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I. Essay. Answer the following questions as concisely as possible.

(25 pts) (5 pts each)

1. Explain how communication occurs from newspapers, magazines, and journals?

Newspapers are seen as one of the most essential way of communication before the
internet presence. It provides news about business, political, sport, daily news and so on. It
informs us on what are the current situation around our lives and neighborhood.
Communication occurs in magazine through the appearance of eye-catching and full of glossy
images. There are also some words that indicate the title and descriptions of every images. In
journals, communication occurs by simply writing down your experiences and thoughts and use
them to identify your future goals and aims. It is an important tool to track important decisions of
your life.

2. How important are the skills in understanding the message?

Understanding the message has a vital role in every communication. Good communication
skills are essential to allow others and yourself to understand information more accurately and
quickly. Without understanding the message, poor communication skill will lead to
misunderstanding and frustration.

3. Discuss the three Models of Communication.

Transmission Model also known as Linear Model. Starts with a sender, sending the
message to receiver through a channel of communication and the channel of communication could
be any, anything that carries the message. The message always goes from left to right from the
sender to the receiver. Other than that, there’s only one factor you need to remember for this
model and that’s the factor of noise. Noise can be anything that side tracks the receiver from
getting the message clearly. Interaction Model starts out very similar to linear model, you have your
sender and the receiver and there’s the channel of communication to which the message is send.
There’s noise that is influencing the reception of that message. What’s the different about this
model is the way that we approach the message. Non-linear model goes left to right from sender to
receiver. In this model however, it’s an interaction. Transaction Model begins just like the others, a
sender and receiver, receiver and sender similar to former model has the channel of
communication, the noise even includes the field of experience like Interaction Model. What sets
this one apart is the same thing which said that the first two apart from each other and that’s the
message being sent interpreted responded to the key of this model talks about how messages are
simultaneously given and received. It’s not a I sent a text message away for response and then I
send another text message according to that respond. When we communicate in person, we are
simultaneously giving and receiving feedback which means that the channels of feedback are
always going into a circle.

4. Discuss the perspectives in communication.

Perspectives in Communication
A communication perspective focuses on the way in which our shared meanings and practices are
constituted through language and symbol, the construction of messages, and their dissemination
through media, organizations, and society.
 Visual Perception is the ability to see and interpret the visual information that surrounds us.
The term visual perception signifies a process, a processing of the visual data that we are
receiving. Visual perception is all about passively the visual information. It is not about
simply receiving visual science or visual data; it is about processing and giving the visual
 Language - The different perspectives we experience can be with language as well. How
many times have you received an email that seemed to have a certain 'tone to it and that
perception of tone colored the way that you might have responded? The same words can
have very different meanings depending on how we interpret them. Here's another example.
What is the meaning of the following sentence? A woman without her man is nothing.
Sounds pretty bad at first glance, doesn't it? Look again. If you add punctuation or change
the word emphasis, how does the meaning change? A woman, without her man, is nothing.
The words were the same in both cases. But the meaning has now changed completely.
 Feelings - The aspect related to feelings refers to how you feel about a specific person.
When you genuinely like someone, the way you communicate is going to show it.
Unfortunately, the same can be said for when you don't like someone.
 Environment - All of us communicate differently in different environments. This is simple
enough to observe in everyday life. Do you speak to your colleagues the same way that you
do to your friends? It may be different for all.
5. Differentiate the two types of process in perception: bottom-up processing and top-down
A bottom-up processing originates from direct stimuli in the environment and is not
influenced by internal goals, expectations or memories. Contrastingly, a top-down processing
originates from the mind when we use previous knowledge, memories or expectations to make
sense of stimuli in the environment.

