Compact Agile Antenna Concept Utilizing Reconfigurable Front End For Wireless Communications

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Compact Agile Antenna Concept Utilizing

Reconfigurable Front End for
Wireless Communications
Pevand Bahramzy, Ole Jagielski, Simon Svendsen, and Gert Frølund Pedersen

Abstract—The conventional full-duplex radio communication and 12 LTE TDD bands) system. This evolution is driven by
systems require that the radio transmitter (Tx) is active at the both CMOS technology and smart integration in the radio fre-
same time as the radio receiver (Rx). The Tx and the Rx are using quency (RF) front-end (FE) [1]. While the CMOS may continue
separate dedicated frequency bands and the Tx-Rx isolation is en-
sured by duplex filters. However, increasing number of frequency to scale down, the analog FE poses challenges to scaling due
bands crave for multiband and multimode operation, which either to physical limits. Today, due to the large number of frequency
require agile duplexers or a bank of narrow-band filters with a bands and modes of operation, the antennas pose particular chal-
switch. While practical agile duplexers are not available, a bank lenges to scaling due to fundamental limitations [2], [3]. Fur-
of narrow-band filters with a switch is bulky and incurs switching thermore, the transceiver RF FE architecture is complicated a
loss. This paper proposes an approach that separates the Tx and
Rx chain throughout the front end (FE). The complexity of the lot because of the increased number of bands and band com-
FE is reduced dramatically by replacing the duplex filters with binations. For the RF FE to be able to support the continuing
tunable filters and closely integrating the tunable antennas in the evolution, new and smart ways of integration in the FE must be
FE, providing filtering which can be used to lower requirements introduced. Co-design of the RF FE and the antenna system is a
for the tunable filters. For this purpose, very small narrow-band promising approach that can help miniaturizing the RF FE and
antennas are designed, which can cover 1710–2170 MHz by using
tunable capacitors. Simulations and measurements of the antenna antenna, while covering the increased number of bands.
concept are carried out in the proposed FE architecture, serving In such an approach it is proposed to have separate transmitter
as a proof of concept. and receiver chain throughout the FE. As mentioned in [4]–[8],
Index Terms—Capacitive loaded antenna, high- antenna, such a concept requires one antenna for the transmitter chain
inductive loaded antenna, MEMS, radio frequency (RF) front-end (Tx antenna) and one for the receiver chain (Rx antenna). Since
(FE), Rx antenna, transmitter-receiver isolation, tunability, Tx the Tx and Rx antennas only need to cover one LTE channel at
antenna. a time (channels in LTE are between 1.4 MHz and 20 MHz [9]),
they can be designed to be quite narrow-band. The resonance
frequency of these high-Quality factor ( ) antennas can then
be changed through electrical means. The space occupied by
the antennas is greatly reduced as one single resonant element

T HE cellular industry has seen dramatic changes over the

past 20 years. The radio has evolved from a single-mode
dual-band GSM system to a Quadruple-mode many-band (4
can be used to cover all the bands. Furthermore, these antennas
are designed for their highest targeted band of operation which
result in small size elements [10]. However, high- antennas
GSM bands, 5 UMTS bands with HSPA+, 27 LTE FDD bands have the disadvantage of having relative high current densities
and fields per area, leading to loss issues. Therefore, special care
must be taken when designing these antennas.
Manuscript received November 05, 2013; revised February 20, 2014; ac-
The Tx, Rx antennas exhibit high isolation because of the
cepted May 14, 2014. Date of publication May 20, 2014; date of current ver-
sion September 01, 2014. This work was supported by the Smart Antenna Front narrow-band characteristic and frequency offset [7], [8], pro-
End (SAFE) project within the Danish National Advanced Technology Foun- viding filtering which can be used to eliminate the duplex filters
dation–High Technology Platform.
from the FE architecture, leading to huge space and cost savings.
P. Bahramzy is with Intel Mobile Communication Denmark Aps, Nørre-
sundby, Denmark, and also with the Section of Antennas, Propagation and Antenna frequency agility is known for long time and can
Radio Networking (APNet), Department of Electronic Systems, Faculty of be achieved through different means. In [11]–[13] tuning is
Engineering and Science, Aalborg University, DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark
obtained by varying the relative permittivity or permeability
O. Jagielski and S. Svendsen are with Intel Mobile Communication of the substrate, where the main drawbacks are the fairly high
Denmark Aps, Nørresundby, Denmark (e-mail:; fields created in the substrate, resulting in degraded efficiency.
Some examples of varactor used for frequency reconfigurability
G. F. Pedersen is with the Section of Antennas, Propagation and Radio Net-
working (APNet), Department of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Engineering are given in [14]–[18], where the relative high bias voltage
and Science, Aalborg University, DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark (e-mail: gfp@es. levels and linearity are the main limitations. In papers like
[19]–[21], field effect transistors (FET) are utilized to obtain
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at tuning. FETs have an inherent tradeoff between on-resistance
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2014.2325946 (Ron) and off-capacitance ( ), where Ron affects the device

