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Parts of information system

Saturday, 6 August, 2022 1:58 PM

1. People (resources)
• Built computers for people to use
• Help in development and management which helps organisations to create value and improve productivity

i. Users (end users)

• Perform job function/ tasks
• E.g: student use spreadsheet / word

ii. Technical developers (IS specialist)

• Create technologies used to build information system
• Develope or operate information system
• E.g: computer engineer, software programmer, application programmer

iii. Bussiness profesionals (knowledge worker)

• Used to expand bussiness and perform job in company
• Communicating and collaborating in teams
• Distributing information
• E.g: accountant, human resource, marketing sales
• E.g: jeff bezos ( amazon ) bill gates ( microsoft ) steve jobs ( apple )

2. Hardware (physical component)

• Can be seen (keyboard, mouse, pendrive, ipads, printers)
• Reside inside a device (computer chips, motherboards, internal memory chips)
• Physical devices and materials used in information process

i. Machines
• Computers
• Video monitors
• Printers

ii. Media
• Floppy disk
• Optical discs
• Paper form

3. Software (computerized instruction)

• Set of instructions that tell hardware what to do
• Not physical ( cannot be touched )

i. System software
• Control and support the operations of a computer system
○ Enables application software to interact with the computer hardware
○ E.g: windows, macOS

i. application software

○ direct processing for a particular use of computers by end users

○ i.e. Word processing programs, spreadsheet programs, payroll programs, etc.
○ Devices: desktop - apple macOS windows - adobe
○ Mobile phone - google android - apple ios - google maps, docs, meet

4. Procedures (instruction for people)

• Specify rules and guidelines for computer operation
• a series of steps undertaken to achieve a desired outcome or goal
• Sets of information processing instructions that people need.
• Operating instructions for the people who will use IS.
• E.g: data entry, error correction procedure

5. Data
• a collection of non-disputable raw facts about physical phenomena or bussiness transaction
• Information is data that has been converted into meaningful and useful context for end users
• E.g: alphanumeric, text, video, image
• Sales data, names, quantity, dollar amounts
• Sales information, amount of sales by product type, sales territory or sales person
4 common types of file :
• Document
• Worksheet
• Database
• Presentation

6. Connectivity
• The capability of a computer to share resources with other computers using networking.
• Network is a set of devices (referred as nodes) connected by media links to form a data path over which information can be shared
• Uses of it:
i. Communication media
TP wire, coaxial, fiber optic, cellular, satellite

i. Network infrastructure
communications processors (modem), network access (switch) and control software (NMS)

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