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Published on 29 July 2013. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 21/11/2013 08:26:12.

Photonic crystal for gas sensing

Cite this: J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1,
Hua Xu,ab Pin Wu,c Chu Zhu,a Abdelrahman Elbaza and Zhong Ze Gu*ab
Photonic crystal (PhCs) based sensing technology has gained more and more attention because of its
obvious advantages in sensitivity, stability, security, miniaturisation, portability, on-line use and remote
monitoring. Many PhC sensors have been proposed based on their novel structure and unique optical
properties. In this review, we will describe the recent progress in the use of natural and artificial PhC
Received 18th April 2013
Accepted 26th July 2013
materials for gas/vapor sensing, including Morpho butterfly wings and their mimicry of nanostructures,
porous silicon, Bragg stacks, colloidal crystals and inverse opal. Here we will discuss the PhCs with
DOI: 10.1039/c3tc30722k
different structures and their respective gas sensing properties, focusing on the description of the functional structure of the PhCs materials and their sensing mechanisms.

1 Introduction typical gas sensing device, the sensing materials and the
transformational signal have been considered as two key
In the past decades, gas sensing has received increasing atten- parameters that determine the performance of the sensor, such
tion for its widespread applications in industrial emission as sensitivity, selectivity, response speed and so on. The tradi-
control, environmental monitoring, household security, tional gas sensing devices commonly use metal oxide or con-
medical diagnosis and food quality control.1–4 Simply speaking, ducting polymer as sensing materials, and employ the electrical
a gas sensor is an intelligent device that can convert the type and gravimetric properties as transformational signal. Some of
and/or the concentration of gas/vapors into a physical signal these gas sensing devices have been successfully commercial-
which can be obtained or processed by instrumentation. In a ized, although they need to be operated at high temperatures,
leading to complicated congurations and high cost, which
seriously restrict their development.
State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, School of Biological Science and Medical
Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China Many technologies have been developed to improve the
Suzhou Key Laboratory of Environment and Biosafety, Research Institute of Southeast sensitivity, simplify the process and lower the cost of the gas
University in Suzhou, Suzhou 215123, China sensing devices, in which using nanostructured sensing mate-
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing rials and optical signal detection have been considered to be a
210096, China

Hua Xu is currently a lecturer at Zhongze Gu received his PhD

the State Key Laboratory of Bio- degree in 1998 from the Univer-
electronics. She received her sity of Tokyo under the direction
Bachelor degree in Applied of Professor Akira Fujishima. He
Chemistry at the Jiangsu Normal started his academic career in
University in 2000 and her PhD 1998 at the Photochemical
degree in Organic Chemistry at Conversion Materials Project in
the Nankai University in 2006. KAST as a researcher. From
In 2006–2008, she worked as a 2003, he has been a Cheung
postdoctor in Prof. Zhongze Kong Scholars Professor of Bio-
Gu's group in State Key Labora- logical Science and Medical
tory of Bioelectronics, Southeast Engineering, Southeast Univer-
University. Her research inter- sity. Now he is the director of
ests include organic functional materials, photonic crystal mate- State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, and the director of Labo-
rials, chemical sensors and biosensors. ratory of Environment and Biosafety in Suzhou, China. His
research interests include bio-inspired nanomaterials, tunable
photonic crystal materials, biosensors, electrospinning and the
biomedical applications of nanobers.

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signicant promising approach.5–10 Nanomaterials possess high where m is the diffraction order, l is the wavelength of incident
surface area/volume ratios, which increase the sites for gas/ light, n is the effective refractive index of the periodic structure,
vapor adsorption and so as to increase the sensitivity of the d is the spacing between the planes in lattice, and q is the
device because the interaction between the gas analytes and the glancing angle between the incident light and diffraction crystal
sensing part is higher. An optical sensing method is usually planes. When light propagates through PhCs consisting of
straightforward and could achieve higher sensitivity, selectivity, periodic variation of the dielectric constant, the incident light
stability and on-line real time detection. Furthermore, it with certain wavelength that matches the PBG will be reected.
Published on 29 July 2013. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 21/11/2013 08:26:12.

