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Your fund.

Your wealth.
Your future.


This handy reference Superannuation obligations

guide contains a range Generally, employees are entitled to super guarantee contributions from an employer
when aged over 18 and paid $450 or more (before tax) in a month. If an employee
of information and is under 18 they must work a minimum 30 hours per week to be entitled to super

details relating to contributions.

superannuation and If specified in an award or agreement certified by an industrial authority, super

contributions may still be required for those employees:
saving for retirement. ·· 18 years of age working less than 30 hours a week,
·· age 75 years or older.
Further details can be found in our
fact sheets:
· Let the government top up Below is a summary table of ages that different types of contributions can be accepted.
your super
· Salary sacrifice and save Under 75 and
· Make spouse contributions work Age Group 65 years 65–69 70–74 over
for you
Compulsory 9.5% SG Y Y Y  Y 
· Split super contributions with
your spouse Mandated non-SG 1 Y Y Y  Y
· Gaining access to your super
Salary sacrifice Y Y 2 Y 2 N
· Opportunities and limits for
super contributions Personal contributions Y Y  2

These are available at www.ngssuper. Spouse contributions Y Y 2 N N
Downsizer contribution3 N Y  Y  Y

Super Guarantee (SG) contributions

9.5% of each employee’s earnings base (maximum contribution base $54,030 per
quarter equivalent to $216,120 per year) payable within 28 days of end of each quarter
(31 December, 31 March, 30 June and 30 September) by 28 January, 28 April, 28 July
and 28 October.
For every $1 of personal (after-tax) contributions an eligible member makes, the
Government will contribute $0.50 (maximum $500). The co-contribution begins phasing
out where total assessable income including salary sacrifice and reportable fringe
benefits exceeds $37,697 with no co-contribution entitlement at or above $52,697.

‘Mandated non-SG’ refers to contributions payable or made under an award, or agreement


certified by an industrial authority.

Provided the member is gainfully employed for at least 40 hours in 30 consecutive days during
the same financial year in which the contributions are made.
Existing contribution caps and restrictions do not apply to a downsizer contribution.
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on 08-06-2022 our information sheet Downsizer contribution.
GMT -05:00

Annual contribution limits No Tax File Number (TFN) rules
Concessional (before-tax) contributions Contribution type No TFN rule
Amount Tax payable Non-Concessional Cannot be
Concessional contributions 15% contributions tax (30% for total (after-tax) contributions accepted without
to $25,000 incomes4 over $250,000) a TFN

Concessional contributions Member’s marginal tax rate plus an Concessional (before- Tax is 47% if
above limit5 (excess contributions) interest charge (‘excess concessional tax) contributions. no TFN held
contributions’ charge)

You will now be able to carry forward any unused amount of your concessional Tax concessions for
contributions cap if you have a Total Superannuation Balance7 of less than $500,000 on contributions
30 June of the previous financial year. The first year you will be able to access a higher
concessional contributions cap (taking advantage of your unused portion for the Low Income Tax Offset (LISTO)
previous year) is 2019/20. The government provides a low income
super tax offset of up to $500 annually for
Non-concessional (after-tax) contributions eligible individuals on adjusted taxable
incomes of up to $37,000. The amount will
Amount Tax payable be paid by the government into a super
If your Total Super Balance (TSB)7 is less than $1.6 million on 30 June 2018 account of the individual to directly boost
their retirement savings.
Your non-concessional contributions cap is $100,000 Nil contributions tax
and applies to personal contributions for which you Personal contributions
do not claim an income tax deduction. You may claim a deduction for personal
Or $300,000 over a three-year period (age limits contributions (subject to the concessional
and superannuation balance limits apply).6 contribution limit and your eligibility to
contribute). You will need to notify us of
If your Total Super Balance (TSB)7 is equal to or greater than $1.6 million your intention to claim a tax deduction
on 30 June 2018 on the personal contribution.
Your non-concessional contributions cap is $nil and any non-concessional contributions this
Spouse contributions
year will be excess non-concessional contributions.
A rebate of 18% is available for
Non-concessional contributions above limit contributions of up to $3,000 made on
(excess contributions). behalf of an eligible spouse earning less
The excess contribution and earnings (currently than $37,000 (maximum rebate $540).
8.73% pa for 2017/18) can be either: The rebate begins phasing out where
·· withdrawn from your super account, Tax at your marginal tax rate a spouse’s assessable income exceeds
or if withdrawn $37,000 (with no rebate entitlement at
·· left in your super account. Tax at 47% if left in super or above $40,000). Further details can
be found in our fact sheet Make spouse
Includes before-tax contributions and other items such as reportable fringe benefits. contributions work for you.
Excess concessional contributions also count towards the non-concessional cap.
Using bring-forward rule, if you are aged 64 or less on 30 June 2018, you can contribute up to $300,000 over
3 years provided that:
·· your Total Super Balance as at 30 June the previous financial year is not greater than $1.4 million
·· you can satisfy the work test (working for 40 hours in 30 consecutive days during the financial year) for any
contributions made on or after your 65th birthday.
A further constraint on the 3-year bring forward rule is that if your Total Super Balance is close to $1.6m, you will
only be able to bring forward the annual cap amount for the number of years that would take your balance to
$1.6m. Please see our fact sheet Opportunities and limits for super contributions for more details.
Your Total Super Balance (TSB) is determined on 30 June each year. More details are provided
at study source was downloaded by 100000847800965 from on 08-06-2022 23:19:42 GMT -05:00

