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This section discusses the technology that we are about to explain and use to develop the proposed
system, including this chapter help the proponents on the design of an effective method.

Program Flowchart

The program flowchart shows the process of how the Speaking Medication Reminder to work.

System Design

Hardware design refers to understanding how the components fit into the system architecture with
important components needed for development and integration.

Materials Function
Raspberry Pi is a popular Single Board
Computer(SBC) in that it is a full computer packed
into a single board. We all are already familiar with
the Raspberry Pi 3 and its predecessors, which
comes in a form factor that has become as highly
recognizable. The Raspberry Pi comes in an even
Raspberry Pi
smaller form factor. The introduction of the
Raspberry Pi Zero allowed one to embed an entire
computer in even smaller projects. This guide will
cover the latest version of the Zero product line, the
Raspberry Pi Zero -Wireless, which has an onboard
Wi-Fi module. While these directions should work
for most any version and form factor of the
Raspberry Pi, it will revolve around the Pi Zero W.
We have used it to have real time for reminding

None of the current Raspberry Pi models have a

Real-Time Clock built-in real-time clock, so they are unable to
keep track of the time of day independently. As a
work around, a program running on the Pi can
retrieve the time from a network time server or
from user input at boot time, thus knowing the time
while powered on. To provide consistency of time
for the file system, the Pi does automatically save
the time it has on shutdown, and re-installs that
time at boot. A real-time hardware clock
with battery backup, such as theDS1307, which is
fully binary coded, may be added (often via
the I²Cinterface).

A function in linux can be declared by using

keyword function before the name of the function.
Different statements can be separated by a
semicolon or a new line.
Audio playback board using APR33A3 IC for 8
channels of recording will be used to store medical
Audio Play Back Board
prescription.12 Volt8 channels (M0 to M7) having
capacity to store total 11minutes voice data
Python is a powerful high-level, object-oriented
programming language created by Guido van
Rossum. Python is a general-purpose language. It
has wide range of applications from Web
development (like: Django And Bottle), scientific
and mathematical computing (Orange, SymPy,
NumPy) to desktop graphical user
Interfaces(Pygame, Panda3D). It's much easier to
Python read and write Python programs compared to other
languages like: C++,Java, C#. The syntax of the
language is clean and length of the code is
relatively short. It's fun to work in Python because
it allows you to think about the problem rather than
focusing on the syntax. You can move Python
programs from one platform to another and run it
without any changes. It runs seamlessly on almost
all platforms including Windows, MacOS X and
Linux. To develop the application, I will be going
with Python 3.5 version.

The proponents use Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for

Microcontroller. It will serve as brain of the

The proponents use a 15.6” LED monitor. This

monitor is used for observing, checking, or keeping
a continuous record of a process or data.


Python is one of the primary programming language hosted on the Raspberry Pi. The proponent
use Python for connection of hardware components to raspberry pi.

Is an open source operating system (OS). An operating system is the software that directly
manages a system's hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage.

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