Little One, Maid of Israel

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Jessy Geraldine Lukito

5 August 2018

Little One, Maid of Israel

When Little One was taken away to Syria, she was given to Mahrrah to be

a servant. At her house, Joel ed Ben, she met Abu the oldest servant. Little one

was joyful, and mature for a girl who just lost her grandpa and mother. Abu was

amazed by how this little girl acted towards her nation’s enemy. He realized it

was because of God of Israel, and he started to believe in Him too.

Little One met Joseph, her brother, at Joel ed Ben. Joseph was angry and

bitter towards the Syrians. Little One told her brother about what grandpa said

how they can still be a believer in the middle of unbelievers. She keeps praying

and telling him that they should show the good example as Christians. Joseph

then realized that he shouldn’t be bitter but show love.

Mahrrah was very thankful for Little One’s presence in the household

after her husband, Namaan, was diagnosed of leper. Little One was the only one

who could understand Mahrrah and showed symphaty. Mahrrah felt that Little

One was giving her and her household full of joy and love. Her maturity in facing

her job as a servant helped Mahrrah face her problems well.

Little One also prayed for Namaan’s leprosy and told him the good news.

The good news was that she knew that prophet Elisha from Samaria could heal

Namaan’s leprosy. Namaan went to Samaria and met Elisha, and was healed.

Namaan came back to Syria and thank Little One and believed in God.

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