MaritimeReporter 1984 04

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Rowan Gorilla I
Yes, we have the answer and the expertise.
For fifteen years, we have satisfied the offshore needs of our customers worldwide.
Our international engineering and construction expertise and experience include
the construction of the complete range of mobile offshore drilling rigs, various
offshore related and supporting equipment, conventional and specialised vessels,
and other heavy steel structures, both onshore and offshore.
W e also provide consultancy services in design, engineering and project management.

Mobile offshore drilling rigs comprising semi submersibles.

jack ups. drillshipslmrilling tenders, drill bastes and oring systems, platform jackets
submersibles. V?* ^K

I • v a

rxi ..,,

- E u-

Ollshore related and s u p p o r t i n g e q u i p m e n t i n c l u d i n g p i p e l a y Conventional and a vessels including tin dredges, bulk
barges, craneships. accommodation and maintenangfj-vg^afis. carriers, cargo/contlj l i q u i d - c a r r y i n g vessels, roll-on/roll
multipurpose suppi^r vessels and anchor_J•targjj&iq'lugs. -oil vessels and ml si

•Tin ••••••••o ^


Please contact us for details at:'


31 Shipyard Road, S i n g a p o r e 2262. Tel: 2652144 (15 lines). Telex: FELS RS 21513 C a b l e : "FESHIPIND."
Houston Office: Suite 493, 6420 Richmond A v e . , Houston, Texas 77057, U S A .
Tel: (713) 9721180, 9721187, 9721204. Telex: T W X 910-881-5482 KEPMAR H O U .

2 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card


Happy centennial, Brooklyn Bridge,"

from the McAllister Brothers.
The Brooklyn Bridge was c o m p l e t e d in 1883 a n d is celebrating its l O O year centennial this year.
McAllister Brothers was established in 1864. W e are proud that our barges p l a y e d a n important role in the building of this bridge.

McAllister Brothers, Inc. Towing a n d

17 Battery Place, New York, N.Y. 10004
B a l t i m o r e (301) 547-8678 • Norfolk
P h i l a d e l p h i a (215) 922-6200 • San J u a n
(212) 269-3200
(804) 627-3651
(809) 721-8888 McAllister
3 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card
and Engineering News
Thrust Is Forwards And
Sideways And Backwards COVER Editorial and Executive Offices
107 East 31st Street, New York, N.Y. 10016
IKALUK. 79M ICE CLASS 4 ARCTIC SUPPLY (212) 689-3266 • ITT Telex: 424768 M A R I N T I
R o w a n Gorilla I PUBLISHERS John E. O ' M a l l e y
Charles P. O ' M a l l e y

Charles P. O ' M a l l e y

And Overhaul Market EDITOR Robert W a r e

PAGE 3 6
SENIOR EDITOR Thomas H. Phillips
PAGE 4 8
360° Maneuvering, AWO
Slow-Speed Propulsion, — Advocacy & TECHNICAL EDITOR
Influence — L. Parke Adair, B S N A , PE
Ice Management!
Air/Water Hull Lubrication INTERNATIONAL EDITOR
Robin F. Burnett. M R I N A , M N I .
Waterfall Deluge Hull Lubrication O T C '84 London, England
Ice Dispersal PAGE 72
Heeling Tank Transfer BUSINESS MANAGER John E. O ' M a l l e y
and with the same thruster PAGE 8 4
John C. O ' M a l l e y


Side Thrusting — Even Underway Linda Niepokoj

Emergency Propulsion and Steering Ames And O ' D o n n e l l PRODUCTION MANAGER Katherine St. Onge
N o P r o t r u s i o n s . . . N o Hull C h a n g e N a m e d Regional Directors
Low-Drag Nozzles — Saving Fuel ART DIRECTOR Ellen Hemmer

N o Reversing Impeller
For M a r i t i m e Administration
S o u n d Masking Maritime Administrator H.E.
S h e a r has announced the appoint-
ment of A l p h a H. A m e s J r . as di-
rector of the MarAd Great Lakes SALES OFFICES
Region and F r a n c i s J . O ' D o n n e l l N e w York, N e w York
as director of the Eastern Region.
Each has been serving in an act- Maritime Reporter & Engineering News
Micro-Processor Control
107 East 31st Street. N e w York, N Y 10016
System, Model 1200A . .
with gyro input . . . holds
ing capacity. Telephone: (212) 689-3266
vessel's heading. System
also accepts compatible
Mr. A m e s succeeds George
NAV/A1DS fore aft and R y a n , who resigned from the H o u s t o n , Texas
slow-speed propulsion and
positioning. agency in 1982 to become presi- Robert Hawley
dent of the Lake Carriers Associa- Gary Lindenberger
MODULE THRUSTER tion in Cleveland. As regional di-
O M N I T H R U S T E R ship c o n t r o l s y s t e m s * utilize 1 1777 Katy Freeway, Suite 155, Houston, T X 77079
individual m o d u l e thrusters of up t o 3 0 0 0 H P in rector, Mr. A m e s is responsible Telephone: (713) 870-0470
any c o m b i n a t i o n t o p r o d u c e desired f o r w a r d o r for assisting U.S.-flag ocean oper-
lateral net thrust. Prime m o v e r s for the ators and Great Lakes port inter- Italy
M o d u l a r T h r u s t e r S y s t e m m a y b e electric,
hydraulic o r diesel p o w e r e d in c o n j u n c t i o n with
ests in their marketing efforts and M r . Vittorio F. Negrone
in supporting other maritime en- Ediconsult Internazionale
m a n u a l / a u t o m a t i c o r integrated c o n t r o l n e t w o r k s .
A D V A N T A G E S FOR LARGE VESSELS . deavors. The region embraces all Piazza Fontane Marose, 3-16123 Genova, Italy
Telex: 211197 E D I N T 1
• Incremental Thrust Capability of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illi- Telephone: (010) 543.659-268.334-268.513
• Multiple M o d u l e Reliability
nois, Wisconsin and Minnesota,
• Easily Retrofitted o r Installed in N e w
and parts of New York and Penn- Scandinavia
• Minimum Maintenance sylvania. The region office, opened Mr. Stephan R G O m
" N a v a l Architects: Robert Allan, Ltd.. "Covered by U. S Patents;
in Cleveland in 1975, was moved A b Stephan R G O r n
for Gulf Canada Resources, Inc Foreign Patents Pending to Des Plaines, 111., in 1983. Box 184, S-271 00 Ystad, Sweden
Telex: 33335 O R N S, Telephone: 0 4 1 1 - 1 8 4 00
OMNITHRUSTER INC. Mr. O ' D o n n e l l , headquartered
in New York City, administers West G e r m a n y
9 5 1 5 S o r e n s e n A v e n u e , Dept. 3 1 - 4 4 - 1 federal programs that assist the W o l f O. Storck
Santa Fe Springs, California 9 0 6 7 0
American maritime industry in all Schiffahrtswerbung Karl-Otto Storck
2 1 3 / 8 0 2 - 1 8 1 8 Telex 1 9 4 2 6 5 OMNI SFES
Cable A d d r e s s Omnithrust
or parts of 17 states stretching Stahlwiete 7, 2000 Hamburg 50,
from Maine to Florida, and Puerto Federal Republic of Germany
Telephone:040/850 0071
Circle 106 on Reader Service Card Rico and the Virgin Islands.

MARITIME 107 EAST 31st STREET Maritime Keporter/tngineenng News is published the 1st and 15th Member

of each month by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Controlled Circu-
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016
lation postage paid at Waterbury, Connecticut 06701.

Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliverable

Telex: MARINTI 424768
ENGINEERING NEWS magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 107 East 31st
Business Publications
Street, New York, N.Y. 10016.
Audit of Circulation, Inc.
(USPS) 016-750

• • • • • • •

4 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Electric Boat A w a r d e d Leback, a member of the Marine N e w Beemer Engineering and 15-degree angular misa-
Society for more than 25 years, lignment.
$22V2-Million Increase To has served with distinction in the C a t a l o g Describes Its The couplings and their appli-
Previous N a v y C o n t r a c t commercial sector both at sea and cations are thoroughly described,
General Dynamics Incorporated,
ashore before entering govern- Flexible K - C o u p l i n g s and both photographs and dimen-
ment service. sional drawings are provided. Also
Electric Boat Division, Groton,
The dinner will be in the Grand Beemer Engineering Company included are charts outlining part
Conn., has been awarded a
Ballroom following a reception from of Fort Washington, Pa., offers a numbers, sizes and capacities, hor-
$22,571,218 face value increase to
6:30 to 7:30. Reservations may be new catalog that provides com- sepower and torque, and torque
a previously awarded cost-plus-
made by contacting Capt. Conrad plete engineering and application capacity versus hours of life.
fixed-fee Navy contract for naval
Nilsen, dinner chairman, at (201) data on Flexible polyurethane For a free copy of the new Bee-
architectural and marine engi-
338-4137, or Ms. Mills at the Ma- elastomeric K-Couplings that will mer catalog,
neering support and acquisition of
rine Society office, (212) 425-0448. operate at up to 3/16-inch parallel Circle 10 on Reader Service Card
prototype systems and subsystems
under the improved performance
machinery program. The Naval
Sea Systems Command, Washing- Engineering Excellence
ton, D.C., is the contracting The Cincinnati Gear Company has set the standards for high
activity. performance marine gears by specializing in surface hardened and
precision ground epicyclic and parallel shaft diesel and gas turbine
driven marine propulsion gears.
Saint John Shipbuilding
U p g r a d e s Its C A D / C A M
For Big Frigate P r o g r a m Product
Saint John Shipbuilding & Dry
Dock Company, Ltd., in New
Brunswick, Canada, has chosen High power density gearing is the
A U T O K O N and AUTOFIT as its new standard for U.S. Navy marine
C A D / C A M systems for carrying propulsion gearing, and Cincinnati
out the big Canadian Navy Frig- Gear is leading the way. All of these
ate Program contract. The Saint programs used Cincinnati Gear
John yard has been awarded prime surface hardened and precision
contractor responsibility for the ground marine propulsion gearing:
detailed design, procurement, and
management of the entire pro- • The PHM/Jetfoil/H.M.S. Speedy
gram, including construction of (with CODOG drive) made by
three of the first six vessels in the Boeing Marine Systems, all have
The system supplier, Shipping
gas turbine drives for the LM-2500
or 501. • HSfc
Research Services, will start deliv-
• The American Enterprise crew-
ery of the C A D / C A M software SURFACE
boat was built by Halter Marine, HARDENED
shortly. It will be used for detailed Inc., with a 501 gas turbine drive. AND
design, material takeoff, genera-
tion of design and production • The T-AO 187 fleet oiler made by GROUND
drawings, and N/C control tapes Avondale Shipyards, Inc., has the
for steel cutting and pipe bending. largest carburized and hardened
The software will be operated on and precision ground gears in the
Prime computers and use different U.S. Navy.
brands of graphical work stations. CREWBOAT T-AO 187
The installation will be a major • The 3K-SES Navy program involved
one. four 40,000 hp CGCO epicyclic
Saint John Shipbuilding has gas turbine drives.
been an A U T O K O N user for a de- • Each LCAC produced by Bell
cade; the contract implies upgrad- Aerospace Textron has 8 gas
ing to the newest generation of turbine powered gearboxes and
A U T O K O N , while it is SRS' first 24 couplings and clutches pro-
installation of the AUTOFIT pip- vided by CGCO.
ing engineering system in North
For more information on the

Circle 97 on Reader Service Card Facility and Precision gear h o b b i n g m a c h i n e c a n cut

class 14 gears u p to 200" in diameter.
Precision gear grinder for class 15 surface
h a r d e n e d gears u p to 158" in diameter

Equipment Internal h o b b i n g h e a d attachment for b y 63" face.

internal gears u p to 220" pitch diameter.
M a r i n e Society A n n u a l
Dinner Scheduled For
A p r i l 9 A t Plaza H o t e l
The Marine Society of the City
of New York will hold its 214th
consecutive Annual Dinner on
Monday, April 9, at the Plaza Ho-

& *
tel in N e w York City. Capt. R.N.
LePage, president of the Society,
has announced that Capt. Warren i .
G. Leback, deputy maritime ad-
ministrator at the Maritime I'IMSImmhbk
nored guest and speaker. Captain
The Cincinnati Gear Company 5657 WoosterPike, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 513, 271-7700 Telex \ o . 21-4568

April 1,1984 Circle 107 on Reader Service Card 5

Transamerica Delaval Ends vision, or any of its pumps or other an industry leader during the past the ability to run dry without
products. 51 years. These include: damage.
Its Technical Assistance J. Kenneth Lippincott, general (1) Three-screw pumps used (3) Crescent internal gear (CIG®)
Agreement W i t h I M O AB manager, stated that the action worldwide in industrial and naval pumps that find wide application
will have no impact on existing applications—known for simple in fluid power systems; these have
Transamerica Delaval Inc. has business arrangements, division design, smooth flow, high shaft high pressure capabilities and the
dissolved its joint technical assis- management, or location of facili- speed capability, and very low ability to handle high water base
tance agreement with IMO AB of ties. Pyramid Pump plants are sit- noise level. fluids.
Stockholm, Sweden. Henceforth the uated in Monroe, N.C., and Co- (2) Geared twin-screw (GTS*) Mr. Lippencott emphasized the
name of the division will, be the lumbia, Ky. pumps used in petroleum and pro- fact that Pyramid Pump Division
Pyramid"' Pump Division of Tran- Pyramid Pump Division will cess installations afloat and will offer the same quality product
samerica Delaval Inc., and the continue to offer the same lines of ashore—providing very high ca- lines, repair parts, and service
registered trademark IMO will no positive displacement pumps that pacities, great resistance to dirt, support that it has offered since
longer be used to describe the di- have made Transamerica Delaval and, when used for stripping, has 1933 under the IMO name. Pyra-
mid Pump will continue to build
on its 51-year record of engineer-

ing and design expertise, operat-
ing efficiency, and proven reliabil-
ity, he said.
Transamerica Delaval has 19

operating divisions at 22 manufac-
turing locations worldwide. The
company makes a line of indus-
trial products including compres-


sors, connectors, controls, diesel
engines, electric motors, fasteners,
filters, forgings, gearing, pumps,
sensors, steam condensers, tur-

bines, valves, and waste treatment
Circle 26 on Reader Service Card


G r i f f i t h N a m e d Vice
O p e r a t i o n s For TOTE

M T Portland. Shaver had designed a Z - D r i v e that

Transportation C o m p a n y ' s would stand up to American
powerful new ship berthing tug operating conditions. Mari-
tug. went with o n e o f the most time Z - D r i v e s . designed, built
innovative tug propulsion and proven in North A m e r i c a ' s
systems in the world. toughest testing ground — the
Maritime Industries' log-strewn waters o f the
Pacific Northwest — were
..• H ailI
W e installed t w o more than equal to the
1700 HP Z - D r i v e units with challenge.
360° thrust capability into the T h e 'Portland' is the
'Portland' and made her one o f first tug to utilize Maritime's Richard W. Griffith
the most effective tugs in the 'Reverse Tractor' tug design, a
Richard W. Griffith has been
U . S . Her astern thrust, for e x - c o n c e p t which provides the
elected vice president of marine
ample. is equal to her forward same stability advantages as operations for Totem Ocean Trailer
thrust. She can switch f r o m the the tractor tug without the Express, Inc. (TOTE), Seattle. The
pulling to the pushing m o d e in penalty o f increased draft. announcement was made by TOTE
just 15 seconds — a fraction During her first six months in president Robert B. McMillen.
o f the time required by a operation, the 'Portland' Mr. Griffith has been with TOTE
conventional tug. d o c k e d o v e r 2 5 0 ships. since 1977 as marine manager.
Z - D r i v e s . with their T h e M T Portland, Previously, he was a marine engi-
vastly superior maneuver- probably the most efficient tug neer for Sun Shipbuilding in Ches-
ability, are the o b v i o u s c h o i c e in the world. ter, Pa.
f o r ship berthing tug propul- A n d w e helped make TOTE is a privately owned
sion. Until the Portland no o n e her that way. Alaska corporation providing cargo
transportation between that state
and the lower 48 using two roll-on/
roll-off trailerships, the Great Land
and Westward Venture. It oper-
ates out of the Port of Tacoma and
the Port of Anchorage.

Navy A w a r d s Sperry
Maritime Industries Ltd.
Leaders in precision maneuverability.
$50-Million Increase
To Computer Contract
Sperry Corporation, Computer
6307 Laurel Street, Burnaby, BC Canada V5B 3B3
Systems, St. Paul, Minn., has been
Telephone: (604) 299-7591 awarded a $50,433,760 face value
Telex: 043-54799 Cable: Maritair increase to a previously awarded
firm-fixed-price Navy contract for
520 AN/UYK-20 and AN/UYK-20A
standard computers. The Naval
Sea Systems Command is the con-
tracting activity.

6 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card

Bestobell M o b r e y Promotes FAST
H o u b a And Bowerman To
Sales Executive Posts
Bestobell Mobrey, headquartered in Slough,
Berkshire, England, part of the worldwide For more than 30 years we
Bestobell group that specializes in component
technologies, recently re-organized its export have custom designed and
sales operations. The main changes involved supplied
locating regional executives in Europe and
Southeast Asia to provide greater service to
every type of fast access
customers and assistance to overseas agents marine and industrial closure.
and associate companies.
We guarantee 1-2 week
shipment of standard doors,
hatches, scuttles, manholes..
plus fastest possible delivery of
cargo doors, sideports and
special closures.

J. Houba D. Bowerman

Based in Liege, Belgium, J. Houba has

taken up the post of European regional export
manager, having worked for the company for
six years as marketing and commercial man-
ager for Belgium and France. His main area
of responsibility is to assist the five Mobrey
European companies or agents, and to coordi-
nate major international projects originating
E . M 0 C K & S O N S , Inc.
Established 1884 1

in Western Europe. 20 V e s e y S t r e e t , N e w York, N Y 1 0 0 0 7 / T e l : 2 1 2 - 7 3 2 - 7 8 6 3 / T e l e x : 12 6 0 7 5

In Southeast Asia, D. Bowerman has been

$190,000,000 IN FOUR DAYS?

Circle 2 2 6 on Reader Service Card
appointed regional export executive, with re-
sponsibilities similar to those of Mr. Houba.
Mr. Bowerman is based in the well-estab-
lished office of Bestobell Singapore Pty., and
covers the Asian territories including Japan, I m p o s s i b l e y o u say. Try again, for at the last While Fish E x p o has always b e e n k n o w n as
Korea, and several other Far Eastern regions. Boston Fish E x p o in 1982 o v e r 9 0 0 0 qualified buyers the best marketing m e d i u m for reaching fishing
He has worked for Mobrey for 10 years in representing nearly 5000 fishing vessels and w o r k vessel o w n e r s w o r l d w i d e , it is also the o n l y large
sales positions in both U.K. and export boats negotiated sales orders f r o m 435 c o m p a n i e s . e x p o s i t i o n that draws maritime buyers from the
operations. Exhibitors said that the s h o w stimulated industry- Northeast. M o r e qualified buyers attend and m o r e
w i d e sales in e x c e s s o f $190 million.* buying takes p l a c e at Fish E x p o than at any c o m
Other Mobrey export sales regions remain
•The complete Fish Expo Exhibitors' Survey ci Irom show management parable e x p o s i t i o n in the world.
the responsibility of Slough-based executives,

T h e numbers speak for themselves!

who regularly visit their individual territories.

For exhibit space availability >r attendance information.
50-Page M a n u a l O n call or write:
M a r i n e Fenders O f f e r e d National Fisherman Expositions, Inc.
5 Milk Street, P.O. Box T-i37, Portland, Maine 04112 207-774-5981 SPONSORED BY NATIONAL FISHERMAN
By Seaward International West Coast Office:
Fish Expo, 4215 21st Ave. West, Seattle, Washington 98199
October 17-20, 1984
Seaward International, Inc. of Falls Church, 206-283-1150 Hynes Veterans Auditorium, Boston, Mass.
Va., has just published a 50-page technical Circle 2 2 7 on Reader Service Card
manual on its Sea Guard* line of marine fend-

ers. The new catalog provides complete tech-
nical data and specifications for the standard C. A . C . I . OCEAN ENGINEERING DEPT.
Sea Guard fender sizes. In addition to describ-
ing the many advantages and applications of
these fenders, the manual outlines the con-
struction features, fender system design, size
selection criteria, and installation guidelines. • Design & Engineering ^ ANTENNA
Sea Guard fenders are 100-percent foam-
filled, have a smooth exterior surface, and are
• Cleaning & Testing
adaptable to many types of installation re- • Fabrication
quirements including harbor, offshore, and • CABIN OUTLETS
ship-to-ship applications. These fenders are • Hyperberie Systems • NO ROTOR R E Q U I R E D
highly portable and can be installed in a num- • Safety & Certification • VCR INPUTS
ber of ways, such as fixed on a dock face or • MARINE ENGINEERED
floating. The booklet contains numerous pho-
tographs and drawings illustrating fender in- • C A C I . I N C - F E D E R A L : 18)5 N O R T H F O R T M Y E R DRIVE,

stallation examples and arrangements. A R L I N G T O N , V I R G I N I A 22209. T E L E P H O N E ( 1 0 ) ) 841 7800

C M C Communications, Inc.
For a free copy of the Sea Guard manual, • CACI. INC-FEDERAL 1314 SOUTH KING STKEET. SUrTE »34.
5479 J E T P O R T I N D U S T R I A L BLVD.
HONOLULU. HAWAII 96814, T E L E P H O N E (808) 537-6114
T A M P A , F L O R I D A 33614
Circle 4 1 on Reader Service Card • C A C I . INC - F E D E R A L : 2220 P A R A M O N T AVENUE. SUITE 105,
C H E S A P E A K E , VIRGINIA 23320. TELEPHONE (804 ) 424-3094 P H O N E 813-885-3996

April 1, 1984 Circle 2 2 8 on Reader Service Card Circle 2 2 9 on Reader Service Card 7
Tokyo Marine Services the semi-submersible rig Penrod route to Duala, where installation Maru, and Tokuei Maru No. 28.
74 under tow en route from the of the central platform in the Mo- Finally, the TMS tug Amaryllis
Is Active W o r l d w i d e Philippines to the U.S. Gulf. Sail- koko and Abana fields off Came- and 400-foot barge TMS-5 loaded
— Color Brochure Available ing at the end of December 1983, roon took place in February. a deck cargo of nine harbor tugs
the rig is scheduled for delivery in Under contract to Brown & Root, built by Tsuneishi Shipbuilding in
Tokyo Marine Services Ltd., op- April this year. TMS has delivered four barges Japan for delivery to Buenes Aires.
erator of eight oceangoing tugs In another move, the J-deck with modules and other structures For more information on Tokyo
and four 400-foot, semi-submers- module for Pecten (Shell) was con- from N K K ' s Shimizu yard to the Marine Services and a free 16-
ible barges, announces a status re- structed aboard the 14,700-dwt Sabah gas utilization project off page, full-color brochure,
port on four major projects now barge TMS-6 in Morgan City, La. Labuan Island, North Borneo. The
under way or recently completed. The tug Kaiyo Maru then took the barges were towed by the tugs Circle 9 3 on Reader Service Card

The 12,000-bhp tug Dahlia has barge under tow from the Gulf en Freejia, Shin-ei Maru, Kairyu

Ingalls Gets $14V2-Million

For Navy LHD-1 Long
PALMER Lead Time Material
D Litton Systems Incorporated, In-
galls Shipbuilding division, Pasca-

goula, Miss., has been awarded a
$14,475,212 face value increase to
a previously awarded cost-plus-
fixed-fee Navy contract for long
lead time material for the LHD-1
multi-purpose amphibious assault
O v e r 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 sq. ft. c o a t e d w i t h ship, including jigs and fixtures,
Palmer non-skids s i n c e 1 9 4 6 ; DECKS fuel pumps and purifiers, and mis-
3 m i l l i o n sq. ft. last year. cellaneous raw materials. The Na-
val Sea Systems Command is the
H e r e a r e s o m e g o o d r e a s o n s w h y D L i R A D E C K is w i d e l y u s e d a s contracting activity.
a n o f f - s h o r e n o n - s l i p c o a t i n g . . . . It's l o n g l a s t i n g a n d e c o n o m i c a l t o
use • Resists chemicals, solvents, oils and s e a w a t e r • Has
s u p e r i o r c o r r o s i o n r e s i s t a n c e • W i t h s t a n d s h e a v y traffic o n all
working surfaces and helipads most importantly, D U R A D E C K Richard Faber Promoted To
r e d u c e s a c c i d e n t s , c a u s e d by s l i p s a n d falls.
Palmer c h e m i s t s f o r m u l a t e d D U R A D E C K especially for off-shore M a r i n e / M i l i t a r y Sales
use. T h e y have b e e n s o l v i n g non-slip c o a t i n g p r o b l e m s for over 3 5
years. For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , w r i t e for o u r f r e e c a t a l o g or call o u r M a n a g e r At Aeroquip
a p p l i c a t i o n s e n g i n e e r s a t ( 8 0 0 ) 3 4 1 - 4 4 0 8 ; in Pa. ( 2 1 5 ) 5 8 4 - 4 2 4 1 .
;K is a v a i l a b l e f r o m a n y o f o u r U.S. d i s t r i b u t o r s a n d o u r
s u b s i d i a r y P P I L t d . in E u r o p e .
K is a n o t h e r p r o d u c t f r o m P a l m e r I n t e r n a t i o n a l , w h o
also provides C H O C K T I T E GREEN, a pourable c h o c k i n g c o m p o u n d . RIG DECKS AND HELIPADS

P W o r c e s t e r , Pa. 1 9 4 9 0 ( 8 0 0 ) 3 4 1 - 4 4 0 8 TWX # 5 1 0 - 6 6 0 - 7 7 3 6
H a r t l e p o o l C l e v e l a n d , E n g l a n d , T S 2 5 2 B S Tel (44) 4 2 9 3 3 9 1 3 Tlx ( 8 5 1 ) 5 8 7 2 3 6

Circle 109 on Reader Service Card

Rick Faber

ARSENALE TRIESTINO-SAN MARCO SI R i c h a r d F a b e r has been pro-

moted to marine/military sales
SHIPREPAIR&- SHIPCONVERSIONS ¥fu3^^ffATr"?""" manager in Aeroquip Corpora-
tion's Industrial Division market-
4 D R Y D O C K S HJP T O 170,000 D W J . T L X : 460122 - A T S M I
ing department, based in Jackson,
MARIMUjO Mr. F a b e r has more than nine
33 Rector s t years of Aeroquip sales experi-
NEW YORK, '. 10006 ence. He was formerly an account
Tel.: 212-422 | 5 - T e l e x 421874 executive in the Industrial Divi-
sion's farm/construction core ac-
count marketing group based in
Normal, 111. He is a graduate of
Youngstown State University.
Aeroquip Corporation is a sub-
sidiary of Libbey-Owens-Ford
Company. A worldwide leading
manufacturer of fluid power and
fluid system components, Aero-
quip's diversified product lines in-
clude flexible hose, fittings, and
assemblies; quick-disconnect, V-
band, and mechanical pipe cou-
plings and accessories; hydraulic
and pneumatic cylinders; ball, ro-
tary, and swivel joints; custom-en-
gineered rubber products, spring
brakes; cargo control equipment;
refrigeration/air-conditioning com-
ponents; railroad products; and
aerospace components.

8 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Service Machine G r o u p Lady II will also be in full compli- framing forward. Her main engine many, sold through Fairhaven
ance with applicable U.S. Coast will be a Detroit Diesel 8V71 rated Marine of Fairhaven, Mass. The
Building O f f s h o r e Units Guard regulations for carrying 230 bhp at 1,800 rpm. Reverse main engine will be a Deutz S/
For Five O i l Companies passengers for hire, lakes, bays gear will be a Detroit Allison with B V M 628, a four-stroke, in-line 6-
and sounds. 3:1 reduction ratio. Delivery is cylinder engine featuring direct
Service Machine Group, Inc. of scheduled for July this year. injection. It is rated at 1,264 con-
The second contract, with the
Morgan City, La., has been The third contract has been tinuous bhp at 900 rpm. The re-
Palombo Lobster Company of
awarded five contracts for the fab- signed with Poseidon Fishing Inc. verse/reduction gear will be by
Sandwich, Mass., is for a 65-foot
rication of jackets, a deck, and of Fairhaven, Mass., for a 107-foot Reintjes.
offshore lobster boat designed by
platforms or offshore rigs as follows: scalloper designed by John Gilbert This scalloper will have accom-
Washburn & Doughty. With prin-
For Chevron, a four-pile jacket of Boston. This boat will be a first modations for a crew of 16, fin-
cipal dimensions of 65 by 18 feet
that will be installed in 184 feet of for the U.S. East Coast fishing in- ished in formica trimmed with ma-
by 6 feet 4 inches, this vessel will
water in West Cameron Block 541, dustry in that all the engines will hogany. Delivery is expected in
be longitudinally framed through
with delivery in June 1984; be manufactured by Deutz of Ger- the fall of 1984.
the midportion, with transverse
An eight-pile jacket for Shell
Offshore, to be installed in 88 feet
of water in Grand Isle Block 33-A,
July 1984 delivery;
A four-pile deck to be installed
New Westfalia concept for
in High Island Block A515-A for
Tenneco, June 1984 delivery;
For Pennzoil, a four-pile plat-

Highest purification efficiency,

form for 212 feet of water in West
Cameron Block 587 B., delivery
April 1984; and

top fuel ecora my

A n eight-pile platform for Mobil
to be installed in 324 feet of water
in West Cameron 618A, with de-
livery in November 1984.

PEPCON O f f e r s N e w
Brochure O n M a r i n e
O r g a n i s m Control
"Marine Organism Control for
Seawater Supply Systems" is the Oil
title of a new four-page brochure
from Pacific Engineering & Pro-
duction Company of Nevada (PEP-
CON). Described and illustrated
are PEPCON electrolytic seawater
systems that generate from 10
pounds per day to any required
amount of sodium hypochlorite.
Included are typical flow dia-
grams for system applications at
coastal power plants and fire pro-
tection systems, offshore plat-
forms, desalination plants, and
other seawater piping installations. UNITROL Separator SECUTROL Clarifier
For a free copy of the PEPCON

Circle 2 0 on Reader Service Card

The Secutrol Clarifier is the "supervisor" of the
Purify heavy oils with densities up to 1010 kg/m 3 system — assuring m a x i m u m oil purity even with
E l i m i n a t e need for gravity discs drastic increases in sediment content of the feed.
Washburn & Doughty
M a x i m u m oil purity maintained even with varying Secutrol acts as a fuel monitor: Because of the
Announces Signing O f unique, sophisticated de-sludging control, there are
feed conditions — sediment, water, density,
Three Vessel Contracts temperature m i n i m u m oil losses and m i n o r sludge disposal
Washburn & Doughty Associ- Can be incorporated into existing systems with problems.
ates, Inc. of Woolrich, Maine, has m i n i m u m cost
announced the signing of three
construction contracts and the Utilizing two A u t o m a t i c Oil Purifiers in a two- Oil flow Motor temperature
company's entry into two new stage system, this new Westfalia concept for low Oil temperature Vibration
markets—a sail-powered passen- grade heavy fuel oil achieves the highest levels of Failure to shoot Excessive number of solids
ger vessel and an offshore lobster oil purity. The first stage is a Westfalia "Clnitrol" and/or water discharges
boat. Separator, the second stage a Westfalia "Secutrol"
Currently under construction is Clarifier.
the 73-foot Bay Lady II, a gaff top The Westfalia two-stage system is available as a
The Clnitrol Separator design allows purification
sail schooner building for Bay Lady
of oils of widely varying densities up to 1010 completely equipped m o d u l e called "Centri-Pack".
Cruises of Bar Harbor, Maine. De-
signed by Wallstrom & Watkins kg/m 3 . A n y water present is discharged Centri-Pack comes with all necessary components
Associates of Blue Hill, Maine, the automatically by sensor, thus eliminating the need built in: Westfalia O i l Purifiers, piping, wiring,
new vessel features a triple chine for gravity discs. pumps, motors, heaters, strainers, etc.
hull and will accommodate 49 pas-
sengers for day sailing in Maine
waters. Centrico, Inc.
Built to Washburn & Doughty
boatyard standards, which meet or
mMm 100 Fairway Court, Northvale, N.J. 07647
(201) 767-3900
exceed ABS requirements for steel
vessels under 200 feet, the Bay

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 9

B o a r d A p p r o v e s Spin-off will set record and payment dates sion. "We believe that the spin-off Jr., will become chairman and
for a special dividend of Sea-Land will establish both Sea-Land and chief executive officer of Sea-Land.
O f Sea-Land Service To common stock to holders of RJR Reynolds Industries as distinct in- Commenting on the spin-off, Mr.
Reynolds Shareholders common stock. The pro rata distri- vestment alternatives that will be Abely said, "Sea-Land emerges
bution of stock will transfer own- properly recognized by the invest- from Reynolds Industries as the
The board of directors of R.J. ership of Sea-Land to the share- ment community," he stated. "It is strongest company in the world
Reynolds, Inc. has approved the holders of RJR common stock. The also consistent with RJR's goal of containerized transportation busi-
spin-off of its ocean shipping sub- spin-off is expected to be com- sharpening its focus on consumer ness. The depth of its manage-
sidiary, Sea-Land Industries In- pleted in the second quarter of this goods and services," he said. ment, its worldwide network of fa-
vestments Inc. year. Reynolds Industries had previ- cilities and systems, and its very
When arrangements for the spin- J. Tylee Wilson, RJR president ously reported that when the spin- strong balance sheet equip the
off of Sea-Land to RJR's share- and chief executive officer, said he off is completed, its vice chairman company to continue to compete
holders are completed, the board is pleased with the board's deci- of the board, Joseph F. Abely most effectively," he stated.

Thomas Patterson N a m e d

THE FASTEST WAY TO REACH OVER President-General M a n a g e r

O f Coastal Iron W o r k s


Thomas Patterson

Thomas L. Patterson has been

promoted from vice president to
president and general manager of
Coastal Iron Works, Inc. of Corpus
Christi, Texas. Youngest son of
one of the company's founders and
long-time presidents, Mr. Patter-
son joined Coastal in 1965, and
was named secretary-treasurer in
1969 and vice president in 1971.
He is a graduate of the University
of Texas at Austin.
Coastal Iron Works is a diversi-
COMSATs new maritime And, our Maripress Service can fied, 35-year-old corporation with
High Speed Data Service lets deliver daily news and sports re- three divisions: the Marine De-
your on-shore computer commun ports to your crew. partment, which repairs oceango-
icate with the one on your ship or COMSATs maritime services can ing vessels at dockside; the Ship-
offshore rig, instantly, at speeds up to 56 KbpsT streamline your business to save you time yard Division, which builds and
Small on-board computers are becoming at- and money through these efficiencies: repairs all types of tugs, barges,
sea extensions of on-shore computers for engine • SPEED—fastest (and most confidential) tele- crewboats, and supply vessels; and
room monitoring, bookings, inventory control, phone, facsimile and data communications on the Industrial Division and Ma-
spare parts, consumables, payroll and weather the high seas. chine Shop, which performs indus-
information programs. • RELIABILITY—day and night, unhindered by trial and marine repairs. The ship-
With COMSATs maritime satellite services, weather, ionospheric conditions or frequency yard recently christened the Mr.
you can also use your present telex, TWX or crowding. Pat, a 200- by 90-foot steel float-
telephone to call directly to more than 2,OCX) • CONVENIENCE—automatic shipboard print- ing drydock, the largest south of
out of telex and digital data, with instant con- the Freeport-Galveston area.
ships. You can reach them quickly, virtually
anywhere in the world, via the INMARSAT firmation.
satellite system. Place all these services right at your finger-
COMSATs satellite capability can even pro- tips. For a free ship telex and telephone direc- James C o m p a n y O f f e r s
vide you with point to multi-point broadcasting. tory with dialing instructions, call us.
D a t a Sheet Describing
CALL COMSAT 1-800-424-9152 Self-Lubricated Bearings
The Allan P. James Company of

tii friti/ii of Commmllm

Paramount, Calif., has available a
free, six-page data sheet to assist

QhmmmJM the engineer and purchasing agent

when specifying and procuring self-
lubricated bearings. Complete
technical data detailing the chem-
ical and physical properties, with
COM SAT{|| World Systems comparative specifications for each
alloy and Lubron lubricant, is
Business Development provided.
950 LEnfant Plaza, S.W. Suite 6151 Washington, D.C. 20024 For a free copy of this data
See us at the World Oil & Gas Show, Booth #710, June 4-7, Dallas, Texas Circle 99 on Reader Service Card

10 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News


t to S e r v e ^ H
World Trade


Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 11

March 15, 1984
C a t e r p i l l a r Announces • Continuous—For service with ice with full-throttle opera- at full throttle. The rating defini-
full-throttle operation up to tion up to 5 percent of total tions identify the percent of time
N e w M a r i n e Diesel Engine 100 percent of total time; time with the balance of time at full throttle and corresponding
Application Guidelines • Medium Duty—For service below rated rpm. time at reduced rpm. This rpm re-
with full-throttle operation up duction lowers horsepower re-
Caterpillar Engine Division has to 80 percent of total time quirements, as propeller demand
revised marine propulsion rating with balance of time below Use of the correct rating based follows a cubic speed/power curve.
definitions to simplify selection rated rpm; upon these definitions and guide- For example, an engine operating
and help insure proper applica- • Intermittent—For service with lines provides optimum perform- at 90 percent of rated speed will be
tion. The following four-level rat- full-throttle operation up to ance, long engine life, and ex- loaded by a typical propeller to
ing system matches Caterpillar 50 percent of total time with tended overhaul periods. about 73 percent of rated power.
marine propulsion systems to a the balance of time below rated In selecting a rating for a spe- Operating at recommended re-
particular application based on rpm; cific application, the most impor- duced speed controls the engine
vessel operation: • High Performance—For serv- tant consideration is the time spent load at or below the continuous
level. As a general guideline, typ-

Save space and money

ical operating parameters for each
rating are summarized below:

ORCA Contin- Medium Inter-

Duty mittent Perform-

sewage treatment systems

Time at
Throttle 100% 80% 50 % 5%
(% of
Rated) — 95% 90% 85%

Ratings should be applied on the
basis of vessel operation and not to
an application based only on the
type of boat or hull design. Vessel
descriptions such as workboat,
fishing vessel, or ferryboat, and
hull design such as displacement
For s m a l l w o r k b o a t s to l a r g e s h i p s , t h e l i g h t w e i g h t . . . for e x a m - or planing hull do not completely
O R C A p h y s i c a l c h e m i c a l s e w a g e treat-
ment system offers many benefits w h e n
ORCA ple, t h e O R C A T y p e I, 12
m a n unit w e i g h s o n l y 100
define the operation conditions of
the vessel or the power demands
c o m p a r e d to b i o l o g i c a l s y s t e m s a n d lbs. (45 kg) a n d T y p e II, 36 required of the engine. These gen-
m e e t s U . S . a n d m o s t w o r l d w i d e dis- m a n unit w e i g h s 810 lbs. eral conditions could have more
charge regulations. (368 kg). than one rating applied depending
Requires 90% less space Operational on how the vessel is operated. It is
important to remember that the
than biological systems. a d v a n t a g e s include:
rating selected should match the
For p r o p e r o p e r a t i o n , b i o l o g i c a l sys- S t a r t - s t o p o p e r a t i o n of
individual vessel operating profile.
t e m s r e q u i r e t h e w a s t e w a t e r to be re- the O R C A system pro-
t a i n e d for m a n y d a y s d u r i n g t h e treat-
For further information on these
duces quality effluent on
m e n t c y c l e . . . this r e q u i r e s sub- s t a r t - u p w h e n e n t e r i n g re-
Cat guidelines,
stantial t a n k a g e . T h e O R C A s t r i c t e d w a t e r s . It also h a s
Circle 98 on Reader Service Card
s y s t e m s m e e t T Y P E I a n d II dis- t h e ability to h a n d l e s h o c k
charge standards without long loads without reducing
retention times. The result, treatment efficiency. On
M a j o r N o r t h Sea Contracts
d r a m a t i c s p a c e s a v i n g s a n d in- the other hand, biological
creased systems require m a n y A w a r d e d To H y d r a n a u t i c s
flexibility d a y s to a c h i e v e steady-
biological in t h e state o p e r a t i o n in order
H y d r a u l i c Systems
system place- to m e e t t r e a t m e n t ob- Hydranautics Hydraulic Sys-
ment jectives and are easily tems of Goleta, Calif., is currently
of t h e upset by s h o c k loads. manufacturing systems for the Elf
treatment M i c r o p r o c e s s o r c o n t r o l p r o v i d e s re- Heimdal platform in the North
system within the vessel. liable a n d a u t o m a t i c o p e r a t i o n a n d a l l o w s t h e Sea, according to Basil Peters,
^ORCA s y s t e m to react to c h a n g i n g flow c o n d i t i o n s w i t h o u t t h e London-based vice president of
n e e d for o p e r a t o r a d j u s t m e n t s . European operations for Hydra-
Lower costs nautics International.
R e m o t e s t a t u s p a n e l f e a t u r e s an L E D d i s p l a y w h i c h indi-
L o w e r c a p i t a l c o s t is a fact b e c a u s e of t h e O R C A s y s t e m ' s
c a t e s o p e r a t i n g s t a t u s of i n d i v i d u a l s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s Production of these systems des-
pre-engineered, package design.
a n d p i n p o i n t s l o c a t i o n of any m a l f u n c t i o n . tined for operation in the Norwe-
L o w e r i n s t a l l a t i o n c o s t is t h e result of its c o m p a c t d e s i g n
U.S. Coast G u a r d c e r t i f i e d a n d IMO a p p r o v e d assures gian sector is being handled under
a n d light w e i g h t ( w e i g h s a p p r o x i m a t e l y 8 0 % less t h a n an
equivalent biological system).
y o u that y o u r v e s s e l , w h e n e q u i p p e d w i t h an O R C A s e w a g e two separate contracts. The first
L o w e r m a i n t e n a n c e c o s t s include: t r e a t m e n t s y s t e m , will m e e t U . S . a n d m o s t w o r l d w i d e regu- calls for a rig skidding system and
• no s l u d g e r e m o v a l lations. BOP handling system. The rig
• all p u m p s a n d m o t o r s are i d e n t i c a l 8 s t a n d a r d p r e - e n g i n e e r e d s i z e s a r e a v a i l a b l e a n d in skidding package will provide lon-
• solid-state m i c r o p r o c e s s o r c o n t r o l s t o c k to h a n d l e f r o m 1 to 1,000 p e o p l e . O R C A t r e a t m e n t sys- gitudinal and transverse moves
t e m s a r e a v a i l a b l e in t h e U.S. a n d t h r o u g h o u r w o r l d w i d e including the capability for precise
Retro-fit... simplifies placement distribution network. rig positioning. The BOP handling
and minimizes installation costs For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n O R C A T y p e I a n d II s e w a g e treat- system will supply elevation and
• c o m p a c t s i z e . . . 12, 24 a n d 36 m a n units are 18 i n c h e s m e n t s y s t e m s , c o n t a c t R i c h a r d L a m b e r t at t h e a d d r e s s attitude positioning and horizon-
( 4 5 7 m m ) w i d e or less shown below. tal translation of the BOP stack.
Ancillary power and controls are

The second contract specifies a
central hydraulic power unit that
1260 Turret Drive
will accommodate all of the hy-
R o c k f o r d , IL 61111 U . S . A .
draulic rig tools used on the
T e l e p h o n e 8 1 5 / 6 5 4 - 8 3 0 0 , Telex 2 5 7 - 4 1 5 ( E N V I R O V A C R K D )
Toll F r e e ( U S A only) 8 0 0 - 4 3 5 - 6 9 5 1 ( e x c e p t IL, HI, A K )

12 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

N K S Heavy Forging And Casting NKS is a joint venture of NAFINSA, the
Mexican Development Bank, Kobe Steel, a
Facility Nears Completion In Mexico leading Japanese steel producer, and SIDER-
MEX, the official steel consortium of Mexico.
The erection of the casting, forging, and ma-
chine shop buildings, with the plant infras-
tructure, has been completed on schedule at
the site in Puerto Lazaro Cardenas on Mex-
ico's West Coast. The main equipment compo-
nents including the 4,000/6,000- and 1,500-ton
forging presses and the 40-ton electric arc fur-
nace are now at the site and being installed.
A broad range of tools including a horizon-
tal lathe of 2,500/2,000 mm by 15,000 mm,
and vertical lathe of 8,500/5,000 mm by 5,000
mm will be installed in the machine shop. A
steel casting facility of the most modern de-
sign, with production capacity of 20,000 tons
annually, is also included in the complex.
Production is scheduled for the first quarter
of 1985, at which time NKS will be able to of-
fer the marine industry heavy castings and
forgings for rudders, stocks, tail and line
shafting, propellers, and related parts of the
highest quality, conforming to the standards
of the classification societies.
For additional information on the NKS
Interior of the steel making shop under construction at the Workmen installing the base for the 4 , 0 0 0 / 6 , 0 0 0 forging Circle 8 5 on Reader Service Card
NKS facility. press.

OTC Tow Monitor measures up Transamerica Delaval twin "Enterprise DMR 46 engines
(each 3500 hp), mounted on Chockfast Orange", power the
rugged workboats of Biehl, Inc. Kuyper gears with cast-in-
place Chockfast alignment also help to assure powerplant

When reliability
cannot be
count on
O f f s h o r e T e c h n o l o g y C o r p o r a t i o n provides
turn-key engineering services to design, build
and install microprocessor based data acquisition
instrumentation for use on drill ships, semi-submersibles
fixed platforms, tankers, and tows.
High-performance products and worldwide service from factory-trained and
Examples include measurement of v e s s e l m o t i o n (tow monitor shown certified chocking specialists. Chockfast O r a n g e " has e a r n e d a reputation
above); measurement of p r o p u l s i o n p l a n t e f f i c i e n c y (the PM-150 for reliability • m o r e t h a n 15,000 main propulsion s y s t e m s , plus • g e n e r a -
Propulsion Monitor); b a l l a s t m o n i t o r i n g ; p o w e r p l a n t m o n i t o r i n g and
tors a n d auxiliary e q u i p m e n t • s t e r n t u b e , strut, pintle, r u d d e r a n d p e d e s t a l
m a n a g e m e n t ; and, measurement of w i n d , w a v e s , a n d c u r r e n t (the DAS-1
bearings • steering gears • engine-room and cargo pumps • anchor wind-
environmental monitor).
lasses • bow thrusters • cable penetrations • stern winches.
O T C has over 14 years of experience in measuring forces and responses of
deep water exploration, production and transport systems. Instrumentation
packages designed and built by staff m e m b e r s are on over 40 offshore
structures and vessels. For proven engineering services worldwide —
we measure up!
If your project requires installation and operation of
existing high speed data acquisition systems or design
and construction of custom monitoring and control
systems contact O T C at (619) 746-5511 or T W X 910
322-1140 O T C ESCD. Vti/tJs ( Cst/trrf/Y/fSr/S

Offshore lechnology P.O. Box 454

Corporation 20 Commerce Drive, Montgomeryville. PA 18936
Telephone: (215) 855-8450 Telex 84-6342 Cable: Philres MMLL

April 1, 1984 Circle 1 1 5 on Reader Service Card Circle 1 1 6 on Reader Service Card 13
M i c h a e l Hughes A p p o i n t e d tween the division's engineering connectors for industrial and Product Planning M a n a g e r
and sales departments to develop marine use. Feedrail", another
new products and find new appli- product area, includes trolley bus-
Product M a n a g e r N a m e d A t American
cations for existing products. He way and overhead electrification
also investigates new market op- systems.
At Russellstoll portunities and possible product Prior to Midland-Ross, Mr. S t a n d a r d / H e a t Transfer
acquisitions for the product lines. Hughes held positions at Phelps
Michael L. Hughes has been Headquartered in Livingston, Dodge Cable and Wire. He re-
appointed product manager for the N.J., Russellstoll manufactures ceived his MBA in marketing from
Russellstoll Division of Midland- electrical controls, lighting, plugs, Mississippi State University and a
Ross Corporation. receptacles and connectors, cus- BS degree in industrial engineer-
Mr. Hughes is the liaison be- tomized electric interlocks and ing from Rutgers University.

Bob McDonough

The Heat Transfer Division of

American Standard Inc. has ap-
pointed Bob McDonough as its
new manager, product planning.
Mr. McDonough comes to HTD

Intrinsically safe, Intrinsically

with more than five years' experi-
ence in marketing capital equip-
ment and eight years' experience

reliable, Intrinsically Standard.

as a chemical engineer.
In his new position, Mr. Mc-
Donough is responsible for devel-
oping new products, modifying ex-
For safe, d e p e n d a b l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Ni-Cad battery packs, w h i c h m a y b e c h a r g e d
isting products and overseeing the
in h a z a r d o u s e n v i r o n m e n t s , d e p e n d o n b y m e a n s of s e v e r a l a v a i l a b l e s i n g l e o r g a n g
marketing department in its sup-
Standard's n e w H X 5 0 0 s e r i e s intrinsically chargers.
safe marine handhelds. The HX500 handhelds have been tested
port and service to field sales.
R u g g e d l y c o m p a c t , t h e all-solid s t a t e b y F a c t o r y M u t u a l R e s e a r c h , a n d a r e ap- APPROVED
In addition to producing heat
H X 5 0 0 S e r i e s o p e r a t e s in t h e 1 5 6 - 1 5 8 M H z p r o v e d a s i n t r i n s i c a l l y s a f e f o r C l a s s I. II, transfer and other industrial prod-
ucts, American Standard Inc. is
ft Stanc
V H F o r 4 5 0 - 5 1 2 U H F b a n d s , a n d o f f e r s six- a n d III. D i v i s i o n 1, a p p l i c a b l e g r o u p s C. D. E,
c h a n n e l f l e x i b i l i t y — C h a n n e l s 6 a n d 16 F a n d G , a n d n o n i n c e n d i v e f o r C l a s s I Divi- also a leading manufacturer of
a l r e a d y i n s t a l l e d in t h e H X 5 0 0 S V H F m o d e l . s i o n 2, G r o u p s A . B. C a n d D h a z a r d o u s
w Communi railway, mass transit and auto-
R F p o w e r o u t p u t is 5 w a t t s , w i t h a s e l e c - locations. motive braking and control de-
table 1 - w a t t p o w e r - d o w n feature (HX500S S t a n d a r d b a c k s t h e H X 5 0 0 w i t h its P.O. Box 92151 vices; plumbing and other build-
VHF), or 2 - w a t t s o n t h e U H F m o d e l exclusive f l a t r a t e l i f e t i m e warranty, plus Los Angeles. C t 90009-2151
ing products; earth- and ore-moving
HX500U. t h e g u a r a n t e e of l o c a l s e r v i c e if n e e d e d .
vehicles; bank security systems,
P o w e r s o u r c e is a c h o i c e of r e a d i l y Your authorized Standard C o m m u n i c a t i o n s
and graphic products. The com-
c h a n g e d 5 0 0 m A H a n d 9 0 0 m A H twist-oft m a r i n e electronics dealer has details, contact: .the marine rad o people
pany and its affiliates carry on
Circle 1 1 7 on Reader Service Card manufacturing operations in more
than 20 countries.

Literature Detailing Access

Equipment/Hatch Covers
A v a i l a b l e From Ascargo
Ascargo S.A. in Bilbao, Spain,
designs and manufactures an ex-
ENGINEERED tensive range of cargo access
KEEL COOLING equipment, including ramps and
other RO/RO equipment, hoistable
car decks, watertight and fireproof
COMPLETELY doors, cargo lifts, tank covers, scis-
ASSEMBLED sors type elevators, and all types
of hatch covers.
Since its founding in 1958, As-
cargo has supplied more than 2,000
hatch covers that are fitted on
hundreds of ships. The company
has also carried out thousands of
repairs and modifications to exist-
ing hatch covers such as rebuild-
ing deteriorated covers to make
them watertight, or modifying wire-
pull hatch covers to hydraulic
R. W. F E R N S T R U M S. COMPANY R. W. F E R N S T R U M S. CO., EXPORT OEPT. operation.
MENOMINEE, MICHIGAN, U.S.A. 49858 M E N O M I N E E , MICHIGAN, U.S.A. 4 9 8 5 8 For free literature describing
Phone (906) 863-5553 • Tele* 26-3493 • Answer Back F E R N S T R U M M N O M Phone (906) 863-5553 « Telex 26 3493 • Answer Back FERNSTRUM M N O M Ascargo's complete product line,

Circle 9 6 on Reader Service Card

14 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Kienitz A n d Flahaut Bulk Corporation of New York Swiftships Gets $ 3 - M i l l i o n tract includes training of the crews
City for a Title XI guarantee to and on-going logistic support. The
P r o m o t e d A t Pott's aid in financing the construction From D o m i n i c a n Republic vessels are scheduled for delivery
Inland W a t e r w a y s Division of a 33,000-dwt, diesel-powered in May and June of this year.
Richard A. Kienitz has been
auto/bulk carrier. If approved, the For T w o Patrol C r a f t Swiftships, with yards in Mor-
guarantee would cover $11,250,000, gan City, La., and Pass Christian,
appointed senior vice president-
or 75 percent of the estimated cost Jerry L. Hoffpauir, president Miss., has become well known for
marketing, and John A. Flahaut
of $15 million. of Swiftships, Inc., has announced its design and construction of mil-
has been promoted to vice presi- the receipt of a $3-million contract
The 13,500-bhp vessel would op- itary craft, having delivered ves-
dent-sales, it was announced by from the Dominican Republic for
erate in the U.S. foreign and do- sels ranging from 40 to 150 feet to
John F. Lynch, president of the the construction of two 110-foot
mestic trades. No builder has been some 20 countries throughout the
Inland Waterways Division of Pott aluminum patrol boats. The con-
selected. world.
Industries, Inc. He also announced
that Thomas F. Maloney, for-
merly senior vice president-sales,
has resigned to pursue other inter-
ests in the marine industry.

Richard A. Kienitz
Mr. Kienitz is returning to the
Inland Waterways Division after
serving as vice president-market-
ing for Alliance Marine Services of
New Orleans for the past two
years. In his new position, he will
have responsibility for all com-
pany marketing and traffic func-
tions. Mr. Kienitz is a graduate of
Ferris State College in Michigan
with a BS degree in marketing.
He also received a Transportation than conventional polypropylenerope,plus higher
and Traffic Management Certifi-
cate from the College of Advanced abrasion resistance and lower stretch, at the same price.
Traffic, Chicago, and is a member
of The Propeller Club of the United
Wall's STEEL L I N E is a But best of all, STEEL STEEL LINE is available
newly developed, super- LINE delivers these prem- in 3 or 8-strand construction,
tough rope designed for ium advantages w i t h o u t a in diameters 1 Yz inches and
marine use. premium price. It costs you larger. And it's manufactured
STEEL L I N E is manu- no more than polypropylene in the United States from
factured from a unique of the same diameter and, domestic materials.
configuration and combina- i n f a c t , costs less than any Want more facts—or
tion of synthetics that offer synthetic, based on dollars quick shipment? Phone us
a host of advantages. For per pound of tensile at 919-835-6888 or write:
example, STEEL LINE is 40 strength. Wall Industries, Inc., P.O.
percent stronger than poly- Box 560, Elkin, NC 28621.
John A. Flahaut
propylene rope of the same
diameter, twice as strong as
Mr. Flahaut, who was previ-
wire rope on a w e i g h t basis,
ously assistant vice president-sales,
and stronger than n y l o n . . .

will report to Mr. Kienitz on all
marketing and traffic related func- pound for pound.
tions, including administration of What else is so special
the regional sales offices. He earned about STEEL LINE? Be-
a degree in traffic management cause its specific gravity
from the College of Advanced is only slightly higher than WALL INDUSTRIES, INC.
Traffic. polypropylene, it floats. And Service centers in major cities.
Both Mr. Kienitz and Mr. Fla- compared to polypropylene,
haut will be located at the Inland STEEL L I N E stretches less
Waterways Division's headquar- under loads and offers
ters in St. Louis. superior abrasion resistance.

