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Exploring “Engaging with An Audience” worksheet (U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly section called Harvey Ball Level
3 Media
Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from, or it could result in a PLAGIARISM
mark which would automatically fail the unit.
Task 1/2: Research and analysis of the audience for your ambient loop (U10:LO1_AC1.1)
Please answer ALL boxes in order to pass this section.
Question/task Answer
1. Students – learning about mathematics - LINK

Suggest at least 3 groups within society 2. Musicians – for practising new instruments - LINK
who might use Youtube as a whole and
look for examples to support them. 3. Education – for teachers who may want to show learning videos -

1. For people to learn new instruments - LINK

Suggest at least 3 uses for Youtube for 2. People who want to post covers of songs - LINK
music specifically and look for examples
to support them.
3. Videos about musicians on their life - LINK

1. Students that are studying and want relaxing music - LINK

Suggest at least 3 groups within society 2. People who may want to paint or create art in general - LINK
who might use ambient music and look
for examples to support them.
3. For people who are trying to sleep - LINK

1. Lofi - LINK

List three genres of ambient music which 2. Jazz - LINK

you believe are popular on Youtube. Give
3. Classical music - LINK

1. Gaming (puzzle games) - LINK

List three genres, styles or sources of
animation which you believe are popular 2. Lofi videos for the background - LINK
for ambient loops on Youtube. Give
examples. 3. Films with background music to add to a story/character - LINK

1. Lofi girl studying - LINK

List 3 animated ambient loops which you 2. Minecraft theme music - LINK
personally like. Talk about what you like
specifically about the animations for each.
3. Disney - LINK

Pick one of these and identify something

which you think is stopmo/keyframed.
Use a screen shot if it helps.
The bit that is keyframed is when she touches
the cat as it loops round from when she puts her cup down.
From the same image above, the cat’s tail moves from side to side every
Identify something which you think is now and then
tweened. Use a screen shot if it helps.
Identify something which you think is an
effect added after animating. Use a screen
shot if it helps.

there is an outer glow on different objects in the

room which may have been added when animating finished
Task 2/2: Interpret your research to help develop your product (U10:LO1_AC1.2)
Please answer ALL boxes in order to pass this section.

Question/task Answer
1. Post rock – i love the album Low by David Bowie which is this genre type - LINK
Select three genres of ambient
music you could use. Pick your 2. Jazz – jazz is a favourite genre of music of mine - LINK
final choice and say why.
3. Lo-fi – it is chill wave and relaxing - LINK

1. France in the evening, I like the aesthetic

and vibe it gives off

Create a mood board of AT

LEAST 3 backgrounds which
you like by doing the following:
 Screen grab each one.
 Say what they are
from. 2.
 Say why you like I like this theme as it makes you feel relaxed and comfortable, and you can almost
them. imagine the smells there.


I like the vibrance of this image as it almost seems unreal, and you tend to forget about
reality because of how well the colours compliment the surroundings and the sky.
1. Assassins’ creed 3, I think this character is very cool and I’d
like to see him in an ambient loop animation
Create a mood board of AT
LEAST 3 characters which you
like by doing the following:
 Screen grab each one.
 Say what they are
 Say why you like
them. 2. Batman, it would be fun to animated him into
Gotham city and see all different little details I can put in for the background

3. Daredevil, same as batman, it would be interesting to see how he

looks in an ambient loop animation.

Create a mood board of AT

LEAST 3 colours which you like.
Ideally these would be schemes Haytham Kenway
of three each. Show them by
doing the following:
 Screen grab each
 Say what they are
from. 2.
 Say why you like Batman

1. I like the glow effect added to this
snowman, so I’ll be implementing this

Create a mood board of AT

LEAST 3 effects which you like.
Show them by doing the
 Screen grab each one.
 Say what they are
 Say why you like 2. I like the feature of shadows used in
them. animation to make it more realistic.

3. the addition of motion in animation brings it to life and

make the animation seem as real as possible.

* You can use images you like the colours of by uploading to palette pickers such as…

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