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Question 1: 

In your opinion, what is the most important stage in the cell cycle? Why?
Question 2: Do you think a plant can survive without the vascular tissue? Give an
example of a plant which does not have vascular tissues?

Question 1: In your opinion, what is the most important stage in the cell cycle? Why?

Although all stages of the cell cycle are vital, I’d say that the preparation stage, the interphase, would be
the most critical. Considering the time allotment of each stage of the cycle which happens with a total
cycle time of 24 hours, about eleven (11) hours are allotted for G1 phase, eight (8) hours for S phase,
four (4) hours for G2, and only one (1) hour for Mitosis. The cell technically spends 23/24 of its time
preparing for the cell division. During this length is when the cell grows and acquires nutrients, DNA gets
replicated, and proteins and other molecules get synthesized—all in preparation for the cell before it
divides. If it doesn’t proceed successfully, complications in the cell division would be expected. The
process mitosis will indubitably not be conducive.

Thinking of the cell cycle as an event—like a wedding or so. Most of the effort and time of the organizers
will be spent on the preparation which may take a length of time of about months. Then the actual
wedding (which is what most awaits) would only last for a day. If it isn’t for the preparation which
consumed the time of the organizers, there wouldn’t be a perfect event, a perfect wedding. It would be
similar (in a way) for the cells. They should be made sure to be prepared and well-nourished before they
get to their big event—before they divide. Not going through it would complicates their living.
Abnormalities like mutations which can lead to detrimental effects like cell death or cancer would most
likely ensue. So, if there is a most important stage of the cell cycle, it would be interphase. Preparation is
always the key.

P.S. If asked specifically on what stage of the interphase though, I’d say it’s the Synthesis for me! This is
when the synthesis or replication of DNA happens for when then cell enters cell division, there would be
double the genetic material and allow the splitting of DNA into daughter cells. Basically, it makes sure
that the daughter cell would have the same genetic make-up of their parent cell and serve the purpose
of cellular reproduction—which is to reproduce a copy of a preexisting cell.

Question 2: Do you think a plant can survive without the vascular tissue? Give an example of a plant
which does not have vascular tissues? (just to give my idea)

Essentially, vascular tissues are the xylem and phloem which transports water and minerals from roots
to leaves and transports food from the leaves to all parts of the plants, respectively. High plants possess
this for transportation of their necessities throughout the plant. If it isn’t for them, plants will most likely
die from the lack of nutrients. However, there is a specific group of nonvascular plants called the
bryophytes. For them, the transportation of water and nutrients happens via diffusion process. An
example would be mosses!

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