possesses greater security that avoids the electromagnetic When the reection peak is located in the visible region, PhCs
interference caused by the electrical signal of the sensor. will show bright colors.
Various nanostructured materials, such as nanoparticles, From eqn (1), it can be readily concluded that the centre
nanobers, and photonic crystals (PhCs), have been developed wavelength of the reection peak, at normal incidence of the
for optical gas sensing. This paper reviews the application of light, depends on the spacing between the planes in lattice (d)
PhCs in developing advanced optical gas sensing technology. and the effective refractive index of the periodic structure (n).
PhCs are materials that possess periodicity in the dielectric The photonic nanoarchitectures are multicomponent materials,
constant, which was proposed aer the milestone work of and their refractive indices are worked with the effective
Yablonovitch and John in 1987.11,12 These materials can affect medium theory. Based on this theory, the average refractive
the motion of photons in a similar way that a semiconductor index of the photonic nanoarchitectures takes the average value
crystal affects the motion of electrons. The periodic arrange- of the refractive indices of all their components,25,30–34 which can
ment of the dielectric materials within the PhCs will produce a be approximately calculated by the following law:
photonic band gap (PBG). Light of certain wavelengths or P 2
frequencies located in the PBG is forbidden to propagate neff2 ¼ n i Vi (2)
through the PhCs while other light is allowed to travel.13,14 This
property enables PhCs to control light with amazing facility and where ni and Vi are the refractive index and the volume fraction,
produce effects that are impossible with conventional optics. respectively, of the individual components (i) of which the
Therefore, in the last decade, PhCs have been widely applied in photonic materials are composed.
zero-threshold laser, low-loss resonators, optical switches, By combining eqn (1) and (2), it is not difficult to reach the
waveguides, optical bers and so on.15–21 conclusion that the effective refractive index (n) increased when
In recent years, PhCs have shown promising application in the air inside the void space of the PhCs is replaced by a vapor
gas sensing owing to their novel structure and unique optical compound with higher refractive index, which would cause a
properties.22–27 PhCs are ideal materials for gas/vapor sensing shi of the Bragg peak to longer wavelengths. A similar effect
because they have high specic surface area for absorbing gas will occur if the lattice constant of the PhCs (d) is increased due
analytes and their optical properties could be modulated easily to the swelling of the vapor. These are the main optical sensing
through external gas/vapor. Furthermore, PhCs provide a mechanism of the PhCs for the gas/vapor compound. Moreover,
useful platform for portable and remote sensing because of some other characteristic parameters of the Bragg peak such as
their small volume and sharp spectral features that can be its intensity and spectral width will be strongly affected. Since
probed using low power laser probes. Many PhC based sensors the porosity of PhCs is approximately 30–40% of the total
have been developed and show obvious advantages in sensi- volume and the pore structures are well connected, the mole-
tivity, stability, security, miniaturisation, portability, on-line cule can diffuse easily and rapidly among these pores.
use and remote monitoring. The work herein will present an Besides serving as a sensing material, PhCs have also been
overall survey of the basic concepts and up-to-date literature used to enhance the intensity of the excitation light or uores-
results concerning the use of PhCs for gas/vapor sensing. It cence with the wavelength located into their PBGs and thus
includes (1) optical properties and sensing mechanism of improve the sensitivity of gas sensing.
PhCs; (2) PhCs with different structure for gas/vapor sensing;
(3) photonic noses. 3 PhCs for gas/vapor sensing
Although these traditional gas sensors employing the electrical
properties as transformational signals have been commonly
2 Optical properties and sensing
commercialized, their obvious disadvantages, such as low
mechanism of PhCs sensitivity and selectivity, high operating temperature, sensi-
As mentioned above, the periodic arrangements of dielectric tivity to environmental factors and high energy consumption,
materials within the PhCs can produce a PBG. The propagation all restrict their development. Optical gas sensors can achieve
of light with the wavelength located in their PBGs is forbidden, higher sensitivity, selectivity and stability than these traditional
thus diffraction of such light will be observed, which exhibits a gas sensors with much longer lifetime. Their response time is
brilliant structural color. The diffraction properties of the PhCs relatively short and their performance is insensitive to
can be described by Bragg's law:28,29 temperature and environment change. However, their widely
commercialized applications are seriously restricted due to the
ml ¼ 2ndsin q (1) difficulty in miniaturization and relatively high cost.

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An optical sensor usually consists of three basic parts: the

radiation source, the interaction volume and the detector, as
shown in Fig. 1. For a conventional optical gas sensor, the
interaction of the dilute gases with light is rather weak, which
necessitates relatively long interaction paths in the range of 10 to
50 cm to improve the sensitivity. Such long interaction paths
require a large interaction volume and a relatively large sensor
Published on 29 July 2013. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 21/11/2013 08:26:12.

