BU470 Strategic Management

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BU470 Strategic Management

Ashworth College

BU470 Assignment 04

BU470 Strategic Management
Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to
Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and
be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA
format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment
Format" page for specific format requirements.

Part A

The questions in Part A refer to the material discussed in Lesson 1 of this course. Respond to
the following.

1. Describe the strategic management process. What does it mean to manage


2. Apply what you have learned in this lesson by reading the brief below and
answer the questions that follow.

As the world's largest beauty products company, L'Oréal SA creates cosmetics,

perfume, and hair and skin care items. However, as the global economy continued
down a fluctuating and uncertain path, the French company found itself with
stagnating sales. According to company officials, one contributing factor was higher
raw materials costs that have hit many companies, including L'Oréal, which uses oil
in its products and packaging. However, weak consumer demand and currency
fluctuations played a major role in the sales slowdown. In an effort to reduce its
dependence on mature consumer markets such as Europe and the United States,
L'Oréal's strategy is to recruit millions of new consumers in emerging markets from
Africa to Asia.
Sources: Based on C. Passariello, "Heiress Loses L'Oréal Family Fight," Wall Street Journal, October 18, 2011, p.
B8; C. Passariello and Noémie Bisserbe, "Uncertainty Colors L'Oréal," Wall Street Journal, August 31, 2011, p.
B4; and C. Passariello, "Sales Stagnate at L'Oréal," Wall Street Journal, July 13, 2011, p. B4.

a. What do you think of L'Oréal's strategies in light of today's environment?

b. How might strategic management be useful?

Part B
The questions in Part B refer to the material discussed in Lesson 2 of this course. Respond to
the following.

1. Describe the three major driving forces of the business environment.

2. Explain the four major implications of these driving forces.

3. Discuss the three critical factors for succeeding in the business environment.

4. Apply what you have learned in this lesson by reading the brief below and answer
the questions that follow.

As a pioneer of Internet TV, Hulu is one of the most-watched online video properties
in the United States. Hulu operates a Web site that features video from more than 225
content providers. Offerings include TV shows from ABC, Fox, and NBC as well as
from cable channels and films from studios including Sony and MGM. Most of the
content is streamed free eight days after its broadcast debut. Viewers can watch shows
earlier through a premium subscription service called Hulu Plus. Hulu.com attracts
some 26 million visitors a month. Hulu is owned by entertainment and broadcasting
powerhouses, including NBC Universal, Comcast, News Corp., and Walt Disney Co.,
and by a private equity firm. However, it now faces a challenging environment in
which consumers have a growing number of options on where and how to access
content. Hulu's owners had been exploring a sale of the online video venture but
decided in late 2011 not to sell the company. Now they have to figure out what to do
with it.
Sources: Based on S. Schechner, "Hulu Puts Owners in New Quandary," Wall Street Journal, October 17, 2011, p.
B1; S. Schechner, "Hulu's Owners End Efforts to Sell Streaming-TV Website," Wall Street Journal, October 14,
2011, p. B3; S. Schechner and J. E. Vascellaro, "Hulu Reworks Its Script As Digital Change Hits TV," Wall Street
Journal, January 27, 2011, pp. A1+; and A. Palazzo, "Hulu Says It Will Reach 1 Million Paid-User Goal in 3
Months," Bloomberg BusinessWeek Online, July 6, 2011.

a. What do you think Hulu's owners should do now?

b. What is it about this situation context that's so challenging?

c. What type of resource(s) does Hulu have? Would you call it unique? Explain.

Part C

The questions in Part C refer to the material discussed in Lesson 3 of this course.

In Lesson 2 you discussed the industrial organization (I/O) and resource-based views (RBV)
on competitive advantage. You now know that competition and competencies are both major
organizational concerns. In Lesson 3 we take a closer look at how to conduct an external
analysis of an organization's specific and general environments.

To demonstrate your understanding of external analysis, respond to the following.

1. Describe an external analysis.

2. Assess the benefits and challenges of doing an external analysis.

3. Apply what you have learned in this lesson by reading the brief below and answer
the questions that follow.

Digital technology has disrupted all types of industries—from financial services to

recorded music. One industry that's seen a significant impact is the publishing
industry. E-book sales have skyrocketed, and one publisher went so far as to predict
that e-books could account for as much as 40 percent of total revenue by the end of
2012. Reading those e-books requires a device and the competition in the e-book
device industry is fierce.

Amazon fired the first volley when it introduced the Kindle in November 2007. As
with any new product, customers had to get used to the new technology, but once they
did, the Kindles were on fire! Two years later, retailer Barnes & Noble introduced the
Nook, a cheaper e-book device. Amazon responded by cutting the price of its
cheapest Kindle. Three months later in January 2010, Apple introduced its iPad.
Although it was a more expensive tablet, its functionality and options attracted a lot of
attention and sales. In response, Barnes & Noble cut the price of its Nook, and
Amazon again cut the price of the Kindle.

By September 2011, Amazon dropped Kindle's starting price to $79 and launched
Kindle Fire. Then in November 2011, Barnes & Noble joined the tablet battle with its
$249 Nook Tablet. And these are just the top three competitors. Other industry
competitors include the Sony Reader and Endless Ideas' Be Book Neo. As the
popularity of e-books continues to grow, the "reader wars" are likely to continue.

Sources: Based on J. A. Trachtenberg and M. Peers, "Barnes & Noble Seeks Next Chapter," Wall Street Journal,
January 6, 2012, pp. A1+; J. Bosman and M. J. De La Merced, "Barnes & Noble Considers Spinning Off Its Nook
Unit," IPO Offerings.com, January 5, 2012; M. Maxwell, "Barnes & Noble's Digital Strategy Gaining Traction,"
Wall Street Journal, August 31, 2011, p. B3; J. A. Trachtenberg, S. Schechner, and G. Chon, "B&N Vulnerable to
Rivals: Amazon, Apple Loom as Bookseller's Takeover Offer Dies," Wall Street Journal Online, August 20, 2011;
A. Flood, "Hardback Sales Plummeting in Age of the ebook," The Guardian, [guardian.co.uk], August 12, 2011;
and J. Bosman, "Publishing Gives Hints of Revival, Data Show," New York Times Online, August 9, 2011.

a. What affects the level of rivalry? Porter listed eight conditions that contribute
to intense rivalry among existing competitors. Using the eight conditions, assess
the level of current rivalry in this industry.

b. Which of these eight conditions do you think are the most important to the
level of current rivalry in this industry? Why?

c. As the industry matures, do you think the intensity of rivalry will change?