0018-926X © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

while increases the parasitic loading due to the off

branches. Besides, power handling and linearity, the main
drawbacks of FETs are the high insertion losses. More recent
tuning components RF micro-electro-mechanical systems
(MEMS) are approaching maturity as they have started being
implemented in commercial mobile phones [22]. RF MEMS
provides performance enhancements to many of the afore-
mentioned deficiencies. The RF path is through metal traces
on a mechanical device so the , isolation and linearity are
much higher, and the DC voltage is physically separate from
the RF path, leading to quite high voltage handling. The main
disadvantage of this technology is cost [1].
RF MEMS are, due to the aforementioned important perfor-
mance metrics, chosen as the tuning component for the proposed
antenna design. The frequency bands LTE band I, II and III
(1710–2170 MHz) are selected to get proof of antenna concept
before going to the more challenging bands below 1 GHz. This
work puts its main focus on the antenna design for the proposed
FE architecture. The paper is organized as follows: Section II
describes the separate transmitter and receiver chain architec-
ture, whereas Section III explains the challenges with high-
antennas. In Section IV, the benefits of capacitive loaded versus
inductive loaded antennas are considered. The proposed antenna
concept introduced in Sections V and VI shows the fabricated
prototype containing the antennas for the separate transmitter
and receiver chain architecture. Conclusions end the paper in
Section VII.
Fig. 1. (a) Traditional RF FE; (b) STRC architecture.
Due to the numerous supported frequency bands in today’s
narrow-band antennas are exploiting tuning to cover all the fre-
smart mobile platforms, each separate signal chain requires a
quency bands required. The tunability of high- antennas are
duplex filter, power amplifier (PA), etc. Using the traditional FE
achieved using tunable digital capacitor array (TDCA) [29]. For
architecture to support more than 40 LTE frequency bands [9],
each mode or application in the terminal the bandwidth is re-
more parallel signal chains will have to be added in the phone.
duced to just the needed channel bandwidth (GSM channel is
This leads to many sub-antenna systems or one very broadband
200 KHz, UMTS channel is 5 MHz and LTE channels vary be-
antenna [23]–[28]. While broadband antennas are large and oc-
tween 1.4 MHz and 20 MHz [9]).
cupy more space in order to be efficient, multiband antennas
Although this concept assumes frequency division duplex
with reasonable performances become very difficult to design
(FDD), it can be used in time division duplex (TDD) systems
in small mobile form factors. All this adds up to a rather bulky
as well, by e.g., tuning the tunable filter way out of band. In
mobile device that has to be charged very often to support data
principle, the same concept can be used for FDD and TDD in
intensive applications. With the consumer demand pointing to
the same FE chain.
very thin devices with high data rates and long battery lifetime,
it is increasingly obvious that a new approach to the RF-signal
chain is long overdue. III. CHALLENGES WITH HIGH- ANTENNAS
As illustrated in Fig. 1(a), the traditional way of separating To provide sufficient rejection at close frequency offsets be-
Tx and Rx in a duplex radio system is by employing a duplex tween transmit and receive frequencies, the antennas need to be
filter (1 for each band) consisting of two filters combined before narrow-band. The high- nature of the narrow-band antennas
the antenna, where one of them filters the transmitter signal for engenders the following design challenges: loss in the con-
noise in the receive band and the other one filters the receive ductor, antenna carrier, interconnection and tuning/matching
signal for energy outside the receive band. The duplex filter is components. In addition, there are higher maximum rating
typically designed to give 40–60 dB attenuation in order to ful- requirements for the active components. All these challenges
fill the system requirements. are due to extremely high current densities and high fields
Using separate transmit and receive chain (STRC), shown associated with the high- antennas [30].
in Fig. 1(b), the conventional expensive multiple duplex filters Due to the high current density any ohmic resistance, even
and the appurtenant switches can be removed. Instead the Tx small, can lead to undesired thermal loss. The conventional way
and Rx chains have separate paths to the two tunable narrow- of implementing antenna structures are by using conducting ma-
band antennas. Part of the required isolation is provided by the terials such as copper traces or beryllium copper stamped ele-
narrow-band antennas and part of it by the tunable filters. The ments mounted on a PC-ABS carrier. Using the same method

