we will consider it while gauging the
last year to 170.89 million tonnes, or about 10.4 million actual situation," he said. "We will take our time to take
bpd. steps towards a phase-out." He did not elaborate.
Refinery throughput last month is estimated to have fallen There have been no ships loading Russian oil for Japan
about 6%. A decline of that size has not been seen since since mid-April, according to Refinitiv data. About 1.9
the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. million barrels were exported from Russia to Japan in
Top refiner Sinopec Corp has said that since the second April, 33% down from the same month a year ago.
half of March it has lowered operational rates to about The Ukraine crisis has highlighted Japan's energy
85% of capacity versus 92.6% earlier in the year, after dependence on Russia even as Tokyo has acted swiftly
inventories rose amid COVID-19 curbs. and in tandem with the G7 in instituting sanctions.
Refined oil product exports were at 3.82 million tonnes for The latest ban underlines a turn in Japan's policy. Japan
April, down 44% from the same month last year and has said it would be difficult to immediately cut off
versus 4.07 million tonnes in March. Russian oil imports, which accounted for about 33 million
The exports, however, were still higher than expected as barrels of Japan's overall oil imports, or 4%, for 2021.
refiners rushed to ease bulging stock levels amid It has already said it will ban Russian coal imports in
weakening domestic fuel demand. Companies were stages, leaving just liquefied natural gas (LNG). Japan is
earlier urged to consider suspending overseas sales in in a particularly tough spot since it shut down the bulk of
April. its nuclear reactors following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear
Fuel exports for the first four months plunged 38% on disaster.
year, in line with a government policy to curb excessive Russia was Japan's fifth-biggest supplier of crude oil and
refinery production at home. LNG last year.
Natural gas imports last month were 8.09 million tonnes, The Japanese government and companies own stakes in
down from 10.15 million tonnes in April last year. Imports oil and LNG projects in Russia, including two on Sakhalin
for the January-April period were down 8.9% on the year Island from which partners Exxon Mobil Corp and Shell
to 35.87 million tonnes. PLC have announced they will exit.
Refinitiv tanker tracking showed LNG imports last month Still, Japan's biggest oil refiner, Eneos Holdings Inc, has
were 4.7 million tonnes versus March's 4.63 million already stopped buying Russian crude, saying it would
tonnes, sharply below the 6.73 million tonnes a year get supplies from the Middle East.
earlier, as hefty spot prices continued to hinder buying. On Friday, trading firm Marubeni Corp said it wanted to
withdraw from the Sakhalin-1 oil project but was keeping
its stake in line with government policy.
Japan to take time phasing out Russian oil imports - Kishida said on Monday there was no change to the
PM Kishida government's policy of keeping business interests in the
Japan will take time to phase out Russian oil imports after various Russian energy assets.

Top News - Agriculture

China April soybean imports rise after delayed cargo China, the world's top soybean importer, brought in 8.08
arrivals million tonnes of the oilseed in April, up 27% from 6.35
China's soybean imports in April climbed from a month million tonnes in March, according to data from the Gen-
ago, helped by the arrival of cargoes previously delayed eral Administration of Customs. The figures were also up
by poor weather and slow harvests in South America, from 7.45 million tonnes in the same month a year earlier.
customs data showed on Monday. In the first four months of the year, China imported 28.36
million tonnes of soybeans, down 0.8% from 28.59 million French wheat crop condition eases slightly
tonnes in the previous year, according to the data. The crop conditions of winter cereals in France eased
Bad weather in Brazil delayed harvest and exports from slightly in the last week of April, farm office
China's top soybean supplier, leading to lower arrivals in FranceAgriMer said on Friday, ahead of a hot and dry
the earlier months of the year. spell that has raised concern among traders.
Soymeal prices in China soared to record highs due to An estimated 89% of the French soft wheat crop was in
tightening bean and meal supplies, coming down as more good or excellent condition in the week to May 2, down
cargoes arrived. from 91% the previous week but above a score of 79% a
Chinese crushers bring in soybeans to make soymeal for year earlier.
feed for the country's massive livestock sector and to pro- A leading technical institute said on Thursday hot and dry
duce cooking oil. weather expected later this month in France, Europe's
China is expected to need 7 million to 8 million tonnes of biggest grain producer and exporter, would cause irre-
soybeans each month through August, traders said. versible damage to grain crops.
While demand in May was mostly covered, Chinese For other cereals, crop ratings also slightly eased com-
crushers were slow to buy soybeans for June-August pared with the previous week.
shipments as poor crush margins curbed their appetite, The good/excellent scores for winter barley lost one point
Reuters reported in late April. to 86% from 87% the previous week while 88% of the
Importers have since booked more Brazilian soybean car- spring barley crop was estimated in good/excellent condi-
goes for shipment during the coming months, traders tion, down from 91% the previous week, FranceAgriMer
said. said in a weekly cereal crop report.
Hog margins in China have recently recovered from rec- For spring crops, some 84% of the expected grain maize
ord lows hit in March thanks to rising pork prices, which in area had been planted by May 2, compared with 60%
turn supported soy crush margins. progress the previous week and 87% seen a year ago.