device. To solve this problem, the mirrors were introduced to

increase the effective interaction of the radiation and the gas. The
mirrors could multiply reect the light within the interaction
volume and thereby multiply the interaction between the radia- Fig. 2 Principle of highly selective vapor response based on hierarchical
tion and the gas, which enables a reduction in the interaction photonic structures and demonstrated using M. sulkowskyi iridescent scales.
volume (Fig. 1a). However, this results in a high cost for such a Reprinted with permission from ref. 38. Copyright (2009), Nature Publishing
system because of its high demands on the optical components
and strict fabrication processes. The use of PhCs to replace the
interaction volume in a conventional optical sensor can obtain
compact, robust and low-cost gas sensors, as shown in Fig. 1b.23 are shied. This offers a handy way of using the natural
Due to the low group velocity mode, the interaction of light and photonic nanoarchitectures as gas/vapor sensors. Potyrailo
gas within the interaction volume composed of PhCs is enhanced reported that the iridescent scales of the Morpho sulkowskyi
and the interaction path is effectively reduced. The size of such a buttery could give a different optical response to different
PhC-based optical gas sensor can be reduced to less than 1 cm, individual vapors, thus providing information about the prop-
which is less than an order of magnitude improvement in volume erty and the concentration of the vapors.38 A range of closely
as compared to conventional optical gas sensors. Therefore, PhCs related vapors, such as water vapor, methanol, ethanol and
provide a useful platform for portable and remote sensing isomers of dichloroethylene could be identied. The diverse
because of their small volume and sharp spectral features, which spectral response was explained by the combined action of two
can be probed using low power laser probes. mechanisms: physical adsorption and capillary condensation of
According to their different structure, some typical PhC condensable vapors in the nanosize domains of the M. sulkow-
materials for advanced optical gas/vapors sensing application skyi scales (Fig. 2). By studying the vapor sensing mechanism of
will be reviewed below, including one-dimensional buttery the natural PhCs, Potyrailo further pointed out that the scale–
wings and their mimicking of nanostructures, porous silicon, vapor interaction strength depended on the combined effects of
Bragg stacks and three-dimensional colloidal crystals and the surface properties of the structures and the properties of the
inverse opal colloidal crystal. detected vapors, such as surface tension, molar volume,
molecular shape and molecular size of the vapor. Therefore, an
enhancement of sensitivity and selectivity of the vapor response
3.1 Morpho buttery wing and their mimic nanostructure could possibly be achieved by the design of articial PhC
In nature, amazing living creatures, which exhibit striking systems, which formed hierarchical substructures with higher
brilliancy of color, such as some butteries, beetles, and surface area and tailored the surface properties of certain
peacocks, provide various nature-made PhC nano- spatial periodicity for specic vapors.
architectures.35–37 Such natural PhCs have been used as low cost, Many studies have been carried out to replicate the nano-
selective optical vapor sensors. Morpho buttery wings are one structures from the wing scales of butteries for superior gas/
of the most studied biophotonic materials for vapor sensing.38,39 vapor sensing application.40–42 Huang et al. replicated the ne
The brilliant iridescent colors of the wing scales in the Morpho structure of Morpho peleides buttery-wing scales through a low-
buttery arise from the hierarchical and highly ordered temperature atomic layer deposition (ALD) process.43 Aer
photonic structures (Fig. 2). The chemical composition of the calcination to remove the template, an inverted Al2O3 structure
buttery scales is chitin and the buttery scales are mainly of the buttery wing was obtained. The as-prepared structure
constituted from chitin and air. When vapor is introduced to retained not only the morphology of the original template, but
the buttery scales, the average refractive index of the PBG also the optical properties, such as PBG. Zhang et al. fabricated
materials in buttery scales changes and the reection spectra ZnO replicas of the buttery wings by using zinc nitrate as the
precursor solution.44–46 The replicas exhibited the hierarchical
and porous microstructures of the wing and maintained faith-
fully the microstructure character of the original templates
down to the sub-micrometer scale. In a similar manner, various
other metal oxide replicas of the buttery wings were fabricated
by using metal salts or metal alkoxides as precursors, such as
TiO2,47 ZrO2,48 and Al2O3. Using buttery wings as templates,
Fig. 1 Comparison of a conventional (a) and PhC based gas sensors (b). Song et al. fabricated well-organized porous hierarchical SnO2
Reprinted with permission from ref. 23. Copyright (2011) Elsevier. with connective hollow interiors by an aqueous sol–gel soaking

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process and subsequent calcination.49 The porous hierarchical as shown in Fig. 4a. The reectance peak shi for isopropanol,
structure was constructed by a layer of exural wall that was cyclohexane, trichloroethylene, and water is shown in Fig. 4b.
assembled by SnO2 nanocrystallites with a diameter of around The magnitude of the peak shi is dependent on both the
7.0 nm. The wall thickness was tunable under the control of the refractive index and the amount of gas analytes captured in the
concentration during impregnation as well as the immersion porous matrix. Such a conguration is promising for real-time
time (Fig. 3). On increasing immersion time or concentration monitoring of toxic gases because they are facile devices, use
during impregnation, the wall thickness increased and the low power and can be used for remote detection.
Published on 29 July 2013. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 21/11/2013 08:26:12.