Part D

The questions in Part D refer to the material discussed in Lesson 4 of this course.

As you learned in Lesson 3, performing an external analysis can provide information to be

used in planning, decision making, and strategy formulation. Organizations that conduct
external analysis are most successful when they combine this knowledge with a solid
understanding of their internal strengths and weaknesses.

To demonstrate your understanding of internal analysis, respond to the following.

1. Define and present the characteristics of distinctive organizational capabilities.

2. Describe the criteria involved in judging organizational strengths and


3. Apply what you have learned in this lesson by reading the brief below and
answer the question that follows.

The clothing industry isn't an easy one to compete and be successful in. However, VF
Corporation has become one of the world's largest, most profitable clothing
conglomerates by doing many things well. One thing the CEO did was buy
languishing fashion brands and turn them into winners. How? By using VF's
capabilities: state-of-the-art distribution, global buying power, and keen
merchandising instincts. For instance, VF bought the North Face brand for a bargain
price of $135 million, revamped its sourcing, distribution, and financial operations,
and was able to nearly double sales over a five-year period. As one analyst said, "The
North Face is a great example of what VF can do. For VF it was easy, and it's not easy
for everybody."
Source: Based on, "VF Corporation: Company Profile," Datamonitor, December 30, 2011; A. J. Karr, "Global
Growth Boosts VF Net," Women's Wear Daily, July 22, 2011, p. 2-1; R. Dodes, "VF Dresses Up Its Operations,
Bucking Recession," Wall Street Journal, March 30, 2009, p. B3; and M. V. Copeland, "Stitching Together an
Apparel Powerhouse," Business 2.0, April 2005, pp. 52–54.

a. Which characteristics of distinctive capabilities does this illustrate? Explain.

BU470 Assignment 08

BU470 Strategic Management
Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to
Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and
be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA
format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment
Format" page for specific format requirements.

Part A

The questions in Part A refer to the material discussed in Lesson 5 of this course.
As you learned in Lesson 1, managing strategically involves formulating strategic responses
and putting them into action. In Lesson 2 you learned about functional strategies (also called
operational strategies), competitive strategies (also called business unit strategies), and
corporate strategies. Let's now discuss implementing strong competitive and functional
strategies to exploit resources, capabilities, and core competencies.

Respond to the following:

1. What functional strategies does an organization need?

2. What might provide the basis upon which an organization decides on a

competitive strategy?

3. Apply what you have learned in this lesson by reading the case below and
answer the questions that follow.

There's no doubt that people like to watch movies, but how they watch those movies
has changed. Although many people still prefer going to an actual movie theater,
more and more are settling back in their easy chairs in front of home entertainment
systems, especially now that technology has improved to the point where those
systems are affordable and offer many of the same features as those found in movie
theaters. Along with the changes in where people watch movies, how people get those
movies has changed. For many, the weekend used to start with a trip to the video
rental store to search the racks for something good to watch, an approach Blockbuster
built its business on. Today's consumers can choose a movie by going to their
computer and visiting an online DVD subscription and delivery site where the movies
come to the customers—a model invented by Netflix.

Launched in 1999, Netflix's subscriber base grew rapidly. It now has more than 24.4
million subscribers and more than 100,000 movie titles from which to choose. "The
company's appeal and success are built on providing the most expansive selection of
DVDs, an easy way to choose movies, and fast, free delivery." A company milestone
was reached in late February 2007, when Netflix delivered its one billionth DVD, a
goal that took about seven-and-a-half years to accomplish— "about seven months less
than it took McDonald's Corporation to sell one billion hamburgers after opening its
first restaurant."

Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings believed in the approach he pioneered and
set some ambitious goals for his company: build the world's best Internet movie
service and grow earnings per share (EPS) and subscribers every year. In 2011,
though, Hastings made a decision that had customers complaining loudly.

Netflix's troubles began when it announced it would charge separate prices for its
DVDs-by-mail and streaming video plans. Then, it decided to rebrand its DVD
service as Qwikster. Customers raged so much that Netflix reversed that decision and
pulled the plug on the entire Qwikster plan. As Netflix regained its focus with
customers, it was once again ready to refocus on its competitors. Success ultimately
attracts competition. Other businesses want a piece of the market. Trying to gain an
edge in how customers get the movies they want, when and where they want them,
has led to an all-out competitive war. Now, what Netflix did to Blockbuster,
Blockbuster and other competitors are doing to Netflix. Hastings said he has learned
never to underestimate the competition. He says, "We erroneously concluded that
Blockbuster probably wasn't going to launch a competitive effort when they hadn't by
2003. Then, in 2004, they did. We thought. . . well they won't put much money behind
it. Over the past four years, they've invested more than $500 million against us."

Not wanting to suffer the same fate as Blockbuster (it filed for bankruptcy protection
in 2010 and was sold to Satellite TV service provider DISH Network in 2011), Netflix
is bracing for other onslaughts. In fact, CEO Hastings, defending his misguided
decisions in 2011 said, "We did so many difficult things this year that we got
overconfident. Our big obsession for the year was streaming, the idea that 'let's not die
with DVDs.'" The in-home filmed entertainment industry is intensely competitive and
continually changing. Many customers have multiple providers (e.g., HBO, renting a
DVD from Red Box, buying a DVD, streaming a movie from providers such as Hulu,
Apple, and Amazon) and may use any or all of those services in the same month.
Video-on-demand and streaming are becoming extremely competitive. To counter
such competitive challenges, Hastings is focusing the company's competitive
strengths on a select number of initiatives. He says, "Streaming is the future; we're
focused on it. DVD is going to do whatever it's going to do. We don't want to hurt it,
but we're not putting much time or energy into it." Others include continually
developing profitable partnerships with content providers, controlling the cost of
streaming content, and even licensing its original series. In fact, it just licensed its first
original series called "House of Cards" and starring Kevin Spacey.

With other companies hoping to get established in the market, the competition is
intense. Does Netflix have the script it needs to be a dominant player? CEO Hastings
says, "If it's true that you should be judged by the quality of your competitors, we
must be doing pretty well."