Tax on superannuation benefits
Age Assessable part Tax rate8 Finding your lost
Age 60 and over Nil n/a super
Under age 60 There is about $18 billion in lost and
unclaimed super and some of it may
Tax-free component Nil n/a
be yours.
Taxable component
As a member, we can do a search
- Under preservation age 100% 20% for you to locate any superannuation
money held with the ATO. If we locate
- Between preservation age and age 60 Up to $205,0009 $0
any ATO held money, we will transfer
$205,000+ 15% these amounts into your NGS Super
Reportable super contributions When performing the search, if we
Reportable super contributions are contributions made to your super account that will locate other superannuation accounts
not be included in your assessable income for tax purposes, however, are counted held with other super funds, we will
when assessing your eligibility for some tax offsets, deductions, concessions, the advise you and you will have the
Medicare levy surcharge and certain Government benefits. option to combine these into your
NGS Super account.
Reportable super contributions include:
To authorise us to perform a search,
·· any contributions an employer makes for you above the current 9.5% super log into your Member Online account
guarantee rate (where you have influenced the amount or rate your employer and simply select Find my Super.
contributes for you),
·· voluntary salary sacrifice contributions, and
·· personal contributions where a tax deduction has been claimed. Please note that
additional after-tax contributions are not considered reportable contributions.

Super preservation ages

Your date of birth Your preservation age

Before 1 July 1960 55

1 July 1960 – 30 June 1961 56

1 July 1961 – 30 June 1962 57

1 July 1962 – 30 June 1963 58

1 July 1963 – 30 June 1964 59

After 30 June 1964 60

Age Pension eligibility age during 2018/19

Females Males
65.5 65.5

This will gradually increase to age 67 for both males and females in 2023/24 and is
Coalition policy to rise to 70 by 2035.
See our fact sheet Your super and the age pension for more information.

Does not include Medicare levy or reflect rates for untaxed schemes.

This is known as the low rate cap amount which is reduced by any amount previously

This to thewas
study source lowdownloaded
rate threshold.
by 100000847800965 from on 08-06-2022 23:19:42 GMT -05:00

Need help? Important information
If you are thinking about making extra The information provided in this
contributions, consider obtaining information sheet is based on our
Contact us professional advice to understand how interpretation of superannuation rules
this works for your personal situation and applicable at 1 July 2018. The information
You can contact us at
how you might be able to combine before is general in nature and does not take‑us
– and after-tax contributions to your into account your objectives, financial
or call us on 1300 133 177 between
advantage. situation or needs. Please assess your
8.00am and 8.00pm (AEST
own financial situation, read the Product
or AEDT), Monday to Friday. We offer single-issue advice limited to
Disclosure Statement for any product
Phone number for callers outside your NGS Super account at no cost:
you may be thinking of acquiring and
Australia +61 3 8687 1818 ·· over the phone through our Financial consider seeking professional advice
Fax: (03) 9245 5827 advice Helpline, or before acting on this information.
·· through our Customer Relationship NGS Financial Planning Pty Ltd,
Postal address Managers who may be able to meet
GPO Box 4303 ABN 89 134 620 518, is a corporate
you face-to-face. authorised representative #394909 of
Further, we offer low-cost personal advice Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd,
through NGS Financial Planning. ABN 46 156 498 538, AFSL #420367 and
offers financial planning services on behalf
To make an appointment phone us on of NGS Super ABN 73 549 180 515.
1300 133 177 or complete the Financial
planning enquiry form on our website
1300 133 177
3631 (0618)

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Issued by NGS Super Pty Limited ABN 46 003 491 487 AFSL No 233 154 the trustee of NGS Super ABN 73 549 180 515

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