II. Definition. Define the following terms. (20 pts) (2 pts each)
1. Communication

2. Physical Context

3. Social Context

4. Historical Context

5. Psychological Context

6. Cultural Context

7. Immediacy

8. Control

9. Ethics

10. Perception

III. Enumeration. Enumerate the following items. (25 pts) (1 pt each)

Components of the Communication Process
1. Sources
2. Messages
3. Encoding
4. Channels
5. Decoding
6. Receivers
7. Feedback
8. Context
Principles of Communication
9. Communication is done for a purpose that can be either trivial or serious.
10. Communication is a continuous cycle of expression and inference.
11. The messages we send depend on our cognizant.
12. Communication is relational.
13. Communication is guided by culture.
14. Communication has Ethical Implications.
15. Communication is learned.
Critical Evaluation of Gregory’s Theory
16. The Nature of Perceptual Hypotheses
17. Perceptual Development
18. Sensory Evidence
Three main styles of communication
19. Aggressive communication
20. Passive Communication
21. Assertive Communication
Tips on how to get over barriers in attaining good communication skills
22. Listen
23. Ears don’t hear it all.
24. Take time to understand as you try to be understood.
25. Be aware of your personal perceptual filters.

IV. Sentence Completion. Fill in the blanks with words that complete the following sentences. (10
pts) (1 pt each)
1. The word communications from the Latin word communis meaning commonness.
2. Communication is a systematic process in which individuals interact with through
symbols to create and to interpret meanings.
3. Communication is a process which means it is ongoing and always in motion; that we
don’t know when communication starts and stops.
4. Communication is systematic, which means that it involves a group of interrelated parts
that affect one another.
5. The third key in the definition is symbols, which are abstract, arbitrary, and ambiguous
representations of other things.
6.) Symbols include all of language and many nonverbal behaviors, as well as art and
7.) For instance, LOVE may symbolize by giving someone a ring, saying “I love you,” or
taking someone out for a special dinner.
8.) Thus, human communication involves individuals who use symbols to interact with
themselves and each other.
9.) Finally, the definition focuses on meanings, which are the heart of communication.
10.) Meanings are typically created in the process of communication.

V. Multiple Choice. On the space before the number, write the lowercase letter that corresponds to
your choice. (15 pts) (1 pt each)
A. 1. It includes the thoughts in one person’s mind as well as interpretations one makes of
another’s message.
A. Source B. Message C. Channel D. Setting
B. 2.This refers to the ways that communicators make sense of messages.
A. Message B. Meanings C. Channel D. Setting

A. 3.These are the verbal utterances and nonverbal behaviors to which meaning is attributed
during communication.
A. Messages B. Meanings C. Channel D. Setting
A. 4.This is the process of putting our thoughts and feelings into words and nonverbal cues.
A. Encoding B. Decoding C. Receiving D. Setting
B. 5.They are both the route travelled by the message and the means of transportation.
A. Source B. Channel C. Message D. None of the
A. 6. They are transmitted through sensory channels.
A. Messages B. Channel C. Source D. All of the

A. 7.This communication has two basic channels: verbal symbols and nonverbal cues.
A. Face-to-face B. Oral C. Written D. Social Media

C. 8. This communication uses and gestures may be missing.

A. Oral B. Written C. Non-verbal D. None of the
B. 9. The process of interpreting another’s message.
A. Encoding B. Decoding C. Transmitting D. Evaluating

A. 10. Receivers- interpret the messages and behaviors that have been transmitted to them.
A. Receivers B. Senders C. Travelers D. Sailors
B. 11. The reactions and messages that indicate to the sender whether and how that
messages were heard, seen, and interpreted.
A. Message B. Feedback C. Noise D. Sound
A. 12. The setting in which a communication encounter occurs, including what precedes and
follows what is said.
A. Context B. Feedback C. Noise D. Clue
A. 13. This is a set of moral principles that may be held by a society, a group, or an individual.
A. Ethics B. Principles C. Norms D. Morale
B. 14. A degree to which one participant is perceived to be more dominant or powerful.
A. Ethics B. Control C. Norms D. Beliefs
B. 15. This may be defined as systems of knowledge shared beliefs, values, symbols, and
A. Ethics B. Culture C. Norms D. None of the

