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NAME OF LECTURER: Ms. Siti Muzlifah Binti Tuani


Submission Deadline: 1 April 2022

[Go Green Club]

Social Enterprise [Go Green or Go Home]

Name ID Lecture Tutorial Proposal Proposal Total
Group Group (60 Presentation marks
marks) (20 marks) (80 marks)

Ooi Xin Fu 2104980 L7 T18

Tan Kang Chee 2106549 L7 T21
Jess Ng Choo Xian 2104755 L7 T22
Tan Pei Ru 2106451 L7 T22
Low Xin Yue 2104924 L7 T5
Chuah Hui Qian 2104736 L7 T5
Proposal for

Go Green or Go Home


Go Green Club

Prepared for

Ms. Siti Muzlifah Binti Tuani Ibrahim

Table of Contents Page

Executive Summary............................. 1
Introduction.......................................... 2
Club Description.................................. 4
Event Committee.................................. 6
Event Details....……………………… 9
Proposed Budget…………………….. 18
Promotion …………………………… 19
Conclusion........................................... 21
Breakdown of Duties........................... 22
Checklist & Declaration by Group...... 23
Appendices........................................... 24
Executive Summary
Introduction- This section describes the purpose of the Go Green Club, and allows
people to understand the objectives of the society throughout the various types of
activities that will be carried out from 8 January 2022 to 10 January 2022.

Club Description- Go Green Club has been established since the year 2016. The purpose
of organizing this club is to reduce the garbage on the campus. Go Green Club's mission
is to promote the importance of eco-friendly ecosystems.

Event Committee- The president of the Go Green Club is Ooi Xin Fu. Besides that, the
vice president is Tan Kang Chee, the secretary is Jess Ng Choo Xian, the treasurer is Tan
Pei Ru, the event director is Chuah Hui Qian, and the marketer is Low Xin Yue.

Event Details- The name of the event is “Go Green or Go Home” and our target
customers are UTAR students. The event will be held for 3 days, which is from 8th to
10th January 2022, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Proposed Budget- The estimated total expenses of the event are RM2999.40. The total
revenue is RM6700. As a result, the net profit will be RM3700.60 and 80% will be
donated to the victims of the floods in the Klang Valley.

Promotion- Go Green Club will use posters, flyers, and an Instagram account for
promotions and campaigns. In addition, we will communicate with students face to face
and explain our activities to them.

Conclusion- A sum up of the event “Go Green or Go Home” that will be organising by
Go Green Club event committees. 80% of the profit from this event will donate to the
flood victims in Klang Valley.

Appendices- Display the survey form and result, poster, flyer before the event and during
the event, as well as Instagram page.

Go Green Club is a club that explores information and activities that can cause the
environment to be more environmentally friendly and ecosystem responsible behaviors
and healthy lifestyle. Go Green Club has been established since the year 2016. This club
was organized by the first president of Go Green Club. The reason why this club was
organized is that he saw a lot of trash everywhere on the UTAR campus, and he thought
that the campus should not be like this, so he organized this club. The purpose he
organized this club is to reduce the trash at the UTAR campus and also beautify the
surrounding of the UTAR campus. This activity is mainly for UTAR students. UTAR
students can relax their stress and meet new friends while they are participating in these

Go Green Club will be hosting a three-day clarification event at UTAR Kampar

Heritage Hall from 8th January 2022 to 10th January 2022. The club chose to design the
booth in Heritage Hall because where the place is big, UTAR students and teachers
would pass through Heritage Hall to go to Block B, where they take classes and work.

The purpose of organizing this club is to reduce the rubbish on the UTAR campus
and at the same time beautify the surrounding environment of the UTAR campus. Since
the establishment of the club, the first president of Go Green Club has been promoting
the club on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. to attract UTAR students to
join the club.

During this event, the Go Green Club has prepared the "Go Green or Go Home"
campaign to obtain approval from the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) for the
"#KitaJagaKita" fundraiser. This campaign is to raise funds to help victims of the recent
floods in the Klang Valley. The main purpose of this charity event is to help flood
victims. We will donate what we earn over the three days to them and our recycled

We have an Instagram account called "gogreenclub__" to promote our events.
There we will post our event itinerary and our product (Bio Botanic Terrarium). We did
the bio botanic terrarium organizing and Triple R on days one and two. On the third day,
we organized an Environmental Handmade Contest organizing. Our registration fee is
RM10 per person. Our prizes have O’BON Wildlife Series Newspaper 2B Color Pencil
12’S Newspaper 2B Pencil Twin pack, O’BON Wildlife Series Newspaper 2B Pencil
10’S, and O’BON A5 Sugarcane Notebook.

