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PSTMT – MODULE 2  Instructional planning is a DECISION MAKING

action system knowledge
 Organize, present and teach the subject matter
in a manner that can be understood by the students

 Arousing and Maintaining Student Interests

 SILENCE: Simply standing silently facing the

 VOICE CONTROL: Beginning to speak in a very
low tone. Teachers gives signal to be quiet and
attentive, Voice is raised to normal volume when
This will also help you organize your notes. attained objective.
 GESTURES: waving one’s hand towards noisy
Roles of the Teacher
students or other movement to get student’s
 Instructional Expert  MOTIVATION - enhance the intrinsic and
 Manager extrinsic motivation of the students
- Intrinsic motivation: process of increasing the
General Teaching Skills learners already has on a topic or task.
- Extrinsic motivation: focused on activities or
 Pre-instructional skills strategies that can enhance success and reduce
failure when lesson is difficult.
 Identify content
 Write objectives  (How to) opening a Lesson
 Introduce the lesson
 Selecting instructional strategy  PERSONALIZING AND WARMING UP THE
 Closing the lesson CLIMATE: Teacher shares a positive feeling about
 Evaluating the lesson event or works or output of the students. E.g. I am
 Identify the New content to be taught happy about the outcomes of your assessment last
 Instructional Skills  USING AN ATTENTION GETTER: May bring
audiotapes or slides presentation or any modules
you think can attract attention.
 Communicate with the students  RELATING THE LESSON TO THE WORLD OF
 Gain the student's attention STUDENTS: Establish connection between the
 Arouse and maintain student interest student and to the topic presented. Ex. Who have
 Use stimulus variation and reinforcements parent’s working in hospitals or clinics abroad, and
 Use appropriate questioning techniques ask their benefits in the household economy. Since
 Management if the learning environment smoothly OFW contributes to the nation’s economy.
and effectively  REVIEWING PAST WORK: Emphasize
 Use appropriate lesson closure students to realize about what knowledge or skill
 Evaluate lesson objectives learned in relation to the new topic.
 Post-instructional skills statement which will help the student to process the
lesson to be introduced.
 Analyze collected evaluative information
 Make judgments regarding evaluative information Selecting Appropriate Learning Activities

 Forms of instruction:
Principles of Effective Teaching and Learning
 Symbolic learning - Learning through the
 Seize the Moment books, journals or other printed materials. Could
 Involve the student in planning be presented through Mnemonics, numbers or
 Begin with what the student knows formulas.
 Move from simple to complex  Iconic learning - Learning through the use of
 Accommodate the student's preferred learning style materials by sensory or visual. Ex. Films,
 Sort goals by learning domain videotapes.
 Make material meaningful  Enactive learning - Learning through
 Tell your students how they are proposing simulations or real life situations. Ex. Driving,
 Allow immediate application of knowledge blood extraction.
 Plan for periodic tests
 Reward desired learning with praise  Types of learning experiences:

PLANNING FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING  Verbal experiences – Teacher talk; students

This will also help you organize your notes.  Visual experiences – Diagrams, charts or still
pictures. Students inactive.
 Planning Instruction
 Vicarious experiences – video programs, computer - is a pre reading strategy that helps students
programs; students indirectly doing examples. build mental images based on a selective list of
 Simulated experiences - Building through models. words from the text
Closest to real thing. Loki craft.  The 5 why’s
 Direct experiences - Learner is doing what is being - is a simple effective tool for covering the route of
learned. Ex. Internship a problem
 Memory Story
 Selecting Appropriate Teaching Method - students read out a passage on the board aloud
 Teacher directed methods - Students interact with together the teacher then removes words,
teacher. Listens and observes demonstration of asking students to recall the missing parts of the
teacher. Ex. Lecture-recitation, question and answer passage each time they read it again
 Student centered methods - Students learn by  Cup Of Conversation
interacting with each other. Ex. Small group - is another good warmer to improve your
discussion, role playing, inquiry/discovery method students fluency, students pick topics from a cup
 Materials centered methods - Students interact and discuss it in pairs and then change topics
with instructional material most of the time. Ex. and swap partners.
Student conduct experiment by following  Inside – Outside Circle
instructional kits. - this discussion technique gives students the
opportunity to respond to questions and/or
 Closing a Lesson discuss information with a variety of peers in a
structured manner
 Summary reviews - Asking students to make  List Group Level
recall or summarize what they have taken up or - is a form of semantic mapping, this strategy
learned. encourages students to improve their vocabulary
 Eliciting generalizations and abstractions - and categorization skills and learn to organize
By using questions like What if...? What do you concepts
think?.. Students are led to formulate principles  Think-Pair-Share
related to lesson. - is a collaborative learning strategy in which
 Feedback on Group Accomplishments - students work together to solve a problem or
Through feedback teacher motivates students to answer a question, this technique requires
improve performance. students to think individually about a topic and to
 Previewing the next lesson - Lesson has been share ideas with classmates
summarized, students are alerted for next  Fishbowl
lesson to prepare them. - in this strategy the discussion strategy will help
students practice being contributors and
listeners in a group conversation
 Whip-Around Pass
Teaching Strategies - this strategy actively engages students and
encourages participation by all, students write
- Are methods of approaching a problem or task, down responses of question or prompt given to
them by the teacher and quickly share the
modes of operation for achieving a particular
responses through the class. Students have to
end, or planned design for controlling and pay attention and listen carefully to their
manipulating certain information. classmate responses to compare them to their
 Reciprocal Learning Strategy  Exit Slips
- is a cooperative learning technique that has - these are written student responses to
questions the teacher posed at the end of the
students, coach each other through a set of
class or a lesson these quick informal
tasks assessments, enable teachers to quickly assess
 Jigsaw students understanding of the material.
- this cooperative learning strategy increases
student engagement, encourages collaboration
and results in better learning  Peer Teaching
 Pictionary Race  Gallery Walk
- this is a great team game where students revise
vocabulary in a fun and interactive way  Hands on Learning
 Concept Attainment  Note Taking
- is a strategy that involves students and their own  Reading Aload
learning. Instead of you just delivering the  Identifying Similarities and Differnces
information to them, you're helping them  Incorporating Music and Singing in the
discover it on their own Classroom
 Run To The Board  Writing Journal and Reflection
- is a good way to see how well students  Self-Take
remember words learned in previous lessons  Scaffolding Question – for deeper understanding
 Running Dictation
 Student Reflection (Evaluation)
- is a good way to get the students out of their
seats and move around especially if we find  Positive Reinforcement
yourself teaching the last class of the day and  Homework Practice
the children are really tired.  Repetition and Practice
 The Mind's Eye

 Fishbone diagram
 Venn diagram
 Flowchart
 Problem solution chart
 Cluster word web
 Inverted triangle
 The five w's chart
 Sequence chart
 Tree chart
 Story chart
 KWL chart

21st century learning utilizing technology as

a classroom strategy is already a must
integrating technology into the classroom is a
great way to empower students to stay
connected in this technological era.

Technology rich lessons have been found

to keep students motivated and engaged
longer they therefore encourage you to learn
how to use this educational technology
applications available in the Internet.

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