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Cert. No 211622,0699



Pemberi order
Subiect : Coal Analysis
Date Received : November A5.zOZt
Tanggdl Penerimaan

Date of Analvsis : November A5 - LL,2a21

Tanggal Andllsis

Testecl Ertt : Total Moisture, Proximate Analysis, Total Sulphur, Gross Calorific Value, Size,
Analisis/uji Ultimate, Ash Analysis, Aslr Fusion Temperature, Chlorine, Bulk Density

Description qf Santple :SAWDUST

Keterangan Sampel

Your Reference
Order Number : 55UCRS-LAB/XI/21
Alomor Order

Date ReDort : f,Jovember n,ZAZL

THIS IS TO REPORT that upon the request of the applicant, the sample received was analyzed in the laboratory

accordance with ASTI4 Standard,

ASTM D 3173 17a

ASTM D 3174-12
ASTM D 3174'12
ASTM D 3175 18
ASTM D 3172 13
ASTM D 4239-18e1
ASTI4 D 4239-18e1

ASTM D 5865-13

ASTM D 3682-13

-Magnesium oxide (l"lqo) r ASTM D 36B2-13

ASTM D 3682-13

ASTIVI D 3682-13
ASTtvl D 3683-11
ASTM D 5016.16
AS 1038 pad 93:2013

CAR S This report is macle and issued by the Company upon the PrinciparApp icant's request and the analysis contained therein reflects the Company's findings
on the sanrple(s) submitted by p-incipal,/Applicant and/or sampie(s) drawn by Lhe Company at the time and p ace oi performing the inspecfion/testing
on y Company sha I not be liable for any changes to the results herein due to effects of weather, transport, storage or other factors o!tside Company's
control FurLhermore theCompan\,sh;lnotberesponsibleLoanypartiesonanybusiness,financialand/orlegalconsequencesforanytransactionby
usingthisreport/analysjs Anyunauthoriseddterationorfalsificationofthecontentorappearanceofthisdocumentisunlawlulandoffendersmaybe
prosecotecl to the fuilest exteni of the aw This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior approval of the Company

SOHO Capital 28th Floor, Jl Letjen S Parman Kav 28, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat 1'1470, lndonesia
RA 132L0
P +62"2150226a68 | e headoffice@carsurincom I w
19 68
Page :2ofz
Ceft. No r211622.0699

Ash Fusion Temperature (Reducing AtmosPhere)

-Initial Deformation AST|{ 1857-18 Deg C LoTa
-Spherical AST['1 1857-18 Deg C 1,100

-Hemispherical ASTM 1857.1B Deg C 1,110

Flow A9TM 1857-18 Deg C 1/130

Ash Fusion Temperature (Oxidizing AtmosPhere)

Initial Defonnation ASTM 1857 18 Deg C 1 140

-Spherical ASTM 1857-18 Deg C r,t7o

-Hemispherical ASTM 1857 18 Deg C 1,190

-Flow ASTM 1857 18 Deg C l,ZOO

Ultimate Analysis
- Carbon ASTM D 5373 16 a/o DAFB 45.00

Hydrogen ASrM D 5173-16 o/o DAFB 551

Nitrogen ASTM D 5373 16 o/o DAFB 1,10

Sulphur ASTM D ,I239-18C1 Va DAFE 003

Ory9en ASTM D 3176-15 o/o DAFB 4$.36

Trace Elements
-Chlorine ISo 23380:2013 PCT DB 0,030

Noie: Ar = As Received Basis; cib = Drred Sdsisi Ad = Arr Dried Basts; Daf = Dry Ash Free Bass

Remarks : This repot refers to the tested sample only

This Repot reflects our findings at ti!'ne and place of analysis only and does not certiry (or report) any other matters
This Repot is issued without prejudice and our responsibility is limited to the exercise of reasonable care and due dillgence

Banjarbaru, November 11, 20zl

For of authentciLy of certrFlcale or reporis, plea-.onlaci coal sales@carsurin ccnr



Thts report is made and issued by the Company upon the Prlncipa /Applicant's request and the analysis contained Lherein reflects [he Company's findings
on Lhe samp e(s) submitted by Principal/ApplicanL and/or sample(s) drawn by the Company at the time and place of performing the inspeciion/testing
on y Company shall lioL be liable for any changes to fhe res!lts herein due to effects of weathei transport, storEge or other factors outside Company's
contro Furthermore,Lh,ACompanvshallnotberesponsibletoanypartiesonanybusiness financia!and/orlegalconsequencesforanytransactionby
usingthlsreport/analysis Anyunauthoriseclalterationorfalsificationofthecontentorappearanceofthisdocumentisunawfu andoffendersmaybe

prosecL ted to the iullest extent of the law This document cannot be reproduced except in full, withoul prior approval of the Company

SOHO Capital 28th Floor, Jl

S Parman Kav 28, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat
Letjen 11470, lndonesia
RA 1 327L
p +62215c226868 | e headoffice@carsurincom I w carsurin,com

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