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[10/31, 16:20] fitri: Mid Test of Research in ELT (Take Home)

26 October 2022

Please Answer the following Queations:

1. What is meant by research. Please explain and give examples !

2. There are two types of Research Methods. They are Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. What
are the differences between Qualitative Approache and Quantitative Approach ? Please explain and give
examples !

3. What is classroom action research ?, please explain and give examples !

4. What is ELT Reaseach ?  and what is an experimental research ?.

5. Can you employ qualitative approach in ELT Research ? Please explain and give examples.!


1. Please upload your answer sheet in group WA Group (WAG) due date on 2 November 2022 at 17:00

2. Please paraphrase and summarize your work. Do not cheat or otherwise you all will fail.

[10/31, 16:21] fitri: Mid Semester (Takehome Test)

1. Please Paraphrase the following Paragraph:

As the Covid-19 crisis deepened in 2020, President Joko Widodo announced that Indonesia should
prepare for the ‘new normal’. But when social distancing restrictions were relaxed in June to encourage
economic recovery, the virus was not yet contained in Indonesia. Since then, the rate of infection has
been rising faster than in many neighbouring countries. The pandemic has hit the economy hard, with a
5.3% reduction in GDP in the second quarter, the worst economic slump since 1998. In this Survey, we
look at how Indonesia is preparing for the new normal.
2. Please summarize the following article:

As the world continues to battle the impact of COVID19, education has been hit particularly hard by the
COVID19 pandemic with about 1.6 billion learners out of school and 184 country-wide school closures,
impacting 87.6% of the world’s total enrolled learners disrupting learning especially for the most
vulnerable and marginalized. Even before the school closure from COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO
estimated a 69 million teacher shortage to achieve Education for all.

The education crisis is real and had even been worsen by COVID-19 even as Education Ministries across
Africa work out measures for the reopening of schools. Students, parents and educators are now
concerned and raising several questions about education in post COVID 19.

African Centre for Education Development – CLEDA Africa – as a leading Education Institution in Africa,
works to enhance development in Sub-Saharan Africa through Education research, policy influence and
practice. The Centre works with partners to build and enhance data, research, advocate for policy
review, train teachers/educators, and innovate education practices for sustainable development.

The Centre is launching an e-Symposium Series under the auspice of African Education Forum in
partnership with 1 Million Teachers Inc., to address questions around Education in Post COVID 19.

This inaugural Series of the Symposium is scheduled to hold on July 21st, 2020 from 2pm – 4pm (WAT)
via a Zoom Platform.

The theme for this Session is ”Teaching in Post COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities”.

This Symposium is open to: Educators, Teachers, Policy Makers, Government Agencies, NGOs, Civic
Leaders, Private Institution, Parents, Students, Media Agencies, the General public.

Participation in this session is by registration. Kindly click on the link below to go to the registration.

1. Please upload your answer sheet in WA Group (WAG). The due date is on 3 November 2022 at 17:00

2. Please do not cheat or otherwise you all will fail.

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