Fig. 4. Circuit diagrams for each loading principle is shown with the tuning
and matching component values, where the component values without the
values are for lossless components.
Fig. 2. Inverted F antenna and its equivalent circuit with either tunable inductor
or capacitor.

• antenna concept with as many matching components as

possible as part of the antenna structure in order to achieve
the highest possible component .
These are the approaches used in developing the antenna design
in this paper.

Fig. 3. Standard antenna in extension of 120 mm long and 55 mm wide PCB

with three different loading concepts, where inductive load is at position (1), IV. CAPACITIVE LOADED VERSUS INDUCTIVE
capacitive load is at position (2) and dielectric load is the whole area between LOADED ANTENNAS
the PCB and the antenna element.
An investigation of inductor loaded versus capacitive loaded
antenna is carried out in order to find out what kind of tuning
for high- antennas could result in high losses. Therefore, spe- component to use for the antenna tuning.
cial focus needs to be on each of the loss contributors in order Fig. 2 shows a standard Inverted F antenna, where the tuning
to find new solutions for the high- antennas. The thermal loss capacitor is placed at the end of the antenna radiator. In this
in the radiator itself may be reduced by using better conductors case the capacitive load forces the antenna into resonance and
as silver. The dielectric losses from the antenna carrier can be then tuning can be achieved by varying the capacitance of .
reduced by using materials with lower loss tangent at the crit- From the circuit equivalent model it can be seen that it is a par-
ical places of the antenna radiator. The dielectric losses, caused allel circuit. The of such a circuit can be expressed as
by the antenna carrier, can even be completely omitted by de-
veloping antenna concepts and manufacturing techniques which (1)
do not need support of the antenna carrier.
Interconnecting high- antenna structures are very chal- Since is directly proportional to , increasing will in-
lenging, especially as the thermal loss will be strongly linked crease the antenna , resulting in narrower bandwidth. In addi-
to the method used for interfacing the antenna element and tion, the of the antenna itself also increases with decreasing
tuning elements. The interconnection issue may be addressed frequencies. This means that the total antenna would increase
by developing techniques with the focus on reducing the loss a lot when using capacitive tuning. Another solution is to use
in the interconnections. an inductive loading instead to force the antenna in resonance.
Tuning and matching components often become the bot- From the formula it is seen that increasing leads to decreasing
tleneck when applying them with high- antennas. These , since is inverse proportional to inductor. Therefore, in-
matching and tuning components typically set the limits for ductive loaded antenna is expected to have lower compared
how high- the antennas can be made and still have reasonable to capacitive loaded antenna.
efficiencies. Fig. 3 illustrates a standard antenna in extension of a PCB
Maximum rating of the tuning components is another lim- with 3 mm clearance area for the antenna. The PCB has the
iting factor that becomes more perceptible due to the high- na- total dimensions of 120 55 1 mm and the antenna has the
ture of narrow-band antennas. High AC-voltages across and/or dimensions 3 10 1 mm . The figure only shows the upper
AC-currents through the tuning elements can cause either non- part of the PCB where the antenna is located. Perfect electrical
linear behavior or detune the tuning components depending on conductor (PEC) is used as the material for the PCB and an-
the tuner technology. Therefore, the tuning components are re- tenna. Three different loading concepts are investigated in order
quired to be able to handle the high AC-voltages and currents to see the effect on the antenna and loss. The first one is induc-
that they are subjected to. tive load (marked as (1) in Fig. 3), the second one is capacitive
In order to address the design challenges, caused by the an- load [marked as (2) in the figure] and the third one is dielectric
tenna , the aim is to design: load, where is increased in order to load the antenna.
• radiator structure that is less sensitive to the high current The capacitive load and dielectric load are both loading the an-
density and does not cause unnecessary high current den- tenna capacitively, but with the difference that the former is a
sity that can lead to high thermal loss; discrete capacitor at the open end of the antenna, where the latter
• antenna concept that uses as few matching/tuning compo- is dielectric material between the antenna element and the PCB
nents as possible; with a certain and . The circuit diagrams for the three
• for components with inherently higher , e.g., capacitors loading concepts are shown in Fig. 4 together with the tuning
instead of inductors; and matching component values.


