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Following a successful presentation and evaluation by the research evaluation committee,

this report entitled Inventory Management System submitted by Mr. Bishnu Bohara
has been accepted and forwarded to the University for awarding Bachelor of Information
Management (BIM) degree.


Asst. Prof. Surya Devkota

Designation: Faculty Director



Internal Examiner


External Examiner


This is to certify that I, Bishnu Bohara have completed the Summer Project entitled
Inventory Management System under the guidance of Er. Manoj Giri in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Information Management at
Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University.

Date: Signature:

Name: Bishnu


This is to certify that the summer project entitled Inventory Management System is an
academic work done by Bishnu Bohara submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Information Management at Faculty of
Management, Tribhuvan University under my guidance and supervision.

Signature of the Supervisor

Name: Er. Manoj Giri

Designation: Supervisor



I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my

supervisor Er. Manoj Giri for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragements throughout the course of this summer project. I am also thankful to my
college Nepal Commerce Campus for the assistance provided during the system
development. I would like to acknowledge Asst. prof. Surya Devkota BIM Program
Director, Nepal Commerce Campus for his guidance and suggestions. I am also thankful
to Mr. Janak Prasad Timilsina, BIM Deputy Director for his valuable support during
preparation in this project. This blessings, help and guidance given by them from time to
time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to embark.

I am thankful to all the college staff, who had cooperated me kindly while studying the
scenario of present college’s system. I am thankful to my colleagues Abishek Kumar
Karn, Laxman Bahadur Khadka and all mates, for their valuable advice and constant
encouragement, without which this type project would not have been possible. And
finally, my deepest thanks go to Tribhuvan University (TU) for providing me this
opportunity to develop this system. I will strive to use gained knowledge and experience
in the best possible way.

Thank You!

Bishnu Bohara

Nepal Commerce Campus

LETTER OF APPROVAL..............................................................................................................

STUDENT DECLARATION........................................................................................................

CERTIFICATE FROM THE SUPERVISIOR...............................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................................

LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................................

LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................................

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................

CHAPTER I.....................................................................................................................................

1.1 Background............................................................................................................1

1.2 Introduction of the Organization...........................................................................2

1.2.1 Organizational Structure.....................................................................................2

1.2.2 Mission................................................................................................................3

1.2.3 Vision..................................................................................................................3

1.3 Current situation of the organization.....................................................................3

1.4 Statement of Problems...........................................................................................3

1.5 Objectives..............................................................................................................4

1.6 Scope of Proposed Statements...............................................................................4

1.6.1 Information about products............................................................................4

1.7 Limitations.............................................................................................................4

1.8 Methodology..........................................................................................................5

1.8.1 Data and information......................................................................................5

1.8.2 Project Framework.........................................................................................5

1.8.3 Tools and Technologies used.........................................................................5

1.8.4 Technique of the proper project.....................................................................7

CHAPTER II...................................................................................................................................

2.1 Analysis of tasks, activities, problem, issues........................................................8

2.1.1 Analysis of tasks............................................................................................8

2.2 Analysis of Possible Solution................................................................................9

2.2.1 Requirement Analysis....................................................................................9

2.2.2 Functional Requirements...............................................................................9

2.2.3 Non-Functional Requirements.....................................................................11

2.2.4 Software Requirements................................................................................11

2.2.5 Solution Design............................................................................................12

2.2.6 Activity Diagram..........................................................................................13

2.2.7 Design Diagram Sequence Diagram............................................................13

2.2.8 Implementation: Admin Module..................................................................14

2.2.9 Testing..........................................................................................................15

2.3 Findings...............................................................................................................20

CHAPTER III................................................................................................................................