Sources: S. Woo and I. Sherr, "Netflix Recovers Subscribers," Wall Street Journal, January 26, 2012, pp. B1+; J.
Pepitone, "Netflix CEO: We Got Overconfident," CNNMoney.com, December 6, 2011; D. McDonald, "Netflix:
Down, But Not Out," CNN.com, November 23, 2011; H. W. Jenkins, Jr., "Netflix Isn't Doomed," Wall Street
Journal, October 26, 2011, p. A13; C. Edwards, "Netflix Drops Most Since 2004 After Losing 800,000
Customers," BusinessWeek.com, October 25, 2011; N. Wingfield and B. Stelter, "How Netflix Lost 800,000
Members and Good Will," New York Times Online, October 24, 2011; C. Edwards and R. Grover, "Can Netflix
Regain Lost Ground," BusinessWeek.com, October 19, 2011; and R. Grover, C. Edwards, and A. Fixmer, "Can
Netflix Find Its Future By Abandoning the Past?" Bloomberg BusinessWeek, September 26–October 2, 2011, pp.

a. Describe what you think Netflix's competitive strategy is using Miles and
Snow's and Porter's frameworks. Explain each of your choices.

b. What competitive advantage(s) do you think Netflix has? Have its resources,
capabilities, or core competencies contributed to its competitive advantage(s)?

c. How will Netflix's functional strategies have to support its competitive

strategy? Explain.

d. What do you think Netflix is going to have to do to maintain its competitive

position, especially as its industry changes?
Part B

The questions in Part B refer to the material discussed in Lesson 6 of this course.

In Lesson 5 you learned about functional and competitive strategies, including how to
implement these strategies to exploit resources, capabilities, and core competencies. It is now
time to delve more deeply into corporate strategy, with special attention paid to growth

Respond to the following:

1. Indicate how corporate strategy is related to the other organizational strategies

and describe each of the three (3) corporate strategic directions.

2. Access the following article using ProQuest, the Ashworth College online

Campbell outlines progress on strategies, sets stage for long-term growth. (2012, Jul
24). Business Wire Retrieved
from https://ashworth.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/102

Respond to the following.

• What are some of the growth strategies Campbell's will implement?

3. Provide two (2) other suggestions for growth strategies that Campbell's might

Part C

The questions in Part C refer to the material discussed in Lesson 7 of this course.

Respond to the following:

1. Describe international strategy and why it's important.

2. Explain the issues that arise as organizations go international.

3. Describe the important international strategic decisions.

4. Apply what you have learned in this lesson by reading the case below and
answer the questions that follow.
The Tata Group, based in Mumbai, India, is the largest conglomerate in that country.
It holds the number 6 spot on the list of the world's most admired companies in the
steel industry. Its latest revenues are estimated at $67.4 billion, of which 61 percent is
from business outside India. Tata has more than 100 operating companies in seven
main business groups doing business in 80 countries: chemicals, information systems
and communications, consumer products, energy, engineering, materials, and

Its two largest businesses are Tata Steel and Tata Motors. Its Tata Tea, which owns
the valued Tetley brand, also is one of the largest tea producers in the world. Ratan
Tata, Tata Group's chairperson, has forged a strategy that encompasses the globe. In
1999, he issued a "clarion call to push outside India with acquisitions and exports."
One of the company's executive directors recalled, "We didn't know what to expect, to
be honest." Today, Tata controls many businesses ranging from Eight O'Clock Coffee
Co. in the United Sates to the Taj Group of hotels, which took over management of
the landmark Pierre Hotel on Central Park in New York City. Tata made its boldest
global strategic push, however, in October 2006 when Tata Steel formally proposed
buying British steelmaker Corus Group PLC for about $8 billion USD. Corus, which
was formed by a merger of British Steel and Hoogovens, was three times the size of
Tata Steel.

The buyout offer soon turned into a bidding war when Tata Group discovered another
company, Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional of Brazil (CSN), was also preparing a bid
and therefore upped its opening offer to $9.2 billion; CSN then raised the stakes by
offering to pay $9.6 billion. A Tata Group spokesman said that the company's attempt
to acquire Corus was "based on a compelling strategic rationale." Ratan Tata
explained further by saying, "The revised terms deliver substantial additional value to
Corus shareholders." The increased takeover bid did not impress investors as the
company's share price fell 6 percent after the news was announced.

Analysts and investors both "expressed concern that Tata is overpricing Corus, whose
operating costs are among the highest of any steel maker—something that would
affect its profitability and its plans to expand in India." However, Ratan Tata knew
that the acquisition could catapult Tata Steel from its mid-50s ranking in the global
steel list to the sixth-largest industry competitor. He said, "Analysts were taking a
short-term, harsh view of the deal. Hopefully, the market will look back and say it
was the right move." By the end of January 2007, the U.K. Takeover Panel called an
auction in order to end the bidding war and "presided over the contest that started on
Tuesday, January 30." The "contest" continued for several hours until CSN pulled out.
Tata Steel won its coveted prize for $12.2 billion—a 22 percent premium over what it
had originally offered. That acquisition represented the latest consolidation in the
global steel industry. The combined Tata-Corus can produce 25 million tons of steel a
year. The deal also represented the largest foreign acquisition by an Indian company
and made the diversified Tata Group the largest company in India. In 2008, Tata made
an even bigger global splash, at least in terms of recognized consumer brand names. It
acquired the Land Rover and Jaguar brands from Ford for an estimated $2.3 billion.

Tata's leaders believe the group "can survive on the world stage only by being both
too big to beat and too good to fail." In December 2012, when Chairman Ratan Tata
steps down, Cyrus Mistry will take over as chairman of Tata Group and he "faces the
daunting challenge of steering a giant, increasingly multinational conglomerate of
more than 100 companies through economic headwinds at home and abroad."
Sources: Based on Tata Group [www.tata.com], February 26, 2012; A. Sharma, "Tata's New Boss Faces
Headwinds," Wall Street Journal, November 25, 2011, p. B1; A. Taylor III, "Tata Takes on the World," Fortune,
May 2, 2011, pp. 86–92; G. Colvin, "The World's Most Admired Companies," Fortune, March, 21, 2011, pp.
109+; A. Graham, "Too Good to Fail," Strategy + Business Online, Spring 2010; and P. Wonacott and J. Singer,
"Ratan Tata Builds Indian Behemoth Into Global Player," Wall Street Journal, October 7–8, 2006, pp. B1+.

a. Discuss the advantages and drawbacks of going international using Tata

Group's experiences.

b. What strategic challenges do you think Cyrus Mistry might face as he guides
his company?

c. Using what you know about managing strategically, how might he respond to
these challenges?

