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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah

Teaching and Learning media

Dosen Pengampu:

Winarno, M.Pd

Disusun Oleh:

Name : vivin ivana s

NPM : 2040601056





Praise be to God Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given the
opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled "the multimedia concept:
multimedia system" is properly and correctly, and on time

This paper is structured so that readers can know what is the multimedia system. This
paper was compiled with help from various parties. Both parties come from outside as well as
from parties concerned itself. And because the aid and help of God Almighty, these papers
can be fully resolved.

This is a paper about the multimedia system chosen based on sub chapter 1
multimedia concept. Hopefully the paper can give a broader might to the reader. Although
this paper has advantages and disadvantages. For suggest and please his constituents. Thank

Tarakan, 28 Oktober 2022

Vivin ivana sihotang


PREFACE............................................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I Introduction.................................................................................................... 1

A. Background of the paper.......................................................................................... 1

B. Purpose of the paper............................................................................................... 1
C. Problem formulation................................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER II Discusion .................................................................................................... 3

1. The definition of the multimedia systems.............................................................. 3

2. The component in the multimedia system............................................................... 4

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................... 6

A. Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 6
B. Suggest.................................................................................................................... 6

BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................... 7



A. Background of the paper

Multimedia system means the integration or combination of multimedia components
such as text, images, sounds, animations and videos. Indirectly in our daily life,
multimedia is becoming an important requirement. Computers, movies, videos, television,
radio, etc. are part of multimedia.
As used in this description, the term multimedia refers to the holistic presentation of
digital content using an integrated combination of text, audio, two-dimensional (2D) and
three-dimensional (3D) images, video, and animation. Means a program for distribution.
In its simplest form, multimedia is sometimes defined as the presentation of content using
a combination of media [text, sound, images (static, moving, animated, video)]. In
general, the term multimedia can be defined as the combination of various text, image,
video, and animation media within computer-based programs that enable interactive

B. Purpose of the paper

1. Knowing the defintion of the multimedia systems.
2. Knowing the component in the multimedia system

C. Problem formulation
1. What a good multimedia system looks like and what are its benefits for human



1. The defintion of the multimedia systems

Before we delving into multimedia systems, we first need to understand what

multimedia itself is. Different people's perspectives on multimedia may differ.
Multimedia generally refers to the presentation of information using multiple types of
media. For example, music videos are a form of multimedia because the information
uses both audio/sound and video in its presentation. It is called mono-media as
opposed to music recordings that only use audio/sound.

Multimedia comes from the words multi and media. Multi comes from the Latin
viz noun, meaning many or different. The word media comes from the Latin viz
medium, which means an intermediary or something used to provide, transmit, or
carry something. The American Heritage Electronic Dictionary (1991) defines the
term medium as a tool for disseminating and presenting information. Based on this,
multimedia is the combination of various media (file formats) in the form of text,
images (vector or bitmap), graphics, sound, animation, video, interaction, etc., and
digital (computerized) It is packaged in a file and carries the information to be
transferred. Or convey a message to the public. Multimedia is the combination of data
or media for conveying information so that the information is presented in a more
engaging way (Rosch, 1996).

Gayeski (1993) defines multimedia as a collection of computerized media and

communication systems that produce, store, distribute, and receive information in the
form of text, graphics, audio, and video. Oblinger (1993), on the other hand, defined
multimedia as the combination of two or more communication media such as text,
graphics, animation, audio, and video, with computer interactivity to create
compelling presentations. defined as a Munir and Halimah Badioze Zaman (1999)
define multimedia as the integration of various text, image, video, and animation
media into digital media. Digital media can be interactive and receive feedback and
information in non-linear ways.

If one of the components is missing, it's not multimedia in the broadest sense of
the name. For example, if there are no computers to interact with, it is called mixed
media rather than multimedia. If there are no navigation tools that let you choose the
flow of action, it's called a movie instead of multimedia. Similarly, if there is no room
for creativity and original ideas, it is called television, not multimedia.