A u t o Bulk Asks Title XI

To A i d In Financing
$ 1 5 - M i l l i o n C a r / B u l k Carrier
The Maritime Administration
has received a request from Auto

March 15, 1 9 8 4 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 15

We give your veterans more
For years, Bath Iron Works has been one The new Portland facility is a well-
of the premier ship repair yards for the equipped, self-contained shipyard just 40
United States Navy. minutes from our main shipyard, close to
Now, with the opening of our new North Atlantic shipping lanes and situated in
Portland Overhaul and Repair Facility, the the deep-water harbor of Portland, Maine.
Bath expertise is offered to the commercial Our facilities include:
shipping world. Our management knows the Floating Dry Dock:
value of quick turn-around time, and our • 81,000 ton lift capacity
work force is as skilled and innovative as any • 744 ft. length (267 meters)
in the world. We'll get the job done right... • 137 ft. clear docking width (42 meters)
right on schedule... right on budget. • Two 25-ton wingwall cranes
than a patch and a promise.
Piers: The Portland shipyard offers modern
• 1000 ft. (305 meters) and 600 ft. office accommodations at the site. And, of
(183 meters) course, a Maine work ethic that will make
• 60- and 25-ton crane service "Bath rebuilt" a hallmark in the commercial
shipping world.
Floating Crane: Don t your
• 50-ton capacity veterans deserve
With 70,000 sq. ft. (6,510 sq. meters)
outside storage and 25,000 sq. ft. (2,325 sq.
the very best
meters) inside storage, the facility is serviced A Congoleum Company
700 Washington Street, Bath, Maine 04530
by rail, water, highway and air transportation. Telephone 207-443-3311 Telex 94-4455

Circle 120 on Reader Service Card

French Named Chairman And C E O project manager with Bechtel Cor- there will be two areas of respon-
poration and in various production sibility reporting to Mr. French.
At N A S S C O — V o r t m a n n Is President management positions with Beth- Mr. Vortmann will be responsible
lehem Steel and Kaiser Steel. for the "internal" functions of the
Mr. Vortmann has been execu- company—basically those opera-
tive vice president for the past tions that occur in San Diego.
four years. He joined the company Mr. Lutter will have responsibili-
in 1976 as vice president-finance, ties that are "external" to the
and was elected to the board of di- operation of the shipyard.
rectors in 1978. Previously, he was
Raytheon Gets $ 1 3 - M i l l i o n
employed by the Kaiser companies
for seven years in various finan- N a v y C o n t r a c t For SSN
cial management and corporate
planning capacities. He earned BS
Engineering Services
and M B A degrees from the Uni- Raytheon Company, Ports-
versity of California at Berkeley. mouth, R.I., has been awarded a
Mr." Lutter joined NASSCO" in $13,385,000 cost-plus-fixed-fee
Clarence L. French Richard H. Vortmann Alfred W. Lutter Jr. 1979 as vice president-marketing. Navy contract for engineering
C. Larry French has been ap- president-marketing and business He previously had been vice pres- services for SSN combat systems.
pointed chairman of the board and affairs. ident and general manager of Kai- The Naval Sea Systems Command
chief executive officer of National Mr. French has served as NAS- ser Glass Fibers, and had prior is the contracting activity.
Steel and Shipbuilding Company SCO's president and C O O for the management positions with In- D o D Implements Initiative
of San Diego, a wholly owned sub- past six years. He joined the com- mont Corporation and Owens-
sidiary of Morrison-Knudsen Com- pany in 1967 and served as vice Corning Fiberglass Corporation. For Cost Effectiveness
pany. In other promotions, Rich- president of engineering from 1974 He received a BS degree in electri- O f C o n t r a c t Requirements
ard H. Vortmann has been named and executive vice president from cal engineering from Northwest-
The Department of Defense
president and chief operating offi- 1976. He earned BS degrees in ern University and completed a
(DoD) is implementing a new ini-
cer, the posts previously held by mechanical engineering and naval management program at the Har-
tiative aimed at developing more
Mr. French, and Alfred W. Lut- science at Tufts University. Before vard School of Business.
cost-effective contract require-
ter has been appointed senior vice joining NASSCO, he served as a Under the new organization,
ments for major system acquisi-
tions. This initiative will address
a number of problems inherent in
present practices that can result
in excessive contractual require-
ments early in weapon system
This initiative was developed in
• Snag-free designs — without • Durable rugged construction. conjunction with the military
protruding chains, cables or webbing. • Immediate availability of most sizes. services under the DoD Acquisi-
Lightweight — no deployment equip- • Maintenance-free. tion Improvement Program (Initi-
6 ' x 1 2 ' with tire ative No. 14), and will specify "re-
ment required. • Safe — cannot explode.
and chain net. sults required" rather than "how
• Compact • Competitively priced. to" procedures in requests for pro-
storage. • High energy absorption, low reaction posals and contracts. Detailed
force. specifications and standards will
• Sizes suitable from pleasure be used only for guidance during
craft to ULCC's. the early phases of development,
and selectively included in con-
tract requirements for full-scale
m m development and production. The
recommended actions also place
limits on incorporating contract
requirements through referencing
in certain specifications and stand-
ards. Cost/benefit analysis will be
central to decisions on application
EEflimmilMdiii EESnnnnilKamiil • Guaranteed of contract requirements.
16" 36" 31 l b s . 32" 50" 172 lbs. ... . . unsinkable. With the implementation of the
We also produce initiative, industry will be given a
24" 36" 75 lbs. 36" 60" 211 lbs. a full line of BUOYS In many sizes and shapes. greater opportunity to recommend
*24" 36" 80 lbs. 48" 88" 425 lbs. the most cost-effective application
24" 36"
Extra Large
"Hi Energy
85 lbs. 72" 144" 3,100 lbs.
(714) 894-5566
of detailed specifications, stand-
ards, and other contract require-
ments. Final decision-making au-
Absorption Core Marine Products Division 15301 Transistor Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 U.S.A. thority, however, will be retained
Circle 1 2 1 on Reader Service Card by the government program man-
ager. Emphasis will be given to
assuring development of a com-

f l L JIM'S PUMP REPAIR INC. M plete and definitive production de-

sign data specification while pro-
viding flexibility to use contractor
ingenuity and experience to arrive
^incorporated 43.55 36th STREET, L O N G I S L A N D CITY, NEW YORK 11101
at cost-effective designs.

ReconditionedE sCoffin
J I M L A G O N I K O S , President
& Pacific Feed Pumps
t a b l i s h e d 1974 B o b Mooney, Sales & Service Mgr. As directed in a Deputy Secre-
tary of Defense memorandum dated
Service A-1 Condition Parts Available January 11, 1984, each military
24HRS TYPE • F-CG - DE - DEB - IND - T TLX-TWX department is required to identify
four major system development
212-392-4444 TBA • 12 -16 - 1 6 1 / 2 710-5824847JPRNYK programs for initial implementa-
SERVICE - GULF AND WEST COAST tion of these concepts. Within six
months, the military departments
will provide plans to expand appli-
24 Hrs. Service VI-CORE INC.-IvoDabelic 713-643-7715 cation of these concepts to all new
major system acquisitions.

18 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

M u r d o c k Announces
N a m e C h a n g e A n d Promotions
Irving, Texas-based Murdock Machine &
Engineering Company of Texas has changed
^ ^ M f S t t* C Dependability
s j n c e 1 9 5 5
its name to Murdock Engineering Company.
Company president Daniel Heidt explained
the name change was implemented "to en-
hance our international image in the offshore
* Electrolysis eliminated
petroleum and marine industries." Mr. Heidt
also announced two promotions at the company.
Corrosion resistant

decreases start-up
load, shipping
costs, and wear
on bearings

Machined from
solid Simsite for
perfect symmetry
Charles M. Reinhardt Marvin Baker

Safe and easy

Charles M. Reinhardt assumes the new ti- installation
tle of director, marketing and technology. He
formerly held the position of director, product
development and engineering. Custom manufacturing
Marvin Baker, formerly director, con-
tracts, with the company, has been promoted Longer life . . . lower costs
to director, programs.
Murdock Engineering Company supplies
services and products for the offshore petro-
leum and marine markets.
For additional information and free litera-
ture on Murdock products and services, 1314 Park Avenue, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 USA
201*792 0600 212*227 7661
Circle 3 2 on Reader Service Card
Circle 2 2 2 on Reader Service Card

Fleet weather Ocean Services Inc.
• V o y a g e Surveillance & Performance ( $ 2 0 / d a y )
• Full Service Ship-Routing ( $ 2 5 / d a y + c o m m ' s )
• T o w i n g / B a r g e Offshore W i n d / S e a Fcsts ( $ 3 0 / d a y )
• P o r t / T e r m i n a l Fcsts, High W i n d / S t o r m Alerts
High Quality — Low Cost The listed MIL-C-915E Cables are m a n u f a c t u r e d t o the
latest A m e n d m e n t .
T R Y US!!
MIL-C-915/6F MIL-C-915/20D MIL-C-915/21D
Fleetweather O c e a n Services Inc. SHOF-3 thru SHOF-8OO TRF-105 TRXF-84
DHOF-3 thru DHOF-400 TRF-133 TRXF-105
Telephone (914) 897-5401 (24 Hours)
THOF-3 thru THOF-6OO TRF-168 TRXF-133
Telex 510-249-4820 R C A 229668 FHOF-3 thru FHOF-133

Circle 2 2 3 on Reader Service Card The listed cables are the m o s t c o m m o n t y p e s utilized
by the Navy. Delco Wire & Cable s t o c k s n u m e r o u s
others that have been specially designed and c a n build
any design that w o u l d be required.
Delco service is fast, too. Delco ships in-stock orders
w i t h i n 24 hours and o f t e n ships the s a m e day order is
For further i n f o r m a t i o n about other cable t y p e s or for a
special c o n s t r u c t i o n of your o w n design, c o n t a c t The
Marine Division of Delco Wire & Cable.
Ingalls Shipbuilding photo

Thomas Marine Proudly Presents . ..

American flag was hoisted aboard the battle- THE "EXPLORER"
A 225 hp. C h r y s l e r Engine (or o t h e r options).
Delco Wire & Cable, Inc.
ship Iowa (BB-61) recently for the first time 257 Rittenhouse Circle
Sea-Worthy! Spacious! Spirited! A Work Horse Keystone Industrial Park, Bristol, PA 19007
since 1958. The ship, being reactivated and Our new 25' x 9' b e a m " E X P L O R E R " W o r k Boat is really rugged,
modernized by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Divi- built of 3/16" A l u m i n u m Plate, heli-arc w e l d e d , r e i n f o r c e d w i t h i n .
Phone 215/785-0511 TWX 510/667-0968
sion of Litton Industries in Pascagoula, Miss., W e o f f e r an e x t e n s i v e Line of A l u m i n u m Plate W o r k B o a t s . 23' t o 39' overall.
We'd like to discuss your Work Boat requirements: (516) 289-0621 Telex 843-338 Cable DELCO BRI
is scheduled to rejoin the fleet in April. The
Iowa's crew has set the watch and is now liv-
ing aboard ship.

April 1, 1984 Circle 2 2 4 on Reader Service Card Circle 2 2 5 on Reader Service Card
standards of the U.S. Coast Guard, The launch of Apollo One cul-
the Environmental Protection minates years of cooperative effort
Agency, the Maritime Administra- among international regulatory
tion, and the National Bureau of agencies, the Federal Govern-
Standards, among others, and are ment, and private industry to de-
the first of their kind to meet the velop an environmentally accepta-
criteria of the American Bureau of ble alternative to the inadequate
Shipping. and often dangerous hazardous
The Apollo One can safely de- waste disposal methods of the past.
stroy up to 30 million gallons of Classed by the American Bu-
hazardous waste each year. She is reau of Shipping as + A1 E Chem-
the first in a fleet of ships that ASI ical Carrier, + A M S , +ACCU,
will operate at Federally approved + IS, the Apollo One is designed
ocean burn sites. The currently with accommodations forward,
approved site is in the Gulf of chemical waste cargo tanks amid-
Mexico near Cameron, La.; the ships, and propulsion and inciner-
James P. Stuart
other, whose approval is expected ation machinery aft. A forecastle
shortly, is in the Atlantic Ocean. deck is provided forward and a
Incinerator Ship Apollo One Both are 150-200 miles out at sea. poop deck aft.

Launched At Tacoma Boatbuilding To support the burning of haz-

ardous waste materials at sea, ASI
Twelve integral cargo tanks are
located to comply with require-
The Apollo One, first oceangoing structed for At-Sea Incineration, will operate a multi-million-dollar ments for a Type II cargo contain-
hazardous waste incinerator ship Inc. (ASI) of Port Newark, N.J., a marine transfer terminal near each ment system. A pipe trunk is pro-
designed and built in the U.S., wholly owned subsidiary of Ta- of the burn sites. These commer- vided on center line throughout
was launched at the Tacoma Boat- coma Boat. cial terminals will collect, test, the length of the cargo space and
building Company's Yard No. 3 in Built with the aid of Federal Ti- blend, and temporarily store a va- from the inner bottom to the main
Tacoma, Wash., recently. The $37- tle XI loan guarantees, these ships riety of hazardous waste materials deck. Transverse cofferdams are
million vessel and a sister ship, have been designed to meet all ex- prior to transferring them to the installed between cargo tanks.
the Apollo Two, are being con- isting environmental and safety incineration ships for disposal. Ballast tanks are located outboard
of the cargo tanks, in the double
bottom space, and deep tanks for-


GIBBS & COX INC. Major Suppliers

Main engines (2)
Reduction gears (2)
Propellers (2)
Columbian Bronze
Naval Architects & Marine Engineers Engine controls General Electric
Shaft bearings & stuffing boxes
Johnson Rubber
Bow thruster Bird-Johnson
Thruster motor GE
SS generators Caterpillar
1235 J E F F E R S O N D A V I S H I G H W A Y 1 1 9 W E S T 31 S T R E E T 6060 J E F F E R S O N A V E N U E
Switchboards & transformers GE
A R L I N G T O N , VA. 22202 N E W Y O R K , N.Y. 10001 N E W P O R T N E W S , VA. 23605
Steering system Hough Marine
703-979-1240 212-613-1300 804-380-5800 RPM indicators . . . . Electric Tachometer
Motor controllers Graybar
Air compressors Rogers Machinery
Air receivers Roy E. Hanson
Circle 123 on Reader Service Card Inert gas system Process Systems
Tank washing system Prosser East
Pumps Argo Marine/Byron Jackson
Cascade/Coen/Dean Bros.
Kern Equipment/Power Pump
Flume design McMullen
WT doors, hatches & scuttles . . . Freeman
Sliding WT doors Walz & Krenzer
Anchors & chain Washington C&S
Accommodation ladders . . . . Rampmaster
Windlass & winches Northern Line
Sewage treatment plant
Effluent Technology
Waste incineration system Coen
CO, system Wormold
Foam system National Foam
Fire detection system General Fire
Air conditioning York
Refrigeration Borg-Warner
Whistle Kahlenberg
Searchlights Apollo Marine
Navigation lights Tacoma Marine
Nav. light panels Henschel
Lifeboats Atco Marine
Life rafts Nordby Supply
Vent, fans New York Blower
n< oo V*e A IBS ^ Batteries
Heaters & strainers
ITT Mackay
Familian NW
Valves Coen/Familian/Liberty Equip.
Seaport Controls/Waukesha Bearings
Radar & CAS Raytheon
Loran C Griffith Marine
Satcom system Electro Nav
Satnav system & SSB
Sea Mar Electronics
VHF ITT Mackay
INLAND) v Gyrocompass Sperry Marine
Fathometer Sea Mar Electronics
Coatings Devoe
Facsimile Griffith Marine

20 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Navigation, Communication, arid | Dfc. Crew Quarters
Collision Avoidance Systems

Foam Firefighting System
Cargo Loading Manifolds
Liquid Nitrogen Station

Bow Thruster

Double Hull Construction

Cargo Tanks
(Nitrogen Inerted)

- Twin Screws/Twin Rudders

ward and aft. Fuel oil tanks are inches. Deadweight a full-load draft house and radio rooms are also are installed on the poop deck aft
provided aft and fresh water tanks is 7,317 tons. Liquid cargo capac- forward. A cargo pump room is lo- of and above the propulsion and
forward. ity (100 percent full) is 197,730 cu- cated aft of the cargo space, with auxiliary machinery space. An in-
The vessel has an overall length bic feet. Accommodations, berth- access to the main deck. Two Flume cinerator forced-draft fan room is
of 396 feet, molded beam of 60 ing, messing, and lounges are stabilization tanks are fitted above provided immediately below the
feet, molded depth of 31 feet, and provided forward for a total com- the cargo pump room.
design full-load draft of 23 feet 6 plement of 25 persons. The wheel- Two liquid waste incinerators (continued on page 22)

Clean and Simple.

The Hyde Gravity
Oil/Water Separator
The Hyde Separator operates on a unique proven prin-
ciple for the separation of bilge oil a n d water, using If the people w h o are cleaning your ships, barges,
gravity flow through a fixed porous media bed. There tanks and process equipment are still using m o p s
are no moving parts, no chemicals, a n d no replaceable a n d b r o o m s , call us we can save you t i m e a n d
filters or cartridges; resulting in minimal operating costs.
It simply means a much lower initial cost, a cleaner, less money.
expensive installation a n d virtually no maintenance. W e ' r e d e v e l o p i n g the latest t e c h n o l o g y in t h e business
o f c l e a n i n g ships, b a r g e s , tanks a n d process e q u i p m e n t a n d
Proven on hundreds of shipboard a n d land-based appli- w e ' d like t o s h o w y o u h o w w e c a n save y o u t i m e a n d
cations, the Hyde Separator is approved by the U.S. Coast money.
Guard a n d British DOT. It is available in 9 models with Recently w e c l e a n e d f o u r f e e t o f s o l i d i f i e d a s p h a l t f r o m
capacities ranging from 1.5 to 20 GPM. All systems are t h e b o t t o m o f a ship's tanks, a n d w e d i d n ' t use o n e m o p ,
complete with a supply p u m p a n d controls a n d c a n b r o o m , h a m m e r o r chisel. If y o u w a n t t h i r d p a r t y v a l i d a t i o n ,
be p a c k a g e d as self contained units or as modular call us a n d w e ' l l r e f e r y o u t o o u r customers.
components to suit your specific requirements. Avail- Call us a n y w a y , w e w a n t t o save y o u t i m e a n d money.
able options include the USCG certified HYDALARM™

15 p p m bilge alarm.
Investigate all the benefits of the unique Hyde gravity
separator. Simply the best.


3820 Dauphine St. New Orleans, LA 7011 7
H y d e Products, Inc. • 810 S h a r o n Drive, Westlake, OH 44145 Telephone: 504/947-7825 • Telex:!61701 N L N
Phone: (216) 871-4885/Tlx: 212568 HYDE UR

April 1, 1984 Circle 125 on Reader Service Card Circle 126 on Reader Service Card 21
Apollo One
(continued from page 21)
incinerators. A central control room
der, 4-stroke diesel engines, each
rated 1,125 bhp at 1,225 rpm. The
engines drive Columbian Bronze
fixed-pitch propellers through Cat-
is located forward of the incinera- erpillar reverse/reduction gears.
tor room for monitoring and con- Engine controls (ACCU) were sup-
trolling all cargo handling and plied by General Electric. A Bird-
waste incineration processes and Johnson bow thruster is provided,
well as centralized control of pro- powered by a GE 400-hp motor.
pulsion and auxiliary machinery. Two auxiliary generators are also
Main propulsion is provided by driven by Caterpillar D399T
twin Caterpillar D399T, 16-cylin- diesels.

Mark VII1-2 system-

Eight operators weld from
one DC power source

Marathon-Built Rowan Gorilla I

Now Drilling Offshore Nova Scotia
The Rowan Gorilla I, the first structed in accordance with U.S.
Gorilla Class jackup rig built by coast Guard Mobile Offshore Drill-
Marathon LeTourneau's Marine ing Unit Regulations, the rig also
Division in Vicksburg, Miss., is meets or exceeds the requirements
now on location 268 miles east of of the Canadian Coast Guard, the
Halifax, Nova Scotia, near Sable U.K. Department of Energy, and
Island, an area where extreme the Netherlands Department of
M cold is part of the working envi- Mines. The Gorilla has been de-
ronment. The rig's winterizing signed by Marathon to survive up
features are said to be working to 90-foot waves and 82-knot winds
quite well. when drilling in 328 feet of water.
Owned by the Rowan Compa- The Rowan Gorilla I has power
nies, Inc. of Houston, the new rig to spare, with seven Caterpillar
is on its first drilling assignment. D399 diesel engines with a total
It is working in 207 feet of water output of 11,080 at 1,225 rpm.
drilling a rank wildcat for a group These drive seven generators that
of Canada-based companies in- produce a total of 7,210 kw. Power
cluding Bow Valley Industries Ltd., for the rig's propulsion assist sys-
Husky Oil Operations Ltd., and tem is provided by eight electric
ATS Explorations. motors with a total output of 6,800
A single transformer supplies eight independent, electrically The rig left New Orleans in De- hp, connected through gearboxes
controlled rectifier modules with welding power for these processes: cember 1983 and made its first to two 112-inch propellers in Kort
• SMAW (stick electrode) tow, 2,300 miles to Halifax, in 17 nozzles. These motors are mounted
• GTAW (TIG) days. The Gorilla's hull has been on the machinery deck on either
• ACA (air carbon arc cutting & gouging) redesigned, and proved to tow very side of the drilling slot. When us-
efficiently. The largest electrome- ing a 10,000-bhp tug, the assist
Features of the MARK VIII-2 system include: chanical jackup ever designed and thrusters will increase the towing
• Built-in remote control in each module. built by Marathon, a Gorilla Class speed by about two knots.
• Individual units can be paralleled. rig can operate year-round in re- Living accommodations are pro-
• Easy to connect to common workpiece. mote offshore areas with hostile vided on the Rowan Gorilla I for
• One duplex 115V AC receptacle provides 10 amp output for operating conditions. 80 persons. Other features include
job site convenience. Gorilla Class units have the a six-bed hospital, dual galleys,
• Single 3 phase input connection. unique Marithon LeTourneau Slo- dining room, and recreation facili-
• 2 0 0 amps per module, 60% duty cycle, 3 4 0 amp maximum. tilever"'. This means the rig can ties. The rig's survival system con-
• Transports as a single unit. not only cantilever the derrick out sists of two 50-person and two 34-
• Uses less floor space. beyond the stern but can also drill person Whittaker enclosed cap-
during design storm conditions with sules, approved by the U.S. Coast
Recommended f o r . . . power plant construction and maintenance... the drilling package fully re- Guard and fitted with communi-
shipbuilding and repairing...petrochemical plant tracted into the slot. Gorilla rigs cations systems. An octagonal he-
building and maintenance... are also capable of ocean tows and lipad cantilevered out over the
fabrication shops... field moves with all 504 feet of leg bow has a diameter of 83 feet and
training facilities. in place; this greatly adds to the is elevated approximately 75 feet
rig's mobility. The size of the Go- above normal draft for sea tow
Ask for the FREE Mark VIII-2
rilla rig—the main deck covers purposes.
bulletin. Your Miller Distributor is
in the Yellow Pages. Or write HIIIIER nearly one acre—allows for stor-
age of large quantities of drilling
Two other Gorilla Class rigs are
currently under construction, one
Miller Electric Mfg. Co., P.O. Box consumables. These rigs can con- at Marathon's Singapore yard for
1079, Appleton, W l 54912. tinue to work even if resupply is late 1984 delivery and one at the
temporarily interrupted. Vicksburg yard for delivery in
Classed + A 1 by the American 1985.
Bureau of Shipping and con-

22 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

The world Leader in HFO-operated
Marine GenSets
»ARKADIA«« - 60 000 d w t bulk carrier w i t h
three Heavy Fuel M . A . N . - B & W Diesel GenSets
- type 6S28LH-4 -
operating on the Uni-Fuel Concept.

'4y| o
. ' i t ffffifc
HFO Marine GenSets Uni-Fuel concept
M . A . N . - B & W M a r i n e G e n S e t s of The f u t u r e b e l o n g s t o t h e M . A . N . -
t o - d a y a n d f o r t h e f u t u r e are based B & W Uni-Fuel C o n c e p t :
upon: • M a r i n e GenSets a n d M a i n Engine
• 85 years of e x p e r i e n c e in diesel o p e r a t e on t h e s a m e Heavy Fuel.
e n g i n e design. • S i m p l i f i e d f u e l oil s y s t e m .
• 70 years of e x p e r i e n c e in M a r i n e • Simplified and cheaper bunker-
GenSet design. ing.
• 45 years of e x p e r i e n c e in GenSet • M a r i n e GenSets d e s i g n e d t o ope-
- o p e r a t i o n on HFO. rate o n f u e l s u p t o 7.000 Sec. R.1
• M o r e t h a n 5.0 m i o a c c u m u l a t e d GENERATING SETS a n d f o r » f u t u r e « fuels.
service h o u r s in M a r i n e GenSets
on HFO.
• M o s t extensive k n o w - h o w and
c o n t i n u i n g research a n d develop-
m e n t in t h e M a r i n e diesel e n g i n e M . A . N . - B & W Diesel
field. 2, 0stervej, DK-4960 Holeby
• 500 k W - 4000 k W per u n i t at Telephone: +453906026
720/750 R P M . Telex: 40646 hodiel dk

American M . A . N . Corporation 50 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10004 USA • American M . A . N . Corporation West Coast Office 235 M o n t g o m e r y Str. San Fransisco CA 94 104 U S A • American M A N
Corporation Houston Office Suite760 2900 North Loop West Houston Texas77092 USA • M . A . N . G H H (Canada) Inc. 6600 Trans Canada H w y Suite210 Point Claire Quebec H9R 4S2 Canada •
M . A . N . G H H (Canadal Inc. West Region Office Suite 707 5940 Mac-Leo Trail Str. Calgary Al. T2H 2G4 Canada.

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 23

Bay-Houston Appoints cifically for the reception of radi- The Alden/Metz antenna is a inefax recorders, including the
ofacsimile transmissions. It pro- slim, stainless-steel 54-inch whip Marinefax V, which features
Four Executives vides an alternative to long wire mounted to a silver-plated post at- unique dual memories for storage
and large passive whip antennas. tached to a lV2-inch-diameter steel of worldwide radio frequencies,
Reception range tests performed coil. It requires no ground radials, plus storage of up to 10 frequen-
by Alden have verified that the nor is there any chance of internal cies for single button recall.
antenna's performance is equal to breakage found with fiberglass, For further information and free
existing long wire and active an- antennas. literature on the new antenna,
tennas. It is also suited for use as The new antenna is compatible
an SWL antenna. with all models of the Alden Mar- Circle 92 on Reader Service Card

Thomas A. Moran Jr.

The appointment of Thomas A.
Moran Jr. as executive vice pres-
ident-Marine Division of Bay-
Houston Towing Company was an-
nounced recently by Cecil R.
Haden, president.
Formerly vice president marine
sales, Mr. Moran will assume re-
sponsibility for overall operation
of the division, which is Texas's
largest harbor towing company. It
operates in the ports of Houston,
Galveston, Texas City, Corpus
Christi and Freeport.
Mr. Moran has been with Bay-
Houston for 10 years. A licensed
officer in the United States mer-
chant marine and a former Re-
serve Naval Officer, Mr. Moran
began his career aboard tugs in
New York Harbor, coming ashore
to work in both operations and
chartering for Boyd, Weir and
Sewell. He later joined the Curtis
Bay Towing Company as a sales
representative in its New York
Mr. Moran holds a degree in
business administration from Get-
tysburg College, Pa., with a major
in accounting, and a Bachelor of
Science degree in marine trans-
portation from Texas A & M Uni-
versity, where he was corps com-
mander of the Texas Maritime
Other Bay-Houston appoint-
ments include William (Bill)
McDonald, who has been named
marketing manager—Marine Di-
vision. Mr. McDonald has been
with the company for nine years
and previously served with Todd
Shipyard in Galveston.
Marc Bickham has become
assistant marketing manager—
Marine Division. He joined the
firm in 1981.
L. Gene Autry has moved up to
operations manager—Marine Di-
vision. He joined the company full
time in 1977. Earlier he was a
principal in Autry & Tucker Flying
Alden Introduces New
W h i p Antenna For Radiofax
— Literature Available
Alden Electronics, Inc. of West-
V N \
boro, Mass., has introduced the Al-
den/Metz Marinefax HF antenna
.V ' -
for use with its popular line of
At 430,000 lb. minimum breatetrength, ~
Marinefax weather chart recorders.
The Alden/Metz antenna is a this 2'/2-inch diameter rope ofKEVLAR
is comparable to-eteel in strei
• vJr . . I _1 II. J

compact passive unit designed spe-

elongation, and it won't rust

• * '
M a r i n e Travelift Introduces for mobile boat hoists. Latest in The first 60BFM was delivered N o r w i n c h A n d MTT Unveil
the series is the 60BFM model to a busy West Coast marine. Suc-
Another N e w M o d e l In with a lifting capacity of 60 tons. ceeding models were installed in N e w Shipboard Crane
Its Boat Hoist Line Florida and in various East Coast — Literature Available
Besides numerous maintenance operations.
Marine Travelift, Inc. of Stur- and efficiency features, the new For details, prices, and delivery Two companies based in Bergen,
geon Bay, Wise., has announced hoist also has a variety of operator information on the 60BFM, Norway—Norwinch and MTT
another new model in a continu- conveniences to permit fast han- (Marine Transport Technology)
ing program of development of its dling of a wide variety of commer- A/S—have developed an electro-
"Beam Forward" design concept cial and recreational vessels. Circle 2 1 on Reader Service Card hydraulic cargo crane, the proto-
type of which has been demon-
strated to a number of ship owners.
According to Reidar Rasmussen,
sales manager for Norwinch, the

breakstrength of steel
new crane has created a great deal
of interest abroad, and orders have
already been received. Production
under license has been established

and t/20 the weight in water!

in Spain, where seven cranes are
already under construction.
MTT is an engineering company
that specializes in the construction
of cranes for the merchant fleet
and the offshore industry. Tor
Roksvaag, director of MTT, says
that the company supplies ships'
equipment worth approximately
20 million Norwegian kroner an-
KEVLAR aramid means lighter marine nually. He states that the new
crane incorporates several advan-
systems...less costly, easier to handle. tages compared with cranes of
similar type. The crane requires a
minimum of deck space, which is
Now you can get the strength especially important for contain-
you need in large marine ropes The Norwinch low-pressure hy-
for offshore oil rigs and other draulic components chosen for op-
maritime applications-at only 1/5 erating the new crane are well
known for their reliability, and
the weight of steel in air and 1/20 are especially suited for continu-
the weight in water. ous running under severe condi-
In pendant applications, tions with a minimum of inspec-
tion and maintenance. Last year
for example, lightweight ropes of Norwinch had total sales of ap-
DuPont KEVLAR aramid fiber proximately 200 million NOK.
permit use of smaller, lighter The new crane will be marketed
wi,. through the Norwinch Group's
buoys (photo at right) and allow worldwide agent network.
faster anchor deployment and The small, less expensive buoy For further information and free
retrieval. Significant systems cost handles a pendant line of literature on the new crane,
reductions can be realized. KEVLAR. A buoy 20 times larger Circle 29 on Reader Service Card
in volume is needed to handle
In riser tensioner applica- the same length of steel line.
tions, ropes of KEVLAR last up to Hydra-Dynamics O f f e r s
4 times longer in actual field use, solvents, drilling fluids and Brochure O n Its Air A n d
due to their superior cyclic fatigue lubricants. Hydraulic Cylinder Line
properties. Ease of handling Ropes of KEVLAR are Hydra-Dynamics, Inc. of Wil-
mett6, 111., has available a new
provides important savings in in- available in wire rope and other catalog describing its line of heavy-
stallation time and labor. constructions to meet your duty, welded-design air and hy-
Towing lines of KEVLAR specific needs. For more infor- draulic cylinders up to 60 inches
in diameter and with operating
can provide extra years of service, mation and a list of quality pressures up to 5,000 psi.
because of superior fatigue and manufacturers, call the toll-free Typical severe service applica-
corrosion resistance. number below. Or write: Du Pont tions where this design has proven
itself include offshore drilling rigs,
Ropes of KEVLAR are Company, Room G-15465,
sub-sea pipeline clamps, material
unaffected by saltwater, organic Wilmington, DE 19898. handling, construction equipment,
' Du Pont registered trademark
machine tools, and foundries.
The company considers service a
critical part of its operations, and
Call 1-800-527-2601. has established a 24-hour-a-day,
seven days per week hotline—(312)
In Houston, call: 880-5638. 251-2400—for its customers. In
addition to its standard catalog
line, Hydra-Dynamics will custom
design and manufacture cylinders
to virtually any specification.
For a free copy of the new Hy-
dra-Dynamics catalog,


Circle 95 on Reader Service Card

Circle 129 on Reader Service Card 25

... no matter what the mercury,
get constant offloading rates
with three-screw and
geared twin-screw pumps
from Transamerica Delaval
Three-screw and GTS® geared twin-screw p u m p s . . . Write for 66 pages
self-priming . . . suction and discharge sections isolated of free technical
. . . will not stop offloading due to vapor pockets . . . information on
will handle c a r g o s up to 4 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 SSG with less heating Transamerica
and using smaller drivers than required by comparable Delaval cargo
centrifugal p u m p s . pumps including a
You've been using Transamerica Delaval three-screw SNAME report on
p u m p s in your engine and fire r o o m s for over 5 0 years reducing No. 6 oil
— n o w you can have the s a m e proven reliability for pumping costs in
pumping cargos. ocean-going and
inland waterway

Cargo pumps from Transamerica Delaval provide 100%
predictable deliveries . . . regardless of temperature,
viscosity, specific gravity or vapor pressure.

Box 447 APPLICATION HOTLINE 800:321-6070

Monroe, NC 28110 USA IN OHIO 800: 441-7733
1012A 704:289-6511 Telex: 80-2027
26 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card
Crane Joins International H a y w a r d O f f e r s Free specify the proper size basket minute. Built-in factors automati-
strainer for their particular re- cally compensate for the three pri-
M a r i n e Terminals As Slide Rule Selector quirements. The only information mary variables. All the user has to
Transportation C o o r d i n a t o r For Pipeline Strainers needed is rate of flow, liquid vis- do is decide what pressure drop he
cosity, and specific gravity. wants; the result is fast, accurate
Hayward Industrial Products, The Hayward selector is appli- selection of the proper strainer
Inc. of Elizabeth, N.J., a leading cable to strainers having either size.
manufacturer of pipeline strain- plain or perforated screen baskets For a free Hayward strainer
ers, is now offering a complemen- or mesh-lined baskets with fine- selector,
tary strainer slide rule selector. ness down to 200 mesh, and flow
The selector enables anyone to rates from 10 to 10,000 gallons per Circle 4 9 on Reader Service Card

John Crane

John C. Crane has been named

transportation coordinator for In-
ternational Marine Terminals

(IMT) of New Orleans. The an-
nouncement was made by IMT
vice president William E. Hall II.
Mr. Crane will coordinate all Now you can simplify Get away from theold-fashioned, large-
river and deep-sea activity be- diameterflange coupling. Or eliminate
tween IMT customers and the ter- keys, keyways and thrust collars, and save
minal located in Plaquemines Par- your propulsion shaft machiningand installation costs.
ish at Myrtle Grove, La. installation with the OK More than 10,000 couplings, classi-
IMT, a joint venture of Houston CouplingfromSKF Steel.
Natural Gas Corporation, Occi- fied by ABS, Lloyds, DNVand other
Reduce size of stern tube and Classification Societies are in service.
dental Petroleum Corporation, and
Florida Progress Corporation, is a bulkhead glands. Increase cruis- OK Couplings from SKF Steel. At the
modern transfer facility equipped ing speed or improve specific fuel ASNE Exhibit, Booth # 7 0 , or write for
with three ship berths, and offers consumption by reducingthe size further information.
a wide range of services to the coal of the strut barrel.
and dry bulk industries. The ter- In wide use by naval forces the world
minal began operations in 1978 over, the OK Coupling employs the inter-
and completed a $63-million ex- ference fit principle for totally secure SKF Steel
pansion program in March of 1983. holding power. But since it can be Coupling Division
removed or replaced in minutes rather P.O. Box 745, Avon, CT 0 6 0 0 1 , (203) 6 7 7 - 4 4 2 3
than days, it can help you meet your
Tanker Owners Federation on : time goals in dry dock, too.
Will Study O i l Spill
Circle 1 3 1 on Reader Service Card
Clean-Up For U.S. Navy
The International Tanker Own-


ers Pollution Federation, head-
quartered in the United Kingdom,
has been asked to undertake a
study for the U.S. Navy to identify
resources for combating oil spills O R D E R E D O N P R I C E , D E L I V E R E D O N TIME.
in certain high-risk areas in Eu-
rope, it was announced recently by With a machine shop approved by ABS for
John Archer, managing director shaft build-ups: 60 to 125-ton floating, mobile
of the Federation. The study will and stationary cranes; 2.000, 4,000 and 7,000-
assess the risk potential of differ- •nrm ton floating docks with a 20,000-ton dock under
ent sizes of oil spills, and comment construction; and 5,200 feet of waterfront, 42
on the adequacy of existing Navy feet deep, a clear shot up Mobile Bay, not 30
clean-up resources. miles from the Gulf.
A total of 26 locations will be So, when it's time to order the services of a
surveyed in eight countries: France, boat yard, call on Bender. We deliver.
Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Turkey and the United
Solid and dependable.

Kingdom. A preliminary study has
been carried out for one U.S. Navy Every Bender work boat is outfitted for the
Activity Area in Naples, Italy and most rigorous duty under the cruelest conditions.
for one NATO Fuel Terminal Area Crew/supply vessels. Towboats and pushboats.
in El Ferrol, Spain. Other high- Standby utility boats. Any special designs. And
risk locations to be included in the USCG T or T boats with ABS classification. B«nder Shipbuilding ft Repair Co. Inc.
study will be U.S. Navy Discharge PERFORMANCE BONDS, if required. P.O. Box 42, Mobile, Alabama 36601
Ports and U.S. Strategic Petro- Sturdy, steel hulls to 300 feet. 2 0 5 / 4 3 3 - 3 6 7 3 , Telex 5 0 5 - 4 5 7
leum Reserve Loading Ports. Our customers order them on price. And we
"Taking U.S. Navy oil spill sta- deliver them on time. Peter M a s c h k e | o h n Logan | o e Hendrix
tistics, the function of the location, Sales General W e s t Coast
We also repair. Everything from Gulf shrimpers Mobile Sales M a n a g e r
and the types and qualities of oil Representative
to ocean liners. Mobile 206/282-9631
handled," commented Mr. Archer,
"we will study the risk factors and
determine what clean-up re-
sources are required."

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 27

TeleSystems Opens nications satellite ship earth sta- 10004; telephone (212) 514-7100. a full range of satellite communi-
tion and its new ship weather The West Coast office, located at cations capabilities. It features ex-
Maritime Sales Offices In routing, tracking, and port fore- 100 East Thousand Oaks Boule- tremely compact below-decks
casting service—the Masters' vard, Thousand Oaks, Calif., tele- equipment, advanced terminals
New York And Los Angeles Weather Center. phone (805) 497-3722, will operate software, and a passively stabi-
The New York office will be under the direction of David Sie- lized antenna system. With the re-
COMSAT TeleSystems, Inc. re- headed by Edward Dooley, mens, who recently joined Tele- cent acquisition of the Masters'
cently announced the opening of TeleSystems, Northeast maritime Systems as manager of maritime Weather Center, TeleSystems has
maritime sales offices in New York sales manager, and Lawrence marketing for the western United become the only supplier of mari-
City and Los Angeles. The offices Moore, manager of the Masters' States and the Far East. time terminals that also provides
will provide marketing support for Weather Center. It is located at 17 Designed and manufactured by operations-critical environmental
the company's MCS-9000 commu- Battery Place, New York, N.Y. TeleSystems, the MCS-9000 offers information.
COMSAT TeleSystems, Inc. lo-
cated in northern Virginia, de-
signs, manufactures, markets, and

provides worldwide service and
support for a complete line of ad-
vanced analog and digital commu-

nications equipment and systems.

Systems Management Gets


$7V2-Million Increase For
Navy Computer Systems
Systems Management Ameri-

can, Norfolk, Va., has been
awarded a $7,582,530 cost-plus-in-
centive-fee increase to a previ-
ously awarded Navy contract to
exercise options for the delivery
and shipboard installation of 11
AN/UYK-62(V) (SNAP II) com-
puter systems, associated hard-
ware, and spares. The Naval Sea
Systems Command is the contract-
ing activity.
Amot Controls Introduces
New Sensing Switches
— Literature Available
Amot Controls of Richmond,
Calif., has announced the availa-
bility of a new family of pressure
and temperature sensing switches,
the 8250 Series, designed specifi-
cally for application on vibrating
equipment. These rugged switches
have adjustable set points and are
constructed with a union that al-
lows installation in tight places
where interference does not per-
mit rotating the switch body. Seven
models are available to cover pres-
sures from 0.25 to 7,600 psi, vac-
uum from 1 to 20 inches of mer-
cury, differential pressures from
0.5 to 10 psi, and temperatures
from 61 to 500 F.
In addition, an eutectic alloy
temperature switch is available
for sensing bearing temperatures
Stockham can provide worldwide delivery and service on a full line of from 174 to 343 F. Applications
quality valves and fittings. The Stockham package includes conven- also include fluid and gas temper-
tional valves made of bronze, iron, steel, and stainless steel, plus quar- ature sensing when used in a well.
ter-turn valves such as ball, butterfly, and nonlubricated Wedgeplug These devices feature permanent
calibration, and no periodic check-
valves in the sizesandtypesyou need most often. In addition, Stockham ing is required.
has a complete line of cast iron, malleable iron, and ductile iron pipe The entire 8250 Series switch
fittings. Grooved couplings and fittings are also available. family features raintight housings
and is applicable to engine and
So why waste time and money getting your valves and fittings in bits compressor controls for monitoring
and pieces? Get it all from Stockham. Let us help make your job easier. such parameters as low oil pres-

sure, high jacket water tempera-
ture, high or low compressor suc-
tion or discharge pressure, high
VALVES & FITTINGS gas compressor discharge temper-
ature, low engine water pump dif-
Box 10326, Birmingham, AL 35202 U.S.A. ferential pressure, fluid levels, etc.
Telephone 205/592-6361 For further information and
TWX: 810-733-5546 technical data sheets,
Circle 23 on Reader Service Card

28 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Sonat E x p l o r a t i o n N a m e s tons of fuel, and is dosed into the sulfuric acid to form during com- bunker fuels high in vanadium,
fuel line by means of a metering bustion. It combines with these sodium, and sulfur. In addition,
Executive Vice President pump. It contains magnesium and and other harmful contaminants Drew offers a Pace® fuel evalua-
rare earth materials that enhance in the ship's fuel, causing them to tion program to help determine
W.F. (Bill) Ammentorp has form more stable and less corro- fuel characteristics present prior
fuel utilization and combustion,
joined Sonat Exploration Com- and reacts with fuel impurities to sive compounds that are harm- to dosing.
pany as executive vice president. minimize damage to engine parts. lessly passed out of the engine as For further information and free
Mr. Ammentorp will have re- Amergize also reduces the forma- a high-melting-point ash. literature on Amergize and Drew's
sponsibilities for exploration, land, tion of corrosive sulfuric acid by special dosing system offer,
Drew service representatives will
financial, engineering and corpo- reacting with vanadium pentox- assist ship managers in determin-
rate planning functions, said Sonat ide, a catalytic material that causes ing specific treatment rates for Circle 8 8 on Reader Service Card
Exploration president Don Leigh.
Mr. Ammentorp most recently
served as president of the explora-
tion and production group of
InterNorth Inc., Houston. He
earned his MS and BS degrees in
geology from the University of
Wisconsin. He is a member of the

Now haul
American Association of Petro-
leum Geologists as well as local
geological societies in various sec-
tions of the country.
A subsidiary of Sonat Inc., Sonat
Exploration Company, headquar-
tered in Houston, is involved in in those
big ones
domestic exploration and produc-
tion of oil and natural gas. It has
lease interests in about 350,000

acres in the Gulf of Mexico and
about three million acres onshore
in the south, the Appalachians

days of
and the Western United States.
Sonat Inc. is a $3-billion energy
and energy services company
headquartered in Birmingham. Its
other businesses include natural
gas pipelines, international off-
shore drilling, marine transporta- placing
tion, oil field services and forest

D r e w A m e r o i d Unveils
N e w Fuel A d d i t i v e
— Literature A v a i l a b l e
Drew Ameroid" Marine of Boon-
ton, N.J., has introduced a new
fuel additive called Amergize" de-
posit modifier/combustion im-
prover that is said to provide in- a n d that's n o f i s h story!
creased fuel efficiency and
substantial cost savings. At the Gator-Laid™ cable-laid wire- pin ratio. They can be made in
same time, Drew has announced rope slings are the best big slings shorter lengths too, and since each J Free Maritime
cost savings to users of Amergize in the world made right here in specified length is identical, their I Riggers Manual
based on a rebate equal to one-half the United States, so we can rush length tolerance is an unbeatable 0 " J Just fill out this coupon
the price of a simplex dosing
them to your on-shore or Gulf site Finally, as you can see for I and mail it ill for a valuable
months ahead of our overseas yourself, Gator-Laid™ slings are | pocket-size manual you'll
Available worldwide, Amergize
competitors. Why waste three, neater in appearance, which also | use over and over again.
is a specially formulated, concen-
trated blend of organometallic even four months waiting for your makes them easier to store, ship
compounds developed to improve big sling to arrive from Europe, and maintain.
diesel engine combustion, reduce when you can have an Company _
smoking, and lower valve and tur- I
even better one — at a
bocharger deposits. It is com-
competitive price — within | Address
pletely soluble in all fuels, does
just a few days?
not become saturated or leached | City State Zip _
out by water, and does not harm But you want more
engine parts or close-tolerence fuel- than just fast delivery and | Business phone
metering equipment. low price. So Gator-Laid™ P . O . Box 2 0 6 8
The additive improves combus- bodies are also more | Dept. D
tion by breaking up long-chain, flexible, to assure you of
high-molecular-weight hydrocar- 215/485-8500
easier handling. As a matter of fact, | Call toll-free:
bons that are so prevalent in to-
day's marine bunkers. It also mod- their loops are the most compact So don't let this big one get 1-800-TRI FLEX
T E L E X : 845-261
ifies deposit-forming compounds to ever developed in a large lift sling, away from you. For dealer nearest
minimize high-temperature corro- and they develop a 1/1 D to d body you, call toll-free 1-800-TRI-FLEX.
sion and deposit formation.
Amergize is effective at concen-
trations as low as one liter per six

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 29

Thornton N a m e d President Diego Iron & Steel Fabricating, including berths of 1,000 feet and Raymond International
Inc. Mr. Thornton, who previ- 1,100 feet.
O f M a r t i m e Capital, Inc. ously was executive vice president SFW also announced the pro- Expands O f f s h o r e Services
of SFW Corporation, will also serve motion of J.L. Vaughn to the po- To U.S. West Coast
Roger A. Ficchi, chairman of as president of Maritime Capital's sition of general manager. He has
two subsidiaries. been with SFW since 1977 as head Raymond International Inc. of
Maritime Capital, Inc. of San
of the Planning and Estimating Houston has expanded its services
Francisco, has announced that D. SFW recently embarked on a fa-
Department and as assistant gen- to the offshore oil and gas industry
Whitney Thornton II has been cilities expansion program with
eral manager. In addition, L.J. by establishing an offshore proj-
named president of the company. the lease of additional land and
Pinchini has been appointed chief ects group at the Oakland, Calif.,
Maritime Capital is the parent of pier space from the Port of San
engineer. He retired from the U.S. headquarters of Raymond's wholly
two ship repair and conversion Francisco. The company's facility
Coast Guard as San Francisco's owned subsidiary, Raymond Kai-
subsidiaries—SFW Corporation lo- now encompasses 18 acres with 5
chief naval engineer. ser Engineers Inc. The new group
cated in San Francisco, and San berths, totaling 4,200 feet of pier
will provide engineering and con-
struction management services for
SEA GUARD fenders give old dock facilities a new lease offshore projects. Raymond Inter-
national, through its other subsi-
on life. Our SEA GUARD is a tough, superbly engineered dock fender diaries, also provides fabrication
and installation of offshore plat-
that can turn old, non-productive dock facilities into highly productive forms, and installation of subsea
assets. Its closed-cell foam interior allows it to absorb high berthing pipelines.
The Oakland-based group is
energy impacts with low reaction forces, providing both dock structures headed by Edward M. Nelson,
and vessel hulls with a rugged protection like they've never had before. who recently joined Raymond Kai-
ser Engineers as division manager
D O C K F'l ATFORMSEA GUARDs also come in a wide range of for offshore projects. William P.
Kincy has transferred to Raymond
.Tt* sizes, allowing you to up-grade your dock to ac- Kaiser Engineers from another
^ commodate today's larger ships. And it does all Raymond subsidiary in Houston
as business development manager
this at a lower cost to you than complete refur-
S l i A (HJAI?I) for offshore projects.
bishment or replacement of facilities. Raymond Kaiser Engineers also
provides engineering and con-
Due to SEA GUARD'S unique design and struction management services
from its Houston offices. Paul E.
outer elastomer skin, maintenance is minimal. Marshall has recently transferred
There are no timbers to break or be damaged by corrosion or marine from Oakland to the Houston of-
fice to coordinate the company's
borers, and the smooth exterior won't scrape a vessel's hull paint. marketing efforts in the Gulf Coast
Also, because of its design, the SEA GUARD is easy to install —it area.

simply hangs from your dock with pad eyes and chains. It's suitable for
G r e i g Placette Forms
use on new or existing container, bulk cargo, Ro-Ro, tanker or general
Export Consulting Firm
cargo berths.
—Literature Available
So get SEA GUARD fenders for your dock facilities. It's the simple, Greig Placette has announced
economical way to give old docks new life. the formation of Placette Enter-
For more information contact our Corporate Office, 6269 Lees- prise Corporation, Houston, a firm
that serves manufacturers and
burg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22044, USA. [703] 534- SEAWARD distributors worldwide. Mr. Pla-
cette, a former president of an in-
3500, Telex: 899-455. — . c ternational supply house, will serve
as president of the new consulting
firm. His worldwide expertise dates
back to 1967 with the Peabody
Dore Company.
The firm provides a service of
utilizing long established global
contacts and advises them of U.S.
client's products. The firm has de-
veloped a data bank of over 1,850
contacts, which include govern-
ment agencies, worldwide Cham-
bers of Commerce, trade publica-
tions, corporate sources, and

professional trade organizations.
There is a one-time fee for the
b-jJ* For complimentary literature
describing the services of Placette
Enterprise Corporation,

Circle 4 8 on Reader Service Card

Caterpillar Adds Rebuilt

Fuel Pump/Governor Line
—Literature Available
In keeping with its commitment
to superior product support, Cat-
erpillar has just released three ad-

30 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

ditional fuel pumps and governors tics. Like the Pulse Arc 350, the switches allow the operator to se- for stainless and mild steels, but
for Cat 3306 engines. These fac- 500 model is a complete system lect among pulse, spray and dip other wires, such as silicon bronze
tory-remanufactured pumps and consisting of a transistorized 500- transfer processes. He then presses and aluminum can be used by re-
governors are priced at approxi- ampere air-cooled or 550 ampere the appropriate switches for the ferring to the easy-to-read process
mately 30 percent of new, yet water-cooled gun. The fully inte- required wire diameter and shield- selector charts. The Pulse Arc 500
carry the same warranty as new grated machine takes the nor- ing gas, and he's ready to go. A system is well suited for plants
units—six months, unlimited mally complex engineering re- single knob on the remote pendant where one machine is needed to
mileage. They come fully assem- quirements of pulsed spray welding simultaneously sets welding cur- perform several welding operations.
bled and have had a 20-point com- and translates them into a few rent, voltage, wire feed speed, and For further information and free
puter test. Ready for installation, simple pushbutton functions—at a pulse frequency. The advanced literature on the Pulse Arc 500
they cut downtime to a minimum. price comparable to a standard solid-state circuitry automatically system,
For further information and free MIG package. controls all parameters.
literature, The pushbuttons and toggle The system is pre-programmed Circle 11 on Reader Service Card

Circle 4 7 on Reader Service Card

Penewell Appointed To
Sales/Marketing Post
At Southwest Marine

Sea K i n g at w o r k in t h e Port of H o u s t o n .

Serving the Texas Gulf Coast Since 1895

E.J. Penewell S u d e r m a n a n d Y o u n g has p r o v i d e d s k i l l s a n d e q u i p m e n t n e c e s s a r y t o provide
reliable harbor and c o a s t w i s e t o w i n g t o t h e f i n e s t in general harbor t o w i n g serv-
E.J. Penewell has joined
Southwest Marine, Inc. (SMI) in a s h i p p e r s a l o n g t h e T e x a s c o a s t for 88 ices. You c a n rely on S u d e r m a n a n d Y o u n g .
sales and marketing capacity to be years. Our e x p e r i e n c e d p e o p l e have t h e


West Coast representative for
Wartsila Diesel. He is responsible
for sales, parts, and service for the
Wartsila Vasa 22 and 32 engines
ranging from 710 to 9,180 bhp, T o w i n g C o m p a n y , Inc.
and will be located at SMI's Ter-
918 W o r l d T r a d e C e n t e r , H o u s t o n , T e x a s 77002 713/227-1128 Cable: SANDY HOUSTON
minal Island (Los Angeles) yard.
Houston • Galveston • Texas City • Freeport • Corpus Christi
Mr. P e n e w e l l had been district
manager for Fairbanks Morse En-
Circle 136 on Reader Service Card
gine Division in the Los Angeles
Area since 1977.
Southwest Marine is a major re- SHIPBOARD
pair shipyard with facilities in San
Diego, Terminal Island, and San VENTILATION

Airco Introduces New

Pulsed Welding Systems
— Literature Available
Airco Welding Products has an-
...Just another plus
Burrard Yarrows Corporation has established
nounced the introduction of the
newest member of its family of a sound reputation over many years of service in
Pulse Arc™ welding systems for supporting Arctic exploration and transportation.
pulsed spray transfer welding. The • Icebreakers * Icebreaking supply vessels
Pulse Arc 500 system, like the
Pulse Arc 350 model, is designed • Tugs and barges • Drillship conversions
around the pulsed spray process. Expertise in meeting Arctic requirements is
The process allows for spatter-free second nature to Burrard Yarrows.
welding and excellent arc control Supplying the Marine, Shipbuilding and
in applications ranging from high Ship Repair Industries w i t h durable, flex-
deposition out-of-position welding
Burrard ible, w i r e r e i n f o r c e d v e n t i l a t i o n hose a n d
d u c t . M o s t h o s e s n o w m e e t UL 94-V-O

on thick plate to smooth, low-dis-
SHIPBUILDERS, flame retardance standards promoting
tortion welding on thin gauge SHIP REPAIRERS, safer and healthier work conditions.
materials. Corporation GENERAL ENGINEERS P r o m p t s h i p m e n t f r o m five m a n u f a c t u r -
The Pulse Arc 500 system has Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada i n g l o c a t i o n s . S e n d f o r f r e e c a t a l o g or
the power to handle large diame- c a l l t o l l f r e e 1-800-343-0428.
Inquiries for both Vancouver and Victoria
ter cored wires up to 3/32 inch and Divisions: RO. Box 86099, North Vancouver
can pulse Metal-Cor® 6 wire for 11 C h e s t n u t S t r e e t
B.C. Phone (604) 988-2111. Telex 04-352-652.
Cable Address 'Drydock' Vancouver A m e s b u r y , M A 01913
high deposition rates. The system ^ M M ^ ^ ^ H COM
(617) 388-9700
also has exceptional smaller di- A member of the Versatile Corporation group of companies. DIVISION O F CALLAHAN MINING C O R P O R A T I O N T W X 710-347-0593
ameter performance characteris- SERVING THE MARINE INDUSTRY FOR OVER 38 YEARS

April 1, 1984 Circle 1 3 7 on Reader Service Card Circle 2 2 1 on Reader Service Card 31
N e w C o r p o r a t e Brochure cations; support facilities; and new Wynholds Company Will tion, training, and support for both
construction activity. shipboard and shoreside applica-
N o w A v a i l a b l e From PBR is a major marine transpor- Provide C o m p u t e r Systems tions. The hardware will be the
PBR O f f s h o r e M a r i n e tation company serving the inter- For M a e r s k Line Ships HP250 super-micro computers
national offshore petroleum indus- manufactured by Hewlett-Packard.
PBR Offshore Marine Corpora- try. The company operates more The five systems include three
tion of Morgan City, La., has re- than 120 vessels and employs more The Hans W. Wynholds Com- identical shipboard computer sys-
cently published a new 12-page, than 800 people. pany (HWW) of Cupertino, Calif., tems for the administration of crew
corporate capability brochure. In- For a free copy of the new PBR recently signed its third major payroll/overtime and for spare parts
cluded in the full-color publication brochure, maritime contract—a multi-year inventory control. The Maersk
are PBR's history; current scope of project with Maersk Line, Ltd. of ships will be at sea for extended
operations, including domestic and New York—to provide computer periods of time; contact between
international bases and service lo- Circle 46 on Reader Service Card hardware, software, documenta- the shipboard and New York office
computers will be maintained by
satellite communication. A spe-
cially designed electronic mail ca-
pability will automate the com-


puter linkup and minimize the
data transmission expenses.
One home office system will
handle corporate accounting and

• Deck Coverings vessel/voyage accounting, provid-

ing special management reports
broken down by ship, voyage,
agent, and account number. All of

• Weight Reduction the computers will have word pro-

cessing and electronic spreadsheet
Ask us about Selbaflor FR capability.
HWW computerized the three
new c-9 containerships for Ameri-

• Marine Type
Water Jet.
can President Lines, and also pro-
vides hardware, software, and sup-
port services to Pacific-Gulf Marine

Electrical Grade of New Orleans.