Fig. 5. -parameters of the three loading concepts at 1.7 GHz and 2 GHz, re-
spectively. Solid line curve corresponds to inductive loaded, long dashed line
to capacitive loaded and dotted line to dielectric loaded antenna.


Fig. 6. Change in inductance for different values of .

Next it is investigated if capacitive loaded antenna always has

higher compared to inductive loaded antenna, regardless of
TABLE II the position of the loading capacitor. Table III presents the
SIMULATED OF INDUCTIVE, CAPACITIVE AND DIELECTRIC LOADED and losses of the capacitive loaded antenna with the capacitive
load placed at three different positions from the antenna feed.
In the Table it is seen that the of the antenna is little dependent
on the position. In fact the antenna increases a little more
when moving towards the feed, due to higher current densi-
ties, making the capacitive loaded antenna even more high- .
Hence, the optimal position in terms of antenna , for the ca-
pacitive loaded antenna, is the open end.
The inductive loaded antenna size can be much smaller to get
the same as the capacitive loaded antenna. In the above men-
tioned case, the inductive loaded antenna clearance area reduces
from 3 mm to 0.6 mm in order to make it comparably high-
Throughout the paper, the antenna is calculated using the to capacitive loaded antenna. This size reduction of antenna
formula [31] is a huge advantage in small form factors as mobile phones.
Therefore, tunable inductor is an important component in tun-
(2) able antenna designs. However, despite many attempts in man-
ufacturing tunable inductors [32]–[37], there is to date no prac-
where is the matched VSWR fractional bandwidth and tical tunable inductor available for mobile handset applications.
s is a specific value of the VSWR. In order to get around this problem, the inductance tuning is
In Fig. 5 it is seen that the different loading techniques result done through the adjustment of the MEMS tunable capacitor.
in different antenna bandwidths. The difference between induc- As shown in Fig. 6, the inductance of the inductor can be varied
tive loading and capacitive loading is obvious, whereas there by changing the capacitor value connected across it. This is the
is almost no difference between the capacitive loading and di- method used in this paper to tune the antenna inductively.
electric loading. The of the inductive loaded versus either
capacitive loaded or dielectric loaded antenna, for lossless and V. ANTENNA CONCEPT
lossy case, is shown in Tables I and II, respectively. In the lossy The proposed antenna configuration, developed for the STRC
case, besides , the losses are also compared, which consists architecture, is depicted in Fig. 7. The antenna comprises two
of either only component loss or component loss plus substrate separate elements; antenna element and coupler. The antenna
loss ( ). From the Tables it is seen that the of the element is shorted to ground through a short stub (acting as an
antenna, for both cases, is 3.5 to 6.4 times lower for inductive inductor with nH). The resonance frequency
loaded compared to capacitive loaded antenna, while the losses of the antenna element is inductively tuned by connecting a tun-
are maximum twice as high for the capacitive loaded antenna. able capacitor , with a step size of 125 fF, at the connection
Capacitive loaded antennas are, due to much higher , more point between the antenna element and the ground plane, re-
sensitive to component and therefore set even higher require- sulting in a parallel circuit (illustrated in Fig. 8). The feed point
ments to the component . In the shown design a capacitor is located at the coupler, which acts as a sniffer that picks up the
of 100 and inductor of 80 is used (see Fig. 4). electromagnetic energy from the antenna element through the