VI. Modified True or False. If the statement is true, write TRUE on the blank provided before the
number. If the statement is false, encircle the word or phrase that makes the statement false and
write on the blank provided the word or phrase that will make the statement true. (30 pts) (2 pts
TRUE 1. We can express feedback verbally through words or nonverbally through body
TRUE 2. We continuously give feedback when we are listening to another, if only by paying
attention, giving a confused look, or showing signs of boredom.
TRUE 3. If the verbal or non-verbal response indicates that the message is not understood,
the sender finds another way of encoding the message.
TRUE 4. The re-encoded message is also a feedback because it gives meaning to the
receiver’s response.
TRUE 5. The context affects the expectations of the participants, the meaning these
participants drive, and their subsequent behavior.
TRUE 6. It is important to realize that meanings are not transferred from one person to
another, but are created together in an exchange.
TRUE 7. To understand how messages are created and received, we need to understand
meanings, symbols, encoding and decoding, and form or organization.
TRUE 8. Many aspects of the nonverbal channel such as facial expressions, aspects of
voice, and use of time do occur online, however.
TRUE 9. Communication environment means exchange of ideas, news, views, messages,
information or emotions, due to influence of various elements that encompass us.
TRUE 10. Good communication skills can help you avoid conflict and solve problems.
TRUE 11. Effective communication is a connection between people that allows for the
exchange of thoughts, feelings, and ideas, and leads to mutual understanding.
TRUE 12. The culture in which individuals communicate can change the culture.
TRUE 13. One way to evaluate the success of the communication is to ask whether it
achieved its purpose.
TRUE 14. To communicate a message, the sender encodes thoughts or feelings into a
message that is sent using one or more channels.
TRUE 15. Perception is how we see ourselves and the world we live in.


Learning Task No. 1:

Name: Darren Kate A. Licupa BSTM1 Score: _______/30___

Express your self...let’s do it write!
Directions: Answer the questions through writing a descriptive essay of at least 150-200 words.
Creating a title is optional. Please be reminded on the basic format in descriptive essay. *NOTE:
Please use the rubric as guide in your paragraph writing.
Lev Criteria Score


30 Knowledgeable, substantive, thorough development of thesis, relevant to assigned topic

Some knowledge of subject, adequate range, limited development of thesis, mostly
relevant to topic but lacks details
Limited knowledge of subject, little substantive, inadequate development of topic

17- Does not show knowledge of subject, non-substantive, not pertinent, or not enough to be
21 evaluated

20 Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated/supported, succinct, well-organized, logical
sequencing, cohesive

Somewhat choppy, loosely organized but main ideas stand out, limited support, logical but
incomplete sequencing

Non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected, lacks logical sequencing and development
Does not communicate, no organization, or not enough to be evaluated



20 Sophisticated range, effective word/idiom choice and usage, word from mastery,
appropriate register

Adequate range, occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage but meaning not

Limited range, frequent errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage, meaning confused or
10- obscured

Essentially vocabulary, idioms, word form, or not enough to be evaluated


25 Effective complex constructions, few errors of agreement, tense, number, word
order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions

Effective but simple constructions, several errors of agreement, tense, number, word
order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning seldom obscured
Major problems in simple/complex constructions, frequent errors of negation, agreement,
tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions and/or fragments, run-
ons, deletions, meaning confused or obscured
Virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules, dominated by errors, does not
communicate, or not enough to be evaluated



Demonstrate mastery of conventions, few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting,
meaning confused or obscured

3 Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting,
meaning confused or obscured

2 No mastery of conventions, dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing, handwriting illegible, or not enough to evaluate

Paragraph Writing Rubric

*NOTE: Please use the rubric as guide in your paragraph writing.Learning Task No. 2