A proven propulsion
For further information on HWW
and its operations,
Sheet Rubber
Circle 45 on Reader Service Card

Today 45 units are in operation or on order Parkway Adds Improved

Call 8 0 0 - 5 2 3 - 0 1 2 9 • within a power range of 350—10,000 kW Features To Its O c e a n
• offering design speeds of 15—50 knots Jacket Buoyancy System
• for displacements of up to 240 tonnes
Parkway Systems recently in-
• installed in monohulls and catamarans
troduced several new features in
ASNE Show its total buoyancy compensator
The first commercial installation has now
Booth 54 more than 8,000 troublefree running hours.
(BC) system, the Ocean Jacket,
providing divers with maximum
All together, we have gained operating comfort and performance.
experience from over 30,000 accumulated The inflator hose and O/P valve
running hours. have been moved to the top of the
shoulder for better access. Inflator
and quick-dump valve controls re-
KANEWA main closely grouped for one-hand

operation. The shoulders have a
P.O. Box 1010 S-68101 KRISTINEHAMN Sweden new contour shape for comfort and
Phone int. + 4 6 550 84000 Telex 66050
mobility, and a new Fastex*
Representative in your country: buckle has been added to the chest
Has The Answer. t

K A M E W A , 1800 W e s t L o o p South, Suite 1620,
H O U S T O N T X 77027
P h o n e (713)623-2069 T e l e x 762-946.
strap for easy snap-on. The system
provides 44 pounds of lift.
Like all Parkway BCs, the Ocean

To Your Needs Jacket can be inflated orally or

with C0 2 detonator, and includes
the Softouch® power inflator. The
oral inflation hose now incorpo-
rates the QD valve for extra con-
X - -v ^ ^ ^ f e r ^ S k ^ ^ venience. The Ocean Jacket has
Parkway's specially designed,
Marine Products Since 1925 15-mil polyurethane zip-out blad-

der to balance air and distribute
SELBY The jacket is made of rugged
430-denier nylon with reinforced
seams. Other features include Vel-
Selby, Battersby & Co. cro-fastened tabs to hold regula-
5220 Whitby Avenue tor, octopus, and gauge hoses out
Philadelphia, PA 19143 of the way, and self-draining pock-
(215) 474-4790 ets. Color is blue with silver trim.
For more information on this
A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of and other Parkway equipment.
BATTERSBYn Quaker Chemical Corporation
Circle 15 on Reader Service Card

32 Circle 138 on Reader Service Card Circle 139 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

The Inside Story

Crew accommodations are a A - 1 5 construction.

foremost consideration in Our tried and proven Marine
marine design today. They Doors, available fire- rated
have been proven critical to and in a wide range of
crew well-being and effic- melamine and high pressure
iency. And that's the story behind the story of laminate finishes, can be perfectly coordinated into
Masonite Corporation Commercial Division Marine the package. The adjustable wrap-around frames
Business Department. Attractive, functional interiors
are our business.
Our interior product package approach simplifies
specification and makes it easy to coordinate c o m -
ponents. On-time delivery eliminates construction
delays and single-source responsibility
eliminates frustration from planning
stages through installation.
The product package is built
around our innovative joiner are engineered especially for marine applications.
panel. Firetest™ 80-32. In Furniture is also in our package. Not just any
addition to being some 3 0 % furniture but fine-crafted, pre-finished, mahogany
lighter in weight and providing a bunks, wardrobes and desks. Other products, from
greater variable load factor, it wall and ceiling panels to toilet compartments, can
won't wick water and is available also be specified from our o n e convenient source
with an endless variety of high . . . a supplier committed to helping the marine and
pressure laminates and other offshore drilling industry achieve efficient, attractive
finishes to help you meet today's environmental and liveable accommodations. Write for more
requirements. And, of course, it meets U.S. Coast information or call toll free 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 4 1 - 7 5 3 3 .
Guard B - 1 5 standards for Class A-60, A - 3 0 and

I l l
1721 M a r i e t t a Blvd. N.W. A t l a n t a , GA. 30318

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 33

an improved low-speed, high-torque tive braking and control devices, W a r r e n Pumps Division
W A B C O To M a r k e t New
fractional horsepower air motor. plumbing and other building prod-
High-Torque Air M o t o r The new air motor, based on ucts, earth- and ore-moving vehi- O f Houdaille Industries
Tachyon's patented Gerotor fea- cles, bank security systems, and Acquires Pyroite® Lines
— Literature A v a i l a b l e tures, is designed to produce air- graphics products. The company
powered rotary motion in many and its affiliates carry on manu- Frank Standish, president of
WABCO Fluid Power of Lexing- marine, industrial, mobile, and pe- facturing operations in more than Warren Pumps Division of Hou-
ton, Ky., a division of American troleum applications. 20 countries. daille Industries, Inc. Warren,
Standard Inc., has announced an In addition to manufacturing in- For further information and free Mass., has announced that War-
agreement with Tachyon Corpora- dustrial products, American literature on the new air motor, ren has acquired the Pyroite® pump
tion of Minneapolis to develop Standard is a leading producer of lines of Plastonics International,
jointly and to market worldwide railway mass transit and automo- Circle 94 on Reader Service Card
Inc. of Avon, Ohio. The lines con-
sist of horizontal and vertical cen-
trifugal pumps and vertical tur-
bine pumps, all of which are
manufactured of Pyroite, a pat-

When's the last time

ented reinforced composite.
Pyroite material, according to
Mr. Standish, is a space-age, ver-

you asked for

satile engineering resin that pro-
vides the exceptional structural
strength of composite with the cor-

a custom hot-rolled section?

rosion and erosion resistance of an
exclusive resin to handle 97 per-
cent of all corrosive and erosive
liquids at temperatures to 500 F
(260 C).
Production will commence at
Warren's main plant shortly, and
an inventory of pumps and parts is
now available at the Massachu-
setts facility.
Circle 44 on Reader Service Card

Hempel's Introduces
N e w Antifoulings
— Literature Available
A new approach to non-polish-
ing antifoulings—a product area
many sources estimate accounts
for at least 85 percent of the total
world market for antifoulings—was
announced recently by Hempel's
Marine Paints A/S.
Through half a century of re-
search and development of tradi-
tional, non-polishing antifoulings,
Hempel's has gained a thorough
understanding of the effects of an-
tifoulings. It is this know-how that
now enables Hempel's to intro-
WBC Custom-Welded Sections Beat Hot-Rolled Beams Six Ways. duce, under the name Classic, a
new optimized range of these tra-
ditional coatings.
1. C u s t o m S e c t i o n s 3. S t r o n g e r 5. C o n s i s t e n t Q u a l i t y The Classic range consists of
It's n o l o n g e r n e c e s s a r y t o r e s t r i c t High Frequency welding produces a O u r b e a m s are p r o d u c e d c o n t i n u - four products: antifoulings 7611,
your beam designs to standard hand- t r u e f o r g e w e l d as s t r o n g as t h e p a r - o u s l y at s p e e d s u p t o 200 feet per 7633, 7655, and 7677, which to-
b o o k W F s e c t i o n s . S p e c i a l o f f s e t or ent m e t a l w i t h no f i l l e r m e t a l or cast minute on our modern high frequency gether cover the full non-polishing
" Z " s e c t i o n s like t h e s e are easily p r o - structure. And, you can specify HSLA w e l d mill. L o w waste, h i g h s p e e d , a n d spectrum by taking into account
d u c e d by W e l d e d B e a m C o m p a n y t o steels u p to 80,000 psi y i e l d f o r all or specification-matching controls com- the degree of protection required
suit y o u r e x a c t g e o m e t r y , l o a d i n g , part of t h e b e a m p r o v i d i n g g r e a t e r b i n e to a s s u r e a c o n s i s t e n t h i g h -
by individual vessels for their par-
and length reguirements. You can l o a d - c a r r y i n g c a p a b i l i t y in a s m a l l e r , quality product.
ticular trading pattern, activity
e v e n use d i s s i m i l a r steels f o r w e b lighter beam.
and flanges.
6. D e l i v e r y F l e x i b i l i t y level, and desired drydocking in-
4. Easier A s s e m b l y O u r m i l l is a m o r e f l e x i b l e m a n u f a c - terval.
2. R e d u c e d F a b r i c a t i n g D r a f t a n g l e s are n o n e x i s t e n t f o r W B C t u r i n g system than the traditional hot The versatility of the Classic
Cost H F - w e l d e d b e a m s . S o f l a n g e s are flat mill. A s a result, s h o r t e r r u n s are eas- range, through combining the
S i n c e W B C " C u s t o m B e a m s " are f a b - a n d e d g e s are s q u a r e , s i m p l i f y i n g f i t - ily a c h i e v e d t h a t s h o r t e n y o u r lead products' variable film thickness
ricated exactly to your requirements, up at a s s e m b l y . A l s o , b e a m s c a n be t i m e a n d let y o u m a t c h d e l i v e r y to and coating sequence abilities,
l a b o r a n d s c r a p f r o m c u t t i n g up delivered to exact customer lengths c o n s t r u c t i o n dates.
provides no less than 13 alternate
s t a n d a r d W F b e a m s t o s u i t t h e j o b is s a v i n g o n s p l i c i n g or c u t t i n g o n - s i t e .
specifications. This, together with
the easy to follow selection table,
not only allows the shipowner the
W e l d e d B e a m C o m p a n y " C u s t o m B e a m s ' ' c a n m a k e a d r a m a t i c d i f f e r e n c e in t h e widest choice, but enables him to
i n t e g r i t y , s c h e d u l i n g a n d f a b r i c a t i n g c o s t s of y o u r f a b r i c a t e d m e t a l p r o d u c t . recognize and choose the optimum
C o n t a c t W B C n o w to get t h e f u l l p a r t i c u l a r s . non-polishing system for each in-
Post O f f i c e B o x 280, Perry, O h i o 44081. T e l e p h o n e : (216) 259-4500. dividual vessel.
For further information and a
free 12-page color brochure on the
Classic antifoulings,

Circle 16 on Reader Service Card

34 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card Circle 150 on Reader Service Card
Cybernet introduces the music hour.
Presenting the marine entertainment At only 3" high by 71/2" wide, this for added protection against salt
center that's filling boats all across full feature stereo is compact water and corrosive dampness. The
America with glorious stereo sound. enough to fit in any boat's control fully enclosed two-way speaker
Cybernet proudly introduces a console, even a tiny runabout, yet systems have weatherproof plasti-
superb stereo entertainment center you get amazingly big multi- cised cones for reliable perfor-
for your boat at a price hundreds of speaker stereo sound. In fact, mance at sea.
dollars less than any other top of there's enough power to provide Cybernet's stereo entertainment
the line marine stereo. This fully high fidelity stereo in two separate center is undoubtedly the marine
marinized system contains a PLL areas aboard with three-way electronics Product of the Year,
quartz synthesized AM-FM stereo speaker selection. so you'll almost surely see it at your
receiver with digital tuning and For years of reliable operation dealer. If not, write Cybernet
automatic scanning, an auto- in rugged marine service, the International, Inc., 7 Powder Horn
reverse cassette deck with Dolby® CMS-3000 boasts a weatherproof Drive, Warren, NJ 07060 for full
NR circuitry and an impressive 36 fully o-ring sealed case, and a details and your nearest authorized
watts of audio amplification. unique closed-door cassette player CMS-3000 dealer.

USS Ticonderoga

Navy Repair And Overhaul

James R. McCaul, President
International M a r i t i m e Associates, Inc.

The Navy has clearly become Exhibit 1 Future Business Opportunities

the dominant source of ship re- Significance of Navy Work
The Navy has asked Congress
To U.S. Shipyards
pair, as well as new ship construc- for $2.8 billion in FY 1985 to fund
(data as of Oct. 83)
tion in the United' States. Ten 56 scheduled Navy ship overhauls.
years ago Navy business ac- Total Production Production Workers Navy As % This compares to $2.4 billion for
counted for 36 percent of ship re- Workers in Navy Repair of Total 54 overhauls in FY 1984, and $2.5
pair employment and 58 percent of Atlantic 10,361 8,642 83 billion for 59 overhauls in FY
new ship construction employment Gulf 3,844 2,570 67
Pacific 2,180 1,748 80
in U.S. shipyards. The figures are Past policy has been to assign
Great Lakes 234 0 0
now 78 percent and 87 percent, re- Total 16,619 12,960 78 about 35 percent of this work to
spectively (see Exhibit 1). private shipyards. The remaining
In June 1983, IMA published a Total Production Production Workers In Navy As %
(continued on page 38)
report on the Navy new construc- Workers Navy New Construction of Total
tion market. A second report, on Atlantic 44,782 41,685 93
Gulf 10,198 6,811 67
the Navy repair and overhaul
Pacific 9,531 8,090 85
market, is now being prepared. Great Lakes 1,232 932 76
Some information to be presented Total 65,743 57,518 87
is highlighted in this article. Source: Maritime Administration

36 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

The Long Life Lite from Russellstoll.
Because we don't think lamps are
supposed to break.
Maybe you expect navigation lamps
to fail. After all, seaworthy vessels
rock, shake and vibrate—and how
much punishment can a lamp be
expected to take? Chances are
you just allow for the expense of
breakage and a reduced safety
factor while the lamps are out.
At Russellstoll, we don't think you
should make such allowances—or
waste your money. That's why we
developed the new Long Life Lite.
It's actually a complete new family
of navigation lights with a shock-
and vibration-proof lamp holder
that extends lamp life dramatically
^ ^ because it reduces the chance of
•"if failure due to external vibration or
^ shock. No competitive navigation
light offers this protection.
An unbroken list of benefits.
The lamp holder features a tight
rubber gasket that lets the lamp
reach its rated life, saving you time
and money. What's more, the Long
Life Lite is dust-tight and water-
proof so it resists the direct spray
of seawater under pressure.
From the lightweight polyester
housing that resists temperature
extremes to a virtually unbreakable
polycarbonate lens that fights off
saltwater, the Long Life Lite is a
study in smart design. Even down
to the smaller details, such as our
brass fittings and mounting plates.
U.L. listed in accordance with
The Long Life Lite has been thor-
oughly tested and meets all inter-
national regulations. It's U.S. Coast
Guard approved. Previously, only
one other navigation light was
rated acceptable by 72 COLREGS.
See the light.
Start saving money. Get the Long
Life Lite at your local Russellstoll

f e I Marine distributor, or call your

Russellstoll representative.

$ »
Midland-Ross Corporation
Russellstoll Division
530 W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue
j* Livingston, NJ 07039
Phone: 201/992-8400
Telex: 13-8403

Circle 143 on Reader Service Card

(continued from page 36) overhauls are scheduled. These • To maintain crew morale, MSC ships, and West Coast
65 percent of the work, especially jobs are to be awarded to commer- Navy's policy is to restrict yards compete for Pacific fleet
overhaul of complex combatants, cial shipyards. competition on about one-third ships.
is performed in one of eight Navy- There are constraints on the of overhauls to homeport • N A V S E A and MSC are re-
owned shipyards. competition: shipyards. This policy doesn't quired to reserve some over-
Exhibits 2 and 3 list the sched- affect MSC ships. But the hauls to competition among
uled overhauls of Navy and MSC • Some have already been ship relocation cost effectively shipyards qualifying as small
ships over the next 12—24 months. awarded as part of a multi- limits Atlantic/Gulf shipyards business firms. This particu-
Forty-nine Navy and 28 MSC ship ship contract. to competing for Atlantic fleet larly affects MSC overhauls
as almost all are reserved for
small businesses.

Equipment Sales
Each overhaul requires replace-
ment or addition of equipment. A n
example of the equipment variety
and planned expenditure is pro-
vided in Exhibit 4. This shows
equipment required for scheduled
alterations planned for USS Si-
mon Lake, a 20-year-old subma-
rine tender.
Most long lead time equipment
is directly purchased by Navy and
provided to the shipyard as Gov-
ernment Furnished Equipment
(GFE). More common equipment
(e.g., refrigerators, hydraulic bench
press, etc.) are typically included
in the specification as items to be
purchased by the shipyard as Con-
tractor Supplied Equipment (CFE).
Our survey indicated a large per-
centage of mechanical, electrical
and outfit equipment is purchased
by the shipyard. Electronics equip-
ment is purchased about evenly by
Navy and contractor. Ordnance
equipment is mostly purchased by

(continued on page 40)

Exhibit 3
MSC Scheduled Ship Overhauls

Date Work
Ship Planned Fleet
AE 2 6 May 8 4 Pacific
AF 5 8 July 8 4 Atlantic

You deserve and can expect

AGOR 7 Jan-Feb 8 4 Atlantic
AGOR II Jan-Feb 8 4 Pacific

AGOR 12 Dec 8 3 - F e b 8 4 Pacific

the best
AGS 2 7 Feb 8 4 Atlantic
AGS 2 9 Jan 8 5 Pacific
AGS 3 3 Nov 8 4 Atlantic

AK 2 8 2 Oct 84 Atlantic
AK 2 8 4 Nov 84 Atlantic
You can expect better shipyard service from O u r s h i p y a r d s , l o c a t e d in t h e p o r t s o f S e a t t l e , AK 2 8 5 Dec 84 Pacific
a c o m p a n y t h a t has a l o n g h i s t o r y of q u a l i t y San Francisco, Los Angeles, Galveston and AKR 7 Apr 84 Atlantic
w o r k m a n s h i p , w i t h facilities that are being N e w O r l e a n s , p e r f o r m all t y p e s o f s h i p r e p a i r
AKR 10 Feb 84 Pacific
improved continuously. services, f r o m m i n o r voyage repairs to major AKR 11 May 84 Pacific
o v e r h a u l s a n d c o n v e r s i o n s . T o d d is r e a d y AO 1 0 6 Jan 85 Pacific
S i n c e 1916, T o d d S h i p y a r d s C o r p o r a t i o n h a s
a r o u n d - t h e - c l o c k t o g i v e its c u s t o m e r s e x p e r t , AO 1 0 8 July 84 Atlantic
b e e n in t h e s h i p b u i l d i n g a n d s h i p r e p a i r b u s -
q u a l i t y w o r k m a n s h i p w i t h fast t u r n a r o u n d .
i n e s s a n d is t h e l a r g e s t , i n d e p e n d e n t l y - o w n e d , AO 109 June 8 5 Atlantic
s h i p r e p a i r c o m p a n y in t h e n a t i o n . D u r i n g t h e AO 143 Mar 8 4 Atlantic
last f e w y e a r s , m a n y p l a n t i m p r o v e m e n t s a n d AO 144 May 8 5 Atlantic
AO 147 Oct-Dec 85 Atlantic
a d d i t i o n s were made, to provide better service
to o u r c u s t o m e r s . T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n of n e w large AO 1 4 8 Feb-Mar 84 Pacific
c a p a c i t y d r y d o c k s at s e v e r a l o f o u r d i v i s i o n s AOG 7 8 Feb 8 5 Pacific
a n d , t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of h i g h - t e c h n o l o g y ARC 2 Jan 8 5 Atlantic
e q u i p m e n t at s o m e l o c a t i o n s , a r e o n l y p a r t of ARC 3 Jan-Feb 8 4 Pacific

these improvements. ARC 6 July-Sept 84 Pacific

T o d d Shipyards C o r p o r a t i o n ATF 169 Apr 8 4 Pacific
W e r e c e n t l y a c q u i r e d a n e n t i r e s h i p y a r d in ATF 171 Nov 8 4 Pacific
San Francisco w i t h a 65,000 ton dry d o c k . O u r One State Street Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10004 AFS 10 Jan 8 5 Atlantic
Los Angeles facility will c o m m e n c e operation, Telephone: (212) 668-4700 Cable: "Robin" New York
e a r l y in 1984, o f a s h i p l i f t a n d t r a n s f e r s y s t e m LOS ANGELES/SAN FRANCISCO/SEATTLE Source: Military Sealift Command

currently under construction. NEW ORLEANS/GALVESTON

38 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5
Equipment Required for Alterations Planned In AS 3 3 Overhaul Ranking of Factors Which Influence Award of Navy Overhaul Contracts
( 1 most important, 16 least important)
Alteration Projected Equipment Cost
Replace 0 2 N 2 plant $575,000 All Atlantic Pacific
Sprinkling system—heat detector, pneumatic valves 3,400 Respondents Shipyards Shipyards
MK 12 AIMS installation 17,700 Quality assurance program 1 1 4
Oil water separator 153,700 Drydocking capability 2 5 3
Install AN/BRA control units 202,000 In-place management systems 3 3 5
Management experience in Navy work 4 2 6
Crew galley refrigerator 3,900 Political support in Congress 5 7 1
Impressed cathodic protection 2,900 Capability to manage combat system overhaul 6 8 2
Install containerized inflatable lifeboat 502,100 Performance on previous Navy contracts 7 4 10
Install TTY system 89,400 Data management capability 8 6 9
HF Mod XMTRS 230,500 Available pier space 9 11 7
Subcontractor network 10 10 8
AN/WSC-3 peripherals 216,800 Strong financial position 11 9 11
Comm-CSS 28,200 Electrical shop capability 12 13 13
Install Barton RWL Ind/W 1 4 3 0 15,600 Machine shop capability 13 14 12
Tank demineralizer system 8,100 Small/disadvantaged business status 14 12 14
Install type 1 dehydrator 21,100 Available cranage 15 15 15
In-house engineering capabilities 16 16 16
Dissolved oxygen analyzer 3,600
Morpholine injection system 1,900 Exhibit 6
Install salinity indicator system 52,600 Overhaul Problems
Install superheater temp, indicator 5,500 (1 most important, 11 least important)
Replace FWC system 27,700
All Atlantic Pacific
CHT design improvement 33,600 Respondents Shipyards Shipyards
Comm—SAS 167,000 Unrealistic bid pricing 1 1 1
Navy growth radio 553,100 Difficulty getting decisions from Navy 2 2 4
50 ton hydraulic press, radial drill 9,900 Delays in receiving GFM/GFI 3 6 2
Machine shop improvements 86,000 Inspections, qualification and certification delays . . . 4 3 3
Documentation inaccuracies 5 4 7
Electrical shop improvements 54,000 Payment delays and fee with holding 6 8 5
4 8 " surface grinder, milling machine, etc. 309,500 Time from contract to ship availability 7 9 6
Flexible hose equipment—pipe shop 20,000 Difficulty preparing response to RFP 8 5 10
MFP L0 system modification 12,100 DCAA audits and cost accounting standards 9 10 9
FDB lube oil system modification 163,600 Providing crew accommodation/access to ship 10 7 11
Source: Naval Sea Systems C o m m a n d Subcontractor unreliability 11 11 8

lake the risk out WHY CAN YOU RELY ON

of your drinking water!
• "Marine" engineered products
• Quality assurance (our plant QC conforms to
• Technical & field assistance worldwide
• Mil/Navy specification conformance
• On-time delivery (from one of the world's largest

After 50 y e a r s . . . ship yards, repair yards, owners, operators,

naval architects and marine engineers continue to rely on
Hayward. Hayward manufactures a broad range of quality-
engineered marine products for all types of vessels and rigs.
Before you specify or buy a strainer, valve or fitting, talk to
Hayward Marine. You can rely on us.

EVERPURE'S Bromination Systems Simplex, Duplex, Fabricated & Y-Strainers

will protect your crew's health - and keep you Cu/Ni Strainers • Mud Boxes • Vertical & Inverted Vent Checks
financially healthy.
PVR Valves • Angle Cargo Valves la • Valve Stands • Suction Bell Mouths
One refreshing glass of inad- or silver, more reliable than ill i
equately treated water can lay a ultraviolet.
man up for days. Costly days of Ullage & Deck Covers
Paired with our M D Series of pre- ........ ^s — — — — ^ J H H
lower production. So at Everpure
coat water filters, we'll give you
we spent ten years and thousands Deck Access Boxes & Drains • Sounding Tubes & Docking Plugs
of dollars researching how to
safe, delicious tasting water! And is
keep your crew on the job. We
apply the superior disinfectant Refrigerator Drains
have a Brom-D-Brom System for Anti-Syphonic Vent Valves
properties of bromine t o ship-
your vessel, rig or platform. Any
board drinking water treatment.
size, anywhere. Call or write us - J M H H H H i
The result is our full line of
for the name of your nearest
Bromination Systems, safer and
more effective than chlorine We'll load the dice in your favor. "For a free copy of our full line Marine Brochure contact:'

EVERPURE, INC. 660 NORTH BLACKHAWK DRIVE, WESTMONT, ILLINOIS 60559 900 Fairmount Avenue • Elizabeth • New Jersey 07207

Circle 1 4 5 on Reader Service Card Circle 1 4 6 on Reader Service Card

Exhibit 2 Navy Ship Overhauls Scheduled For The Private Sector During FY 1 9 8 4 - 1 9 8 5

Work Start Type Procurement

Ship Date Contract Contract Office Notes
ARDM 1 Jan 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip Charleston
ARDM 4 July 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip Boston
AS 3 3 June 8 5 Fixed Price NAVSEA 0 2
DD 9 7 4 Oct 8 3 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Ingalls
DD 9 7 9 Feb 8 4 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Bath
DD 9 8 0 Oct 8 4 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Coastal
DD 9 8 2 May 8 4 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Coastal
DD 9 8 3 June 8 4 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Ingalls
DD 9 8 7 Aug 8 4 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Bath
DD 9 8 8 Feb 8 5 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Ingalls
DD 9 8 9 Feb 8 5 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Bath
DDG 4 6 Mar 8 5 Fixed Price NAVSEA 0 2
FF 1 0 3 8 Feb 8 6 Fixed Price SupShip Jacksonville
FF 1 0 5 6 Sept 8 4 Fixed Price NAVSEA 0 2 Small Business Set Aside
FF 1 0 5 9 Sept 8 4 Fixed Price NAVSEA 0 2
FF 1 0 8 5 Nov 8 3 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Coastal
FF 1 0 8 9 Feb 8 4 Fixed Price NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Gen Ship
FF 1 0 9 2 Aug 8 4 NAVSEA NAVSEA 0 2
FF 1 0 9 4 Mar 8 4 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded Coastal
FF 1 0 9 5 May 8 5 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 Will be multiship
FF 1097 Nov 8 5 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2 contract
FFG 5 Sept 8 4 Fixed Price NAVSEA 0 2
LKA 117 July 8 4 CPAF SupShip Portsmouth
LPD 1 Feb 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth
LPD 12 Aug 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth
LPD 14 June 84 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth
LSD 37 Jan 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth
LST 1 1 8 0 June 8 4 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth
LST 1 1 8 1 Apr 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth
MS0 4 4 3 Oct 8 4 Fixed Price SupShip Jacksonville
MSO 4 4 8 Jan 8 4 Fixed Price SupShip Charleston
AE 25 June 8 4 Fixed Price SupShip San Francisco
AE 2 9 July 8 5 Fixed Pnce SupShip San Francisco
AS 37 Jan 8 4 Fixed Price SupShip San Diego Awarded TAS
ASK 9 Sept 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip San Diego
DD 9 8 6 Nov 8 4 CPAF NAVSEA 0 2
FF 1053 July 8 5 Fixed Price NAVSEA 0 2 Small Business Set Aside
FF 1 0 6 9 May 8 4 Fixed Price NAVSEA 0 2
FF 1083 Jan 8 4 CPFF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded NASSCO
LPD 6 July 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth
LPH 10 Sept 8 5 Fixed Price NAVSEA 02
LSD 3 9 July 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip Long Beach
LST 1 1 8 2 Jan 8 4 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth Awarded SD Iron & Steel
LST 1 1 8 3 July 84 CPFF NAVSEA 02 Awarded NASSCO
LST 1 1 8 4 Feb 8 4 CPFF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded NASSCO
LST 1 1 8 5 Feb 8 5 Fixed Price SupShip San Diego
LST 1 1 8 9 Sept 8 4 Fixed Price SupShip Portsmouth Awarded NASSCO (continued from page 38)
LST 1 1 9 8 Jan 8 5 CPFF NAVSEA 0 2 Awarded NASSCO
About 3 0 - 4 0 percent of the cost
IX 5 0 1 Sept 8 4 Fixed Price SupShip San Diego
Source Nava bea S y s t e m s Command
of a typical combatant overhaul
will be subcontracted by the ship-
yard for material purchase. A large
integrated yard le.g., Bath, In-

Total Control
Thrust when and jvhore you need : Elliot; W h i t e Gill units p r o v i d e
galls) will subcontract 2 - 5 percent
thrust that's c o m p l e t e l y v a r i a b l e
t h r o u g h o u t 3 6 0 ° T h a t ' s total for outside labor. Smaller yards
maneuverability may subcontract out 50 percent for
W i t h o u t e x t e n d i n g o u t s i d e the specialized services.
hull lines o ( the v e s s e l . W h i t e Gil
t h r u s t e r s c a n t u r n a v e s s e l in its Profitability of Navy Overhaul
o w n l e n g t h Position it b r o a d s i d e
We asked master ship repair
H o l d p o s i t i o n in r o u g h e s t s e a s
Proven from the Arctic to the North Sea Counteract strong currents and
c r o s s w i n d s Even p r o v i d e p r o p u l -
contractors about the profits in
Navy overhaul work. Of 22
sion. All w h i l e s t a y i n g f r e e of responses:
underwater hazards
O r i g i n a l e q u i p m e n t or retrofit • 9 respondents said Navy over-
s i m p l e s t c o n t r o l s thru full d y n a m i c
hauls were less profitable than
W h e n y o u n e e d to c o n t r o l y o u r
commercial repairs
position. Elliott W h i t e Gill t h r u s t e r s • 11 thought the Navy and
c a n p r o v i d e the thrust y o u n e e d - commercial repair business
in the direction it's needed. had comparable profits
For lull information on White Gill • 2 said Navy was more profit-
thrusters in four basic models and able than commercial work
a wide range of sizes. call or write
for a copy of our Bulletin Q-57A.
Elliott Company. P.O. Box 239. Of the 49 Navy ship overhauls
Springfield. Ohio 45501. Phone scheduled for the private sector
(513)324-4191 TWX810-452- over the next two years:
2865. Or Elliott Turbomachinery
I id.. Zeta House. Daish Way. • 31 will be fixed-price contracts
Dodnor Lane. Newport Iste of
Wight, England P030 5XJ. Phone • 14 will be cost-plus-award-fee
Newport. I.O.W. (0983) 521333. contract
Telex No. 86216 ELLIOT G. • 4 will be cost-plus-fixed-fee
TECHNOLOGIES Fixed-price contracts squeeze prof-
ELLIOTT its from bidders in an industry
hungry for work. U.S. ship repair

40 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

near its primary source of trade on
Exhibit 7 Volunteer Barge Moves the Cumberland River and inland
Planned Improvements in Capability
To New Office Facility waterways.
Richard Hommrich, president,
Number of
O n Cumberland River announced that his expanded serv-
No significant improvements needed 5 Volunteer Barge & Transport, ices will include development of
New drydocking facilities 13
Inc. has established new offices in through transportation including
Improved machine shops 11
Electronics tests and repair facilities 7
Nashville, Tenn., at Hailey's Har- terminal services in Nashville and
Data processing equipment 6 bor-mile 180 on the Cumberland other river ports, operation of boats
Expanded engineering staff 10 River. Its marine management op- and barges, and towing. The new
erations will be better situated phone number is (615) 256-0073.
yards are increasingly hungry for
work! It is highly probable that
Navy overhaul will be a low profit
business over the next few years.

Technical Competitive Factors

We asked master ship repair
contractors to rank technical fac-
tors which affect award of Navy
overhaul contracts. Exhibit 5 shows
the response of 22 shipyards.
A peculiar pattern appears in
these responses. Atlantic yards
give high ranking to quality as-
surance, management experience
in Navy work, in-place manage-
ment, and previous performance
on Navy contracts. Important fac-
tors to Pacific yards are political
support in Congress, combat sys-
tems capability and drydocking

Problems in Navy Overhaul

Shipyards were also asked to
rank problems in performing Navy
overhaul work. Exhibit 6 shows
the response.
All yards felt unrealistic bid
pricing is the greatest problem.
Many said competition is cut-
throat. This reflects the state of
shipyard business and reliance on
a small number of big jobs from
one customer.

Explosion-Proof Operations
Pacific coast yards seem to have
particular problems receiving GFM/
GFI, but less difficulty getting de-
cisions from the Navy.

with JDN Air Hoists

Yard Improvements Planned
We asked what type improve-
ments each yard plans in overhaul
and repair capabilities over the
next several years. Exhibit 7 shows
the response.
and JDN Monorail Air Hoists
Over half the respondents said Compressed air is the absolutely safe form of drive energy for use in explosion hazard zones.
they are planning new drydocking
facilities. A large number said On the one hand, because air does not cause sparks and cannot, therefore, lead to ignition -
they plan to improve machine shops and, on the other hand, because no potentially harmful or even lethal electric shocks occur,
and expand their engineering staff. even in wet operating areas. JDN lifting equipment is primarily used in areas of maximum risk,
such as BoP zones; here it is fitted with chains and hooks made of special-purpose spark-proof
metal, supplied by JDN for custom designs.
IMA's full report (about 200
pps.) on the Navy overhaul mar- Another advantage is that the weight of JDN air hoists is relatively low in relation to their load-
ket will be available in May bearing capacities - that makes them much easier to transport.
1984. It will be sold for $480.
This price includes the initial Finally, it should also be mentioned that the lifting and lowering speed can be regulated on hoists
report plus four quarterly up-
dates. The report can be ob- with cable control.This is an essential feature in cases where highly accurate position control is
tained by writing: James R. required.
McCaul, President, International
Maritime Associates, Inc., 1800 If JDN air hoists did not already e x i s t - t h e y would have to be invented for off-shore technology.
K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
20006. Our informational brochure contains detailed data and descriptions. Just write to us - we shall
A special pre-publication price be more than pleased to help.
of $380 is available to pur-
chasers of the report who order
prior to May 1. X J.D. N E U H A U S HEBEZEUGE . D 5810 WITTEN-HEVEN
Telefon: 0 2 3 0 2 / 5 2 0 4 1 - Telex: 8229162
April 1, 1984 Circle 1 4 8 on Reader Service Card 41
Furuno Unveils Low-Cost monitor to display a visual read- digital display of major system pa- fairways and coastlines can be
out of own ship's course and navi- rameters on the CRT. shown by interconnecting event
C o l o r V i d e o Plotter gation marks in seven owner- A bright, 14-inch CRT facili- marks. Up to 10 identified way-
— Literature A v a i l a b l e selectable colors. tates navigation, fishing, and other points and a destination can be
The new unit offers many tradi- marine activities. Both true and entered.
Furuno-qualty color plotting is tional Furuno video plotter fea- relative motion display modes can For further information and free
now available for the smaller ves- tures: accepts navigation inputs be selected, and even individual literature on the GD-200,
sel with the GD-200 color video from Loran, satnav, or Omega; courseline segments can be shown
plotter. Based on the company's electronic selection of chart scale in different colors. A total memory Circle 2 5 on Reader Service Card
well-proven, computerized plotter (from V3 mile square to 56,000 capacity of 1,500 points is pro-
control system, the GD-200 uses miles square); shifting of the en- vided, and a built-in battery pro-
a high-resolution, low-cost color tire display in any direction; and tects stored information. Even
V i t r o A w a r d e d $8V2-Million
N a v y C o n t r a c t For System

The Abrasive Blast I n t e g r a t i o n Engineering

Vitro Corporation, Silver

Performance System Springs, Md., has been awarded

an $8,577,280 cost-plus-fixed-fee

By Clemco
Navy contract for providing 284,050
man-hours for the system integra-
tion of the Tartar DDG/CGN and
MK 92 FFG-PHM programs, in-
cluding production engineering
service. The Naval Sea Systems
Command is the contracting

M a r A d To Host Fleet
M a n a g e m e n t Conference
Blast Machines PVR R e m o t e s Wetblast A p r i l 2 5 - 2 7 In C h i c a g o
39 models, 50-800 lb. sand New Pinch Valve designed Boosts production, elimi-
capacity, new pop-up valve, for production, safety, ser- nates dust, one or two oper-
quieter air bleed noise. The vice. Blast machine does ators, takes water from tank
The Maritime Administration
heart of Clemco perform- not depressurize when or tap; adjustable water con- will host the 1984 Fleet Manage-
ance systems...Continues blasting stops. Straight trol allows paint feathering.
to be the best! through 45° abrasive feed ment Technology Conference at
is unique to Clemco. the Sheraton Plaza Hotel in Chi-
cago, 111., April 25-27, 1984.
It will be the fifth annual con-
ference of the FMT Program, which
has been established to improve
productivity, profitability, and the
competitive position of U.S. water
transportation companies through
application of advanced computer/
communications technology.
Among the presenters at the
Operator Safety Systems Clemlite Nozzles Couplings/Holders 1984 conference will be ocean car-
New Apollo Supplied Air Lighter, last longer, more Precision molded from tough riers, inland waterway operators,
Respirator System with CPF/ durable, cost less! Plus nylon, brass or aluminum,
Air filtration, more vision, they do more. Sixty models. safe no-leak fit, static con- and carrier associations. Repre-
more protection, more air Exclusive to Clemco per- ducting, V 2 " - i y 2 " quality sentative topics for presentations
distribution. CO detectors formance systems! blast hose.
and alarms. and panel discussions will include
operations planning, shipboard
AVS V a c u u m S y s t e m
computer applications, vessel en-
Only Clemco offers systems ergy conservation, strategic plan-
f o r t h e f u l l r a n g e of c l e a n u p ning, ship-to-shore communica-
a p p l i c a t i o n s . T h e C l e m c o AVS
S y s t e m is a s u p e r i o r a p p r o a c h
tions, intermodal equipment
to speedy abrasive removal control, electronic data inter-
and storage after blast change, and shipboard personnel
It w i l l t r a n s p o r t r e c o v e r a b l e
abrasive from the blasting Keynote speaker at the two-and-
area t o a s t o r a g e hopper over a-half day conference will be
d i s t a n c e s o f 500 f e e t !
Howard A. Watters, Deputy
T h e s y s t e m f e a t u r e s self-
contained dust collector, Maritime Administrator for In-
cyclone separator, electric land Waterways and Great Lakes
drive m o t o r a n d s t o r a g e h o p p e r Maritime Administration.
...all engineered for efficient
and troublefree operation. Luncheon speakers are, on April
W h i l e t h e AVS-E E l e c t r i c is 25, James L. Emery, administra-
practical in-plant, the system tor, St. Lawrence Seaway Devel-
design permits interchange-
a b i l i t y w i t h t h e 59 HP D i e s e l
opment Corporation, and on April
for u s e in t h e f i e l d . 26, Peter J. Finnerty, vice presi-
dent, Public Affairs, Sea-Land In-
Clemco successfully manufactures, distributes, dustries, Inc.
sells and services a complete line of abrasive blast For a copy of the full agenda,
equipment on six continents, in sixty-five countries. along with a conference registra-
Because it is the best! tion form as well as additional in-

formation on the conference, con-
tact Joedy Cambridge at Simat
International Ltd., 729 Fifteenth
Post O f f i c e B o x 7680
S a n F r a n c i s c o , CA 94120
Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.;
(202) 628-4747.

42 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Harriet Harrison Elected M a g n e t r o l O f f e r s Brochure EZ Series electronic level chanical design and construction.
transmitters. The vertical configuration of the
To A W O Region Three O n Electronic Liquid These advanced two-wire instru- transmitter reduces instrument
Board O f Directors Level Transmitters ments utilize Magnetrol's buoy- weight and simplifies installation,
ancy-magnetic coupling principle and the electronics enclosure may
Magnetrol International, Inc. of to detect and convert liquid level be easily positioned to face any
Downers Grove, 111., a leading changes into a stable 4-20 mil- direction.
manufacturer of a broad range of liampere output signal. The mag- For further information and a
level and flow control products and netic coupling bond between the free copy of the brochure,
technologies, has available a free level-sensing element and output
color brochure on its Modulevel electronics greatly simplifies me- Circle 8 7 on Reader Service Card

Harriet Harrison

Harriet Harrison, president of

Koch-Ellis Marine, has been elected
to the board of directors of Region
Three of the American Waterways
Operators, Inc.

R Class Act
She joined Koch-Ellis in 1973 as
a bookkeeper, and by 1979 had be-
come president of the company.
Since that time, the company's
principal business of ship bunker-
ing has grown, and now has an of- USS TICONDCROGfl and her sister ships
fice in Houston as well as in the
main office in New Orleans. share the reliability, shock hardening,
In 1982, Mrs. H a r r i s o n bought high performance and quiet operation
out a Louisiana neighbor, Barge
and Ship Service located at mile proven on the SPRURIMC6, KIDD and
104 on the Mississippi River. Since P6RRV Class ships with controllable pitch
the Koch-Ellis diversification, this
steaming, gas-freeing, and wet dock propellers by Bird-Johnson Company —
facility has added a new RO/RO- the world's most experienced designer
container cleaning operation, with
more services contemplated for the and manufacturer of warship propellers?

Ask for our delivery list.

Spring Meeting O f G r e a t
L a k e s / G r e a t Rivers SNAME USS VORKTOWN (CG48)
Scheduled For M a y 17 Photograph courtesy of Ingalls Shipbuilding

The Spring Meeting of the Great

Lakes and Great Rivers Section of
The Society of Naval Architects
and Marine Engineers will be held
May 17 at the Quality Inn River-
view in Covington, Ky.
The theme of this meeting will
be oriented to "Rivers," and the
following papers will be presented:
"Maneuvering on the Rhine and
Model Test Work for European
Vessels," by Gurdip K. Lauthra;
"Survey Paper on Oily Wastewa-
ters," by C.T. Warinner and David
Woifard; "Design and Construc-
tion of the MV G.W. Gladders," by
C. VanMook; "Midland's Heavy
Fuel Oil Experience," by Kenneth
Siegmann; "Conceptual Applica-
tion of Steam in River Towboats,"
by Fred A. Prahl III
An afternoon panel discussion
on "Future Outlook of Fuel" will
be chaired by C.J. Santavicca.
Panelists will include Ronald E.
Brown, Steven Mulvaney, and
Roger E. VanDuzer.
For additional information or
advance registration, contact
Thomas Mackey of Hyde Prod-
ucts, (216) 871-4885, or Michael
Dills of Freshwater Press (216)

43 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card

American M e t a l Bearing turing and maintaining large Sperry A w a r d s Sanders for monitoring the Trident II's
bearings for ship propulsion sys- navigation subsystem perform-
O f f e r s Free Literature tems and industrial uses since $10-Million Contract ance and will also be used during
O n Products/Services 1921. The company now offers a maintenance and training opera-
comprehensive service to ship- Sanders Associates, Inc., has tions. The award involves devel-
American Metal Bearing Co. re- builders, shipping companies, and been awarded a $10-million sub- opment of Trident-unique hard-
cently published a new color bro- navies, designing, building, and contract by Sperry Systems Man- ware and software interfaces,
chure, "Excellence in Bearing De- maintaining complete, fully-inte- agement, Great Neck, N.Y., to qualification testing, delivery and
sign and Manufacture." The eight grated, propeller shaft bearing provide Auxiliary Display Termi- field and factory support through
page brochure outlines the product systems. nal (ADT) equipment for the U.S. 1988.
lines, design and manufacturing Navy's Trident II navigation sub-
For a free copy of the brochure, The A D T is an adaption of
methods, experience, and client system development program.
Sanders recently developed MILI-
list of American Metal Bearing ' The ADT's will provide the key-
GRAPHIC Display System, a mil-
Co. The firm has been manufac- Circle 39 on Reader Service Card board entry and display capability
itarized intelligent raster graphic
display terminal with dual micro-
processors, derived from Sanders/

Production CalComp VISTAGRAPHIC displays.

Sperry has also ordered VISTA-

systems for
G R A P H I C " ' units for software de-
velopment at Sperry and other
navigation subsystem subcontrac-

ships, barges tors in preparation for receipt of

the Auxiliary Display Terminals.

ana offshore
Sanders Associates, Inc. is en-
gaged in the design, development
and manufacture of advanced sys-

structures. tems and components for the de-

fense electronics and computer
graphic markets.

A d a m s & Porter Moves

To N e w Offices In Houston
Adams & Porter Associates, Inc.
Houston, has moved its operations
and staff to a new building located
DWB ship transfer system. at 510 Bering Drive, Houston,
Texas 77057. The new telephone
number is (713) 975-7500.
Adams & Porter Associates, Inc.
is a Houston-based international
brokerage company founded in

William Gaylord
A p p o i n t e d Vice President
At Anixter

Beam line. Panel line at Bath Iron Works.

If you're looking
for productivity, you should
talktoTTS. William Gaylord

William Gaylord has been ap-

TTS specializes in solutions that offer pointed vice president-Defense and
immediate increases in productivity for your Aerospace Industries, for Anixter
Bros., Inc., it was announced by
yard. Shotblast and paint lines. Panel lines. James Warren, vice president of
Beam lines for N / C cutting and marking of National Accounts.
stiffeners. Heavy lift and ship transfer sys- In his new position, Mr. Gay-
tems. Material handling systems. SYSTEMS INC. lord will direct Anixter's sales
and marketing program for the
Proven, flexible, custom-designed to suit aerospace and defense industries
any size shipyard, any existing facility. 813 Forrest Drive nationwide. He will operate out of
P.O. Box 6127 Anixter's San Francisco wire and
Give us your particular production prob- cable distribution center.
lems. Let us propose how to reduce matenal Newport News, Virginia 23606 Anixter operates an interna-
handling costs, mechanize production and Telephone: (804) 595-5153 tional network of electrical and
increase productivity We are just a phone TWX 710-880-0003. electronic wire and cable service
call away
Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
ing was Dan Friedman, vice sional frame analysis, environ-
president and general manager of ment loads dynamics, and fatigue
Fluor Offshore Services of Irvine, analysis.
Calif. His presentation, accom- Mr. Friedman concluded by
panied by slides and movies, was showing two interesting films. The
titled " A n Update of the Offshore first covered the deployment of
Platform Industry." CONOCO's barge-launched jacket
Mr. Friedman began with a structure in 500 feet of water at
chronology of offshore oil drilling the Murchison Field in the North
developments beginning in 1896. Sea. The second film showed the
Drilling and production offshore construction in Norway and tow-
southern California began early in ing of a 200,000-ton concrete,
this century utilizing trestles and gravity-based production platform
crude wood pile structures in very destined for the Frigg Field in 200
shallow water. Pictures were shown feet of water.
of a few of these early platforms.
The author then reviewed some
aspects of current technology.
Shown at joint meeting of three technical societies in Los Angeles are (L to R): Max Cheung, Conventional steel jacket struc-
chairman, SNAME; Bill Watts, public relations, SNAME; Chuck Chamberlain, vice chairman,
tures, steel and concrete gravity- Sperry A w a r d e d $5 M i l l i o n
MTS; Kathleen King, chairman, MTS; Dan Friedman, author; Capt. Charles Niederman, ASNE;
and Herb Chatterton, Spring Meeting Committee, SNAME. based structures, and floating For N a v y Long Lead Items
platforms were examined. Deep-
A n d Engineering W o r k
Joint SNAME/ASNE/MTS Meeting water applications also were dis-
cussed, including tension leg plat- Sperry Corporation, Electronics
Hears Paper O n Offshore Platforms forms, Exxon's guyed tower, and
fixed buoyant towers. Methods of
Division, Great Neck, N.Y., has
been awarded $5 million to in-
The fourth meeting of the 1 9 8 3 - with the American Society of Na- problem solving are important in crease the limitation of liability to
84 season of The Society of Naval val Engineers and the Marine developing the more recent appli- provide additional long lead time
Architects and Marine Engineers Technology Society. Prior to the cations. These include model test- material and engineering develop-
Los Angeles Metropolitan Section technical portion of the evening, ing, full scale empirical data, and ment for the MK 92 phased-array
was held aboard the SS Princess each organization provided news new metallurgical information. He radar. The Naval Sea Systems
Louise I. Some 100 members and and announcements. stressed the use of computer de- Command is the contracting ac-
guests attended this joint meeting The guest speaker at the meet- sign tools such as three-dimen- tivity.


in Design and Supply of

Each door has its

own individual
system. Malfunction
due to damage of one
door does not effect
others in vessel. Quality, Dependability
. . . T h r e e t h i n g s vital f o r a g o v e r n m e n t s p e c i f i c a t i o n m a r i n e
coatings m a n u f a c t u r e r to possess. S e a g u a r d brings these three
things t o y o u with e v e r y c a n o f p a i n t o n e v e r y o r d e r . If y o u n e e d a
Comply fully with U.S.C.G. requirements for Subpart 163.001 Class II c o n s i s t e n t p r o d u c t , with quality, d e l i v e r e d d e p e n d a b l y , S e a g u a r d
and Class III Sliding W. T. Doors, and Solas 1974. Also furnished to re- s h o u l d b e y o u r supplier.

quirements of A.B.S., C.S.I., Lloyds and other regulatory bodies through- O w n e r s o f small b o a t s u s e S e a g u a r d p a i n t s with t h e s a m e
out the world. c o n f i d e n c e a s d o t h e U . S . military c o m m e r c i a l s h i p y a r d s , a n d
large s h i p p i n g fleets. S e a g u a r d ' s m o d e r n a n d w e l l - e q u i p p e d
S L I D I N G W. T. D O O R S for Drill Rigs, l a b o r a t o r y a n d r e s e a r c h facilities m o n i t o r the quality o f S e a g u a r d
p r o d u c t s , as well a s p l a n n i n g n e w o n e s t o m e e t f u t u r e n e e d s .
Tankers and Special Ships
S L U I C E G A T E S for Tankers S e a g u a r d p r o d u c t line i n c l u d e s : I n o r g a n i c Z i n c , E p o x y Poly-
u t h e r a n e , a n d A n t i f o u l i n q S h i p b o t t o m Paints.
C O N V E Y O R B E L T D O O R S for self unloaders
B H D S T U F F I N G B O X E S for Propulsion Shafting

Write for Bulletin 7 5 1 containing data, drawings and door sizes.

Fine Marine faints


Industrial Coatings
^WAIZ 4 0 3 0 S E A G U A R D AVE., P O R T S M O U T H , V A 23705
400 T R A B O L D ROAD, R O C H E S T E R , N.Y. 14624 (804) 4 8 8 - 4 4 1 1
Phone: 716/247-4330 • Telex 64 6874
New York O f f i c e : 20 Vesey St., N e w York, N.Y. 10007
Phone: 212/349-0079 • Telex 12 6075

March 15,1984 Circle 1 5 5 on Reader Service Card Circle 1 5 4 on Reader Service Card 47
ASNE Day '84
Technology In Engineering —
Backbone Of Ship Design, Construction And Repair
Washington, D.C. — May 3—4

The American Society of Naval ting of commercial and military interest including ship design, reserve fleet, the Navy faced three
Engineers will present ASNE Day shipping. Also represented will be combat systems, ship acquisition major problems: the baseline data
1984 with the theme "Technology organizations that interface with and modernization, ship auxiliary on the ships was not readily avail-
in Engineering—Backbone of Ship the industrial community and di- systems, hull coatings, hull de- able or could not be assured to be
Design, Construction, and Repair." rect the programs and projects en- signs, and ship propulsion. reliable; a new generation cruise
ASNE Day is the Society's annual gaged in modernizing and updat- missile armament was proposed;
national convention with technical ing the U.S. Navy Fleet. Thursday, May 3 and the ship delivery schedule was
sessions, exhibits, and social func- The luncheon speaker on May 3 Palladian Room—Session 1A very tight. After doing a feasibil-
tions. It will be held May 3 and 4 will be Commodore Grace M. ity study for a particular ship sys-
Ship Acquisition and
this year at the Shoreham Hotel Hopper, USNR, the Navy's own tem, design engineers were taken
in Washington, D.C. pioneer of modern computer tech- on board the mothballed ship to
The meeting is climaxed by the nology and the inventor of the resolve the design problems.
Radm. James W. Lisanby, USN
banquet on Friday evening, May computer language COBOL. Her Being on the ship allowed an in-
4. This year's banquet speaker presence will constitute a mile- tensive effort and immediate ref-
Capt. James W. Kehoe, USN
will be Vadm. Robert L. Walters, stone in the annals of the Society, erence to the actual ship configu-
(Ret.), assistant
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, as she is thought to be the first ration. The tools used to control
Surface Warfare. woman speaker in ASNE's history. 9:00 a.m. this effort were a ship check plan,
More than 100 companies, mili- "Design of Modernized Battle- a ship form, and the master ar-
tary commands, and other organi- Technical Program ships and Cruisers," by Philip J. rangement drawing. Simultane-
zations will display their products, The two-day meeting will in- Sims, James F. Edwards Sr., ously with the design effort, the
services, and capabilities. These clude technical papers selected by LCdr Robert L. Dickey, USN, repair effort was scoped. The de-
exhibits will portray the latest the Committee from among the and H.S. Shull. sign evolution and solutions to the
technology that supports the de- many submitted for presentation. In recent reactivation studies of major problems are described in
velopment, building, and outfit- They will cover subjects of current battleships and cruisers from the (continued on page 50)
Circle 141 on Reader Service Card
In war, every battle is a fight to And the same technology we've used
survive. And every technical in U.S. Navy aircraft for over ten years.
advantage provides a chance to win. Grumman's world-wide support
That's why at Grumman we staff already maintains engineers in
support the Navy's decision to put every Naval battle group and most
distributed digital control systems Naval field sites. So the system we
a b o a r d its new DDG 51 a n d CG 62 design, we can maintain.
ships. To increase survivability and Grumman's partner for the ships
reliability Decrease maintenance control program is TANO Corporation
time. And improve cost efficiency
— one of America's leading ships
Grumman is uniquely qualified to control designers. Together, we are the

design such a system. Because the answer to distributed digital ships
Navy's proposed ships control system is control.

TO KEEP FIGHTING. the same kind of system we've already

installed in Grumman-built hydrofoils.
Grumman/TANO: Two experts
working toward one goal.
ASNE Day Improvement Board—A Status ship acquisition and fleet modern- cord of the SCIB on various pro-
Report," by Stuart Williams. ization programs. grams is reviewed. Based on its
(continued from page 48) On September 7, 1982, Adm. By tracing the history of char- first full year of operation, an
this paper. The results of the New W.N. Small, the V C N O , signed a acteristics decision-making for na- overall assessment of SCIB per-
Jersey effort are shown, with sam- memo establishing the Ship Char- val ship programs, this paper es- formance and a projection of fu-
ple documentation, the ship char- acteristic and Improvement Board tablishes the foundation of the ture efforts is made.
acteristics, and the downstream (SCIB). This memo ended months present SCIB. Organizational ele-
design effort. of deliberation between N A V S E A , ments of the SCIB, including the
N A V M A T , and O P N A V on how functions of its permanent staff 10:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m. ship characteristics should best be and working groups, are ex- " A Comparison of Naval Ship
"The Ship Characteristics and developed and approved for both plained, and the recent track re- Design Procedures in the U.S. and
Canada," by LCdr. James D. Ert-
ner, USN, and Cdr. W.A. Tyler
Cassedy, USN.
A synopsis of Canada's unified
The 1984 Annual (combined Army, Navy, and Air
Force) defense organization and
decision-making structure is pre-
sented. This is followed by an ex-
planation of the closely inter-
twined Program Management and

EQUIPMENT Life-Cycle Management Systems,

and their relationship in the Ca-
nadian ship design process. Next,
U.S. Navy ship design procedures,

CATALOG including recent changes in pro-

gram initiation procedures and
creation of the SCIB, are viewed.
Finally, the Canadian Department
of National Defense and the U.S.
Navy's design and acquisition pro-
cesses are compared.

Diplomat Room—Session IB
Ship Auxiliary Systems
Capt. George M. LaChance,
LCdr. Kenneth M. Smith Jr.,
USN, assistant
9:00 a.m.
Impact, abrasives and friction can all be "Evolution of Navy Ship Sewage
working away at your rudder bearings without Systems—Gravity Through Vac-
you knowing it. Until it's too late. uum Collection," by Milton W.
That's why it's wise to assume that your Raupuk Jr.
rudder bearings will always be getting rough Most U.S. Navy ships have sew-
treatment. Then you can prepare for it. With age collection, holding, and trans-
Thordon installed. fer systems that use conventional
Whether it's at the pintle, the stock or the
gravity-flush fixtures and a sea-
steering gear, Thordon delivers better perform-
water flushing medium. This type
ance than anything else you're using now.
The World's Most Complete Annual Consider shock-resistance. A sudden impact system is relatively simple but is
Marine & Naval Equipment Catalog that would crack a phenolic or deform a bronze inherently heavy and bulky, and
is totally dependent of shore sup-
For Vessel Owners, Shipbuilders, bearing has no effect on Thordon. It absorbs the
shock and bounces back. port when used in port. Some re-
Marine Designers, Naval Architects cently designed Navy ships, the
Consider steering torque. It's less with
and Purchasing Agents. Thordon, thanks to its lower co-efficient of friction. DD-963 and DDG-993 Classes, em-
DETACH AND MAIL Consider service, Thordon raw stock is ploy a vacuum collection, holding,
warehoused in 50 countries around the world. So and transfer system (VCHT) that
wherever there's a Thordon distributor and a uses reduced-volume flush com-
Mail to: Marine Equipment Catalog lathe, there's a Thordon rudder bearing. modes and urinals with either
c/o Maritime Reporter Cut the odds on premature rudder bearing fresh water or seawater flushing
1 0 7 East 3 1 s t Street failure. Get all the facts on Thordon, and start and vacuum for waste transport.
N e w York, N e w York 1 0 0 1 6
betting on a sure thing.

This system is light, compact,
Y e s , I w i s h t o t a k e a d v a n t a g e of t h i s S p e c i a l Pre- highly shore-independent, and
Publication Offer. Please reserve copies provides significant system design
of M a r i n e E q u i p m e n t C a t a l o g . flexibility.
This paper traces the evolution
Name _ of Navy shipboard sewage systems
Position _
IT UJ0RK5 HARD. VOU RE5T EASY. from the original gravity collec-
tion system through the DD-963
Business Class V C H T system that used vac-
Address _
uum pumps, to a new and promis-
ing vacuum collection system that
• E n c l o s e d is m y r e m i t t a n c e of $ 4 5 . 0 0 p e r c o p y f o r PERFORMANCE uses a sewage-powered eductor.
c o p i e s of t h e M a r i n e E q u i p m e n t C a t a l o g . DETAILS TO:
• P l e a s e bill m e
• Please bill my c o m p a n y WAUKESHA BEARINGS CORPORATION 9:45 a.m.
P.O. Box 798 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187 U.S.A. "FFG-7 Class Fin Stabilizer Sys-
Telephone: (414) 547-3381 /Telex: 26759 tem," by Cdr. John C. Donahue,

50 Circle 157 on Reader Service Card Circle 158 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
USN, Edward J. McMahon, and 3:15 p.m. signs, achieved significant visibil- nique is described that provides
Louis W. Nelson. "The CONFORM Program—An ity and influence, and evolved in guidance for new designs and can
This paper discusses the new fin Update," by Kenneth B. Spauld- character. Designs and problem assist in evaluating current de-
stabilizer system developed for the ing Jr. areas are summarized, and the fu- signs and their revisions. The
FFG-7 Class ships, and includes a This paper provides a progress ture potential of the program technique attempts to provide de-
brief history of fin stabilizers, ad- report on the NAVSEA Surface discussed. sign evaluations by comparing
vantages of fin stabilizers on Navy Ship Continuing Concept Formu- 4:00 p.m. competing designs in a mission
combatants, brief theory of system lation (CONFORM) Program, first "Combatant Ship Design Guid- performance context. For a se-
operation, approaches used in sys- introduced to the Society at ASNE ance Through Mission Effective- lected mission, a number of ship
tem acquisition and vendor selec- Day 1981 by Cdr. Michael R. ness Analysis," by Dr. Dean A. alternatives are selected for study.
tion, and an up-to-date status of Terry, USN. Since that time the Rains. Task groups are then selected to
the program. program has produced many de- A combatant ship design tech- (continued on page 52)
10:30 a.m.
"Experience With Reverse Os-
mosis Desalination Aboard USS
Fletcher," by Wayne L. Adam-
son, Joseph F. Pizzino, and Wil-
bur L. Smith.
As part of a program to develop
reverse osmosis (RO) desalination
systems for shipboard fresh water
production, the David Taylor Na-
val Ship R&D Center worked with
NAVSEA to install a 12,000 gal-
lon per day, two-stage RO plant
aboard the USS Fletcher (DD-992)
in 1981. The first stage provides
potable water (less than 500 parts
per million total dissolved solids)
for crew needs; the second stage
provides high-purity water (less
than 2 parts per million of total
dissolved solids) for boiler makeup.
The plant has been producing ac-
ceptable water quality and quan-
tity despite some materials-re-
lated problems. The system design
has proven to be well suited for
minimizing manning and mainte-
nance requirements.

