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_,Series of 20_

We.the undersigned Directors,present during the special mceting of the Board of Directors
of on June 2020 at the
official address at
do hereby certify that:

At the meeting held on June 1, 2020,the Board of Directors, with a legal quorum being present and
voting, by a majority vote, approved the processing of the Application for Authority to Print Reccipt and
Invoices of the Corporation with the Bureau of Internal Revenue

"RESOLVED,that hereby authorizes the Corporation's President and Chairman of the Board.
,to sign.execute and act on behalf and other pertinent documents which may be
necessary under the premises for and in behalf of the Corporation to effect the above purpose;

RESOLVED FURTHER.that the Corporation be.hereby authorize its duly Representatives namely
,to represent, sign, execute and act on behalf of the Corporation
on all legal matters in relation with the Application for Authority to Print Receipt and Invoices with the
Bureau of Internal Revenue

RESOLVED FINALLY,that duly are hereby authorized to perform such acts as may
be necessary or required to implement the foregoing.”


1. the
duly elected Corporate Secretary of do hercby certify that
the Board of Directors in a mecting held on June 1. 2020 approved the foregoing resolution in favor

Corporate Secretary


Board of Director

Board of Director

Board of Director

Board of Director

Board of Director

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I. in my capacity as the President and

Chairman of the Board have signed these presents this day of. at

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME,a Notary Public for and in this
day of affiant presented to me
,issued at



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Book No.

Scries of 20

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