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Date : 21st, March 2022

Group Name :

1. Tanti Sepriana (A12120134)

2. Windi Apriyananda (A12120126)
3. Safitri (A12120112)

Writing in Professional Context


Our classroom is in FKIP02 room. Its position is between FKIP01 and FKIP03. The size of this class is
about 7x8 meters.
This class is painted with white colors. The floor of this class also white and makes the classroom
look so clean and tidy. In the classroom there is a lecturer’s desk and several chairs. This class is also
equipped with six lamps and one blackboard. The circululation in our classroom is quite good
because there are have enough ventilation and nine of windows that can be opened. So that, the
fresh air from outside the classroom can be inhaled by students and lecture’s who teach.
So, it makes the learning process comfortable and lecture’s provide learning and students can
receive it well

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