Palladian Room—Session 2A
Ship Design

provide optimum turbu-
Peter A. Gale
Susan M. Lee Bales, assistant l e n t flow, they require
designed mod- nt^-i- little maintenance, and
2:30 p.m. ules to meet have the advantages of le^
"Technical Evaluation of the
SES-200 High Length-to-Beam Over 2000 boat your specific re- space, lower foundation
Surface Effect Ship," by John D. quirements. costs, and higher heat
Adams and W.F. Beverly.
owners already enjoy Fuel oil puri- " transfer rates,
The requirement to operate sur- substantial savings from fiers can handle the il1 * (1 Plate heat exchanger
face effect ships (SES) efficiently full range of fuels from Heating — hot
at task force speeds without com-
Alfa-Lav al purifiers and Plate heat ' , ,.
. ,
# 2 Diesel Oil through
promising their advantage of op- heat exchangers. Why modern-day low-grade heavy fuel exchanger water. C o o l i n g - jacket
erating at higher speeds has been water, lube oil, and centra
the subject of Navy research since be the last to plug up a oil. The W H P X purifier assures fresh water cooling.
no loss of oil during discharge.
1970. These efforts showed that serious financial leak? Spiral heat exchanger applica-
this could be achieved by selecting Lube oil purifiers can extend
tions: Heating — thermal oil
cushion length-to-beam propor- You can plug up the leak on your filter life four-fold. What's more, systems, preheating prior to com
tions that place the high wave- vessel by using Alfa-Laval purifiers you can greatly extend the inter-
making drag region known as bustion. Plus —
and heat exchangers. Here's how val between lube oil changes, waste heat
"hump" outside the operating en-
they can save you money: and even deter engine over- recovery from
velope. Vessels with these charac-
teristics are designated "High Fuel a n d lube oil hauls tar longer. O n e cus- engine exhaust
Length-to-Beam SES." purifiers - From solid howl tomer saved $15,000 gases.
This paper describes an exten- M A B units to ready-to- in the first year of If you
sive program undertaken by NAV- install A F T modules with operation. really want to
SEA to validate this research and self-cleaning centrifuges, Alfa-Laval Start Saving Spiral heat exchanger
demonstrate high length-to-beam Alfa-Laval's complete puri- plate and spiral money with your boat, here's oui
SES capabilities. Under this pro- heat e x c h a n g e r s
fier line reduces engine suggestion: call or write Marine
gram, a 110-foot commercial SES
was procured and stretched from a maintenance and improves save you money in Department, Alfa-Laval, Inc.,
length-to-beam ratio of 2.65 to oil economy. Alfa-Laval can both heating and 2115 Linwood Avenue, Fort Lee
4.25 by installing a 50-foot hull provide standard or custom a f t module cooling. Designed to NJ 07024. Tel: (201) 592-7800.
extension amidships. This vessel
is the SES-200; it is the only large
high length-to-beam SES in the
April 1, 1984 For i n f o r m a t i o n :
AFT Module Plate Heat Exchanger Spiral Heat Exchange
C i r c l e 101 o n R e a d e r S e r v i c e C a r d C i r c l e 102 o n R e a d e r S e r v i c e C a r d C i r c l e 103 o n R e a d e r Servic
ASNE Day fense by the group) and their of- Diplomat Room—Session 2B Wapner and Richard A.
fensive mission. The losses Combat Systems I Fastring.
(continued from page 51) resulting from enemy action and The hand-wired, point-to-point
carry out the mission. The ship Moderator:
the performance of the group in cabling that has been the main-
characteristics are determined to Radm. John D. Beecher, USN
carrying out its mission are com- stay of data handling on naval
match each of the ship alterna- Como. (Select) Lowell J. Hol-
puted for the various enemy ships is slowly but surely giving
tives including size, first cost, and loway, USN, assistant
threats. Measures of effectiveness, way to more advanced techniques
life cycle cost. Then the task groups both for the mission itself and the 2:30 p.m. that include data bussing and high-
are put through a simulated mis- ship operating in a peacetime for- "Current Trends in Naval Data speed switching networks.
sion including enemy attack (de- mat, are then determined. Handling Systems," by Martin The Navy's AN/USQ-82(V)
Shipboard Data Multiplex System
(SDMS) is now installed and oper-
ating for technical and operational


evaluation purposes on USS Old-
endorf, a DD-963 Class destroyer.
The distributed switching system
SITACS introduced at ASNE Day
1982 has now been breadboarded.
In the foreign arena, NATO stand-
ard bus-network interfaces are
being implemented in Norwegian,
United Kingdom, and Canadian
shipboard systems. These develop-
ments are reviewed and projec-
tions are made regarding future
trends in naval data handling

3:15 p.m.
"Application of Fiber Optic
Technology to Combatant Subma-
rines: Near and Far-Term," by
Ronald A. Swain and LCdr.
David C. Poyer, USNR-R.
Transmission of multiplexed data
by means of optical fibers—pulses
of light, conducted through chan-
nels of glass—offers many advan-
tages over conventional multiwire
systems. Optical fiber is lighter,
easier to run, cheaper to install, is
fireproof and resists shock, and is
inherently resistant to EMI and
EMP. It has been proven in com-
mercial use.
Responding to these advantages,
the Navy has for several years
funded programs to provide mili-

Designed to give
tary specifications for fiber optic
(FO) connectors, couplers, splices,
penetrators, sources, and detec-

tors. This effort is near its success-
ful end, and the Service has re-
cently approved the first
in a demanding international market operational shipboard system. A
fiber optic bus will carry data in
the Submarine Advanced Combat
System to be installed in new


ships of the SSN-688 Class sub-
marine construction program.

1. We have over 20 years experience!

2. We have over 400 250 mm bore/750 R.P.M. engines in world-wide service! 4:00 p.m.
"Ship Combat System Simula-
3. Burning* efficiently fuels of upto 380 cSt. Viscosity (IF380-3550 Redwood)! tion (SCSS)," by Dennis R. Mensh.
This paper will describe a com-
*As per Nov. '83.
bat system integration and analy-
sis tool called the Ship Combat
We welcome Your queries! System Simulation (SCSS), which
was designed as an analysis tool to
study Sensor, Command and Con-
FOR I N F O R M A T I O N PLEASE C O N T A C T : trol, and Weapon System Integra-
BERGEN DIESEL INC. tion for shipboard combat systems.
Suite 203, 2110 1-10 Service Road, Kenner, L A 70065 U.S.A.
The simulation represents the
Telephone: (504) 443 3 0 0 4 / 3 0 0 5 - Telex: 78 49 80 - Telefax: (504) 443 3051 combat system components as
nodes in a network. The nodes are
connected by links. Data flows be-
P. O. Box 858, N-5001 Bergen, Norway - Telephone: (47 5) 19 00 00
Telex: 42 736 bmvh-n - Telefax: (47 5) 19 0 0 00 ext. 291 (day), (47 5) 19 04 05 (night) tween the nodes through the links.
The SCSS is a structured pro-
gram simulation written in Sim-
script II.5. The structured pro-

52 Circle 1 5 9 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

gram feature allows for ease of 11:00 a.m. and discusses a software engineer- and adaptability. Finally, the pa-
combat system reconfiguration into "Rationale for an A D A Software ing process that addresses these per discusses how the use of A D A
different types of architectures. Engineering Environment for Navy lessons. It then describes how ADA and its environments can enhance
Consequently, SCSS can be used Mission Critical Applications," by and its related A D A Programming the interoperability and transfer-
to study and analyze different Robert A. Converse and LCdr. Support and Run-Time Environ- ability of computer programs
combat system architectures. Kathleen Paige, USN. ments foster this software engi- among Navy projects, and signifi-
This paper describes the lessons neering process to improve com- cantly reduce overall life cycle
learned about computer program puter program productivity and
Friday, May 4 development over the past 25 years, achieve greater system reliability (continued from page 56)

Palladian Room—Session 3A
Combat Systems II
Radm. Wayne E. Meyer, USN
Como. (Select) Lowell J. Hol- S h a l l o w M a r i n e M o d e l S M 123
loway, USN, assistant D e e p M a r i n e M o d e l D M 123
• 1 gamma accuracy and
9:30 a.m. sensitivity
"The New Jersey-Tomahawk • worldwide range capability
Story: From Retirement to Renais- • w i d e s e l e c t i o n of cycle rates
and chart speeds
sance—A New Strike Capability,"
by Gerald R. Bell.
This paper examines the adap-
• nondirectional noise
cancelling, toroid sensor Models
• simple installation and
tation of the Tomahawk System
for installation in New Jersey (BB-
• low overall s y s t e m cost - U p to
62). The design modifications have
been particularly critical, as the 2 Mile'
Baseline System is currently un-
der development in USS Merill Range
(DE-392). Urgent Navy require-
ments dictated the Battleship- Modular inter-
Tomahawk effort overtake and lead changeable controls •
the Baseline development in Mer- give choice of lever, twist-
rill. Emphasis in this paper is APPLICATIONS INCLUDE lever, or wheel with 4 standard control
placed upon discussion of plan- • marine salvage detection lengths. Easily changed underway.
ning, implementation, problems • pipeline and cable location Marine aluminum drums with sealed,
encountered, and the advanced ca- • geophysical and hydrographic surveys tempered glass lens. No rack and pinion
• oceanographic and archeological research gears for vertical movement. 500 or
pabilities surrounding New Jersey
as a result of installing the Toma-
U N I T S A V A I L A B L E FOR S A L E OR R E N T A L 1000 watt incandescent or quartz lamps.
hawk weapons system. RB,\ RRINI ;I:R RESEA RCH <sn PH - 625
The paper concludes with a dis-
cussion of the potential opera-

I CANADA: 304 Carlingview Dr., Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5G2

tional utilization of New Jersey in Tel: (416) 675-3870 Telex: 06-989183 PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC.
4785 N. 27th Street, Milwaukee, Wl 53209
the strike warfare role that was U.S.A.: 1626 Cole Blvd., Golden, Colorado 80401
(414) 445-4100 TELEX 910-262-3389 (PHOENXPROD MIL)
Tel: (303) 232-8811 Telex: 45810
lost to the surface Navy in World
War II, when aircraft carriers sup-
Circle 160 on Reader Service Card Circle 161 on Reader Service Card
planted battleships as the Navy's
main strike arm.


10:15 a.m.
"Detection—A Modern View,"
by Robert T. Hill.
Over the past 10 years or so, the
Navy in its surface combatants
has introduced a modest amount
of sensor integration and automa-
There is a difference — Lips Repair procedures meet the most exacting
tion, improving in several ways
Propellers' repair staff inspects and requirements of ABS, Det Norske Veritas,
the "detection" function of the "de-
tection-control-engagement" trio of reconditions propulsion sys- Lloyd's Register, NAVSEA and other
functions embraced by the combat tems ranging from complex pertinent world class standards.
systems. After a review of the Controllable Pitch Propellers and Whenever and wherever trouble strikes,
basic ideas of this integration, the Transverse Thrusters to the largest call us. W e provide Lips Service.

further increases in inferential Monobloc Propellers. Our personnel
power that can be provided by ap- can straighten distorted blades,
plication of several emerging tech- excavate and weld cracks, repair
nologies to a fairly broad sensor damaged edges and surfaces, re-
base, including that of the force, build cavitation eroded areas and Headquarters,
are presented. The technologies replace missing or bent tips. And our East Coast Operations
include multi-sensor operations and engineering/design division can recom- 3617 Koppens Way, Chesapeake, VA 23323
netting, far more use of a priori mend pitch, camber or diameter modifi (804) 485-5275
information, more inference from cation to solve your performance problems. " " - • " " • " " " " - - - - " - - " - - - - I
Please send full product information to:
present signal processing, new sig- When "turn around time" is a priority,
nal processing, and the new com- call us. We routinely accomplish major NAME TITLE
puter circuitry, architecture, and
repairs in our three facilities meeting COMPANY
programming fields frequently dis-
critical drydock schedules. Lips Mobile
cussed today. The paper concludes ADDRESS
Emergency Service Team goes directly
with a discussion of a possible way
to proceed to improve systems, to your chosen yard anytime, anywhere CITY STATE/ZIP

considering that we cannot "stop to perform on-site repairs or "super-polish West Coast Operations
and start over" in much of our sen- service" within 24-hour notice. 1899Seventh St., Oakland, CA 94607, (415)451-8219
Swan Island Shipyard,
sor system design in the major Building64. P.O. Box 17161. OR97217, (503)289-9830
March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card
Drum capacity — 900 It. of 1
5/8" wire. Gypsy p e r f o r m a n c e — REDUCTION
12,000 l b s a t 125 F P M . O A L 12'
— C A W 1 0 ' 1 " . D r i v e n b y 50 H P GEAR
— 230 V D C — 181 a m p m o t o r . 2
available, with controls. 24" I.D. MAN-WAY TAf
PERFORMANCE 18" Coaming. A v a i l a b l e w i t h T socket 3 6 " Diameter — 26j
ENGINE: GM 12-567A-8"2 X 10-V-type-2-cycle-747 wrench or removable handwheel (can be drop-bolts. Dra w i n
Max. C o n t r o l Auto. T e n s i o n Control w e l d e d in place) for top opening. Spring-
RPM — electric s t a r t i n g . GEAR: Falk A i r F l e x — reverse loaded lid w / i n s i d e handwheel. Coaming
Line Speed 100,000 l b s 26,000 l b s 3000 l b s 12mm thick, top 11mm. Bosmet d r a w i n g
& reduction — 2.48:1 forward — 2.52:1 reverse.
Line Tension 10 F P M Stall 400 F P M



icr^Lr 20" ROUND
. M 18" Coaming — 3 brass dog drop bolts. 69" x 75" x 12"
Coaming 12mm thick — top 11mm. Bosmet 72" x 74" x 12"

AVAILABLE F r o m LST v e s s e l s . 120/240 V D C — 417 a m p s — s t a b ,
s h u n t — 1200 R P M — D e l c o g e n . — s e l f - e x c i t e d .
5 0 0 BHP @ 4 0 0 RPM. 4 - C y l i n d e r s t r a i g h t i n l i n e t y p e — E N G I N E : S u p e r i o r G B D - 8 — 8 c y l . — 5</i x 7 — 150 H P —
30 v o l t e l e c t r i c s t a r t i n g . Dry w t . 10,000 l b s . O A L 1 2 4 " — 65
121/2//X16// — 2-stroke single acting — liquid cooled
11/16" h i g h — 4 2 " w i d e . Ht. n e c e s s a r y t o pull p i s t o n s 6 8 " .
— direct reversible — C W r o t a t i o n . W i t h s t a n d a r d shaft- F u e l c o n s u m p t i o n 0.620 I b s / h r . 6 A v a i l a b l e .
connected starting air compressor. 46,000 lbs., net
weight—228" long—98" wide—132" high. Designed for
heavy duty, rugged use, its extreme simplicity will SPECIAL $ 4 , 5 0 0 E A . - 6 FOR $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 QUICK-OPEI 1
result in lower operating and maintenance costs. QUICK-ACTING
Handwheel top &
4 - D O G HATCHES 2 4 " w i t h 5 " coaming]

LOUIS-ALLIS M.G. SETS DELAVAL MODEL 65-N-13 Heavily constructed. Handwheel operated.
Handwheels top & bottom. Sire A: 2 7 " x

2.5 KW 120 Volt Single Phase 60 Cycle Output OR 65-N-23 FUEL OR LUBE OIL 2 1 " w / 1 2 m m coaming & 11mm top. Size
B: 3 1 " x 3 1 " w/12 1 " coaming. For ocean-
PURIFIERS — RECONDITIONED g o i n g barges, tugs, etc.
1800 RPM

21/2 K W — 1 1 5 v o l t s s i n g l e phase A C. o u t p u t . GENER-
2 H P 440/3/60/1750 RPM m o t o r s .
A T O R : T y p e G N A — c l a s s I G — Frame 2 8 A — F o r m A —
1800 RPM—5 K V A - 2 . 5 K W 115 v o l t s A C - 60 cycle
- 5 0 % PF—43.4 a m p s . M O T O R : Louis A l l i s - T y p e G N A -
Class E - F r a m e 2 5 A - F o r m A-1800 RPM-115 volts 15" X 23" X 5" 26"
(with attached Ward-
i l
C o p p e r s h e l l - bronze h e a d s -5/16" C u p r o t u b e s . ROTORS
• 2 M o d e l 1596
• 2 M o d e l 1566
C o u n t e r c l o c k w i s e rotation. Rotation from governor end.
• 2 M o d e l 860
W e i g h t e d g o v e r n o r t y p e . D r a w i n g 28F-249-81. B u i l t 1961.

L i d g e r w o o d 1 0 x 1 2 — w i t h M o r s e c o n t r o l s . 10,000 lb. l i n e
pull — declutchable gypsy — hand c o m p r e s s i o n brake '.. c
1400 G P M @ 110 PSI — s u c t i o n
l i f t 11.5 f t . — s t e a m b a c k pres- M u x . pressure 730 G P M <§ 200 lbs
sure 15 lbs. 14" Suction—10" — steam e n d 250 lbs. Serial 67735
— O A Dimensions: 43" w i d e — 39'
discharge — 2V2" s t e a m — 4"
deep — 104" high. C o m p l e t e w i t h
exhaust. Overall width 6'8" — spare unused bronze valve deck &
overall height 9'1!V' — depth spare liquid lines piston, steam
3'9Vi". Wt. approx. 1 0 , 0 0 0 lbs end spares, rods, etc. This p u m p
ready for i m m e d i a t e use — equal

fH. RECONDITIONED 1980 to n e w — little if any use.

Main Office: (301) 5 j
A B S - R E A D Y TO G O

coaming - 7-Dog 1 0 " C o a m i n g . A v a i l a b l e w i t h T socket
^36/26 w r e n c h or r e m o v a b l e h a n d w h e e l (can b e
w e l d e d in p l a c e ) f o r t o p o p e n i n g . C o a m -
ing 1 2 m m thick, t o p 11mm. Bosmet

S e r i a l N o s . NR-1783 a n d NR-1784. U n i t size 24/E150. 6

Stainless steel blades each unit - 1500mm blade length
FLUSH HATCHES •2400mm blade orbit diameter. PRESENT DRIVE w i t h V o i t h C A N BE L O C A T E D SIDE-BY-SIDE,
HATCHES 24" x 30" 30" x 30" A D 4 0 r e d u c t i o n g e a r s & h e a v y d u t y m o t o r 800/1000 HP FORE A N D AFT, FOR FAST A N D
4 D o g s b o t t o m — T - k e y top o p e n e r . 4 " -440/3/60 - 1775 R P M - s q u i r r e l c a g e • 884 a m p s • f r a m e 23153,
48" x 48" x ?" M a x i m u m c o a m i n g . C o a m i n g 8 m m thick — PRECISE M O V E M E N T S I D E W A Y S
36" x 30" x 8" top 7 m m . M f g . by E l e c t r i c M a c h i n e r y C o . C o m p l e t e w i t h "Cage
C o n t r o l s " & m o t o r c o n t r o l s . Size 8 - C o n t r o l v o l t s 120 A C • l i n e
AND 360° O N - A X I S TURNS,
v o l t s 450 • a m p s 941/3/60 OR D R I V E D I R E C T L Y W I T H D I E S E L M A K I N G T H E M IDEAL FOR TUGS,
B U I L T 1970. C O M P L E T E W I T H H Y D R A U L I C S E R V O M O T O R S
FOR B R I D G E C O N T R O L A N D 5 S P A R E B L A D E S .



ttom. 4 D o g s . 1 6 "
Drawing #60-40
2 5 " R O U N D HATCH
25" D i a m e t e r w i t h 18" c o a m i n g . 4 - D o g
h a n d w h e e l top a n d bottom. Q u i c k - a c t i n g
JA, d o g s . 11 m m x 12 m m s t e e l .

t j t


ACTING NEW 18" & 24"

66" Flush m o u n t i n g watertight hatch with
m a c h i n e d steel m o u n t i n g r i n g . T - H a n d l e
TIGHT Teflon seats - bronze fit-
is r e c e s s e d a n d h a n d t i g h t e n s a g a i n s t a
strongback across mounting ring. A p p r o x . ANGLE GLOBE GATE VALVES
weights, including mounting ring: 18" VALVES
ted. 16" OSY rising stem
t)RS 60 lbs - 2 4 " 100 lbs.
16" — $395
with clean-out pockets.
16" — $369 STEM
12" — $361 12" — $349 Ductile iron - 150 lbs.
8" - $289 8" — $285 16" — $369
6" — $165 6" — $225
FACTORY NEW — UNUSED 4" — $110 ' „ ML


10". End suction — top discharge. Cast iron impeller. In-
stallation drawings and assembly drawings available. 8 " 1500 LB. G L O B E V A L V E S 8 " C A R G O PUMP RELIEF V A L V E
Type J bearing — Type JC pump. $295 $395
12" 150 LB. G L O B E V A L V E S 12" C H E C K V A L V E S
$395 $695
APPROX. $4000


in mnns
3 " G L O B E VALVES $360 5 " C R A N E M A I N STOP V A L V E S $695

BM-10 10" 4.76" 16.5" 22"
3A" BM-10 — $1399
BM-12 1" 12" 5" 24" 28"
1" BM-12 — $1499
BM-14 Hi" 14"
$9-1900 Marine Dept.: (301) 752-1077 1 V*" BM-14 — $1599
5" 28.3" 31.9"

!, MD. U.S.A. TWX 710-234-1637

ASNE Day Moderator: tional assessment of the feasibility ter Alaskan Arctic ice conditions.
Capt. Peter A. Bunch, USCG of a year-round Arctic marine The U.S. Coast Guard's Polar Class
Capt. James E. Grabb, USCG transportation system to serve icebreakers were used to make the
(continued from page 53) (Ret.), assistant Alaska. Specifically, the three ob- "operational assessment" by an-
9:30 a.m. jectives were to: collect meteoro- nually extending the route north-
"Arctic Trafficability Program— logical and ice data along poten- ward and by operating throughout
costs for Navy mission critical A Review," by Richard P. tial marine routes; instrument the the winter season. This paper re-
computer programs. Voelker, Ian F. Glen, Frederick hull and propulsion machinery to views some of the operational and
Seibold, and Ian Bayly. improve design criteria for ice- technical achievements to date and
Diplomat Room—Session 3B This paper describes a multi- worthy ships; and to demonstrate plans for future Arctic deployments.
Systems Engineering year program to make an opera- that ships can operate in mid-win-
10:15 a.m.
"Extension and Application of
Ship Design Optimization Code
SHIPDOC," by William M. Rich-
ardson and William N. White.
(Abstract of this paper not avail-
able at press time.)
11:00 a.m.
"Human Factor Considerations
Applied to Operations of FFG-8
and LAMPS MK III," by A. Erich
Baitis, Terrence R. Applebee,
and Thomas M. McNamara.
ator Guidance Manual (OGM) was
developed for and will apply to all
FFG-7 Class frigates that are not
fin stabilized or are operating with
the fins off. The OGM was devel-
oped to assist the ship operators of
the FFG-7 Class in choosing ship
speed and heading combinations
that will minimize actual or po-
tential ship motion-related prob-
lems during various phases of
LAMPS deployment. Crew safety
and performance were major con-
cerns in the development of the
For Sale: G.R. Moir Push Tug OGM. This paper reviews the ap-
plications and impact of human
with investment tax credit available factors on ship operation during
helicopter recovery, maintenance,
and transit to and from the hangar.
The G.R. Moir, an American Flag Vessel, was delivered
August 1980, drydocked October 1981. Its 400 engine
hours were accumulated primarily on delivery from Empire Room—Session 3C
Hull Coatings
Marinette, Wisconsin to Miami, Florida.
Dr. Alexis I. Kaznoff and Dr.
General Information Tug meets requirements of the General: Cyril F. Krolick
Overall L e n g t h 150 0 following regulatory agencies: C e n t r a l i z e d control m o n i t o r i n g of the Robert G. Keane Jr., assistant
Length B e t w e e n • A m e r i c a n B u r e a u of S h i p p i n g (ABS) main p r o p u l s i o n plant, ships service "New Technology Antifouling
Perpendiculars 134'6" • U.S.C.G.. including NV1 1-69 for g e n e r a t i n g plant a n d m i s c e l l a n e o u s Paints: U.S. Navy Research and
Beam Moulded 4 0 0" unattended engine room operation auxiliary service. T h e overall s y s t e m Assessment," by Gerard S. Boh-
B e a m Overall 41 3 • U.S. Public Health is d e s i g n e d , c o n s t r u c t e d a n d installed
Depth Moulded 2 4 ' 6 " above B.L.
lander and Herman S. Preiser.
• Federal C o m m u n i c a t i o n s in a c c o r d a n c e with U . S . C . G . Circular
Drag Aft B e l o w Baseline 5'0"
This paper describes several ship
Commission NV1 1-69 and S e c t i o n 41 of A B S
L o a d Line Draft 22'5%" Rules to c o m p l y with U . S . C . G . re-
trials that are now under way on
• P a n a m a C a n a l Navigation
Gross Tonnage 220 q u i r e m e n t s for u n a t t e n d e d e n g i n e
both destroyers and submarines.
Net T o n n a g e 149 r o o m o p e r a t i o n a n d A B S classifica-
More than 200 different commer-
Fuel Oil C a p a c i t y 1 0 0 % 370 tons tion + A C C U . cial and Navy paints have been
Potable Water M a i n E n g i n e s : 2x E M D 2 0 - 6 4 5 - E 7 A applied as patches, as bands, on
Turbo C h a r g e d T h e tug was primarily d e s i g n e d as a entire hulls, and on exposure test
Capacity 100% 75.6 t o n s
7 2 0 0 HP at 9 0 0 r p m tug pusher, having t w o hydraulically panels mounted on bilge keels. Pe-
Ballast C a p a c i t y 1 0 0 % 378 tons
actuated pins, o n e port, o n e star-
Accommodation 12 Gear B o x e s : 2x Falk 7.48:1 riodic inspections utilizing diver-
Reduction Ahead board. to m a t e with the b a r g e f e m a l e
Classification A B S + A1 T o w i n g operated still and video cameras
7.63:1 R e d u c t i o n receptacles. T h e tug is fitted with t w o
Service A A C U
d e c k c a p s t a n s . 15 hp.
are made. The factors of ship power,
Astern paint condition, and hull rough-
Steering Gear: Sperry ness are being correlated for se-
Under Title XI of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as
Pneumatic For more information contact:
amended, the G.R. MOIR has obtained $4 5 million of Clutches: lected test vessels.
United States Government Guaranteed Ship Financing at 2x Four B l a d e Solid S. Danoff U.S.A. Limited
Propellers: New trends in antifouling paint
an interest rate ol 8 1 per annum. Interest is payable
14'3 1 /)" D i a m e t e r 2 0 5 0 C o r a l Way, 6th Floor
March 31 and September 30 each year. Semi-annua
amortization of principal c o m m e n c e s March 31.1989 with S t a i n l e s s Steel
Miami, Florida 33145 technology are also discussed, as
(305) 8 5 8 - 9 0 0 0 are problems associated with ap-
final maturity on September 30. 2003. With appropriate
Generators: 2x Detroit Diesel
approvals, the debt is assumable by a purchaser of the
vessel. 16v-71 3 0 0 kw plication and removal of toxic paint

10:15 a.m.
S. I)auoft' "Underwater Cleaning Technol-
ogy," by Christopher P. Cologer.
U.S.A. L i m i t e d During the fuel crisis of the

52 Circle 159 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

early 1970s, the U.S. Navy imple- 3) reduced total ship depth, and 4) gence of new micro-computer tech- Preliminary Hull Form Develop-
mented a program for underwater reduced primary hull girder nologies that have had a dramatic ment," by Wen-Chin Lin, Wil-
cleaning of Navy ships. New stresses. impact on the way ships are de- liam G. Day Jr., Jeffrey J.
methods were developed for clean- signed, built, and operated. This Hough, Robert G. Keane Jr.,
3:15 p.m. David Walden, and In-Young
ing, inspection, and performance paper presents the development of
"Advanced Technology In Ship Koh.
rating. More than 40 ships in- the BRITDES computer-aided de-
Design Analysis and Production," A n advanced methodology is
volved in multiple cleanings were sign and detailing system and its
by M.N. Parker, A.Y. Odabasi, presented for developing hull forms
included in the program over a utilization of microcomputers in
P.A. Fitzsimmons, and C.J. that attain improved performance
six-year period. Interactions of hull ship design, analysis, and
Goggin. in both seakeeping and resistance.
cleaning with paint performance production.
Within the past 10 years, ship Contrary to traditional practice,
were studied. Performance factors
design, shipbuilding, and ship op- 4:00 p.m.
that evolved included chemical re-
eration have witnessed the emer- " A n Advanced Methodology for (continued on page 58)
actions of the copper-based anti-

fouling paints, blistering of the
anticorrosion paints, brushing in-
tensity during cleaning, and cath-
odic protection systems. Underwa-
ter cleaning was established as a
viable option for extending the

service life of antifouling coatings.
11:00 a.m.
"Organotin Antifouling Paints
and the Environment—Drydock
Phase," by Carl M. Adema and
Paul Schatzberg.
Fuel savings of several hundred
The most comprehensive marine
million dollars annually are ex- firefighting videotape training
pected from a pending Navy deci-
sion to use antifouling hull paints program available.
based on tributyltin compounds.
Several Navy and commercial ship
trials have demonstrated that these
paints routinely outperform the
current military specification paints
based on cuprous oxide. Additional
savings are expected as a result of
less frequent drydocking and the
elimination of underwater hull
However, because the organotin
compounds are more toxic than cu-
prous oxide, the potential effect on
the environment must be consid-
ered. Organotin discharge regula-
tions and current drydock prac-
tices are reviewed, and the quantity
of organotin generated during dry-
dock operations is estimated. A n
environmental assessment of the
Fleet-wide use of organotin anti-
fouling paint is being prepared un-
der contract.

Palladian Room—Session 4A
Hull Design
Five videotape modules shot entirely on location at the
Moderator: Texas A&M University lire training grounds.
Capt. Roger M. Nutting, USN
Edward N. Comstock, assistant
P a r t i : Exploring Fire's Chemistry
2:30 p.m.
" 'No Frame' Concept—Its Im- Part 2: Portable Extinguishers
pact On Shipyard Cost," by Na-
Part 3: Water and Fire
tale S. Nappi, Ronald W. Walz,
and Christopher J. Wiernicki. Part 4: Use of Foam
A proposed cost-effective alter-
native to current U.S. Navy ship
Part 5: Interior Firefighting
design and production practices is
presented in this paper. This pro-
posed design for producibility con-
cept involves the elimination of
structural stanchions and trans-
verse web frames. The potential
impact of this "no frame" concept
P r o d u c e d in C o o p e r a t i o n
with the Texas A & M
Marine Firefighting
Training School
e Gulf Publishing Company Video
P.O. Box 2608 • Houston, Texas 77001 • (713) 529-4301
• Send more information about the Marine Firefighting pro-
gram a n d the preview tape.
E n d o r s e d by the
A m e r i c a n Institute
of M e r c h a n t

on structural design, weight, and

construction material costs for Name
frigates and destroyers is reflected Company
in 1) reduced costs for installation
of distributive systems, 2) a re- Address
duced number and complexity of Texas Engineering Extension Service City, State, Zip Washington D C
The Texas A&M University System
structural details providing a more Phone
reliable and less costly structure,
March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card
ASNE Day sign example produced by this Diplomat Room—Session 4B Aluminum-block, non-magnetic
methodology. diesel engines have been less reli-
Ship Propulsion
(continued from page 57) Merits of the methodology and able in service than their cast-iron
the methodology starts with devel- the point-design are assessed on counterparts. Additionally, non-
oping a seakeeping-optimized hull the basis of theoretical calcula- Moderator: ferrous engines are produced in
form without making concessions tions and model experiments. This Dr. Warren C. Dietz small numbers exclusively for mil-
to other performance considera- methodology utilizes a subset of James L. Corder, assistant itary use and thus have no com-
tions, such as resistance. The sea- the Hull Form Design System that mercial base with which to en-
keeping-optimized hull is then is used at N A V S E A . A brief de- 2:30 p.m. hance logistics support.
modified to achieve improvement scription of the function and capa- "Testing of a Magnetically A West German manufacturer,
in other performance characteris- bilities of the programs in this Treated West German Diesel En- Motoren-und Turbinen-Union
tics without degrading the sea- subset, and their relation to the gine," by LCdr. James W. White, Friedrichshafen GmbH (MTU), has
keeping. Presented is a point-de- total HFDS are discussed. USN. developed a method for magneti-
cally treating cast-iron engines in
such a way as to reduce their mag-
netic signatures and thus make
them available for mine counter-
measures applications.
In order to take advantage of
the improved reliability and sup-
portability of ferrous but magneti-
cally treated production engines,
the U.S. Navy conducted an exten-
sive test and evaluation program
to confirm or deny the suitability
of the engine for a new class of
mine countermeasures ships.

The biggest name in Canadian Shipbuilding. This paper describes the unique
characteristics of the MTU
6V396TB63 diesel engine, and will
A leading name in offshore rigs and consolidate and illustrate the re-
sults of endurance, shock, mag-
major industrial projects. netic, and maintenance testing.
3:15 p.m.
"Surface-Hardened Naval Ma-
rine Gears with Reference to Al-
ternative Means of Surface Hard-
Davie has been building massive steel ening," by Roger Barker and
structures for a long, long time. Notably George C. Mudd.
It has become common practice
ships. Destroyers, tankers, icebreakers, in naval marine gear units of Eu-
supply vessels. ropean manufacture to take ad-
vantage of the greater load-carry-
Davie's innovative approach, its vast ing capacity resulting from a
expertise, plus its large industrial capacity surface-hardening process. The
is supported by an energetic and skilled surface-hardening processes avail-
able to the gear designer are many
workforce. No wonder that Davie was able and varied, each having advan-
to respond so capably to the offshore tages and disadvantages.
industry's need for rigs in the late 70's and This paper examines the three
early 80's and is now ready in this era of principal applicable processes, ex-
super rigs. There are many good reasons to plains the characteristics of each
involve DAVIE in your ship construction and how the disadvantages may
and offshore development project. be controlled. The load-carrying
Speak to us about it. capacity of gears made with the
different surface treatments is then
discussed, including the effects of
hardness gradient, residual stress,
and size on capacity.
4:00 p.m.
"Advanced-Cycle Gas Turbines
for Naval Ship Propulsion," by
Thomas L. Bowen and Dan A.
Investigations are currently
being conducted by the Navy and
several contractors to determine
the technical feasibility and cost
effectiveness of advanced regener-
ative or intercooled-regenerative
gas turbines as naval propulsion
engines for future mid-size surface
combatants. A comparison of the
performance characteristics of these
engines indicates that significant
increases in the thermal efficiency
P.O. Box 130. LEVIS
QUEBEC G 6 V 6 N 7
above current simple-cycle en-
gines may result by adding heat
M M M M SHIPBUILDING TELEPHONE exchangers for regeneration alone
LIMITED (418)837-5841
TELEX 051-2254
(continued on page 62)

52 Circle 159 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

STARBLAST- up to SO times less
dust than OSHA standards permit!

Du Pont STARBLASTcleans faster, safer, more

efficiently than silica sand—won't cloud work area.

D u P o n t S T A R B L A S T ® abrasive C o m p a r e d with silica sand, S T A R B L A S T costs are lowered. It also handles the s a m e
p e r m i t s virtually dust-free blasting. Air- will greatly lessen the n e e d for special a m o u n t of cleaning with less abrasive,
b o r n e respirable dust a n d respirable free ventilation a n d personal protection a n d r e d u c i n g both c l e a n u p a n d handling costs.
silica levels are u p to a r e m a r k a b l e 2 5 to will reduce concerns a b o u t the proximity
3 0 t i m e s below applicable O S H A air of other workers to the blasting area. Call 800-341-4004
c o n t a m i n a n t standards. for more information.
Your blasting areas a n d adjacent work STARBLAST cleans faster,
sites will be well below O S H A m a x i m u m D u Pont S T A R B L A S T offers low dusting
respiratory exposure limits, with u n o b -
cuts costs. a n d fast cleaning with safety, efficiency a n d
scured visibility. Operators c a n see their You'll quickly notice that S T A R B L A S T cost savings. If y o u w o u l d like to learn
w o r k clearly a n d c a n w o r k faster with fewer cleans faster, because of its uniformly m o r e a b o u t S T A R B L A S T , call us toll free
interruptions. sized, dense, r o u n d e d g r a i n s - s o labor for our literature package: 8 0 0 - 3 4 1 - 4 0 0 4 .

REG u s PAT ftTM Off

April 1, 1984 59




MARITIME REPORTER is requested . . . in writing . . . personally . .
by thousands more people with the titles listed below than any other
marine magazine in the entire world. Circulation statements prove it.


PORT AUTHORITIES: (Includes oil companies involved in offshore drilling, offshore
drilling contractors and crew/supply boat companies).
(Owners, Agencies and brokers) Directors, owners, agents, presidents, vice-presidents,
managers, secretaries and treasurers, port engineers, superintendents; purchasing agents, port
captains, port stewards, naval architects and engineers shoreside.


(Commercial, U S Navy and U.S. Coast Guard) Directors, owners, presidents, vice presidents,
secretaries, treasurers, superintendents, managers and purchasing agents, naval architects,
engineers and chief draftsmen

Naval architects, engineers and consultants shoreside






• WORLD'S LARGEST circulation to buying-influence
• LARGEST US circulation to buyers
• LARGEST I N L A N D / O F F S H O R E (Shallow-draft) cir-
culation to buyers
• 1 0 0 % REQUESTED CIRCULATION . . . in w r i t i n g
. . . by each individual reader. MR is WANTED
• CURRENT . . TWICE each m o n t h coverage of entire

1st 1984
• BEST READ because it is CURRENT . . . w e e k s
ahead of slower monthlies
readers per single copy . . . over 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 monthly


• EXCLUSIVE FREE LISTING for regular advertisers in
This June 1st Annual Yearbook issue of MARITIME REPORTER is bound to generate maximum reader Buyers Directory section of all 24 issues for one entire
interest among MARITIME REPORTER'S unequalled audience of over 21,000 of the world's leading year.
marine/offshore decision makers. • DIRECT M A I L SERVICE
This will be a true outlook issue ... dealing little with the past ... primarily with future predictions by
leading marine industry experts of activities to come in all areas of the commercial maritime/offshore in-
dustry. Among the contents planned for this ANNUAL YEARBOOK ISSUE are ...


building or on order in U.S. shipyards plus the outlook for the future.
M A R I T I M E REPORTER is the most successful marine
• U.S. NAVY — A complete report — The present size and future m a g a z i n e . . . w i t h a larger n u m b e r of a d v e r t i s e r s . . . a n d
more pages of a d v e r t i s i n g in 1 9 8 3 t h a n the No. 2
prospects for a larger, more formidable U.S. Naval Fleet. magazine.


future ship construction levels in leading foreign yards.
• OFFSHORE DRILLING — The current picture on new rig and
support-vessel activity plus estimations of future trends by key in- MARITIME
dustry leaders.
• U.S. INLAND WATERWAYS — Predictions for the future in de-

tail provided by leading experts on shallow-draft vessel operations ENGINEERING NEWS

and tug, towboat and barge construction.
107 East 31 S t r e e t New York. N.Y. 10016

ASNE Day ASNE Day '84 Exhibitor Booth(s) Exhibitor Booth(s)

(continued from page 58) List of Exhibitors

or with intercooling. Design per- AQUA-CHEM 104 CLOW VALVES 100
formance characteristics of several Exhibitor Booth(s) AVON INFLATABLES 137-9 COMBINATION VALVE COMPANY 15
advanced-cycle gas turbines are BATH IRON WORKS 112 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING 94-5
described that utilize turbomachi- ADVANCED MARINE BIRD-JOHNSON COMPANY 44-5 C0NTR0LMATICS 116
cycle gas turbines. Estimates of CORP 18-19 CABOT CORPORATION 161 DAVIE SHIPBUILDING 79
the weight and volume of heat ex- AERCO INTERNATIONAL 86 CAL-VAL COMPANY 169 DAYTON T. BROWN 136
changers included in these concep- AEROQUIP CORPORATION 36 CDI MARINE 101 DESIGNERS & PLANNERS 149-50
tual designs are provided. ALTURDYNE 159 CHEMTRONICS INC 158 DEUTSCH CO. MCD 87-8

GEMS SureSite
Level Indicators: FLEXAUST COMPANY
6 - 7 , 172-3

The intelligent

alternative to cloudy GENERAL DYNAMICS


sight glass problems GIANNOTTI & ASSOCIATES


on shipboard

day tanks.
i For w a t e r , oil, o r o t h e r c o r r o s i v e , f l a m - JERED BROWN BROTHERS INC 96-7
m a b l e or e x p l o s i v e liquids, J.J. MCMULLEN ASSOCIATES 120
i Highly a c c u r a t e , direct, c o n t i n u o u s level KAMATICS CORPORATION 167
INC. expansion pro-
readout. gram triples p r o d u c t i o n LONSEAL INC 23
i E x t e r n a l l y - m o u n t e d (side or top). capacity M. ROSENBLATT & SON 61-2
i C a n i n c o r p o r a t e s w i t c h e s or t r a n s d u c e r s Conrad builds fuel, MARINE ENGINEERING/LOG 174
for r e m o t e indication, a l a r m s , horns, spud, deck, self pro- MARITIME REPORTER 181
lights, c o m p u t e r pelled barges MARKETTECINC 49

signals, etc.
• Accurate • Swift METCO INC 115
• Streamlined • Cost METRITAPE INC 119
Industries, Inc.
efficient • In business
since 1948 MONCH MEDIA INC 20
P. O Box 790 Morgan City, Louisiana 70381 (504) 384-3060 MUESCO INC 84
Circle 170 on Reader Service Card



tube and pipe support. CENTER 162-3

NEWPORT NEWS SHIP 105-6, 1 1 0 - 1 1
1 Flags c h a n g e color Easy to Install/ NKF ENGINEERING ASSOC 153-4
ORI, INC 107
for h i g h l y visible liquid Simple Operation. PINAY FLOORING PRODUCTS 179
level indication.
Magnetic float moves with - SureSiie RAYCHEM CORPORATION 73-4, 92-3
liquid level. Bi-colored, Housing RCA CORPORATION 27-9, 37-9
interlocking, magnetic flags ROCKWELL
change colors with moving INTERNATIONAL 24-6, 40-42
float to indicate exact M u l t i - C l a m p provides a total system of p l a n n i n g , installing ROLLS ROYCE 186-9
changing levels. Assures a n d r e t a i n i n g pipes, hoses a n d t u b i n g o n m a c h i n e tools, in RUSSELLSTOLL DIVISION 160
safety; monitored liquid is plants, on process m a c h i n e r y , i n v e h i c l e s — a n y w h e r e line SANDERS & THOMAS 2
within float housing. SELBY, BATTERSBY 54
r u n s are r e q u i r e d f o r h y d r a u l i c or p n e u m a t i c , c o o l i n g ,
l u b r i c a t i o n , refrigeration, fuel, etc. SMA 180
Eight r u g g e d l y c o n s t r u c t e d m o d e l s for virtually m a i n t e - SOLAR TURBINES 147-8
S u p p o r t s t u b e a n d p i p e in s i n g u l a r o r m u l t i p l e rows, and SPERRY UNIVAC 58
n a n c e - f r e e s e r v i c e . M a d e of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l o r P V C ; c u s t o m
stacks in"ESuilding-Block" type construction. SSS CLUTCH COMPANY 50-51
lengths. U n a f f e c t e d by high turbulence, shock, vibration, STANLEY VIDMAR COMPANY 108
d u s t or t e m p e r a t u r e f l u c t u a t i o n s . V e r s i o n s w i t h s t a n d • O f f t h e s h e l f d e l i v e r y in sizes 3 / 1 6 " t h r u 6 " O . D . STEWART & STEVENSON 130-31
t e m p e r a t u r e s to 750°F., liquid v i s c o s i t i e s to 1500 S S U , • Provides for simplified installation. TATE TEMCO INC 157
s p e c i f i c g r a v i t i e s d o w n t o 0.5. A true " d o - i t - y o u r s e l f " system. TIMET 1
T-MAC 146
For a p p l i c a t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n , call toll-free: (800) 321-6070. • Sirction line filters • Filler assemblies • Reservoir end covers TRANSAMERICA DELAVAL 8, 1 8 3 - 4
In Ohio call (800) 441-7733. • Flange kits • W e l d risers • Glycerin Gauges TRW 21-2

^jjp Transamerica Carefully crafted, quality controlled products f r o m the designers
of H y d r o - C r a f t Hydraulic reservoirs and Accessories VITRO LABORATORIES 31-2



Plainville, Connecticut 06062 XOMOX CORPORATION 16-17
Telephone: (203) 677-1311; Telex: 99306 1821 R O C H E S T E R I N D U S T R I A L DRIVE, R O C H E S T E R MICH. 48063
Phone:(313)652-8100 Telex: 023-5677

62 Circle 1 6 9 on Reader Service Card Circle 1 7 1 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Your Marine
System Parts
are in Stock.

In most cases, your local Caterpillar

Dealer or marine dealer can fill your parts
order immediately from his large inven-
tory of genuine Cat Marine Engine,
Transmission or Generator parts.
In those rare instances when the part
you need is not in stock, you'll still get
it within 48 hours or less or the part is
free. That's the Caterpillar 48-Hour Parts
Policy.* It's a Caterpillar exclusive . . . no
other engine builder offers a comparable
program. And, it's good for 4 years from
date of delivery.
Call your participating Cat Dealer or
marine dealer today. He can give you full
details on the 48-Hour Parts Policy. Or
write Caterpillar Information Services, P.O.
Box 3900, Peoria, IL 61614.
' S u b j e c t t o t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s as o u t l i n e d i n
the 48-Hour Parts Policy.

Guaranteed Parts
Another Standard
Feature Of
Caterpillar Marine

A p r i l 1, 1 9 8 4 Circle 172 on Reader Service Card

Propellers '84 Scheduled Titled Propellers '84, the meet- Propellers '84 will be broader in of views on propeller strength
ing is being organized by the scope than Propellers '75, '78, and and performance considera-
For M a y 15-16 At Cavalier Technical and Research Program '81 Symposia, and is intended to: tions that have not been firmly
Hotel In Virginia Beach of The Society of Naval Architects established;
and Marine Engineers and the • Make the nature and extent • Encourage the vitally needed
The fourth in a series of inter- Hampton Roads Section. A total of of the multi-disciplinary in- research efforts to provide safe,
national symposia on ship propel- 21 papers on various aspects of formation gaps regarding pro- long-lasting propellers having
lers that have been attracting wide marine propellers and related pro- pellers' strength clear to the the very highest efficiencies;
attention in the marine engineer- pulsion components are scheduled marine community; and
ing community for the past decade for delivery at the symposium, the • Provide the most up-to-date • Obtain ship operator service
will be presented on May 15-16 at authors representing a cross sec- information available; experience input.
the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia tion of expertise from Europe and • Provide an opportunity for
Beach, Va. America. the freest possible exchange Chester L. Long, chairman of
the Ships' Machinery Committee
of SNAME, is general chairman of
Propellers '84, and Andrew A .
Szypula is chairman of the Tech-
nical Committee, which is made
up of the members of Panel M-16
(Modernization of Propulsion Shaft
Systems) of the Technical and Re-
search Program of the Society.

Sales/Marketing M a n a g e r
N a m e d At Heat Transfer
Division/American Standard

Robert R. Albaugh
Robert R. Albaugh was re-

MAGNUS cently named manager, sales and

marketing for the Buffalo, N.Y.,

MARITEC based Heat Transfer Division, of

American Standard Inc., according
to Don A. Meyer, vice president
and general manager of the

With Magnakote, Magnus Maritec s Mr. Albaugh is responsible for

all sales and marketing activities,

Cost- Effective Tank Coating Formula. worldwide, for the division. The
Heat Transfer Division manufac-
tures and markets heat exchan-
gers and heat recovery systems for
Magnakote is the most economical soft Magnus Maritec International, with 25
district heating, general industry,
chemical coating compound on the mar- years of reliable service to the marine in- processing and marine applications.
ket: less than 3C per sq. ft.! No other soft dustry, offers a complete line of Continu- Mr. Albaugh graduated from
coating gets near it for cost-effective tank ous-Maintenance products and services. General Motors Institute with a
& void space corrosion protection. For a copy of our technical literature con- bachelor's degree in mechanical
Magnakote is formulated for e f f i c i e n c y - tact your local Magnus Maritec represen- engineering and earned a master's
no special surface preparation required tative or our world headquarters. degree in industrial administra-
prior to application (spray or float method). tion from Purdue University.

A pioneering product of advanced, soft

chemical coating technology, Magnakote IT&T A w a r d e d $7-Million
is extremely durable. Thus, maintenance MAGNUS Increase To Navy Contract
and repair costs are reduced significantly. MARITEC
Spot repairs are easy. And, Magnakote re- INTERNATIONAL INC. For Radar Accessories
moves quickly for overhauling. It's non- Leaders in the Science International Telephone and
toxic, with a high flashpoint (320°F/160°C). of Marine Chemistry Telegraph, Van Nuys, Calif., has
been awarded a $6,949,996 modi-
Magnakote—efficient, cost-cutting corro-
A Subsidiary ol
[ L E C O N O M I C S L A B O R A T O R Y I N T E R N A T I O N A L LTD.
fication to a previously awarded
sion protection. firm-fixed-price Navy contract for
Major offices in: United Kingdom, Spain, Italy,
seven precision approach radar
Greece. Brazil, Singapore, Norway & Finland
solid state modification kits and
15 OJ-33A/GPN radar horizontal
and elevation indicators. The Na-
150 Roosevelt Place, PO Box 150, Palisades Park, NJ USA 07650 val Electronic Systems Command,
(201)592-0700 • Telex 135-377; 21-9190 Washington, D.C., is the contract-
ing activity.
Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
YOU Just Can't Find a Better Radar
in marine radar, the Furuno name Is synonomous with quality, perfor-
mance and reliability. A strong statement? Maybe, but that's exactly the
award we have received every year since 1976 from the people who sell
and service every brand of marine electronics available in the U.S.—the
dealer and technician members of the National Marine Electronics
Association, in fact, Furuno has won a total of 27 NMEA product
excellence awards since 1971.
And we have a radar for just about any application or budget,
yacht or commercial. Screen sizes from seven to fourteen inches,
peak power to 25kw, antennas to eight feet, we have
monochrome displays that are bright, crisp and easy to use.
we have color displays that show target echo strength in
four different colors, we even have a system that shows the
radar picture and electronic video navigation plot on one
screen in full color.
You simply can t go wrong with Furuno radars. See
them all, plus our complete range of other marine elec-
tronic products, at any of more than 200 authorized
dealer outlets all over the U.S., or write for our full
color catalog.

Furuno. |
Choice of the

mi m
63 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card

US Headquarters in New Orleans: Branch offices:
5132 Tarawella Road 6776 South West Frwy. Suite 150, 2221 N.W. Market Street 575 Madison Avenue
Tel. (504) 341-7201 Tel (713) 266-9300 Tel. (206) 783-6900 Tel. (212) 605-0369, (212) 605-0356
TWX. 810-951-6386 wartsila marr TWX. 910-881-5031 west park hou Tlx. 328863 flshnships sea Tlx. 237699 wwbus/ur, 125864 wwbus cprs nyk

WARTSILA m Production plants in Finland, Sweden and Singapore

Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
A New Look At


Jeffrey A. Smith, Director of Public Affairs
The American W a t e r w a y s O p e r a t o r s , Inc.

Commerce Commission, the White in a legislator's office. Such an ef- cacy business is the media. What
House, and the Congress, that if fort requires careful planning, most people, including politicians,
railroads are permitted to gobble preparation and distribution of know about our industry is limited
up barge lines, everybody except quality materials. Participants in to what they read in newspapers
the railroads will be the big losers. grassroots efforts must be edu- and magazines, hear on the radio,
There are critical issues facing us cated on the issues, often by their or see on television. Barges, tow-
today, and their outcome could employer who is kept informed boats and tugboats, locks and dams,
drastically alter the face of our through a trade association. Alli- ports and harbors are not all that
industry. ances must be formed and in place visible to the general public in
Educating and informing the de- among many—often diverse—in- daily life. Every few years, along
cisionmakers in Washington, with terests. Coalitions for action must comes a network news story about
the purpose of influencing them on be created that extend beyond the some allegedly wasteful "Pork
behalf of a special interest, re- traditional trade association. In Barrel" water project. We watch
quires careful planning and inno- fact, the more diverse the basis of as the Congressman who advo-
vative action. Our industry—any supporters or critics, the more the cates such a project feels the heat
industry—can ill afford a lack of cause benefits in a Congressman's of questioning on national televi-
Jeffrey A. Smith
knowledge on how to advocate an eyes, as long as the groups are all sion, and that's the end of it. The
issue, or the inability to act and saying the same thing, in the water project, useful or not, will
"In the wars currently being fought over laws
act appropriately when the time right way, at the right time. For forever bear that distasteful mon-
and regulations in Washington, the weapons of
advocacy aren't always traditional." comes. truly effective grassroots cam- iker, and future projects can ex-
One of the newest issue advo- paigning, substantial numbers pect the same. Yet our industry
In the old days one could argue cacy techniques, and one of the must be involved, and careful can no longer afford to be ignored
that in the years before much- most successful, is to generate a monitoring of the issue at hand is or misrepresented in the media,
needed reforms were instituted, a large groundswell of "grassroots" required in Washington to deter- and at the same time we need to
well-connected lobbyist who was support or opposition for a legisla- mine exactly the right moment to turn the media's power of persua-
adept at entertaining could count tor's position on an issue, usually mobilize. A good working knowl- sion to our own advantage.
on at least certain votes being cast in the form of thousands of letters, edge of the grassroots process is As veteran CBS newsman Dan-
as the lobbyist requested. But nu- postcards and phone calls arriving essential to any group or industry iel Schorr told a recent seminar
merous reforms later, much of both in his Washington and home wishing to influence a decision or in San Francisco: "In this mass
that has changed. No doubt there district offices a day or two prior to advocate an important issue. communication society, if you don't
is still real value in an informa- a key vote. Members of Congress are aware of exist in the media, for all practical
tional chat with a member of Con- Before the vote on President Re- grassroots advocacy. They under- purposes you don't exist."
gress over a friendly cocktail. And agan's tax cut a few years back, a stand how it works and what it How can our industry effectively
there is still much to be said for Congressman told me "Dammit, represents. They expect it, and use the media as an advocacy tool
the access, not necessarily the I'm a Democrat! I'm against this they respond to it. Some industries on Capitol Hill? For one thing, fre-
votes, that an intelligently placed tax cut and I thought my district have found, to their horror, that quent news coverage of an issue in
political contribution can gain. Yet was against it. But I've got sixteen failure to understand the grass- a Congressman's hometown paper
in the wars currently being fought huge boxes of mail sitting in my roots process can be deadly. will generate letters from his con-
over laws and regulations in office telling me to vote for this Think for a moment about stituents, will influence a newspa-
Washington, the weapons of advo- thing and the phone hasn't stopped mounting a defense against at- per's editorial bias, and will keep
cacy aren't always traditional. ringing since last week. What tempts to weaken or repeal the the issue visible in the public's
The inland and coastal domestic should I do?" Jones Act. Think of the potential mind. If a Congressman reads an
shallow-draft transportation in- I stood with him on the Capitol a solid and unified grassroots base, editorial in his local paper about
dustry, in fact much of the marine steps as he flipped a coin in the made up of marine interests—in- the number of jobs our industry
industry, is fighting for its very air, watched it land, and then land, coastal, ocean-going, lake creates in his district, he's going to
survival on a number of fronts in walked into the House Chamber to carriers, small and large ship- pay attention. It is our job as ad-
Washington. Among other issues vote for the tax cut. yards, associations, management, vocates to make sure the editorial
in Congress, we are battling But the letters, postcards, tele- labor, et. al.—could exercise in appears, and then to make sure
against the threat of new and dis- grams, mailgrams, visits and phone Washington. (continued on page 68)
astrous user charges, and fighting calls of any grassroots campaign Another essential and less tra-
to preserve the Jones Act, the do not materialize spontaneously ditional weapon in the issue advo-
foundation of our competitive po-
sition. At the same time, we are
trying to convince the Interstate

A p r i l 1, 1 9 8 4 65
AWO Congressmen read and pay at-
tention to their local media very
Times or Washington Post for
their Congressional voting advice.
wire services and the networks.
Politicians, who must out of neces-
carefully. The local media is their They read the local papers, watch sity track the elusive animal called
(continued from page 67) free source of hometown publicity, the local television and listen to public opinion, will be carefully
the Congressman reads it. For ex- advertising their political accom- the local radio. watching, and reading, and poll-
ample, at AWO when a pro-indus- plishments and activities to poten- Generating a large number of ing. If the heightened news cover-
try news story appears in a local tial voters when things are going quality local news stories on a par- age can be combined with a well-
media outlet, whether it's placed well, and pulling them down with ticular industry issue can lead to timed and coordinated ground-
by us or not, we send it along with criticism and negative editorials news and editorial coverage by swell of grassroots action in sup-
a letter to the Congressman in when they don't. The local voters larger metropolitan daily papers. port of our issues, no legislator can
whose district paper the story ran. in New London, Connecticut or If properly managed and chan- ignore it. How could he?
So far, this small but effective pro- Greenville, Mississippi for exam- neled, the issue will be picked up On many of our most critical
gram has been highly successful. ple, don't look to the New York by television and radio and by the fronts, being recognized by the
media and being able to mobilize
and voice our opinions will mean

the difference between failure or
success for our industry—between
raising the decisionmaker's con-
sciousness, or just plain whimper-
ing alone in the dark, unnoticed.

Rubber-lined Cutless® bearings prevent

premature damage of propeller shafts. Detyens Yard A w a r d e d
Designed with a specially formulated BFGood-
$4-Million Navy Contract
rich resilient rubber lining, Cutless® marine bearings For LST-1180 Overhaul
cushion abrasive particles and roll them along the Detyens Shipyard, Mt. Pleasant,
bearing surface to special "Water- S.C., has been awarded a
wedge" grooves where they are picked $3,989,981 firm-fixed-price con-
up by flowing lubricant and washed tract for the regularly scheduled
overhaul of the tank landing ship
away without damaged to the shaft or
USS Manitowoc (LST-1180). The
bearing. Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Con-
Not true of hard-surfaced bearings. version and Repair, Portsmouth,
When abrasives enter hard-surface Va., is the contracting activity.
bearings, the particles are held firmly
against the shaft causing excessive
wear and damage. Water

Stop expensive shaft maintenance

Soft Rubber Groove Jens Lademann Joins
and replacement, use resilient Cutless rubber Jacobs And Associates
marine bearings. Available world-wide from yards LUCIAN
and marine stores in a full range of shaft diameters
and load capacities.
P.O. Box 1415, A K R O N , OHIO 44309

Circle 176 on Reader Service Card


Built By B L O U N T M A R I N E CORP. Warren, Rhode Island

Jens L.C. Lademann

Jens L.C. Lademann has joined

^ppqapqa m ' I H R.D. Jacobs and Associates, a con-
sulting engineering firm based in
Roscoe, 111. Announcement of the
appointment was made by R.D.
ffl if Jacobs, the firm's president.
Mr. Lademann completed an
apprenticeship in Denmark and
later received a degree in mechan-
ical engineering from Odense Tek-
nikum in Odense, Denmark. He
came to the U.S. in 1967 and
joined Fairbanks Morse Engine
Is Equipped with a W A Y - W O L F F H E A T I N G S Y S T E M Division, Colt Industries, and
served in various engineering ca-
W A Y - W O L F F S h i p - H e a t e r s have b e e n providing efficient heat for s t e a m or hot
pacities relating to marine propul-
w a t e r s y s t e m s o n all t y p e s of v e s s e l s for m a n y years. The u n i t s are c o m p l e t e ,
sion and power generation appli-
c o m p a c t a n d a u t o m a t i c . . . o p e r a t e o n D i e s e l f u e l for b o t h A.C. a n d D C.
Government cations for large diesel engines.

For lull information,
equipment Most recently he was supervisor,
send us specs for your boat.
is available. warranty control.
Ulau-Ulo Four sizes to
heat vessels
R.S. Jacobs and Associates spe-

from 50' to 300'. cializes in engineering services re-
45-10 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, NY 11101
Over 3500 lating to the design and operations
Units in
21 2-361-9292
service worldwide.
of marine propulsion systems as
well as power generation systems,
both marine and stationary.
Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Lingaas N a m e d Senior VP winches, high abrasion resistance, Karpenski A p p o i n t e d Wheeler in August 1974 as a com-
and inherent flexibility for easy mercial analyst in the steam de-
For Cruise O p e r a t i o n s handling. It is also said to be Assistant Director, partment and became an attorney
At H o l l a n d America Line torque-free and non-hockling. Contract Administration, in the contract administration de-
Samson Round Plait is available partment in 1977. He was ap-
in nylon, polyester, and polypro- At Foster Wheeler pointed senior supervising attor-
pylene in sizes to 15-inch circum- ney in the contract administration
ference with tensile ratings to Martin J. Karpenski has been department in 1980.
696,000 pounds. appointed assistant director of A 1971 graduate of Villanova
For additional technical data contract administration for Foster University (B.S., chemical engi-
and prices, Wheeler Energy Corporation, Liv- neering), he received a J.D. degree
ingston, N.J. from Seton Hall University, School
Circle 2 8 on Reader Service Card Mr. Karpenski joined Foster of Law in 1974.

