How To Conduct A Telephone Survey

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How to Conduct a Telephone Survey

Telephone research interviewers contact survey respondents by phone and ask a specific set of
questions for each survey. The job involves following an exact script and recording
respondents' answers using data entry software. By learning how to properly introduce,
conduct, and conclude a telephone survey, you can get a leg up on the competition and
prepare for employment as an interviewer.
Part 1
Introducing the Survey

Introduce the survey to each respondent. At the beginning of each phone call you are
expected to introduce yourself and the survey company, describe the topic of the survey and
explain the demographics of the survey.[1]
 It's helpful to use dynamic language in your introduction. Instead of "Are you
interested in taking a survey?" you might say something like "This is a very
important survey designed to directly impact the services and programs available to
your family."
 Tell each survey respondent how their contact information was obtained. Inform the
participant if their phone number was selected at random from a list or if it was
obtained from a professional agency.

Describe the survey process. Reveal the purpose of the research and survey and provide an
estimate of the time needed to complete the survey. Giving the respondent a clear picture of
what the survey entails shows that you’re being forthright and makes them more likely to
proceed with the survey.[2]
 Promise confidentiality and anonymity to the respondent when it is appropriate. Let
the respondent know that participation in the survey is voluntary.
 Inform the respondents that it is permissible to skip a particular question if they
prefer not to answer it.
 Provide the lead investigator's name if the respondent asks for it.

Persuade respondents to complete the survey. Your employer should provide specialized
training to teach you how to convert survey refusals into completed surveys. Some of these
methods include stressing the importance of your research, assuring the respondent that the
survey won’t be burdensome, and (if the survey is short) letting the respondent know you
won’t take up too much of their time.[3]
 Attempt to change a refusal to a completed survey at least twice. If you are unable
to do so, request permission to call back at a more convenient time.
Part 2
Collecting and Entering Data

Read survey questions word-for-word. When conducting the survey, stick to the script.
Chances are, whoever wrote the questionnaire thought long and hard about the types of
questions they wanted to ask. By reading each question verbatim, you’ll elicit the exact
responses your employer is looking for and reduce the possibility of skewing survey

Familiarize yourself with data entry. Depending on the survey, you may need to become
familiar with the program or software your employer has chosen for entering data. Programs
like Microsoft Excel, among others, are popular choices. Spend some time navigating the
software so you’ll be aware of its limitations and unique features. This will prepare you to
enter data efficiently and reduce the risk of mistakes.[5]

Enter each response carefully. With computer-assisted telephone interviewing, you are
given specific questions to ask the respondent. When he or she gives you a response, you
enter that response into the computer, where it is immediately entered into the database. Make
sure you enter each response just as you heard it to ensure accurate data analysis and
 You may find it helpful to pace the interview by alternating between simple
questions and those that require lengthier responses. If you have an involved
question, follow it up with a yes or no question to allow yourself enough time to
record the answers accurately.
 Some data entry programs will check your entries for errors, but it’s always a good
idea to spot check your work.
Part 3
Concluding the Survey

Obtain demographic data from each respondent. This is often the last step in a telephone
survey. While it is often optional, it’s typically very useful because it allows the data to be
coded more accurately. Demographic data includes gender, age, political affiliation, religious
affiliation, gender identity and ethnicity.[6]

Thank your respondent. It’s very important to thank your participant for their time and
effort. Aside from common courtesy, thanking your participant is key to the overall success of
the survey. Many phone surveys are recorded for quality purposes, so it’s important to follow
all the steps and conclude the survey properly.
 You might ask your respondent something like, "Do you have any suggestions for
how I might improve this survey?" This lets the respondent know that you value
their opinion. Be sure to let them know you're grateful for their feedback.

Analyze your performance. After you’ve ended the call, take stock of how the survey went
and what you could do to improve. Check the time to see if you stuck to your schedule and
communicated the questions efficiently.
 Conduct a mini survey of yourself by asking questions about your performance and
responding as honestly as possible. This will help you improve as an interviewer
while you practice for your next survey.

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