Part D

The questions in Part D refer to the material discussed in Lesson 8 of this course.

To round-out your understanding of the strategic management process, this lesson applied the
concepts to entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses, as well as not-for-profit
organizations. Demonstrate your knowledge of entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses
by responding to the following:

1. Describe the overall approach to the strategic planning process in

entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses.

2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning with

entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses.

3. Apply what you have learned in this lesson by reading the case below and
answer the questions that follow.

It all started with a simple plan to make a superior T-shirt. As special teams captain
during the mid-1990s for the University of Maryland football team, Kevin Plank
hated having to repeatedly change the cotton T-shirt he wore under his jersey as it
became wet and heavy during the course of a game.1 He knew there had to be a better
alternative and set out to make it. After a year of fabric and product testing, Plank
introduced the first Under Armour compression product—a synthetic shirt worn like a
second skin under a uniform or jersey. And it was an immediate hit! The silky fabric
was light and made athletes feel faster and fresher, giving them, according to Plank,
an important psychological edge. Dash/Shutterstock.com Today, Baltimore-based
Under Armour (UA) is a $1.4 billion company.

In 16 years, it has grown from a college start-up to a "formidable competitor of the

Beaverton, Oregon behemoth" (better known as Nike). The company has nearly 3
percent of the fragmented U.S. sports apparel market and sells products from shirts,
shorts, and cleats to underwear. In addition, more than 100 universities wear UA
uniforms. The company's logo—an interlocking U and A—is becoming almost as
recognizable as the Nike swoosh. Starting out, Plank sold his shirts using the only
advantage he had—his athletic connections. "Among his teams from high school,
military school, and the University of Maryland, he knew at least 40 NFL players well
enough to call and offer them the shirt." He was soon joined by another Maryland
player, Kip Fulks, who played lacrosse. Fulks used the same "six-degrees strategy" in
the lacrosse world. (Today, Fulks is the company's COO.) Believe it or not, the
strategy worked. UA sales quickly gained momentum. However, selling products to
teams and schools would take a business only so far. That's when Plank began to look
at the mass market.

In 2000, he made his first deal with a big-box store, Galyan's (which was eventually
bought by Dick's Sporting Goods). Today, almost 30 percent of UA's sales come from
Dick's and The Sports Authority. But they haven't forgotten where they started, either.
The company has all-school deals with 10 Division 1 schools. "Although these deals
don't bring in big bucks, they deliver brand visibility . . ." So, what's next for Under
Armour? At the end of 2011, revenues had increased 38 percent over the prior year.
Sustaining those growth rates will be a challenge. Some potential growth areas
include women's apparel, which only make up 25 percent of the company's apparel
sales; footwear, which makes up only 12 percent of corporate sales, but only 1 percent
of the $14 billion U.S. athletic footwear market; and global sales, which right now are
only 6 percent of revenue. A telling sign of the company's philosophy is found over
the doors of its product design studios: "We have not yet built our defining product."

a. What examples of corporate strategies do you see in this mini-case?

b. What strategic challenges do you think Kevin Plank must deal with?

Ashworth Semester Exam BU470 Strategic Management

BU47S : Strategic Management
Question 1
As part of its training, most military academies teach the:
Nine Principles of War.
Seven Principles of Success.
Five Keys to Effectiveness.
Eight Steps to Efficiency.
Question 2
Which of the following is not a characteristic of strategic management that makes it different from
other types of management?
It is interdisciplinary.
It has an external focus.
It has an internal focus.
It concerns the present direction of the organization.

Question 3
Imitability of a resource can occur through:
duplication and substitution.

Question 4
The traditional view of social responsibility states that:
corporations should exist only to represent the stockholders.
corporations must represent all stakeholder groups.
corporations should operate on the basis of their suppliers' interests.
corporations function as a measure of consumer behavior.
Question 5
The various studies of organizational environments can be summarized from the following
environment as a source of information.
environment as a source of resources.
environment as a source of power.
environment as a source of information and of resources.

Question 6
Why is an internal analysis important?
It is the only way to assess an organization's competitive environment.
It is needed for making good strategic decisions.
It establishes organizational goals and objectives.
It assists in product positioning.

Question 7
In Mintzberg's typology, ________ is a way to differentiate.

Question 8
A more dramatic response to a failing organization may be:
a joint venture strategy.
a turnaround strategy.
a vertical integration strategy.
a long-term contract.

Question 9
________ refers to the values and attitudes shared by individuals from a specific country that shape
their behavior and their beliefs about what is important.
National culture
National values
International value systems
Global culture

Question 10
Public sector organizations are most affected by ________ constraints.
BU470 Week 1 Threaded Discussion
Evaluate the statement, "Strategic management isn't simply the responsibility of an organization's top
managers." Analyze the strategies that top managers can implement throughout the organization that
would help would help support this statement. What would be the outcomes?

(260 words with 1 reference)