If you see two towing companies here, you're right!

Arvid Lingaas

Capt. Arvid Lingaas has been

appointed senior vice president for
cruise operations for Holland
America Line. The announcement
was made by Kirk Lanterman,
president and chief operating offi-
cer of the Seattle-based cruise and
travel company.
Captain Lingaas will be respon-
sible for all technical and mari-
time operations for HAL's five
ships—Rotterdam, Volendam,
Veendam, Nieuw Amsterdam, and
the currently under construction
Noordam. The Volendam and
Veendam, formerly Moore Mc- Perhaps you thought' of Bay-1 louston simply as the largest more efficient service.
Cormack's Brasil and Argentina,
are being sold to the Tung Group harbor towing company on the Texas Gulf Oast. Actually at one So the next time you see a tug that has Ml on its stack
and will be turned over to the new time we were two towing companies - The Bay Towing Co. and remember, you're really seeing two towing companies. But it's
owner in April this year. The Houston Towing Co. In 1948 we merged these two companies also important torememberthey bothreallywork for one
The new senior vice president into the present Bay-Houston Towing Co. to provide you with a company... you.
will have responsibility for man-
aging all ships' officers and crew, BAY HOUSTON TOWING CO.
hotel services, and all on board
passenger services, including en- Houston • Galveston • Corpus Christi • Freeport • Texas City

tertainment, shops, food, etc.

Captain Lingaas has more than Circle 184 on Reader Service Card
20 years of ship management ex-
perience. Most recently he was
president of United Ship Manage-
ment, responsible for Costa Line Water-Jet - .
Crete db
and Hellenic American Cruises
charter passenger ship operations
in Miami. He also was a senior BLASTS
vice president for Norwegian Car-
ibbean Lines in Miami. He served
as master on NCL's Southward, FOR ALL
Starward, and Skyward, and has
served as an officer in the Royal
Norwegian Navy.
APPLICATIONS 2 2 , 5 0 0 psi
• Safe
N e w Round Plait Rope • Ready-mixed
• Stable
Developed By Samson
• Variable density
A new type of fiber rope has • Quick installation
been developed by Samson Ocean
Systems, Inc. of Boston for use as • Removable
ship tie-up lines, towing hawsers, • Approved by U.S. Coast Guard A q u a - D y n e High pressure W a t e r Jet-Blasting equipment as
surge dampeners, and for oceano- & American Bureau of Shipping an industrial surface cleaning tool is unmatched c o m p a r e d t o
graphic moorings. Called Round m o s t mechanical and hazardous chemical methods.
Plait™, the new design uses a spe- FOR M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N AND Utilizing the performance characteristics of water at Ultra-High
cial 12-strand construction that QUOTATIONS, CONTACT: Pressure. Aqua-Dyne manufactured W a t e r Jet-Blasting equip-
provides a firm, round cross sec- m e n t w o r k s economically using f r e s h or salt w a t e r t o c u t and
wash away, in seconds, m o s t natural and man made materials.
tion, high strength-to-weight ra-
tio, and spliceability similar to CALL: Texas 8 0 0 - 3 9 2 - 4 5 6 3
8-strand plaited rope. Genstar Stone Products Company USA 800-231-9174
Executive Plaza IV
Among the advantages reported 14 JAM
by Samson are more effective sur-
Hunt Valley, Maryland
(301) 628-4180
AQUA-DYNE 220B Karbach S t r e e t Houston. Texas 7 7 0 9 2

Phone [ 7 1 3 ] B B 1 - 3 5 8 1 Telex 7 7 - 4 5 7 0
face for working on capstans and INCORPORATED

A p r i l 1, 1 9 8 4 Circle 185 on Reader Service Card Circle 1 8 6 on Reader Service Card 69

AIMS Endorses New stitute of Merchant Shipping Statio, Texas. Divided into five vi- implemented on board a ship,
(AIMS). deotape modules, the series begins tanker, or drilling rig. Those who
Marine Firefighting "The only other film like it was with part one, Exploring Fire's operate vessels on inland water-
Training Program produced by the U.S. Coast Guard Chemistry; and continues with part ways, Port Authorities, and fire
more than 20 years ago," says two, Portable Extinguishers; part departments who may be called
A new training series featuring Gerald Babin, GPC Video's exec- three, Water and Fire; part four, upon to fight a fire on board a
firefighting techniques taught by utive producer. The people at Texas Use of Foam; and ends with part docked ship should know and un-
Texas A & M University's Marine A & M provided the content and five, Interior Firefighting. All tapes derstand the techniques taught
Firefighting Training School is now AIMS reviewed and endorsed the were shot on location at the Texas here. GPC Video will offer this se-
available from Gulf Publishing series. A & M University fire training ries in both Italian and Korean in
Company Video. The series, Ma- The program details the five grounds. the fall of 1984.
rine Firefighting, has earned the areas of marine fire training taught The series provides a fire-fight- To obtain a free 4-color brochure
endorsement of the American In- at Texas A & M University, College ing training program which can be on the series from Gulf Publishing
Company Video,
Circle 3 7 on Reader Service Card

Promotions Announced At
Marine Transport Lines
Louis J. Conti, chairman of the
board of Marine Transport Lines,
has announced a number of pro-
motions in the operations and fi-
nancial staffs of the company.
Joseph G. Drescher has been
appointed vice president-opera-
tions. He has been with the com-
pany for 14 years, and was previ-
ously fleet director. Succeeding him
in that post is Nicholas Orfani-
dis, a 10-year veteran with the
Donald Hutton has been named
fleet manager. He is also a 10-year
veteran, and previously served as
port engineer and marine
On the financial side, W. Her-
schel Chittum has been ap-

pointed assistant vice president-fi-
nance. He was previously
Federal Republic of Germany controller, and has been with the
company for the past two years.
September 25-29,1984 daily 9a.m.- 6 p.m. Named to replace him as control-
ler is Anthony N. Citrola, who
S a t u r d a y 2 9 . 9., 9 a . m . - 3 p . m . has been with MTL since 1978 and
was previously assistant control-
Hamburg - forum for worldwide More than 500 exhibitors from some ler. Joseph M. DiMarco has been
business, will offer the opportunity for 20 countries will be taking part. appointed treasurer; he joined the
company in 1976 and has held var-
on-the-spot market analysis and at the S M M '84 will provide reliable ious financial posts.
same time highlight the latest trends. information on all aspects of new
This "big club" of the shipbuilding and marine technologies whilst the
marine engineering world will feature a S M M '84 conference will serve to
complete range of international complement the exhibition by offering a Hartzell Offers
exhibits. wealth of information and discussion on
Free Literature O n
current themes.
Marine Duty Fans
S M M '84 - the leading event of its kind Marine Duty axial flow blowers
Please request further
from Hartzell Fan Inc., are de-
details from: scribed and illustrated in a 20-
page brochure. These blowers are
\<S> A M C A certified and are available
e» Hamburg M e s s e to meet Federal Marine Specifica-
eS te<
rUcvp und Congress G m b H tions in sizes 12" to 60" diame-
Postfach 30 24 80 ter with static pressures to 14"
D-2000 Hamburg 36 w.g.
A wide assortment of accessory
deta items are available including inlet
bells, vibration isolators, special
p\ease motors and corrosive resistant
coatings. The brochure (A-143)
contains a selection guide for as-
addtess sistance in specifying proper ma-
post rine equipment.
For a free copy,

Circle 3 4 on Reader Service Card

70 Circle 2 0 0 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Worthington Offers New marketing, replacing Mr. Messer Jacksonville. He was formerly di- tions in RO/RO services to the
in responsibility for market devel- rector of marketing for Crowley's U.S. mainland as well as to other
Cast Iron Pump Line opment as well as maintaining his Caribbean Division contract trans- destinations in the Caribbean, and
previous duties as assistant vice portation services, and has been contract tug and barge services.
— Literature A v a i l a b l e
president, pricing. Mr. Tonsager, with the Crowley organization for Mr. Amadeo joined the company
A general-purpose line of effi- who joined the company last June, seven years. in 1982. Prior to this appointment
cient end-suction pumps with ca- is based in Jacksonville. Jose A. Amadeo has been he was director of marketing and
pacities to 1,200 gpm is being of- John S. Hollett has been ap- named director of Caribbean Serv- administration for Trailer Marine
fered by Worthington through its pointed director of South Atlantic ices, based in San Juan, Puerto Transport Corporation in the
national network of independent common carrier services, based in Rico, overseeing Crowley opera- Caribbean.
distributors and direct-sales per-
The cast iron pumps, designated
as the D-800 line, are available in
19 sizes, frame-mounted or close-
coupled. The pumps are designed
for minimum operating and main-
tenance costs.
Features include a bell-shaped
mechanical seal cover to provide
improved mechanical seal life.
Frame-mounted pump bearings are
conservatively designed and main-

tenance-free, being sealed for life ocking and towing in heavy
and pre-lubricated. Other advan- seas can be safer and more
tages cited for the pump include reliable with the help of Murdock's
back-pullout, allowing complete
new Rope Tension Damper.
access to pump internals without
disturbing system piping; integral This valuable innovation is es-
adapter seal cover for added pump sentially a super heavy duty shock-
rigidity and fewer internal compo- absorbing device. Its function is to
nents; dry rabbet fit at the casing control automatically the tension on
joint to eliminate internal corro- the mooring line in response to
sion and to aid in pump disassem-
forces generated by the motion of
bly when being repaired; and top
centerline discharge casings to a ship in rough water.
simplify system piping and remove The Murdock Damper can be
stress on pump bearing frame. mounted permanently on the deck
Standard materials of construc- between the winch and the fair-
tion include a high-grade cast iron lead. The line is rigged through the
casting with precision bronze vac- damper around two sheaves on a
uum die-cast impellers of enclosed
rotatable arm connected to elas-
design. High-strength steel shafts
will be protected at the mechani- tomeric torsion springs.
cal seal area by renewable bronze When the line is subjected to
or 416 SS sleeves. An all-cast-iron tensioning, the arm-and-sheave
fitted pump is also available. assembly rotates with the force,
For free literature and specifi- "paying out" the line at a safe level
cations on the D-800 line, of tension as the torsion springs
Circle 12 on Reader Service Card absorb the powerful shearing
forces. When tension is relaxed,
the assembly returns to a preset
position, taking up the slack.
The damper is easily installed
and rigged and, except for the
sheave bearings, requires no
M a n a g e m e n t Appointments maintenance.
Announced By Crowley's The unit also can be mounted on
C a r i b b e a n Division the dock or platform between the
cleat and fairlead.
Four key appointments have For more information on this re- • Arm-and-sheave assembly can be preset by
been made in Crowley Maritime
markable advance in reliability and users to establish proper force vs. axial
Corporation's Caribbean Division, displacement.
according to a recent announce- safety, please contact Murdock
• When force tensions mooring line, the assem-
ment by Robert G. Homan, Jack- Machine and Engineering Com- bly rotates in the direction of the force ("let-
sonville, Fla., Crowley senior vice pany of Texas / PO. Box 2278 / ting out" line) as the elastomeric torsion
president and general manager of Irving, Texas 75061 / Ph. (214) springs absorb shearing loads.
the division. 790-1122 / Telex: 792996 / TWX • As force is relaxed, springs return assembly to
David N. Messer has been ap- its original position, shortening the effective
pointed to the new position of vice length of the rope and maintaining proper
president, common carrier serv- line tension.
ices, based in Jacksonville. He has
held a number of positions during
his six years with the company in-
cluding, most recently, vice presi-
dent, market development. He was
instrumental in development of
the division's U.S. Northeast roll-
on/roll-off service to the Caribbean.
Gene A. Tonsager has been
named assistant vice president,
March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card
Photo—Tenneco Inc.

OTC 84
sions and technical presentations. Monday, May 7, will honor out- these papers in 35 sessions Mon-
Now in its, 16th year, OTC is the standing technical achievements day through Wednesday, May 7—9,
leading worldwide forum for ex- by an individual and an organiza- in the Astrohall.
• / \ • change of technical information tion in the offshore industry. Re- "The abstracts we received for
related to ocean resources devel- cipients are Ronald L. Geer, a pi- this year's meeting have better
opment and the environment. oneer in floating and subsea technical quality and less commer-
Speakers at four Topical Lunch- completion technology, and Exxon cial flair than many we have re-
eons will cover key technical is- Company U.S.A., cited for design ceived in the past," said Brian J.
sues facing the offshore commu- and installation of the Lena Guyed Watt of Brian Watt Associates in
nity. These luncheons are designed Tower. Houston, chairman of the Program
to stimulate an open exchange of There will be no exhibition at Committee. The papers come from
views among those who attend. the 1984 OTC. The 1985 OTC will around the world, with particu-
70 The technical program will in- return to the conference and exhi- larly strong representation from
Innovative approaches to deep- clude almost 200 papers focusing bition format. the U.S., Canada, and Japan, and
water drilling and production, the on case studies of major offshore OTC is sponsored jointly each contributions from the U.K., Nor-
role of government regulations in developments, new drilling and year by 11 of the world's most way, and other North Sea
promoting offshore safety, break- producing technologies, arctic op- prominent engineering and scien- countries.
throughs in seismic surveying, and erations, diving support, ocean tific societies with a combined Mr. Watt said the committee
coping with ice forces in arctic mining, geological and geophysi- membership of more than 500,000. recognized its responsibility for
construction are just a few of the cal advances, the environment, The Society of Petroleum Engi- success of the 1984 OTC, as the
topics that offshore experts will and special topics. Sessions of par- neers, headquartered in Dallas, is meeting does not include a techni-
address during the 1984 Offshore ticular interest will feature discus- the managing group for OTC. cal exhibition this year. "We have
Technology Conference (OTC) May sions of Exxon's Lena Guyed Tower, emphasized coherence and cur-
7—9 at Houston's Astrohall. an innovative deepwater platform Technical Program rency on major subjects," he said.
Offshore engineers, scientists, in the Gulf of Mexico; Shell's rec- The Program Committee has The committee strove to make
and managers from around the ord water-depth well; and floating chosen almost 200 technical pa- the 1984 program especially rel-
world will attend the meeting for production facilities. pers from 537 abstracts received evant by organizing special ses-
three days of high-level discus- The OTC Awards Luncheon on last year. Authors will present (continued on page 74)

Maritime Reporter/Engineering News


BRAZILIAN SHIPBUILDING A Special Advertising Report


Verolme do Brasil, with success has been marked by the
overseas sales of ships and offshore size and diversity of its
platforms totaling US$200 construction capacity — for ships
million in 1983, has become the up to 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 dwt and offshore
leading private Brazilian exporter rigs of any type and size — plus
of manufactured goods. the company's ability to please
During the past four years, some of the market's most
Verolme's exports have totaled demanding customers.
U S $ 4 2 8 millioo, keeping Brazil Gulf International of Geneva,
firmly in the highly competitive for example, took delivery of four
Verolme yard at Angra dos Reis international shipbuilding Verolme-built 70,000-dwt grain
marketplace. carriers in 1982-83. Gulf
Verolme executives believe that executives now report they have
LANDSBERG SEES DECLINE their chances to win new orders at "never received better ships."

home and abroad, especially in the This group has another four
field of military vessels, have been Verolme 44,500-dwt carriers on
enhanced by the change in order. And Verolme beat out 7 0
Peter A. H. Landsberg, the —"We have a stable labor company ownership which other competitors — including
60-year-old president and new pool, with no strikes affecting occurred during late 1983. Peter Japanese and Korean firms — to
owner of Verolme do Brasil, Verolme in more than 2 0 years." A. H . Landsberg, the Brazilian take a US$116-million Aramco
believes that shipbuilding is no —"Automation can only be executive who became president of contract in December 1981 for
longer an "appropriate" industry taken so far in shipbuilding. After Verolme in 1981 after 14 years as four self-propelled jackup oil
for highly industrialized nations, that, labor quality is what counts head of Shell's Brazilian operations, platforms. They were delivered in
which are entering the "post- — and our productivity is better has purchased Verolme from its 1983.
industrial" stage of economic than that of European yards, with Dutch parent company Rijn- Today, Verolme is expanding
development. the same quality." Schdde-VercJme (RSV) and diversifying its Brazilian
In a recent interview at — "Our yard is one of the most The US$63-million purchase facilities to move into new
Verolme's headquarters in Rio de modern in the world. W e can deal is one of the largest-ever local industrial transportation fields —
Janeiro, Landsberg said that the tailor ships to special order better buyouts of a foreign-owned firm. including the building of large off-
shipbuilding industries of the U.S. than the mass-production yards of Since entering the export road mining trucks and dredges.
and Europe are in an "irreversible Japan and Korea." • business four years ago, Verolme's
decline," and even the large
Japanese yards show signs of
losing their com- FIRST US NAVY
petitive edge.
nations such as Verolme completed the first
Brazil, Korea Brazilian repair job on a U. S.
and China Navy vessel in early 1984 and
inevitably will intends to expand this type of
be the dominant specialised service work, at its fully
forces in world integrated Angra dos Reis shipyard.
shipbuilding, Located 70 miles southwest of Rio
Landsberg Landsberg says. de Janeiro, the yard has a 200-man
He outlined team devoted exclusively to repair
some of the specific advantages jobs.
which will permit Verolme to U.S. Navy authorities say they
participate in this growth: were "very impressed" with
—"We have a large local Verolme's efficiency in handling the
market in Brazil, which is the basis 20-day hull and general repair work
for any export potential." on the oceanographic research vessel
—"Brazil has a sophisticated Wilkes.
industrial base which is larger, for Verolme's previous repair
example, than Korea's." assignments, mainly for Brazilian
—"Local steel is of excellent owners, have been concentrated in the
quality, and we have ample area of offshore oil drilling rigs and
supplies of electrical power." exploration platforms and ships. • Verolme's repair dock.

For additional information about Verolme, contact:

Edna d e A l m e i d a , External A f f a i r s A d v i s o r

VEROLME V e r o l m e Estaleiros R e u n i d o s d o Brasil S.A.

Rua B u e n o s A i r e s , 6 8 - 3 6 t h Floor
2 0 0 7 0 Rio de J a n e i r o , RJ - B R A Z I L
F T e l e p h o n e ( 0 2 1 ) 2 9 2 - 3 1 4 8 - Telex ( 0 2 1 ) 2 3 7 6 6 V E R B

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card
High-Resolution Geophysics. Com- support systems, arctic drilling, from here. We're looking for opin-
mittee members actively solicited mooring and anchoring, seafloor ions as much as facts—we want
specific authors and papers in those processes, ocean mining, and en- controversy on an informed level."
areas. "Our work was active, not vironmental concerns.
reactive," Mr. Watt said. "This in- The Program Committee also
continued The Topical Luncheons
sures that the program will cover organized the Topical Luncheons
sions on significant current issues, Speakers at four Topical Lunch-
the topics that the offshore indus- that are an innovative feature of
including sessions on the Lena eons May 8 and 9 will address key
try most wants to hear about." the 1984 OTC. Mr. Watt ex-
Guyed Tower, the Deepwater Well, technical and regulatory issues
Other program topics include plained: "We asked the luncheon
Floating Production Systems, now facing the offshore industry.
offshore pipelines, platform dy- speakers to look into the future
These luncheons have been de-
Limited Driving Force in Ice, and namics and construction, diver and to speculate on where we go
signed to encourage the exchange
of information among the engi-
neers, scientists, and managers
who attend OTC seeking the solu-
tions to current technical prob-
lems. Each of the luncheons will
include a question and answer pe-
riod after the keynote speech.
Two luncheons are scheduled for
May 8. At the Shamrock Hilton
Hotel, Carl Wickizer, engineer-
ing manager with Shell Offshore
Inc., will discuss "Shell's Explora-
tory Well in 6,448 Feet of Water
on the U.S. Atlantic Coast." Shell
drilled this well in a record water
depth offshore New Jersey during
late 1983. Mr. Wickizer will pre-
sent an overview of the deep water
drillings project including plan-
ning, special requirements, and
problems encountered.
"Does Regulation Promote Off-
shore Safety?" Capt. Thomas Tut-
wiler of the U.S. Coast Guard will
address this question at the Astro
Village Hotel luncheon. He will
discuss how offshore casualties
have influenced government regu-
latory programs.
The luncheons on May 9 will fo-
cus on frontier offshore oil and gas
production. At the Astro Village

Monday M o r n i n g — 9 : 0 0 a.m. to 1 2 : 0 0
• Lena Guyed Tower I
• Dynamics of Offshore Structures
• Water Treatment/Diver Tools
• Offshore Pipelines
• Arctic Islands
• In-Situ Soil Testing
Monday A f t e r n o o n — 2 : 0 0 to 5 : 0 0 p.m.
• Lena Guyed Tower II
• Ice Forces
• Marine Geotechnique
• Marine Geology and Seafloor
• Arctic Operations
• Materials Technology
Tuesday M o r n i n g — 9 : 0 0 a.m. to 1 2 : 0 0
• Limited Driving Force in Ice
• High Resolution Geophysics I
• Subsea Completions
• Vessel Stability and Dynamics
• Marine Risers
• Welding Technology
Tuesday A f t e r n o o n — 2 : 0 0 to 5 : 0 0 p.m.
• The Deep Water Well
• High Resolution Geophysics II
• Platform Construction
• Mooring and Anchoring
• Corrosion Fatigue
• Marine Minerals Mining
Wednesday M o r n i n g — 9 : 0 0 a.m. to 1 2 : 0 0
Main Office: 8700 West Flagler, P.O. Box 025500. Miami, Florida 33102-5500: Phone (305) 551-5200: Telex Marine Sales, Towing and Supply — 51 -9452, Cable noon
BelOilCo/Miami, Florida. Bunkering Ports: EAST COAST-Miami, Port Everglades, W. Palm Beach, Cape Canaveral, Savannah. Norfolk. New York, Boston GULF • Lithology and Seismic Reflectivity
COAST-Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Point Comfort, New Orleans, Gulfport, Pascagoula, Mobile, Pensacola. Tampa. Port Manatee INLAND-Memphis Marketing • Floating Production I
Offices and/or Terminals: AL-Mobile. AR-West Memphis FL-Cape Canaveral. W. Palm Beach. Port Everglades. Miami. Port Manatee, Tampa. Pensacola, • Drilling and Completions
Tallahassee. GA-Savannah. LA-New Orleans. MA-Boston. NY-New York. TX-Corpus Christi. VA-Norfolk
• Arctic Drilling Units
• Foundations
Subsidiary of The Coastal Corporation • Wave Forces
Wednesday A f t e r n o o n — 2 : 0 0 to 5 : 0 0 p.m.
Marine Fuels, Fuel Oils, Gasoline and Bulk Lubricants • Seismic Technology
• Floating Production II
LetcherThe Energy People
• Risk and Reliability
• Wave and Current Loads
• Foundations on Calcareous Soils

Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Hotel, four industry leaders will 1,000 feet of water offshore OTC Sponsor Societies and Executive C o m m i t t e e
examine "Design Considerations Norway. The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE-AIME)—D.G. Russell, Shell Oil Company.
in the Transition From Fixed to In addition to the Topical The American Association of Petroleum Geologists ( A A P G ) — M . E . M i l l i n g , ARCO
Floating Platforms." Panelists will Luncheons, OTC will hold Round- Oil and Gas Company.
be Joe W. Key, president of Key table Luncheons in the Astrohall The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME).
Ocean Services (moderator); Alan Ballroom May 8 and 9. These The American Institute of Chemical Engineers ( A l C h E ) - W.B. Katz, Illinois Chem-
C. McClure, president of Alan C. luncheons will allow OTC regis- ical Corporation.
trants to share information infor- The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)—J.E. Dailey, Brown & Root Inc.
McClure Associates Inc.; Jay B.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( A S M E ) — M . M . Livingston.
Weidler, senior vice president of mally on topics covered in the
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)—J.C. R e d m o n d , GTE
Brown & Root Inc.; and Andrew technical sessions. Production Corporation.
F. Hunter, supervising marine The Marine Technology Society (MTS)—J.A. Rickard, Exxon Production Research
engineer with Conoco Inc. They The Awards Luncheon Corp.
will cover technical, economic, and Ronald L. Geer and Exxon The Society of Exploration Geophysics ( S E G ) — A . M . Olander, Exxon Company,
regulatory problems related to in- Company U.S.A. have been named U.S.A.
novative concepts such as the guyed recipients of the 1984 OTC Distin- The Society of M i n i n g Engineers ( S M E - A I M E ) — C . G . Welling, Ocean Minerals
tower, tension-leg platform, float- guished Achievement Awards.
The Society of Naval A r c h i t e c t s and Marine Engineers ( S N A M E ) — W . DuB.
ing systems, and special support These awards represent the high- Thomas, J.J. Henry Co. Inc.
equipment. est honor conferred by the offshore The Metallurgical Society ( T M S - A I M E ) — R . T . H i l l , J.P. Kenney & Partners Ltd.
Also on May 9, at the Marriott community. They will be pre- Exhibitor's representative—R.C. Rieder, Continental Emsco Company.
Astrodome Hotel, Christopher sented at the annual Awards OTC Executive M a n a g e r — D . K . Adamson.
Fay, director of exploration and Luncheon on May 7.
production with AS Norske Shell, Mr. Geer, senior mechanical en- mote-controlled subsea well com- ing a cooperative spirit among in-
will speak on "Frontier Hydrocar- gineering consultant with Shell pletion in the open sea in 1960. He dustry, government, and the sci-
bon Production: Commercial De- Oil Company in Houston, will re- helped prove the semi-submersible entific community.
velopment in the Troll Field." He ceive the Distinguished Achieve- drilling rig concept by leading the Exxon will receive the Distin-
will describe technical innovations ment Award for Individuals for his design group that converted an ex- guished Achievement Award for
needed to produce oil and gas in pioneering achievements in float- isting bottom-supported drilling Organizations for the design and
deep waters and hostile ocean en- ing drilling and subsea completion barge into the first semi-submers- installation of the Lena Guyed
vironments, using as an example technology over the past 25 years. ible, Blue Water I, in 1962. Mr.
Shell's Troll field in more than He was responsible for the first re- Geer also is recognized for foster- (continued on page 76)

alone It also stands up to
3500 Ton Dock 1500 Ton Dock 850 Ton Dock 300 Ton Dock
chemicals, grout, resin,
200' x 100' 160' x 80 60 x 150' 50' x 80
oil, glue and low density
90' Between 70' Between 50' Between 40' Between powders.
Wing Walls Wing Walls Wing Walls Wing Walls
The heart of the Wilden air-oper-
ated double diaphragm p u m p is
HISTORY Machine Shop: its unique air valve which shifts
F o u n d e d in 1948, M a m Iron W o r k s . Inc.'s Lathes. C a p a c i t y in f e e t — 36 Feet t h e air s u p p l y to b o t h d i a -
current facilities are available for construction S w i n g in i n c h e s — 30 Inches p h r a g m s alternately with com-
plete reliability under all condi-
o t n e w v e s s e l s r a n g i n g in s i z e f r o m 4 5 ' t o 2 5 0
tions of head and flow.
in length. Dry docking and a full range of
Wet Slips: Up to 9 0 % solids a n d over 250'
repair services are also available, including a
T h r e e s l i p s a v a i l a b l e t o r y o u i b o a t s or heads are no problem for the
c o m p l e t e m a c h i n e shop facility, sandblasting
b a r g e s t o tie u p w h i l e r e p a i r s or supplies W I L D E N PUMP. Our double
and painting services
are being completed diaphragm design cuts velocity
With over thirty years e x p e r i e n c e a n d our
WILDEN AIR OPERATED in pump to half total discharge
velocity. The most abrasive slur-
r e c o r d of s e r v i c e t o t h e t o w i n g i n d u s t r y . Main
I r o n W o r k s , I n c . is r e a d y t o s e r v e t h e n e e d s of Shaft Storage Rack: ries are handled with ease since
there are no seals and no metal
our past, present and future clients T o a v o i d c o s t l y d e l a y in w a i t i n g t o r
t r a n s p o r t of s h a f t s , w e p r o v i d e o u r
offer to metal contact.

GENERAL SERVICES c u s t o m e r s s t o r a g e for t h e n spare

• No Electrical Connections
Volume is infinitely variable by
controlling air flow to pump, from
Air c o n t r o l mechanics main shafts and rubber shafts.
a few gallons per minute to over
Electrical repairs, trouble shooting • Abrasion Resistant 14,000 g a l l o n s per hour. No
Hydraulic mechanics Inventory: • Self priming
pressure relief valve is required
and the p u m p can run dry inde-
Piping and p l u m b i n g repairs A l o n g w i t h our p a r t s i n v e n t o r y , w e keep finitely.
Sandblasting and Painting a s t o c k of s t e e l p l a t e s , p i p e , a n g l e s , f l a t
• Submersible
Wilden pumps are available with
Complete machine shop service b a r s , a n a c h a n n e l s , all A m e r i c a n Bureau • Variable volume and pressure wetted parts in aluminum, cast
of S h i p p i n g approved
A B S a p p r o v e d for s t a i n l e s s s t e e l iron, stainless steel, and Hastel-
• Portable loy C. Non-wetted parts in alu-
Cladding on main shafts
W e a l s o h a v e a s u p p l y of f o r g i n g s a n d b a r minum or cast iron. Elastomers
Complete wood working shop • Simple Clamp band construction in Neoprene, Buna N, Nordel,
c a s t i n g s w h i c h e n a b l e u s to s u p p l y y o u r
Viton®, and Teflon®.
Four Dry Docks: needs efficiently • Write for free literature and prices
300-Ton Capacity
850-Ton Capacity Crane Service:
1500-Ton Capacity 100 Ton F i x e d Stiff leg for O f f l o a d i n g a n d
3 5 0 0 - T o n C a p a c i t y c o m p l e t e d 1st q t r 84 Loading Supplies

A l l ot t h e s e r v i c e s l i s t e d a b o v e a r e a v a i l a b l e o n a 2 4 - h o u r b a s i s , s e v e n d a y s
a week Quotation and price schedules are available upon request W I L D E N P U M P Si E N G I N E E R I N G CO.
2 2 0 6 9 V A N B U R E N ST., P.O. B O X 845, C O L T O N , C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 3 2 4 /
Located at 50 Mile Marker CONTACT: (714) 783-0621 , T E L E X 676-452

on Intracoastal Waterway LeRoy Molaison • Henry Brunet
P.O. Box 1918 yftJ Otto Hughes " Wayne Piazza
Houma. Louisiana 70361 (504) 876-6302 • (504) 525-4020^

April 1984 Circle 178 on Reader Service Card Circle 179 on Reader Service Card 75
'f OTC '84 1,000 feet of water on Exxon's
Lena prospect in the Gulf of Mex-
continued ico in 1983. The platform concept—
product of 12 years of research,
Tower, the world's first commer- testing, and design—and the in-
cial guyed-tower drilling and pro- novative equipment and construc-
duction platform and the focus of tion methods used for installation
two 1984 OTC technical sessions. are major contributions to deep-
This structure was installed in water construction technology.

OTC '84
Technical Program
Monday Morning
9 a.m. to 12 noon

• Lena Guyed Tower I

4649 Lena Guyed Tower Project Overview
4650 Design of the Lena Guyed Tower
4651 Fabrication of the Lena Guyed Tower
4652 Side Launch of the 27,000-ton Lena
Guyed Tower Jacket

Dynamics of Offshore Structures

4653 Model Tests to Establish a Design
Method for TLP Tether Systems
4654 Analysis of the Dynamic Response of
a Free-Standing Conductor Pipe
Measured Dynamic Behavior of North
Sea Jacket Platforms
Nonlinear Response Characteristics of
4656 TLP With and Without Mechanical
Damping System in Very High Waves
4657 Evaluation of a Time-Domain Proce-
dure for the Surge Response of a Ten-
sion Leg Platform
4658 Model Test Evaluation of a Frequency-
Domain Procedure for Wave-Drift Pre-
diction of Tension Leg Platforms

IT TAKES A SMART RADIO Water Treatment/Diver Tools


4659 Permeation: A New Competitive Pro-
cess for Offshore Gas Dehydration
4660 Evaluation of Seawater Filtration Sys-
tems for North Sea Applications
4661 Fabrication and Construction Aspects
of an Offshore Barge-Mounted Seawa-
ter Treating Plant for the Arctic
4662 Produced-Water Discharges Into Ma-
rine Ecosystems
4663 Development and Evaluation of an Ex-
perimental Seawater Hydraulic Tool
System for U.S. Navy Divers
HF/SSB communications can put 4664 Electricity and the Working Diver
Installation Flexibility
you in touch with a station thousands of
miles from your transmitter. But with pro-
pagation difficulties and outdated radio • Three optional remotes come in • Offshore Pipelines
designs to deal with, it's no secret that different sizes to suit any mounting re-
this often takes more effort than it should. quirement. The smallest remote has a
4665 The 48-in. Zuluf-Safaniya Gas Pipe-
Enter King Radio w i t h the K M C 95 front panel only 2-1/4 inches square.
line: A Case Story
the first HF/SSB unit designed from the • Two tully automatic antenna coupler Predicting Motions of Long Towed
Operator Convenience 4666
ground up to take advantage of the new systems can combine with practically any Pipe Strings
technology which has come out of the size or type antenna you might prefer. 4667 Stimulated Self-Burial of Submarine
microcomputer revolution. • All 176 ITU Radiotelephone channel • Private listening available with an Pipelines
frequencies are stored permanently in non- optional telephone headset. 4668 Polyethylene Coating Damage on an
King's design team had two objec-
Underwater Pipeline in the Southern
tives. One, to create a user friendly unit volatile memory. All the convenience and reliability North Sea
that would make the life of the HF radio • The memory also provides for storage adds up to one thing: an HF/SSB radio 4669 Fitness for Service Analysis of the
operator easy. And two, create a reliable of 99 user programable simplex and semi- that is easier to use than you ever imagined Danish North Sea Oil Line
unit that would work in any conceivable duplex channels. (This is standard with the possible, and a radio you can depend on
environment. KMC 95, not an option which costs extra when you need it most.
as with some other radios.) Arctic Islands
This dual objective was achieved For more information on how the
with the use of advanced computers on • Keyboard entry provides easy ac- KMC 95 can make your life easier when OTC
chips of silicon. In fact, the KMC 95 cess to 280,000 frequencies in the 2 to it comes to long range communications, 4670 Construction of Mukluk Island
has two computers on chips and five 30 MHz range. contact: Sales Manager, KMC 95 4671 Utilization of Marginal Soils for Island
memory chips as well. This creates a King Radio Corporation, 400 North Rogers Construction
" s m a r t " unit which performs many of the Reliability Road, Olathe, Kansas 66062 • 4672 Ice/Berm Interactions
duties previously handled by the radio (913) 782-0400 • Telex W U D (0) 4-2299 4673 Concrete Revetment Mat Systems for
operator (for example, remembering fre- Shore Erosion Control on Offshore
• Extensive use of microcomputers Cable: KINGRAD
quencies). Three different optional remote means fewer parts-greater reliability. 4674 Wave Runup and Overtopping: A Re-
control units are also "smart", and • Top quality electronic components view and Recommendations
are therefore fully capable of operating used throughout the radio. 4675 Wave Propagation in the Vicinity of

all features of the transceiver. • Zinc diecast chassis provides dura- Offshore Islands
Here are some of the ways you bility and keeps the component parts of the
benefit from King's use of the latest radio from interfering with one another
technology: electrically. Tomorrow's Electronics Today

74 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card

(DAFS) Drilling/Production Structure 4709 The Frequency and Geometry of Ber- 4712 Forged Tubulars for Tension Leg Plat-
• In-Situ Soil Testing for the Beaufort Sea ing Sea Ice Ridges From Precision forms: Material Characteristics and
4706 Design Construction and First Season's Aerial Photography Fracture Resistance in Seawater
OTC Environment
Operation of M.V. Kalvik and M.V.
4676 Seabed Investigations Using the Self- Terry Fox/Front Line Icebreakers for • Materials Technology 4713 Material Properties and Internal
Boring Pressuremeter the Beaufort Sea Soundness of a Huge Cast-Steel Node
4677 Three Years' Experience With the- 4707 Current and Future Offshore Activities OTC Joint
Offshore Self-Boring Pressuremeter 4710 Erosion, Cavitation, and Abrasion Re- 4714 Strength Predictions for Ring-Stiff-
in Canada
PAM sistance of Choke Trim Materials ened Cylinders Under Combined Loads
4708 Design of Concrete Gravity Structures
4678 Cyclic Pressuremeter Tests for Cyclic to Withstand Concentrated Ridge and 4711 Development and Testing of New Off-
Lateral Loads shore Cathodic Protection Criteria (continued on page 78)
Floe Impact Loads
4679 Ambient Pressure Sampling System
for Deep-Ocean Geotechnical Site
4680 The Suspension PS Velocities Logging

We're making the

4681 Development of In-Situ Measuring Ap-
paratus of Geotechnical Elements of
Sea Floor (IMAGES)

best boat shafting

Monday Afternoon
2 to 5 p.m.
Lena Guyed Tower II
longer—to 38 feet

Installation of Guying System for Lena
Guyed Tower
Installation of Tower, Deck, and Pipe-
lines for Lena Guyed Tower
4684 Instrumentation for Monitoring Behav-
Now you can gain all the benefits of
ior of Lena Guyed Tower Armco® AQUAMET® Boat Shafting in
4685 Dynamically Positioned Derrick Barge
and Positioning Equipment for Lena
longer length boat shafts. We've installed
Guyed Power Installation a new Precision Rotary Forge at our
• Ice Forces
Baltimore, Maryland stainless steel
producing facility to provide you with
4686 The Distribution of Ice Pressure Acting
AQUAMET Boat Shafting in lengths
on Offshore Pile Structure and the up to 38 feet, depending on diameter
Failure Mechanics of Ice Sheet
Shear Strength of Adfreeze Bond and
and surface finish.
its Effect on Global Ice Load Applied But that's not all this state-of-the-art
to Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Un-
der Arctic Conditions equipment otters you. We're able to pro-
4688 Dependence of Crushing Specific En- duce a straighter bar to tighter tolerances
ergy of Urea Ice on the Aspect Ratio
and the Indentor Velocity
as forged. And time to produce shafting is
4689 The Coefficient of Friction Between reduced, so you get faster delivery.
Sea Ice and Various Materials Used in
Offshore Structures Let us show you how we can meet your
4690 Ice Forces Exerted on a Conical Struc- boat shafting needs better with this family
ture in the Gulf of Bothnia
4691 Analysis and Design of Ice Wall Fram- of premium-quality Armco AQUAMET Boat
ing for a Concrete Arctic Drilling Shafting:
AQUAMET 17—Outstanding strength,
• Marine Geotechnique toughness and corrosion resistance
OTC for extra-rugged service.
Predicting Offshore Soil Conditions
Seismic Response of Offshore Drilling
AQUAMET 18—Economical strength,
Islands in a Centrifuge Including Soil, corrosion resistance and superior
Structure Interaction
Cyclic and Rate-of-Loading Design Pa-
rameters From Rod Shear Tests AQUAMET 19—Corrosion resistance better
4695 Experimental Study of Effective Stress
Response of Sand Under Water Wave
than AQUAMET 17 and 18. strength
Loading and corrosion resistance better than
4696 Bottom Preparation for Gravity Struc-
tures in Beaufort Sea
Type 304.
4697 Geotechnical Monitoring Systems and AQUAMET 22—Best seawater corrosion
Performance in Dynamic Ice
resistance plus excellent strength and
• Marine Geology and Seafloor Processes
Full information-FREE
Write us today for your free copy of the
4698 The Advanced Ocean Drilling Program:
The Next Phase in Scientific Ocean Armco AQUAMET Boat Shafting Product
Drilling Data Bulletin. This 44-page bulletin con-
4699 A Review of Geology and Petroleum
Possibilities of Continental Margins of tains complete mechanical and physical
India properties, corrosion resistance informa-
4700 A Model for Utilization of Oxygen Iso-
topes and Ecologic Logs (Ecologs) in tion, machining guidelines, and design
Regional Correlation and Interpreta-
tion of Structural History
curves. Armco, Stainless Steel Division,
4701 Bottom Boundary Layer Flow Profiling Dept. SS-34, Box 600, Middletown,
System Ohio 45043.
4702 Slumping Due to Hurricane Iwa Along
Proposed OTEC Cold-Water Pipe Route,
Oahu, HI
4703 Finite-Element Sedimentation Model

armco starless
for Shallow Water

• Arctic Operations
w blttL
4704 Project Management Approach to New DIVISION
Generation Arctic Drilling System
4705 A Deepwater Actively Frozen Seabed

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card
Tuesday Morning 4718 High-Resolution Seabed Mapping: New oped 15,000-psi W.P. Subsea Well-
Developments head System
9 a.m. to 12 noon 4752 High-Resolution Deepwater Survey 4724 North Sea Marginal Fields: The Sub-
Sonar sea Completions Option
4720 Shallow Seismic-Derived Acoustic Core 4725 Tension Leg Platform Production Riser
Logs Tieback Connector Design and
• L i m i t e d Driving Force in Ice 4721 Ice Berm Interaction Study Using Ro- Development
tary Sidescan Sonar and Acoustic Pro- 4727 Evaluation of the Subsea Tree After 20
OTC filing Systems Years' Production - 'Findings and
£ OTC '84 4716 Limited Driving Force Concept for Ice
Loads on Structures: A Panel
4722 Resolution: A Key to Continental Slope
and Rise Processes, U.S. Atlantic
4728 New Expendable Standing Valves and
Discussion Continental Margin Plugs Permit TFL Work in Low-Pres-
continued sure Water-Injection Wells
High Resolution Geophysics I Subsea Completions
• Vessel Stability and Dynamics
4715 New API Equation for Grouted Pile-to- OTC OTC
Structure Connections 4717 Ocean Bottom Imaging 4723 Field Performance of a Newly Devel- OTC
4729 Stability and Dynamics of Semisub-
mersibles After Accidental Damage

Man overboard
4730 Fault Analysis of a Semisubmersible's

Ballast Control System
4731 Full-Scale Measurement Test on the
New Semisubmersible Polycastle

strobes with 4732 Linearized Dynamic Stability of Barges

for Transportation of Offshore Structures
Design Aspects for Transport of Jackup

Platforms on a Barge
Collision of a Tanker With a Platform

lerformance •
Marine Risers

Riser Analysis Methods: Comparison

With Measured Field Data

Deck 4738
Vertical Dynamics of Marine Risers
Field Test of Large, High-Pressure
Flexible Pipe
180'to 400' 4737
Multipurpose Active/Passive Motion
Compensation System
Finite-Element Analysis of Bending in
Tank and/or Deck 4736 a Threaded Connector for a 5-1/2 in.
Marine Riser

Marker Lights
230'to 400' Welding Technology
Take confidence aboard with ACR's Distress Marker
Ught (Model 566) and Illumination Marker Dump Scow 4740
Hyperbaric Welding at 300 MSW
Underwater Friction Welding for Elec-
|Model SM-2). High intensity strobes penetrate rain,
fog, haze. Automatically activated when turned D.W.T. 1600 L.T. 4742
trical Coupling of Sacrificial Anodes
SATURNE Automatic System: Experi-
upright. Water-proof, shock resistant, non-corrosive. ence Gained on STATPIPE Project

Both are USCG approved. Send for full-line Laser Welding of Carbon Steel
434 Strain Identification and Quality Con-
A C R catalog.
trol in Welded and Bolted Unions Us-
See t h e m at b e t t e r m a r i n e dealers.
1000 and 2000 T. 4745
ing Nondestructive Optical Methods
The Introduction of Real-Time Radiog-
raphy for the Inspection of Butt Welds
in Offshore Pipelines

Electronics, Inc.

Box 2148. Hollywood, FL 33022
(305) 921-6262

Tuesday Afternoon
Circle 189 on Reader Service Card 2 to 5 p.m.

Deck OTC
The Deep Water Well

150' and 180' Series 4746

A Record Deepwater Drilling Program
Geological Hazard Surveying in Water
Depths of 2,000 Meters
Self-Unloading 4749 Improving Dynamic Positioning Per-
formance in the Deepwater, High-Cur-

rent, Rough Water Environment
4750 Marine Riser System for 7,500-Ft.
Water Depth*
INDUSTRIAL D.W.T. 4000 S.T. 4841 A Comprehensive Approach to Deep-
water Marine Riser Management*
INTERCOMS 4751 ROV Drilling Support for Deep Water

FOR MARINE Water Cranes 4748 Exploratory Well Design for 5,000 to
7,500-Ft. Water Depths, U.S. East
COMMUNICATIONS 25,100 and 150 T. 'Combined into one oral presentation

Designed originally to provide U.S. industry with intercoms which

would deliver clear, dependable voice communication under the
most severe operating conditions, ADCO units have earned wide
Floating Docks • High Resolution Geophysics II

420' x 58' with or

4 7 1 9 The Use of Processed High-Resolution
acceptance in many segments of the marine industry. Seismic in Geotechnical Engineering
Typical installations are aboard ship—bridge to deck or engine
room, control center to diving bell—on offshore oil platforms—and without crane 4 7 5 3 Influence of Geologic Conditions in
Selecting Production Structures in Main
throughout repair yards, dry docks, piers and storage areas. Pass 75
What makes ADCO intercoms different is their ability to perform For additional information 4 7 5 4 Time-Lapse High-Resolution Seismic
efficiently regardless of high ambient noise, weather or temperature contact Tom Sherwood or Andy Canulette Surveys in the Mississippi Delta Mud-
extremes. Their heavy-duty cast aluminum cases are built to flow Area Offshore Louisiana
withstand rough usage—and are both weather and corrosion-proof. 3121 S.W. Moody Avenue 4755 Geotechnical Characteristics of Shal-
Since each unit is a self-contained station which receives, Portland, Oregon 97201 low Ocean Dredge Spoil Disposal
amplifies and transmits the signal, intercom systems can include Mounds
many stations over very long distances. Installation is simple and Phone: 503-228-8691 4 7 5 6 The Use of Vertical Seismic Profiling
practical: each unit plugs into a nearby AC or DC power source, then Toll Free 1-800-547-9259 in Geotechnical Site Investigation
is connected by ordinary low voltage 2-wire cable. 4 7 5 7 Operational Aspects of Borehole Em-
Phone or write for bulletin outlining complete range of models
Telex 36-0503 • Cable Zidell
placement of a Marine Seismic Sys-

available. tem in Deep Water

D i v i s i 0 n of Guy F Atkinson C o m p a n y
• Platform Construction

DYNAMICS 10 West Orange Avenue OTC

S o u t h San Francisco, CA 94080
Phone (415) 583-9845 MARINE GROUP 4758 The Iwaki Platform in Japan: The In-
fluence of Severe Earthquake

78 Circle 190 on Reader Service Card Circle 191 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
PLE): Case Histories From Tertiary ties on Floating Production Facilities 4795 Effective Diversion During Matrix Aci-
Western Basins in Deep Water dization of Water Injection Wells
4785 Lithology From Angle-Dependent Re- 4790 Restraints Influence Topside Facility 4796 Optimization of Gravel Pack Tech-
flectivity: A Panel Discussion Design niques: Main Pass Area

• Floating Production I • D r i l l i n g and Completions • Arctic D r i l l i n g Units

4786 Offshore Methanol Production: Selec- 4791 Offshore and Onshore European Hori- 4797 New Generation Arctic Drilling Sys-
tion of Carrier Types for Different Plant zontal Well Behavior tem: Overview of First Year's
Capacities 4792 Time Limitations of Spotting Fluids Performance
4787 Suitability of Tankers for Floating Pro- Used to Free Stuck Drillstrings 4798 Second Generation Arctic Platforms:
duction Systems in Hostile Environment 4793 The Use of Positive Displacement Mo- Lessons From First Generation Design
4788 Tazerka Floating Production System: tors for Installing Structural Casing Experience
The First 18 Months 4794 Improved Wellhead Connector Design-
4789 Impact of Subsea Maintenance Activi- Preload Production and Maintenance (continued on page 80)

4759 The Rapid Installation of a Large

North Sea Jacket Over a Subsea
4760 Design and Installation of Subsea
4761 Toppling Technique Applied to Plat-
form Removal in Rigs to Reef Program
4762 Field Results of Curved Conductors in
the Main Pass Area, Offshore LA
4763 Ultrasonic Inspection of the Tension
Leg Platform Tension Leg Components

• Mooring and A n c h o r i n g
4764 Failure Analysis of a Calm-Buoy Caten-
ary Anchor Chain System
4765 Wear of Nylon Hawsers Over Rollers,
Pulleys, and Fairleads
4766 Fatigue of Marine Hawsers
4767 Axial Corrosion Fatigue of Wire Rope
4768 An Experimental Study of Drag An-
chors and Implications for OTEC
4769 Soil Resistance to Stud-Link Chain

• Corrosion Fatigue
4770 Seawater Corrosion Fatigue of 2-l/4Cr-
l M o and 4 1 3 0 Steels for Marine Riser

Simply the best

4771 Analysis of High-Cycle Corrosion Fa-
tigue of Tubular Joints in Marine
4772 Comparative Evaluation of Fracture
Mechanics Methodologies as Applied
to Offshore Structural Design and In-

tegrity Analyses
Evaluation of Spectrum Fatigue Data The new screw compressor for air-conditioning
Under Conditions Applicable to Welded
Steel of Offshore Structures installations in ships.
4774 Fatigue Design Considerations for
Deepwater Fixed Platforms M I N I S C R E W f r o m STAL m e a n s t h e lower c a p a c i t y r a n g e for air- T h e s c r e w c o m p r e s s o r is a r o t a t i n g
4775 Combined Hot-Spot Stress Procedures
screw compressors with maximum c o n d i t i o n i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n s . At t h e machine with accurately balanced
for Tubular Joints
reliability for t h e w o r l d ' s s h i p p i n g s a m e time, they offer the s a m e high rotors. C o n s e q u e n t l y , v i b r a t i o n is
• Marine Minerals M i n i n g lines. C o m p r e s s o r s w h i c h provide efficiency, low maintenance c o s t s v i r t u a l l y e l i m i n a t e d . In a d d i t i o n , t h e
e f f i c i e n t r e f r i g e r a t i o n under a w i d e a n d l o n g life as our w e l l - k n o w n large n e w r o b u s t d e s i g n h a s no sensi-
r a n g e of c l i m a t i c c o n d i t i o n s . compressors. tive o p e r a t i n g valves a n d is m u c h
4776 Rift and Hydrothermal Venting Pro- m o r e r e s i s t a n t t o liquid carryover.
D u r i n g t h e last 20 y e a r s - ever T h e secret b e h i n d t h e h i g h relia-
cesses Along the Gorda-Juan de Fuca
Ridge System since screw compressors began to bility a n d l o w life c y c l e c o s t s of T h e s t r e n g h t of M I N I S C R E W lies in
4777 Ore Assays of Massive Sulfides From be u s e d for m a r i n e r e f r i g e r a t i o n M I N I S C R E W is j u s t i n s i d e t h e cas- its s i m p l i c i t y .
Three Spreading Centers i n s t a l l a t i o n s (where w e have l o n g ing. M I N I S C R E W has o n l y f o u r T h a t is w h y M I N I S C R E W is s i m p l y
4778 Geological Perspectives of Metallifer- been w o r l d leaders) - t e c h n i c a l m o v i n g parts, as a g a i n s t 100 or s o t h e best.
ous Sulfides: Offshore Exploration in
development has made continuous in a r e c i p r o c a t i n g c o m p r e s s o r .
the Gorda Ridge Area
4779 A Development Scenario for Mining in progress. Our new screw compres-
the Gorda Ridge Area s o r s n o w o p e r a t e e f f e c t i v e l y even i n
4780 Atlantis-ll-Deep's Metal Reserves and Change to more reliable
Their Evaluation
4781 Methodology for Mineral Resources In- We assume full responsibility airconditioning
ventory in the EEZ Applied to a West Our j o b is t o e n s u r e that y o u r entire installa- A worn reciprocating compressor which
African Coastal Zone
t i o n gives t r o u b l e - f r e e o p e r a t i o n . W e have often causes expensive operating disturb-
4782 Research and Development Project of
Manganese Nodule Mining System in a n o r g a n i z a t i o n t h a t p r o v i d e s all t h e a n c e s is a d r a i n o n y o u r e c o n o m y a n d a
Japan s u p p o r t y o u need. F r o m p l a n n i n g to main- b u r d e n for t h e c r e w . Save m o n e y a n d
t e n a n c e a n d service. W i t h STAL as y o u r improve crew efficiency. Change to
Wednesday Morning supplier, y o u have at y o u r d i s p o s a l a full MINISCREW and your investment will
range of k n o w h o w a n d t e c h n i c a l resources. s o o n pay o f f !
9 a.m. to 12 noon

• Lithology and Seismic Reflectivity
4783 A Comprehensive Method for Synthet-
ically Evaluating the Design of Airguns
and Airgun Arrays
4784 Seismic Amplitude Measurement for
Primary Lithology Estimation (SAM-
Small, but strong.
For further information, please contact: STAL Refrigeration AB, S-60187 Norrkoping. Sweden. Tel.: Int. +4611139800. Telex: 64110.
77 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L STAL-ORGANIZATION:
4800 The Arctic Cone Exploration Structure: With Underwater and Abovewater 4808 Centrifuge Modeling of Shallow Foun-
A Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit for Hammers at the South Brae Platform, dation on Soft Soil
Heavy Ice Cover North Sea
4801 The Concrete Island Drilling System: 4805 Comparison of Drivability Studies With • Wave Forces
OTC '84 4802
Super Series (Super CIDS)
Gloryhole Excavations in the Beaufort
Dynamic Measurements of Piles at
Four Sites in Gulf of Mexico OTC

HPBF continued
Sea 4804 Equivalent Nonlinear Foundation
Method for Pile-Founded Structures
4809 Extreme Wave Conditions in the Cen-
tral North Sea
• Foundations 4806 A Specialized Design and Research 4810 Shallow Wave Forces on Offshore
4799 Development of a Structural Concept Tool for the Modeling of Near-Field Structures
to Resist Impacts From Multiyear Ice OTC Pile/Soil Interaction 4811 A Numerically Efficient Technique for
Floes, Ridges, and Icebergs 4803 Experience With Driving 84-ln. Piles 4807 The Hutton TLP Foundation Design the Simulation of Random Wave Forces
on Offshore Structures
4812 Application of Nonlinear Digital Filters
to Modeling Low-Frequency Nonlinear
Drift Oscillations of Moored Vessels in
Random Seas
4813 On the Low-Frequency Hydrodynamic
Damping Forces Acting on Offshore
Moored Vessels
4814 Nonlinear Wave Interaction With a

Twenty^ears ago we had a dream,

Moored Floating Cylinder

ow it's come true,

the Rauma-Repola Ro-Ro.
Wednesday Afternoon
2 to 5 p.m.
• Seismic Technology

See us at RO-RO'84 and POSIDONIA'84 OTC

4815 Deep-Towed Array Geophysical System
Telemetry Equipment
4816 Acoustic Tracking of Towed Bodies
4817 Seismic-Derived Acoustic Velocities: A
Panel Discussion

• Floating Production II
4819 Floating Production Systems for North
Sea Marginal Fields
4820 Design Considerations of a Subsea
Control System for a Floating Produc-
tion System
4821 Articulated Production Tower for Deep
4822 Highly Compliant Column for Tanker
Mooring and Oil Production in 1000 m
Water Depth
4823 Hutton Tension Leg Platform: An Ex-
ercise in Weight Control

• Risk and Reliability

4824 Turbulent Wind Loading and Dynamic
Response of Jackup Platform
4825 A New Approach to Stress Concentra-
tion Factors for Tubular Joint Design
4826 Reliability Analysis of Offshore Struc-
tures Based on Murotsu's Matrix
4827 Some Recent Applications of Struc-
tural Reliability Theory in Offshore
4828 Ultimate Strength of Tubular Joints:
Chord Stress Effects
4829 Effect of Plate Thickness in Fatigue of
Welded Joints

• Wave and Current Loads

4830 Hydrodynamic Forces From Combined
Wave and Current Flow on Smooth and
Rough Circular Cylinders at High Rey-
nolds Numbers
4831 In-Line Forces on Vertical Cylinders in
Deepwater Waves
4832 The Hydrodynamics of a Model of a Vi-
brating Umbilical Cable
4833 Determination of Flow Kinematics Close
to Marine Pipelines and Their Use in
Stability Calculations
4834 A New Method to Evaluate Wave-lm-
pact Forces on Offshore Structures
4835 Velocity Profiling in Strong Ocean

• Foundations on Calcareous Soils


4836 Performance Assessment of Deep-Pen-
m etration Offshore Piles Driven Into Cal-

careous Soils
Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles in
SHIP&UH-DtNG DIVISION 4838 Frictional Response of Piles in Calcar-
261r0eHAUNfo, FINLAND eous Deposits
TEC: +35&38-12800 4839 Lateral Load Tests on Large Pipe Piles
'V TEEEX: 65117 R R R A U SF in Coral
4840 Jackup Rig Siting in Calcareous Soil

Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Hans Philipsen A p p o i n t e d explains how the resin socketing Socketfast E will withstand severe system also eliminates the need
system, developed by Philadelphia environments from - 6 5 to 200 F, for acid etching and handling of
President A n d Chief Resins Corporation of Montgomery- and it will not be affected by elec- molten metals. To replace wire
ville, Pa., cures quickly to pro- trolysis or immersion in most cor- rope assemblies in the field, the
Executive O f f i c e r At Voith
vide 100 percent of the rated break rosive fluids. resin system allows standard sock-
The board of directors of J.M. strength of a wire rope, while For socketing boom pendants and ets to be used over and over again
Voith GmbH of Heidenheim, West eliminating installation hazards other wire rope assemblies on by merely driving out cured cones
Germany, has appointed former associated with poured zinc or cranes and other equipment, Sock- with a drift pin.
board member Hans Philipsen babbitt. etfast combines ease of installa- For a free copy of the Socketfast
president and chief executive offi- After curing for less than an tion with substantial improve- brochure,
cer. He began his career with hour at 70 F or for only five min- ments in fatigue strength and
Voith in 1955. Following a period utes with a wraparound heater, shock resistance. This poured resin Circle 22 on Reader Service Card
as an application engineer in the
Water Turbine Division, in 1963
he was appointed head of the Proj-

ect Planning Department and sen- w JJ
ior engineer.
Since February 1967 Mr. Phi-
lipsen has been head of the Water
Turbine and Marine Engineering A U T O M A T I C ANTENNA
divisions. In 1969 he was ap-
pointed corporate executive vice MATCHER
president, and in 1973 was named
full managing director.
Elinca Systems To Be
Installed O n Five Tankers
O f Chevron Shipping Fleet
U.K.-based Elinca Ltd. of Shef-
field recently won a major order to MATCHES O N E ANTENNA
install its systems, which control
marine fouling and corrosion in DIPOLE OR LONGWIRE

