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“You (LPCA) made our cherished dreams come true”.

This is one of the most

moving lines in our LPCA Hymn and this remains true and real up to now. First of all, I
would like to congratulate Ms. Irin D. Uy, the LPCA-MHS Alumni Association
President, for the success of having this 1st Commemorative Book. Without Ms. Uy’s
initiative, together with her associates, it would not be feasible.
It must be a very proud moment for all the alumni of La Purisima Concepcion
Academy to act as ONE Purisimian united by our beloved institution. I do believe that
our institution tries its best to change and uplift the lives of its graduates. Proudly to say,
there are doctors, lawyers, engineers, and politicians who continually give honor to our
institutions. I know we have already come a long way, but there are still miles and miles
ahead. We survived the challenges in the past and we will keep on surviving as one
Purisimian. Together, we are going to seize the future and strive to be excellent until our
dreams come true. This is made possible if we put in our hearts and minds the LPCA
graduate attributes with an acronym SUCCESS:
Spiritually formed children of God
Unbounded with knowledge and skills
Committed to faithful service
Compassionate and competent leaders
Effective communicators
Systematic decision-makers and
Socially aware individuals

May these qualities lead you all as you LIVE, LAUGH, and LOVE. These were
developed by educators as they studied our institutions' alumni. So happy that they could
remember who you were and who you are right now. Purisimians are God's gift to
humanity because they are so kind, generous, and loving to their fellow graduates as well
as to everyone else. Continue to love and support your cherished alma mater. May these
qualities lead you all as you LIVE, LAUGH, and LOVE.
We are Purisimians who are Christ-centered, committed, competent,
compassionate and family-oriented. We are one Purisimian FOREVER.
“Our love for you (LPCA) is forever. Long-life and prosperity be reached.”

Mrs. Raquel Patricia O. Inciong

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