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Jade Erwin Basul 3/7/2022



Journal Writing: Read the Gospel of Luke 4:1-13 about the temptation of Jesus, and
answer the following questions below.

1. What word, phrase, line or verse is most meaningful to you?. (LECTIO) repeated,
reverent reading of the suggested biblical text.

Answer: For me is the “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only’ line in Luke 4:8

2. What is the Lord telling you in that most meaningful word, phrase, line or verse?
(MEDITATIO) entering into the truth of the text.

Answer: The lord is telling me through this word to demonstrate Lords love for us by showing
that his crucifixion would not have occurred if he had not rejected the devil here. He was offered
an alternative to pain and death in order to gain world control. Yet, because of his love for us,
Jesus chose the long and difficult path that led to Golgotha. Only God is to be adored and
respected as God, and Jesus would not compromise on this paramount fact. Jesus reminded us
that we are to serve God alone, regardless of the dangers, expenses, or consequences.

3. How have I concretely experienced this most meaningful word, phrase, line or verse in
my life? (focus on one experience only) Talk to Jesus, the Living Word. (ORATIO) Listen

Answer: I can concretely experience this by strongly putting my faith and devotion to God. Only
worshipping and serving him to the end of my life. Entrusting my life to God and following to
the end.

4. What feelings were evoked during your time of prayer?

Answer: When I pray, I am able to perceive the positive aspects of my circumstance. All of my
anxiety and stress dissipate because I know that God will do all in his power to ensure that I am
happy at the end of the narrative. What one prays for may have an impact on this. If someone
prays to God for protection from evil, they may experience immediate comfort. It helps me cope
with my depression and acts as a cushion when life throws me a curve ball. It relaxes me and
provides me the power to resist temptation.

5. (ACTIO) is making fruitful what the Word has taught us. What does the text want me to

Answer: The text wants me to worship and serve no other false god except our one and true
savior our God. To acknowledge, respect, and declare the divine merit that God deserves as our
Creator and Redeemer. Worship is an important aspect of our everyday interactions with God.
Worship is a way of life for Christians.

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