Name: Darren Kate A. Licupa BSTM1 Score: ________/30_____________

Express your self...let’s do it write!
Directions: Answer the questions through creating a simple script. From the given questions, make a
dialogue. You may have at least 2-3 characters in your script. Creating a title is optional. Please be
reminded on writing a script. *NOTE: Please use the rubric as guide in your script writing
Think of a real-life experience which certain component of communication plays an important role.
Why did you say so?
Be my friend
One day Sophia’s mom took her to the park. She loved being outside
and playing. So, when they got there, Sophia immediately ran towards the
jungle gym and played by herself. She was quiet and shy so she didn't
really have any friends. She wished she had someone to play with. She got
over her shyness just a little that day. She went and introduced herself
to a kid who was swinging by himself.
Sophia: “Hi!” [She said happily trying her best to not panic and leave.]
Sophia: “My name is Sophia; do you want to be my friend?” [The kid on the
swing stopped swinging and laughs slightly and walks away.]
She continues looking around for someone else. She sees a group of boys
playing with toy cars on the pavement. She runs over to the circle of
Sophia: “Hi! My names Sophia, c-can I play with you guys?”
Boy: “Get lost!” [Says a boy whose quite older than her and the other
boys in the group laughed at her. Sophia nodded in defeat and walked over
to a bench and sat alone, tears streaming down his face. He just wanted a
She sits there for almost ten minutes when someone taps her on her
shoulder. She turns to her right and looks up to see an older looking boy
with black hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. She got lost in the older
boy’s eyes and didn't realize she was staring.
Liam: “Are you okay?” [The boy asks walking to Sophia's left and sitting
next to her.]
Sophia: "Y-yeah," [Sophia stutters.]
Liam: "No, you're not," [The boy says. He was sitting pretty close to her
Liam: "You're crying,"
Sophia: "No I'm not," [She looks away.]
Liam: "Yes you are," [The older boy put his hand under Sophia's chin and
turns her head to face him. He wipes Sophia's chubby cheeks from the
Liam: "My name is Liam, what's yours?"
Sophia: "S-Sophia,"
Liam: "Well it's nice to meet you Sophia," [Its silent for a while until
Liam says something.]
Liam: "What's your favorite animal? I like lions, they're so cute and
cuddly, but I'm sad because I'd never be able to hug one or else it would
eat me," [Sophia giggles.]
Sophia: "I like Cats." [Sophia and Liam sat on the bench for nearly an
hour talking about lions and cats.]
Sophia loved how much Liam knew about lions. She was laughing and
smiling and Liam was as well.
Sophia’s mom: "Hey, Sophia. Time to go home," [Her mom said and realized
she was talking to someone. She was shocked. Her daughter had hopefully,
finally made a friend.
Sophia’s mom: "Who's this?"
Sophia: "His name is Li-Liam. He is my new friend,"
Liam: "Hi!" [Liam replies and his mom walks up to get Liam and take him
Liam’s mom: "Come on Liam, time to go," [His mom says.]
Liam: "Wait mum! Meet my new friend Sophia!"
Liam’s mom: “Hi Sophia and you must be her mum?" [She asks. His mom nods
her head proudly.]
Sophia’s mom: "It's nice to meet you!"
Liam: “Mum, can Sophia spend the night at our house?" [Liam asks his eyes
full of happiness.]
Liam’s mom: “Is that okay with you?" [She asks Dan's mom.]
Sophia’s mom: "Of course! What do you think Sophia?" [She nods his head
That day Sophia met Liam. They never knew what was going to happen
in the years to come, but what they did know is that they would be
friends forever and nothing would change that.
Later that day, Sophia's mom dropped her off at Liam's house. She
was jumping up and down in excitement. She had a friend! She's never had
a friend before. She always kept to herself because no one ever actually
talked to her. She was always so happy and kind, he didn't know what he
was doing wrong when he was trying to make friends. But it wasn't her
doing something wrong, it was just the kids around her were mean and
didn't like her because of how happy she always was. Sophia and her mom
walked up the door and she knocked. Liam's mom answered and welcomed them
in warmly.
Liam’s mom: Liam, Sophia's here!" She yells. Liam comes running down the
stairs smiling from ear to ear.
Liam: “Sophia!" He says and grabs her hand.
Liam: "Do you want to see my room?" Sophia nods her head happily. They
run up the stairs, Sophia stumbling a few steps behind but managed to
keep her balance.
Liam: "This is my room!" He starts showing Sophia everything in his room.
His video games, his consuls, his stuffs, everything. Sophia sat on
Liam's bed just admiring how amazing Liam was and smiling. Liam calmed
down and sat next to Sophia with a smile on his face.
Liam: "Can I give you a nickname?" Liam asked.
Sophia: "Yes, what is it?" she questioned.
Liam: "Sophie?"
Sophia: "No."
Liam: "Sophie cutie?"
Sophia: "Ha-ha, no!"
Liam: "I know! How about piggy ?"
Sophia: "Why?"
Liam: "Because you remind me of Piglet and she's a pig, so why not piggy?
Do you like Piglet?"
Sophia: "I love her and she’s cute!" Sophia hugged Liam tightly and Liam
hugged him back. They sat there hugging for a while until Liam asked if
she wanted to watch a movie. They watched Aladdin together until they
both fell asleep.
That was the night Sophia stayed the night at Liam's house after
they met at the park. They knew they were going to be friends forever.
They wanted to be friends forever.