3.1 Discussion............................................................................................................21

3.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................21




Table 1: Use-case Description (Login into the system).....................................................10

Table 2: Use-case Description (View Dashboard).............................................................11
Table 3: Software Requirements........................................................................................11
Table 4: Testing Table for adding items............................................................................15
Table 5: Testing Table for Login Credentials....................................................................19


Figure 1: Organization Structure of Khatiwada Store..........................................................2

Figure 2: Incremental Model................................................................................................5
Figure 3: Use Case of Inventory Management System......................................................10
Figure 4: Class Diagram.....................................................................................................12
Figure 5: Activity Diagram for Inventory Management System.......................................13
Figure 6: Sequence Diagram for login...............................................................................14


AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

BIM: Bachelor of Information

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

GUI: Graphical User Interface

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

IMS: Inventory Management System

JS: Java Script

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

SQL: Structured Query Language

TC: Test Case

TU: Tribhuvan University

UC: Use Case

UML: Unified Modeling Language

XAMPP: Cross platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl


Inventory management software is a software system for tracking Inventory levels,

orders, sales and deliveries. It can be also used in the manufacturing industry to create a
work order and other production-related documents. Companies use inventory
management system to avoid product over inventory and outages. It is a tool for
organizing inventory data that before was generally stored in hard- copy form or in
spreadsheets. Companies often use inventory management system to reduce their carrying
costs. The software is used to track products, retailers, purchase and sale to the customer.

Manufacturers primarily use inventory management software to create orders. This

facilitates the manufacturing process by helping manufacturers efficiently assemble the
tools and parts they need to perform specific tasks. For more complex manufacturing
jobs, manufacturers can create multilevel work orders which have a timeline of processes
that need to happen in the proper order to build a final product. This report is the
documentation of the project that has been developed for Khatiwada Store. This report
includes description of an organization and all the activities performed on the project
during the entire period of summer project. All the work done during the summer project
in the organization has been translated into the report in an understandable and organized

[Keywords: PHP, XAMPP, SQL, AJAX]



1.1 Background

The dependencies on Information Technology have no any boundary to stop all things are
being revolutionized in the world by Information Technology. In the light of rapid
changes with use of Information Technology, there are many tools, technological and
systems that have been produced and invested. Inventory management system is web-
based application. With the distinction of different stocks in inventory of the shop, a
provision of Inventory Management System (IMS) has been implemented to ensure the
proper incoming and outgoing of number of stocks about the different products. As an
owner the number of stocks which has been received for selling and sold one are kept into
record. These data will be inserted in the database of the shop to manage and keep record
systematically and scientifically.

Inventory Management System is the process by which you track your goods throughout
your entire supply chain, from purchasing to end sales. It governs how you approach
Inventory management for your business. Inventory management saves you money and
allows you to fulfill your customers need. In other words, it enables successful cost
control of operations. Knowing what you have, what is in your warehouse, and how to
manage the supply chain properly is the backbone of business.

Manufacturers primarily use Inventory management software to create work orders. This
facilitates the manufacturing process by helping manufactures efficiently assemble the
tools and parts they need to perform specific tasks. For more complex manufacturing
jobs, manufacturers can create multi-level work orders which have a timeline of process
that need to happen in the proper order to build a final product. With supply and demand
changing throughout the year and your stock levels continuously fluctuating, inventory
management software helps to avoid the risk of human error accurately track and control
it. Without one, you will be working on an entirely ad-hoc basis – and systems tell you
the number of components or ingredients you need to create or assemble your final

product. Without this information you may end up with access stock, eroding your bottom
line, or with insufficient stuff to meet customer demand.

1.2 Introduction of the Organization

Khatiwada Store is located in Sankhamul,31, Kathmandu, Nepal. The organization was

established in 2004 A.D. which deals with the business of groceries, daily usage items
and supply it to their customers. It is providing services in the locality as the owner has
some fluency in his talk which attracts the customers from the locality.

