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Mata Kuliah : FLSP 1 (Integrated) Jurusan : PSIK

Pengajar : Tim LC Semester/Kelas : Ganjil / A, B, C
Waktu : 60 Menit Sifat : Tutup Buku & Kamus

Read the text carefully and answer the questions.


Vaccines save millions of lives each year. Thus, developing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines has become
a global priority to end the pandemic and to get back to normal life.

Vaccines work by imitating an infectious agent – viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms that can cause a
disease. They ‘teach’ our immune system to rapidly and effectively respond against the infectious
agent. Traditionally, vaccines are given in the form of a weakened infectious agent that allows our immune
system to build a memory of it. This way, our immune systems can quickly recognize and fight it before it
makes us ill. 

The emergence of COVID-19 vaccines has triggered some questions among people around the globe. Is the
vaccine safe? Will it be well accepted by the body? Will it cause serious side effects? WHO has confirmed that
even though COVID-19 vaccines are being developed as rapidly as possible, the vaccines must go through
complicated testing in clinical trials to prove that they meet internationally agreed benchmarks for safety and
effectiveness. As stated, WHO and national regulatory agencies only received vaccines with high efficacy and

Experts around the world are continuously studying how the new variants affect the behaviour of the virus,
including any potential impact on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. If the vaccines show less
effectiveness against one or more of these variants, it will be possible to change the composition of the vaccines
to protect against them. In the future, changes to vaccinations such as the use of booster shots and other updates
may be necessary.

But today, the most important thing to do is to get vaccinated and continue measures to reduce the spread of the
virus – which helps to reduce the chances for the virus to mutate – including physical distancing, mask wearing,
good ventilation, regular handwashing, and seeking early care early if we have the symptoms.

As there is not enough manufacturing capacity to meet all global needs in 2021, not everyone will be able to get
the vaccine at the same time. Therefore, countries must identify priority populations recommended by WHO,
including frontline health workers (to protect health systems) and those at high risk of death due to COVID-19,
such as elderly and people with certain medical conditions. Other essential workers, such as teachers and social
workers, are the next priority, followed by additional groups as more vaccine doses are available.

Adapted from

PART A: Answer the following questions based on the text. (Score 50)
1. What is meant by infectious agents?
2. How are vaccines proven to meet the agreed benchmarks for efficacy and safety?
3. Why do new variants probably need an updated vaccine?
4. Besides getting vaccinated, mention several steps to reduce the spread of the virus based on the text above.
5. As a Nursing Science student, do you agree if frontline health workers and other essential workers are being
prioritized to get vaccines? Elaborate your answer.

PART B: Grammar (Score 50)

1. Analyze the part of speech from the sentences below.
a. Vaccines save millions of lives each year. (line 1)
b. Experts around the world are continuously studying how the new variants affect the behaviour of the
virus (line 14)
2. Find 5 different phrases from the text and mention their types.
3. Compose one sentence for each type below.
a. Simple sentence
b. Compound sentence

~ Good Luck ~

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