.3 TO 70 MHZ. Cover the

ships' seawater systems, on five
VLCCs owned by Chevron Ship-
ping Company. The tankers to be

protected are the Howard W. Bell,
C.W. Kitto, Chevron London, Bur-
VSWR L E S S T H A N 1.5:1
naby, and South America. Instal- • INSTANT MATCHING *
lation is expected to be completed
in the spring of this year. • NO C O N T R O L L E A D S *
These installations will add to • 5 YEAR WARRANTY *
the considerable list of Elinca sys- C O N T A C T :
tems presently operating through- USP&I adjuster. J o e S t a p l e t o n , is a f o r m e r s h i p s m a s t e r with over

out the world. These include in- MAGNUM DISTRIBUTORS INC. 20 years m a r i t i m e e x p e r i e n c e

stallations on drillships, jackups, 1000 s . DIXIE HY. W . * 3

and semi-submersibles, as well as
other shipboard installations.
P 0 M P A N 0 BCH. FL. 3 3 0 6 0 Choose USP&I for more efficient
Elinca uses the electrolytic prin-
305-785-2002 TLX 5 1 4 3 6 5
claims handling.
ciple to protect pipelines and other Circle 194 on Reader Service Card
seawater systems by means of a Most USP&I a d j u s t e r s are former ship's officers
low impressed current fed from an with extensive maritime b a c k g r o u n d s .
Gulf Coast Repair Center
automatic control panel to spe-

They are abreast of t h e lastest a d v a n c e s in m a r i n e
cially alloyed, sealed anodes fitted t r a n s p o r t a n d c h a n g e s in m a r i t i m e law. They c a n
in pairs in suitable locations. In TURBINE SPECIALTIES Guif coast,mcevaluate an e x p o s u r e p r o m p t l y a n d a c c u r a t e l y —
this case, the usual sea chest-lo- often s a v i n g the c o s t of legal s e r v i c e s a n d d r a w n out
cated anode assembly has been litigation.
adapted to a housing above the sea 1900 Industrial Blvd. • Harvey, LA 70058
W h e n you c o n s i d e r the e x p e n s e of d e l a y a n d the
chest, and the "treated" water is higher a n d h i g h e r j u d g m e n t s b e i n g a w a r d e d ,
then piped from the housing into
the sea chest, to flow throughout
the system. Anodes are also lo-
MARINE DIESEL d o e s n ' t it m a k e s e n s e to use an adjuster with the
know-how to settle a c l a i m p r o m p t l y ?

cated in the scoop and on inspec- TURBOCHARGER For a free c o p y of our Directory a n d Profile, write to:
A d r i a n Tocklin, USP&I. 2 C o r p o r a t e Place South,
tion doors in the condenser.
For additional information on Specialists— Piscataway. NJ 08854. Tel. (201) 981-8200.
Telex: 2 3 3 0 0 4 C T L UR C a b l e A d d r e s s : USPIAGE
the Elinca systems,
Circle 90 on Reader Service Card Overhaul, repair, rebuild damaged
Philadelphia Resins O f f e r s components and balance. IJRPI A d r i a n Tocklin
N e w Bulletin O n Its W i r e REPAIRING TURBOCHARGERS OF: 2 Corporate Place South
Piscataway, N J 0 8 8 5 4
Rope Socketing System Alco Brown-Boveri Clark United States P&l
A g e n c y . Inc.
Please s e n d c o p i e s of t h e
USP&I D i r e c t o r y a n d Profile.
Stronger, more reliable wire rope Cooper-Bessemer Delaval Elliott A s u b s i d i a r y of U n d e r -
wnters Adiust'ng
assemblies are provided by a two- M*A*N Napier Company Name

part liquid system for socketing Company.

wire rope. This pourable, resin FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE USP&I O f f i c e s B o s t o n .
socketing system provides elastic- Exchange turbine rotors available Houston. New Orleans
N e w York. Norfolk, VA,
ity at termination transition points T a m p a . FL City
to insure maximum resistance to State_ _Zip_
shock loads. ^ f f f e , TUBRINF SDFrniTIFC HUP
Actual results of dynamic test West State Street Road • Box 207
loads are included in a new, four- ® Salina, Kansas 67402-0207
page sales bulletin. This brochure
Callus: 913/823-9211
April 1, 1984 Circle 195 on Reader Service Card Circle 196 on Reader Service Card 81
N e w Lighting Systems log presents a range of fluorescent, and many are certified by the Ca- FMC Introduces Two N e w
mercury vapor, high-pressure so- nadian Standards Association for
Catalog Now Available dium, and incandescent fixtures use in hazardous locations. The Crawler Cranes And
From Rig-A-Lite Company for many industrial uses. Individ- company's electrical distribution Heavy Lift Attachments
ual models include drip-proof, ex- equipment, including motor con-
trol centers and power switching FMC Corporation's Construction
Rig-A-Lite Company's new prod- plosion-proof, corrosion-resistant,
centers, is also featured in the Equipment Group recently intro-
uct catalog, "Specialists," de- shatter-resistant, and vibration-
catalog. duced two new Link-Belt" lattice
scribes representative products in resistant types. Both ac and 12-
boom crawler cranes, the LS-818
the firm's broad line of lighting volt dc models are featured. For a free copy of the Rig-A-Lite
and LS-1018, and also unveiled an
systems, fixtures, controls, and Most Rig-A-Lite fixtures are catalog,
innovative design in heavy lift at-
switchgear. The illustrated cata- Underwriters Laboratories listed, Circle 43 on Reader Service Card
tachments. Termed the LS*-918HL,
the heavy lift attachment for the
existing LS-918 crawler crane in-

Ulstein integrated
creases its lift capacity from 400
tons to 700 tons. This new design
also permits the 700-ton crane and
attachment to travel from one lo-
cation to another on the job site in

manoeuvring |
an average time of five hours.
One of the new cranes, the 500-
ton LS-1018, is the largest Link-
Belt Crane ever built. It comple-
ments the existing 400-ton LS-918,
which formerly was available only
as a conventional lift crane or as a
tower crane. Both of these models
will utilize the breakthrough de-
sign in heavy lift attachments, in-
creasing the capacity of either
unit to 700 tons with the 160-foot
boom at 80-foot radius.
The 300-ton LS-818 fills the rung
above the existing 250-ton LS-718,
the first in the Link-Belt large
crane line that was introduced in
1976. Conventional heavy lift at-
tachments for the LS-718 and LS-
818 increase the capacity of either
to 360 tons with basic 140-foot
boom at 50-foot radius.
All four cranes are now avail-
able with conventional boom,
tower, and heavy lift configura-
tions—for a total of 12 models—
rounding out the Link-Belt large
crane line.
For further information on
FMC's Link-Belt cranes,
Circle 86 on Reader Service Card

N e w Electrical Repair Firm

Announced By B&A M a r i n e
—Literature Available
B&A Marine Co. Inc. of Brook-
lyn, N.Y., which recently ex-
panded its 75 Huntington Street
facilities has announced the open-
ing of Northeast Marine Electric
Corporation on its premises. The
new company provides complete
on-board and shop services by its
As shipbuilders and manufacturers of integrated gearbox/ certified marine electricians, in-
c.p. propeller system and transverse thrusters. Ulstein have cluding the rewinding of motors of
gained wide experience in manoeuvring control of ships. up to 2,000 hp.
All this experience and the latest technology is utilized in B&A Marine specializes in all
developing the FCM (Full Control Manoeuvring) system.
The Ulstein FCM System makes it possible to integrate all phases of ship construction and re-
manoeuvring controls in a joystick controlling the C.P. propellers, pair work including mechanical
thrusters and/or rudders. The system has been installed and pump overhauls, engineering
in more than 30 vessels and has satisfied the most services, pipefitting, steelfitting,
advanced reguirements.
boilerwork and welding. As a full-
service company, B&A Marine
Ulstein Trading Ltd. A/S, N - 6 0 6 5 Ulsteinvik, Norway performs both voyage and pierside
Tel: 4 7 / 7 0 / 1 0 0 5 0 . Telex 4 2 3 4 2
work in conjunction with its 24,000-
Ulstein S c h i f f s t e c h n i k , Hamburg, telex 2173487
iff square-foot machine shop.
For additional information on
Ulstein (UK), E d i n b u r g h , telex 7 2 7 3 8 3
Ulstein (Singapore), Singapore, telex 2 4 4 8 4 the services offered by both
Ulstein Maritime, Vancouver, telex 4 3 5 4 7 9 9 companies,
Circle 42 on Reader Service Card
Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
San Diego needed drydocking capacity to assure a fair
share of Navy and commercial repair and overhaul work.
The NASSCO buHder is now in service. Maximum
ship size is 780 foot length, 135 foot beam, and
displacement up to 25,000 long tons.
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company
A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Morrison-Knudsen Co Inc
W e get the j o b d o n e . . . whatever it takes. 28th & Harbor Drive. San Diego. CA • (619) 6 9 6 - 7 0 0 0
Circle 144 on Reader Service Card
* I ,

Houston, Texas — April 25—27
The Third Annual National 1982 and 1983, the show's new lo- States and is the oil capital of the covers the complete maritime
Maritime Show and Conference cation will provide exhibiting com- world. The state of Texas is home market from tugboats to tankers
will be held at the Albert Thomas panies with access to a broad-based to more than 2,500 marine com- and containerships, inland and off-
Convention and Exhibition Center spectrum of clients available to panies and some 85 shipbuilding shore vessels, drilling rigs and
in Houston on April 25-27, 1984. the maritime industry. Houston is and repair facilities. support vessels, as well as Navy,
Held previously in Baltimore in the third largest port in the United The National Maritime Show (continued on page 86)

" r r r ' r ' r m Z

Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
San Diego needed drydocking capacity to assure a fair
share of Navy and commercial repair and overhaul work.
The NASSCO buHder is now in service. Maximum
ship size is 780 foot length, 135 foot beam, and
displacement up to 25,000 long tons.
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company
A W h o l l y - O w n e d Subsidiary of M o r r i s o n - K n u d s e n Co Inc
W e get the j o b d o n e . . . whatever it takes. 28th & Harbor Drive. San Diego. CA • (619) 6 9 6 - 7 0 0 0
Circle 144 on Reader Service Card
Houston, Texas — April 25—27
The Third Annual National 1982 and 1983, the show's new lo- States and is the oil capital of the covers the complete maritime
Maritime Show and Conference cation will provide exhibiting com- world. The state of Texas is home market from tugboats to tankers
will be held at the Albert Thomas panies with access to a broad-based to more than 2,500 marine com- and containerships, inland and off-
Convention and Exhibition Center spectrum of clients available to panies and some 85 shipbuilding shore vessels, drilling rigs and
in Houston on April 25-27, 1984. the maritime industry. Houston is and repair facilities. support vessels, as well as Navy,
Held previously in Baltimore in the third largest port in the United The National Maritime Show (continued on page 86)

- r r "'""!

Tailor-made marine coverage.
Imagining you have it
could leave you out in the cold.
In the maritime world, your business is as individual as
you are. So, doesn't it make sense that your insurance
should be that way, too?
At Adams & Porter, we're known for custom marine
coverage. First, w e study your company from every
angle, using our experts in your special area. Only then
do w e develop a plan that fits your exact needs. There's
never any guesswork.
You see, with Adams & Porter, you're getting more
than 75 years of experience behind every decision. And
as brokers, w e have the entire insurance marketplace
from which to select just the right combination of cover-
age, price and security.
Whether your business is on inland waterways or on
the high seas, you can feel secure that we have the
specialized knowledge of your hull, cargo, liability and
other marine as well as non-marine requirements.
In short, when you choose Adams & Porter, you can
be sure your company has truly tailor-made coverage
that won't leave you out in the cold. Adams & Porter
Associates, Inc., 1819 St. James Place, Houston, Texas,
77056, (713) 960-9990. Also in New York and Bermuda.

We take the myth out of corporate insurance.

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 85

National Maritime Show Far East. The company maintains offer direct service from Europe
branch offices in Denver, London, and South America.
(continued from page 84) Rotterdam, Singapore, and Sydney. The Conference that accompan-
Over the past few years Houston ies the National Maritime Show
Coast Guard and other specialty has hosted many successful events will open with a general session of
ships. for the maritime and offshore in- forecasts and trends in the mari-
The show is managed by Indus- dustries, and has emerged as the time industry, as well as the state
trial Presentations, Inc. of Hous- hub for many international indus- of the art in propulsion, electron-
ton, a company that has presented tries and headquarters for numer- ics, communications, and naviga-
major trade exhibitions through- ous multinational corporations. The tion. In addition, other sessions
out the world for more than 20 city is easily accessible from all will cover offshore equipment and
years, including 25 events held in major centers in North America, services; port equipment, construc-
North America, Europe, and the and many international airlines tion, and maintenance; shipyard
productivity and high technology;
diving and salvage; and shipping
More than 100 manufacturers
and suppliers will display a wide
range of products and services
at the Albert Thomas Exhibition
List Of Exhibitors
1. "Hmm. . ." AQUA-DYNE
4. "Well. . . " — E ARGO MARINE
6. "I, uh. . . " BAILEY CONTROLS
7. "Well..." —F BAKER,LYMAN
9. "I can't, no. . . "
10. "No, I can't think of BRIGGS-WEAVER
AWO is the barge and towing industry association, comprised CONTAIN ERH0USE
of hundreds of leading companies operating on the inland and CROWE ROPE
intracoastal waterways, nationwide. Now AWO membership is
open, through the Affiliate Membership program, to suppliers,
manufacturers, insurers, bankers, lawyers, marine consultants
and others sharing an interest in our industry. DELGADO COMMUNITY COLLEGE
AWO Affiliates receive the Membership Directory, as well as AN UNEQUALED VISUAL ENGINE EFFICIENCY ASSOCIATES
our weekly newsletter and other valuable publications. ESSEX CORPORATION
The Directory lists all
AWO members, including M C M D C D FACET ENTERPRISES
Affiliates, along with a short ^ f / I V I C l V l D C n • CHART MEMORY FEDERAL SIGNAL
description of your services.
Affiliate Members use the
advertising and letterhead. ^ ^ ^
As an Affiliate Member, you'll be invited to AWO events,
affording your company the visibility it needs to grow. • DISPLAYED ON A 12" CRT GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO
Fill out the form below. We'll send you an Affiliate • POSITION DISPLAYED CONSTANTLY HOUSTON FTZ CORPORATION
Membership package, and place you on our mailing list. Cost of AS "X" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF
Affiliate Membership is $1000 per year, a small investment
If you aren't convinced that Affiliate Membership in AWO is a • STORAGE OF VOYAGE HISTOGRAM IOWA MOLD TOOLING
sound business investment for your company, let us know. We'll IRD MECHANALYSIS
send you all the good reasons you need. • PERSONALIZED DATA INPUT JOURNAL OF COMMERCE
1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1000
Arlington, Virginia 22209 ACCESS KONE CORPORATION
• check enclosed • please bill me MIDLAND MARINE
• Please send me more good reasons to become an MIDLAND ROSS, RUSSEL STOLL

Affiliate Member of AWO P O Box 1175 (713) 353-4475 MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND
HuntsviDe, TX 77340 (409) 291 -2277 MISCO-IPEC
M R M**« checks payable to The American Waterways Operators. Inc. TWX 910-880-1090 MOLECULAR CONSERVATION SYSTEMS

86 Circle 199 on Reader Service Card Circle 198 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Free Bulletin Describes tinctive, powerful signals backed any operating pressure up to 250
by many years of successful per- psi. All horn castings are of bronze,
Complete Line O f formance. Horn projectors have accurately machined to inter-
Kohlenberg Airhorns been scientifically developed for changeable standards and finished
volume, audibility, and richness of in accordance with highest marine
tone on the basis of musical in- quality. Both polished bronze and
A brochure describing the full strument design and utmost econ- chrome finishes are available.
range of Kahlenberg airhorns and omy of air consumption. For further information and a
accessories is available from the There are no moving parts other copy of Bulletin 88,
Two Rivers, Wise., company. than the sound-producing dia-
Kahlenberg airhorns are dis- phragm, and no adjustments for Circle 27 on Reader Service Card


NANCE INDUSTRIES OnlyAqua-Chem offers
all these choices for your

marine fresh water needs,

PORT OF HOUSTON F l a s h , H e a t R e c o v e r y a n d R e v e r s e O s m o s i s P l a n t s . W h i c h e v e r is b e s t for y o u r m a r i n e
POWER PAK INDUSTRIES a p p l i c a t i o n , A q u a - C h e m c a n s u p p l y it. W e a l s o o f f e r a n o - o b l i g a t i o n e n g i n e e r i n g e v a l u a -
RODUN DEVELOPMENT tion to help you m a k e the best choice possible. W h a t e v e r your saltwater conversion
SCHMIDT MANUFACTURING n e e d s , let u s p u t o u r e x p e r i e n c e a n d r e p u t a t i o n a s " T h e S h i p b o a r d W a t e r C o m p a n y " t o
SEAWAY REVIEW w o r k for y o u .
UNIROYAL ENGINEERED PRODUCTS Acro-Pac® R e v e r s e O s m o s i s S y s t e m with hollow-
UNITED MCGILL fiber type m o d u l e is a c o m p l e t e p a c k a g e d system for
VIKING LIFE SAVING PRODUCTS Multi-Stage High E c o n o m y Flash D i s t i l l i n g P l a n t s p r o d u c i n g potable water from seawater. Includes pre-
VALMET are available for installation on large vessels (i.e., cruise treatment and cleaning equipment, c h e m i c a l feeder
VILLAGE MARINE ships, carriers, etc.). Plants are specifically designed and turbidity separator. Standard sizes range from
WARD LEONARD ELECTRIC for the application. 5,000 to 25,000 GPD with larger sizes available.

Patterson Tensor® O f f e r s
Lashing Speed A n d Safety
I . v'+O
— Literature A v a i l a b l e
The Tensor manufactured by
W.W. Patterson Company is a
screw type, lashing loadbinder with
eccentric loading. It introduces a rifchfl
new dimension to RO/RO vessel,
containership, and other marine
cargo lashings.
Tensor works with chain, cable,
or rods; as the tensioning tool it
can be substituted for an existing
tool. It is so easy to tension man- W a s t e H e a t R e c o v e r y E v a p o r a t o r s utilize diesel T w o - S t a g e F l a s h D i s t i l l i n g P l a n t evaporates waterat
ually with a standard ratchet engine's jacket water or steam for efficient use of temperatures well below the atmospheric boiling point.
energy that might otherwise be wasted. S u p p l i e d in Ensures scale-free, efficient operation. Sizes: 8 0 0 0 to
socket wrench that no cheater bar c o m p l e t e p a c k a g e s — 2 0 0 to 1 000 GPH. 100,000 GPD.
is needed.
Application of either impact
wrench or socket wrench tele-
scopes the small tube inside the
larger tube, pulling the anchoring S t o c k e d p a r t s a n d s e r v i c e r a v a i l a b l e in M i l w a u k e e ,
point together. All working parts New Orleans, Aberdeen (Scotland), Stavanager WATER TECHNOLOGIES
are completely enclosed, making (Norway), Singapore.
the Tensor almost indestructible. A q u a - C h e m , Inc., W a t e r T e c h n o l o g i e s D i v i s i o n ,
All marine models are galvanized. P.O. Box 421, M i l w a u k e e , W i s c o n s i n 5 3 2 0 1 . aqua-cheminc
For further information and a Telephone (414) 962-0100. Telex: 26679.
free catalog on the Tensor,

Circle 24 on Reader Service Card

March 15, 1 9 8 4 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 87

M c D e r m o t t Delivers T w o sels were 180 feet long; however, a contract feet of bulk materials. Accommodations are
change called for the last four boats to be provided for 23 personnel.
Caterpillar-Powered lengthened 14 feet. The final two are sched- The new supply vessels are certified by the
Supply Vessels To T i d e w a t e r uled for delivery during the first quarter of American Bureau of Shipping and the U.S.
this year. Coast Guard for service on any of the world's
McDermott Shipyard's New Iberia Division Jan Tide and Abshire Tide have a 40-foot waters. They will be operated under the U.S.
recently delivered two 194-foot supply vessels beam, 14-foot molded depth, and design draft flag.
to Tidewater Marine Service, Inc., a subsidi- of about 12 feet. Each vessel admeasures less Twin Caterpillar D399 diesel engines power
ary of Tidewater Inc. The Jan Tide and the than 300 gross tons, and has below-deck stor- the vessels, generating a total of 2,250 bhp at
Abshire Tide are the seventh and eighth in a age capacity for 121,000 gallons of fuel oil, 1,225 rpm. They are linked to Reintjes W A V
series of 10 supply boats being built by Mc- 11,000 gallons of potable water, 1,130 barrels 1440 reverse/reduction gears having a 4:1
Dermott for Tidewater. The previous six ves- of liquid mud or chemicals, and 4,000 cubic ratio.


Isn't side thrust just as important The key is performance, reliable

Join as fore/aft thrust w h e n docking,

close quarter maneuvering or sta-
tion keeping? Every skipper who
operation,easeof installation, low
maintenance and long life—Every-
thing that P.S.I. Tunnel Thrusters

uses a thruster will agree—there's possess—AND HERE THEY ARE:
nothin' like 'em!
A Release Hook That
with our Doth Hydraulically Opens
Three tunnel diamete's ot 36 inch

And Hydraulically Closes

48 inch and 56 inch Rated at

20(1300. 30(1400 and 5 0 0 MINI-THRUSTERS'
600 horsepower Input

. . . For Safe Mooring!

R PM—dS required Cast steel or a l u m i n u m
from 900 construction Four tunnel dia-
meters of 10 inch. 12 inch. 16 inch

and 24 inch rated at 15-25 28-36
42-56 69-112 horsepower

~ FM 36
FM 48 A . ^ MODELS
FM56 f MT-10

W C S Release Hook

AlVWfPSI The new, improved 100 or 150 ton Release

Hook from Washington Chain is fully hydraulic
offering a controlled operation at all times. The
21213 76th Ave So. Kent. WA 9 8 0 3 2 TELEX 32-9657
ultimate in safety, the heavy-duty Hooks are
Phone (206) 872-8850
unique as no other Release Hook, that both
opens and closes hydraulically, is available on
the world market today.
Circle 203 on Reader Service Card
Washington Chain, the only U.S. manufacturer
of Release Hooks, will also produce its 25, 50,
60, 100 and 150 ton Hooks to a customer's
specific needs and supply the type of controls
desired. All hooks are available in single,
From t o p to b o t t o m , Marine double, triple or quad mountings that swing
DecraGuard, Simpson Skid- J r u . 180° horizontally and 45° vertically with or
Guard, Guardian MDO a n d without capstan.
MarinePly panels all share
one i m p o r t a n t t h i n g in com- All units are individually proof tested by a 1,000
Our Professionally Trained Personnel
mon: e a c h provides an ton test machine and can be ABS certified if
And Specialized Equipment Will
e c o n o m i c a l , durable, ready- requested.
Continue To Serve You With:
to-use solution for a host
of different boatbuilding WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE
problems. W h e n t h e going » Insulation Materials and Installation STOCK OF MARINE SUPPLIES
g e t s wet, specify tough-to- » Asbestos Control
b e a t S i m p s o n Marines. » Marine Services
For t h e whole story, write
• C u s t o m F a b r i c a t i o n , I n c l u d i n g Safety
S i m p s o n Timber Company,
S h i e l d s , R e m o v a b l e I n s u l a t i o n Pads
Panel Products
a n d Safety a n d C a r g o N e t s
Marketing, Third
» L a m i n a t i n g F a c i l i t i e s for H u l l b o a r d
a n d Franklin,
» Firesafing and Fireproofing
Shelton,WA Chain & Supply, Inc.
2901 U t a h Ave. S o u t h
P.O. Box 3645, S e a t t l e , W A 98124
Marine Plywood Products RICHMOND (804) 271-0111

(804) 874-8604 1-800-851-3429
NORFOLK (804) 622-0515 1-800-543-1304 ( W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e Only)


88 Circle 2 0 2 on Reader Service Card Circle 2 0 4 on Reader Service Card Circle 2 0 5 on Reader Service Card
N e w Anti-Corrosion Paint Low excess air firing or fuel-rich protection feature of the Hagan bustibles analyzer requires no
conditions cause sulfur in the fuel excess oxygen/excess combustibles sample system, no sample probes,
Pigments Unveiled By BP to combine with platinum elec- analyzer is an outgrowth of the no scrubbers or pumps, and is suit-
trodes within the in situ sensor to successful model 218 and model able in flue gas temperatures
Scientists at BP's Research
form platinum sulfide, resulting in 225 probe type analyzers. West- ranging as high as 1,400 F (760
Centre at Sunbury-on-Thames,
serious electrode deterioration. This inghouse established the model C). The sensor has a field-replace-
England, have succeeded in devel-
condition presented problems to 218 analyzer as the first in situ able cell, with low installation and
oping a family of new anti-corro-
the traditional in situ excess oxy- zirconium oxide excess oxygen maintenance costs.
sion pigments. These pigments,
gen analyzer in the past, particu- sensor in 1971. For further data and free litera-
which have been widely patented,
larly in those applications with re- Just as in the traditional zircon- ture on the new electrodes,
are based on the ion-exchange
ducing or high sulfur flue gas ium oxide excess oxygen analyzer,
principle—a radical departure from
atmospheres. This patented self- the new excess oxygen/excess com- Circle 89 on Reader Service Card
existing technology.
Almost all metal fabrications
such as offshore installations and
bridges need to be protected from
atmospheric corrosion by over-
coating with anti-corrosion paints.
Existing anti-corrosion paints gen-
erally contain corrosion inhibitors
such as highly toxic lead or chro-
mate compounds.
In contrast, the BP pigments
have low or nil toxicity, and when
formulated into paint primers out-
perform currently available prod-
ucts containing zinc phosphate,
zinc chromate, red lead, etc., for
similar costs. The BP pigments
function by the principle of ion ex-
change. Aggressive ions, such as
chloride, permeating the paint film
are preferentially ion-exchanged
with the solid pigment particles,
releasing the active anti-corrosion
agents that then protect the metal
surface. As the anti-corrosive
agents are released only when re-
quired, the BP system is said to
last longer than traditional paints.
The low toxicity and improved
performance of the BP pigments
has already aroused considerable
interest among paint manufactur-
ers. BP will be launching these
new materials through BP Ven-
tures in the first half of 1984.
For further information on BP's
new pigments,

Circle 19 on Reader Service Card

Westinghouse Secures U.S.

Patent O n Self-Protecting
Sensing Cell Electrodes
— Literature Available
The Samson FlexTen ™ Fender does its job without any damaging
attachments. The secret is a unique flexible tension member that
The Combustion Control Divi- provides a solid end-to-end connection but allows deflection in all
sion of Westinghouse Electric Cor- directions.
poration recently received a U.S.
Plus, the highest possible energy absorption.. .The FlexTen continues
patent for its self-protecting elec-
to function even after 80% compression! Proven in use by some of the
trodes in its Hagan, in situ flue
largest lightering operations.
gas sensing cell, and has incorpo-
Send for the Samson Fender Manual; and the next time you need
rated this feature into the Hagen
tendering, make sure you get the Samson quote. From 2 x 3 to 12 x 28
Model 240 excess oxygen/excess
(or larger), FlexTen will give you the best performance for the best price.
combustibles flue gas analyzer.
Previously, patents on the self-
Samson Ocean Systems Ltd. ENSERCH House, 8 St. James'
protecting electrodes had been is-
Square, London, UK SW1Y 4JU Telephone: 930-1526/7
sued in Belgium, Canada, and the
Telex: 28105 OITLS G. Samson Ocean Systems, 99F High Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02110, Telephone: (617) 426-6550
This self-protecting feature es- Telex: 940812 TWX: (710) 321-0098.
tablishes the Hagan analyzer as a

highly reliable flue gas sensor. It
is said to be particularly effective
in combustion processes that ex-
perience reducing stack gas at- A Subsidiary of ENSERCH
mospheres containing sulfur. CORPORATION
Load-deflection curve of closed cell flexible foam.
March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 89

acb Complete


& Sale
- Full

of All Types

f C e n t u r y



L President NEW O R L E A N S , LA 70153



Ocean Engineering Centre
3 4 4 C a m p Street
Suite 1000
Tel: ( 5 0 4 ) 5 2 4 - 6 7 7 7
Telex: 584248
500 L. STREET. SUITE 200
lnt'ITelex:6821166 • Resistance Tests • Flow Visualization
N e w Orleans. LA 70130 301-823-8070 907-276-1248
• Wake Surveys TELEX 8 7491 907-276-0051 TELECOPIER
A Division of ACB Industries, Inc. • Towed Directional Stability Evaluations
• Seakeeping
For Information Contact:
Adams & Chute B.C. Research CORPORATION

NAVAL ARCHITECTS & MARINE ENGINEERS Ocean Engineering Centre Waterfront & Structural
. 3650 Wesbrook Mall. Engineering • Diving Inspection
. ^ ^ Vancouver. Canada V6S 2L.2 Box 3 3 3 / M e d f i e l d / M A 02052
Telephone (604) 224-4331
203-426-7135 HUNTINGTOWN ROAD. NEWTOWN, CT 06470 I Telex 04-507748 (617) 359-8945

advanced marine Thomas Coudon

enterprises, incorporated DEL BREIT INC. Associates
naval architecture management sciences MARINE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT M a r i n e E q u i p m e n t S a l e s
marine and ocean engineering 6655 A m b e r t o n Drive Baltimore, Md. 21227 (301)796-2525
3 2 6 Picayune Place Suite 2 0 1
1725 jefferson
va 22202
N e w Orleans, La. 7 0 1 3 0
(703) 979-9200 R a i l w a y a n d Floating Dry Docks
W a t e r f r o n t Structures • Consulting
san diego, ca Virginia beach, va Philadelphia, pa Design • Inspection
(6«) 223-5398 (904) 490 2359 (609) 482 2«20 (504) 5 2 3 - 2 8 0 1 Dry Dock H a r d w a r e a n d Equipment
21 Pottery Lane Dedham, MA. 02026
Tel. (617) 329-3240 Telex: 924406

(212) 939-4422
cdi m a m n e c o m p a n g I f crane
L J consultants
15301 1st Ave. S o S e a t t l e , W a s h i n g t o n 98148

J A C K S O N V I L L E , FL
(206) 2 4 6 - 7 9 6 2
Crane, hoist,
T W X 910-444-2085
materials handling specialists
(904) 723-2620



(904) 724-9700 (804) 627-4384 (803) 554-5580
Marine Consultants, Marine & C a r g o Surveyor!
W A S H I N G T O N . D C. BOSTON, MA C H E S A P E A K E , VA "Forty years of Surveying Experience
(703) 521-2452 (617) 878-8340 (804) 543-4211 in the C a r i b b e a n " Phone: (809) 723-0769
14-29 1 1 2 t h Street, College Point, N.Y. 1 1 3 5 6 BOX 1411, S A N J U A N , PUERTO RICO 00903
Telex RCA 325 3634 PRCA 3B5 9005
Navy-Hi Shock, Vibration & A.B.S. Testing (609) 772-0800 (206) 575-3065 (601) 762-0098

Predicts, C a l c u l a t e s , Pisplays & Pdnts Out:
Drafts FWD & AFT, DWT, Stability (GM), F.S. and KG Cor- -P- C. R. GUSHING & CO., INC.
rections, SF & BM as a % of Max A l l o w a b l e , for any load N A V A L ARCHITECTS, M A R I N E ENGINEERS
d i s t r i b u t i o n . The GP is a General Purpose C o m p u t e r pro- & TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS
g r a m m e d for Cargo Planning & O f f i c e F u n c t i o n s . 18 Church Street, Georgetown, CT 06829 O N E W O R L D TRADE CENTER
' TOWBOATS Telephone: 203-544-8110 N E W YORK, N . Y . 1 0 0 4 8
B u c k w h e a t B r i d g e Road G e r m a n t o w n , N.Y. 12526 Telex: ITT 4994761 TEL: (212) 432-0033 CABLE: CUSHINGCO

a division of ManTech I n t e r n a t i o n a l Corp.

Marine Engineers • Port Engineer Services VIBRATION A N A L Y S I S

Systems Analysts • Propulsion Plant Training
P.O. B o x 4265 • V i r g i n i a B e a c h . VA 2 3 4 5 4 • 804 463-6010 107 Ridgely Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland 2 1 4 0 1
P h i l a d e l p h i a , PA • P a s c a g o u l a , M S • V i r g i n i a Beach, VA 253 W i n s l o w W a y W e s t , B a i n b r i d g e Island, W A 98110
R o s s l y n , VA * San F r a n c i s c o , CA (301) 268-9010 or (Wash.) 261-1070 (206) 8 4 2 - 7 6 5 6

Phillips C a r t n e r & Co., Inc. Measurement, recording and
CONCEPTS, DESIGN, INVESTIGATIONS Marine & Naval Engineering and Consulting analysis of mechanical,
C h e v y C h a s e Center Office Bldg. structural and electrical
Suite 5 0 5 , 35 Wisconsin Circle • E c o n o m i c Analysis • Feasibility Assessment
C h e v y C h a s e , Md. 20015 (301) 652-6903 • Surveys and Investigations • Engineering and Design
• Strategic Planning • Market & Trade Evaluations


• Technology
M. K A W A S A K I
14360 Chef Menteur Highway
A R T ANDERSON ASSOCIATES New Orleans, Louisiana 70129
2 0 3 S o u t h U n i o n Street Alexandria, V A 2 2 3 1 4 N a v a l Architects Marine Engineers
Marine M a n a g e m e n t Transportation Consultants
703/684-2060 Telex: 89-2407
Bremerton. W A (206)479-5600 Washington, D.C. Phone: (504) 254-2012 T W X 810-951-5317

90 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

I EERS A Alan C. McClure Associates, Inc.
• • • J

MAIN OFFICE: EAST COAST OFFICE: 2600 South Gessner • Suite 504 • Houston, Texas 77063
620 FOLSOM STREET. SUITE 300 1911 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY (713) 789-1840 • Telex 792397
(Suite 700) (415) 543-8650 (703) 892-1700
ARLINGTON, VA 2 2 2 0 2
(703) 892-8200

701 B Street
Route 7 ° E
1 4 1 5

(Suite 320) (Suite 106) I I John J. McMulten Associates, Inc.

San Diego, CA 92111 Cherry Hill, NJ 0 8 0 3 4
(619)238-0666 (609) 795-1170 N a v a l A r c h i t e c t s - M a r i n e Engineers - M a r i n e C o n s u l t a n t s

S u i t e 9 5 2 8 • N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 1 0 0 4 8
Moorestown N.J 609-234 3880 Naval Architects • Marine Engineers • Transportation Consultants
Ship Design and Engineering
C o h a s s e t , Mass. 617-383-9200
Ports, Waterways and Offshore Facilities New York, NY • Arlington, Va • Newport News, Va • Houston, Tx
A r l i n g t o n , Va. 703-920-3435 Ventura, Ca • Bath, Me. • Seattle, Wa • Pascagoula, Ms
Military and Defense Systems
Portsmoutn, V a 804-399-4097
Economic and Environmental Analysis One World Trade Center/Suite 3000/New York. New York 10048/(212)466-2200
San D i e g o , C a 619 283-2319
Computer Analysis and Data Management
Ship Simulation
Ship Brokerage & Owner Representative M A C L E A R &H A R R I S , INC.

ECO Inc. Wfr 28 W E S T 44 STREET

M E W Y O R K , N.Y. 10036
1036 C a p e St. C l a i r e C e n t e r , A n n a p o l i s , M d . 21401 P . O . Box 226 B u c k i n g h a m , V i r g i n i a 23921
(301)757-3245 (804) 969-4264
Underwater Explosion • Test P r o g r a m
Shock Testing Management
=~~"==L._ =_= — CONSULTANT SERVICES (MIL-S-901) • Field Testing with Speed & Propulsion Power Policy
Fixture Design and Craft & Engineering
Marine Structures • Engineering Analysis • Marine Survey
Project Management • Loss Prevention • Naval Architecture Fabrication Support
R & D Support • Pitch and Roll NAVAL ARCHITECT
P.O. Box 7760 • Beaumont, Texas 77706 East & West Coast Simulation to
(409) 866-9158 Facilities 20,000 Lbs. 1933 LINCOLN DRIVE
ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND 21401 (301) 268-6168
OFFSHORE TERMINALS « FLOATING DRYDQCKS • H e l m ® Onboard Monitoring & Guidance Systems • Vessel Formerly Tomi Inc., Established 1865
MARINE ENGINEERS • N A V A L ARCHITECTS Performance & Route Analysis • W a v e Data Analysis & Cli- 401 B R O A D H O L L O W R O A D (R». 110) '
CONSULTING ENGINEERS matology • Port Vessel Traffic Management Systems • Vessel M E L V I L L E , L.I., N E W Y O R K 11744
PORT WASHINGTON NEW YORK 11050 Casualty Simulation & Analysis 516 293-4336
(516) 883-2830 TELEX 14-4674 CABLE: "CEFOSTA" 9 G L E N HEAD ROAD, G L E N HEAD, N Y 11545
TEL (516) 676-S499 TWX 510 223-0646

H.V. A. C.
Naval Architects & Marine Engineers

sum-: 2ioo, 9S5 G R A V I E R STRFET

I N T R A M A R I N E , INC.\
P.O. BOX 53043 JACKSONVILLE, FL 322011
NFW ORLEANS, l.A " 0 1 U [904] 353-0828 TELEX: 56-8421


Naval Architects • Marine Engineers • ENGINEERING •
Annapolis, Maryland Berkeley, California
(301) 268-0030 (415) 841-5875 Consulting Engineers • RETRO-FITS •

G A Arlington, Virginia
(703) 892-2360
Houston, Texas

M a r i n e Surveyors; Project Specifications a n d Designs;

GIBBS & c o x m Energy Efficient C o n c e p t s OFFSHORE REEFER DIV.

O w n e r Representation Services; M a c h i n e r y MECHANICAL RESOURCES, INC.

Practical Engineering E c o n o m i c s Analyses J E R S E Y CITY, N.J. 07305
119 West 31st Street • New York, N Y. 10001
(212) 613-1300 201-653-0982
11405 M A I N ST., R O S C O E , IL 61073 815-623-6760


Jantzen Engineering Co., Inc.
Consulting Engineers
Naval Architects MSete Marine Engineers
Ocean Mining and Dredging

Brokerage (301) 796-8585

66 L O N G W H A R F B O S T O N , MASS. 0 2 1 1 0 6655 Amberton Dr. Baltimore, M d .
(617) 5 2 3 - 8 3 7 0

r\i a v j I A r i i M t e L i . s Seattle. WA JAMES S. KR0GEN & CO., INC WE'RE

Marine Engineers 206 6247850 NAVAL ARCHITECTS & MARINE ENGINEERS
Ocean Engineers Telex: 32 1226 QUALITY
Tel. (305) 448-8169

THE GLOSTEN ASSOCIATES, inc 3333 Rice Street, Miami, Fla. 33133


m N A V A I. A K I H I T E C T S

CONSULTANTS & SURVEYORS 13891 Atlantic B l v d .

J a c k s o n v i l l e , Florida 3 2 2 2 5
PALM BEACH FLORIDA 3 3 4 8 0 TEL: ( 3 0 5 ) 586-0813 (904) 246-6438 TWX 810-828-6094

April 1, 1984 91
3019 Mercedes Blvd., New Orleons, Louisiana 70114, U S A Marine Engineers
Investigations • R e p r e s e n t a t i o n NAVAL ARCHITECTS • MARINE SURVEYORS
MARINE POWER • Consultation • Survey • D e s i g n Propulsion System Analysis
ASSOCIATES Hector V. P a z o s . P . E Energy Reduction • Fuel Technology
4475 Mission Blvd., Suire235, P.O Box99546 MAIN STREET 203 767-0937
MARINE ENGINEERS Son Diego, CA 92109, (619)272-9922 504/367-4072
ESSEX, C O N N . 06426 T U X 7104580271

Marine Technical Associates, Inc. N A V A L ARCHITECTS &

(201) 798-0689 Hoboken, NJ 07030
100 C h u r c h S t r e e t Arlington, Virginia 22202
N e w Y o r k , N . Y . 10007 (703) 892-4000
GEORGE E. MEESE (212) 732-2800
CONSULTANTS . SURVEYORS V i r g i n i a Beach, V a . 23462 National City, California 92050
D E S I G N S FOR Y A C H T S A N D C O M M E R C I A L VESSELS (804) 499-4125 (619) 426-6494
5252 Balboa Avenue, San Diego. California 92117
TELEPHONE 194 A C T I O N ROAD Telephone (714) 292-9102 PRC Guralnick Voorhees, N J. 08043
C O L O N I A L 3-4034 ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND (609) 772-0888 89

fM/A Metritape
Liquid Level & T e m p e r a t u r e G a u g i n g
lor C a r g o • Ballast • D r a f t - C r u d e Oil • P r o d u c t s • C h e m i c a l s
P6E Precision 6ystems
Marine Surveyors
Damage Surveys
• Port Engtneer Service
• Voyage Repair Supervision

• On-Otl Hire Surveys
. World Wide Travel

Central & deck-mounted readouts & alarms C O M B A T SYSTEMS ENGINEERING

P.O. Box 2366, Littleton, MA 01460, U.S.A. TEST A N D EVALUATION
J4 Hours
617 3 6 9 - 7 5 0 0 Telex 92 3492 8248 E a s t g o t e Drive Ml. L a u r e l . NJ 08054 (609) 778-9600 PO B O * ~h<> • S A R A S O T A f |( IKIDA I IS 78 • U S A (8 1 ) ' l
IJ 1 -1 J i1


253 N 1st Avenue
7 1 5 S. C H E R O K E E Capt. J i m Stillwaggon P.O. Box 2 0 4 6 Sturgeon Bay, W l 54235
BARTLESVILLE, OK 7 4 0 0 3 918-336-8306
516-742-2467 New H y d e Park, NY 1 1 0 4 0 Phone (414 743-8282 TWX 910-270-1375

Rt. 2. Box 50
NEEMS York. ME 03909 U.S.A.
Tel. (207) 363-5769 NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND
MACHINERY (206) 282-1311
(24 hour phone)

O w n e r s R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s / V o y a g e Repairs. O v e r h a u l s . N e w New York City San Diego M. A. STREAM ASSOCIATES, INC.
Installations/Alterations • Engineering 350 B ' n a d * a y 1007 f Avenue Marine Surveyors & Consultants
S p e c i a l i z i n g in O v e r s e a s C o n s u l t a t i o n and Ship Repairs 43' 6900 714>238 1300
Far East - M e d i t e r r a n e a n - A r a b i a n Gulf 4 0 0 S e c o n d Ave. W. / S e a t t l e , WA 9 8 1 1 9
San Francisco Charleston
657 Miss - Heights. S. C
.4151 777 0500 . • o n . - a.o-
. .. .
Arlington, Va
,, 803' "44 86 ' J.F. S T R O S C H E I N A S S O C I A T E S N
. .41 Jellerson Davis Highway


R O S E N B L A T T & S O N . INC


Marine Engineering • Systems Analysis
Consulting/Design Engineering
81 SO LEESBURG PIKE SUITE 700 VIENNA 19 Perina B o u l e v a r d
1 745 Jefferson Davis Highw 703 521-5416
C h e r r y H i l l , NJ 08003
VA22180 (703)442-8900 TWX: 710-8319076 A r l i n g t o n . V A 22202
(609) 429-7050


ENGINEERS APPRAISERS 505 INTERNATIONAL BLDG., 6 1 1 GRAVIER ST. Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture and Systems
Support in Testing, Training, Repair and Overhaul.
1405 N.W. 167 St., Miami, Fla. 33169 (305) 625-1043 NEW O R L E A N S , LA. 70130
A S u b s i d i a r y of D a y & Z i m m e r m a n n , Inc.
tfr^t//// r J / k w / S / t y A s s o c i a t e s , Inc.
S C H M A H L and S C H M A H L INC.
naval architects marine engineers Since 1961
S u r v e y o r s - Naval A r c h i t e c t s - Claims A g e n t s
" Tracor Hydronautics"
Consultants - In-House Maritime Attorneys INTEGRATED ENGINEERING SERVICES
2701 first avenue, suite 350, Seattle wa. 98121 R e p r e s e n t i n g C l a s s i f i c a t i o n S o c i e t i e s , U . S . and FOR T H E M A R I N E I N D U S T R Y
(206) 382-4444 • tlx: 3 2 0 0 5 3
Foreign Underwriters & Government Agencies
n e w t o l l free n u m b e r 1-800-258-4444 RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT
Members United States Maritime Law Association

Southeastern A d m i r a l t y Law Institute
O f f i c e s : In A l l P r i n c i p a l A r e a s of U . S . & A b r o a d

Naval Architecture - Marine Engineering S C H M A H L B U I L D I N G Tracor Hydronautics

Marine Surveying 1209 Southeast Third Avenue 7 2 1 0 Pindell School Road
Fort Lauderdale. Florida 33316 Laurel, Maryland 2 0 7 0 7
(616) 9 4 6 - 5 9 5 9
P.O. B o x 1169 Traverse City, Ml 49685 Toll Free Fla. Line 8 0 0 - 4 3 2 0656 Telex: 51-4489 (Intrepid) Telephone: ( 3 0 1 ) 7 7 6 - 7 4 5 4
305-522-0689 Cable: INTREPID Telex: 8 - 7 5 8 5

92 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Tuneable Hull Plate Reduces
Propeller-Induced Noise/Vibration
Propeller-induced noise and vibration can
be a serious problem particularly on smaller,
higher-speed vessels. If intense enough, these
foreign forces reduce power and fuel economy,
add to the discomfort of passengers and crew
and can negatively influence the operation of
shipboard electronics and other equipment.
The problem is traceable to the ratio of pro-
peller power to ship weight; as power in- Figure 3—The helical isolators are stable mounting assem-
creases on lighter weight ships, the problem is blies of high-quality stranded wire rope held between metal
amplified. retainers. Each isolating element has specific response char-
acteristics determined by its design.
One recent solution to the problem is a
CIRR-PSA system (patent pending), developed are highly damped, whereas small amplitude
by Pal Francis Hansen, that is designed to motion is moderately damped with the isola-
reduce the transmission of the propeller shocks Figure 2—The 1.0 by 0 . 8 by 0 . 2 5 meter box houses the four- tor appearing to act as a nonlineal element.
into the hull structure of the vessel from 60 to wire rope isolators. By adjusting hull plate mass and selecting The cable is wound in a helical fashion be-
90 percent. The design is predicated on the vi- isolators exhibiting specific damping characteristics, the sys-
tween two metal bars to assure shock and vi-
bration and shock absorbing characteristics of tem car, be tuned for several ship sizes.
bration control, regardless of the direction of
helical wire rope isolators supplied by Aero- applied force.
flex International Corporation. pabilities of the isolators, provides a specific The helical cable isolators resist destructive
The CIRR-PSA system entails a box built damping level. To tune the system for any environments because they are made entirely
into the hull immediately above the propeller particular installation, it is only necessary to of stainless steel or stainless-steel and corro-
tip, Figure 1. The hull plate of the PSA box alter the hull plate mass and select the correct sion-resistant aluminum alloy; or even more
has the same shape and contour as the sur- isolators. exotic metals such as Inconel. The isolators
rounding bottom plating, and is flexibly Propeller-induced turbulance establishes require little or no maintenance and usually
mounted on helical isolators located inside the force levels acting upon the hull plate. The will outlast the equipment they isolate. They
box, Figure 2. The flexible hull plate mass, hull plate moves against the counter force also can be painted to match equipment.
combined with specific shock and vibration ca- produced by the isolators, reducing the amount A prototype of the system is in operation on-
of vibration that migrates into the ship's hull. board a new high-speed rescue vessel, R/S
Acceleration measurements in the aft body Olav V, operated by the Norwegian Sea Res-
have shown up to 90 percent reduction of vi- cue Service. The vessel is equipped with twin
bration amplitudes after installation of the 1,500-hp engines; propellers have a 1.20 me-
flexible-seated PSA hull plate in the nearby tei* diameter
structure at specific propeller-blade frequencies. The CIRR-PSA system will be delivered
The helical isolators are sealed inside the with isolators, seal and an engineering pack-
box by a special watertight double rubber age with all technical data necessary to build
seal. The elastomer material is flexible enough a PSA system for a specific project.
to permit smooth movement of the hull plate For more information on the system,
with low drag at the point of isolation force
crossover. Write 4 0 on Reader Service Card
Helical wire-rope isolators are stable
mounting assemblies of stranded-steel wire
rope formed between metal retainers, Figure
3. Their large dynamic displacement atten-
uates heavy shocks, while their inherent
Co Bo D A R C Y
damping enables them to absorb and dissipate
large amounts of low- and high-frequency vi-
bration. Of particular importance for motion
Figure 1—Shown as viewed from aft is the hull plate mounted
control at resonance is their flexure hysteresis.
above the propeller and the elastomeric seal surrounding the
hull plate.
Damping characteristics are related to the
strain applied to the isolator. Large motions
WEST A T L A N T I C MARINE CORP. jk/t/Ma/i <RubbsJi Co-
Trans-International Marine Services Corp. Surveyors — Representatives — Consultants
R u b b e r S l e e v e or F l a n g e B e a r i n g s
Technical & Operational Assistance World-Wide S t u f f i n g B o x e s a n d Keel C o o l e r s
For All Vessels and Floating Structures Heavy Duty Fendering
T I M SC O P. O. Box 350396 Ft. Lauderdale, F1. 33335
622 Azalea Road
Mobile, Alabama 36609 205/666-7121 Armco Stainless Shafting Systems
M a c h i n i n g — Propeller Nuts



Uhlig & Associates, Inc.

Ceramaloy Propeller Shaft Liners
1258 N. AVALON BLVD. • WILMINGTON, CA. 9 0 7 4 4
Air H o r n s — S/S P r o p e l l e r s


Bilgemaster Automatic Oily/Water
SERVICES YACHT Separator Systems


• SWITCHBOARDS INSTITUTE Pneumatic Propulsion Control Systems
e PROPULSION SYSTEMS (207)374-5551
TO INSTALL S Y S T E M S VIA HOME STUDY OR IN A Propeller Shaft Brakes & Controllers
P.O. Box 33, Glenhead, N.Y. 11545
TELEX: 51 2479 51 2510 / TWX: 810 840 2430 APPROVED BY THE STATf OF MAINE DE PART WE NT )F E DUCAT I iN

93 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card

Swiftships To Build Three has established Swiftships as a
worldwide leader in this field.
Patrol Boats For J a m a i c a In addition to its Morgan City
Jerry L. Hoffpauir, president facility where these boats will be
of Swiftships, Inc., Morgan City, built, Swiftships has a yard at
La., recently announced the re- Pass Christian, Miss., that builds
ceipt of a letter of intent from the larger steel vessels, and a ship-
Government of Jamaica for the yard in Singapore that specializes
construction of one 140-foot patrol in steel or aluminum construction
vessel and two 42-foot patrol boats. of military and oilfield support
The successful design and con- type vessels. The company also
struction of a variety of patrol provides repair services at facili-
boats tailored to the specific needs ties in Lafitte, La., and Freeport,
of governments around the world Texas.

New Electric Ring Heater The 340-foot cable ship Salernum.

Tracor Marine Awarded $6-Million

Allows Bearing Installation Without
Contract To Convert AT&T Cable Ship
Pressing, Hammering or Hot Oil Bath Tracor Marine of Port Ever- ovation of the habitable areas, and
glades, Fla., a subsidiary of Tra- the electrical system will be con-
Quick • Portable • Clean • Safe Automatic Temperature cor, Inc., has received a contract verted from dc to ac.
Control — A Real Time that will bring the company $6 Upon completion of the project,
and Effort Saver. , million over the next 12 months home port of the Salernum will be
from Transoceanic Cable Ship Honolulu, and the Port of Registry
Ask more about it — get a
FREE catalog — call
Jergens Company, Inc., a wholly owned
subsidiary of AT&T. The award
will be New York. The vessel will
assume cable-repair and cable-lay-
1-800-628-1200 Ext 574 "OVER 1 0 0 Y E A R S O F S E R V I C E "
was announced by William C.
Moyer, group vice president of
ing duties in the Hawaiian Is-
lands. A standby crew of 20 will
In Ohio, 1-800-922-6900 Ext. 574 19520 N o t t i n g h a m R o a d Tracor Applied Sciences. expand to 50 during active duty.
C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 44110
The contract calls for major con- The Tracor Marine facility at
version of Transoceanic's newly Port Everglades is headquarters
acquired cable ship Salernum. The for the Shipyard and Ocean Tech-
340-foot vessel was purchased from nology Engineering divisions. The
the Italian shipping firm of Fra- full-service shipyard is equipped
telli d A m i c o Amatori for a re- for the overhaul, conversion, and
ported $7 million, and recently repair of government and commer-
completed the transit from Naples cial vessels.
to the Tracor Marine shipyard. Among the capabilities offered
The conversion is required in or- by the oceanographers, naval ar-
der to qualify the ship for U.S.- chitects, and engineers of the Ocean
flag registry, as well as to enable Technology Division are marine
her to meet U.S. Coast Guard en- design and engineering, including
gineering and safety standards. fabrication and installation of un-
The vessel will undergo major ren- derwater systems; detailed marine
surveys; program management; and
Circle 2 3 1 on Reader Service Card
cable laying. In addition, a Marine


Services Division of Tracor Marine
maintains facilities in Chesa-
peake, Va., where marine engi-
neering and ship repair work, div-
We also produce ing and underwater services, ship
a full line of Foam and aircraft salvage, and indus-
Filled Fenders. trial fabrication are provided for
the marine industry in the Nor-
folk/Tidewater area.
Tracor, Inc. is an international
Highly stable mooring & marking technological products and serv-
buoys. ices company with headquarters
U n s i n k a b l e even if severely in Austin, Texas.
• T o u g h cast polyurethane s k i n resists
abrasion and impact.
• Core of closed cell foam
• Optional mooring attachments and
marker lights available.
Norshipco Awarded
• Standard color bright orange — can
be highlighted with m a r k i n g s in any $39-Million Navy Contract
color. For A O - 1 7 7 M a i n t e n a n c e
• Available for prompt delivery
• W e ' v e made t h o u s a n d s of these time Norfolk Shipbuilding and Dry-
tested products. dock Corporation, Norfolk, Va.,
• S i z e s to fit any application from 301b.
has been awarded a $38,989,397
to 2 5 , 0 0 0 lb. net buoyancy.
cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for the
AO-177 Class fleet oiler phased

maintenance program. The Naval
Sea Systems Command, Washing-
(714) 894-5566
INDUSTRIES ton, D.C., is the contracting
Marine Products Division activity.
15301 Transistor Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 U.S.A.
94 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
N e w O r i e n t Overseas Line Full-Color W o r t h i n g t o n Features include a bell-shaped all industries, including process,
mechanical seal cover for im- power generation, and HVAC sys-
Ships Will Be Powered By Brochure Covers Specs proved seal life and frame-mounted tems. Liquids pumped include
Sulzer RTA76 Diesels O f Redesigned Pumps pump bearings, sealed for life and water, solvents, light oils, noncor-
pre-lubricated. Other advantages rosive chemicals, coolants, and
The C.Y. Tung group recently Worthington's redesigned line of cited for the pump include back- brine. The pumps will deliver liq-
ordered two 2,500-TEU, fully cel- general-purpose end-suction pumps, pullout for access to pump inter- uid to heads of 400 feet (100
lular containerships from Mitsub- with capacities to 1,500 gpm, is nals without disturbing the pip- meters).
ishi Heavy Industries for Orient covered in a new brochure. ing, integral adapter seal cover for For a free copy of the brochure,
Overseas Container Line (OOCL) The cast-iron pumps, designated added pump rigidity, dry rabbet-fit which gives specifications, mate-
services. To be completed in the as the D-800 line, are available in at the casing joint, and top center- rials of construction, and technical
first half of 1985, the ships will 19 sizes, frame-mounted or close- line discharge to simplify piping data,
each be powered by a nine-cylin- coupled. The pumps are designed and remove stress on the bearing
der Sulzer RTA76 diesel engine for minimum operating and main- frame.
with maximum continuous rating tenance costs. The D-800 has applications in Circle 35 on Reader Service Card
of 29,610 bhp (21,780 kw) at 95
With this order, OOCL is to
have five containerships powered
by fuel-efficient RTA superlongs-
troke engines. The other three are
2,300-TEU steam turbine ships
being re-engined in Japan, also
with 9RTA76 diesels. The Orien-
tal Educator (ex Seapac Lexing-
ton) was re-delivered by Mitsubi-
shi in December 1983. Kawasaki
Heavy Industries re-delivered the
Oriental Explorer (ex Seapac Prin-
ceton) in March of this year, and
the Oriental Executive will follow
from the same yard in July.
These machinery conversions are
expected to achieve fuel savings of
about 37 percent at the same serv-
ice speed of 19V2 knots.