detail-loss also increased. The SnO2 replicas of the buttery To improve the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensors, the
wings exhibit a high sensitivity (49.8–50 ppm ethanol) and a fast surface properties of the porous silicon PhCs were optimized
response and recovery time (11 and 31 s to 50 ppm ethanol, and the porosity was further tuned for the noncondensable gas
respectively) to ethanol vapor due to unique porous hierarchical sensing.57 Hydrophobic porous silicon PhCs could be achieved
architecture and small nanocrystalline building blocks. More- by surface modication of the porous silicon PhCs with
over, the response was found to be controllable and dependent hydrophobic silane. In this case, an organic vapor would readily
on the wall thickness such that the increase of wall thickness interact within the hydrophobic functionalized pores, resulting
resulted in a slow response. in an obvious red shi in the reection peak and improvement
in the sensitivity of the porous silicon PhCs.58–60 On the other
3.2 Porous silicon PhCs hand, hydrophilic porous silicon PhCs with strong adsorption
sites for water on the surface could be realized via oxidation or
The porous silicon PhCs were rst used for sensing various
modication with hydrophilic silane, which could be used as a
condensable volatile organic compounds (VOC) vapors. When
humidity sensor. Similarly, the pH sensitive dye bromothymol
the porous silicon PhC lm was placed in a closed chamber in
blue was infused into the oxidized porous silicon PhCs for
which the VOC vapors can be gradually introduced, the vapors
specic ammonia sensing.61 Introduction of ammonia gas to
were adsorbed and then condensed in the inner pore walls due
the sensor caused a dramatic change in the reection spectrum
to the capillary forces in conned spaces. Upon the introduc-
of the bromothymol blue-coated porous silicon PhCs, as shown
tions of vapor species in the inner pore walls, the average
in Fig. 5. The absorption maximum of the indicator dye shied
refractive index of the porous silicon PhCs is changed, resulting
to 636 nm due to the indicator dye in its deprotonated form and
in a shi of the reection peak, or the corresponding modulated
the reection peaks in 644 nm was completely obscured, which
response. On the basis of this principle, a variety of porous
could be used as a signal peak to sense ammonia. The reec-
silicon PhCs structures, including Bragg mirrors, Fabry–Pérot
tance peaks at 812 nm were still observed because the dye had
lms,50,51 have been constructed and employed to detect various
no signicant absorbance at 812 nm, which can used as a
VOC vapors, including ethanol, hexane and so on.52–55 Recently,
reference peak. The amount of NH3 could be further measured
to achieve a remote VOC sensing system, the porous silicon
by the ratio of the intensity of these two reection peaks.
PhCs and the optical bers were integrated by the Sailor group
The lattice constant expansion/contraction induced the
(Fig. 4).56 The porous silicon PhCs with 8 mm thickness and
reection spectrum change of the porous silicon PhCs and this
diameters of 500 mm were fabricated using an electropolishing
was also employed for gas sensing. Porous silicon PhC lms
reaction and affixed to the end of a cleaved silica-core optical
coated with Pd were fabricated by immersion plating, in which
ber. Spectra are obtained by introducing white light into one
Pd was used to trap and store hydrogen. Absorption of hydrogen
arm of a bifurcated optical ber, and measuring light reected
onto Pd-coating porous silicon lms induced a lattice expansion
from the porous Si sample in the other arm with a spectrometer

Fig. 3 FESEM images of the SnO2 replica with increasing concentration during impregnation and immersing time. (a and d) Immersion for 14 h, (b and e) 18 h, (c and f)
24 h. Reprinted with permission from ref. 49. Copyright (2010) Elsevier.

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Fig. 4 (a) A porous silicon PhCs is attached to a silica-core optical fiber (bottom right) for the in situ monitoring of VOC. A spectrometer monitors the reflected light
spectrum from the photonic crystal (upper right). (b) Porous silicon sensor response to isopropanol, trichloroethylene, cyclohexane, and water in the 50–600 ppmv
range. Reprinted with permission from ref. 56. Copyright (2007) Wiley.