Multimedia System means the integration or combination of multimedia

components such as text, images, sounds, animations and videos. Indirectly in our
daily life, multimedia is becoming an important requirement. Computers, movies,
videos, television, radio, etc. are part of multimedia.

The gadget is whatever that includes objects, factors or additives which can be
associated or associated with every different in order that it turns into a unmarried
processing and processing unit. To obtain its goals, a gadget calls for a assist gadget

or gear which include hardware (hardware), software (software) and brainware
(humans). Good cooperation among those 3 structures is wanted as a way to produce
beneficial records as expected.

The gadget should be capable of carry out computer-managed processing. The

gadget may be programmed via way of means of the gadget programmer/user. Called
a multimedia gadget if each varieties of media, particularly media. non-stop and
discrete media are used and if the extent of dependence / linkage among the media is
low. The important component of the one of a kind media kinds is the
interrelationships among them. Examples of discrete media (discrete) are textual
content and images, and non-stop media (non-stop) are audio and video.

The system is whatever that includes objects, factors or additives that are related
or related to each other so that it becomes a single processing and processing unit. To
obtain its goals, a system calls for a support system or tools which include hardware,
software and brainware (humans). Good cooperation among those 3 structures is
wanted as a way to produce beneficial records as expected.

The system should be capable of carry out computer-managed processing. The

system may be programmed via way of means of the system programmer/user. Called
a multimedia system if each varieties of media, particularly media. continuous and
discrete media are used and if the extent of dependence / linkage among the media is
low. The important component of the one of a kind media kinds is the
interrelationships among them. Examples of discrete media (discrete) are textual
content and images, and continuous media (continuous) are audio and video.

System software consists of the operating system (Operating System). and utility
programs. An operating system is a system of software components designed to
control all activities of a multimedia computer. An operating system is a very
important piece of software. The operating system is stored on a secondary storage
device called the system resident device (SYSRES) and is loaded into memory when
called by the initial program loader (IPL).

2. The component in the multimedia system

Multimedia as a system consists of supporting components such as hardware,

software, ideas and creativity, and organizations as containers.


Hardware is generally a computer. Your computer must use only one platform.
Using multiple hardware platforms in a single multimedia project can present many
obstacles, especially during the assembly phase. Other tools include scanners, digital
cameras, and camcorders. The multimedia hardware you use should be readily
Mandell (2001) lists the necessary components of a multimedia system as
a. Recording devices, i.e. video cameras, VCRs, audio microphones, keyboards,
graphics tablets, 3D input devices, touch sensors, VR devices,
digitizing/sampling hardware.

b. Storage media, d. H. Hard drives, CD-ROMs, Jaz/Zip drives, DVDs, etc.
c. Communication networks such as FDDI, ATMs, intranets, Internet
d. Computer systems such as desktop PC computers, workstations, and
MPEG/VIDEO/DSP hardware.
e. Display devices such as CD-quality speakers, HDTV, SVGA, high-definition
monitors, and color printers.

According to Linda Tway (1992), multimedia hardware consists of using

hardware and developing hardware. Development hardware is like commodity
hardware with more components added. If you use hardware to run multimedia, you
need at least some hardware such as a VGA, computer monitor, keyboard, CD-ROM
driver, or speakers. Development hardware is the same as production hardware, but
with additional components: microphone, video monitor, VCR camera, external
modem, printer, and scanner.


Multimedia software means components within a programmatic data processing

system that control the operation of a multimedia computer system. In general, the
term multimedia software refers to methods that result in a more efficient relationship
between a human and multimedia computing his machine. Multimedia software
functions include identifying multimedia programs, preparing multimedia program
applications to control the workflow of all multimedia computing devices, and
organizing and designing multimedia-related work. Multimedia devices can be
divided into his three classes: multimedia programming languages, multimedia system
software, and multimedia application software.

According to Luther (1994), multimedia software consists of main software and

supporting software. Most software used to create multimedia applications comes
with an authorization language containing commands specific to objects and
structures. For example, in an authoring language there are commands to use speech
without paying attention to how to open the language archive and use the data it
contains. Prepare the necessary multimedia components such as graphics, animation,
and sound using supporting software.