N a t i o n w i d e Boiler A w a r d e d
$1.8-Million Navy Contract
To U p g r a d e Steam Plants

The U.S. Navy has awarded a

$1,775,000 fixed-price contract to
Nationwide Boiler Inc. of Fre-
mont, Calif., for the refurbishment
of seven mobile steam plants. The
period of performance extends from
February 1984 to June 1985. The
contract calls for redesign and Canadian Offshore Resources Exposition
complete reconditioning of the
steam plants, which were manu- O n e of t h e w o r l d ' s largest Canada's leading annual 5 3 0 f i r m s f r o m 13
factured in the early 1970s. Proj- expositions produced event for the oil and g a s c o u n t r i e s e x h i b i t in t h e
ect manager for the refurbishing exclusively for the i n d u s t r y . If y o u a r e r e l a t e d 1983 S h o w . A m a j o r 3-day
is Jeffery J. Shallcross, Nation- development and exploitation in a n y w a y t o t h e i n d u s t r y , t e c h n i c a l c o n f e r e n c e is
wide's vice president of of o f f s h o r e o i l a n d g a s t h i s is a n o p p o r t u n i t y y o u h e l d in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h
resources. cannot afford to miss. the show.
Each steam plant is mounted on
a 40- by 8-foot trailer, and con-
tains four boilers with a combined
October 16,17,18,1984 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
capacity of 20,000 pounds per hour OCEAN TERMINALS 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34
of steam. Each unit also has a fuel
tank, feedwater treatment system, Book Your Space NOW
MAILTO: Canadian O f f s h o r e Resources Exposition
chemical feed system, and central A s a m a n u f a c t u r e r or s u p p l i e r t o 20 Butterick Rd.
control panel. A complete test pro- this industry, you m u s t not miss Toronto, C a n a d a M8W 3Z8
gram will be conducted on each this excellent chance to show
steam plant prior to redelivery to • I wish to exhibit in t h e 1984 Core Show. Please
your products and explain your
contact me.
the Navy. services to these important
Mobile steam plants are used at buying influences. • I w i s h t o v i s i t t h e 1984 C o r e S h o w . P l e a s e s e n d me
Navy facilities around the world pre-registration cards.
to provide ship's services, such as SHOW MANAGER: n a m e : (Please print)
laundry and heat, when vessels J a m e s E. M y l e s company:
are in port. The units are capable SHOW CO-ORDINATOR: address:
of being transported in a U.S. Air Sandra Chamberlain city, prov./state:
Force C5A transport aircraft. T E L E P H O N E : C o l l e c t (416) 252-7791 postal/zip code:
The Naval Environmental and Managed and Produced by: telephoned )
Energy Support Activity at Port
Hueneme, Calif., is the contract- r INDUSTRIAL TRADE SHOWS INCORPORATED
ing activity. 20But1enOk H</ Toronto • .1".:, M8W2Z8 Tel 14161252-7731

March 15, 1984 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 95

MSC A w a r d s Biospherics turned out a tough, well-tested Biospherics bid was part of a larger fleet purchase of oil-in-water
and economical device approved by one by the prime contractor, Sigma detectors."
Contract For 40 O i l a r m s the U.S. Coast Guard. Treatment Systems, Inc., Chester Virtually all vessels in excess of
— O p t i o n For 40 M o r e Biospherics was awarded a con- Springs, producer of the oily water 10,000 gross tons will have to in-
tract for the Oilarm by the U.S. separator selected by the MSC to stall oil-in-water separatory and
Biospherics Incorporated, Rock- Navy's Military Sealift Command. separate the oil prior to discharge detection equipment. Overboard
ville, Md., known for its rugged Under terms of the award, Bios- of the bilgewater. discharges of more than 100 parts
sewage treatment plant instru- pherics will supply a minimum of "We are pleased at the dollar per million of oil at sea and 15
mentation, is going to sea with a 40 Oilarms with an option for an value of the sale," said Dr. Gilbert parts per million in coastal waters
versatile new oil discharge moni- additional 40. Spare parts, options V. Levin, Biospherics' president. and harbors are prohibited by the
tor, the Oilarm. Applying its know- and other aspects of the award "But we put even greater stock in recently ratified United Nations
how for making things work in constitute a potential sales value the fact that the Biospherics in- Maritime Treaty.
harsh environments, the firm has of approximately $250,000. The strument was selected for the first For free literature on Biospher-
ics' Oilarm,

Circle 3 8 on Reader Service Card

Aeroquip Offers Catalog

O n Hydraulic Cylinders

2600 TON SYNCROLIFT Aeroquip Corporation's T-J Di-

vision announces the availability


of Series SH Hydraulic Cylinder
Catalog, No. 4055. This catalog
contains information on Aeroquip's
complete line of cushioned and
non-cushioned, high-pressure hy-
draulic cylinders. Cylinder sizing,
selection data, and maintenance
information are included in its 136
Aeroquip Series SH cylinders
are NFPA interchangable, featur-
ing hard chrome bodies and piston
rods at no extra cost. The QC-100
quick-change rod bearing is a
standard Aeroquip cylinder fea-
ture, permitting easy replacement
of rod seals without disassembling
the complete cylinder.
Customers may choose from 22
Available Immediately For Relocation mounting styles and a wide vari-
ety of bore sizes, ranging from IV2
C a n Be Seen In Operation through 14 inches, with 3,000 psi
nominal pressure rating.
(312) 236-6300 - Extension 205 For a free copy of Catalog 4055,
Circle 3 0 on Reader Service Card

A life iacket just isn't exposure for a very decent
enough protection for an 18 hours plus. Imperial
unexpected plunge into Survival Suits have saved
the sea. In fact, it's over 278 lives - the
downright indecent. ^ «1 life saver in the
Imperial Survival world. Sure, your
suits are made to odds would be
keep you alive better with just
not just afloat. 3; any survival suit
Even in the But then, we're
coldest waters not just any
you can stand survival suit

(206) 674-2316 or 1-800-426-6172

Telex: 152190 Imperial Brem Q Imperial Manufacturing Co
P.O. Box 4119 • Bremerton, WA 98312

96 Circle 2 1 7 on Reader Service Card Circle 2 1 6 on Reader Service Card



(2) Used, in excellent condition, Worthington 125 ton
package chilling centrifugal air conditioning units
complete with chillers, condensers, controls and
driven by 135 H.P. Worthington S2R Turbine - 440# (2) New marine electro hydraulic deck or stationary
steam pressure 5# exhaust. These units are equal to cranes, manufactured by Appleton - 300 H.P. Capacity
new and originally cost - $150,000 each. 17 ton at 54' - 32 tons at 25' - complete with motors
and controls. Completely self contained. 345° turning.
We offer at: $19,000 each. Original cost: $239,000 each. Our price: Less than
(4) 100 ton York model centrifugal air conditioning units We have in stock (1) equal to new 1500 KW, General
complete with condensers and chillers - packaged Motors model - 645E9, 900 RPM, 440 V., A.C. Heat Ex-
unit with 125 H.P., 440 V., A.C. sealed motor - all self changer, cooled diesel generator set. This unit was
contained. Marine type, Model MTC59. New cost ap- manufactured in 1979 and was used for one year as an
proximately $90,000. emergency diesel generator set. It is equal to new in TURBINE-ROTORS
all respects with less than 2000 hours. The original
We offer at: $10,900 each. cost was $269,000. Today's price is approximately We now have the largest stock of turbine rotors in the
$300,000. United States. We have new and rebuilt turbine rotors,
(2) New Carrier model 7G8 15 ton compressor complete for G.E. Westinghouse, Allis-Chalmers, Terry, Skinner,
With 25 H.P., 440 volt, AC moiors with condenser and Our price: $98,000 Coppus, Whiton, Mitsubishi and others.
spare parts. New price • $18,000 each.
(1) Set - Hydraulic Coupling - 2,250 H.P. at 900 RPM. 31500 horsepower HP turbines manufactured by G.E.
Our price: $5,000 each. Manufactured by American Blower. 26000 horsepower G.E. HP turbine.

[1) 125 KW, G.M. model 671, emergency diesel generator 23000 horsepower G.E. HP turbine.
REDUCTION GEARS set, radiator cooled, 440 volt, 1800 RPM Delco 19250 horsepower HP turbine.
generators. New price - $21,000 each. Our price, 19250 horsepower LP turbine.
(4) Reconditioned Farrel Birmingham - 3600 H.P., 2 pinion rebuilt and guaranteed, $9,500 each.
reduction gears 3.6 to 1 - 900 RPM input, 225 RPM out- 11000 horsepower G.E. turbine.
put - Equal to new - $7,500 each. (2) Enterprise DSG6 12 x 15 generators, used, with 250 15000 horsepower turbine, Bethlehem Steel.
KW Elliot generators. Used for parts. $5,500 each.
19000 horsepower T-5, Westinghouse turbine, HP.
(3) New - Farrel Birmingham Destroyer Escort Gears,
6000 H.P. 29 to 1 $15,000 each. 8500 horsepower Westinghouse HP turbine.
8500 horsepower Westinghouse LP turbine.
(5) Reconditioned General Electric S234 reduction gears
22000 horsepower Delaval HP turbine for T-5 vessel.
4950 -1750 RPM - 700 -1000 H.P. - $4,500 each. PUMPS
22000 horsepower Delaval LP turbine for T-5 vessel.
(1) New - Luftkin Reduction Gear • 1000 H.P. 4000 to 1750 NEW AND U S E D PUMPS 32000 horsepower G.E. LP rotor
RPM for Skinner Turbine-$3,500. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY
For the auxiliary turbines:
We have hundreds of other units in stock.
(1) New, 300 GPM, at 100 lbs. head, Worthington pump
1500 horsepower G.E. turbines with reduction gear.
with 30 HP, 440 volt, AC motor. New price - $3,900. Our
700 horsepower G.E. turbines with reduction gear.
AMERICAN HOIST & price-$2,250.
1000 horsepower Skinner turbines with reduction gear
DERRICK W I N C H E S Turbine-drive feed pumps: to 1800.
All sizes - 5 ton single speed - 30 ton two speed 3) Coffin Type F, 200 GPM at 600 lbs. head, used, in ex- And hundreds of other smaller sizes. We will sell
without drives at $1,800 each in excellent condition. cellent condition. $2,500 each. these units for parts. Call us for your turbine re-
(2) Coffin Type T tanker feed pumps, capacity 250 GPM at
TURBO-GENERATORS 350 PSI. Used, in excellent condition. $3,500 each.
(1) 1000 KW Westinghouse turbo-generator, 440 volt (5) Coffin Type GG feed pumps, capacity 300 GPM at 750
-580# s t e a m - 2 8 " vac. PSI. Used, in excellent condition. $4,500 each. NEW HEAT E X C H A N G E R S
(5) 500 KW Allis-Chalmers, G.E. designed, Dorv 325 with (2) Coffin Type DE feed pumps, capacity 500 GPM at 950
reduction gear to 500 KW, 440 volt, A.C. Allis- PSI. Used, in excellent condition. $7,500 each. New 2164 sq. ft. lube oil cooler, 90/10 cupro nickel
Chalmers 1200 RPM generator, Steam 450 to 600 lbs.
tubes and heads.
Used, in excellent condition. $8,500 each. (2) Coffin Type DEB feed pumps, capacity 800 GPM at
1150 PSI. Used, in excellent condition. $9,500 each. New 2200 sq. ft. auxiliary condenser for cargo pump
(2) 750 KW, G.E. turbo generators, FSN3-24 with 750 KW,
1200 RPM generators. Used, in good condition. (2) Worthington Type 4UNVX10 pumps, capacity 516
$15,000 each. GPM at 950 PSI with Worthington S2R turbines. $7,500 Cupro nickel tubes and heads - 3000 new VA" 16
each. gauge, 90/10 cupro nickel tubes, 19' long - 85'/foot.
(1) New Elliot 75 KW, 120 lbs. steam pressure, 5" exhaust
diameter. G.E. 75 KW, 1800 RPM, 440 volt with exciter. (2) Pacific pumps, 500 GPM at 1000 PSI. $7,500 each.
This unit is new and we offer it at $3,900. Hundreds of other heat exchangers in stock.

4>/2 A C R E S O F M A R I N E E Q U I P M E N T FROM
AT O U R J E R S E Y CITY W H A R E H O U S E — 2 1 0 H e n d e r s o n St., Jersey City, NJ 0 7 3 0 2

J A C K S O N V I L L E W H A R E H O U S E — 8 t h & Evergreen St., Jacksonville, Florida

M A I N O F F I C E : 2 0 0 H E N D E R S O N S T R E E T , J E R S E Y CITY, N.J. 0 7 3 0 2 ( 2 0 1 ) 4 3 3 - 0 8 7 0


March 15, 1 9 8 4 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card 97

M e e t i n g O f S N A M E G r e a t Lakes/ cussed the unique design challenge presented
to the marine community by the long, flexible
G r e a t Rivers Section Discusses hulls and low draft/beam ratios of 1,000-foot
Fuel A d d i t i v e s A n d Hull Springing bulk carriers on the Great Lakes, and the
springing encountered in moderate seas. The
The winter meeting of the Great Lakes and
occurrence of this springing caused the design
Great Rivers Section of The Society of Naval
agencies and regulatory bodies to re-evaluate
Architects and Marine Engineers was held at
the existing strength standards for Great
the Holiday Inn-French Quarter in Perrys-
Lakes vessels. An active question and answer
burg, Ohio.
session followed this presentation also.
The first paper, presented by Mike Bisail-
Following a coffee break, students from the
lon of Aderco, Inc., Boisbriand, Quebec, was
department of Naval Architecture at the Uni-
titled "Fuel Oil Additives: A Solution to Qual-
versity of Michigan presented their senior de-
ity Problems of Modern Fuels." The thrust of Mike Bisail Ion Armin Trosch sign project. Presenting some unusual designs
his discussion was to present a possible solu-
dealing with contemporary problems were:
tion to the problems encountered when match- by the many questions following presentation
Paul Kopp and Tom Allen, "Modern Com-
ing availability of fuels to compatibility of of the paper.
muter Ship"; John Hardiman, "Multi-Use
modern equipment needs imposed by changes Prof. Armin Trosch of the University of
Commercial SWATH"; and Paul Rauten-
in the world market and refining. Evidence of Michigan presented a paper titled "Effects of
berg, "Advanced Submarine Concept Design."
the interest in this problem was apparent Non-Linearities on Hull Springing." He dis-
Following lunch the attendees toured the
MarAd Great Lakes Fire-Fighting Training

get the best


D r e w A m e r o i d 5 M a r i n e Introduces
Four A d d i t i o n s To Product Line
Drew Ameroid 8 Marine of Boonton, N.J.,
recently hosted a customer reception to intro-
duce four new products to the marketplace.

Among the Drew Ameroid Marine executives present at recent

customer reception in New York were (L to R): T.A. Cuomo,
group vice president, worldwide marine operations: J.R. Wolf,
regional vice president, North and South America; R.K. Flem-
ing, vice president, marine marketing; and G. Bray, account

T.A. Cuomo, group vice president, world-

wide marine operations, remarked, "We are
grateful to all those who would devote their
own time to share with us the introduction of
our exciting new products. These additions to

our product line are prime examples of our
continuing efforts to meet the needs of the
marine industry through research and tech-
nology and a commitment to superior service."

on your side
Representatives of the shipping community
near the Port of New York were the invited
guests. Among the attendees were represen-
tatives of Admanthos, Alcoa Steamship, Alpro
Maritime Agencies, Atlantic Maritime, Avior
Shipping, Brokerage & Management, Cove
The Turecamo fleet of modern, powerful tugs is Shipping, De Laval Turbine, Delta Naviga-
available around-the-clock for the docking and un- tion, Exxon International, J.H. Winchester,
docking of ships of all sizes. Over the years, Maersk Line, Maritime Overseas Corporation,
Turecamo tugs have also established an enviable Marine Transport Lines, Military Sealift
Command, Mobil Oil, Navcot Corporation, Or-
record in all phases of sound, harbor, coastwise and
ion & Global, Sanko Kisen, Sea-Land Service,
canal towing. Put this experience to work for you. Solar International, Southern Star Shipping,
Teh Tung Enterprise, United States Lines,
DOCKING • UNDOCKING-harbor, sound, coastwise, Universe Tankship, Venezuelan Lines, Yama
canal and lake towing Maritime, and Zim Lines.

TURECAMO COASTAL & HARBOR The products—Amergize 1 " deposit modifier/

combustion improver, Ameroid OWS quick-
TOWING CORP. separating degreaser, Ameroid one-step
cleaner, and Amerseal11 10 mechanical seals—
ONE EDGEWATER PLAZA are newly developed and critically acclaimed
S T A T E N I S L A N D , N.Y. 10305
additions to the Ameroid product line.
T E L : (212) 442-7400
For more information.
TRANSPORTATION CORP INC Write 3 3 on Reader Service Card

98 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

H O W TO P L A C E C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G : Mail clearly written or typed copy to: MARITIME REPORTER, 107 East 31st Street,
New York, N.Y. 10016. Include any photos, drawings or logos if required. Specify size of ad and number of
insertions....Classified Advertising — Per Issue Rate: Classified advertising is sold at a rate of $55 per column
i n c h . . . . M A R I T I M E REPORTER'S classified section carries more advertising and sells more products than any other publication
in the marine industry. MARITIME REPORTER is published the 1st and the 15th of each month. Closing date for classified adver-
tising is 20 days prior to the date of the issue. For further details contact John C. O'Malley at (212) 689-3266. Send all advertis-
ing material to MARITIME REPORTER and Engineering News, 107 East 31st St., New York, N.Y. 10016.

C H I E F E N G I N E E R & DESIGN E N G I N E E R S 2 2 Q Q 6 t h Avenue Seattle. W A 3 B 1 2 1 [2DB] 343-33Q7 S E R V I N G T H E M A R I N E & O F F S H O R E I N D U S T R I E S S I N C E 1973
We s p e c i a l i z e in r e c r u i t i n g key m a n a g e m e n t p e r s o n n e l for t h e
s h i p b u i l d i n g and s h i p repair i n d u s t r y . All tees a n d e x p e n s e s are
c o m p a n y paid. The above p o s i t i o n s , a n d m a n y o t h e r s , are n o w
o p e n . Call Mr. M.A. W e e k s at (205) 661 2294 as s o o n as p o s s i b l e or
send resume immediately!


i'i:irso\\vi;i consultants
Management Consultants 2727 KIRBY, SUITE 411 H O U S T O N , TEXAS 77098
921 C o t t a g e Hill A v e n u e , M o b i l e A l a b a m a 36609
ENGINEERS 713 I 526-3746 TELEX: 792333 A N S W E R B A C K : VIA TLX HOU

For c o r p o r a t e staff r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d e m p l o y m e n t
o p p o r t u n i t i e s in:
A Powerful
Part of Your A l e a d i n g USA m a n u f a c t u r e r o f b u l k h e a d j o i n e r
systems s e e k s t o e x p a n d its s a l e s efforts in t h e inter-
• TERMINAL • STEAMSHIP LINE/AGENTS • Career... national market by a p p o i n t i n g i n d e p e n d e n t m a n -
C o n t a c t ROSS W O R D E N ufacturing reps to c o v e r the following areas:
• All resumes & inquiries conlidential •
T h e M a c h i n e r y T e c h n o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t of
All lees paid
by client
• Domestic
• No fee unless
& International
referral hired • W e s t i n g h o u s e Electrical C o r p o r a t i o n based in WEST COAST GULF COAST EAST COAST
Pittsburgh, PA, has immediate career o p p o r t u n i t i e s
MCR A G E N C Y , INC. 415-444-7700 in naval ship design for Marine, E l e c t r i c a l , and
M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s at all levels of responsibility.
The i d e a l r e p w o u l d b e a c o m p a n y t h a t h a s p r e -
s e n t lines a n d s t r o n g c o n t a c t s w i t h t h e m a r i n e a n d
MARINE PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS These positions require a B a c h e l o r s degree or offshore industry c a l l i n g o n N a v a l Architects a n d
405 14th Street, #1600 MR Oakland, California 94612 equivalent related experience. s p e c writers c o n d u c t i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e s s .
Recent navy ship systems and c o m p o n e n t s The a b i l i t y t o p r o v i d e t e c h n i c a l a s s i s t a n c e will b e a
BURMAH-CASTROL INC. e n g i n e e r i n g experience in the f o l l o w i n g areas is
m a j o r c o n s i d e r a t i o n . If y o u q u a l i f y , f o r w a r d full p a r -
INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS UNIT ticulars o n your c o m p a n y to:
S H I P O W N E R S O N A W O R L D - W I D E BASIS, A N D REQUIRES A Box 304 Maritime Reporter/Engineering N e w s
S A L E S E N G I N E E R TO BE L O C A T E D O N T H E W E S T COAST. Marine System and SYSTEMS
PREVIOUS S E L L I N G E X P E R I E N C E TO T H E M A R I N E INDUSTRY IS C o m p o n e n t Design in: Power Distribution, 107 East 31 Street N e w York, NY 10016
ESSENTIAL AND THE IDEAL CANDIDATE WILL HAVE A HVAC, C r y o g e n i c s , Air, Electrical e q u i p m e n t , An Equal Opportunity Employer MIf
FOR DIESEL M A I N P R O P U L S I O N UNITS. Oil, Water and Steam A p p l i c a t i o n s , Systems
PLEASE S E N D A R E S U M E TO T H E F O L L O W I N G ADDRESS, A N D Instrumentation &
m e n t a t i o n & Control, cdi m a n i n e c o m p a n g
I N T E R V I E W S W I L L BE H E L D IN IRVINE, C A L I F O R N I A . M o t o r s and Generators
BURMAH-CASTROL INC. ment, Piping S u p p o r t PROPULSION
RARITAN PLAZA II - RARITAN CENTER Machinery, Central Rapid g r o w t h of l e a d i n g N a v a l A r c h i t e c -
HULL SYSTEMS: t u r e & M a r i n e E n g i n e e r i n g C o m p a n y has
EDISON, NEW JERSEY 08837 Control, S h o c k Analysis,
H y d r a u l i c Control, Han- created immediate permanent openings
ATTN: MRS. M.L. KOLLER Steam/Diesel/Gas
dling, Stowage, and __ for S e n i o r N a v a l A r c h i t e c t s , Marine
T u r b i n e Power Plants, M e c h a n i c a l , H V A C a n d E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r s . U.S. c i t i z e n s h i p , B.S.
Deck M a c h i n e r y
Large R e d u c t i o n Gears d e g r e e and 10 yrs. m a r i n e e x p e r i e n c e i n c l u d i n g 6 yrs. Naval ex-
and Clutches p e r i e n c e required. A d v a n c e d d e g r e e a n d proven d e s i g n m a n a g e -


ment ability desired.
Salary c o m m e n s u r a t e w i t h a b i l i t y a n d e x p e r i e n c e . W e o f f e r ex-
c e l l e n t b e n e f i t s a n d a p l e a s a n t w o r k i n g e n v i r o n m e n t . Please s e n d
Materials Selection,
NEW YORK BASED STEAMSHIP COMPANY OWNERS & Naval Supplies Systems resume & salary requirements to:
Corrosion, Joining
Specifications and 9951 A t l a n t i c Blvd. J a c k s o n v i l l e , FL 32211
OPENING FOR PORT ENGINEER. APPLICANT MUST BE M e t h o d s Mechanics of EOE A t t n : Terry M c D o n a l d M/F/H/V
PREFERABLY OF SULZER OR B & W MANUFACTURE ALL Salaries, benefits and o p p o r t u n i t i e s for personal and
REPLIES KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OUR EMPLOYEES career advancement are all y o u ' d expect f r o m the - POSITION WANTED -
ARE AWARE OF THIS AD. PLEASE SEND RESUME & SALARY c o m p a n y w h o s e name represents quality the w o r l d
REQUIREMENTS TO: over. For p r o m p t , c o n f i d e n t i a l consideration, please MARKETING SERVICES
Box 403 Maritime Reporter / Engineering News send y o u r resume and salary requirements to:
W e s t i n g h o u s e Electric C o r p o r a t i o n , M a c h i n e r y
107 East 31 Street New York. NY 10016
T e c h n o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t , P.O. Box, 18249, Previous e x p e r i e n c e i n c l u d e d r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for
Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0075. Attn: H u m a n Resources t o t a l p r o m o t i o n a l b u d g e t o f $1 m i l l i o n + to
Manager m a r k e t E n g i n e e r e d M e c h a n i c a l S h a f t Seals,
A n Equal O p p o r t u n i t y
Employer M/F/H/V
P a c k i n g , TFE P r o d u c t s , R a d i a l Lip Seals, M a r i n e
M a i n S h a f t Seals, S e a l e r s a n d L u b r i c a n t s , a n d
Master with extensive experience on board ocean going
tugs and supply vessels, container break bulk and Ro-Ro, L a p p i n g M a c h i n e Tools. R e s p o n s i b l e for m e d i a
p l a c e m e n t in o v e r 6 0 m a g a z i n e s a n n u a l l y a n d
both U.S. and foreign flags.
Primary trading areas of U.S. East and Gulf coasts, Carri- Westinghouse o v e r 3 0 t r a d e s h o w a p p e a r a n c e s e a c h y e a r . In-
dustries served: P e t r o - C h e m i c a l , Refining, Pulp
bean, South America, Europe, Mid-East and Mediterra-
a n d P a p e r , Utilities, A u t o m o t i v e , M a r i n e a n d
other p r o c e s s industries. P r o d u c e d Public Rela-
Shore based, management background in ship opera-
POSITION WANTED LICENSED MASTER tions activity i n c l u d i n g c o r p o r a t e n e w s releases,
tions, personnel, purchasing and maintenance programs
f e a t u r e t e c h n i c a l articles, n e w p r o d u c t and
as well as reconstruction and modernization of both THIRTY-SIX YEARS EXPERIENCE. ALL TYPES OCEAN literature a n n o u n c e m e n t s .
cargo and passenger ships. Seeking the right opportunity GOING VESSELS. FOREIGN FLAG ONLY. AVAILABLE
Resume a v a i l a b l e u p o n request:
either ashore or afloat. IMMEDIATELY.
CAPTAIN ROSENBROCK Box 301 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Box 401 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Suite 26-H — 555 N E 15th Street Miami, Florida 33132 107 East 31 Street New York, NY 10016 1 0 7 E a s t 31 S t r e e t N e w York, NY 10016

A p r i l 1, 1 9 8 4 99
Call the Barge People
G.E. 7 5 2 a n d EMD D77 D.C. TRACTION MOTORS

MCDONOUGH w i t h t i g w e l d e d a r m a t u r e s a v a i l , for o i l f i e l d
c o n v e r s i o n . A l s o EMD, A L C O a n d G.E. Diesel
engines a n d parts a v a i l a b l e .
P.O. Box 5 3 0 4 , N e w a r k , N.J. 0 7 1 0 5
O u r staff is e a g e r t o h e l p t a c k l e (201) 3 4 4 - 4 5 7 0 - Toll Free (800) 6 3 1 - 4 4 7 9
y o u r m a r i n e needs w i t h a d v i c e
o n rental b a r g e a n d c a p a c i t y ,
job quotes, towing manage-
ment, surveys and logistics.
New Model Bow fug
New Orleans Houston
(504) 949-7586 (713)452-5887
Telex 58-4993 17500 Market St
P O Box 26206 P.O B o x 233
New Orleans. LA 70186 C h a n n e l v i e w , TX 77530

Parkersburg St. Louis

(304] 485-4494 (314) 725-2224

Rentals Sales Service Telex 86-9412

P O Box 1825
Parkersburg. WV 26101
Suite 1108
11 S. Meramec Ave
St Louis. M O 63105 B u i l d e r : Horton Boats, 1984
M a i n E n g i n e s : Two (2) 16V-149 Detroit Diesel
B o l l a r d Pull: 30 ton approximate

PORT ENGINEERS Survey a n d e v a l u a t e d a m a g e t o s h i p s & r e c o m m e n d n e c e s s a r y r e p a i r s

For information, contact: Sean Kennedy

Join the A M S / A m S E C Team

t o v e s s e l s t o meet i n s u r a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s . M u s t be a b l e t o travel t o
A r g e n t i n a & Brazil & s p e a k E n g l i s h , S p a n i s h & P o r t u g u e s e . M u s t be
f a m i l i a r w i t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a r i t i m e Law & M a r i t i m e I n s u r a n c e . H i g h
Motsie Road at 1-10 (Cedar Lake exit)
S c h o o l , 3 years e x p e r i e n c e required. 40 hrs. per w e e k . $18,000 per year. Biloxi, Mississippi 39532
American Management Systems and American Systems C O N T A C T : La. Dept. of E m p l o y m e n t S e c u r i t y , 3232 V e t e r a n s H i g h w a y ,
(6011 3 9 2 - 2 2 0 0 or TWX 510-997-1548
M e t a i r i e , L o u i s i a n a 70002.
Engineering Corporation are providing experienced
Port Engineers who maintain selected U.S. Navy ships
under a phased maintenance program.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens, have BS degree, Well established national and regional sales representa- Floating Revolving Crane
USCG license, and prior port engineer experience. tion needed by a leading custom chemicals manufacturer 35+ Ton American Electric Whirley Crane
to introduce and market a new product line greatly need- M o u n t e d o n 1 4 5 ' X 5 0 ' X 1 1 ' Steel B a r g e ,
Competitive salary and benefits package. ed by the Maritime industries. It is an advanced sysytem
Steel Deck H o u s e , Electric C a p s t a n s , G M Diesel
Positions available in Norfolk, V A ; Charleston, SC; of fluid leak detection — employing a combination of
Generator, Air Compressor, Welding Machine,
fluorescent dye and ultra-violet light which quickly and
San Francisco, San Diego, Long Beach, C A ; Seattle, L i g h t s . W i t h S h o r e l i n e Power C a p a b i l i t y , R e c e n t l y
accurately spots oil and other leaks in most types of fluid
WAandGuam.M.I. systems — including engines, gear boxes, hydraulics, R e n o v a t e d a n d m a y be s e e n i n O p e r a t i o n .
fuel and cooling systems. Demonstrates well and sells
For Sale or Lease
Send resume to readily. Excellent contract and compensation terms
offered. Contact: Call George Frentz
Burke C. Herrick, Senior Vice President, Widger Chemical Industrial Supply Co.
Box 4265, Virginia Beach, V A 23454-0265 Corporation, 73650 E. Ten Mile Rd„ Warren, Ml 48089. New Orleans, La. 70186
Telephone: (313) 776 5000.
504-944-3371 P.O. Box 26087

Maritime Construction
The Northeast Wisconsin Technical Institute. Sturgeon Bay
Campus, is seeking a n instructor for a permanent posi-
tion beginning in Fall of 1984 t e a c h i n g Shipbuilding
Theory a n d Practice. Applicants should have experience

which includes electricity, pipefitting, shipfitting a n d Formerly WESTERN OFFSHORE III

HVAC. Broad experience including steel, wood, fiber
glass a n d aluminum preferred Bachelor s d e g r e e 365' x 75' x 27' (Located Spain)
desired, but not required. Minimum S 17,400 - S25.000 to
stort for o nine month a c a d e m i c year, full fringe
p a c k a g e including p a i d retirement. For further informa-
tion a n d a p p l i c a t i o n materials, contact. 360' x 82' x 28.4' (Located Singapore)
Personnel Services, Northeast Wisconsin Technical
Institute, 2740 West Mason St., Green Bay, Wl 54303, Barges are less m o s t d r i l l i n g m a c h i n e r y e x c e p t
p h o n e (414) 498-5502. Equal Opportunity Employer. are c o m p l e t e w i t h Diesel G e n e r a t o r s , D e r r i c k ,
M u d P u m p s , M o o r i n g W i n c h e s . A n c h o r s , Cranes,

and Hotel E q u i p m e n t . Ideal for T e n d e r , F l o a t i n g
S u p p l y Base, D i v i n g S u p p o r t Vessel, o r Crane

24" SUCTION DREDGE American G e n e r a l

Levin C o r p o r a t i o n
Dimensions: B a r g e - 110' x 3 2 ' x 6 '
S p u d s - 2 4 " x 1 W x 70' 445 Littlefield Ave. 15 — Owen Karricon Mod-3043, 30 ton cap. container
L a d d e r - 65' Handlers, that can handle standard containers stacked 3
P.O. Box 2 4 4 5
high. All units are equipped with hydraulic spreaders that
P u m p Engine: Baldwin 608SC Turbo So. San F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 0 8 3 adapt to either 20' or 40' containers hydraulically from the
R a t e d 1625 BHP @ 6 2 5 RPM Telephone (415) 761-0993 operator's cab. All units are from the same well maintain-
G e n e r a t o r Engine: C o o p e r Bessemer TWX 910-371-7248 ed fleet; complete service records are available. Yrs. Mfg.
JS-6 T u r b o 1970-75 specs: Each unit is hydrastatically powered by 2
Perkins Diesels Mod-6-354 through a variable displace-
R a t e d @ 8 7 0 HP @ 5 0 0 RPM ment pump to 4 Staffa Motors giving all wheel indepen-
Generator: W e s t i n g h o u s e 7 5 0 KVA, dent drive and steering. Tires: 32 Ply 56 x 16.

6 0 0 KW, A C
T h o m a s Foundry 24 x 20 PUSHBOATS $12,000.00 ea. if taken as a lot

2 - 2 0 0 HP S t e r l i n g Electric
m o t o r s d r i v i n g ABEX D e n n i s o n
Auxiliary M a c h i n e hydraulic p u m p s
15 — 30 ton cap. Container Spreaders that can handle
1972, Rebuilt 1978 both 20740' containers, hydraulically adapted, easily
1973 - 78' - 2,300 HP modified for forklift use; or use with Paceco Cranes.
Johnson Dredging Co.
1974 - 90' - 2,000 HP
Price ea. if taken as a lot
- PRICE UPON REQUEST - 1976 - 60' - 800 HP
Garber Brothers, Inc. Inviting Offers W e would sell any of the above separately.

P.O. Box 815 (800) 528-0326 To arrange inspection or for further information
call Serge Harrison at:
Morgan City, LA 70381 Jim O'Neill rsawsreo » « . (514) 637-2566
Phone: (504) 384-4511 Greyhound Leasing & Financial Corp.

100 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News




(317) 783-5496
I N D I A N A P O L I S , I N D I A N A 46227
TELEX 27-6125 E Q P M T ENG

7700 TRUCK C R A N E
For Further Details
Contact Owner:


875 C o l o r a d o A v e n u e South
G o l d e n Valley, M N 55416
P h o n e (612) 5 4 6 - 4 4 8 9
T e l e x 2 9 0 8 0 6 a b PHILLIPPI G O V Y AUTOMOTIVE
Dock S p a c e A v a i l a b l e : over 4 , o o o feet, FOR SALE: DIESEL ENGINES
d e e p w a t e r , full f a c i l i t i e s , i n c l u d i n g l a y u p , self EMD, ALCO, G.E., BALDWIN, DETROIT
s u p e r v i s o r y refits a n d s e c u r i t y . Jacksonville, DIESEL ENGINES & SERVICEABLE PARTS
E M D 16/567C, 16/567BC, 16/567B, 12/567B, 12/567AC, 6/567A,
Florida a r e a . A L C O 6/251B, G.E. 7FDL-16 (3000-2500 H P.), Detroit 6V71,
J O H N S O N ASSOCIATES 671 e n g i n e s available.
C a l l T o d a y : NAPORANO / DIVISION, P.O. Box 5304, N e w a r k ,
M a r i n e M a n a g e m e n t Division
(904)284-5407 (207)729-6711
N.J. 07105. Call Toll Free (800) 631-4479 or (201) 344-4570.
WITH MULTIPLE USE PROPERTY No residence. Credit for prior learning. Student loans
(2) marine railways, (2) building ways, concrete floors. and grants if eligible. Recognized by U.S. Dept. of ALL ENGINES LARGE OR SMALL
Carpenter building w/mold loft. Office building w/apart- Education. Ask for brochure: Tel. 314/727-6100.
ment Dock w/float moorage. Tools, welders, other Clayton University 7710 Carondelet
equipment. Recent appraisal CALL: (206) 532-7482. P.O. Box 16150 St. Louis, MO 63105

m J f - v c D F ^ ^ i ^ L - i c r s

RT & L H A V A I L A B L E

6-Dog - 5/16" steel - 30" x 69"
SERVICE clear opening
6-Dog - 5/16" steel - 30" x 54"

REPAIR PARTS clear opening

6-Dog - 1/4" panel - 26" x 48"

right & left
6-Dog - 1/4" panel - 26" x 60"
right & left
4-Dog - 26" x 54"
NEW YORK: (212) 267-0328 ^illl
HOBOKEN: (201) 792-0500
S u n c o a s t S e a b i r d S a n c t u a r y I n c . is f u l l y d e d u c t i b l e
TWX: 710-730-5224 CMH HBKN SIZES
u n d e r IRS C o d e 501-C-3 for a n y o n e d o n a t i n g a b o a t
26"x48' 26"x66' t o this w o r t h y m a r i n e wildlife s a n c t u a r y .
26"x60' 30"x60'
T h e S a n c t u a r y started i n December 1971 a n d has
w o r l d w i d e r e c o g n i t i o n for rescue-recuperation a n d
release o f i n j u r e d b i r d s caused b y e n v i r o n m e n t a l
6-Dog right a n d left h a n d h i n g e d doors
p o l l u t i o n , o i l slicks, pesticides a n d m a n made en-
w i t h frames. Constructed of Va" steel
p l a t e a n d m e e t Coast G u a r d r e g u l a t i o n s
c r o a c h m e n t s i n t o w h a t was once t h e w i l d b i r d s ' o w n
natural habitat.
f o r a b o v e d e c k as w e l l as b e l o w d e c k
use. A l l d o g s a r e b r o n z e b u s h e d . A l s o
a v a i l a b l e with 8 " bronze portlights.
T h e f a c i l i t y is i n v i t a l need o f a suitable w o r k boat —
a p p r o x i m a t e l y 100 feet — t w i n engine i n reasonably
CUNNINGHAM MARINE g o o d c o n d i t i o n t o carry o u t research projects t o
A.B.S. CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE t r e a t , r e h a b i l i t a t e a n d release t h o u s a n d s o f i n j u r e d
HYDRAULICS CO., INC. Hose Tested at 5 P.S.I. b i r d s every year.
at 1.5 to 3 m e t e r s f r o m d o o r . D o o r s a r e b u i l t a c c o r d i n g t o
a p p r o v e d d r a w i n g s a n d t e c h n i c a l r e q u i r e m e n t s of A . B . S . If y o u w a n t t o d o n a t e a vessel, please c o n t a c t :
201 Harrison St. • Hoboken, N.J. 07030

(201) 792-0500 (212) 267-0328


2 0 3 0 E. A d a m s S t . ' J a c k s o n v i l l e , FL 3 2 2 0 2 (MEET PANAMA REGULATIONS) SEABIRD SANCTUARY
(904) 354-0840 14" * 10" CLEAR OPENING
W i t h e x t e n d e d legs for w e l d i n g to
18328 Gulf Boulevard
deck. 14" w i d e on base length
28" height 27%" IMMEDIATE
Indian Shores, Florida 33535
TWX 710-730-5224 CMH Hoboken, NJ
M r . R a l p h T . H e a t h Jr.
T H E BOSTON METALS C O M P A N Y (813) 391-6211

313 E . B a l t i m o r e St. B a l t i m o r e , Md. 21202

Marine Warehouse (301)752-1077
TWX: 710-234-1637

A p r i l 1, 1 9 8 4 Circle 2 1 5 on Reader Service Card 101




102 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

This directory section is an editorial feature published in every issue for the convenience of the readers of MARITIME
J.E. S t e i g e r w a l d Co., Inc., 5515 Belair Rd., B a l t i m o r e , M D 2 1 2 0 6
A l f a - L a v a l , Inc., Dept. M R - 2 , 2115 L i n w o o d Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024
A m e r i c a n S t a n d a r d Inc., Heat Transfer Div,, Buffalo, NY 14240
R i l e y - B e a i r d , P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130
REPORTER/Emgineering News. A quick-reference readers' guide, it includes the names and addresses of the world's lead- Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX
ing manufacturers and suppliers of all types of marine machinery, equipment, supplies and services. A listing is provided, 77223-9989
at no cost for one year in all 2 4 issues, only to companies with continuing advertising programs in this publication, Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 B e d d i n g t o n Lane, C r o y d o n CR9 4 N X ,
whether an advertisement appears in every issue or not. Because it is an editorial service, unpaid and not part of the
G u l f I n t e r n a t i o n a l Divers, P.O. Box 1342, G r e t n a ( N e w O r l e a n s ) , LA 70052
advertisers contract, MR/EN assumes no responsibility for errors. If you are interested in having your company listed in P e r f o r m a n c e Hull C l e a n i n g Services, Inc., P.O. Box 655, N e w O r l e a n s , LA
this Buyers Directory Section, contact John C. O'Malley at ( 2 1 2 ) 6 8 9 - 3 2 6 6 . 70059-0655
Petrochemical Services, Inc., 3820 D a u p h i n e St., N e w O r l e a n s , LA 70117
AIR COMPRESSORS W e s m a r M a r i n e Systems Div,, 801 Dexter Ave. N „ Box C I 9074, Seattle, W A S e a w a r d M a r i n e Services, Inc., 6269 Leesburg Pike, Falls C h u r c h , VA 22044
Flexoust C o m p a n y , 11 Chestnut St., A m e s b u r y , M A 01913 98109 Stork Services B.V., P.O. Box 2013, 7750 CA H e n g e l o , H o l l a n d
Squire C o g s w e l l C o m p a n y , 3411 C o m m e r c i a l Ave., N o r t h b r o o k , IL 60062 COUPLINGS HYDRAULICS
AIR C O N D I T I O N I N G A N D C a m l o c k Flange Sales C o r p . , 60 Inip Dr., I n w o o d , NY 11696 A e r o q u i p C o r p . , 1130 M a y n a r d Road, Jackson, M l 49202
REFRIGERATION—REPAIR & I N S T A L L A T I O N SKF Steel, 20 T o w e r Lane, P.O. Box 745, A v o n , CT 06001 HRS, Inc., 3334 Victor Court, Santa C l a r a , CA 95050
Bailey R e f r i g e r a t i o n Co., Inc., 74 Sullivan St., B r o o k l y n , N.Y. 11 231 CRANES—HOISTS—DERRICKS—WHIRLEYS H y d r o n a u t i c s , 6338 L i n d m a r Drive, G o l e t a , CA 93017
C o s p o l i c h R e f r i g e r a t o r Co., Inc., 949 Industry Rd , Kenner, LA 70062 A m e r i c a n Hoist 8, D e r r i c k C o m p a n y ( A M H o i s t ) , St. Paul, M N 55107 W a s h i n g t o n C h a i n & Supply, Inc., P.O. Box 3646, Seattle, W A 98124
Flakt AB, Box 8862, S - 4 0 2 7 2 , G o t h e n b u r g , Sweden A p p l e t o n M a r i n e , P.O. Box 2339, A p p l e t o n , W l 54913 INERT G A S — G e n e r a t o r s — S y s t e m s
M a r i o C o i l / N u c l e a r C o o l i n g , Inc., P.O. Box 171, H i g h Ridge, M O 64049 ASEA Stal-Lava! Inc., 525 Executive Blvd., Elmsford, NY 10523 C a m o r C o r p . , 186 Prescott St., W o r c e s t e r , M A 01605
M e c h a n i c a l Resources, Inc., 210 West Side Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07305 Blohm & Voss C o m p a n y , 55 M o r r i s Avenue, S p r i n g f i e l d , NJ 07081 Foster W h e e l e r Boiler C o r p . , 110 So. O r a n g e Ave., Livingston, N.J. 07039
N a n c e Industries, P.O. Box 1547, Beaumont, TX 77704-1547 Chester Hoist Division, M o n o g r a m Industries, P.O. Box 229, Lisbon, O H M a r i t i m e Protection A / S , N. A m e r i c a n Agents, A m e r i c a n United M a r i n e
Stal R e f r i g e r a t i o n AB, B u t a n g s g a t a n 16, S 601 87 N o r r k o p i n g , Sweden 44432 C o r p . , 5 B r o a d w a y , Rte. 1, Saugus, M A 01906
United T e c h n o l o g i e s C a r r i e r T r a n s i c o l d , P.O. Box 4805, Syracuse, NY G r o v e M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co., P.O. Box 21, Shady G r o v e , PA 17256 S a l w i c o Inc., 5 M a r i n e V i e w Plaza, H o b o k e n , NJ 07030
13221 HIAB C r a n e s & Loaders Inc., R D. 22 Interchange Place, Y o r k , PA 17404 I N S U L A T I O N — C l o t h , Fiberglass
U n i t e m p Inc., 3590 Kennedy Rd., So. Ploinfield, NJ 07080 Hertz Equipment Rental C o r p . , 7 Entin R d „ Bldg # 2, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Bailey C a r p e n t e r & Insulation Co., Inc., 74 Sullivan St., B r o o k l y n , N.Y.
York D i v i s i o n , B o r g - W a r n e r C o r p . , P.O. Box 1592, Y o r k , PA 17405 M a r i n e Travelift, Inc., 49 E. Yew St., Sturgeon Bay, W l 54235 11231
ANCHORS AND CHAIN N a t i o n a l C r a n e C o r p . , 1 1200 N o r t h 148 St., W a v e r l y , NE 68462
S u p e r i o r Energies, Inc., P.O. D r a w e r 386, G r o v e s , TX 77619
Baldt I n c o r p o r a t e d , P.O. Box 350, Chester, PA 19016 N a t i o n a l Supply C o m p a n y , 1455 West L o o p South, Houston, TX 77027
W a c o Inc., P.O. Box 24347, Richmond, V A 23224
N e p t u n i a , Via G i o v a n n i d o V e r r a z z a n o , 12, 16165 G e n o v a , Italy J.D. N e u h a u s , H e b e z e u g e , D 5 8 1 0 , W i l l e n Heven, West G e r m a n y
A N O D E S — C a t h o d i c Protection S u p e r i o r - L i d g e r w o o d - M u n d y C o r p . , 1101 John Ave., Superior, W l 54880
W a s h i n g t o n C r a n e , Div. of Ederer, Inc., P.O. Box 24708, Seattle, W A 98124 A d a m s & Porter, 1819 St. James Place, Houston, Texas 77027
A m e r i c a n U n i t e d M a r i n e C o r p . , 5 B r o a d w a y , Rte. 1, Saugus, M A 01906
DECK M A C H I N E R Y — C a r g o H a n d l i n g Equipment A d a m s & Porter, 1 W o r l d T r a d e Center, Suite 8433, N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 10048
Engelhard Industries D i v i s i o n , 2655 U.S. Route 22, Union, NJ 07083
A r g o M a r i n e , 140 Franklin St., N e w Y o r k , NY 10013 A s s u r a n c e Foreningen Skuld, P.O. Box 1376 V i k a , S t o r t i n g a g a t e n 18,
Kaiser C h e m i c a l , Div., of Kaiser A l u m i n u m & C h e m i c a l Corp., 300 Lakeside
N - O S L O 1, N o r w a y
Dr., Rm 1128 KB, O a k l a n d , CA 94643 M a r i n e Technical Associates, 195 Patterson A v e n u e , Little Falls, NJ 07424 R.A. Fulton & C o m p a n y Insurance Services, 100 C a l i f o r n i a St., San Fran-
The Piatt Bros. & Co., Box 1030, W a t e r b u r y , CT 06721 M a r k e y M a c h i n e r y Co., Inc., 79 S. H o r t o n St., Seattle, W a s h . 98134 cisco, CA 94111
BASKET STRAINERS M u r d o c k M a c h i n e & Engineering C o m p a n y of Texas, P.O. Box 2278, Irving, M i d l a n d Insurance Co., 160 W a t e r St., N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 10038
N o r t h Star M a r i n e & Industrial Products, Inc., 84 W a l l Street, F o r m i n g d a l e , TX 75061 U n i t e d States P&l A g e n c y , Inc., 80 M a i d e n Lane, N e w Y o r k , NY 10038
NY 11735 DECKING—GRATING JOINER—Watertight Doors—Paneling
Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 International G r a t i n g , Inc., 7625 Parkhurst, Houston, TX 77028
BEARINGS—Rubber, Metallic, Non-Metallic Selby, Battersby & C o m p a n y , 5220 W h i b y Ave., P h i l a d e l p h i a , PA 19143 Bailey Distributors, Inc., 74 Sullivan St., B r o o k l y n , NY 11231
Johnson Rubber Co., D u r a m a x M a r i n e Div., 16025 Johnson St., M i d d l e - J.E. S t e i g e r w a l d Co., Inc., 5515 Belair Rd., B a l t i m o r e , M D 21206 Isolamin Panels, c / o C o n s a f e , Inc., P.O. Box 40339, Houston, TX 77040
field, O H 44062 DIESEL ACCESSORIES—CYLINDER LINERS M a s o n i t e C o m m e r c i a l Division, D o v e r , O H 44622
Lucian Q . M o f f i t t , Inc., P.O. Box 1415, A k r o n , O h i o 44309 B & W M a r i n e Service, 50 B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k , NY 10004 M e g a d o o r Inc., 441 Lexington Ave., Suite 903, N e w York, NY 10017
T h o m s o n - G o r d o n Limited, 3225 M a i n w a y , B u r l i n g t o n , O n t a r i o , C a n a d a G e n e r a l T h e r m o d y n a m i c s C o r p o r a t i o n , 210 South M e a d o w Rood, P.O. Box Simpson T i m b e r C o m p a n y , T h i r d & Franklin, Sheton, W A 98584
L7M 1A6 W a l z & Krenzer, Inc., 400 T r a b o l d Road, Rochester, NY 14624
1105, Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 KEEL C O O L E R S
W a u k e s h a Bearings C o r p . , P.O. Box 798, W a u k e s h a , Wise. 53186 G o l t e n M a r i n e Co., Inc., 160 Van Brunt St., B r o o k l y n , NY 11231
BLASTING—Cleaning—Equipment R.W. Fernstrum & Co., 1716 Eleventh Ave., M e n o m i n e e , M l 49858
H a y n e s C o r p o r a t i o n , P.O. Box 179, Jackson, M l 49204
A p a c h e Equipment, Inc., 10690 S h a d o w W o o d Dr., Suite 112, Houston, TX Johnson Rubber Co., D u r a m a x M a r i n e Div., 16025 Johnson St., M i d d l e -
V a n d e r Horst C o r p . of A m e r i c a , 314 Penn Ave., O l e a n , NY 1 4760
77043 field, O H 44062
DIESEL E N G I N E — S p a r e Parts & Repair
A q u a - D y n e Inc., 2208 K a r b a c h St., Houston, TX 77092 L I G H T I N G E Q U I P M E N T — L a m p s , Fixtures, Searchlights
G o l t e n M a r i n e Co., Inc., 160 Van Brunt St., B r o o k l y n , NY 1 1231
Atlantic S a n d b l a s t i n g & C o a t i n g s , Inc., 2700 G u y V e r g e r Blvd., T a m p a , FL ELECTRICAL E Q U I P M E N T ACR Electronics, Inc., P.O. Box 2148, H o l l y w o o d , FL 33022
33605 A r g o M a r i n e , 140 Franklin St., N e w York, NY 10013 B r o w n i n g M a r i n e Inc., ( A q u a Signal) 3 3 W 480 Fabyan P a r k w a y , Ste 105,
Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lopas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX Jergens Inc., 19520 N o t t i n g h a m Rd., C l e v e l a n d , O H 44110 West C h i c a g o , IL 60185
77223-9989 M a r i n e Electric RPD, Inc., 666 Pacific St., B r o o k l y n , NY 11217 Keuffel & Esser/Kratos, 20 W h i p p a n y Rd., M o r r i s t o w n , NJ 07960
Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 B e d d i n g t o n Lane, C r o y d o n CR9 4 N X , V a l a d Electric H e a t i n g C o r p o r a t i o n , 162 W i l d e y St., T a r r y t o w n , NY 10591 M i d l a n d - R o s s C o r p . , Russellstoll Division, 530 W . Mt. Pleasant Ave., Liv-
England W a r d L e o n a r d Electric Co., 31 South St., Mt. V e r n o n , NY 10550 ingston, NJ 07039
C L E M C O , P.O. Box 7680, San Francisco, CA 94120 Zidell E x p l o r a t i o n s , Inc., 3121 S.W. M o o d y St., Portland, O r e . 97201 O c e a n i c Electrical M f g . Co., 157 Perry St., N e w Y o r k , NY 10014
C o m p l e t e A b r a s i v e Blasting Systems, 18250 68th A v e n u e South, Kent, W A E M U L S I F I C A T I O N SYSTEMS O r e c k C o r p . , 100 Plantation Rd., N e w O r l e a n s , LA 70123
98031 C l e a n o d a n A / S , N. A m e r i c a n Agents, A m e r i c a n United M a r i n e C o r p . , 5 Perko Inc., P.O. Box 6 4 0 0 D , M i a m i , F l o r i d a 33164
E.I. DuPont De N e m o u r s & Co., Inc., Starblast Division, Room X39186, W i l - B r o a d w a y , Route 1, Saugus, M A 01906 Phoenix Products C o m p a n y , Inc., 4769 N o r t h 27th Street, M i l w a u k e e , W l
m i n g t o n , DE 19898 Fire-Brite, H o f f e r t M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co., Inc., 1700 E. Church St., Jacksonville, 53209
Genstar Stone Products Co., Executive Plaza IV, Hunt V a l l e y , M D 21031 FL 32202 Port Electric Supply C o r p . , 157 Perry St., N e w York, NY 10014
R o c k w e l l International, Power T o o l Division, 400 N. Lexington Ave , Pitts- EQUIPMENT—Marine SSAC Inc., P.O. Box 395, L i v e r p o o l , NY 13088
b u r g h , PA 15208 A m e r i c a n G e n e r a l / L e v i n C o r p . , 445 Littlefield Ave., So. San Francisco, CA LINE BLINDS
Schmidt M f g . Inc., P.O. Box 37, Fresno, TX 77545 94080 Stacey/Fetterolf C o r p . , P.O. Box 103, S k i p p a c k , PA 19474
A r g o M a r i n e , 140 Franklin St., N e w York, NY 10013
B&D M a r i n e a n d Industrial Boilers, Inc., P.O. Box 5702, N o r t h Charleston, ASEA Stal-Laval Inc., 525 Executive Blvd., Elmsford, NY 10523 R e p u b l i c - L a g u n M a c h i n e T o o l Co., 1000 E. C a r s o n St., C a r s o n , CA 90749
SC 29406 Band-It D i v i s i o n , H o u d a i l l e Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 16307, Denver, C O M A C H I N E R Y M A I N T E N A N C E , REPAIR, O V E R H A U L , A N D T E S T I N G
C o m b u s t i o n Engineering, Inc., W i n d s o r , Connecticut 06095 80216 A M T Inc., 2400 N . W . 39th Ave., M i a m i , FL 33142
Forney E n g i n e e r i n g Co., P.O. Box 189, A d d i s o n , TX 75001 T h o m a s C o u d o n Associates, 6655 A m b e r t o n Dr., B a l t i m o r e , M D 21227 A m e r m a r i n e USA Inc., P.O. Box 9205, B a l t i m o r e , M D 21222
Foster W h e e l e r Boiler C o r p . , 110 S. O r a n g e Ave., Livingston, NJ 07039 b.v. H o l m a t r o Industrial Equipment, P.O. Box 33, 4940 a a R a a m s d o n k s v e e r , A m e r i c a n G e n e r a l / L e v i n C o r p . , 445 Littlefield Ave., So, San Francisco, C A
H o w e - B a k e r Engineers, Inc. (Econoflex Burners), C o m b u s t i o n Systems Div., Holland 94080
P.O. Box 956, Tyler, TX 75710 I m p e r i a l M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co., P.O. Box 4119, Bremerton, W A 98312 Essex M a c h i n e W o r k s , Essex, CT 06426
W a y - W o l f f Associates Inc., 4 5 - 1 0 V e r n o n Blvd., Long Island City, NY 11101 Juniper Industries Inc , 72-15 M e t r o p o l i t a n Ave., M i d d l e V i l l a g e , NY 11379 G o l t e n M a r i n e Co., Inc., 60 Van Brunt St., B r o o k l y n , NY 11231
BROKERS Kearfott M a r i n e Products, 550 South Fulton Ave., M o u n t V e r n o n , N.Y, 10550 Jered B r o w n Brothers Inc., 1300 C o o l i d g e , P.O. Box 2006, Troy, M l 48007-
S. D a n o f f U.S.A. Ltd., 2050 C o r a l W a y , M i a m i , FL 33145 M a r i t i m e Power C o r p . , 200 H e n d e r s o n Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 2006
Capt. A s t a d C o m p a n y , Inc., P.O. Box 53434, N e w O r l e a n s , La. 70153 John P. Nissen, Jr C o m p a n y , G l e n s i d e , PA 19038 S c o t c h m a n Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 850, Philip, SD 57567-0850
ECO Inc., 1036 C a p e St. C l a i r e Center, A n n a p o l i s , M D 21401 Stal-Laval T u r b i n AB, S-612 20 Finspong, Sweden METALS
Hughes Bros., Inc., 17 Battery PI., N e w York, N.Y. 10004 EVAPORATORS Bayou Steel C o r p . , P.O Box 5000, L a p l a c e , LA 70068
BRONZES—COMMEMORATIVE A l f a - L a v a l , Inc., Dept. M R - 2 , 2115 L i n w o o d Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024 I n l a n d Steel C o m p a n y , 30 West M o n r o e Street, C h i c a g o , IL 60603
D u r a m a x M e t a l s , Inc., 2401 Wesley Street, Portsmouth, V A 23707 A q u a - C h e m Inc., P.O. Box 421, M i l w a u k e e , W l 53201 I n t e r n a t i o n a l G r a t i n g , Inc., 7625 Parkhurst, Houston, TX 77028
B U N K E R I N G SERVICE M E C O ( M e c h a n i c a l Equipment C o m p a n y , Inc.), 861 C a r o n d e l e t St., N e w M O O R I N G SYSTEMS
Belcher C o m p a n y , Inc., 8700 West Flagler, P.O. Box 525500, M i a m i , FL O r l e a n s , LA 70130 M u r d o c k M a c h i n e & Engineering C o m p a n y of Texas, P.O. Box 2278, Irving,
33152 R i l e y - B e a i r d , P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 TX 75061
G u l f O i l T r a d i n g Co., 535 M a d i s o n Ave., N e w York, NY 10022 FANS—VENTILATORS—BLOWERS Samson O c e a n Systems, Inc., 99 H i g h Street, Boston, Mass. 02110
N a t i o n a l M a r i n e Service Inc. (Transport Div ), 1750 B r e n t w o o d Blvd., St. A m e r i c a n United M a r i n e C o r p . , 5 B r o a d w a y , Rte. 1, Saugus, M A 01906 NAME PLATES—BRONZE—ALUMINUM
Louis, M O 63144 A r g o M a r i n e , 140 Franklin St., N e w Y o r k , NY 10013 D u r a m a x M e t a l s , Inc., 2401 Wesley Street, Portsmouth, VA 23707
CARGO H A N D L I N G EQUIPMENT H a r t z e l l Fan, Division of Caslle Hills C o r p . , 901 S. D o w n i n g St., P.O. Box N A V A L ARCHITECTS, M A R I N E ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS
A l p h a Technical Services, Inc., P.O. Box 446, H a m i l t o n , O H 45012 919, Piqua, O H 45356 A d a m s & Chute, H u n t i n g t o w n Road, N e w t o w n , CT 06470
M a c G r e g o r - N a v i r e International, Box 8991, S-402 74 G o t e b o r g , Sweden Joy M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y , 338 So. B r o a d w a y , N e w P h i l a d e l p h i a , O H A d v a n c e d M a r i n e Enterprises, Inc., 1725 Jefferson Davis H i g h w a y (Suite
M a c G r e g o r N a v i r e U.S.A. Inc., 135 D e r m o d y St., C r a n f o r d , NJ 07016 44663 1300), A r l i n g t o n , VA 22202
C H O C K I N G SYSTEMS Z i d e l l Explorations, 3121 S.W. M o o d y St., Portland, O r e . 97201 A e r o N a v L a b o r a t o r i e s , Inc., 14-29 112 St., C o l l e g e Point, NY 11356
Palmer Products Inc., P.O. Box 8, W o r c e s t e r , PA 19490 F E N D E R I N G SYSTEMS—Dock & Vessel A m e r i c a n Systems E n g i n e e r i n g C o r p . , P.O. Box 4265, V i r g i n i a Beach, V A
P h i l a d e l p h i a Resins C o r p . , 20 C o m m e r c e Drive, M o n t g o m e r y v i l l e , Pa. 23454
Hughes Bros , Inc., 17 Battery Place, N e w York, N.Y. 10004
InterTrade Industries, 15301 Transistor Lane, H u n t i n g t o n Beach, CA 92649 A m i r i k i a n E n g i n e e r i n g Co., Chevy Chase Center Bldg., Suite 505, 35 Wis-
Johnson Rubber Co., D u r a m a x M a r i n e Div., 16025 Johnson St , M i d d l e - consin Circle, Chevy Chase, M d . 20015
Band-It C o m p a n y , P.O. Box 16307, D e n v e r , C O 80216 field, O H 44062 Art A n d e r s o n Associates, 148 First St., Bremerton, W A 98310
CLOSURES—Marine Samson O c e a n Systems, Inc., 99 H i g h St., Boston, M A 02110 B.C. Research, 3650 W e s b r o o k M a l l , V a n c o u v e r , B.C., C a n a d a V6S 2L2
C o r n e l l - C a r r Co. Inc., 63 M a i n St., M o n r o e , CT 06468 S e a w a r d International, Inc., 6269 Leesburg Ave., Falls Church, V a . 22044 Del Breit Inc., 326 Picayune Place (Suite 201), N e w O r l e a n s , LA 70130
CONDENSERS FILTERS Bretagne A C B C o r p . , 344 C a m p St., Suite 1000, N e w O r l e a n s , LA 70130
Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 D a h l M a n u f a c t u r i n g , Inc., 2521 R a i l r o a d Ave., Ceres, CA 95307 C a r l G . B r i m m e k a m p & Co., Inc., 102 H a m i l t o n Ave., S t a m f o r d , CT 06902
C O N T R O L SYSTEMS—Monitoring M u e l l e r Steam Specialty, P.O. Box 1569, Lumberton, N C 28359 C.A.C.I., Inc., 1815 N o . Fort M y e r Dr., A r l i n g t o n , VA 22209
A m e r i c a n U n i t e d M a r i n e C o r p . , 5 B r o a d w a y , Rte. 1, Saugus, M A 01906 W m . W . N u g e n t & Co., P.O. Box 948, Skokie, IL 60076 C.D.I. M a r i n e Co., Regency East, Ste 222, 9951 A t l a n t i c Blvd., J a c k s o n v i l l e ,
A r g o M a r i n e , 140 Franklin St., N e w York, NY 10013 FINANCING—Leasing FL 3221 1
ASEA, Inc. 4 N e w King St., W h i t e Plains, NY 10604 A G . Becker Paribus Inc., 2 First N a t i o n a l Plaza, C h i c a g o , IL 60670 C.T. M a r i n e , 18 Church Street, G e o r g e t o w n , CT 06829
A u t r o n i c a M a r i n e USA, 280 Industrial Pkwy., N o r t h v a l e , NJ 07647 Yegen M a r i n e , P.O. Box 25504, Ft. L a u d e r d a l e , FL 33320 C A D C O M , 107 Ridgely Ave., A n n a p o l i s , M D 21401
A v i c o n C o r p . , 7750 East Redfield Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 FIRE P R O T E C T I O N , D E T E C T I O N , & A L A R M SYSTEMS Phillips C a r t n e r & Co., Inc., 203 So. U n i o n St., A l e x a n d r i a , V A 22314
B a r r i n g e r Research, 304 C a r l i n g v i e w Dr., Rexdale, O n t a r i o , C a n a d a EEV, Inc., 7 Westchester Plaza, Elmsford, NY 10523 Century Engineering, Inc., 32 West Rd., T o w s o n , M D 21204
M9W5G2 G u l f Publishing C o m p a n y V i d e o (Firefighting V i d e o t a p e ) , P.O. Box 2608, Childs E n g i n e e r i n g C o r p . , Box 333, M e d f i e l d , Mass. 02052
Biospherics Inc., 4928 W y o c o n d a Rd., Rockville, M D 20852 Houston, TX 77001 John P. Colletti & Associates, P.O. Box 13378, Pittsburgh, PA 15243
C o o p e r Energy Services, M o u n t V e r n o n , O H 43050 W a l t e r K i d d e , W a l t e r K i d d e Dr., W a k e Forest, N C 27586 C r a n d a l l Dry D o c k Engrs., Inc., 21 Pottery Lane, D e d h a m , Mass. 02026
Eldec C o r p . , P.O. Box 100, L y n w o o d , W A 98036 W o r m a l d Fire Systems, O n e Stanton St., M a r i n e t t e , W l 54143 C r a n e Consultants Inc., 15301 1st Ave., So. Seattle, W a s h i n g t o n 98148
Ergon, Inc., P.O. D r a w e r 1639, Jackson, MS 39205 FUEL O I L / A D D I T I V E S — A n a l y s i s & C o m b u s t i o n Testing C.R. C u s h i n g & Co., Inc., O n e W o r l d T r a d e Center, N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 10048
Failsafe M o t o r / G e n e r a t o r Protector, M a r i n e Safe Electronics Ltd., 101 Jar- Ferrous C o r p o r a t i o n , 910-108th N.E., P.O. Box 1764, Bellevue, W A 98009 D e s i g n Associates Inc., 14360 Chef M e n t e u r H i g h w a y , N e w O r l e a n s , LA
d i n Dr., Unit 2 4 / 2 5 , C o n c o r d , O n t a r i o , C a n a d a L4K 1 B6 Fuji T r a d i n g ( A m e r i c a ) Ltd., 1 7 Battery Place, N e w Y o r k , NY 10004 70129
Fluidyne, a Div, of Electrodata Inc., P.O. Box 1 1366, Santa Rosa, CA 95406 U.S. Borax, 3075 W i l s h i r e Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 D e s i g n e r s & Planners, Inc., 1725 Jefferson Davis H i g h w a y , Suite 700, A r -
G r u m m a n A e r o s p a c e , 111 Stewart Ave., Bethpage, NY 11714 FURNITURE lington, V A 22202
I n d i k o n C o r p . , 26 N e w St., C a m b r i d g e , M A 02138 Bailey C a r p e n t e r & Insulation Co., 74 Sullivan Street, B r o o k l y n , N.Y. 11231 E C O Inc., 1036 C a p e St. C l o i r e Center, A n n a p o l i s , M D 21401
Leslie C o . , 401 Jefferson Rd., P a r s i p p a n y , NJ 07054 C o m f o r t - M a t e , Inc., 7988 N W 56th Street, M i a m i , FL 33166 Parker C. Emerson & Associates, 17935 C a r d i n a l Drive, Lake O s w e g o , O r -
M a r i n e M o i s t u r e C o n t r o l Co., 60 Inip Dr., I n w o o d , NY 11696 GALLEY E Q U I P M E N T e g o n 97034
M e g a s y s t e m s , Inc., 1075 N . W . 58th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33431 A r g o M a r i n e , 140 F r a n k l i n St., N e w Y o r k , NY 10013 Encon M a n a g e m e n t & E n g i n e e r i n g Consultant Services, P.O. Box 7760,
N a t i o n a l C o n t r o l Systems, Inc., 827 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, M O Insinger M a c h i n e C o m p a n y , 6245 State Rd., P h i l a d e l p h i a , PA 19135 B e a u m o n t , TX 77706
63144 Kiefer C o r p o r a t i o n , W 2 2 7 N 5 4 6 W e s t m o u n d Dr., W a u k e s h a , W l 53186 Fleetweather O c e a n Services, Inc., Rd. # 2, Box 260, H o p e w e l l Junction, NY
N a v - V u e , Inc., P.O. Box 1175, Huntsville, TX 77340 GANGWAYS 12533
N o r c o n t r o l , 400 O s e r Ave., H a u p p a u g e , NY 11 738 R a m p m a s t e r Inc., 9825 O s c e o l a Blvd., V e r a Beach, FL 32960 C h r i s t o p h e r J. Foster, Inc., 16 Sintsink D r i v e East, Port W a s h i n g t o n , N.Y.
N o r s k e Telektron A / S , D r a m m e n s v e i e n 126, O s l o 2, N o r w a y H A T C H & DECK C O V E R S — C h a i n Pipe 11050
O f f s h o r e T e c h n o l o g y C o r p . , 578 Enterprise St., Escondido, CA 92025 C a m l o c k Flange Sales C o r p . , 60 Inip Dr., I n w o o d , NY 11696 Friede a n d G o l d m a n Ltd., 935 G r a v i e r St., N e w O r l e a n s , LA 70112
Pandel Instruments Inc., 2100 N. H w y . 360, G r a n d Prairie, TX 75050 H a y w a r d M a r i n e Products, 900 F a i r m o u n t Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 G E O D C o r p o r a t i o n , 73 O o k Ridge Road, NJ 07438
Propulsion Systems, Inc., 21213 76 Ave., Kent, W A 98032 M a r i n e M o i s t u r e C o n t r o l Co., 60 Inip Dr., I n w o o d , N.Y. 11696 G i o n n o t t i & Associates, Inc., 703 G i d d i n g s Ave., Suite U - 3 , A n n a p o l i s , M D
Seaworthy Systems Inc., 36 M o i n Street, Essex CT 06426 M a c G r e g o r - N a v i r e I n t e r n a t i o n a l , Box 8991, S-402 74 G o t e b o r g , Sweden 21401
T r a n s o m e r i c a D e l a v a l , Inc., G e m s Sensors D i v i s i o n , C o w l e s Road, Plain- M a c G r e g o r N a v i r e U.S.A. Inc., 135 D e r m o d y St., C r a n f o r d , NJ 07016 G i b b s & C o x , Inc., 119 West 31st Street, N e w Y o r k , NY 10001
ville, CT 06062 Julius M o c k & Sons, Inc., 20 Vesey Street, N e w Y o r k , NY 10007 John W . G i l b e r t Associates, Inc., 66 Long W h a r f , Boston, M A 0 2 1 1 0