leading to a shi of the optical fringes and a decrease in the of vapors with the help of the capillary force. The vapor adsorp-
reected intensity.62 This sensor was able to detect hydrogen at tion and condensation phenomena within the porous networks
a concentration as low as 0.17 vol% in a few seconds by moni- of the multilayer PhC lms varied their refractive index, and
toring either the optical thickness change or the change in hence changed their optical features.65 Fig. 6a shows the optical
reected light intensity. Similar methods were employed for a response of 8-layer porous PhCs built using nanoparticles of TiO2
highly selective HF sensor by using oxidized porous silicon and SiO2 at different partial pressures of isopropanol.66 The shi
PhCs lms.63 Upon introduction of HF vapors, some of the SiO2 of the reection spectrum to higher wavelengths is due to the
on the surface of the porous silicon PhCs were converted to condensation of the vapor into the pores as previously explained.
volatile SiF4, resulting in a thinning of the porous layer. As a Fig. 6b shows the evolution of the reection spectrum and its
result, the optical thickness of the PhC lm decreased and a intensity obtained at different partial pressure for the iso-
corresponding blue shi in the reection spectrum was propanol vapor. The gradual increase of the peak position gives
observed. Apart from the silicon oxide, the silicon hydride on valuable information related to the changes of vapor concentra-
the surface of the porous silicon PhCs can react with Cl2 to tion in the surrounding environment.
generate reactive silicon halides that evaporate from the surface The Ozin and Miguez group further fabricated the meso-
and/or react with air to convert to silicon oxide.64 This process structured TiO2–SiO2 Bragg stacks for high sensitivity and
reduced the net refractive index of the material that is detected selective vapor sensing because of more effective capillary
as a blue shi in the spectra. Because of the specicity of the condensation within the mesoscale nanopores and the molec-
chemical reactions, minimal analyte cross reactivity is observed ular sieve functions of the mesoscale nanopores. The reection
between the two types of gas sensors. maximum of the mesoporous TiO2–SiO2 Bragg stacks drastically
changed about 70 nm within seconds when exposed to toluene
3.3 Multilayer PhCs lms vapor (p/p0 ¼ 0.86) and the color of the lm also immediately
changed from blue to yellow due to adsorption of toluene
Similar to the porous silicon PhCs, the multilayer PhC lms also
into the pores.67,68 In addition, the selectively functionalize
have nanometer-scale pores for the absorption and condensation

Fig. 5 Absorption (dashed line) and reflection spectra (solid line) of the bromothymol blue-infused porous SiO2 PhCs. (a) In the absence of NH3. (b) In the presence of
NH3. Reprinted with permission from ref. 61. Copyright (2007) Wiley.

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Fig. 6 (a) Reflection spectra of the eight-layered PhCs at different partial pressures of isopropanol vapor. (b) Evolution of both the maximum spectral position (blue
circles) and its intensity (red triangles) for this periodic stack at different partial pressures of isopropanol vapor. Reprinted with permission from ref. 66. Copyright (2008)
American Chemical Society.

mesoporous multilayer lms can control adsorption of vapor ZIF-8 was intended to impart molecular selectivity, while meso-
molecules in a given type of layer. This can lead to a selective porous TiO2 was used to ensure high refractive index contrast
vapor adsorption, which modulated by organic components and guarantee molecular diffusion within the Bragg stacks. The
attached to the pore surface. Miguez selectively modied the combination of microporous MOF material with mesoporous
pores of the mesoporous multilayer titania lms with hydro- titanium dioxide layers within one scaffold endows the 1D-MOF
phobic, bulky molecules such as dihexadecyl phosphate PhCs with characteristic adsorption properties upon exposure to
(DHDP). The resultant mesoporous lms showed different various organic vapors. The experimental results show that the
responses to water and heptanes due to the presence of a multilayered photonic heterostructures are sensitive and selec-
hydrophobic residue partially inhibited water inclusion and tive towards a series of chemically similar alcohol vapors, such as
favored adsorption of a nonpolar molecule such as heptane.69 methanol, ethanol, iso-butanol and tert-pentanol.
In an alternative approach to the construction of meso-
structured Bragg stacks, ordered mesoporous TiO2 thin lms
have been coupled to the surface or the inside of the nano- 3.4 Colloidal PhCs
particle-based Bragg stacks (Fig. 7a and b).70,71 The reection 3.4.1 Colloidal crystals (CC). Self-assembled colloidal PhCs
spectra obtained from two multilayer lms coated with meso- have a lower volume fraction of voids (26%) than other type of
structured lm with pore sizes of 9 nm and 3.5 nm exposed at PhCs, which reduces the amount of condensed vapors in the
different partial pressures of isopropanol are shown in Fig. 7c. diffractive media and thus affects the detection sensitivity. To
The reection peak of the lm with pore sizes of 9 nm dip and overcome this limitation, a full-peak analysis technique or
shi from 517 nm to 542 nm with the increase of partial pres- multivariate analysis of the spectrum has been employed to
sure of isopropanol from 0 to 1. The variation of the resonant improve the sensitivity of the colloidal PhC-based vapor
mode position is much less signicant (from 614 nm to 627 nm) sensor.73,74 In addition, self-assembly of monodisperse nano-
for the lm with pore sizes of 3.5 nm, as can be clearly seen in particles into colloidal crystals provides a convenient method to
Fig. 7c. These results indicated the vapor absorption capability modify the building blocks before or aer the formation of
will depend on the relationship between the size of the pore and crystal structures to improve responsiveness to ambient gas. As
the size of the probe molecules. Similar results were observed a result, the majority of research on colloidal crystals for gas
from the dense SiO2–TiO2 multilayer containing a mesostruc- sensing has been focused on incorporating gas-sensing mate-
tured TiO2 middle layer. As shown in Fig. 7d, the optical shis rials into the self-assembled PhCs structures. The responsive
caused by vapor adsorption were larger for smaller molecules, materials can effectively absorb or react with the vapor/gas,
and were negligible for the largest probe tested (butanol), which which induces a change in the refractive indices or the lattice
highlights that the accessibility strongly depended on the rela- constants of the crystalline arrays, and the optical features.
tionship between pore and analyte sizes. These results also Lu et al. used the layer-by-layer method to grow the metal–
indicated that the average pore size and its distribution could organic frameworks (MOF) HKUST-1, a permanently microporous
be tailored to allow target-molecule size selectivity to be MOF with the empirical formula Cu2(BTC)3, in the interstitial
combined with the optical changes induced by the adsorption spaces between ordered silica microspheres, yielding a composite
and condensation properties and yield more specic sensors. MOF–silica colloidal crystal (MOF–SCC) (Fig. 8a and b).75 When
One-dimensional Bragg stacks based on a microporous exposed to carbon disulde (CS2), the stop band of the MOF–SCC
metal–organic framework (MOF) material and mesoporous tita- showed red shis up to 16 nm (Fig. 8c). This observation was
nium dioxide were also fabricated to improve the sensitivity and consistent with an increase in the effective refractive index of the
selectivity of the multilayer lm sensors.72 Zeolitic imidazolate microporous MOF due to absorption of CS2. Since the refractive
framework ZIF-8 and mesoporous titanium dioxide were chosen index change increased with increasing adsorbed CS2, the shi
as functional components with different refractive indices. MOF also depended predictably on the analyte concentration (Fig. 8c