The software required for the multimedia system is an operating system. There
are three operating systems commonly used for multimedia creation: Mac OS X,
Linux, and Microsoft Windows. Other software is required, such as text editing. For
example, converting scanned text into editable text requires OCR (optical character
recognition). Suitable for image editing. B. For editing 2D or 3D images, or audio and
video or animation. The OCR device is a built-in scanner, so it's free. Examples of
software for editing 2D images and photos are Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and
Inkscape. Examples of software for editing/creating 3D images are 3DS MAX, Maya
and Blender. Examples of video editing software are Adobe Premiere, ULEAD, and
Kino. Examples of software for editing audio are ACID Pro and Audacity. In addition
to editing software, you also need authoring software. B. Macromedia/Adobe Flash,
Macromedia/Adobe Authorware, and Sophie.

The software program is used in step with the wishes and traits it has. Software
for developing multimedia programs. Software this is mainly meant to create

multimedia packages is referred to as a multimedia authoring system (or frequently
referred to as authoring software program). Some examples which are categorised as
authoring software program are Authorware, Quest, Icon Author, and Multimedia

Multimedia software program is the additives withinside the information

processing gadget, withinside the shape of packages to govern the operation of a
multimedia pc gadget. This software program is classed into 3 parts, specifically
multimedia programming languages, multimedia system software program and
multimedia utility software program.

• Multimedia Programming

Languages Multimedia programming languages are the languages utilized by

programmers to create multimedia packages. Examples consist of Assembly, C, C++,
Power Builder, Delphi, SQL, Visual Basic, and Java.

• System Software

This software program includes an working gadget (Operating System) which

include DOS (Disc Operating System), Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000,
Windows XP, Windows Vista, UNIX, Linux or Mac OS. Other software program is a
application utility, which include an Antivirus utility. Multimedia Application

• Multimedia utility

Software program are packages created through people or agencies for customers
who perform in unique multimedia fields which include 2D graphics, modeling and

• Word processing tools

Common word processing applications include Microsoft Word, Word Star for
Windows, Word Perfect, and Star Writer. Open source word processing applications
include Open Writer, KWriter, and Abi Word.

• 2D animation and graphics processing software.

The 2D graphics processing application is divided into several parts.

a. 2D vector graphics such as Corel Draw, Macromedia Freehand, and

Adobe Illustrator.
b. 2D image (raster) graphics such as Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paint Shop
Pro, and Gimp.
c. Animation (such as Macromedia Flash).

• 3D graphics animation and modeling software.

Examples of animation and modeling software such as 3D Graphics Studio
MAX, Maya, Softimage, LightWave, Blender.

• Multimedia authoring software is 3D.

Authoring provides users with the ability to develop software by dragging and
dropping various multimedia objects without knowing how to use or understand a
programming language such as Macromedia Authoring, allowing them to create
applications with programming. A computer application that you create. , with Lingo
(a programming language). ). Tools of this type fall into three categories: page-based
authoring, icon-based authoring, and time-based authoring.
Page-primarily based totally authoring is authoring that works on a web page
or book-primarily based totally foundation through organizing the factors withinside
the web page or book. Examples of those programs are HyperCard and ToolBook
Icon-primarily based totally authoring makes use of the idea of flowcharts to
create a go with the drift of multimedia factors connected collectively or in my view
that particularly presentations interest go with the drift diagrams alongside branching
paths, examples are Microsoft Power Point and Macromedia Authorware.
Time-primarily based totally authoring is the improvement of multimedia
programs for organizing gadgets alongside a timeline. The sequentially prepared
frames are then displayed returned to the user. An instance of an software that makes
use of this technique is Macromedia Director.
Authoring DVD is an application used to display interactive movie menus, for
example Pinnacle Impression, Sonic ReelDVD and Ulead DVD Workshop.