Chart of the Day

Top News - Metals
China April copper imports fall 4% on year on weaker laptops and neodymium found in wind turbines.
demand -customs Overall demand for such rare minerals is expected to
China's copper imports in April fell 4% from the same increase four-fold by 2040, the International Energy
month a year earlier, customs data showed on Monday, Agency said last year. For those used in electric vehicles
as lockdowns across the country hurt manufacturing and battery storage, demand is projected to grow 30-fold,
activity and consumption. it added.
The world's top metals consumer brought in 465,330 Many countries view their minerals drive as a matter of
tonnes of unwrought copper and products last month, national security because China controls the mining,
down from 484,890 tonnes in April 2021 and compared processing or refining of many of these resources.
with 504,009 tonnes in the previous month, according to The Asian powerhouse is the largest supplier of critical
data from the General Administration of Customs. minerals to the United States and Europe, according to a
China's factory activity contracted for a second straight study by the China Geological Survey in 2019. Of the 35
month in April, hitting the lowest level since February minerals the United States has classified as critical, China
2020 as widespread COVID-19 lockdowns halted is the largest supplier of 13, including rare earth elements
industrial production and disrupted supply chains. essential for clean-energy technologies, the study found.
A five-week lockdown in Shanghai has affected China is the largest source of 21 key minerals for the
automobile manufacturing, while movement restrictions European Union, such as antimony used in batteries, it
across the country are also hampering growth in the said.
property sector. "In the critical raw material restaurant, China is sitting
Copper arrivals in the first four months of the year stood eating its dessert, and the rest of the world is in the taxi
at 1.94 million tonnes, up 0.9% from same period a year reading the menu," said Julian Kettle, senior vice
before. president for metals and mining at consultancy Wood
April imports of copper concentrate, or partially processed MacKenzie.
copper ore, totalled 1.88 million tonnes, according to the
data, falling from 1.92 million tonnes in April 2021.
The country exported 596,863 tonnes of unwrought 'HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN B'
aluminium and products last month, the data also The stakes are particularly high for South Korea, home of
showed, almost unchanged from the prior month. major chipmakers like Samsung Electronics. The country
China's exports of aluminium during January-April were is the world's largest consumer of tungsten per capita and
2.23 million tonnes, up 29% from a year earlier, according relies on China for 95% of its imports of the metal, which
to the data. is prized for its unrivalled strength and its resistance to
China controls over 80% of global tungsten supplies,
INSIGHT- Kicking the China habit: South Korea hunts according to CRU Group, London-based commodity
tungsten treasure analysts.
Blue tungsten winking from the walls of abandoned mine The mine at Sangdong, a once bustling town of 30,000
shafts, in a town that's seen better days, could be a residents that's now home to just 1,000, holds one of the
catalyst for South Korea's bid to break China's dominance world's largest tungsten deposits and could produce 10%
of critical minerals and stake its claim to the raw materials of global supply when it opens next year, according to its
of the future. owner.
The mine in Sangdong, 180 km southeast of Seoul, is Lewis Black, CEO of Almonty Korea's Canadian-based
being brought back from the dead to extract the rare parent Almonty Industries, told Reuters that it planned to
metal that's found fresh value in the digital age in offer about half of the operation's processed output to the
technologies ranging from phones and chips to electric domestic market in South Korea as an alternative to
vehicles and missiles. Chinese supply.
"Why reopen it now after 30 years? Because it means "It's easy to buy from China and China is the largest
sovereignty over natural resources," said Lee Dong-seob, trading partner of South Korea but they know they're over
vice president of mine owner Almonty Korea Tungsten -dependent," Black said. "You have to have a plan B right
Corp. now."
"Resources have become weapons and strategic assets." Sangdong's tungsten, discovered in 1916 during the
Sangdong is one of at least 30 critical mineral mines or Japanese colonial era, was once a backbone of the South
processing plants globally that have been launched or Korean economy, accounting for 70% of the country's
reopened outside China over the last four years, export earnings in the 1960s when it was largely used in
according to a Reuters review of projects announced by metal-cutting tools.
governments and companies. These include projects The mine was closed in 1994 due to cheaper supply of
developing lithium in Australia, rare earths in the United the mineral from China, which made it commercially
States and tungsten in Britain. unviable, but now Almonty is betting that demand, and
The scale of the plans illustrates the pressure felt by prices will continue to rise driven by the digital and green
countries across the world to secure supplies of critical revolutions as well as a growing desire by countries to
minerals regarded as essential for the green energy diversify their supply sources.
transition, from lithium in EV batteries to magnesium in European prices of 88.5% minimum paratungstate - the