BU470 Online Exam 1 SCORE 100 PERCENT

5 / 5 points
One strategic responsibility of managers and employees at
other levels throughout the organization is:
Question options:
strategy implementation.
situation analysis.
strategy formulation.
developing the organization's vision.
Question 2
The board of directors in an organization:
Question options:
plays a significant role in corporate governance.
is responsible for the implementation of the organization's operating activities.
serves in the role of executive management.
is not an important part of the organization's strategic development.
Question 3
The academic discipline primarily responsible for the
development of strategic management is:
Question options:
Question 4
In the development of strategic management as a discipline,
Alfred Chandler wrote the book:
Question options:
<i>Corporate Strategy</i>.
<i>The Teflon Leader</i>.
<i>The Pursuit of Excellence</i>.
<i>Strategy and Structure</i>.
Question 5
The emergence of strategic planning and strategic
management dates back to the __________, when researchers
began looking for explanations of organizational differences
in performance and functioning.
Question options:
Question 6
An organization's __________ are its goal-directed plans and
actions in which its capabilities and resources are matched
with the opportunities and threats in its environment.
Question options:
mission statements
vision statements
Question 7
__________ differences are fundamental differences between
countries that encompass traditions, history, religious beliefs,
and deep-seated values.
Question options:
Question 8
Strategic management affects all organizational members.
However, the only issue that differs among organizational
members is the:
Question options:
stage of the strategic management process.
scope of the individual's actions.
development of the strategy.
administrative impacts.
Question 9
__________ involves how a corporation uses its resources and
protects stakeholders' interests.
Question options:
Financial oversight
Corporate governance
Steering committee focus
Corporate counsel
Question 10
Strategic __________ is the ability to anticipate, envision,
maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others
in the organization to initiate changes that will create a viable
and valuable future for the organization.
Question options:
Question 11
__________ strategies are goal-directed plans and actions of
the organization's functional areas.
Question options:
Question 12
An organization's strategy is its goal-directed decisions and
actions in which its capabilities and resources are matched
with the __________ in its environment.
Question options:
internal and external financial controls
opportunities and threats
long-term issues
sequential management process
Question 13
Globalization has created challenges because of the
__________ that is necessary to make it work.
Question options:
Question 14
The organization type which first utilized strategy was the
__________ organization.
Question options:
Question 15
The basic activities of strategic management include:
Question options:
offense, defense, and control.
situation analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation.
strategy development, strategy control, and strategy management.
ethics, management, and practice.
Question 16
__________ is/are the determination of the broad uses to which
organizational resources will be deployed and the resolution
of conflicts among the myriad participants in organizations.
Question options:
Corporate governance
Question 17
The __________ is an elected group that represents a
company's shareholders.
Question options:
board of directors
senior management team
steering committee
corporate counsel
Question 18
Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding
corporate strategies?
Question options:
They are concerned with the broad and more long-term issues of the organization.
They are concerned with how the organization is going to compete in a specific business or indu
They are concerned with the direction the organization is headed.
They are concerned with the business(es) that the organization is in and the businesses they wan
Question 19
In addition to expanding the role of board members, the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 also called for more disclosure
and transparency of:
Question options:
the corporate vision.
the corporate mission.
financial information.
the balanced scorecard.
Question 20
Situation analysis involves the process of:
Question options:
designing and choosing appropriate organizational strategies.
analyzing the current environment of the organization.
identifying external competitive threats.
evaluating the internal aspects of the organization.

BU470 Online Exam 2 SCORE 95 PERCENT

5 / 5 points
The __________ should elaborate a purpose for the
Question options:
competitive strategy
Question 2
Purchasing and sending electronic greeting cards through a
web site could represent a(n) __________ for a traditional
greeting card company like Hallmark.
Question options:
organizational change
stable vision
physical change
product innovation
Question 3
Change agents are:
Question options:
manipulators that facilitate change to improve an organization's revenue.
those who initiate and oversee the change efforts.
the leader who single-handedly is responsible for an organization's success through authoritarian
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 4
__________ is the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to
make unusual associations between ideas.
Question options:
Strategic focus
Question 5
A __________ statement is a statement of what specific
organizational units do and what they hope to accomplish.
Question options:
Question 6
The United States Congress could represent the __________
form of stakeholders.
Question options:
political action groups
Question 7
__________ include all financial, physical, human, intangible
and structural/cultural assets used by an organization to
develop, produce and deliver products or services to its
Question options:
Question 8
Capitalizing on information, people, ideas, and knowledge
characterizes the implication of:
Question options:
vanishing distance.
reduced need for physical assets.
compressed time.
turbulent change.
Question 9
As you are studying your organization's context, it seems
clear that the company will have to prepare itself for continual
turbulence and change. Which of the following best describes
the driving forces for change that could affect the company's
Question options:
Reduced need for physical assets
Vanishing distance and compressed time
Increased vulnerability
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 10
__________ is defined as a structured transition in what an
organization does and how it does it.
Question options:
Strategic management
Organizational change
Question 11
The competitive advantage perspective that focuses on
structural forces within an industry, the competitive
environment of firms, and how these influence competitive
advantage is the __________ view.
Question options:
Question 12
Experiences, characteristics, and knowledge are all aspects
that represent __________ resources.
Question options:
Question 13
Ms. Gibson has come up with the idea of offering free house
painting if the job is not completed within the time agreed.
Which of the following best describes the competitive
advantage perspective that Ms. Gibson is proposing?
Question options:
Resource-based view
Guerilla view
Industrial organization view
Environmental view
Question 14
An organization's attempt at creating and sustaining a long-
term competitive advantage can be disrupted through all of
the following EXCEPT:
Question options:
technological advances.
market instability.
government legislation.
Question 15
Which of the following best describes the competitive
advantage perspective that looks at the impact of external
Question options:
Resource-based view
Guerilla view
Industrial organization view
Environmental view
Question 16
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the obligation of
__________ to make decisions and act in ways that recognize
the interrelatedness of business and society.
Question options:
organizational decision makers
Question 17
The following are all components of an organizational vision
Question options:
a strong connection to the organization's core values and beliefs.
strategy based on the results of a focus group.
elaboration of a purpose for the organization.
summary of the organization's operations or what it does.
Question 18
Which of the following factors is considered to make an
organization's resources unique?
Question options:
Question 19
The influence of globalization in managing strategically can
be demonstrated in:
Question options:
the global marketplace.
global competition.
the organization itself.
global competitors and the global marketplace.
Question 20
All of the following are effects of the driving forces in the new
business environment EXCEPT:
Question options:
vanishing distance.
compressed time.
continual turbulence. (Incorrect)
BU470 Week 3 Threaded Discussion
Analyze the eight conditions that Porter lists. Which contribute to intense rivalry among competitors
within an industry?