Also, we at Go Green Club decided to sell cacti and succulents. The financial staff
of our club estimated that the expenses of the entire event will be RM2999.40. If the club
can sell all its products and tickets, the total revenue will be RM6700. As a result, our
club will get a profit of RM3700.60 and 80% of profit will be donated to the flood
victims in Klang Valley.

Club Description
Name of Club: Go Green Club

Go Green Club is a club that explores information and activities that can cause the
environment to be more environmentally friendly and ecosystem responsible behaviors
and healthy lifestyle. Our club has grown a variety of plants such as succulents, cactus,
and more. Our club is going to raise UTAR students’ awareness of environmental
conservation and also raise funds to help the flood victims in Klang Valley.

Introduction of logo:
There is a green leaf shown in the logo of Go Green Club which represents the
environment. However, behind the green leaf has a blue circle shape and it is combined
together with the green leaf which represents the earth, which has two colors that are blue
and green. The lower right corner of the earth has three green little people which
represents the three major races in Malaysia, which are Chinese, Indians, and Malays. At
the same time, the three races respecting they help each other and also take care of the
environment together.

Go Green Club has been established since the year 2016. This club was organized by the
first president of Go Green Club. The reason why this club was organized is that he saw a
lot of trash everywhere on the UTAR campus, and he thought that the campus should not
be like this, so he organized this club. The purpose he organized this club is to reduce the
trash at the UTAR campus and also beautify the surrounding of the UTAR campus.
Since establishing the club, the first president of Go Green Club has promoted this club
on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and more to attract UTAR students to join
this club. After that, they start growing various plants in the surrounding UTAR campus.
In addition, they often remind UTAR students that it is everyone’s responsibility to take
care of the environment.
Go Green Club has been held some activities in the past years. The president of this club
has organized the event named “Mr. Eco Friends of The Environment” in the year 2017,
“I Eco You Eco” in the year 2018, and “Eco Minion” in the year 2019 have been joined
with the UTAR students. Through these activities, UTAR students realized the
importance of protecting the environment. Moreover, they can also relax their stress and
meet new friends while they are participating in these activities.

The mission of the Go Green Club is to publicity the importance of an environmentally
friendly ecosystem. Besides that, reduces the amount of waste that will need to be
recycled in UTAR. UTAR students can recycle and reuse the waste to can make many
useful things in their daily life such as mineral water bottles that can be used as vases to
grow plants. They can also reduce plastic waste and use Tupperware instead of polyester
and eco-bag instead of plastic bags; it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions which will
contribute to climate change.

The vision of the Go Green Club is UTAR campus should be surrounded by flora and be
well managed. Thus, our club hopes that the UTAR campus has a clean, healthy, and
well-protected environment to make teachers and students always in a relaxed mood.

Event Committees
Event Committees Organizational Chart:

Ooi Xin Fu

Tan Kang Chee Jess Ng Choo Xian

Vice President Secretary

Tan Pei Ru Chuah Hui Qian Low Xin Yue

Treasurer Event Director Marketer

Event Committee

Name / Position Job responsibility Contact detail

Guide and lead the event committee and Email:

Ooi Xin Fu members throughout the event.
President Phone no:
Coordinate all the activities to make sure 016-4028171
the event carries out smoothly.
Student ID:
Consult with other event committees to 2104980
discuss the general operation of the event.

Tan Kang Chee kangchee0518@1utar.
Vice President Assist the president in overseeing event my
planning. Phone no:
Record the course of the event and do the
video editing after the event. Student ID:
Supervise and ensure all the event
committees did their responsibilities.

Jess Ng Choo Xian
Secretary Assist the president and vice president in Phone no:
overseeing event planning. 016-5572085

Responsible to write, prepare, and Student ID:

collecting reports and documents. 2104755

Record important information, meeting

minutes, and issue announcement.

Act as a liaison to communicate and

convey the message from the president to
other event committees.

Tan Pei Ru Email:

Responsible to report current financial Phone no:
positions as well as financial planning 011-58748568
and budget to each event committee.
Student ID:
Preparing financial statements and send 2106451
to the president.

