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I. First meeting
- Date: Monday, 10th October 2022
- Place: Banking academy’s library
- Time: 2 pm
- Purpose: Discuss to find a topic and contents for the project

Name Activities Topics Places Decision distribution
What should
we eat on a
Phan Thi Phuong Anh Library 27%

Discuss What students What

Mai Le Thuy to find a should do to Coffee 25%
topic and make money? should do to
Where can we School make
Tran Mai Anh for the 24%
go for holiday? yard money?
What should
we do to Mixue
Ha Kieu Trang 24%
protect the shop

II. Second meeting

- Date: Tuesday, 11th October 2022
- Place : Banking academy’s library
- Time: 3 pm
- Purpose: Talk over where to make video and manage contents

Name Tasks Ideas Places Decision distribution
Phan Thi Discuss Being a tutor Library Mixue shop 26%
- Is an easy way to
increase your income
Phuong Anh
- Don’t need any
required certifications
Online jobs:
- Don’t waste time
traveling to work,
proactively arrang
working hours with
Mai Le Thuy diverse career choices. Coffee 25%
to find - Can’t be in direct
the ideas contact with the
for the working environment
topic - Be easy to be seduced
and cheated
Doing sales:
- Improve
communication skills School
Tran Mai Anh 25%
- Be more confident. yard
- Be flexible in terms of
Working as a waiter
Ha Kieu Mixue
- Improve software and 24%
Trang shop
hardware skills

III. Third meeting

- Date: Thurday, 15th October 2022
- Place: Mixue shop
- Time: 2 pm
- Purpose: Make attempt at making video
Name Tasks Percentage distribution (%)
Phan Thi Phuong Anh Take a video and 26%
complete all the
Mai Le Thuy 24%
Tran Mai Anh 26%
Ha Kieu Trang requirements 24%

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