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What you love?

1. What is something you have never gotten bored of?

Talking to people since I am a talkative and Jolly person, it is indeed fun to have a social life that
has fully charged social battery.
2. What’s something you’ve always been drawn back to do overtime?
Sleeping due to the fact that almost majority of the months that have passed I’ve been feeling
tired. Either because of school, family outings, bonding with friends, house chores, etc. Also, it
serves that rest after all the activities throughout the day is the most exciting part.
3. What gets you in the FLOW – that state of being where you are really immersed and time passes
by quickly?
Watching movie or series. Mostly I lose track of the time that it is already night time or dawn
because I totally immersed my attention to what I am watching. It is a state wherein there’s a
positive effect like I’m feeling happy, satisfied and higher intrinsic motivation to life because of
the lessons and new knowledge from that movie or series.

4. How do you spend your free time?

Usually, I Spend it with my love ones as I believing in the saying don’t ever waste a day. Once
time goes by, you never get it back so treasure every moment and besides that I do entertain
myself by scrolling through my social media while eating. working out to improve my heart and
lung, to have more energy to tackle daily chores and talking to God especially in my lowest,
darkest and weakest days.

5. What is something that excites you and gets you out of bed in the morning?
I'm driven to get out of bed every morning by my desire to help people. When I assist others, I
receive a sense of accomplishment and it satisfy my feeling. It's also vital to me that I do the
same for others because many people helped me grow up and ensure that I will become
successful soon.

What are you good at?

(Think of something that has unity and value that can make your life or other people’s lives better

1. What skills have you been spending time practicing?

Being Resilient to different. It has five pillars the self-awareness, mindfulness, self-care, positive
relationship and purpose. Things that are needed to process and to overcome hardship
especially to a college student like me thus I will have the ability to bounce back from the
stresses of life. It’s not about avoiding the stress but learning to thrive within the stress.

2. What do people look to you for help with? I

Usually they hit me up when they need an advice or someone who will listen to their rants and
problems without being judged, a shoulder that they can cry on and It proves that I am capable
of helping others. I believe that God specialized me to solve people’s problem or help them, so
why would I refuse?
What can you get paid?

Your answer here could be a job that is related to your course or something completely different. It
could be something you plan to do after your graduate or are doing right now as a hustle.

I think I’d be someone who plan a project and work on construction sites to supervise its execution. It
would be focus on trains or airports, or might handle road development or seismic retrofitting. Also, I’m
planning to become a Doctor-Engineer in the future in God’s will.

What the world needs?

If “what the world needs” sounds overwhelming think about what your family, friends, and immediate
community need instead.

 How can you contribute to creating a positive effect to the people around you?
Radiating Positivity and Possess proper manners
I can contribute a positive effect to people by Appreciating them. I observed that when you
Appreciate even little details to someone, a smile will appear to their faces. In that way they
will not think negatively minimizing the number of bad days and maximize the good about
themselves instead they will love and appreciate every inch of them even their flaws so I
decided to be kinder, filter words to avoid unnecessary words to say that might hurt feelings
and be appreciative. We live in a world of strife so be not part of it. Be the change we want to
have for the world and also, to become inspiration to be well mannered human being.

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