1.2.1 Organizational Structure

An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in
order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and
responsibilities. The organizational structure also determines how information flows
between levels within the company. This structuring provides a company with a visual
representation of how it is shaped and how it can best move forward in achieving its
goals. Organizational structures are normally illustrated in some sort of chart or diagram
like a pyramid, where the most powerful members of the organization sit at the top, while
those with the least amount of power are at the bottom. Not having a formal structure in
place may prove difficult for certain organizations. For instance, employees may have
difficulty knowing to whom they should report. That can lead to uncertainty as to who is
responsible for what in the organization.

Figure 1: Organization Structure of Khatiwada Store

1.2.2 Mission

 Effective sales and management of the available products of different brands.

 To provide cost effective product and quality product to the society.
 To perform all activities online i.e. adding a managing the stocks.

1.2.3 Vision

 To provide qualitative product in a reliable cost

1.3 Current situation of the organization

Even after long run of this organization, organization is totally dependent on keeping the
records of several products of several brands, orders. Keeping manual record has more
risk as there is no better provision for backup. No software has been used till date to store
the details about them, they are recorded in paper or dairy, registers. This brings problem
for an organization’s workers when they need to search, update or delete the information
of particular product items. So, to overcome all the problems that this organization was
facing since decades, development of Inventory Management System was required which
will than digitize record storing and maintain its backup in server as well as in hardware
and helps workers in efficient management of data by providing easy user interface of

1.4 Statement of Problems

Khatiwada Store works on a traditional style of working i.e., manually keeping the record
of the inventories. As mentioned, they deal with the number of orders for different items
in the store. In such case, manually keeping such records can be risky as well as
inefficient and slow. Using manual system to manage the products which records all the
information and, in the book, or paper was causing the job of the employee becomes more
and troublesome. The record may have a possibility of missing or getting destroyed in
any causes but now as they have the Inventory management system to keep their record in

their computer as well as the internet it is easier to view the level of inventories and
manage the inventories and their records online.

1.5 Objectives

The main objective for developing the current project entitled Inventory Management
System for organization is to build effective system which is fast, accurate, consistency,
reliable and flexible enough so that it can incorporate any future enhancements. The
proposed system has introduced with certain objectives such as to create Inventory
Management System with a login interface to keep data secured and to provide easy
access of data at the time of need through the centralized and systematic storage of data in
the database. The main goals of this project are:

 To maintain time consumption for data management

 To ensure data security

1.6 Scope of Proposed Statements

The scopes of the proposed system are:

1.6.1 Information about products

This system IMS will help in maintaining complete information about different products
of different brands, such as its availability, remaining of inventory’s etc. Admin will
register products, brands update if require and remove information when the inventory is

1.7 Limitations

While there are a series of advantages pertaining to computerized inventory management

software, there are also a series of drawbacks within the system as well. These two
drawbacks include potential system crashes and reduced physical audits. System crashes
are by far the biggest disadvantage pertaining to computerized inventory management. A
corrupt hard drive, power outage, or technical issue can all lead to a loss of needed data
and could potentially shut the entire operation down. At the least, businesses are
interrupted when they are unable to access data that is needed. The main limitation of my
project is:

 There is no option for online payment for the purchase of the product.

1.8 Methodology

For gathering required information to make Inventory Management System (IMS),

different methods have been used. Direct interview with owner of organization with
questionnaire and observation of day-to-day activities of organization different
departments, for finding out organization requirements for proper system.

1.8.1 Data and information

We used the primary method of data collection, i.e., Questionnaire. A particular set of
questions were designed for problem identification and data requirements, and the
questions were asked to the parlor owner. We also visited some store websites for
problem identification and data requirements.

1.8.2 Project Framework

Figure 2: Incremental Model

The reason behind considering this methodology are as follows:

 Frequent feedback and faster delivery.

 Lower cost of changes.

1.8.3 Tools and Technologies used

The tools used in this system development includes:

Front-end: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap Framework, AJAX

HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages. With HTML you can create your
own website. HTML is easy to learn.HTML is used here to provide the basic design
rough structure of the inventory management system

CSS is the language we use to style an HTML document. CSS describes how HTML
elements should be displayed. In my system, CSS is used for the text, format designing.

JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language. JavaScript is the

programming language of the Web. JavaScript is easy to learn. JS is simply used here for
simple execution and validation somewhere.

Bootstrap is a potent front-end framework used to create modern websites and web apps.
It's open-source and free to use, yet features numerous HTML and CSS templates for UI
interface elements such as buttons and forms. Bootstrap also supports JavaScript
extensions. Bootstrap is used here for the template design of the front-end portion. AJAX
is a new technique for creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications with
the help of XML, HTML, CSS, and Java Script.

 Update a web page without reloading the page

 Request data from a server - after the page has loaded
 Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded
 Send data to a server - in the background

Back-end: PHP, MYSQL for Database

PHP is an acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". PHP is a widely-used, open-

source scripting language. PHP scripts are executed on the server. PHP is free to
download and use. Here, PHP is used all over with AJAX for the backend development of
the system.

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle that

is based on structured query language (SQL). A database is a structured collection of data.

It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or a place to hold the
vast amounts of information in a corporate network.

Sublime Text: Coding Purpose 

Sublime Text editor is a sophisticated text editor which is widely used among developers.
It includes wide features such as Syntax Highlight, Auto Indentation, File Type
Recognition, Sidebar, Macros, Plug-in and Packages that make it easy for working with
code base. Use case & diagrams

Designed by Seibert Media, is proprietary software for making diagrams and

charts. The software allows you to choose from an automatic layout function, or create a
custom layout. They have a large selection of shapes and hundreds of visual elements to
make your diagram or chart one-of-a-kind.

1.8.4 Technique of the proper project

Problem analysis: The main problem of the organization is that it didn’t have a
computerized system to maintain records digitally.

Feasibility analysis: The analysis of the project has led to the conclusion that the project
is feasible with time and cost. In addition, the tools used for the development are almost
Open Source involved less cost and maintenance.

Economic feasibility: This analysis involves the Cost-benefit analysis. It helps determine
the positive or negative effect created by the software on the organization, making a
positive impact. As the organization is working in low level of operation, the installation
of system wouldn’t impact that much in the perspective of economy. The owner can
simply setup a normal setup and operate the system according to the need.

Technical feasibility: This analysis helps to forecast the future movement. I am using
Sublime Text to develop the project. As the there is no any hard and fast rule to
implement in the system that would impact in the normal operation of the system, so the
owner Mr. Khatiwada can also normally operate in the general math knowledge which he
had already.

Operational feasibility: In this analysis, the system is analyzed on how well the
proposed system solves the problem and works in the real environment, and satisfies the
system development's requirement analysis phase. Looking into the problem the system
has been developed, the owner can use the system to solve his ongoing problem regarding
the store of files and manage the records for further analysis. This problem is some how
solved in the system after analyzing all the possibilities.



2.1 Analysis of tasks, activities, problem, issues

2.1.1 Analysis of tasks

Task analysis is the process of learning about ordinary users by observing them in action
to understand in detail how they perform their tasks and achieve their intended goals.   
Tasks analysis helps identify the tasks that your website and applications must support
and can also help you refine or re-define your site’s navigation or search by determining
the appropriate content scope. 

I visited the shop for the requirement collection. After the requirement was collected, the
primary task was to break down the proper procedure and build the working framework.
The visit helped to analyze various aspects of the shops and determine the problems that
the software build can solve. 