key raw material ingredient in tungsten products – are vehicles are required by law to use to cut emissions.
trading around $346 per tonne, up more than 25% from a Nearly 97% of South Korea's urea came from China at
year ago and close to their highest levels in five years, the time and shortages prompted panic-buying at filling
according to pricing agency Asian Metal. stations across the country.
The Sangdong mine is being modernised, with vast The Korean Mine Rehabilitation and Resources
tunnels being dug underground, while work has also Corporation (KOMIR), a government agency responsible
started on a tungsten crushing and grinding plant. for national resource security, told Reuters it had
"We should keep running this kind of mine so that new committed to subsidise about 37% of Sangdong's
technologies can be handed over to the next tunnelling costs and would consider further support to
generations," said Kang Dong-hoon, a manager in mitigate any potential environmental damage.
Sangdong, where a "Pride of Korea" sign is displayed on Incoming President Yoon Seok-yeol pledged in January
a wall of the mine office. to reduce mineral dependence on "a certain country", and
"We have been lost in the mining industry for 30 years. If last month announced a new resource strategy that will
we lose this chance, then there will be no more." allow the government to share stockpiling information with
Almonty Industries has signed a 15-year deal to sell the private sector.
tungsten to Pennsylvania-based Global Tungsten & South Korea is not alone.
Powders, a supplier to the U.S. military, which variously The United States, European Union and Japan have all
uses the metal in artillery shell tips, rockets and satellite launched or updated national critical mineral supply
antennae. strategies over the last two years, laying out broad plans
Yet there are no guarantees of long-term success for the to invest in more diversified supply lines to reduce their
mining group, which is investing about $100 million in the reliance on China.
Sangdong project. Such ventures may still struggle to Mineral supply chains have also become a feature of
compete with China and there are concerns among some diplomatic missions.
industry experts that developed countries will not follow Last year, Canada and the European Union launched a
through on commitments to diversify supply chains for strategic partnership on raw materials to reduce
critical minerals. dependence on China, while South Korea recently signed
collaboration deals with Australia and Indonesia on
mineral supply chains.
SUPPLY-CHAIN DIPLOMACY "Supply-chain diplomacy will be prioritised by many
Seoul set up an Economic Security Key Items Taskforce governments in the coming years as accessing critical
after a supply crisis last November when Beijing tightened raw materials for the green and digital transition has
exports of urea solution, which many South Korean diesel become a top priority," said Henning Gloystein, director of

energy and climate resources at the Eurasia Group In January, for example, pressure from environmentalists
consultancy. prompted Serbia to revoke Rio Tinto's lithium exploration
In November, China's top economic planner said it would licence while U.S. President Joe Biden's administration
step up exploration of strategic mineral resources cancelled two leases for Antofagasta's copper and nickel
including rare earths, tungsten and copper. mines in Minnesota.
In Sangdong, some residents are doubtful that the mine
ENVIRONMENTAL OPPOSITION will improve their lives.
Investment globally of $200 billion in additional mining "Many of us in this town didn’t believe the mine would
and smelter capacity is needed to meet critical mineral really come back," said Kim Kwang-gil, 75, who for
supply demand by 2030, 10 times what is being decades lived off the tungsten he panned from a stream
committed currently, Kettle said. flowing down from the mine when it operated. "The mine
Yet projects have faced resistance from communities who doesn't need as many people as before, because
don't want a mine or smelter near their homes. everything is done by machines."