Manage the funds and approve the


Chuah Hui Qian Manage and plan all the event meetings. Email:
Event Director huiqian12345@1utar.
Set goals for the event committees to my
achieve after each discussion. Phone no:
Plan event details, activities and make
sure all activities are on schedule. Student ID:
Prepare all the necessary equipment and
propose the budget to the treasurer of the

Low Xin Yue Email:

Build reorganization and maintain a good
reputation for the club. Phone no:
Promote the event on social media for the
fundraising event. Student ID:
Prepare the survey form and distribute it
to students to collect their data and
opinion before the event.

Submit the survey result to the secretary.

Event Details

Name of the event: Go Green or Go Home

Objective: To raise awareness of the importance of eco-friendly ecology and to raise
funds for the victims that was recently affected in Klang Valley
Date: 8th – 10th January 2022
Durations: 3 Days
Time: 11a.m. – 5p.m.

Venue: Heritage Hall, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
Target customers: UTAR students and lecturers
Price range: RM10 (Terrarium & Contest Registration Fee), RM6 (Fertilizer)

“Go Green or Go Home” event is organized by our club named Go Green Club.
This event is carried out to raise funds for the flood victims who had affected in Klang
Valley by selling the Bio Botanic Terrarium and the organic fertilizer. The purpose of
this event is also helping to promote the importance of eco-friendly ecology. All the
Students and lecturer in University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) are our event targeted

During the event day, we will set up a booth for selling the Bio Botanic Terrarium
and the organic fertilizer. Besides, we will also set up a “Triple R” corner to let the
people donate their waste materials for recycling. We will also set up a “Helping Flood
Victims” corner so that people can make their donations in order to help the victims. The
event will be held for 3 days, which is from 8 th to 10th January 2022, from 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. During the event, we will also organize a “Environmental Handmade Contest”,
which all people can participate in.

Last but not least, our club will donate 80% of the profit from the on-lending to
the flood victims, hoping to help them tide over the difficulties.

Activities Details
Environment Handmade Contest

Participants need to fill out the registration form and pay the registration fee. The
registration fee is RM10. Participants are allowed to submit their works by 4 p.m., 10 th
January 2022, and the winners will be announced at 5 p.m., on 10 th January 2022. The
works will be ranked by the event committee. They are 1 st place winner, 2nd place winner,
and 3rd place winner. The prizes for the1 st place winner are O’BON Wildlife Series

Newspaper 2B Color Pencil 12’S and Newspaper 2B Pencil Twin pack, 2nd place winner
is O’BON Wildlife Series Newspaper 2B Pencil 10’S and Newspaper 2B Pencil Twin
pack, while for the 3rd place winner are O’BON A5 Sugarcane Notebook and Newspaper
2B Pencil Twin pack. The prizes will be delivered to the address that the winner wrote on
the registration form.

“Triple R” activity

The corner will be decorated with recycled waste crafts. There are some members
who will explain the benefits of environmental protection and how to be environmentally
friendly. They will also explain what activities can be done in applying 3R, which is
recycled, reduce and reuse. People can bring the items that can be recycled and reused
here. Our club will send the recycled items to the recycling plant. While for the reused
items, we will modify them and use them to decorate the garden of Go Green Club.

“Helping Flood Victims” activity

This activity is carried out to help the flood victim by raising the funds. People
can make their donations in order to help the victim, such as money, food, shirt, daily
necessities, and so on. Our club members will record the name of donors. These names
will be posted on our club’s Instagram to appreciate their donations. We will also send
them a thank you card that was made by our club members.

Products Details

Based on the analysis that we have a survey from 30 students via the online
google form, 17 (56.7%) out of 30 responders prefer both plants for the Bio Botanic
Terrarium, which is succulents and cactus [refer to Table 1.1 in Appendix B]. Besides,
16 (53.3%) out of them choose plastic bottles as their favorite vase and 18 (60%) out of
them choose the small size [refer to Table 1.2 and 1.3 in Appendix B]. There are 19
(63.3%) out of 30 responders who choose RM10 for the products as their acceptable price

[refer to Table 1.4 Appendix B]. Therefore, the Bio Botanic Terrarium that we
prepared will be in small size and sold at RM10. The Bio Botanic Terrarium (succulents
and cactus) will be prepared for 200 units respectively so that the students’ choices are

Furthermore, since most of the students, 29 (96.7%) out of 30 students consider

buying the organic fertilizer for the Bio Botanic Terrarium, and 27 (90%) out of them
select option 1 which is RM4 to RM10 as it is affordable for them to purchase [refer to
Table 1.5 and 1.6 Appendix B]. Therefore, we decided to sell the organic fertilizer and
its price is RM6 for 150 grams.