Fig. 7. Geometry of the frequency agile on-ground inductive tuned antenna


Fig. 9. Simulated impedances and -parameters. Reflection coefficients ( ,

) and coupling coefficient ( ) of the Tx, Rx antenna pair tuned in the three
LTE frequency bands (a), matched impedance in the Smith chart (b). The cou-
Fig. 8. Circuit diagram of the antenna system. pling between the Tx, Rx antenna pair is below dB for the whole frequency
range with equal to 140.

small coupling capacitor , and directs them to the feed. In-

stead of direct feed, as in most known antenna concepts (some a conductivity of S/m, and the PCB substrate is
examples are given in [38]–[40]), this concept utilizes indirect lossy FR4 with and . The antennas are
feed. The impedance match is obtained through the matching matched using commercial circuit simulation software, and the
capacitor . The antenna resonates at highest frequency with matched impedances are then combined in the EM simulation
being equal to . The resonance tunes down in frequency software for obtaining total antenna losses.
as increases, and resonates at lowest operation frequency for
equal to , leading to electrically longer antenna. A. Simulation Results
The antenna has the dimensions 10 3 6 mm , without The simulated impedances and s-parameters of the Tx and
ground clearance, on a 120 55 1 mm PCB. The antenna is Rx antennas, separated by the duplex distance, are shown in
designed to be as much self-matched as possible, with only two Fig. 9. The antennas are tuned in LTE band I–III using the tuning
physical components and . In STRC mode, individual an- range pF. The maximum and minimum Tx,
tennas only need to cover half of the duplex (the Tx or Rx half) Rx antenna bandwidths are 30–22 MHz and 45–22 MHz, re-
for each corresponding band. Therefore, this concept is applied spectively. Both antennas are designed to cover 20 MHz band-
both as Tx and Rx antenna and covers the Tx and Rx frequency width at the lowest frequencies, which is the maximum channel
range of LTE bands I–III, by tuning the resonance, using tun- bandwidth in LTE. An isolation of better than dB is ob-
able capacitor . tained over the entire frequency range of interest [Fig. 9(a)].
Isolation between the Tx, Rx antenna pair is an essential This antenna concept is capable of tuning over relative wide
metric in STRC architecture, and depends on many factors frequency range using only one tuning capacitor, while keeping
such as size of PCB, placement of antenna elements, antenna input impedance within acceptable range [see Fig. 9(b)].
topology, user interaction and frequency duplex distance. Tunable antennas have typically problems with high
Many different techniques are available in the literature for the AC-voltage across tuning capacitor that often put hard limits on
decoupling of antennas. Methods in [41]–[44] are hard to tune the power handling level, whereby high power level wireless
in practice, have additional complexities as lossy decoupling systems like GSM900 (33 dBm) and GSM1800 (30 dBm) will
circuits and/or are too ideal for practical implementations. either damage the tunable capacitor and/or affect the tuning of
Technique in [4] looks very promising, but is not mature yet the antenna, which will result in unwanted power loss. There-
for practical implementation and requires an additional antenna fore, this is taken in to consideration. The peak AC-voltage
element. Studies on isolation, as a function of frequency separa- across the Tx antenna tuning capacitor , with 30 dBm input
tion, are carried out in [5]–[8], where it is shown that the duplex power (GSM systems), is illustrated in Fig. 10. The peak
isolation improves very fast as the antenna bandwidth shrinks. voltage level increases as tuning down in frequency with the
In this work, high isolation is achieved partly by having duplex highest peak voltage being 50 V. These values are expected to
distance and partly by proper placement of the radiators on the be lower in measurements due to added loss. For lower power
PCB and with respect to each other. wireless systems as e.g., UMTS, with 24 dBm input power, the
Commercial EM software is used for simulating the antenna, peak voltage levels will be much lower and are therefore not
where the antenna and PCB are made in annealed copper with expected to be an issue.