Top News - Carbon & Power

China April coal imports soar, driven by panic orders previously considered financially unsustainable, as a
in early March heatwave-driven power crisis forces the world's third-
China's coal imports surged 43% in April from March, biggest greenhouse gas emitter to double down on the
driven by panic buying over concerns of supply disrup- fuel after months of low consumption.
tions stemming from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. State-run Coal India, which accounts for 80% of domestic
China shipped in 23.55 million tonnes of coal last month, coal output, saw production fall for two straight years end-
data from the General Administration of Customs showed ed March 2021 mainly due to a lack of demand during the
on Monday. That compares with 16.42 million tonnes in COVID-19 pandemic. India also pushed utilities to cut
March and 21.73 million tonnes in April 2021. imports of coal used for power generation to zero during
For the period of January-April, China brought in a total of that period.
75.41 million tonnes of coal, down 16% from shipments in But a recovery from the pandemic followed by an unre-
the same period a year earlier. lenting heatwave boosting air conditioning use, has re-
Benchmark Newcastle thermal coal hit a record high of vived demand and the government is forcing utilities to
$440 a tonne in early March, fuelled by fears of tight sup- step up imports and Coal India to ramp up production to
ply as Western countries vowed to impose sanctions on address supply shortages.
Russia's financial system and energy products after it On Friday, the coal ministry's top bureaucrat said the
invaded Ukraine. Moscow calls its actions in Ukraine a world's second-largest producer, importer and consumer
"special operation". of coal after China expected to increase output by up to
As global coal prices stayed high while the Chinese cen- 100 million tonnes in the next three years by reopening
tral government ordered miners to boost domestic output closed mines.
and capped local prices, Chinese traders then shunned "Earlier we were hailed as bad boys because we were
expensive seaborne cargos in favour of domestic promoting fossil fuel and now we are in the news that we
sources. China aims to churn out a record 12.6 million are not supplying enough of it," Coal Secretary Anil Ku-
tonnes of coal each day and maintain coal prices under mar Jain told a conference aimed at attracting more pri-
term contracts at 570-770 yuan ($84.99-114.81) a tonne. vate players into coal mining.
Meanwhile, the country's state planner in April urged 14 "This is a very courageous move by the ministry and Coal
regions, including Guangdong, Guangxi and Zhejiang, India to offer very quickly large supplies of coal."
which largely rely on imported coal, to sign more term Months of declining fuel inventories at power plants cul-
contracts with the top mining hubs of Shanxi, Shaanxi minated in the worst power crisis in more than six years
and Inner Mongolia for domestic supply. in April, disrupting industrial activity and forcing India to
Imports of the dirty fossil fuel could also be dented follow- accelerate coal mining.
ing wide shutdowns of industrial plants across China due A resurgence in India's hunger for coal could mean peak
to a flare-up of COVID-19 outbreaks. consumption is years away. The use of the fuel for power
Coal inventory at major power plants alongside Chinese generation is seen growing at the fastest pace in over a
coastal provinces was about 30 million tonnes in late decade this year.
April, comparing to an average level of about 25 million "While we are stressing on developing renewable
tonnes in 2016-2021, data compiled by Wind showed. sources of energy, coal is also going to be one of the ma-
China's finance ministry has cut import tariffs for all types jor contributors in energy production," Coal Minister
of coal to zero - from May 1, 2022, until March 31, 2023 - Pralhad Joshi told the conference.
aiming to ensure energy security amid soaring global Power use touched a record high during a heat wave in
prices, but traders question whether it will drive up im- April and while temperatures have eased this month, they
ports. are forecast to surge again soon.
India's power minister last month asked states to keep
'Bad boys' are back: India doubles down on coal as importing for the next three years. His ministry has also
heatwave worsens power crisis evoked an emergency law in a bid to restart generation at
India is planning to reopen more than 100 coal mines some idle power plants using imported coal.