Various purpose of Task Analysis:

 What your users’ goals are; what they are trying to achieve
 What users actually do to achieve those goals
 What experiences (personal, social, and cultural) users bring to the tasks
 How users are influenced by their physical environment
 How users’ previous knowledge and experience influence

It’s important to perform a task analysis early in your process, in particular prior to design
work.  Task analysis helps support several other aspects of the user-centered design
process, including:

 Website requirements gathering
 Developing your content strategy and site structure
 Wire framing and Prototyping
 Performing usability testing

2.2 Analysis of Possible Solution

2.2.1 Requirement Analysis

The main objectives of requirement analysis are to identify and evaluate the requirement
of the proposed system. It helps to know user requirements, system requirements,
functional requirements, and non-functional requirements for ‘Inventory Management
System’ for Khatiwada Store. All the requirements are gathered as I had presented him a
questionnaire with list of problems and their solutions.

A questionnaire is a list of questions or items used to gather data from respondents about
their attitudes, experiences, or opinions. Questionnaires can be used to collect quantitative
and/or qualitative information. Questionnaires are commonly used in market research as
well as in the social and health sciences. The basic types of questions asked by me before
designing includes:

 Type of business,
 Budget,
 Current Problems,
 Integrations (though not solved and is like limitation),
 Users of the system,
 Future requirements

2.2.2 Functional Requirements

These are the statement of the service the system provides, how the system should
interact with the particular inputs, and how the system should behave in a specific
situation which is as follows: 

 Only the admin has the right to access and edit the database
 The system should record the purchase,
 The system should record the sale,
 The system should record the customer,
 The system should record the vendor details,
 The system should prepare the reports
 The system should be able to provide information when needed.

Figure 3: Use Case of Inventory Management System

The above use case diagram wants to illustrate that the end user of the system, admin or
the shopkeeper Mr. Khatiwada would be able to login in to the system. After getting the
access, he can maintain the purchase record, sales record, customer records, vendor
records and the inventory of the stock by the help of the system.

Table 1: Use-case Description (Login into the system)

Use-case Identifier UC1: Login into the system

Primary Actor Admin
Secondary Actor None
Description The admin can log in to the system through a login form for
Pre-condition The admin has to know the required username and password.
Post-condition The admin can perform the required action in the system.
Success Scenario A login success message should be displayed.
Failure Scenario Login failed message should be displayed.

Table 2: Use-case Description (View Dashboard)

Use-case Identifier UC2: View Dashboard

Primary Actor Admin
Secondary Actor None
Description The administrator views Dashboard
Pre-condition The admin has to be logged in to view dashboard.
Post-condition The admin can view purchase, sale, customer, and sales.
Success Scenario The latest information is displayed.
Failure Scenario The database is not connected or misconfigured.

2.2.3 Non-Functional Requirements

 The system shall be easier to use with better GUI.
As there is no guarantee that every end user is knowledgeable about the system,
the GUI representable to them must be easy to use.
 The system shall be secured enough to operate.
The user of the system and his/her all data must be secured by the system; the data
integrity must not get leaked
 The system should be affordable.
The system should affordable in costly manner which can be also implemented by
small to large, any type organization.
 The system shall be fast enough to process the data
The system must be faster in operation which enables to record the data more.

2.2.4 Software Requirements

Table 3: Software Requirements

Software Purpose
Sublime Text: In order to design layouts and to write code. 
MYSQL: In order to establish communication between data and database.
Microsoft Word: To write documentation of whole summer project. In order to draw the diagram Use-case, Sequence diagram,
Class-diagram and so on.

2.2.5 Solution Design

Solution design is initial phase of physical deployment of any solution, which shows the
process of system functioning.

Class Diagram:

The class diagram is a UML diagram that represents a static view of a system. It is a
composition of different classes which are linked to each other through association.
Solution Design can be described with the help of shown Class Diagram:

Figure 4: Class Diagram

The class diagram of the IMS represents the entities involved in the system their methods
and the entities in the class. The above class diagram describes the relationship between
them and the working mechanism. As the purchase is added the stocks get deducted in the
items column and so goes the other functionalities.