13-16 17-21 22-26 27-30

The final draft has There more than There are There are no grammar,
Conventions many grammar, a few grammar, only few capitalization, spelling, or
capitalization, capitalization, grammar, punctuation errors in the final
spelling, and spelling, or capitalization, draft.
punctuation errors. punctuation spelling, or
errors in the final punctuation
draft. errors in the
final draft.
Ideas and scenes The plot is a The plot is The story is very well
Clarity seem to be little hard to pretty well organized. One idea or
randomly arranged. follow. The organized. scene follows another in a

transitions are One idea or logical sequence with clear

sometimes not scene may transitions.
clear. seem out of
place. Clear
transitions are
There are no stage The playwright The The playwright has really
Format directions or has used stage playwright demonstrated thorough
consideration of directions, but used stage thought and understanding
script/play format. more could have directions and regards to stage directions

been used. proper script and script format.


a general
There is little The story The story The story contains many
Creativity evidence of contains a few contains creative details and/or
creativity. The creative details creative descriptions that contribute
playwright does not and/or details and/or to the reader's enjoyment.
seem to have used descriptions, but descriptions

much imagination. they distract from that contribute

the story. to the reader's
It is hard to tell The main The main The main characters (3-4) are
Characters who the main characters are characters (3- named and clearly describe.
characters are. named. Dialogue 4) are named Dialogue and stage directions
There is only 1 and stage and expand character
main character. directions have described. development.
limited Dialogue and
expansion of stage
character directions
development. somewhat
Hard to follow It is usually clear It is usually It is always clear which
Dialogue characters' dialogue which character clear which character is speaking.
and minimal effort is speaking. character is Dialogue is well developed

is put into Dialogue is speaking. and varied.

conversations. choppy and not Dialogue is
well developed. well
but could be
more varied in

*NOTE: Please use the rubric as guide in your script writing

Learning Task No.3

Name: Darren Kate A. Licupa Score: ____________/30_________
Directions: Be artistic and be creative! Make a poster out of the questions below. Use the space provided
below. **Note: Please use the rubric as guide in your poster making.

How do you see yourself and the world you live in? What do you think is the significance of having
perspective in life?