Therefore, the products for the event that we sell are Bio Botanic Terrarium, there
are two plants to choose from which are cactus and succulents. We have prepared 200
units for each plant. We also sell the organic fertilizer for the customer, which has 400
units. The event is valid until the product is sold out.

Payment Details

According to the survey, most of the students choose cash and Touch N go as the
payment methods, which are 25 students (83.3%) and 24 students (80%) [refer to Table
1.7 Appendix B]. Thus, we will accept both of the payment methods when making the

Price of Products

No. Product Price

1. Bio Botanic Terrarium (Cactus) RM10/pcs

2. Bio Botanic Terrarium (Succulent) RM10/pcs

3. Organic Fertilizer (150g) RM6/pack

Before the event day

26th December 2021

 A meeting is carried out by Go Green Club to inform the club members that our club
will organize a three-day event to raise fund for the flood victims as they just had a
bed flood yesterday, 25th December 2022.
 A meeting among committee members held by our club’s chairperson in order to
decide the event details, which is the products sold, other small activities, supplier of
plants and the targeted customer.
 Theme of the event will be related to environmental protection.
 Forming event committee members and assigning tasks for their respective position.
 Select the club members needs for each group

28th December 2021

 President, Ooi Xin Fu will guide and lead the event committee and members
throughout the event.
 Vice President, Tan Kang Chee start to seek for the plants (cactus and succulent)
supplier for our products (Bio Botanic Terrarium).
 Treasurer, Tan Pei Ru will calculate the event’s budget after the price of products
sold are determined.
 Secretary, Jess Ng Choo Xian will write an official letter to the Department of
Student Affair (DSA) to apply for the venue (heritage Hall). At the same time, she
will also prepare the notice and poster to place on the noticeboard around the campus.
 Event Director, Chuah Hui Qian will manage and plan all the event meetings, plan
event details and activities and prepare all the necessary equipment. She will also
prepare the prizes for the Environmental Handmade Contest.
 Marketer, Low Xin Yue will promote the event on social media, Instagram for the
fundraising event and prepare the survey form and distribute it to students to collect
their data and opinion before the event. She will also prepare the two types of flyers
that will be sent to customer during event day.

30th December 2021
 Second meeting is held by President, Ooi Xin Fu to inform the club members about
the event details and arrange the job for them respectively.

5th January 2022

 Third meeting is held by President, Ooi Xin Fu to ensure that there are no other
troubles faced by the event committees and members.
 He will also check on the committee’s progress.

6th January 2022

 President, Ooi Xin Fu will make sure the suppliers and equipment needed are on the
right track.
 Vice President, Tan Kang Chee will ensure the facilities at the event venue is stable.

7th January 2022

 Event booth and the materials are prepared well, and all the event committees and
members will rest on this day to prepare for the three-day activity.

During the event day
8th January 2022
Time Event Details
7.30 – 8.00 A.M.  All committee members and event members gather at
Heritage Hall.
8.00 – 10.30  Set up the booth.
A.M.  Put up a poster at the booth
 Carry and lay the Bio Botanic Terrarium and organic
 Set up the “Triple R” corner and the “Helping Flood Victims”
11.00 A.M.  Workshop will be opened for the public.
onwards  Members start to work in their respective positions:
1. Sell the products.
2. Send the flyers to attract customers.
3. Carry out “Triple R” activity.
4. Carry out “Helping Flood Victims” activity.
5. Collect the handmade work that participants brought.
 Committee members will be standby there to deal with any
1.00 P.M.  Lunch break for committee members and event members will
onwards be offered in batches.
 Each batch is allowed 30 minutes to have their lunch.
5.00 P.M.  First day event ends.
 Clean up the rubbish at event venue before leaving.
 Sum up the days income and pass it to the treasurer.

9th January 2022
Time Event Details
7.30 – 8.00 A.M.  All committee members and event members gather at
Heritage Hall.
8.00 – 8.30 A.M.  A short briefing about the feedback of yesterday event will
be given out to all event committee and members.
8.30 – 10.30 A.M.  Set up the booth.
 Put up poster at the booth
 Carry and lay the Bio Botanic Terrarium and organic
 Set up the “Triple R” corner and the “Helping Flood
Victims” corner
11.00 A.M.  Workshop will be opened for public.
onwards  Members start to work in their respective positions:
1. Sell the products.
2. Send the flyers to attract customers.
3. Carry out “Triple R” activity.
4. Carry out “Helping Flood Victims” activity.
5. Collect the handmade work that participants brought.
 Committee members will be standby there to deal with any
1.00 P.M.  Lunch break for committee members and event members
onwards will be offered in batches.
 Each batch is allowed 30 minutes to have their lunch.
5.00 P.M.  Second day event ends.
 Clean up the rubbish at event venue before leaving.
 Sum up the days income and pass it to the treasurer.