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Fig. 7 SEM images of cross section of a dense SiO2–TiO2 multilayer (a) coated with a mesostructured TiO2 film and (b) containing a mesostructured TiO2 middle layer;
(c) reflection spectra obtained at different partial pressures of isopropanol from 1D PhC coated with a mesostructured coating possessing pores of average size 9 nm
(top) and 3.5 nm (below). (d) Reflectance spectra obtained at different partial pressures of methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, and butanol from mesostructured optical
resonators with pores of average size 9 nm. (a and c) and (b and d) Reprinted with permission from ref. 70 and 71. Copyright (2011 and 2009) Wiley.

and d). In addition, due to the ability of HKUST-1 to absorb a wide as small as 0.015 nm can be resolved with a high-resolution
range of analytes, the sensor also responded to other vapors spectrometer, yielding detection limits as low as 2.6, 0.5, and
including water and ethanol (Fig. 8e). The stop-band peak shis 0.3 ppm for water, carbon disulde, and ethanol, respectively.

Fig. 8 SEM images of the MOF–SCC thin film: (a) top view at high magnification, and (b) cross-sectional view at high magnification. (c) Near-IR extinction spectra of
MOF–SCC thin film and unmodified colloidal crystal thin film before and after exposure to CS2; (d) responses of MOF–SCC to a series of CS2 vapors of various
concentrations versus time. (e) Dependence of stop band peak shift of the MOF–SCC thin film on the vapor concentrations of different solvents; reprinted with
permission from ref. 75. Copyright (2011) Wiley.

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Similarly, Mı́guez fabricated polymer–gel colloidal PhCs

composed of a silica microsphere array embedded in a matrix of
the crosslinked polyferrocenylsilane for vapor sensing.76 Upon
exposure to dichloromethane vapor, the samples were found to Fig. 10 Apparent colors of the QDs-ZnTPP modified CCBs sensor to different
undergo highly reproducible and repeatable changes in optical concentrations of ammonia. Reprinted with permission from ref. 78. Copyright
spectra due to swelling of the polymer by vapor uptake. This (2013) Springer.
swelling changed the refractive index of the polymer networks,
Published on 29 July 2013. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 21/11/2013 08:26:12.

