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Cortez, Nathaniel B.
Faingason, Jerwin T.
Gajasan, Matthew Arvan L.

Before I formally learned about

Intercultural communication, my
When I hear the word intercultural
knowledge of it was just all
communication, I think about “diversity”. Being
speculation. Because of its name, I
able to communicate with other cultures aside
guessed "Intercultural" meant this
from one of your own is really fascinating.
word is going to be related to different
Because you get to experience and have a
people with different cultures and
glimpse of other cultures and could possibly
"communication" just telling me it's all
adapt to it.
about communication between
I find intercultural communication different people from different
interesting since 2 or more different cultures. From that I thought,
individuals of different nationalities with Intercultural communication was
different cultures engage or interact with each going to be about factors to remind
other depending on the event or yourself whenever you are
communication they interact with. It might also communicating with people from
help each other know their differences, another place where they may have a
discover interesting new knowledge and distinct way of communicating from
achieve new connections. yours.
I learned that intercultural communications or Always be respectful to them and if you
interactions sometimes lead to are unsure of what you are about to say,
miscommunications or disagreements because of it’s better to just keep it to yourself, rather
each other's differences. I also learned about the than risking offending someone.
"Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity" Upon listening to a lesson all about
which I once also related where I didn't like the intercultural communication I was able to
culture of a country because of their ways but as pick up a few things; for instance, I
I understand more or know more, I started seeing learned that in having an intercultural
and respecting their ways since that is culture, but conversation you must watch out for a
it still depends on if it's really part of their culture few things like adding in stereotypes or
or not or getting out of hand simply implying them, for they may come
in intercultural communication there are barriers offensive to the different cultured person
that affect intercultural communicative. That you're talking to. Another thing to note is
sometimes we are saying things that are that other cultures may have a different
inappropriate and rude to other people, that turns approach to things such as greetings,
out to be a kind of prejudice or discrimination to genders, food, etiquette, or simply having
them. We should really watch what we are saying a unique form of nonverbal
or trying to express when talking to someone communication. Not paying attention to
different from our culture. Because we wouldn’t these may lead to you, being clueless, but
know, when we've already become rude to their sending unintended messages, possibly
culture. annoys your receiver.

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