Poster Making Rubric

27-30 22-26 17-21 13-16 12
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is
Poster contains accurate and all accurate but accurate but either inaccurate.
appropriate items required some required some required questionable or Information is
and information information is information is information is incomplete. incomplete,
(information is presented in a missing and/or missing and/or Information is inaccurate, or
appropriate to logical order. not presented in not presented in not presented not presented in
assigned topic). a logical order, a logical order, in a logical a logical order,
but is still making it difficult order, making it making it difficult
generally easy to to follow. difficult to to follow.
follow. follow.
Presentation Presentation is Presentation is Presentation Presentation is Presentation has
Poster is clean, neat, clean, well- mostly neat and flows well. Some unorganized. no flow.
neat, and creative. organized and clean. tools are used to Tools are not Insufficient
The information is presented in a Information is show acceptable used in a information and
well organized, creative way. organized in a understanding. relevant lacking some of
interesting, accurate, Presentation is logical manner Each member’s manner. the member’s
and reflects an colorful and and shows some information is Lacking some information.
understanding of the creative. degree of represented and of the
topic. Information is creativity. The identified with members’
interesting and overall their name. information/
accurate. presentation is and or
interesting. information is
not identified
Pictures, Clip Art Images, pictures, Images, pictures, Most images Images are No images or
and Artwork clip art and drawn and clip art and and/or artwork is inappropriate artwork
Images, pictures, artwork are drawn artwork are colorful and and artwork included.
clip art and drawn colorful, and are mostly appropriate. shows little, if
artwork are colorful appropriate to the colorful and The layout any, creativity.
and appropriate to topic. Layout appropriate. shows little The layout is
the assigned topic. flows well, shows Layout may show creativity and/or messy,
The layout flows well creativity, and is some degree of is not organized disorganized or
and shows creativity. pleasing to the creativity but is logically or cluttered.
The overall result is eye. not organized cluttered.
pleasing to the eye. logically and/or is
Mechanics No spelling, A few (2-3) errors No more than 5 No more than 7 More than 7
Spelling, grammar, grammar, or in spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
and punctuation grammar or grammar or grammar or grammar or
punctuation in any errors in the text. punctuation. punctuation punctuation punctuation
text on the poster is Text is in the Most text is in errors. Several errors.. Most of errors. Text is
accurate. student’s own student’s own instances where text is not in copied or not
words. words. the text is not in authors’ own included.
student’s own words and/or
words. no text
Overall Presentation The poster fulfills The poster fulfills
The poster fulfills all all requirements all but one of the
requirements of the of the assignment requirements of
assignment and and represents the assignment
shows the student’s the student’s full and shows that
full potential. potential. the student put
forth an honest
effort to complete
the assignment.

*Note: Please use the rubric as guide in your poster making.


1. Watch your favorite broadcaster or newscaster in TV, observe how he or she communicates. Write
your observation on a paper.
2.  Illustrate or make an illustration of the communication process.
3.  Identify the elements of communication in the material.
4. What are the barriers in understanding the message?

Vicky Morales is one of the news casters of GMA (24 Oras). Upon delivering her message through
reporting, she is very understandable and has a clear voice. You’ll see her expressions, on how she smiles
when talking and being serious when reporting. In the illustration below, it is an interaction model, where
there’s a message going both ways so instead of there just one sender and a receiver, we have a sender
receiver and then a receiver sender. They are both sender and receiver. There are barriers in their
communication, which is physical barriers and the noise of other people.
5. What is your perspective in life? Write a paragraph about it on a paper.

It's not in every case simple to keep a positive point of view on life. The vast majority of us decide to
utilize good expressions and proclamations to attempt to disregard the entirety of the pessimism that life
tosses at us and to like ourselves, while others send an infected far-reaching influence of the direct inverse.
Have you ever pondered surrendering; on school as well as some different things and perhaps only life as a
rule? On the off chance that truly, at that point you are certainly not the only one, and on the off chance that
not well, at that point bravo not every person is as blessed as you. Shockingly for a large portion of us,
surrendering now isn't generally an alternative any longer. We have all made significant progress to then
surrender and fall by the wayside. For what reason do some apparently splendid individuals not work out
quite as well as could be normal, while different less lucky individuals arrive at their fantasies and objectives
throughout everyday life? Eleanor Roosevelt once stated, “The future belongs to those who believe in the
beauty of their dreams”. Which fundamentally implies that in the event that you can dream it, you can do it.
Try not to let any other person mention to you what you should or shouldn't do. You are who you become -
your future and how you deal with it is up to you and just you.

*NOTE: Please use the rubric as guide in your paragraph writing

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