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Express yourself...let’s do it write!

Directions: Be artistic and be creative! Cut out and paste news articles about how Philippines is
being described as a globalized country.

Philippines as Globalized Country

 Next World Trade MANILA - The incoming World Trade
Organization chief should be Organization's director general should be able to bridge
'bridge' to global, national interests of all members despite varying levels of
goals: PH envoy development to ensure a global system that benefits
national goals of member countries, Philippine
Ambassador to the WTO Manuel Teehankee told ANC.

 Philippines is world's second MANILA - The Philippines is the second top

top globalization destination: globalization destination in the world this year, according
index to global strategic advisory firm Tholons. The 2018
Services Globalization Index saw the Philippines rising to
the second spot of the "Top 50 Digital Nations" after
placing third last year. India continues to dominate the list
while Brazil follows the Philippines at third place. Other
countries in the top 10 are the United States, Mexico,
Canada, Russia, Vietnam, Colombia, and South Africa.
"Most of the services will get commoditized for the biggest
leaders in services globalization like US, UK, Canada,
Europe, India, Philippines, East Europe, and Latin
America," the index report stated. Business process
outsourcing is an economic lifeline in the Philippines with
over 1.15 million Filipinos working in the industry. The
industry, along with remittances from overseas workers,
remains one of the top 2 earners of foreign exchange for
the Philippines.


Six cities from the Philippines, meanwhile, made it

to the "Top 100 Super Cities," with Manila placing second
to Bengaluru in India. The Philippine capital, which ranked
fourth in 2017, is followed by the Indian city of Mumbai,
which ranked third. The rest of the Philippine cities
included in the list all saw an improvement in their
respective rankings. Close to the top 10 is Cebu City, which
ranked 11th from 12th last year, while President Rodrigo
Duterte's hometown Davao City went 10 notches higher to
the 75th spot from 85th last year. Santa Rosa City in
Laguna rose to the 87th spot from 100th last year while
Bacolod City climbed to the 89th spot from 97th in 2017.
The Visayan city of Iloilo, meanwhile, is a newcomer to the
list, landing at the 92nd spot. The index evaluates and
ranks countries and cities based on availability and quality
of talent in the area, business catalyst or the level of
industry-related activity and organizational support, cost
 Philippine Economy to of doing business, infrastructure, innovation, and risk and
Decline Further in 2020 Amid quality of life among others.
COVID-19, With Recovery in
MANILA, PHILIPPINES (15 September 2020) — The
Philippine economy is forecast to contract by 7.3% in 2020
amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic before
growth returns to 6.5% in 2021, according to a new report
from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) released today.

The Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2020 Update projects

a deeper decline in the Philippines’ economy than ADB’s June
forecast of 3.8% contraction, with subdued private
consumption and investment expected for the rest of the
year and uncertainties about the global economic recovery.

The economy is expected to rebound in 2021 as the outbreak

is contained, the economy is further opened, and more
government stimulus measures are implemented. Downside
risks next year include a slower than expected global
recovery that could weigh heavily on trade, investment, and
overseas Filipino worker remittances.

“We believe the worst is now over and that the contraction in
GDP bottomed out in May or June this year. The package of
measures the government rolled out such as income support
to families, relief for small businesses, and support to
agriculture in the second quarter all helped the economy to
bottom out. We expect the recovery to be slow and fragile
for the rest of this year, and growth to accelerate in 2021 on
the back of additional fiscal support and an accommodative
monetary policy stance,” said ADB Country Director for the
Philippines Kelly Bird.

“ADB has thrown its full support to the government’s COVID-

19 response, delivering a combination of loans and grants to
help finance measures aimed at lessening the pandemic’s
impact on lives and livelihoods,” he said.

ADB has so far provided about $2.3 billion in loans and grants
to support the government’s urgent COVID-19 response,
including social protection and livelihood support to help
mitigate the impacts on livelihoods and employment and
assistance to further scale up the government’s health
response against the pandemic.