as well as caused an increase in the lattice spacing of the PhCs

at higher vapor pressures. Similar research was reported by enhancing the response rate of the sensors. Jiang and Yang
Song in which incorporation of water-sensitive polyacrylamide fabricated macroporous polymer inverse opal CC structures
(PAAm) gel into colloidal crystal structures was used for colorful with 74% porosity by a silica colloidal crystal template
humidity sensing.77 The as-prepared PhC hydrogels exhibited method.79 When exposed to ethanol vapor, the optical stop
an obvious reversible color change to different humidities, and band of the macroporous polymer lm exhibited a distinct red-
the color change covered the whole visible range, as shown in shi due to the increase of the effective refractive index induced
Fig. 9a. The PhC hydrogels may serve as an alternative by capillary condensation of ethanol vapor in the inter-
economical candidates to traditional humidity sensors because connected macropores. The wavelength shi is linearly
of their visible humidity sensitivity, facile fabrication approach proportional to the ethanol partial pressure, as shown in Fig. 11
and low-cost. Furthermore, the PhC hydrogels sensors appeared inset. Furthermore, the response speed of the macroporous
to be mechanically stable under cyclic humidity variations polymer lm to ethanol vapor is less than 1 min due to larger
(Fig. 9b), which could be made in the form of a exible thin lm pore volume of inverse opals. However, the macroporous poly-
and attached to many surfaces as an energy-saving humidity mer lm exhibited poor selective to variety of polar vapors, such
indicator. as ethanol and water.
Besides colloidal crystal lm, three-dimensional colloidal Template replication for the preparation of the inverse
crystal beads (CCBs) were also modied with responsive mate- opal provided a simple, efficient approach to introduce the
rials for gas sensing.78 CdTe QDs and zinc(II) meso-tetraphe- gas-sensing materials into PhC structures for improved gas
nylporphyrin (ZnTPP) were successively coated on the CCB sensing. Gu et al. fabricated Pt-doped WO3 inverse opals by
surfaces for colorimetric ammonia sensing, in which ZnTPP replicating a polystyrene colloidal crystal template with a
was used as ammonia-sensing material and the QDs were used WO3 sol–gel, followed by Pt sputter–deposition.80 The as-
as a background layer to improve colorimetric limitation and prepared Pt-doped WO3 inverse opals exhibited a rapid
quantitatively detect ammonia. A distinct color change of the wavelength shi as well as intensity change of the reective
sensor was observed to ammonia with concentrations from 100 peak in response to H2 stimulation. The change of spectra can
to 2500 ppm due to luminescence quenching of the ZnTPP layer be explained by the reaction of H2 and Pt–WO3, which
(Fig. 10). This ammonia sensor has the advantage of a porous changes the average refractive index of the Pt–WO3 inverse
spherical structure, controllable pore sizes, readable colori- opal and hence the reection spectra. The Pt–WO3 PhCs
metric detection by the naked eye, wide observation angle and is also exhibited good recovery and high sensitivity to hydrogen
especially applicable for the quick detection of ammonia leak- in the range of 100% to 0.1%. Associated with different
ing from some narrow places.
3.4.2 Inverse opal CC. Compared to colloidal crystal
structures, inverse opals CC for gas sensing are preferred
because they have larger pore volumes for absorbing gas ana-
lytes, leading to an apparent change in the reectance or
transmittance spectra. The porous structure also improves the
diffusion of the analyte throughout the photonic structure, thus

Fig. 9 (a) Photographs of PAAm-poly(St-MMA-AA) photonic hydrogel exposed Fig. 11 Reflection spectra of the macroporous polymer film exposed to ethanol
to different humidities. (b) Reversible conversion of stop-band position of vapor with different partial pressures. Inset is the dependence of the shift of the
photonic hydrogel in ten successive cycles of increasing then decreasing the Bragg diffraction peak on the ethanol partial pressure. Reprinted with permission
humidity. Reproduced from ref. 77. from ref. 79. Copyright (2011) American Institute of Physics.

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materials-induced selectivity, a series of inverse opal struc- 4 Photonic noses

tured PhCs can be fabricated for specic responses for
different gases.81 Single gas sensors usually have the drawback of poor selectivity,
Similar work reported by Song that fabricated the spi- causing them to respond, not necessarily uniquely, to multiple
ropyran derivative (SP) dyed SiO2 inverse opals for reversible analytes, which is also known as cross-sensitivity. Therefore a
acid–base vapor sensing.82 Besides a reversible change in cross-sensitive sensor cannot serve as a unique identier or
reection spectra, the uorescence spectra of SP dyed inverse signature for gas samples of completely unknown compositions.
Published on 29 July 2013. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 21/11/2013 08:26:12.

