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Activity 4 (Taken from Quadra English Package Book, p.

96 – 98)
Complete the letter below with the correct forms of Simple Past or Present Perfect.

Dear Tommy,
1. (I, be) _______________ in Jakarta for two months now, but 2. (I, not see) _______________
the Monas Monument yet. Yesterday, 3. (I, go) _______________ to Tanah Abang and 4. (I, buy)
_______________ you some beautiful shirts. 5. (I, still not go) _______________ to Mangga Dua
yet, either.
6. (I, have) _______________ a lot of trouble since 7. (I, get) _______________ here. In
Tanah Abang, one awful day, two teenagers 8. (steal) _______________ my purse. Since that day,
9. (I, be) _______________ a lot more careful than 10. (I, be) _______________ when I lived in
Last night, 11. (I, take) _______________ a cab to Taman Ismail Marzuki, and the driver
12. (give) _______________ me a real scare! 13. (He, drive) _______________ dangerously, and
14. (he, not slow down) _______________ when 15. (I, tell) _______________ him to. 16. (I, not
give) _______________ him a tip, so 17. (he, swear) _______________ at me. I used to be quiet
before 18. (I, leave) _______________ Singapore and 19. (come) _______________ here, but 20.
(I, scream) _______________ last night, and 21. (it, feel) _______________ good! Screaming in
Jakarta helps sometimes. 22. (I, change) _______________ a lot since 23. (I, arrive)
_______________ here last December.
24. (you, hear) _______________ from Dad recently? 25. (I, not get) _______________ a
letter from him for several weeks. I hope he’s okay. How have you been
lately? Have you done today’s homework yet? Don’t put it off!
Anyway, take care of yourself. As for me , I was sick for a week last month, but I am
better now. I caught the flu one day after I went out for a walk without a hat. I hope you haven’t
caught the flu or anything so far this winter! It’s awful to be sick and miss classes at school!


Write your answer below!!!

Name: Asyifa Najwa Syakira Corrector : Shabrina Al Score
Alauna K.
Class : X IPS 1 100

Student Corrects Student Activity

Answer :
1. I have been 11. I took 21. It felt
2. I haven’t seen 12. Gave 22. I have changed
3. I went 13. He drove 23. I arrived
4. I bought 14. He didn’t slow down 24. Have you heard
5. I still haven’t gone 15. I told 25. I haven’t got
6. I have had 16. I didn’t give
7. I got 17. He swore
8. Stole 18. I left
9. I have been 19. Came
10. I was 20. I screamed

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