Following a contraction of 9.0% in the first half of 2020, a

slow economic recovery is expected to start in the second
half of 2020, as the government’s fiscal response gains
traction and household consumption slowly picks up on a job
rebound. Following the relaxation of community quarantines
in June, the employment situation in July improved markedly
from April. The services sector was the main job creator with
3.4 million jobs added between April and July, followed by
the agricultural and industrial sectors, with 2.1 million and 2
million, respectively. Consequently, the unemployment rate
fell from 17.7% in April to 10.0% in July.

The government is preparing an additional fiscal support

package to be implemented in September which is expected
to include cash subsidies to poor households; support for
displaced workers and critically affected sectors such as
agriculture, tourism, and transportation; and relief to the
health care system, among other measures. Such measures
will have high multiplier effects and keep the economy on
track to recovery next year.

The report revised the Philippines’ inflation forecasts to 2.4%

in 2020 and 2.6% in 2021, compared with the April
projections of 2.2% and 2.4%, respectively, as global oil
prices stabilize. The forecasts are within the Philippine
central bank’s target range of 2.0%–4.0%, with monetary
policy likely to continue to help the economy’s rebound from
the pandemic.

ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive,

resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while
sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty.
Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the

Next World Trade Organization chief should be 'bridge' to global, national goals: PH envoy, 21
September 2020. Retrieved from
Philippines is world's second top globalization destination: index, 20 October 2018. Retrieved from

Philippine Economy to Decline Further in 2020 Amid COVID-19, With Recovery in 2021, 15
September 2020. Retrieved from

Globalization, Trade and Economic Management Reform, 2011. Retrieved from

Learning Task No.5

Name: Darren Kate A. Licupa Score: _____________/30_____

Express your self...let’s do it write!
Directions: Answer the questions through writing a descriptive essay of about 150-200 words.
Creating a title is optional. *Note: Please use the rubric as guide in your paragraph writing.
Philippines is known as “third world country”, do you think it can match the growth of the rest of
Level Criteria Score
Knowledgeable, substantive, thorough development of thesis, relevant to assigned topic

Some knowledge of subject, adequate range, limited development of thesis, mostly relevant
22-26 to topic but lacks details

Limited knowledge of subject, little substantive, inadequate development of topic

Does not show knowledge of subject, non-substantive, not pertinent, or not enough to be


N Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated/supported, succinct, well-organized, logical
sequencing, cohesive

14-17 Somewhat choppy, loosely organized but main ideas stand out, limited support, logical but
incomplete sequencing


Non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected, lacks logical sequencing and development

7-9 Does not communicate, no organization, or not enough to be evaluated


Sophisticated range, effective word/idiom choice and usage, word from mastery, appropriate

14-17 Adequate range, occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage but meaning not


Limited range, frequent errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage, meaning confused or


Essentially vocabulary, idioms, word form, or not enough to be evaluated


USE Effective complex constructions, few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function,
articles, pronouns, prepositions

Effective but simple constructions, several errors of agreement, tense, number, word
18-21 order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning seldom obscured

Major problems in simple/complex constructions, frequent errors of negation, agreement,
tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions and/or fragments, run-ons,
11-17 deletions, meaning confused or obscured

Virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules, dominated by errors, does not
communicate, or not enough to be evaluated



Demonstrate mastery of conventions, few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

4 Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting,
meaning confused or obscured

Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting,
3 meaning confused or obscured

No mastery of conventions, dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing, handwriting illegible, or not enough to evaluate

*Note: Please use the rubric as guide in your paragraph writing.

Drawing Making Rubric
27-30 22-26 17-21 13-16 12
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is
Poster contains accurate and all accurate but accurate but either inaccurate.
appropriate items required some required some required questionable Information is
and information information is information is information is or incomplete. incomplete,
(information is presented in a missing and/or missing and/or Information is inaccurate, or
appropriate to logical order. not presented in not presented in not presented not presented in
assigned topic). a logical order, a logical order, in a logical a logical order,
but is still making it order, making making it
generally easy to difficult to it difficult to difficult to
follow. follow. follow. follow.