(319 words with 1 reference)

BU470 Online Exam 3 SCORE 100 PERCENT

5 / 5 points
One of the biggest technological advancements to affect the
organization in recent years is:
Question options:
the ability of managers to control employees electronically.
the ability of consumers to buy online.
the introduction of hand-held personal computers.
continuing computerization of an organization's activities.
Question 2
The Porter Five Forces model includes all of the following
factors EXCEPT:
Question options:
bargaining power of suppliers.
threat of new entrants.
threat of a decrease in research and development.
threat of substitute products.
Question 3
An element of the environment as information perspective is:
Question options:
environmental relevancy.
environmental uncertainty.
environmental currency.
environmental texture.
Question 4
One challenge of conducting an external analysis is:
Question options:
an external analysis can be time consuming.
the environment might be changing more rapidly than you can keep up with.
the internal analysis of the organization is very important to managing strategically.
it is time consuming and the environment changes very rapidly.
Question 5
Organizations are __________ systems, which means they
interact with and respond to their environment.
Question options:
Question 6
The law governing safe and hazard-free work environments is
Question options:
Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
Civil Rights Act of 1991.
Question 7
Which of the following is NOT one of the five competitive
Question options:
Competition forms substitute products
The threat of potential entry
The strength of industry forces
The bargaining power of buyers
Question 8
A supplier will have more bargaining power:
Question options:
if it is able to provide the products that the industry is currently providing.
if the supplier's product is an important input to the industry.
if the supplier's products are differentiated or there are customer switching costs.
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 9
Demographic information can be obtained from all of the
following sources EXCEPT the:
Question options:
Economic Statistics Briefing Room.
Current Population Survey.
Statistical Abstract of the World.
Statistical Yearbook.
Question 10
The generation of the postwar group was born between the
Question options:
Question 11
When organizations consider whether there are upcoming
price increases in the products purchased by the industry, this
issue refers to the __________ of the Porter Five Forces model.
Question options:
bargaining power of buyers
threat of potential entrants
threat of substitute products
bargaining power of suppliers
Question 12
A buyer will have less bargaining power if all of the following
factors apply EXCEPT:
Question options:
buyers have limited information.
buyers face few switching costs.
the products purchased are highly differentiated and unique.
buyers purchase small volumes of the products.
Question 13
A challenge in conducting an external analysis is that:
Question options:
forecasts aren't facts.
brand loyalty is low.
markets may be concentrated.
markets may be fragmented.
Question 14
Which of the general environmental sectors is affected when
minimum wage laws are changed?
Question options:
Question 15
One of the factors that shape the definition of exit barriers as
factor(s) that keep companies competing in businesses, even
when those businesses are failing, is __________ factors.
Question options:
all of the above
Question 16
Recent census data showed that for the first time in the
history of the United States there were more Americans over
age __________ than under.
Question options:
Question 17
Managing __________ is an ongoing process.
Question options:
Question 18
A manager who anticipates changes and plans for those
changes can be referred to as a(n) __________ manager.
Question options:
socially responsible
Question 19
Uncertainty is determined by complexity and:
Question options:
rate of change.
access to information.
difficulty of obtaining and controlling resources.
Question 20
The __________ is a trade alliance among countries.
Question options:
Global Union
U.S. Economic Act of 1996
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Consumer Product Safety Association
BU470 Week 5 Threaded Discussion
Analyze functional strategies and discuss the strategies that an organization needs. Provide page
numbers in the body of your discussion and a list of references at the end of your discussion in APA

(200+ words with 1 reference)

BU470 Online Exam 5 SCORE 99 PERCENT

2.5 / 2.5 points
A capabilities assessment _______ is an in-depth evaluation of
an organization's capabilities.
Question options:
Question 2
All of the following constitute support activities except:
Question options:
technological development.
human resource management.
Question 3
An internal analysis involves an examination of the
Question options:
mission and vision.
resources and capabilities.
strategic objectives.
functional and business strategies.
Question 4
The key to using a(n) ________ audit is to determine how well
or poorly organizational functions are being performed.
Question options:
Question 5
Core competencies cannot be a source of ________, but can
contribute to the development of ________.
Question options:
organizational goals; competitive advantage
dynamic capabilities; internal analysis.
competitive advantage; distinctive capabilities.
distinctive capabilities; organizational goals
Question 6
________ are the regular, predictable, and sequential patterns
of work activities performed by organizational members.
Question options:
Organizational capabilities
Accumulated knowledge
Actual work activities
Organizational routines and processes
Question 7
Special and unique capabilities that distinguish the
organization from its competitors are called _______
organizational capabilities.
Question options:
Question 8
After a current product-market profile has been assessed, the
next step is to
Question options:
identify sources of competitive advantage and the disadvantage in the main product-market segm
emphasize the interactions between the organization and customers.
conduct an external assessment of competitors.
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 9
Internal analysis is important for identifying and evaluating an
Question options:
strengths and weaknesses.
goals and objectives.
distinctive offerings.
mission and vision.
Question 10
The internal audit concentrates on the availability or lack of
critical ________ and the level of ________.
Question options:
capital; skills
resources; capabilities
financial resources; management
skills; resources
Question 11
All of the following constitute primary activities except:
Question options:
marketing and sales.
outbound logistics.
Question 12
All of the following reflect questions asked of the
management function during the internal audit except:
Question options:
Are jobs effectively designed?
What is the level of employee turnover?
Is the organization able to raise long-term capital?
Does the organization effectively use work teams?
Question 13
Customer value is determined by:
Question options:
a unique and different product.
a low-priced product.
the ability to respond to specific or distinct customer needs.
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 14
Southwest's capability of quick gate turnaround time and
exceptional employee-customer interactions is known as:
Question options:
a distinctive organizational capability.
an exceptional opportunity.
a superior customer value.
a distinguished service.
Question 15
Which of the following are considered to be primary activities
in a value chain analysis as outlined by Porter?
Question options:
Inbound logistics
Human resource management
Firm's infrastructure
Question 16
Characteristics of dynamic capabilities include all of the
following except:
Question options:
timely responsiveness.
reactive responsiveness.
rapid and flexible product innovation.
coordinating and deploying organizational resources and capabilities.
Question 17
The question, "Does the capability provide tangible customer
benefits?" occurs under what step of the capabilities
assessment profile which identifies distinctive organizational
Question options:
Sort the core capabilities and competencies according to strategic importance.
Identify and agree on the key capabilities and competencies.
Describe all the organizational capabilities and competencies.
Prepare current product-market profile.
Question 18
The internal audit answers the questions of:

Question options:

Do the various functions have the needed resources to perform their assigned work activities?

How well do they perform these assigned work activities?