10th January 2022
Time Event Details
7.30 – 8.00 A.M.  All committee members and event members gather at
Heritage Hall.
8.00 – 8.30 A.M.  A short briefing about the feedback of yesterday event will
be given out to all event committee and members.
8.30 – 10.30 A.M.  Set up the booth.
 Put up a poster at the booth
 Carry and lay the Bio Botanic Terrarium and organic
 Set up the “Triple R” corner and the “Helping Flood
Victims” corner
11.00 A.M.  Workshop will be opened for the public.
onwards  Members start to work in their respective positions:
1. Sell the products.
2. Send the flyers to attract customers.
3. Carry out “Triple R” activity.
4. Carry out “Helping Flood Victims” activity.
5. Collect the handmade work that participants brought.
 Committee members will be standby there to deal with any
1.00 P.M.  Lunch break for committee members and event members
onwards will be offered in batches.
 Each batch is allowed 30 minutes to have their lunch.
4.00 P.M.  The committee members gather at the society room to rank
the works for the Environment Handmade Contest
5.00 P.M.  Announce the winners of the contest.
 Third-day event ends.
 Clean up the rubbish at the event venue before leaving.

 Sum up the day’s income and pass it to the treasurer.
Proposed Budget

Item Quantity Price per Unit (RM) Total Price (RM)
Plastic bottle 400 0.60 240.00
Soil 20kg 2.50 50.00
Succulents 200 5.00 1,000.00
Cactus 200 3.00 600.00
Fertilizer (2kg/pack) 30 packs 25.00 750.00
Small plastic bag
4 packs 1.80 7.20
(100 pieces/pack)
O’BON A5 Sugarcane
1 9.90 9.90
O’BON Wildlife Series
1 11.90 11.90
Newspaper 2B Pencil 10’S
O’BON Wildlife Series
Newspaper 2B Colour 1 19.90 19.90
Pencil 12’S
2B Pencil Newspaper
3 2.50 7.50
Poster 20 1.40 28.00
Flyer 500 0.55 275.00
Total Estimated Expenses 2,999.40

Item Quantity Price per Unit (RM) Total Price (RM)
Bio botanic terrarium
200 10.00 2,000.00
Bio botanic terrarium
200 10.00 2,000.00
Fertilizer (150g/pack) 400 packs 6.00 2,400.00
Environmental Handmade
30 persons 10.00 300.00
Contest Registration
Total Estimated Revenue 6,700.00

Total Estimated Expenses: RM2,999.40

Total Estimated Revenue : RM6,700.00
Total Estimated Profit : RM6,700.00 – RM2,999.40 = RM3,700.60


Promotion before the event

The promotion purpose is to increase members and attract more attention for
students who are interesting in our Go Green Club. Therefore, our club’s committee has
surveyed for 30 participants to respond and give us know their opinion as well. The
survey form has the methods of promotion to let 30 participants choose so that our club
will be found the methods promotion which is the highest vote and the most of desire of
participants. From the data of the survey, we found out the result of the highest vote and
desire is had 27 participants choose the promotion which is Instagram (refer to Table 1.8
in Appendix B). Therefore, the committees decided to create Instagram for the student
and will upload or update the new information on Instagram like the time of the event and
so on so that causes the student can get the latest information easily. Hence, the students
who are using Instagram also can share the information to invite others to join our event.
Moreover, creating an account on Instagram does not involve any cost and can help us
get more exposure to our Go Green Club.

In addition, the committees of Go Green Club will design the poster and flyer to
promote our event because the poster and flyer are the second-highest vote and desire of
participants. The result showed 18 participants choose this method (refer to Table 1.8 in
Appendix B). Besides, we decided this decision is because the poster can be more
attractive to the student. For instance, the poster is colourful and has an illustration that is
related to our club (refer to Appendix C picture 1). The committees will attach the
poster to the bulletin board around the campus, such as Block B, Block C, Block D, and
so on. Therefore, we can be drawn the attention of students and bring the detail of
information about our event to the student by the poster. On top of that, we can create the
poster easily by using Canva which is have many templates and is very convenient to
design one poster.

