Imotus An Autonomous Underwater Resident Vehicle For Vertical Profiling

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Imotus: An autonomous underwater resident vehicle

for vertical profiling

Jacqueline Nichols, Dana Leslie, Serdar Soylu, Scott McLean

Tristan Crees, Adrian Woodroffe Ocean Networks Canada Innovation Centre
Cellula Robotics Ltd. Victoria, Canada
Burnaby, Canada

Abstract—A resident Hovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Ocean Networks Canada operates two vertical profiler
(HAUV) platform, Imotus-V, is introduced for a novel approach to systems on its two main electro-optic cable systems, VENUS
vertical profiling from seabed to surface. The system includes a and NEPTUNE. The first vertical profiler was installed in 2009
vehicle and a subsea docking interface, which communicates directly on the NEPTUNE Observatory Barkley Canyon node located
to the shore. The HAUV provides complete six degrees of freedom off the west coast of Vancouver Island at the Upper Slope site
motion capability while profiling the water column, and includes a in 400m of water [7]. Developed by NGK Ocean in Japan the
large, customizable payload bay. The subsea docking interface system has a significant payload of 10 instruments in the
includes a blue light modem and pinless inductive charger for profiling float body, shown in Fig. 1. While the system has
transferring data and charging batteries in between missions. This
proven to be a valuable research tool, issues with degradation
docking infrastructure enables long-term, resident functionality for
the system. Software architecture and navigation controls are
of the float tether have limited its availability with the system
presented. Upcoming missions for the test bed are detailed, including being fully operational for about 9 months since 2009.
both confined space and open-water missions.

Keywords—Autonomous underwater vehicle; HAUV; vertical

profiler; resident vehicle; RAUV

Underwater winch systems can provide sustained, real-time
high-resolution data from the water column to study high
frequency and/or episodic biogeochemical events that are not
readily available from other traditional techniques (research
vessels, moored buoys or benthic cabled seafloor systems).
Having a winch system on the seafloor is an appealing concept
as the system has no surface expression, is not impacted by
surface weather conditions, and can provide persistent
sampling anywhere throughout the water column. Powered
winch systems can carry a large scientific payload while
suppling the necessary power and bandwidth for high Fig. 1. NGK Ocean vertical profiler system being deployed for testing
frequency sampling. Underwater winch systems do, however,
require significant effort to deploy and maintain and they are The second system was installed in 2012 on the VENUS
usually limited to deployments in pre-determined fixed Observatory at an inshore location at 200m depth in Saanich
locations. Inlet on Vancouver Island [8]. This system was developed by
MacArtney Underwater Technology and is shown in Fig. 2. To
Early prototypes of vertical profiling underwater winch
improve operational performance, the underwater winch was
systems go back at least as far as the Cyclesonde in the early
installed at the surface on a large 5m buoy, lowering the
1970’s [1], and over a dozen designs for these systems exist.
instrument package. It too has collected valuable water column
Novel approaches include designs like the Seahorse wave
data, but has had problems preventing it from being fully
powered crawler [2]) or the SeaCycler [3].
operational. Underwater winch systems continue to be
Motorized systems on the seafloor usually require deployed on new cabled ocean observatories. The US Ocean
significant power and only became available with cabled ocean Observing Initiative has recently deployed a series of 200m
observing systems like LEO-15 (winch developed by Woods winch profiler systems on the Regional Cabled Array.
Hole Oceanographic Institute – [4], [5]) and the Bonne Bay
Observatory (winch developed by InterOcean – [6]) that utilize
high power and high bandwidth electro-optic cables.

978-1-5386-4814-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

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with a relatively low-cost fiberglass skin. The initial green skin
of the Imotus-1 test bed is shown in Fig. 3, and a rendering of
the skin for the vertical profiling application is detailed in Fig.
4. The design also enables the most cost-effective sensors to be
used for a given application. For example, if high navigation
accuracy is required, a fiber optic gyro is installed. For other
applications, a lower cost magnetic compass is used in place of
the fiber optic gyro.