What are the organization's primary opportunities and threats?

possessing the needed resources and then performing assigned work activities.

Question 19
Performance of ________ activities would not be possible
without ________ activities.
Question options:
core; support
primary; support
support; primary
strategic; support
Question 20
Resources that are lacking or deficient and that prevent the
organization from developing a sustainable competitive
advantage, are known as:
Question options:
Online Exam 5
2.5 / 2.5 points
The ________ strategy is one in which an organization
continually innovates by finding and exploiting new product
and market opportunities.
Question options:
Question 22
Which of the following is a possible production-operations
management strategy?
Question options:
Selective specialization
Inventory management systems
User positioning
Market logistics
Question 23
The ________ strategy is one in which an organization
continually innovates by finding and exploiting new product
and market opportunities.
Question options:
Question 24
One factor that would lead to high-performance work
practices is
Question options:
using contingent pay.
forming problem-solving groups.
conducting attitude surveys.
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 25
The marketing mix is commonly known as the
Question options:
Question 26
Which of the following is NOT a possible dimension for
identifying strategic groups?
Question options:
Units sold
Geographic scope
Question 27
Which of the following is included under the product
functional strategies?
Question options:
Question 28
In Porter's cost leadership strategy, the main goal of the cost
leader is to have the lowest ________ in the industry.
Question options:
Question 29
The role of top-level decision makers in the strategic
management process is to:
Question options:
establish the overall operational goals.
develop the overall goal that the organization hopes to achieve.
establish functional strategies.
supervise line managers.
Question 30
________ strategies are the short-term goal-directed decisions
and actions of the organization's various functional areas.
Question options:
Question 31
Which of the following is NOT one of Miles and Snow's
adaptive strategies?
Question options:
Cost leader
Question 32
Which of the following is NOT a way to segment specialized
market niches?
Question options:
Price consciousness
Type of customer
Product line segment
Question 33
The ________ point(s) to the strategic issues organizational
decision makers need to address in their pursuit of
sustainable competitive advantage and high levels of
Question options:
portfolio analysis
distinctive capabilities
SWOT analysis
Question 34
The two main support processes in an organization are:
Question options:
production systems and marketing systems.
procurement systems and HR systems.
financial accounting systems and HR systems.
information systems and financial accounting systems.
Question 35
When a company builds a profitable business by "stealing"
ideas from other successful peers, it is following a(n) ________
Question options:
Question 36
An organization's ________ strategies reflect its commitment
to and treatment of its employees.
Question options:
Question 37
________ is when organizations battle or vie for some desired
object or outcome.
Question options:
Question 38
Ms. James has decided to use a computerized order taking
and fulfillment system in the new location for her retail shop.
She is demonstrating her ability to give attention to which of
the following strategies?
Question options:
Human resources
Question 39
Designing which of the following systems involves making
sure we have the information we need, when the information
is needed, and in the form needed?
Question options:
Human resources
Question 40
________ refer(s) to the process of creating and providing
goods and services.
Question options:
High-performance work practices
Information system

BU470 Week 6 Threaded Discussion

Compare and contrast the three approaches to defining an organization's competitors. Which one of
these approaches do you think is the most useful and why? Why are these important? Provide page
numbers in the body of your discussion and a list of references at the end in APA format.

(271 words with 1 reference. Also, response to one student's post is given which may be helpful).

BU470 Online Exam 7 SCORE 98 PERCENT

2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of the following is NOT one of Miles and Snow's
adaptive strategies?
Question options:
Cost leader
Question 2
In Porter's cost leadership strategy, the main goal of the cost
leader is to have the lowest ________ in the industry.
Question options:
Question 3
________ refer(s) to the process of creating and providing
goods and services.
Question options:
High-performance work practices
Information system
Question 4
If Mr. Carol wanted to introduce high-performance work
practices in his organization, which of the following practices
would he adopt?
Question options:
Centralized decision making
Fixed job assignments
Limited communication
Self-managed work teams
Question 5
When an organization competes by providing unique products
with features that customers value, perceive as different, and
are willing to pay a premium price for, it is using a strategy of:
Question options:
cost leadership.
Question 6
Which of the following is a possible production-operations
management strategy?
Question options:
Selective specialization
Inventory management systems
User positioning
Market logistics
Question 7
The ________ point(s) to the strategic issues organizational
decision makers need to address in their pursuit of
sustainable competitive advantage and high levels of
Question options:
portfolio analysis
distinctive capabilities
SWOT analysis
Question 8
The ________ works hard to establish brand loyalty.
Question options:
cost leader
Question 9
The marketing mix is commonly known as the
Question options:
Question 10
The role of top-level decision makers in the strategic
management process is to:
Question options:
establish the overall operational goals.
develop the overall goal that the organization hopes to achieve.
establish functional strategies.
supervise line managers.
Question 11
________ is when organizations battle or vie for some desired
object or outcome.
Question options:
Question 12
Francesca has had a higher than desirable level of server
turnover in her restaurant. She decided that she needs to pay
better attention to which strategies?
Question options:
Human resources
Question 13
The ________ strategy is one in which an organization
continually innovates by finding and exploiting new product
and market opportunities.
Question options:
Question 14
Which of the following is included under the product
functional strategies?
Question options:
Question 15
When a company builds a profitable business by "stealing"
ideas from other successful peers, it is following a(n) ________
Question options:
Question 16
Designing which of the following systems involves making
sure we have the information we need, when the information
is needed, and in the form needed?
Question options:
Human resources
Question 17
One of the two strategic decisions most associated with the
organization's information system is:
Question options:
optimum equity mix.
creating an approved vendor list.
selecting the correct marketing mix.
the choice of system technology.
Question 18
One factor that would lead to high-performance work
practices is
Question options:
using contingent pay.
forming problem-solving groups.
conducting attitude surveys.
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 19
Product design strategies typically involve an organization's
________ functional area.
Question options:
Question 20
The ________ strategy is one in which an organization
continually innovates by finding and exploiting new product
and market opportunities.
Question options:
Online Exam 7
2.5 / 2.5 points
Efficiency is:
Question options:
the organization's ability to complete or reach goals.
a specific measure, typically used in the production-operations-manufacturing area, of how man
the ability of the organization to minimize the use of resources in achieving organizational goals
the search for the best practices from other leading organizations.
Question 22
One of the risks associated with a horizontal integration
strategy is:
Question options:
a potential violation of antitrust laws.
exponential growth.
increased market exposure.
increase in sales.
Question 23
The types of renewal strategies include:
Question options:
retrenchment strategy.
turnaround strategy.
diversification strategy.
retrenchment and turnaround strategies.
Question 24
The ________ strategy is one in which the organization
maintains its current size and current level of business
Question options:
backward integration
Question 25
Examples of portfolio analyses include:
Question options:
the BCG matrix.
the McKinsey-GE stoplight matrix.
the product-market evolution matrix.
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 26
Diversifying into a completely different industry from the
organization's current operations is referred to as:
Question options:
concentric diversification.
vertical diversification.
conglomerate diversification.
horizontal diversification.
Question 27
One of the major disadvantages of the McKinsey matrix is that
Question options:
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 28
Related diversification is ________ unrelated diversification.
Question options:
less effective than
more effective than
just as effective as
less profitable than
Question 29
A business unit with low relative market share and low
industry growth rate is referred to as a:
Question options:
cash cow.
question mark.
Question 30
All of the following are reflective of restructuring efforts
Question options:
cost cutting.
Question 31
The _______ strategy establishes the overall direction that the
organization hopes to go.
Question options:
Question 32
The main causes of corporate performance include all the
following except:
Question options:
inadequate financial controls.
uncontrollable costs or too high costs.
new competitors.
underexpansion or too slow growth.
Question 33
A concentration strategy:
Question options:
does not enable an organization to become very good at what it does.
cannot cause the organization to become vulnerable to industry and other external environmenta
allows the firm to diversify into new industries.
is a growth strategy in which the organization concentrates on its primary line of business and lo
activities or operations in its core business.
Question 34
________ are usually "friendly."
Question options:
Question 35
Developing different uses for a product is an example of a
________ concentration option.
Question options:
product-market diversification.
market development
product-market exploitation
product development
Question 36
Mr. Wilson is thinking about concentrating on his primary line
of business, Italian furniture, and looking for ways to meet its
growth goals by expanding its core business. Which of the
below strategies is Mr. Wilson following here?
Question options:
Vertical integration
Question 37
Both the product-market evolution and McKinsey matrices
have the disadvantage of:
Question options:
Question 38
Mr. Wilson, a successful importer of Italian furniture, is
considering combining operations by exchanging stock with a
competitor, Italian Delights, to create a new store, Supremo
Italiano. Which of the following growth strategies is Mr. Wilson
following here?
Question options:
Hostile takeover
Internal development
Question 39
Starting a business from the ground up is referred to as:
Question options:
product development.
market development.
strategic development.
internal development.
Question 40
A long-term contract is usually an agreement between:
Question options:
two organizations in the same industry.
an organization and its suppliers.
two organizations in unrelated industries.
a domestic and international organization.