Lastly, we decided to design the flyer (refer to Appendix C picture 2) to
promote our event is because creating the flyer of cost is cheap and it can be designed by
our committees. This promotion can faster and more effective to promote to the students.
For example, we will promote it face to face with the students in where is crowded
places, and the committees will interpret our event to the students. Therefore, the students
will directly get the detail of information about our event.

Promotion during the event

Our committees will set up the booths at Heritage Hall of UTAR Kampar Campus
(refer to Table 1.9 in Appendix B) for our event to sell the product and promote.
Therefore, the committees will also promote our events such as selling the bio botanic
terrarium, Triple R Campaign, and Environmental Handmade Contest by the flyer (refer
to Appendix C picture 3). The committees will promote it at UTAR Kampar Campus by
face to face with the students to let the students know the details of information about the

For details of information, one of the booths is collect the things of recycling and
the donation of the students such as books, newspapers, daily necessities, and so on.
Besides, another one of the booths is to sell our product which is the bio botanic

Lastly, the students who are the 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place in Environmental
Handmade Contest will get the bigger prize. The prize of 1 st place is the set of the
O’BON Wildlife Series Newspaper 2B Color Pencil 12’S and Newspaper 2B Pencil Twin
pack. Secondly, the prize of 2nd place is the set of O’BON Wildlife Series Newspaper 2B
Pencil 10’S and Newspaper 2B Pencil Twin pack. Next, the prize of 3 rd place is the set of
O’BON A5 Sugarcane Notebook and Newspaper 2B Pencil Twin pack. In short, the
students will get the information clearly and learn more about our event by the flyer.

In conclusion, our club “Go Green Club” is organizing an event which is Go
Green or Go Home. Our event will be held on 8 January 2022 to 10 January 2022, from
11 am to 5 pm at Heritage Hall. The purpose of the event held is to raise funds for the
flood victims that were recently affected in Klang Valley. Besides, we would build a
positive image for UTAR and allow our club members to get more exposure.
Go Green Club had decided and created an account on Instagram to promote our
event and will update or upload the latest information of the event. Therefore, the
president of the event had created an Instagram page and designed the poster and flyer to
let the committees post on Instagram. Besides, we also have attached the poster on the
bulletin board around the campus, such as Block B, Block C, Block D, and so on to bring
the detail of information about the event to the students. Next, we will also promote the
flyer face to face with the students in where is crowded places such as Block B to attract
the students to join our event. Furthermore, we will set up the booths for selling our
product which is the bio botanic terrarium, and for the Triple R Campaign which collects
the things of recycling by the students and donations by the students. Besides, all
committees will prepare the prize for the students who participate in the Environmental
Handmade Contest.
Last but not least, all committees will be briefed by the president before the event
day, all of them must take care of the booths to make sure all of the processes will run
smoothly and safely. Besides, all committees must provide more information like the
rules or duty schedule for the students who visit the booths. The reason we are choosing
to sell bio botanic terrarium, Triple R Campaign, and Environmental Handmade Contest
as our activities are because we intend to foster the habit of planting of students through
selling bio botanic terrarium. Besides, we will also help the victims, old people, or
children to donate and provide them such as daily necessities, clothes, books,
newspapers, and so on through the Triple R Campaign. Environmental Handmade
Contest is for the students to enhance their creativity and learn about environmental
awareness. A sum-up of the event “Go Green or Go Home” that will be organising by Go
Green Club event committees. 80% of the profit from this event will donate to the flood
victims in Klang Valley.






BREAKDOWN OF DUTIES (To be filled by group leader)

Item/Heading Completed by (Group Member’s Name)

Assignment Cover Page + Proposal Cover Page Ooi Xin Fu
Table of Contents Ooi Xin Fu
Executive Summary Tan Kang Chee
Introduction (Purpose & Objective) Tan Kang Chee
Club Description Tan Pei Ru
Event Committee Jess Ng Choo Xian
Event Details Low Xin Yue, Chuah Hui Qian
Proposed Budget Low Xin Yue, Chuah Hui Qian
Promotion Ooi Xin Fu
Conclusion Ooi Xin Fu
Appendices Jess Ng Choo Xian
Survey Question Setting & Distribution Tan Pei Ru
Compilation of all sections Ooi Xin Fu
Proofreading & Editing Low Xin Yue


Items for Checking: Pre-submission Action Completed (  )

We have compiled all relevant documents
accordingly following the list above.
We have created folder for submission to
respective lecturer
We have included items for Appendices.