Fig. 2. MacArtney Underwater Technology winch system mount on a 5m

buoy on the ONC VENUS array

Ocean Networks Canada is interested in exploring

alternative approaches to persistent vertical profiling and has
been working with Defence Research and Development
Canada (DRDC) to test and evaluate new Autonomous
Underwater Vehicle (AUV) designs to replace winch-based
profiler systems. Initial evaluation and testing has been with
the Cellula Robotics’ Imotus vehicle. Fig. 4. Imotus-V rendering in subsea dock


A. Overview The Imotus-V is based on the successful Imotus-1
development testbed. The core system was designed to operate
Imotus was built using commercial subsea components in a
within complex enclosed spaces in a range of fluids with
customised configuration. When combined with Cellula’s
nominal depth rating of 150m and endurance of 12hrs. The
navigation software, in particular Simultaneous Localization
central frame supports the electronic canisters, battery pods,
and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms using profiling sonars, a
cameras, and eight vectored electric thrusters. The thruster
unique capability has been developed for operation in confined
layout provides full six degree of freedom (DoF) manoeuvring
areas. This capability was demonstrated with a series of pool
with redundancy. The vehicle’s important characteristics are
trials in Q4 2017.
summarized in Table 1.
Cellula’s focus for the development of the Imotus platform
has been to customize the vehicle to solve specific challenges TABLE I. CHARACTERISTICS OF IMOTUS-V
rather than supplying a generic ‘pickup truck’ type vehicle that Category Characteristics
is left for the client to configure. The core vehicle is built on a ADCP, CTD
Robot Operating System (ROS) platform, operating over a Payload Bay Surface piercing mast
modular Ethernet architecture. Additional sensors available on dock or vehicle
DVL, USBL, magnetic compass or fiber optic gyro,
GPS (on mast)
Depth 500m standard, 3000m optional
Range Daily 10km mission range at 1.5kts
Acoustic within 1km
High-speed blue light when docking (within 5m)
(via dock)
100Mbits when docked
6-DoF control through 8 vectored thrusters
Control Operator setpoint input
Autonomous return home via safe path
1.1m diameter, 0.9m height (dependent on skin
Weight ~92kg

The base vehicle was designed to operate with or without a

Fig. 3. Imotus-1 HAUV core vehicle, with and without skin fiber-optic umbilical. The fiber optic umbilical allows real-
time, high bandwidth monitoring of vehicle health and sensors,
For each specific application, the core vehicle, shown in the
including inspection cameras. Should this line snag on
first image of Fig. 3, can be easily customised with a range of
anything as it travels, it can be automatically severed by the
navigation and payload sensors to optimize the vehicle’s
vehicle and allow the Imotus to carry on the mission
performance. Even the shape of the vehicle can be changed

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autonomously or abort and follow a safe route back to the instructions from the surface GUI. The execution of the
extraction point. mission produces a sequence of operations (task verbs) that are
translated into corresponding changes to the machine state
The control system includes a PC/104 stack for the CPU variables (setpoints, interlocks, limits, calibration, etc.) which
and distributed I/O modules, providing low weight, size, and drive inputs for controllers, actuator, relays etc. within the
power consumption. These I/O modules communicate with the control nodes).
main computer over ethernet, and interface directly with the
thrusters and internal sensors. The Imotus-V vehicle will Control Module: Control nodes receive inputs from the
include an integrated 4kWh battery and battery monitoring execution layer (such as setpoints) and the perception layer
system. (feedback) and in turn generate command outputs to the
thrusters. The setpoints are given in terms of desired depth,
The motion control of the vehicle is provided by eight heading and position values with respect to a user–defined
thrusters, four of them horizontally mounted for the lateral coordinate frame and are fed into the control module.
motion and the other four vertically mounted for the vertical
motion. The redundant thruster layout allows motion control Perception Module: This module’s nodes receive the on-
even in the presence of thruster faults (up to two thrusters). board sensor data and perform sensor fusion for navigation and
C. Software
The Imotus control software consists of a suite of Software D. Docking Interface
Configuration Items (SCIs). The two major SCI’s are Control The subsea dock communicates to the shore over Ethernet,
GUI (topside) and the Imotus (subsea) control software. The through a subsea cable and shore side interface box. This can
communication between the two major SCI’s is either through optionally be upgraded to a fiber link to increase the dock’s
the fiber-optic cable, acoustic telemetry, or a blue light modem. distance from the shore station. The subsea dock can
The communication protocol allows both asynchronous and alternately be attached to an ocean observatory node. This will
synchronous communication styles. operate in a similar fashion but will require different
installation methods. Power is delivered to the subsea dock
The Control GUI provides the user interface for the through the same cable.
operators. Its primary functions include communicating with
Imotus using available telemetry options, providing calibration State-of-the-art pinless connector technology is utilized on
and tuning features, and logging synchronous and the dock to transfer power and to provide pinless access to
asynchronous data. highspeed communications. These are used to recharge
batteries, to download mission data, and upload new tasks.
On the subsea side, the Imotus control software was Combined, these functionalities enable long term ‘resident’
developed using C++ and Python. The software runs on Linux deployments of Imotus.
(Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) on the PC/104 stack. Robot Operating
System (ROS) is used as the middleware. Imotus-1 uses ROS A mechanical funnel is used to assist in the vehicle’s
“Kinematic Kame”. Imotus-V will use ROS “Melodic alignment with the dock for the last few centimeters. This
Morenia”. The ROS middleware architecture employs the allows for accurate and repeatable docking. To further aid the
master/slave node paradigm. The bridge software was designed open-water operation of the vehicle, a positive engagement
to allow communication between LabVIEW (used to lock is considered for future designs. The docking sequence is
implement the GUI) and ROS. shown in Fig. 6.
The Imotus control software architecture consists of three
major modules (collection of various ROS nodes) as
demonstrated in Fig. 5.