Fig. 11. Parallel circuit resonance graph with pF and

nH (a), resonance tuned down in frequency by increasing with 125 fF
step size (b).

Fig. 10. Simulated peak voltage across the Tx antenna tuning capacitor with which leads to stable impedance in the Smith chart when tuning
30 dBm input power. the antenna impedance.
Increasing leads to higher tuning resolution. Therefore,
TABLE IV should be chosen large enough to obtain dB
SIMULATED FS TOTAL LOSS WITH VARYING TUNING CAPACITOR match tuning resolution at lowest frequencies where the tuning
resolution is coarse. The high tuning resolution, with increasing
, is due to the parallel circuit moving away from its resonance
frequency. For the same antenna size and , when
increasing , the stub inductance needs to decrease in order
to tune antenna up again to the highest frequency of interest,
since affects the antenna resonance frequency despite being
a capacitive probe.
Since of the tuning capacitor is given by the manu-
facturer, the inductor value shall be chosen to be as small as pos-
sible in order to be far from the parallel resonance and thereby
have a decent high component . The TDCA from Wispry [29]
is specified to have pF. Using the formula
Table IV shows the simulated free space (FS) total loss at , the inductor value at resonance can be calculated to
three different tuning frequencies of Tx, Rx antennas, each with be nH. The resonance graph is shown in Fig. 11(a),
two different tuning capacitor values. This in order to in- where (1) is an Operating Point (OP) away from the parallel
vestigate the effect of tuning capacitor on the total antenna resonance, (2) is an OP closer to the resonance and (3) is the
loss. The losses for varies between 2.1 dB and OP closest to the resonance. The closer the OP of the parallel
3.5 dB for Tx antenna and between 1.7 dB and 3.6 dB for Rx circuit gets to resonance frequency, the lower its becomes,
antenna. However, lowering the to 50–70, affects the losses leading to higher loss. Therefore, in order to achieve
quite heavily. In fact, the losses are almost doubled at the lowest decent efficiency e.g., OP (1) in Fig. 11(a). As increases, not
frequencies. This demonstrates the importance of high- tuning only the antenna tunes down in frequency, but also the parallel
components when applied with high- antennas. The change in circuit resonance [see Fig. 11(b)], resulting in approaching OP
losses at highest frequencies, due to difference in , is in- (2) and (3) which causes higher loss due to the reduced . For
significant because of lower antenna and the parallel circuit pF the circuit resonates with nH and for
being away from its resonance frequency. pF the circuit resonates with nH. As seen,
the size of the inductor is dependent on of the TDCA.
B. Pros and Cons The lower can become, the larger can be and still op-
erate around OP (1).
In the proposed antenna design the antenna element is shorted
to ground through the small stub, which increases robustness
towards electric static discharge (ESD). The tuning capacitor VI. PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF STRC ARCHITECTURE
is connected in parallel with the small stub and therefore very WITH TX, RX ANTENNA PAIR
less exposed to ESD. In order to make proof of concept, the STRC architecture
One very essential benefit of coupling capacitor is that from Fig. 1(b) is built on fabricated PCB. Fig. 12 shows the
the tuning resolution can be controlled by adjusting its value. In PCB and close-up of the Tx and Rx antennas. As illustrated in
this way the exact requisite tuning resolution can be achieved Fig. 12(a) the TDCAs and antennas are located on each side
without the need for moving to another position on PCB, as of the PCB. The connection from the antenna to the TDCA is
is the case for tuning conventional antenna concepts [45]–[48]. made through the PCB. The circular cuts on the antenna struc-
Furthermore, by having at the open-end of the antenna, the ture, shown in Fig. 12(b), are made for proper alignment of the
influence on the natural mode of the antenna is minimized, two separate elements (antenna element and coupler). Antenna

Fig. 12. (a) Mounted multilayer PCB, (b) close-up of Tx and Rx antennas.