April 1, 1984 105

Biospherics Incorporated, 5001 Forbes Blvd., Lanham, M D 20801 W A B C O Fluid Power, an A m e r i c a n - S t a n d a r d Company, 1953 M e r c e r Rd.,
Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX Lexington, KY 40505
77223-9989 W a r t s i l a Power Inc., 5132 Tarovella Rd., P.O. Box 868, M a r r e r o , LA 70072
Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 Beddington Lane, C r o y d o n CR9 4NX, W a u k e s h a Engine Division, Waukesha, W l 53187

England W e l c o Industries, Inc., 9027 Shell Rd., Cincinnati, O H 45236
Centrico, Inc. (Westfalia Separators), 100 Fairway Court, Northvale, NJ ZF of N o r t h America, Inc., 3225 C o m m e r c i a l Avenue, N o r t h b r o o k , IL 60062
07647 ZF of North A m e r i c a , Inc. (Motive Power C o r p o r a t i o n , P.O. Box 365,
Dahl Manufacturing, Inc., 2521 Railroad Ave., Ceres, CA 95307 M i n e o l a , NY 11501)
Hyde Products, Inc. 810 Sharon Dr., Westloke, O H 44148 PUMPS—Repairs—Drives
M i c r o p h o r , Inc., P.O. Box 490, Willits, CA 95490 A r g o M a r i n e , 140 Franklin St., N e w York, NY 10013
M a r i n e Moisture Control Co., 60 Inip D r , Inwood, NY 11696 Jim's Pump Repair, 48-55 36th St., Long Island City, NY 11101
(continued) N a t i o n a l Fluid Separators, Inc., 1239 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, M O M e g a t o r C o r p o r a t i o n , 562 A l p h a Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238
63144 Penco D i v i s i o n / H u d s o n Engineering Co., P.O. Box 68, Boyonne, NJ 07002
The Glosten Associates, Inc., 610 Colman Bldg., 811 First Ave., Seattle, W A Sims Pump Valve Co., Inc., 1314 Park Ave., H o b o k e n , NJ 07030
98104 PACE M a i n e Systems, Div. of St. Louis Ship, 611 E. M a r c e a u St., St. Louis,
M O 63111 Transamerica Delaval, Pyramid Pump Div., P.O. Box 447, M o n r o e , N C
Phillip Gresser Associates, Ltd., 3250 South O c e a n Blvd., Palm Beach, FL 28110
33480 Phoenix O i l Refiner Co., Inc., 330 Hill Ave , Nashville, TN 37210
M o r r i s G u r a l n i c k Associates, Inc., 620 Folsom Street, Suite 300, Son Fran- PAINTS—COATINGS—CORROSION CONTROL Vita M o t i v a t o r C o m p a n y , 200 West 20th St., N e w York, NY 10011
cisco, CA 94107 W a r r e n Pumps Division, Bridges Avenue, W a r r e n , M A 01083
A m e r i c a n Abrasive Metals, 460 Coit Street, Irvington, NJ 07111
J.J. Henry Co., Inc., Two W o r l d Trade Center—Suite 9528, N e w York, N.Y W i l d e n Pump & Engineering Co., 22060 V a n Buren St., P.O. Box 845, Col-
Ameron, 1967 Burgess Circle, Placentia, CA 92670
10048 ton, CA 92324
A r g o M a r i n e , 140 Franklin St., N e w York, NY 10013
Hi-Test Laboratories, Inc., P.O. Box 226, Buckingham C.H., VA 23921 REFRIGERATION—Refrigerant Valves
Bareco, 6910 East 14th St., Tulsa, O K 74112
H o f f m a n M a r i t i m e Consultants Inc., P.O. Box 186, Glen Head, NY 11545 Bailey Refrigeration Co., Inc., 74 Sullivan St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231
C L E M C O , P.O. Box 7680, San Francisco, CA 94120
Intramorine, Inc., P.O. Box 53043, Jacksonville, FL 32201 Port Refrigeration Div., 157 Perry St., N e w York, NY 10014
" C O N S O L ' manufactured by Contact Paint & Chemical Co. Inc., 200 S
R.D. Jacobs & Associates, 11405 M a i n St., Roscoe, IL 61073 R O L L I N G SYSTEMS
Franklintown Rd., Baltimore, M D 21223
Capt. Ernest James, 2849 Beavercrest Dr., Lorain, O H 44053 H i l m a n , Inc., 2604 Atlantic Ave., W a l l (Belmor), NJ 07719
Devoe M a r i n e Coatings Co., P.O. Box 7600, Louisville, KY 40207
Jantzen Engineering Co., 6655-H Amberton Drive, Baltimore, M d . 21227 ROPE—Manila—Nylon—Hawsers—Fibers
E.I. Dupont De Nemours & Co., Inc., Nemours Bldg. Rm. N-2504-2,
James S. Krogen & Co., Inc., 3333 Rice St., M i a m i , Fla. 33133 A m e r i c a n M f g . Co., Inc., W i l l o w Avenue, Honesdale, Pa. 18431
Wilmington, DE 19898
Rodney E. Lay & Associates, 13891 Atlantic Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32225 Atlantic C o r d a g e Corp., 60 Grant Avenue, Carteret, NJ 07008
Esgard, Box 2698, Lafayette, LA 70502
A l a n C. M c C l u r e Associates, Inc., 2600 South Gessner, Houston, TX 77063 DuPont Co., KEVLAR A r a m i d Fiber, Room G-15465, W i l m i n g t o n , DE 19898
Eureka Chemical Company, 234 Lawrence Avenue, So. San Francisco, CA
John J. M c M u l l e n Associates, Inc., 1 W o r l d Trade Center, N e w York, N.Y. N o r t o n Chemplast, 309-150 Dey Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470
10048 Samson O c e a n Systems, Inc , 99 High Street, Boston, Mass. 02110
G r o w G r o u p , Inc , 200 Park Ave., N e w York, NY 10017
M a c L e a r & Harris, Inc., 28 West 44 Street, N e w York, N.Y. 10036 Tubbs C o r d a g e C o m p a n y , P.O. Box 709, O r a n g e , CA 92666
Hempel M a r i n e Paints, Inc., Foot of Currie Ave , W a l l i n g t o n , NJ 07057,
Fendall M a r b u r y , 1933 Lincoln Drive, Annapolis, M D 21401 W a l l Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 560, Elkin, N C 28621
2425 Fountainview, Suite 340, Houston, TX 77057, P.O. Box 10265, New
M a r i n e Consultants & Designers, Inc., 308 Investment Insurance Bldg., Cor- RUDDER A N G L E INDICATORS—STEERING
O r l e a n s , LA 70181
ner E. 6th St. & Rockwell Ave., Cleveland, O h i o 44114 Hy-Drive A m e r i c a Corp., 3629 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, NY 11106
International Paint Company, Inc., 2270 M o r r i s Avenue, Union, NJ 07083
M a r i n e Design Inc., 401 Broad H o l l o w Road, Rte. 110, Melville, N.Y. 11746 M a r i n e Drive Systems, 519 Roriton Center, Edison, NJ 08817
Jaegle Paint Co., Inc., 1912 Darby Rd., Havertown, PA 19083
M a r i n e Power Associates, 4475 Mission Blvd., Suite 235, San Diego, CA Robertson, 135 Fort Lee Rd., Leonia, NJ 07605
Jotun M a r i n e Coatings Inc., 840 Key Hwy., Baltimore, M D 21230
92109 SAFETY E Q U I P M E N T
M a g n u s Maritec International Inc., 150 Roosevelt PI., P.O. Box 150, Pali-
M a r i n e Technical Associates, Inc., 95 River Rd„ H o b o k e n , NJ 07030 W o r m a l d Fire Systems, O n e Stanton St., Marinette, W l 54143
sades Park, NJ 07650
G e o r g e E. Meese, 194 Acton Rd., Annapolis, M d . 21403 S A N I T A T I O N DEVICES—Pollution Control
Edison, N.J. 08817
M e t r i t a p e Inc., P.O. Box 2366, Littleton, M A 01460 A r g o M a r i n e , 140 Franklin St., N e w York, NY 10013
Palmer Products Inc., P.O. Box 8, Worcester, PA 19490
R. Carter M o r r e l l , 715 S. Cherokee, Bortlesville, O K 74003 Davit Sales Inc., P.O. Box 232, Jefferson Valley, NY 10535
Products Research & Chemical Corp., 5454 San Fernando Rd., G l e n d a l e ,
NKF Engineering Assoc., Inc., 8150 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22202 Envirovac Inc., 1260 Turret Dr., Rockford, IL 61111
CA 91203
Nelson & Associates, Inc., 1405 N . W . 167th Street, M i a m i , FL 33169 Ulstein T r a d i n g Ltd. A/S, N - 6 0 6 5 , Ulsteinvik, N o r w a y
Salwico Glassflake, Inc., 5 M a r i n e View Plaza, H o b o k e n , NJ 07030
N e w England Engineering & M a r i n e Services, Rt. 2, Box 50, York, ME 03909 M a r i n e Moisture Control Co., Inc., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, L.I., N.Y. 11696
Seaguard, 4030 Seaguard Ave., Portsmouth, VA 23705
N i c k u m & Spaulding Associates, Inc., 2701 First Ave , Seattle, W A 98121 N a t i o n a l Sanitation Foundation, P.O. Box 1468, Ann A r b o r , M l 48105
Selby, Battersby & Company, 5220 W h i b y Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143
N o r t h e r n M a r i n e , P.O. Box 1169, Traverse City, M l 49685 S C A F F O L D I N G E Q U I P M E N T — W o r k Platforms
SermeTel, Inc., 4401 SermeTel Dr., Moss Point, MS 39563
O c e a n - O i l International Engineering C o r p o r a t i o n , 3019 Mercedes Blvd , McCausey Lumber Co., 7751 Lyndon, Detroit, M l 48238
N e w O r l e a n s , La. 70114 Patent Scaffolding Co., O n e Bridge Plaza, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Shell O i l Co., 1 Shell Ploza, Houston, Texas 77002
PRC G u r a l n i c k , 5252 Balboa Ave., San D i e g o , CA 92117 Trus-Joist Corp., P.O. Box 60 Boise, ID 83704
Pearlson Engineering Co., Inc., 8970 S.W. 87th Ct., M i a m i , Florida 33156 SHAFT SEALS, R E V O L U T I O N I N D I C A T O R EQUIPMENT
S.L. Petchul, Inc., 1380 S.W. 57th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317 Acquatic M a r i n e Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 326, Williamsville, NY 14221 Bird-Johnson Co., 100 N o r f o l k St., W a l p o l e , M A 02081
Precision Systems Engineering, 824B Eastgate Dr., Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 PIPE-HOSE—Cargo Transfer, Clamps, Couplings, Coatings Crane Packing C o m p a n y , 435 Regina Dr., Clarksburg, M D 20734
M. Rosenblatt 8, Son, Inc., 350 Broadway, N e w York, NY 10013 a n d 667 C o j o n Company, 9760 Shepard Rd., M a c e d o n i a , O H 44056 E G & G Sealol, Engineered Products Div., M a r i n e Products G r o u p , W a r w i c k ,
Mission St., Son Francisco, CA 94105 Camlock Flange Sales Corp., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696 Rl 02888
Schmahl and Schmahl, Inc., 1209 S.E. Third Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Florida C r a w f o r d Fitting C o m p a n y , 29500 Solon Rd , Solon, O H 44139
H y d r o - C r a f t , Inc., 1821 Rochester Industrial Dr., Rochester, M l 48063 Penco D i v i s i o n / H u d s o n Engineering Co., P.O. Box 68, Bayonne, NJ 07002
Knights Piping Inc., 5309 Industrial Rd., Pascagoula, MS 39567 SHIPBREAKING—Salvage
SEACOR Systems Engineering Associates Corp., 19 Perina Blvd., Cherry
M e t r o p o l i t a n Plumbing Supply Corp., 5000 Second St., Long Island City, NY The Boston Metals Co., 313 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, M d . 21202
Hill, NJ 08003 (Publications Division at Cherry Hill location)
11101 Fred Devine Diving & Salvage, Inc., 6211 N. Ensign, Swan Island, Portland,
STV/Sanders & Thomas, Inc., 1745 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA
Penco D i v i s i o n / H u d s o n Engineering Co., P.O. Box 68, Boyonne, NJ 07002 OR 97217
Selkirk Metalbestos, Box 19000, G r e e n s b o r o , N C 27419 Zidell Explorations, Inc., 3121 S.W. M o o d y St., Portland, O r e . 97201
Seaworthy Engine Systems, 36 M a i n Street, Essex, CT 06426
Seaworthy Engine Systems, 17 Battery Place, N e w York, NY 10004 Stouff C o r p o r a t i o n , 21-31 Industrial Park, W a l d w i c k , NJ 07463 SHIPBUILDING E Q U I P M E N T
G e o r g e G. Sharp, Inc., 100 Church St., N e w York, N.Y. 10007 PLASTICS—Marine A p p l i c a t i o n s Pearlson Engineering Co., P.O. Box 8, Kendall Branch, M i a m i , FL 33156
Simmons Associates, P.O. Box 760, Sarasota, FL 33578 H u b e v a M a r i n e Plastics, Inc., 390 H a m i l t o n Ave., Bklyn, N.Y. 11231 Total Transportation System Inc., 813 Forrest Dr., N e w p o r t News, VA 23606
R.A. Stearn, Inc., 253 N. 1st Ave., Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235 PROPULSION EQUIPMENT— Bowtfirusters, Diesel Engines, Gears, Total Transportation Systems (International) A / S , Bjornegarden, P.O. Box
J.F. Stroschein Associates, 666 O l d Country Rd., G a r d e n City, NY 11530 Propellers, Shafts, Turbines 248, N 5201, O s , N o r w a y
Timsco, 622 A z o l e a Road, M o b i l e , AL 36609 A m e r i c a n Lohmann Corp., 1415 Chestnut Ave , Hillside, NJ 07205 SHIPBUILDING STEEL
Tracor Hydronoutics, Inc., 7210 Pindell School Rd., Laurel, M D 20707 Aquamaster, 4125 9th Ave., Seattle, W A 98107 A r m c o Steel Corp., 703 Curtis St., M i d d l e t o w n , O h i o 45042
U h l i g & Associates, Inc., 8295 SW 188th St., M i a m i , FL 33157 A r m c o Steel/Advanced M a t e r i a l s Div., 703 Curtis St., M i d d l e t o w n , O H Bethlehem Steel Corp., M a r t i n Tower, Bethlehem, PA 18018
45043 Tiline, P.O. Box 729, A l b a n y OR 97321
Vevey Engineering W o r k s Ltd., C H - 1 8 0 0 Vevey, Switzerland, U.S. Rep: Carl
A v o n d a l e Shipyards, Inc., P.O. Box 52080, N e w Orleans, La. 70150 W e l d e d Beam C o m p a n y , P.O. Box 280, Perry O H 44081
G. B r i m m e k a m p & Co., Inc., 102 Hamilton Ave., Stamford, CT 06902
Thomas B. Wilson, Associates, 1258 North A v a l o n Blvd., W i l m i n g t o n , CA Bergen Diesel Inc., 2110 1 - 1 0 Service Rd., Kenner, LA 70062 SHIPBUILDING—Repairs, Maintenance, Drydocking
90744 B i r d Johnson C o m p a n y , 110 N o r f o l k St., W o l p o l e , Mass 02081 A l a b a m a M a r i t i m e Corp., P.O. Box 3026, M o b i l e , AL 36652
Yacht Design Institute, 9 M a i n St., Blue Hill, ME 04614 Bombardier, 1051 Dickson, Montreal, Q u e b e c , C a n a d a H I N 2H7 Amsterdam D r y d o c k C o m p a n y , Post Box 3006, 1003 A A , Amsterdam,
N A V I G A T I O N & C O M M U N I C A T I O N S EQUIPMENT Burmeister & W a i n A l p h a Diesel AS, DK-1400 Copenhagen K, Denmark Holland
A l d e n Electronics, 1145 W a s h i n g t o n St., Westborough, M A 01581 Caterpillar Engine Division, 100 N.E. Adams, Peoria, IL 61629 Arsenale Triestino-San M a r c o Shipyard, Trieste, Italy, U.S. Rep: M a r i n e
A m e r i c a n H y d r o m a t h Co., Buckwheat Bridge Rd , G e r m a n t o w n , N.Y. 12526 Cincinnati G e a r Co., 5657 Wooster Pike, Cincinnati, O H 45227 Technologies & B r o k e r a g e , 33 Rector St., N e w York, NY 10006
Anschutz & Co. G m b H , Postfach 6040, D-2300 Kiel 14, West G e r m a n y Colt Industries Inc. (Fairbanks Morse Engine Div.), 701 Lowton Avenue, Asmar Shipyards Co., Astilleros y Maestranzs de la A r m a d a , Prat 856, Piso
Atkinson Dynamics, Section 6, 10 West O r a n g e Ave., South San Francisco, Beloit, W l 53511 14, Casilla 150-V, V a l p a r i s o , Chile, S.A.
CA 94080 C o l u m b i a n Bronze C o r p o r a t i o n , 216 N o M a i n Street, Freeport, NY 11520 Astilleros B a l b o a , S.A., c / o Jackson M a r i n e Corp., 17 Battery Place, N e w
C M C Communications Inc., 5479 Jetport Industrial Blvd., T a m p a , FL 33614 Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut 06095 York, NY 10004
C O M S A T W o r l d Systems, 950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Suite 6151 Washington, Daihatsu Diesel (USA) Inc., 1211 Ave. of the Americas, N e w York, NY Atlantic Dry Dock, P.O. Box 276, Ft. G e o r g e Island, Jacksonville, FL 32226
D C. 20024 10036 Atlantic M a r i n e Inc., P.O. Box 138, Ft. G e o r g e Island, Jacksonville, FL
Cybernet International, Inc., 7 Powder Horn Dr , W a r r e n , NJ 07060 Deutz Corp., 7585 Ponce de Leon Circle, Atlanta, G A 30340 32226
A / S Elektrisk Bureau, P.O. Box 98, N - 1 3 6 0 Nesbru, N o r w a y Diesel M a r i n e International, Ltd., c / o N O R S H I P C O , P.O. Box 2100, N o r - A v o n d a l e Shipyards, Inc., P.O. Box 52080, N e w Orleans, La. 70150
Electro-Nav Inc., 840 Bond Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201 f o l k , VA 23501 Bath Iron W o r k s Corp., 700 Washington St., Bath, ME 04530
EPSCO M a r i n e , 550 Wholesalers Parkway, H a r a h a n , LA 70123 Elliott Company, 1809 Sheridan Ave., Springfield, O H 45505 Bay Shipbuilding C o r p , 605 N o r t h 3rd Ave., Sturgeon Bay, W l 54235
Fleet M a r i n e , 1820 N.E. 146th Street, North M i a m i , FL 33181 G e n e r a l Electric Co., Diesel Power Products, 2901 E. Lake Rd., Erie, PA Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc., P.O. Box 42, M o b i l e , AL 36601
Furuno U.S.A., 271 H a r b o r W a y , S. San Francisco, CA 94080 16531 Bethlehem Steel Corp., M a r t i n Tower, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Harris Communications (RF Communications), 1680 University Avenue, G e n e r a l M o t o r s , Electro-Motive Division, LaGrange, IL 60525 Blohm & Voss C o m p a n y , 55 M o r r i s Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081
Rochester, NY 14610 G e o r g e Engine C o m p a n y , Inc., Lafayette, LA Burmeister & W a i n Skibsvaerft A/S, P.O. Box 2122, Refsholeoen-1015 Co-
Henschel Corp., 14 Cedar St., Amesbury, M A 01913 Gotten M a r i n e Co., Inc., 160 Von Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11231 penhagen K - D e n m a r k
Hose M c C a n n Telephone Company, Inc., 9 Smith Street, Englewood, NJ Harbormaster, 36 Hancock St., Quincy, M A 02171 Burrard Yarrows C o r p o r a t i o n , P.O. Box 86099, N o r t h Vancouver, B.C.,
07631 Isotta Fraschini S.p.A., c / o Italian Aerospace Industries (U.S.A.), Inc., 1235 Canada
Japan Radio Co., Ltd., A k a s a k a Twin Tower (Main), 17-22 A k a s a k a 2- Jefferson Davis Hwy , Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202 Caneco Shipyard, Rua Carlos Seidl, 714, Caju, 20.931, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
chome, M i n a t o - k u , Tokyo 107, Japan K H D C a n a d a Inc., 180 Rue de N o r m a n d i e , Boucherville, Q u e b e c J4B 5S7 Brazil
King Radio C o r p o r a t i o n , 400 North Rodgers Rd., O l a t h e , KS 66062 Canada Cantieri N a v a l i Riuniti, Via Cipro, 11, 16100 G e n o v o , Italy
Kongsberg North A m e r i c a Inc., 400 O s e r Ave., H a u p p a u g e , NY 11738 K a M e W o , P.O. Box 1010, S—68101, Kristinehamn, Sweden C a r r i n a t o n Slipways Ply. Ltd., O l d Punt Rd., T o m a g o NSW Australia 2322
Kongsberg V a p e n f a b r i k k , N o r c o n t r o l Division, P.O. Box 145, Horten 3191, Krupp M a k Diesels, Inc., 4329-33 Di Paolo Center, Glenview, IL 60025 C o n r a d Industries, P.O. Box 790, M o r g a n City, La. 70380
Norway Lips Propellers, 3617 Koppens W a y , Chesapeake, VA 23323 C u r a c a o Drydock C o m p a n y Inc., 26 B r o a d w a y , Suite 741, N e w York, NY
K r u p p Atlas-Elektronik, 1453 Pinewood St., Rahway, NJ 07065 Lufkin Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 749, Lufkin, TX 75901 10004
Lorain Electronics Corp., 2307 Leavitt Rd., Loroin, O H 44052 M . A . N - B & W Diesel, 2, Ostervei, DK-4960 Holeby, Denmark
D a e w o o International (America) Corp., 437 M a d i s o n Ave., N e w York, NY
M a g n a v o x N a v i g a t i o n Systems, 2829 M a r i c o p a Street, Torrance, CA 90503 M T U of North America, O n e E. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830; 10450
M a g n u m Distributors Inc., 1000 S. Dixie Hwy. # 3 , Pompano Beach, FL C o r p o r a t e Dr , Suaarland, TX 77478; 2945 Railroad Ave., M o r g a n City,
D a e w o o Shipbuilding & Heavy M a c h i n e r y Ltd., Ayangri, Chongsung-PO,
33060 LA 70203; 180 Nickerson St., Seattle, W A 98109; 1730 Lynn St.. Arlington,
Koje-Kun, Kyungnom, Korea
N a v - C o m , Inc., 9 Brandywine Drive, Deer Park, NY 11729 VA 22209
Davie Shipbuilding Ltd., P.O. Box 130, Levis, Quebec, C a n a d a G 6 V 6 N 7
N a v i d y n e Corp., 11824 Fishing Point Drive, N e w p o r t News, VA 23606 M W M - M u r p h y Diesel, 12 G r e e n w a y Plaza, Suite 1100, Houston, TX 77046 D o r b y l Ltd , M i l i t a r y Road, 1 Industrial Sites, West Bank, 5201 East London,
Perko Inc. (Lights), P.O. Box 6400D, M i a m i , FL 33164 M o p e c o Products, Inc., 20 Vesey St., N e w York, NY 10007
Republic of South A f r i c a
Rocal-Decca M a r i n e , Inc., 4200 23rd Avenue West, Seattle, W A 98199 M a r i t i m e Industries Ltd , 6307 Laurel St. Burnoby, B.C., C a n a d a V5B3B3
D r a v o M a r i n e Equipment Company, Neville Island, Pittsburgh, PA 15225
Radar Devices, Inc., 2955 M e r c e d Street, San Leondro, CA 94577 M i c h i g a n Wheel, 1501 Buchanan Ave , S.W , G r a n d Rapids, M l 49507
Eastern M a r i n e , Inc., P.O. Box 1009, Panamo City, FL 32401
R o d i o - H o l l a n d USA, Inc., 6033 South Loop Eost, Houston, TX 77033 N a t i o n a l M a r i n e Service Louisiana, Inc., 222 Bayou Rd., Belle Chasse, LA
Equitable Shipyards, Inc., P O . Box 8001, N e w Orleans, LA 70182
Raytheon M a r i n e Co., 676 Island Pond Rood, Manchester, N . H 03103 70037
FMC Corp., M a r i n e & Roil Equipment Div., 4700 N.W. Front Ave., Portland,
Raytheon O c e a n Systems Company, Westminster Park, Risho Avenue, East N a t i o n a l Propeller Exchange, P.O. Box 1444, G r a f t o n , VA 23692
O r e g o n 97208
Providence, Rl 0 2 9 ) 4 Omnithruster Inc., 9515 Sorensen Ave., Santo Fe Springs, CA 90670
Far East Levingston Shipbuilding Ltd., 31 Shipyard Rd., Jurong Town, Sin-
Raytheon Service Co., 103 Roesler Rd., G l e n Burme, M D 21061 Penske G M Power, Inc., 600 Porsippany Road, Parsippony, NJ 07054
g a p o r e 2262
Rivertronics, P.O. Box 247, G o d f r e y , IL 62035 Inland Water Propulsion Systems, Inc., 580 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O H
45201 Genstar M a r i n e , 10 Pemberton Ave., N o . Vancouver, B.C., C a n a d a V7P
Robertson A u t o Pilot, 400 O s e r Ave., H a u p p a u g e , NY 11738
Seles mar S.p.A., Casella Postale 9, 50020 M o n t a g n a n a V a l Di Peso, Propulsion Systems, Inc., 21213 76 Ave So., Kent, W A 98032
G l a d d i n g - H e a r n Shipbuilding Corp., 1 Riverside Ave., Somerset, M A 02725
Firenze, Italy S A C M (Societe Alsacienne De Constructions Mechaniques De Mulhouse) 1,
G o l t e n M a r i n e Co., Inc., 60 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11231
Servo C o r p o r a t i o n of A m e r i c a , 111 N e w South Road, Hicksville, NY 11802 Rue De La Fonderie, Boite Postale 1210, 68054 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Schottel of America, Inc., 8375 N.W. 56 St., M i a m i , FL 33166 HBC Barge, Inc., G r a n t Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Simrad, Inc., 2215 N W M a r k e t St., Seattle, W A 98107
Karl Senner, Inc., P O . Box 10055, N e w Orleans, LA 70181 Halter M a r i n e , Inc., P.O. Box 29266, N e w Orleans, LA 70189
Sperry C o r p o r a t i o n , G r e a t Neck, NY 11020
Skinner Engine C o m p a n y , P.O Box 1 1 49, Erie, PA 1 651 2 H o b o k e n Shipyards, Inc., 1301 Hudson St., H o b o k e n , NJ 07030
Standard Communications, P.O. Box 92151, Los Angeles, CA 90009
Sulzer Brothers, Dept Diesel Engines, CH-8401 Winterthur, Switzerland H o n g Kong United Dockyards Ltd., P.O. Box 534, K o w l o o n Central Post
Texas Instruments, Inc., P.O. Box 405, 3438, Lewisvitle, TX 75067
Transamerica DeLaval Inc., Engine & Compressor Div., 550 85th Ave., O f f i c e , K o w l o o n , H o n g Kong
O a k l a n d , CA 94621 Hyundai M i p o D o c k y a r d Ltd., 456 C h e o n h a - D o n g , Ulsan, Korea
Gulf O i l Company—U.S. (Domestic Oils), 909 Fannin Street, Houston, TX
Transamerica Delaval, Inc., Turbine & Compressor Div., P.O. Box 8788, I.N.M.A S . p . A , 19100 La Spezla, v. le S. Bartolomeo 362, Italy
Trenton, N.J 08650 Jakobson Shipyard Inc., P.O. Box 329, Oyster Bay, NY 11771
Gulf O i l , N e w York District Soles O f f i c e (Domestic), 433 Hackensack Ave-
Turbine Specialties, Inc., P.O Box 207, West State Street Road, Salino, KS Jeffboat, Inc., Jeffersonville, Ind. 47130
nue, Hackensack, NJ 07601
67401 Keppel Shipyard Limited, 325 Telok Blongah Road, P.O. Box 2169, Singa-
Gulf O i l Trading Co., 535 M a d i s o n Ave., N e w York, NY 10022
Turbine Specialties/Gulf Coast, Inc , 1900 Industrial Blvd., Harvey, LA pore 0409
M o b , I O i l Corp., 150 East 42 Street, N e w York, NY 10017
Shell O i l Co., 1 Shell Plaza, Houston, Texas 77002 70058 Koch Ellis Borge & Ship Service, P.O. Box 9130, W e s t w e g o , LA 70094
Texaco, Inc. (International Marine), 135 Eost 42nd St , N Y., N.Y. 1001 7 Voith Schneider America, 159 Great Neck Rd , Ste 200, G r e a t Neck, NY Kone Corp., P.O. Box 6, SF-05801, Hyvinkoa, Finland
O I L / W A T E R SEPARATORS 11021 Leevac C o r p o r a t i o n , P.O. Box 2607, M o r g a n City, LA 70381
A l f a Laval, Inc., Dept. MR-2, 2115 Linwood Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Volva Penta of America, P.O. Box 927, Rockleigh, NJ 07647 Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Co., 2929 16th Avenue, S.W., Se-
attle, Wash. 98134

106 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Chugoku Introduces N e w same antifouling performance and Lockheed Gets $9Y2-Million provides information on the
self-polishing action as the origi- energy-saving features of the Frick
Antifouling Hull Coatings nal formulation. Up to 150 mi- N a v y A w a r d To Provide Company's R W B II screw compres-
— Literature A v a i l a b l e crons per coat can be applied, and LSD Lead Yard Services sor is now available. Materials in-
coverage is decreased by 10 per- clude: a four-page color brochure
Chugoku Marine Paints, Ltd. of Lockheed Shipbuilding and Con- covering the unit's design, operat-
cent. A two-coat system is said to
Japan recently introduced a new struction Company, Seattle, Wash., ing and first-cost efficiencies, and
offer up to 36 months protection.
family of self-polishing, antifoul- has been awarded a $9,465,815 microprocessor control; a two-color
A F - S E A F L O Z-100 LE and AF-
ing hull coatings. These new prod- cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for pro- flier depicting potential energy
S E A F L O Z-100 LE HS have a low
ucts are based on the formulation viding LSD-41 Class dock landing savings available with the new
eroding/polishing rate that insures
technology of the company's ship lead yard services to the fol- compressor; and an energy analy-
excellent antifouling activity for a
AF-SEAFLO Z-100 self-polishing low-on shipbuilder. The Naval Sea sis questionnaire that will permit
longer period of operation. They
antifouling paint that was devel- Systems Command is the contract- Frick to provide a free, computer-
can be applied without extensive
oped five years ago and is now in ing activity. generated analysis of the respond-
hull blasting, in some cases over
service on more than 500 ships ent's refrigeration system.
conventional existing paints.
For further information and free For a free copy of this Frick
In AF-SEAFLO Z-100 HS, vol-
literature on these new coatings, N e w Literature Describes literature,
ume of solids has been increased
tremendously and dry film thick- Frick Screw Compressor
ness up to 50 percent, showing the Circle 18 on Reader Service Card A literature-filled folder that Circle 17 on Reader Service Card

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Circle 208 on Reader Service Card Circle 207 on Reader Service Card Circle 230 on Reader Service Card

M . A . N . G H H Sterkrade, P.O.B. 110240, D - 4 2 0 0 O b e r h a u s e n 11, West SMOKE INDICATORS Robert H. W a g e r Co., Inc., Passaic A v e n u e , C h a t h a m , N.J. 07928
Germany Robert H. W a g e r Co., Inc., Passaic Avenue, C h a t h a m , N.J. 07928 W a u k e s h a Bearings C o r p . , 405 C o m m e r c e St., P.O. Box 798, W a u k e s h a ,
M c D e r m o t t , I n c o r p o r a t e d , 1010 C o m m o n Street, N e w O r l e a n s , LA 77227 S T U F F I N G BOXES W l 53186
M a i n Iron W o r k s , Inc. P.O. Box 1918, H o u m a , LA 70361 Johnson Rubber Co., D u r a m a x M a r i n e Div , 16025 Johnson St., M i d d l e - W e s t r a n C o r p o r a t i o n , V a l v e C o m p o n e n t s G r o u p , 4025 R e m e m b e r a n c e Rd,
M a r i n e t t e M a r i n e C o r p o r a t i o n , M a r i n e t t e , W l 54143 field, O H 44062 N . W , G r a n d Rapids, M l 49504
M a r y s t o w n S h i p y a r d Limited, P.O. Box 262, M a r y s t o w n , N e w f o u n d l a n d , S m i t h - M e e k e r Engineering Co., 157 C h a m b e r s Street, N e w Y o r k , NY 10007 W i l l i a m E. W i l l i a m s V a l v e C o r p o r a t i o n , 38-52 Review Avenue, Long Island
Canada AOE 2 M O SURVEYORS A N D C O N S U L T A N T S City, NY 11101
Jos. L. M e y e r G m b H & Co., P.O. Box 2990 P a p e n b u r g 1, West G e r m a n y Francis B. C r o c c o , Inc., P.O. Box 1411, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00903 W i n e l , Inc., 34655 M i l l s Road, N o r t h Ridgeville, O H 44039
Mitsubishi H e a v y Industries, Ltd., 5-1, M a r u n o c h i 2 - c h o m e , C h i y o d a - k u , To- Frank Jeffrey & Assoc., 5201 W e s t b o n k Exp., Suile 206, M a r r e r o , LA 70073 Zidell E x p l o r a t i o n s , Inc., (Valve Division), 3121 S.W M o o d y A v e n u e , Port-
kyo, 100 J a p a n M . A . Stream Associates, Inc., 400 Second A v e W . , Seattle, W A 98119 l a n d , OR 97201
M o n a r k Boat Co., P.O. Box 210, M o n t i c e l l o , A r k . 71655 TANK CLEANING V I B R A T I O N ANALYSIS
M o r a n S h i p p i n g Agencies, 10 Jefferson Blvd., W a r w i c k , Rl 02888 Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX DLI E n g i n e e r i n g C o r p , 253 W i n s l o w W a y West, B a i n b r i d g e Island, W A
M o s s Point M a r i n e Inc., P.O. Box 1310, E s c a t a w p a , MS 39552 77223-9989 98110
N a s h v i l l e Bridge C o m p a n y , P.O. Box 239, N a s h v i l l e , T N 37202 Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 B e d d i n g t o n Lane, C r o y d o n CR9 4 N X , WATER PURIFIERS
N a t i o n a l M a r i n e Service (Shipyard Division), P.O Box 38, H a r t f o r d , IL England A l f a Laval, Inc., Dept. M R - 2 , 2115 L i n w o o d Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024
62048 Penco D i v i s i o n / H u d s o n E n g i n e e r i n g Co., P.O. Box 68, Bayonne, NJ 07002 A q u a - C h e m , Inc. P.O. Box 421, M i l w a u k e e , W l 53201
N a t i o n a l Steel & S h i p b u i l d i n g C o r p . , San D i e g o , Calif. 92112 P e t r o c h e m i c a l Services, Inc., 3820 D a u p h i n e St., N e w O r l e a n s , LA 7011 7 Bull & Roberts, Inc., 785 Central Ave., M u r r a y Hill, NJ 07974
N e o r i o n Shipyards Syros Ltd., Syros, G r e e c e — U . S . A . Agents: Keppel M a - T A N K LEVELING I N D I C A T O R S D r e w C h e m i c a l C o r p o r a t i o n , O n e D r e w C h e m i c a l Plaza, Boonton, NJ
rine A g e n c i e s Inc., 26 B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k , NY 10004, 6420 Richmond K o c k u m a t i o n AB, Box 1044, S-212 10 M a l m o , Sweden 07005
Ave., H o u s t o n TX 77057 M a r i n e M o i s t u r e C o n t r o l Co., 60 Inip Dr., I n w o o d , NY 11696 Everpure, Inc., 660 N. B l a c k h a w k Dr., W e s t m o n t , IL 60559
N e w p o r t N e w s S h i p b u i l d i n g & Dry D o c k Co., 4101 W a s h i n g t o n Ave., N e w - M e t r i t a p e , Inc., P.O. Box 2366, Littleton, M A 01460 M a r i n e M o i s t u r e C o n t r o l , 60 Inip Dr., I n w o o d , NY 1 1696
port N e w s , Va. 23607 N o r c o n t r o l , 135 Fort Lee Rd., Leonia, NJ 07605 M E C O ( M e c h a n i c a l Equipment C o m p a n y , Inc.), 861 C a r o n d e l e t St., N e w
N o r t h F l o r i d a Shipyards, P.O. Box 3863, Jacksonville, FL 32206 S a l w i c o Inc., 5 M a r i n e V i e w Plaza, H o b o k e n , NJ 07030 O r l e a n s , LA 70130
O . A . R . N . ( O f f i c i n e A l l e s t i m e n t o - R i p r a z i o n i N a v i ) , P.O. Box 1395, G e n o a , T r a n s a m e r i c o D e l a v a l , Inc., G e m s Sensors Division, Cowles Road, Plain- Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130
Italy 16100 ville, CT 06062 WELDING
O v e r s e a s Shipyards, Inc., 21 West St., N e w York, NY 10006 T O W I N G — B a r g e s , Vessel C h a r t e r i n g , L i g h t e r a g e , Salvage, etc. CRC A u t o m a t i c W e l d i n g , P.O. Box 3227, Houston, TX 77253-3227
Patti Industries Inc., South B St., Pensacola, FL 32573 B a y - H o u s t o n T o w i n g Co., 805 W o r l d T r a d e Bldg., Houston, Texas 77002 M e t a l l i z i n g Co. of A m e r i c a , Inc., 321 So. H a m i l t o n , Sullivan, IL 61951
Pennsylvania S h i p b u i l d i n g , P.O. Box 442, Chester, PA 19016 Bulkfleet M a r i n e C o r p o r a t i o n , 1800 West Loop So., Houston TX 77027 M i l l e r Electric M f g . Co., P.O. Box 1079, A p p l e t o n , W l 54912
Port A l l e n M a r i n e Service, P.O. Box 108, Port A l l e n , LA 70767 Curtis Bay T o w i n g Co., M e r c a n t i l e Bldg., Baltimore, M d . 21202 O e r l i k o n W e l d i n g Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 40964, Houston, TX 77240
Promet (PTE) Ltd., 27 Pandam Rd., J u r o n g Industrial Estate, S i n g a p o r e 22 Henry G i l l e n ' s Sons Lighterage, 21 West M a i n St., Oyster Bay, N.Y. 11771 W I N C H E S A N D FAIRLEADS
Promet M a r i n e Services C o r p . , 242 Aliens Ave., Providence, Rl 02906 James Hughes, Inc., 17 Battery PI,, N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 10004 B r a d e n W i n c h Co., 800 East D a l l a s , Broken A r r o w , O K 74012
Puerto Rico D r y d o c k & M a r i n e Terminals, Inc., P.O. Box 2209, San Juan, I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r a n s p o r t C o n t r a c t o r s H o l l a n d B.V., 5 K e n a u p a r k , P.O. Box C O N M A C O , Inc., 820 Kansas Ave., P.O. Box 5097, Kansas City, KS 66119
Puerto Rico 00903 21, H a a r l e m , H o l l a n d Fritz Culver, Inc., P.O. Box 569, C o v i n g t o n , LA 70434
R a u m a - R e p o l a , 26100 Rauma 10, Finland M c A l l i s t e r Bros., Inc., 17 Battery PI., N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 10004 M a r k e y M a c h i n e r y Co., 79 South H o r t o n St., Seattle, W a s h i n g t o n 98134
Samsung S h i p b u i l d i n g & Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Samsung M a i n Bldg. M c D o n o u g h M a r i n e Service, P.O, Box 26206, N e w O r l e a n s , La. M c E l r o y M a c h i n e & M f g . Co., Inc., P.O. Box 4454, W . Biloxi, MS 39531
250, 2Ka, T a e p y o n g - r o , C h u n g - k u , Seoul, K o r e a M i d l a n d A f f i l i a t e d Co., 580 W a l n u t St., Cincinnati, O H 45201 R e e l - O - M a t i c Systems, Inc., 418 H e l l a m Street, W r i g h t s v i l l e , PA 17368
St. Louis Ship, 611 East M a r c e a u St., St. Louis, M O 6311 1 M o r a n T o w i n g & T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Co., Inc., O n e W o r l d T r a d e Center, Suite Smith Berger M a r i n e Inc., 516 So. C h i c a g o St., Seattle, W A 98108
Savannah S h i p y a r d Co., P.O. Box 787, S a v a n n a h , G A 31402 5335, N e w York, N.Y. 10048 Stanspec C o r p . , 13600 Deise Ave., C l e v e l a n d O H 44110
Schiess Defries, Postfach 111146, Schiess-Slr. 61, D - 4 0 0 0 Dusseldorf 11, N a t i o n a l M a r i n e Service, T r a n s p o r t Div,, 1750 B r e n t w o o d Blvd., St. Louis, S u p e r i o r - L i d g e r w o o d - M u n d y C o r p . , 1101 John A v e n u e , S u p e r i o r , W l 54880
West G e r m a n y M O 63144 WINDOWS
Service M a c h i n e G r o u p , Inc., P.O. Box 2664, M o r g a n City, LA 70381 S u d e r m a n & Y o u n g Co., Inc., 918 W o r l d T r a d e Bldg., Houston, Texas 77002 Kearfott M a r i n e Products, A Singer Co., 550 South Fulton A v e n u e , Mt. Ver-
Southbay Boat Inc., P.O. Box 13308, San D i e g o , C A 92113 T u r e c a m o C o a s t a l & H a r b o r T o w i n g C o r p . , O n e E d g e w a t e r St., C l i f t o n , non, N.Y. 10550
Southern O r e g o n M a r i n e Engineering a n d Construction, P.O. Box 1220, Stolen Island, N.Y. 10305 WIRE A N D CABLE
Coos Bay, O R 97420 VALVES A N D FITTINGS A n a c o n d a Ericsson Inc., Continental W i r e a n d C a b l e , P.O. Box 1863, Y o r k ,
Southwest M a r i n e , Inc., P.O. Box 13308, San D i e g o , Ca 92113 C a m l o c k Flange Sales C o r p . , 60 Inip Dr., I n w o o d , NY 11696 PA 17405
Swiftships Inc., P.O. Box 1908, M o r g a n City, LA 70380 C l o w C o r p o r a t i o n , 1375 M a g n o l i a Ave., C o r o n o , C A 91720 A n i x t e r Bros., Inc., 4711 G o l f Road, O n e C o n c o u r s e Plaza, Skokie, Illinois
Thomas M a r i n e , 37 B r a n s f o r d St., Patchogue, NY 11772 D o v e r C o r p o r a t i o n , N o r r i s D i v i s i o n , P.O. Box 1739, Tulsa, O K 74101 60076
T o d d Shipyards C o r p . , 1 State St. Plaza, N e w York, N.Y. 10004 Elliott M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co., Inc. (Remote V a l v e O p e r a t i n g Equipment), P.O. A t l a n t i c C o r d a g e C o r p . , 60 G r a n t Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008
T r a c o r M a r i n e , P.O. Box 13107, Port Everglades, Fla. 33316 Box 773, B i n g h a m t o n , NY 13902 D e l c o W i r e & C a b l e , Inc., 257 Rittenhouse Circle, Keystone Industrial Park,
U n i o n Dry D o c k & Repair Co., Foot of Pershing Road, W e e h a w k e n , N.J. H a y w a r d M a r i n e Products, 900 Fairmount A v e n u e , Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Bristol, PA 19007
07087 J a m e s b u r y C o r p . , 640 Lincoln Street, W o r c e s t e r , M A 01605 Seacoast Electric Supply C o r p . , 225 Passaic St., Passaic, NJ 07055
V e r o l m e Estaleiros Reunidos Do Brasil S.A., Rua Buenos Aires, 68, Rio de M a r i n e M o i s t u r e C o n t r o l Co., 60 Inip Dr., I n w o o d , N.Y. 11696 Seacoast Electric Supply C o r p . , 1505 O l i v e r St., Houston, TX 77007
Janeiro—RJ—Brazil M e t r o p o l i t a n Plumbing Supply C o r p . , 50-09 Second Street, Long Island WIRE ROPE—Slings
Vickers C o c k a t o o D o c k y a r d Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 162 M i l s o n s Point, N S W . City, NY 11101 A I S C O , 60 G r a n t Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008
2061, A u s t r a l i a N e w m a n s Inc., 9 J o a n n a Court, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 A t l a n t i c C o r d a g e C o r p . , 60 G r a n t Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008
W a l k e r Boat, P.O. Box 729, Paducah, KY 42002-0729 Pittsburgh Brass M a n u f a c t u r i n g , Sandy Hill Rd., R.D. 6 Box 387-A, Irwin, PA Bethlehem Steel C o r p . , M a r t i n T o w e r , Bethlehem, PA 18018
Zidell E x p l o r a t i o n s , Inc., 3121 S.W. M o o d y Street, Portland, OR 97201 15642 A.L. D o n C o m p a n y , Foot of D o c k Street, M a t a w a n , NJ 07747
SHIPPING—PACKING Stacey/Fetterolf C o r p . , P.O. Box 103, S k i p p a c k , PA 19474 I & I Sling C o m p a n y , 2626 M a r k e t Street, Dept. D, Aston, PA 19014
Pilotage Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 2046, N e w H y d e Park, NY 11040 S t o c k h a m Valves & Fittings, Box 10326, B i r m i n g h a m , AL 35202 ZINC
SILENCERS Tate Temco, Inc., 1941 L a n s d o w n e Road, B a l t i m o r e , M D 21227 The Piatt Bros. & Co., Box 1030, W a t e r b u r y , CT 06721
Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 U n i o n Flonetics, P.O. Box 459, C l i n t o n , PA 15026 Smith & M c C r o k e n , 153 F r a n k l i n St., N e w York, N.Y. 10013

April 1, 1984 107

The very moment you select our unique "we'll come to you" and
Southwest Marine for your ship's our "ride along" services, meaning
repair or modernization project, we can perform most of our yard
we will assign a Personalized Project services at your site or we can
Coordinator to you and your ship. work on ship while at sea. Our
His sights are set on accelerating experienced and dedicated team
the Southwest Marine repair team has solved every conceivable repair
into action and coordinating all of problem and has designed and
the elements to assure a ready ship delivered thousands of unusual
on time and on budget. modernization projects. So whatever
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We have three yards on the west have, the Southwest team has
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provides total service capability
including full shop services. Find out more about Southwest
Southwest Marine has dry docks up Marine and send in for our series of
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1500' and mobile gantry cranes with brochures, or call our Manager of
up to 65 ton capacity. Sales and Marketing, A1 Shapiro, at
Our full service program includes (619) 238-1000 today.

Yes. please send me your series of capability and indepth yard brochures.
Name Title
City .State
Mail to: Southwest Marine. Inc.. P.O. Box 13308. San Diego. CA 92113




Southwest Marine, Inc. Southwest Marine, Inc. Southwest Marine
Foot of S a m p s o n Street 985 S. Seaside of San Francisco, Inc.
P.O. Box 13308 P.O. Box 3347 P.O. Box 7644 (Pier 28)
San Diego, CA 92113 Terminal Island, CA 90731 San Francisco, CA 94120
(619) 238-1000 (213) 519-0600 (415) 543-0499
TWX 910-335-1167 TWX 910-345-6638

108 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

• FACT No repetitive metal surface preparation cost — one time only.
• FACT Complete elimination ot metal loss and replacement due to corrosion.
• FACT Providing a fire-retardant, tuel and oil resistant, protective deck covering with 3 to 7 times the service life of
other coatings.
• FACT A m i n i m u m of 50% reduction in labor and material deck maintenance costs.
• FACT A 15 year service history of providing deck maintenance cost savings on all types of high wear deck
surfaces including aircraft carrier flight decks, helicopter landing platforms on military ships and on offshore drilling
rigs, cruise ships, cable laying ships, ice breakers, fishing vessels and ocean going towboats of all types.

Even when they're called "heavy ditfyf

.conventional paint-type coatings are brittle.
^Jiin. They crack, chip, and spall easily
because they have no kfrig-tenn resistance
to a ship's normal structural movement and
vibration. Nor do they resist impact.
Moisture is harmless, until your
deck coating gives it a break.

deck, harmful corro- k ^ f l ^ w ^ P

sion befgnsnmne-

maintenance are the

only solution.
A PRC Prorcof coatings system
protects your deck better, because it
protects itself. The elastomeric base coat is
not brittle, so it won't crack like epoxy
coatings or cement-type deck coverings. It
resists the heaviest impact and abrasion.
The corrosion-inhibiting primer does not
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'corrosion short even if a rupture occurs.
No other company oners products
with a track record of more than 10 years'
service with virtually no maintenance costs.
All types of ships use the PRC
Proreco systems to virtually eliminate
otwping deck maintenance costs: towboats,
offshorerigs,cruise ships, commercial
fishing boats, U.S. Naval and U.S. Coast
Guard ships of all types.
Ask about our Proreco interior and
exterior decking systems. Write to Rodney
N. Morris, Mannc Products Manager,
Products Research & Chemical Corp.,
P. O. Box 1800. Glendale. CA 9120ft

Prorectf A
Deck Coating
Systems S!?

The PRORECO® III Deck Coating System

Products Research & Chemical Corporation
5430 S a n F e r n a n d o R o a d , P.O. B o x 1800
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(213) 2 4 0 - 2 0 6 0
107 C i r c l e 141 o n R e a d e r S e r v i c e C a r d

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108 Circle 141 on Reader Service Card

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