Fig. 6. Docking sequence of the Imotus vehicle, shown without the vehicle

This dock has an acoustic transceiver, blue light modem, a

pinless connector for inductive charging, and a camera. The
acoustic transceiver is used as a ranging signal and beacon,
Fig. 5. High-level Imotus embedded software diagram
giving the vehicle critical navigation information for docking.
Executive Module: Executive nodes are responsible for The blue light modem is able to provide an alert to shore if a
receiving and executing human-readable mission plan problem is encountered during docking, with real-time video

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and telemetry relayed to the shore. The combination of the blue reduced and real-time data can be sent back to the shore-based
light modem, camera and lights allow for a shore-based user to facilities.
assist in docking if a problem is encountered. The prototype of
Inherent to the Imotus vehicle is the ability to survey
the subsea docking infrastructure is shown in Figure 7 below.
multiple areas in one mission. A mission plan can be set to help
determine where certain events will be occurring based on
environmental parameters. Once a certain anomaly is detected,
Imotus is able to react based on its sensor findings. This may
include changing direction to determine the source, or
returning to the dock to report directly back. If a specific
reading is desired, Imotus is able to return to the same spot at a
frequency determined by the operator. Imotus can also take
multiple vertical profiles in a pattern surrounding the event of
Fig. 7. Subsea docking infrastructure prototype Hydrothermal vents and plumes can be investigated
utilizing specialized sensing suites on Imotus. The upward
While docked, the vehicle batteries use inductive charging pointing ADCP data is autonomously monitored to prevent
via the aforementioned pinless connector. The pinless nature transit across thermoclines that could impact the data from the
of the connector allows for easier docking, as it is inherently USBL.
insensitive to alignment and orientation. In between missions,
the vehicle autonomously docks subsea and both payload data IV. UPCOMING TESTING AND DESIGN VALIDATION
and vehicle health become available to a shore-based A. Confined Space
supervisor. If the vehicle health is a concern, the dock camera
and lights can be utilized to further assess the health of the The Imotus vehicle is currently scheduled for an inspection
vehicle prior to the next mission. job within an oil-rig leg in the North Sea. This is a complex
confined space, with partial knowledge of the interior
III. VEHICLE CAPABILITIES environment. For this mission, Imotus will require two main
configurations: mapping and inspection.
A. Navigation
To accurately estimate the Imotus motion, the navigation In the mapping configuration, the goal is to make the
system uses an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The EKF vehicle as snag resistant and compact as possible. Utilizing the
blends multiple and redundant sensor measurements with a proprietary navigation solutions developed, the vehicle will
process model through the minimization of the estimation of map the environment, and provide this to the operators. Once
the error variance in order to generate low-noise and high this map has been created and a path to the desired inspection
update rate state information. During the state estimation, the point has been determined, Imotus will be reconfigured.
EKF predicts the system state based on the process model, and The inspection configuration will be used when the space
then blends this state information with the sensor measurement. has been mapped and a suitable safe route has been
Blending is performed based on the statistical knowledge determined. In this configuration, a few additional sensors may
regarding the available sensor set and the process model. be utilized, such as a cleaner arm or an ultrasonic thickness
The core EKF implementation performs sensor fusion gauge. These increase the risk of snagging on an unknown
using a pressure depth sensor, a Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) obstacle.
and a North-seeking Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG), which In both of the above configurations, the Imotus vehicle
collectively provide dead-reckoning that is used for navigation automatically generates an emergency “escape” route based on
beyond the nominal 1km acoustic range of the dock. Within reversing the vehicle’s path. This escape route is continuously
acoustic range, the system utilizes acoustic position fixes to aid updated as the vehicle progresses further into the environment
the navigation solution. The acoustic system is suitable for and can handle an arbitrary number of heading, depth and
open-water, harbors, or even deep ocean. position changes. Additionally, the fiber-optic umbilical gives
the operator near real-time information during the dive.
B. Sensing
However, if the umbilical is snagged, Imotus can sever it and
Imotus-V provides autonomous transit from seafloor to return to the pick-up location by autonomously executing the
surface and back to the dock with a nominal payload of a CTD escape route.
and an upward facing acoustic Doppler current profiler
(ADCP). Sensor measurements can be scheduled on a routine This inspection job in confined spaces is expected to extend
basis or can be triggered by variances in the perceived to additional legs in the North Sea after the successful
quantities, enabling the observation of long or short duration completion of the first inspection.
environmental changes. Environmentally sensitive areas that B. Open-water
require continuous environmental monitoring can be served by
installing a dock within 1km of the region of interest. In this A series of barge and dock tests are planned for the Imotus
way, the amount of transit to the sensitive areas is significantly vehicle in Q4 2018. These initial tests will be completed in
Burrard Inlet within the Port of Vancouver, BC.