Presentation Presentation is Presentation is Presentation Presentation is Presentation

Poster is clean, neat, clean, well- mostly neat and flows well. unorganized. has no flow.
neat, and creative. organized and clean. Some tools are Tools are not Insufficient
The information is presented in a Information is used to show used in a information and
well organized, creative way. organized in a acceptable relevant lacking some of
interesting, Presentation is logical manner understanding. manner. the member’s
accurate, and colorful and and shows some Each member’s Lacking some information.
reflects an creative. degree of information is of the
understanding of Information is creativity. The represented members’
the topic. interesting and overall and identified information/
accurate. presentation is with their name. and or
interesting. information is
not identified

Pictures, Clip Art Images, pictures, Images, pictures, Most images Images are No images or
and Artwork clip art and and clip art and and/or artwork inappropriate artwork
Images, pictures, drawn artwork drawn artwork is are colorful and artwork included.
clip art and drawn are colorful, and are mostly and shows little, if
artwork are colorful appropriate to colorful and appropriate. any, creativity.
and appropriate to the topic. Layout appropriate. The layout The layout is
the assigned topic. flows well, shows Layout may shows little messy,
The layout flows creativity, and is show some creativity and/or disorganized
well and shows pleasing to the degree of is not organized or cluttered.
creativity. The eye. creativity but is logically or
overall result is not organized cluttered.
pleasing to the eye. logically and/or is

Mechanics No spelling, A few (2-3) No more than 5 No more than More than 7
Spelling, grammar, grammar, or errors in spelling, spelling, 7 spelling, spelling,
and punctuation grammar or grammar or grammar or grammar or
punctuation in any errors in the text. punctuation. punctuation punctuation punctuation
text on the poster is Text is in the Most text is in errors. Several errors.. Most of errors. Text is
accurate. student’s own student’s own instances where text is not in copied or not
words. words. the text is not in authors’ own included.
student’s own words and/or
words. no text
Overall The poster fulfills The poster fulfills
Presentation all requirements all but one of the
The poster fulfills all of the requirements of
requirements of the assignment and the assignment
assignment and represents the and shows that
shows the student’s student’s full the student put
full potential. potential. forth an honest
effort to
complete the

Note: Please use the rubric as guide in your drawing.

VI-ASSIGNMENT (80 pts) *Note: Please use the rubric as guide in your research paper writing
1. Write a reaction paper on an article “Flight from conversation” from conversation.html?_r=0
2. Consider the key points discussed.
3. Follow the guidelines:
a) at least 500 to 1000 words
b) 8.5” x 11”, TNR (Times New Roman), 1.5 spacing, black ink, 1” margin
c) APA style

Reaction Paper Rubric

Grading Criteria Points


Summary: (10 Points) 1. Did you provide a concise summary of the

reading? 2. Did you identify the main topics and themes across the
Individual Articles: (30 Points) 1. Did you discuss the most
relevant articles (and the themes/commonalities among them) in
detail? 2. Did you provide a critique of the articles? 3. Did you
discuss in detail the strengths of the literature? 4. Did you identify
and discuss the weaknesses of the articles? 5. Did you demonstrate
an ability to engage the material beyond a surface treatment?

Content Integration: (15 Points)

1. Did you link or integrate the readings
to other relevant issues/topics in the
reaction paper?
2. Did you identify or tease out larger
implications of the readings?
3. Did you raise questions from the
4. Did you provide answers for your

Writing Style: (25 Points)

1. Was your paper organized?
2. Does your writing flow?
3. Is the paper polished?
4. Do you use appropriate language in
your paper?
5. Is your writing difficult to follow?
6. Does your writing clearly articulate
your ideas?
Ethical Application: (20 Points)
1. With respect to ethical considerations,
does your analysis provide a link
between the theoretical application of
the topic to the practical application of
your research?
2. What if any ethical issues stem from
the research question under
3. Do you address ethical issues in the
readings as they specifically relate to
research subjects and research
4. What, if any, ethical conflicts exist in
the readings, but are ignored by the

General Comments: Total Points: /80

*Note: Please use the rubric as guide in your research paper writing

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