Sigmund Freud Made Significant Contributions To The Field of Psychology

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Bicol University

Legazpi City

1st Activity – Science, Technology and Society

1st Semester, SY 2021-2022

Mickaela Kassandra P. Paran

BS Architecture 3-E

Anelisa Ariscon
1. Research on the following intellectual revolutions that defined society:

Copernican was the first contemporary European scientist to propose the Heliocentric
Theory of the Universe, which states that the Earth and other planets rotate around the

Darwinian - Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist,
best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. Darwin's greatest
contribution to science was to finish the Copernican Revolution by defining nature as a
system of matter in motion regulated by natural rules for life.

Freudian - Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of

psychoanalysis. Freudian highlighted the unconscious mind's importance, and one of
Freudian theory's central assumptions is that the unconscious mind influences behavior
to a larger extent than individuals believe.

Information Revolution, since the mid-1940s, when the first computers were
introduced—has only altered processes that were already in place. The information
revolution is a time of development that might have a big impact on people's lives.
Computer technology is at the heart of this transformation, and continued
developments in that technology appear to guarantee that this revolution will have an
impact on people's lives.

Mesoamerica is a cultural and historical region in North America. It's one of the few
places on the planet where the agricultural revolution started on its own, and
Mesoamerica's great civilizations were founded on staple foods like maize, beans, and

Asian revolutionaries aspired to not only give their nations freedom, but also to
transform their civilizations from inside. Many individuals believed that modernisation
entailed the removal of existing regulations. The revolution itself taught Aian Countries
about freedom and Independent nationhood along the improvement brought by it
Egyptian Revolution. The revolutions in the Middle east were a product of the
development and growth of individual nationalism, imperialism, for the effects to
westernize and modernize Middle eastern Societies, and to push the declining power of
the Ottoman Empire in the Arab Region.

African Revolution - For centuries the peoples of Africa were subjected to exploitation
and robbery by the capitalist maritime nations of western Europe and other marauders.
to fight against colonialism and imperialism in africa.

2. With the above-mentioned intellectual revolutions, what do you think is the best
breakthrough in science and technology? Focus on one intellectual revolution and expound its
importance/relevance/contributions to the society.

Personally, I think Freudian made the most unique and impactful revolution in the
society. Sigmund Freud contributed significantly to the area of psychology. His research sparked
a paradigm shift in how we think about mental illness by demonstrating that not all
psychological illnesses have physiological basis. The importance of the unconscious mind was
underlined by Sigmund Freud, and one of Freudian theory's core assumptions is that the
unconscious mind impacts behavior to a greater extent than people believe. It is baffling and
amazing how a Neurologist can understand so much about the human brain and how it works
even though it cannot be seen through our naked eye.

Mental health issues are a hot topic in our society up until now because of its stigma,
that people who doesn’t experience it dismisses the fact that it is a disease. But Freud explain
and broke the stigma by providing these theories and perspectives.

Sigmund Freud changed psychology by providing new and challenging perspectives on

the subject and publicizing his theories. Freud bridged cultural boundaries as he confronted
scientists who dismissed his work and continued to study the human mind. Up until now his
theories are being used to help people in their mental help. And it is fascinating to me to think
that a simple discovery by Freudian have proven to help save lives for centuries.

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