BU470 Online Exam 8 SCORE 100 PERCENT

5 / 5 points
Which of the following is not one of the unique strategies that
have been developed for not-for-profit organizations in order
to cope with changing environmental conditions?
Question options:
Cause-related marketing
Not-for-profit marketing alliances
Direct investment
Question 2
Research on community arts organizations has indicated that
Porter's strategies of ________ are utilized.
Question options:
cost leadership, innovation, and focus
differentiation and focus
innovation and focus
cost leadership, differentiation, and focus
Question 3
The not-for-profit marketing alliance is an extension of:
Question options:
mergers and acquisitions.
cause-related marketing.
Question 4
Which of these is NOT a characteristic of entrepreneurial
Question options:
Little impact on industry
Innovative practices
Pursue opportunities
Have growth and profitability as main goals
Question 5
Charles Hanson just opened Chuck's Bikes and Trikes, a
motorcycle repair facility. Charles has 25 employees even
though the repair facility is located in a small rural town.
Chuck's Bikes and Trikes is an example of:
Question options:
an entrepreneurial venture.
a small business.
an innovative business.
All of the answer choices are correct.
Question 6
Small businesses are independent businesses that have fewer
than ________ employees.
Question options:
Question 7
An example of a cause-related NFP is:
Question options:
Camp Fire.
the University of Minnesota.
Save the Whales.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Question 8
A strategic advantage of entrepreneurial ventures/small
businesses over large businesses is:
Question options:
economics of scale.
marketing options.
Question 9
An alliance in which the not-for-profit organization proposes
and initiates the partnership is referred to as:
Question options:
a not-for-profit marketing alliance.
cause-related marketing.
effect-related marketing.
Question 10
To evaluate strategy, there must be a connection between the
evaluation and the ________ of the not-for-profit organization.
Question options:
objectives (moderate)
goals and objectives
Question 11
Small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures are the driving
force of change in the process of:
Question options:
market positioning.
strategic positioning.
creative destruction.
competitor interrelationships.
Question 12
According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2011
report, there are more than ________ million entrepreneurs in
the 54 countries covered.
Question options:
Question 13
All of the following are part of the strategic management
process for small businesses except:
Question options:
strategy analysis.
strategy formation.
strategy evaluation.
strategy implementation.
Question 14
Small businesses account for ________ percent of the private
sector output.
Question options:
Question 15
The strategic management process differs for small
businesses and entrepreneurial ventures when compared to
larger organizations because small businesses and
entrepreneurial ventures have:
Question options:
inexperienced managers.
limited resources.
smaller organizational objectives.
low growth potential.
Question 16
A business that is characterized by innovative strategic
practices and which has as its main goals profitability and
growth is called:
Question options:
a small business.
an entrepreneurial venture.
strategically positioned.
a cash cow.
Question 17
Both public sector and not-for-profit organizations must
develop a ________ to ensure their continued existence.
Question options:
competitive advantage
strong management pool
lobbying group
link with companies
Question 18
Chuck Hanson encourages his employees to come with new
ideas and ways to do business to replace existing practices.
This process is called:
Question options:
destructive creativity.
creative destruction.
applied creativity.
Question 19
A strategic partnership between a not-for-profit organization
and a corporate partner is referred to as:
Question options:
strategic piggybacking.
a not-for-profit marketing alliance.
cause-related marketing.
Question 20
All of the following organizations are examples of social
service NFPs except:
Question options:
Junior League.
American Red Cross.
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers.
Academy of Management.

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