Case Study - SWOT Analysis

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The Contemporary World

Case Study: S.W.O.T. Analysis

Ilao, Lila Lexie Lei N.

Nanas, Mary Rose P.

Part I

One of the most well-known industries nowadays is online selling, which we can
all see on our newsfeeds if we use our social media accounts on sites like Facebook,
Instagram, and other platforms. We also have the well-known Shopee and Lazada,
where we can already have the item, we want or need by looking for it while we are just
sitting. We only need to wait for our purchase to be delivered after selecting Add to cart
and buy now. We also have the Carousell app, which is the platform that the online
vendor with whom we spoke with sell their items. For consumers to buy and sell used
items, there is a multi-platform classified marketplace called Carousell. Users of the app
can post and sell their goods for free in just "30 seconds." Simply take a picture, write a
description, and post the item for listing—all that's users need to do. As a part of the
case study, we interviewed Ms. Elicel Castillano, a BPO employee. She used to sell
clothes on Facebook and moved to Carousell platform.

Link bellow is the link of the pages they used to sell their items:
Facebook link:
Carousell Link:
Part II
Internal factors

Strengths Weaknesses

- Products are branded - Wrong bale of items given by the supplier

- Budget Friendly Products - Shipping Fees
- Accessible

Opportunities Threats

- Social media platforms - Hackers or scams

- Page Boosters - Fake Customers
- Customers - Competitors

External Factors

Part III Recommendation

Using the SWOT analysis—strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats—

we may make recommendations based on our observations of the internet firms we met
with. Online selling is a risky business these days due to so many rivals and hackers in
social media platforms. As we spoke to our interviewer, we noticed that one of the
threats in their business is the hackers. We advise them to be vigilant and to secure
their accounts by using double authentication and a log in code so that they will be
notified if someone attempts to hack their account. Additionally, we advise them to
request pictures of their order from the supplier before the goods are shipped in case
the quantity of clothes they received from the supplier is incorrect. By doing this, they
can reduce the likelihood that a product will be returned. Additionally, in order to prevent
squandering money on ineffective purchases, we encourage our interviewee to
investigate the legitimacy and testimonials of the supplier they have chosen for their

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