India's moves are likely to provide prolonged support to coal and gas supplier to Europe - and higher Chinese
global prices. While prices came ff near-record highs this imports once lockdowns are lifted, have kept prices on
week, fears of the impact of sanctions on Russia - a key the boil.

Top News - Dry Freight

Nearly 25 mln tonnes of grain stuck in Ukraine, says port stored grain to uphold global food security that
UN food agency has been shaken by Russia's invasion of the country,
Nearly 25 million tonnes of grains are stuck in Ukraine Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said late on
and unable to leave the country due to infrastructure Sunday.
challenges and blocked Black Sea ports including Mariu- Nearly 25 million tonnes of grains are stuck in Ukraine
pol, a U.N. food agency official said on Friday. and unable to leave the country due to infrastructure
The blockages are seen as a factor behind high food pric- challenges and blocked Black Sea ports including Mariu-
es which hit a record high in March in the wake of Rus- pol, a U.N. food agency official said last week. Mariupol
sia's invasion of Ukraine, before easing slightly in April, has endured the most destructive fighting of the 10-week
the FAO said on Friday. war.
Ukraine had been the world's fourth largest exporter of Food prices soared to record highs in March in the wake
maize (corn) in the 2020/21 season and the number six of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the world's No.4 exporter
wheat exporter, according to International Grains Council of maize (corn) in the 2020/21 season and the No.6
data. wheat exporter. Prices eased slightly in April.
"It's an almost grotesque situation we see at the moment "We know people around the world are going to be starv-
in Ukraine with nearly 25 mln tonnes of grain that could ing because of the actions of Russia," Trudeau told Reu-
be exported but that cannot leave the country simply be- ters in an interview.
cause of lack of infrastructure, the blockade of the ports," "There is grain waiting to be shipped in Ukraine. We have
Josef Schmidhuber, FAO Deputy Director, Markets and to make sure that Russia doesn't prevent the grain that
Trade Division told a Geneva press briefing via Zoom. the world needs from getting out to the world."
Schmidhuber said the full silos could result in storage Since Moscow launched what it calls a "special military
shortages during the next harvest in July and August. operation" in Ukraine in late February, the latter has
"Despite the war the harvest conditions don’t look that been forced to export grain by train over its western bor-
dire. That could really mean there's not enough storage der.
capacity in Ukraine, particularly if there's no wheat corri- Kyiv has also been looking to use ports on the Danube
dor opening up for export from Ukraine," he said. river in the country's south to help with exports.
Another concern is reports that some grain storage had Shipments via Danube river ports could be part of the
been destroyed in the fighting in Ukraine, he added, with- solution, Trudeau said, not revealing details, but adding
out giving details. that a number of options was being considered.
Since Moscow launched what it calls a "special military "We're just looking to solve a very direct problem."
operation" in late February, Ukraine has been forced to Analysts have warned that Ukraine will face a significant
export grain by train over is western border or from its shortage of storing facilities in the 2022/23 season due to
small Danube river ports rather than by sea. a sharp fall in exports.
Earlier this week, the head of the World Trade Organiza- Trudeau, in an unannounced visit to Ukraine, said after
tion told Reuters she was "seriously worried" about spiral- his meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Sun-
ing food prices and seeking solutions alongside other day that Canada was providing $25 million to the U.N.'s
partners. "It would really help the world if we could evacu- World Food Programme as part of efforts to uphold food
ate this grain (from Ukraine)," Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala said. security.
"There's a serious risk of food prices going up and spiral- Canada will also remove trade tariffs on all Ukrainian im-
ing out of affordability that could lead to more hunger." ports to Canada for next year.
"It doesn't serve anyone if Vladimir Putin's war is not just
Canada to help Ukraine find options to export grain killing Ukrainians, but is starving people around the
to ease supply worries -Trudeau world," Trudeau told Reuters, referring to Russia's presi-
Canada will help Ukraine work out options on how to ex- dent.

Picture of the Day

A worker offloads a bag of disposed rice husks before burning them in a traditional kiln to produce organic fertilizer, following renewed
interest in organic fertilizer as global prices for chemical inputs skyrocket due to the war in Ukraine, in Mwea, Kenya.
REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

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(Inside Commodities is compiled by Rupali Shukla in Bengaluru) Refinitiv

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