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Open-water navigation of the Imotus vehicle will be the on the system has shown positive results, and additional testing
primary focus of these tests. This includes verifying the and design validation in both confined spaces and open-water
interfaces to the selected hardware and the communication & is planned in the near future.
positioning performance. Specific tests will include the ability
to use the acoustic systems to bring the vehicle into range of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the dock where high bandwidth data transmission will be Cellula Robotics would like to thank Ocean Networks
automatically initiated. The actual in-operation ranges Canada (ONC) and the Industrial Research Assistance Program
achievable on each device will also be tested. (IRAP) for their support in the docking demonstration of
These trials will include a series of docking tests. One focus Imotus.
will be to determine and improve upon the accuracy of REFERENCES
unassisted docking in open-water. One particular metric will be
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Biofouling and mechanical wear of both the vehicle and ’97, 1997, Halifax, Canada.
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specific materials, locations, or devices that show unexpected J, Karstensen, and R. Lampitt, “SeaCycler: A moored open-ocean
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missions. These will help to verify the resident functionality of profiling system for making oceanographic measurements in coastal
the vehicle and provide further information on reliability. waters,” In Proc. IEEE Oceans ’97, 1997, Halifax, Canada.
[5] E. L. Creed, S. Glenn, O. M. Schofield, H. Barrier, R. F. Petrecca, J. A.
V. CONCLUSIONS Dobarro, S. D. McLean, A. H. Barnard, K. Brown, R. S. Adams, and S.
Feener, “LEO-15 Observatory – The next generation,” Proceedings of
A resident Imotus AUV will provide a higher frequency of IEEE Oceans 2005, Washington, DC.
inspection, with improved consistency. As the Imotus vehicle [6] B. de Young, K. M. Brown, R. S. Adams, and S. D. McLean, “Design
inherently knows where it is, inspections are made from and deployment of the Bonne Bay Observatory (B20),” Proceedings of
exactly the same point every time. Additionally, these IEEE Oceans 2005, Washington, DC.
inspections are completed for considerably less cost (no ship [7] C. R. Barnes, M. M. Best, F. R. Johnson, L. Pautet, and B. Pirenne,
time after the initial deployment). “Challenges, benefits, and opportunities in installing and operating
cabled ocean observatories: perspectives from NEPTUNE Canada,”
Imotus-V will provide enhanced agility for adaptive subsea Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 38(1), pp144-157, 2013.
monitoring while leveraging navigation solutions developed [8] P. Macoun, R. Dewey, and A. Round, “VENUS – A bottom up approach
for confined spaces. The full solution integrates a subsea dock to building and ocean observing system,” In Proc. IEEE Oceans ’10,
2010, Sydney, Australia.
to enable long-term resident deployments. Preliminary testing

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