2.2.6 Activity Diagram

An activity diagram represents a series of actions or flow of control in a system like a

flowchart or a data flow diagram. They also describe the steps in a use case diagram. For
example, the given diagram demonstrates one of the activities in this system:

Figure 5: Activity Diagram for Inventory Management System

The above activity diagram shows activity involved in whole operation of the system. The
admin enters the login credentials after validating the credentials, after that visit to
dashboard, then he/she can edit, update, insert or delete the entire record of the system.

2.2.7 Design Diagram Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are dynamic modeling approaches used in object-oriented based

projects. The sequence diagram shows the communication between the system objects or
classes. The sequence diagram is shown below:

Figure 6: Sequence Diagram for login

2.2.8 Implementation: Admin Module


 Purchase: In the purchase module, the shopkeeper or end-user uses the module to
order the items lacking in the stock. The stocks would get updated automatically
and responsively.
 Sale: The owner can update the sale info in regular basis and helps in finding out
the remaining stocks after sales.
 Customer: In this module, the customer data are stored in database and it is easier
for the viewing of information of customers.

 Vendor: In this particular vendor the admin or the user can record and maintain
the data of the vendor from which they are receiving the supplies and items in
 Item: In the item module, the items can be added and images of it can be
 Report: In this module, the reports can be generated in pdf, csv format which is in
printable form.

2.2.9 Testing

In testing, the different inputs were tested as input to GUI forms, which can be shown
below with the help of the table below:

Test Case of Summer Project “Inventory Management System” for ‘Adding items.’

Project Name: Inventory Management System

Test Case

Test Case ID: TC-01 Test Designed By: Bishnu Bohara

Test Priority (Low, Medium, High): Test Designed Date: 8th June, 2022

Module Name: Add Items Module Test Executed By: Bishnu Bohara

Test Title: Adding items in the database Test Execution Date: 8th June, 2022

Description: Test IMS and Add items into the database

Pre – Conditions: Data is not on database

Table 4: Testing Table for adding items

S.N. Test Steps Test Data Expecte Actual Result Status Notes
d Result (True/
1 Admin Username: The The admin is True
admin redirected to
Login admin should be the homepage.
Password: redirecte
admin123 d to the
2 Navigate to Add As expected, True
items items
should be
3 Fill the Item number:4 Informati As expected, True Items should
form with Item name: on should not duplicate
valid Dhara Mustard be
information Oil inserted
Stock: 300
Unit cost: 340
4 Insertion of Image file Image As expected, True Image file
image of should be should be in the
the item inserted specified format
5 Click on the Informati As expected, True The message of
add button on should addition of item
be added should be

Post Conditions: Items should be updated and be available for the operations.

S.N. Test Steps Test Data Expected Actual Result Status Notes
Result (True/
1 Admin Username: The admin The admin is True Correct Data:
Login hello should not not redirected Username:
Password: be redirected to the admin
123 to the homepage. Password:
homepage admin123
2 Admin Username: The admin The admin is True Correct Data:
Login admin should not not redirected Username:
Password: be redirected to the admin
admin123 to the homepage. Password:
homepage admin123

Table 5: Testing Table for Login Credentials


After analyzing the problems of the organization, it was found that using the old
techniques to manage the reports, stocks, and their records it was hectic and uneasy to
handle. If organization use this software for recording and managing, it will help them to
maintain record effectively and efficiently with reduction in cost.


3.1 Discussion

The project covers the problem that was identified during the organization visit and the
solution to the problem was solved by developing software. The system can provide the
information like sales records, purchase records and the inventory level, etc. The system
is assumed very helpful to the shop.

3.2 Conclusion

The system was successfully completed in time as per the objectives. After the evaluation
of system within the shop, the system is expected to fulfill all the requirements and prove
out to be beneficial for the owner.

The evaluation from users of this system in shop proved that the system will turn out very
effective and convenient to use. The incremental model used in this system is helpful to
check in every phase after each coding.

This summer project helped to acquire the practical knowledge about the working
procedure in the shop at a real time. In conclusion this project helped to enhance skill and
learning as well as helped to gain abilities to work in real environment


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