• Web Based Application Software

Examples of web design products include Macromedia Flash which is used to
create animated graphics on the web, Macromedia Dreamweaver and Microsoft Front
• Multimedia Human Resources
Multimedia programmers are people who integrate elements of a whole form
that must use an authoring system / programming language. Interactive Multimedia,
namely the end user or user can control what and in what order the multimedia
elements are sent.

The following Multimedia Creation Tools;

1). Authoring Tools

Authoring tools are used to combine, edit, and organize multimedia elements into
multimedia packages. Examples of authoring tools:

 Page-based:Ms PowerPoint
 Time-based:Adobe Flash, Macromedia Director
 Icon-based:Adobe Authorware

2). Features typically found in authoring tools:

 Editing and Organizing Features

 Programming Features
 Interactivity Features
 Performance Optimization and Playback Features
 Distribution, Cross-Platform and Internet Playback Features
 Tools for Creating Multimedia Elements

3). Creation and Editing Tools :

This tool is for creating and editing multimedia elements. Some examples
included in this creation and editing tool:

 Bitmap image processing:Adobe Photoshop

 Vector image processor:CorelDRAW
 Sound processing:Adobe AUDITION
 Video processing:Adobe Premiere


Multimedia idea and design requires creativity to create and develop interesting
multimedia content. Understanding hardware and software and using them skillfully
develops and unfolds your creativity.


Organization as multimedia container. Organizations should create and organize

outlines and rational plans detailing the skills, time, costs, tools, and resources
required. This organization facilitates the archiving and implementation of protocols

Multimedia is a combination of different media, delivered through digital

manipulation, using computers or electronic devices. Return to discussion menu Good
multimedia content benefits users.
Multimedia features in daily life include:
• Can clarify the information or material presented.
• Can generate motivation to better understand the content of the material
• Can make it easier to focus and understand the content of the material
• Can repeat the material presented.
• Can arouse someone`s curiosity about the information or material
• Can generate responses in studying the content of the material presented.

The benefits of multimedia in education are numerous. Apart from being used as
a teaching tool to convey a subject matter, multimedia can also be used to increase the
concentration of students in understanding the subject matter. Additionally,
multimedia may give the impression of a more sophisticated and knowledgeable
subject matter. Multimedia can also be a means of entertainment to make teaching and
learning activities more interactive and enjoyable. C



Multimedia systems can be divided into Multimedia Stand Alone Systems, this means
it is a multimedia computer system that has minimal storage (hard disk, CD-ROM/DVD-
ROM/CD-RW/DVD-RW), input (keyboard, mouse, scanner, mic). ), and outputs (speakers,
monitor, LCD Projector), VGA and Soundcard. An example of a GTA 5 game which is a
stand-alone multimedia system that uses a PC or similar device. And Network-Based
Multimedia System, This system must be connected through a network that has a large
bandwidth. The difference is that there is a sharing system and access to the same resources.
Examples: video conferences and video broadcasts.

The system can be called a multimedia system if it contains; 1). Combination Media
The system is called a multimedia system if both types of media (continuous/discrete) are
used. Examples of discrete media: text and images, and continuous media are audio and
video; 2). Independence The main aspect of the different media types is the interrelationships
between them. The system is called a multimedia system if the level of dependence / linkage
between the media is low; and 3). Computer-supported Integration The system must be able
to perform computer-controlled processing. The system can be programmed by the system


The benefits of using multimedia in the teaching and learning process are numerous.
This means enhancing student interaction, keeping students engaged in learning, and
facilitating more efficient and effective delivery of materials. Among the many types of
learning media, computer-assisted learning multimedia is still the least used type of learning
media. This is due to several factors, such as the availability of computer facilities, the
availability of multimedia learning, and possibly the limitations of teachers in designing
multimedia computer-based learning.

On the other hand, the presence of computer-based multimedia learning greatly

supports the learning process in the classroom. For concepts that are abstract and cannot be
brought directly into the classroom, computer-assisted multimedia learning can be used,
hopefully through the many effective uses of multimedia in learning, and in the future,
multimedia will be more optimal in schools.


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MULTIMEDIA DESIGN MODEL. Celeungsi Bogor: Yayasan pendidikan


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