Fig. 14. Measured antenna impedances and -parameters. (a) , and

of Tx, Rx antennas; (b) matched impedance in the Smith chart. The coupling
between the Tx, Rx antenna pair is better than dB for the entire frequency

Fig. 13. Antenna side of PCB with mounted Tx, Rx antennas together with
the control interface for the TDCAs (up), close-up of the antenna structure and
TDCA (down).

Fig. 15. Measured radiation patterns ( , and plane cuts). (a) Tx

side of the PCB with the antennas mounted, close-up of the an- antenna at 1975 MHz; (b) Rx antenna at 2165 MHz.
tenna structure and TDCA are presented in Fig. 13. The TDCAs
are provided by Wispry [29]. The TDCA, used for this antenna
concept, has a minimum step size of 125 fF [49] and total ca- chart of Fig. 14 with Fig. 9, it is noticed that the impedance
pacitance of pF– pF. The of the match curve variation is larger in measurements, which is be-
enclosed TDCA is measured to be around 70 at 2 GHz. It has cause of more loss. Note, the parallel circuit resonance of the
an IIP3 level larger than dBm and biasing voltage of 3.3 V Tx antenna becomes visible in the shown frequency spectrum,
[49]. The TDCA is able to handle RMS RF voltage of up to 40 as tuning down in frequency.
V, corresponding to peak voltage close to 57 V, which is suffi- The radiation properties of the antennas are depicted in
cient for the proposed antenna concept (see Fig. 10). The TDCA Fig. 15, where omnidirectional characteristics are observed for
is controlled through serial peripheral interface (SPI) line com- both antennas. The measured total efficiencies and losses of
mands, see Fig. 13(a). antennas are presented in Fig. 16. The measurements are carried
out at the lowest and highest frequencies, respectively. For both
A. Measurement Results antennas, the efficiency drops dramatically as tuning down in
The impedance measurement is shown in Fig. 14, where it is frequency. The figure shows that thermal loss is clearly the
seen that the entire Tx, Rx frequency range of interest is cov- dominant factor. The measured losses at lowest frequencies are
ered. The worst case isolation is dB. Comparing Smith around 3 dB higher compared to simulations ( ). This

Fig. 16. Measured FS efficiency and loss (divided into reflection and thermal
loss) of Tx and Rx antennas at lowest and highest frequencies, respectively.

Fig. 18. (a) Stub removed on the antenna side, (b) the stub directly connected
to the TDCA on the bottom layer, (c) improved layout, and (d) equivalent circuit
of the improved layout.


Fig. 17. Fraction of the multilayer PCB showing only top and bottom layers
with the layout design for the integration of antenna, (a) TDCA and stub,
(b) equivalent circuit of the layout.