We have included the marking schemes for

both written proposal and proposal presentation
(the names of group members have been filled)
We have included our presentation slides and
pre-recorded video for submission.
This assignment is ready for submission and

Appendix A: Survey Form

Appendix B: Survey Result
1. Which kind of flower do you prefer?

Table 1.1

Kind of flower Percentage Total respondents

Succulents 43.3% 13
Cactus 0% 0
Both 56.7% 17

2. Which kind of vase do you prefer?

Table 1.2

Kind of vase Percentage Total respondents

Plastic 53.3% 16
Glass 46.7% 14

3. Which size do you prefer?

Table 1.3

Size Percentage Total respondents

Small 60% 18
Medium 33.3% 10
Both 6.7% 2

4. What price of the product is acceptable to you as the profit will go to the flood victims?
Table 1.4

Price of the product Percentage Total respondents

RM10 63.3% 19
RM8 30% 9
RM5 6.7% 2

5. Since using organic fertiliser can boost the growth of Bio Botanic Terrarium, would you consider to buy
organic fertilizer?
Table 1.5

Organic fertilizer Percentage Total respondents

Yes 96.7% 29
No 3.3% 1

6. If you willing to purchase our organic fertilizer, which option will you select?
(OPTION 1 : RM4-RM10)
(OPTION 2: RM10-RM18)
Table 1.6

Types of dessert Percentage Total respondents

Option 1 90% 27
Option 2 10% 3

7. What payment method do you prefer?

Table 1.7

Payment method Percentage Total respondents

Touch N go 80% 24
Boost 1.3% 1
GrabPay 0% 0
Cash 83.3% 25

8. Which promotion way do you think is the most effective?

Table 1.8

Promotion way Percentage Total respondents

Facebook 23.3% 7
Instagram 90% 27
Poster, Flyer 60% 18

9. Where would you prefer the event to be held?

Table 1.9

Venue of the event Percentage Total respondents

Heritage hall 83.3% 25
Multipurpose hall 16.7% 5

10. What time of the event do you prefer?

Table 1.10

Time of the event Percentage Total respondents

11am-5pm 83.3% 25
1pm-5pm 16.7% 5

Appendix C: Promotional Materials
Picture 1: Poster

Picture 2: Flyer

Picture 3 : Flyer (distribute during the event)

Picture 4: Instagram page




Criteria Description
Format Cover Page + Table of Content: 2 marks
(5 marks) Headings (in proper order): 2 marks
Professional Appearance: 1 mark
 Good effort in writing the proposal.
Good  Strong evidence is presented to support proposal, and group has ta
(18m-25m) effort to give elaboration as well as personal observations to each
individual heading.
 Paraphrases and summarises information from sources.
 Answers to assignment requirements.
 Some effort in writing the proposal.
 Points given are based on some evidence.
Content Average  Data presented gives moderate support to proposal.
(25 marks) (9m – 17m)  May have personal opinions included in proposal.
 Has done research prior to assignment.
 Some direct copying from sources, but otherwise made attempts t
 Does not answer to assignment requirements.
 Simplified and no/little effort in writing the proposal.
(0m – 8m)  Points given are weak with no/little research done prior to assignm
Based mostly on personal opinions.
 A lot of direct copying from sources - probably plagiarised.
 Has confident control of structure and grammar
Good  Correct and appropriate use of language except for very occasiona
(14m-20m)  Generally varied and accurate word choice
 Uses correct word forms.
 Has little control of language
 Frequent weaknesses in structure and grammar, making comprehe
Language Average
(20 marks) (6m-13m)
 Limited word choice – confined to simple words
 Frequent use of wrong word forms.
 Has virtually no control of language
Poor  Weak in structure and grammar, making comprehension very diff
(0m-5m)  Great difficulty in choosing correct words
 Very frequent use of wrong word forms.
 Very strong effort put into assignment.
 Included plenty of additional materials, with very little taken from
sources and most materials being the group’s original work.
Creativity  Some effort put into assignment.
(10 marks)  May have included additional materials, though mostly taken from
Poor  Not creative and little effort put into assignment.
(0m-4m)  Probably plagiarised.