opal also exhibited a switchable on/off ability under alter- Utilization of sensor arrays is the main method to solve this
nating acid–base vapors. Further work reported by the same problem. An array-based sensing technology that utilizes
group that inltrated polyaniline (PANI) into a TiO2 inverse multiple sensors, each of which has a partial specicity that
opal photonic crystal for simple and fast naked-eye detection works in tandem to produce a unique composite response for
of NH3–HCl vapor.83 PANI has proven to be a sensitive element each analyte, has emerged as a powerful new approach towards
for detecting gaseous NH3 and HCl, which could induce the gas detection.85–88 Many arrays based on the modulation of elec-
protonation–depronation process of the PANI. When exposed trical and gravimetric properties have been developed and are
to NH3 and HCl atmospheres alternately, the as-prepared PhCs used as articial noses, known as “Electronic Noses”. Unfortu-
showed a reversibly color change between red and green, nately, successfully commercialized, electronic noses generally
which could be observed by the naked eye (Fig. 12). The color suffer from being complex and are expensive. Recently, Ozin
change was derived from the shi of the stopband owing to the group proposed and developed the concept of a photonic nose,
variation of the refractive index of PANI in different acid and whose operating principle was based on the molecule-induced
base environments. Compared with traditional work, this modulation of the optical Bragg diffraction properties of a
method realized the detection by the naked eye without photonic crystal.89,90 The photonic nose is a straightforward, low-
using special optical/electrical devices or apparatus and cost, environmentally friendly and defect-tolerant combinatorial
had potential application in real-time monitoring of acid and colorimetric sensor that is able to detect and discriminate vapor
base vapors. species with a simple digital-camera color-imaging system.
Inverse opal PhCs were also used to amplify uorescence Porous Bragg stacks consisting of alternating SiO2 and TiO2
signal for trace trinitrotoluene (TNT) vapor detection.84 The nanoparticulate layers were functionalized with different
introduction of PhCs into the traditional TNT detection system alkoxysilanes to create a array of photonic crystal “pixels” with
could magnify the uorescence signal up to 60.6-fold in different surface energy characteristics (Fig. 13). The sensing
comparison with that of the control sample. Furthermore, the array serving as an articial nose was obtained by using sensing
quenching efficiency of the PhC-based sensor achieved 80% units with distinct surface energy and molecular recognition
aer exposure to TNT vapor for 300 s. The results suggested properties. Adsorption of vapor analytes into the pores of the
that the uorescence-amplifying method based on PhCs has Bragg reectors led to signicant changes in color due to an
enormous potential for the development of highly efficient increase in the effective refractive index of the layers. Moreover,
uorescence sensors toward detection of trace TNT or other the adsorption properties could be easily modulated by judi-
explosives. cious surface functionalization and the proper choice of
composition so that different overall color changes arose when
the same array was exposed to different vapor environments. As
a proof of concept, they exposed the functionalized Bragg stack
array to different saturated vapors, which yielded different color

Fig. 12 (a) Photographs of the as-prepared PhCs corresponding to different

exposure times to NH3 and HCl vapors. (b) The reflectance spectra of a PANI- Fig. 13 Scheme illustrating the data analysis process using pre- and post-
infiltrated TiO2 inverse opal exposed to NH3–HCl vapors. Reprinted with permis- exposure RGB images as an input. Reprinted with permission from ref. 90.
sion from ref. 83. Copyright (2012) Wiley. Copyright (2011) Wiley.

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responses in each single functionalized photonic detector. gas/vapor sensing. The sensing mechanism largely relied on
Soware color analysis of each pixel in the sensor array could modulation of the optical properties of the PhC with a change in
obtain unique color patterns for each vapor-phase species their effective refractive index or lattice constant through the
(Fig. 13). On the basis of this photonic nose platform, not only a external gas/vapor. The large surface area of PhCs and their
series of alcohol and alkane vapors but also four different relatively easily modied surface have resulted in a variety of
bacteria strains could be easily identied by using principal highly effective gas sensor congurations. Furthermore, PhCs
component analysis (PCA) as the pattern recognition method. provide a useful platform for portable and remote sensing
Published on 29 July 2013. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 21/11/2013 08:26:12.

Furthermore, the photonic nose platforms have been further functions because of their small volume and the sharp spectral
employed to address problems relevant to foodstuff monitoring features that can be probed using low power laser probes, which
and drinking-water analysis.90 opens up a new way to design micro sensors and integrated
Besides 1D Bragg stacks, three-dimensional CCBs combined optical circuits.
with porphyrins have been used for photonic nose platforms.
Gu et al. fabricated a spherical porphyrin sensor arrays using
CCBs as the encoding microcarriers.91 The advantages of the Acknowledgements
spherical sensor arrays were that the array fabrication is simple,
This work was supported by National Basic Research Program of
fast, inexpensive and repeatable because billions of identically
China (Grants 2012CB933302), NSFC (Grants 21103020,
responding sensor elements could be fabricated simultaneously
51102043 and 50925309), Suzhou Science and Technology
in a homogeneous solution, and arrays had been produced by
Department (Grants SYG201209, SH201110).
simply combining different sensor elements. Because each
array was fabricated using only a small amount of the sensor
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