can be explained by looking at differences between simulations

and measurements.
In simulations is estimated to be 0.75 pF, esti- are connected to ground at the same point. Table V shows the
mated to be between 50–70 and the stub and are connected performance of the improved antennas, where it is seen that the
directly together and to the antenna, which is not possible in total losses of the Tx and Rx antennas, at the lowest frequencies,
practice. Fig. 17(a) shows a fraction of the PCB, where the are now 6.7 dB and 6.4 dB, respectively. As expected there is
layout for the antenna, and the stub is illustrated. Fig. 17(b) no difference in the efficiency results at the highest frequencies.
illustrates the circuit model of the layout. From the figure, it is The improved measured losses are quite close to the simulated
clearly seen that the and the stub are not connected ideally ones, which indicate that the difference was mainly due to the
as in simulations. The layout illustration shows that the current layout design.
path from the back to the stub is long, going through all the
PCB layers (from the component layer up to the antenna layer)
and around the slot in the antenna layer, before reaching the stub. This paper introduces an antenna concept for the STRC ar-
This long current path results in loss and inductance . As chitecture, where individual radiators cover half of the duplex
depicted in Fig. 17(b), the reactive energy oscillates back and for each corresponding frequency band, the transmitting and re-
forth between the stub and in series with three different in- ceiving half, respectively. The antennas are able to cover the fre-
ductors. The high current density there causes more loss due to quency range of 1710–2170 MHz, and provide Tx-Rx filtering
the Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) of the extra inductors in of more than 25 dB across the entire frequency range. The an-
the layout. The energy is desired to oscillate only between the tenna exhibits robustness towards ESD because the antenna el-
stub and in order to avoid the high current densities through ement is shorted to ground through a very small stub.
and ( is the parasitic inductance of the ). It is noticed that proper layout design becomes more crucial
when integrating high- antennas with RF components. Effi-
B. Antenna Layout Improvement ciency improvement of more than 2 dB is seen by improving
The easiest and cheapest way to improve the layout, without the antenna layout.
manufacturing new PCB, is to move the stub to the bottom layer
close to the TDCA, see Fig. 18. REFERENCES
As illustrated in Fig. 18(c) and (d), now the reactive energy [1] V. Steel and A. Morris, “Tunable RF technology overview,” Mi-
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Pevand Bahramzy was born in 1981. He received Simon Svendsen received the M.Sc.E.E. degree in telecommunication from
the B.Sc.E.E. and the M.Sc.E.E degrees in electrical Aalborg University, Denmark, in 1995.
engineering from the Danish Technical University He joined Bang and Olufsen in 1996, where he worked with RF and antenna
(DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2006 and 2008, design for DECT phones. In 2000, he joined Maxon as an antenna designer for
respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. cellular mobile phones. He has worked as an antenna designer and mechanical
degree in cooperation with Aalborg University, engineering since then for companies like Siemens Mobile Phones, Motorola,
Denmark. and Molex. His current position is as a senior antenna designer at Intel Mobile
In 2008, he joined the Molex Antenna Business Communications.
Unit where he worked with the design of integrated
antennas for mobile devices. He is now with Intel
Mobile Communication, Denmark. His current
research is focused on reconfigurable high- antennas for portable devices. Gert Frølund Pedersen was born in 1965. He
His areas of interests are small integrated mobile antennas and tunable high- received the B.Sc.E.E. degree (with honors) in elec-
antennas. trical engineering from the College of Technology,
Dublin, Ireland, and the M.Sc.E.E. and Ph.D. de-
grees from Aalborg University, Denmark, in 1993
and 2003, respectively.
Ole Jagielski was born in 1963. He received the He has been with Aalborg University, Denmark,
B.Sc.E.E. and M.Sc.E.E. degrees from Aalborg Uni- since 1993, where he is now a Full Professor heading
versity, Denmark, in 1988 and 1993, respectively. the Antenna, Propagation, and Networking Group
Throughout the years, he has been working within and is also the Head of the Doctoral School on
R&D with a focus on RF front-ends and EMC and Wireless, in which some 100 Ph.D. students are
antenna development. The employments have been enrolled. His research has focused on radio communications for mobile termi-
at Aalborg University, Dancall/Amstrad, Bosch, nals, especially small antennas, diversity systems, propagation and biological
Siemens, BenQ, Motorola, Molex, and now Intel effects, and he has published more than 75 peer reviewed papers and holds
Mobile Communications. He was one of the pioneers 20 patents. He has also worked as a consultant for the development of more
in establishing over-the-air measurement systems. than 100 antennas for mobile terminals, including the first internal antenna for
He has been working with the development of the mobile phones in 1994 with lowest SAR; first internal triple-band antenna in
first internal triple-band antenna in 1998 with low SAR and high TRP and TIS. 1998 with low SAR and high TRP and TIS; and recently, various multi-antenna
Later, he participated in the development of several different antenna concepts systems rated as the most efficient on the market. He has been one of the
for mobile communication. pioneers in establishing over-the-air measurement systems. The measurement
technique is now well established for mobile terminals with single antennas
and he was chairing the COST2100 SWG2.2 group with liaison to 3GPP for
over-the-air test of MIMO terminals.

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