Total: (60 marks)

Evaluated by: _________________________________





Part 1 – Group Assessment

Criteria Description Marks

 Brief introduction of the proposal Good 5m

Content  Brief club description, job responsibilities
(5 marks)  Event Details & Proposed Budget (Logical) Average 3-4m
 Promotion (Advertisement and Poster)
 Conclusion Poor 0-2m
Good 2m
Organization  Structuring of ideas
Average 1m
(2 marks)  Introduction and ending
Poor 0m
 Appropriate, used intelligently, used point forms, not Good 3m
Visual Aids
wordy/clustered) Average 1-2m
(3 marks)
 Suitability Poor 0m

Group Total: 10 marks

Part 2 – Individual Assessment

Name: _________OOI XIN FU______________ ID: __________2104980_____________

Criteria Description Marks

 Clear speech (audible, clear articulation, not monotonous) Good 5m
Delivery  Personal energy (enthusiasm, confidence, not reading from slides)
Average 3-4m
(5 marks)  Body language (eye contact, gestures, expressions, movement)
 Confidence and ability to answer questions when asked Poor 0-2m
 Accuracy (Making few mistakes in spoken language) Good 5m
 Fluency (Smooth speech, good proficiency) Average 3-4m
(5 marks)
 Appropriateness (Proper use of language) Poor 0-2m

Total: 10 marks

Grand Total (Part 1 + Part 2): 20 marks

Name: _________TAN KANG CHEE____________ ID: _________2106549__________

Criteria Description Marks

 Clear speech (audible, clear articulation, not monotonous) Good 5m
Delivery  Personal energy (enthusiasm, confidence, not reading from slides)
Average 3-4m
(5 marks)  Body language (eye contact, gestures, expressions, movement)
 Confidence and ability to answer questions when asked Poor 0-2m
 Accuracy (Making few mistakes in spoken language) Good 5m
 Fluency (Smooth speech, good proficiency) Average 3-4m
(5 marks)
 Appropriateness (Proper use of language) Poor 0-2m

Total: 10 marks

Grand Total (Part 1 + Part 2): 20 marks

Name: _________JESS NG CHOO XIAN______________ ID: _________2104755___________

Criteria Description Marks

 Clear speech (audible, clear articulation, not monotonous) Good 5m
Delivery  Personal energy (enthusiasm, confidence, not reading from slides)
Average 3-4m
(5 marks)  Body language (eye contact, gestures, expressions, movement)
 Confidence and ability to answer questions when asked Poor 0-2m
 Accuracy (Making few mistakes in spoken language) Good 5m
 Fluency (Smooth speech, good proficiency) Average 3-4m
(5 marks)
 Appropriateness (Proper use of language) Poor 0-2m

Total: 10 marks

Grand Total (Part 1 + Part 2): 20 marks

Name: _________TAN PEI RU______________ ID: ___________2106451______________

Criteria Description Marks

 Clear speech (audible, clear articulation, not monotonous) Good 5m
Delivery  Personal energy (enthusiasm, confidence, not reading from slides)
Average 3-4m
(5 marks)  Body language (eye contact, gestures, expressions, movement)
 Confidence and ability to answer questions when asked Poor 0-2m
 Accuracy (Making few mistakes in spoken language) Good 5m
 Fluency (Smooth speech, good proficiency) Average 3-4m
(5 marks)
 Appropriateness (Proper use of language) Poor 0-2m

Total: 10 marks

Grand Total (Part 1 + Part 2): 20 marks
Name: _________LOW XIN YUE______________ ID: _________2104924_____________

Criteria Description Marks

 Clear speech (audible, clear articulation, not monotonous) Good 5m
Delivery  Personal energy (enthusiasm, confidence, not reading from slides)
Average 3-4m
(5 marks)  Body language (eye contact, gestures, expressions, movement)
 Confidence and ability to answer questions when asked Poor 0-2m
 Accuracy (Making few mistakes in spoken language) Good 5m
 Fluency (Smooth speech, good proficiency) Average 3-4m
(5 marks)
 Appropriateness (Proper use of language) Poor 0-2m

Total: 10 marks

Grand Total (Part 1 + Part 2): 20 marks

Name: _________CHUAH HUI QIAN______________ ID: _________2104736___________

Criteria Description Marks

 Clear speech (audible, clear articulation, not monotonous) Good 5m
Delivery  Personal energy (enthusiasm, confidence, not reading from slides)
Average 3-4m
(5 marks)  Body language (eye contact, gestures, expressions, movement)
 Confidence and ability to answer questions when asked Poor 0-2m
 Accuracy (Making few mistakes in spoken language) Good 5m
 Fluency (Smooth speech, good proficiency) Average 3-4m
(5 marks)
 Appropriateness (Proper use of language) Poor 0-2m

Total: 10 marks

Grand Total (Part 1 + Part 2): 20 marks


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