Preliminary Proposal

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Committed to Faithful Service; Inspired by Love.



PROJECT TITLE : Preliminary Project Proposal – 75th Foundation Week

Project Theme :
Project Proponent : Student Council
Proposed Date : December 5 – 9, 2022
Inclusive Dates : November 6; Foundation Week
Location : LPCA
Submitted by : Student Council Adviser

This section contains the background of the activity to be conducted.

This preliminary project proposal entails to provide the school administration and community of an
overview of the MAJOR activities to be conducted during the 75 th Foundation Week. Though this does
express in detail the mechanics and procedures of every activity, this aims to at least give the
concerned individuals / classes a heads-up so that preparation will soon commence. The detailed
proposal shall be given at least a month before all the scheduled activities. Rest assured that what are
expressed in here are the minimum requirements/preparations thus shall not be changed and later
on will be just developed.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES : To inform ahead of time the class advisers, classes, Purisimians of the
Foundation Week’s Major Activities.
The following are the PROPOSED ACTIVITIES FOR THE 75 th Foundation Week
 The LPCA Foundation and Christmas Station ID song writing contest.
 The LPCA Foundation and Christmas Station ID.
 LPCA cares and gives back.
 Mr. and Ms. LPCA Personality 2023 and Little LPCA Personality 2023
 The LPCA Short Film Festival.
 75 Greetings for the 75th.
 The school fair.

*The following are only the major activities, some activities may be added.
General Mechanics :
The LPCA Foundation and  This contest is open to all Purisimians (students, teachers,
Christmas Station ID song alumni) individual or group.
writing contest.  This is a song-writing contest in which the winning piece shall
be used as the school’s Foundation and Christmas Station ID
 The song shall reflect the school’s Mission/Vision/Core
Values/Graduate Attributes and should also reflect authentic
Purisimian experiences.
 As this will be used as a Christmas Station ID as well,
appropriation to the Christmas spirit / elements should also be
 The song should be atleast 4 to 5 minutes long.
 There should be atleast an accompaniment of 1 musical
instrument in the submitted entry.
 The entry should be free of any noise.
 The song may be in English or Filipino.
 The entry would be judged based on its content, musicality,
impact, creativity, appropriateness, and originality.
 The deadline for the submission of entries will be on
November 4.
 Kindly message sir Ferben Africa for your submission
 A google drive link shall be provided for the submission.
 Announcement of winner shall be on November 6.
The winner shall receive P2000.
The LPCA Foundation and  The winning piece from the contest shall be used in the Station
Christmas ID ID.

The shooting/editing of the Station ID shall be on November 7 –

December 2. The station ID shall be released on December 5, the start
of the Foundation Week.
LPCA cares and gives back.  This is a giving back to the community activity through simple
grocery-gift giving.
 The Student Council shall identify 75 family recipients.
 Each of the class shall be given assigned families.
Grade School Department – 7 families
JHS Department – 4 families each class = 32
SHS Department – 4 families each class = 36
 The SC with the class officers shall coordinate the gift giving.
Gifts don’t need to be expensive.
Mr. and Ms. LPCA  This is a pageant.
Personality 2023 and Little  The Grade School Department shall compete for the Little
LPCA Personality 2023 LPCA Personality.
 The Junior High School Department shall send 2
representatives for the Mr. and Ms. LPCA Personality.
 The Senior High Department shall send 2 representatives for
the Mr. and Ms. LPCA Personality.
 There will be 4 rounds in the pageant. 3 rounds for the attire
and the Question and Answer portion.
The Frontliner Attire
Casual Wear
Formal Wear
*Activity shirt shall be worn in the production number.
 There will be a People’s Choice award ranked through
monetary contributions. The highest contributor shall proceed
to the final round which is the Q and A.

Contest Flow
Grade School Department
Modelling of the 3 attires.
Announcement of the Final Four.
Q and A

High School Department

Modelling of the 3 attires
Announcement of the Final Four.

 Prior the pageant, atleast two weeks, there will be a photo-

shoot where the candidates shall wear their activity shirt and
casual attires.
 Casual attires worn in the photoshoot need not be the one to
be worn in the pageant.
Detailed mechanics and schedule shall be released at least a month
before the pageant.
The LPCA Short Film  This contest is for the G10 and SHS department.
Festival.  The contest shall be according to strand and grade level.
 Expected entries would be coming from :
G10 – 1 entry
G11 and G12 ABM – 1 entry
G11 STEM – 1 entry
G11 and G12 HUMSS – 1 entry
G12 STEM – 1 entry
 The short movie should be between 18 – 20 minutes long.
 The characters in the film should be PURISIMIAN students.
 The theme and context of the movie should revolve around
LPCA’s core values : being Christ-centered, Committed,
Compassionate, Competent, and Family-Oriented.
 The storyline should be leading towards the realization of the
chosen core values.
 The movie should be shot in landscape mode.
 Any digital editing is allowed.
 Do not use any copyrighted material.
 Submission of Entries is on December 2.
 There will be an awards-show for the LPCA Short Film Festival.
The awards are as follow :

Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best in Cinematography
Best in Digital Editing
Best Picture
People’s Choice

 A cash prize will also be given to the following

Best Picture – P5,000
2nd Best Picture – P3,000
3rd Best Picture – P1,000

*300 pesos will be given for other special awards

Tickets will be sold to the students.

75 Greetings for the 75  The Student Council to commemorate the 75 th Founding
Anniversary shall collect 75 video greetings from the LPCA
community. It will involve alumni, students, teachers, former
teachers, administrators, former administrators, board of
trustees etc.
The video greetings shall be collected and put together and will be
shown during the foundation week celebration.
The school fair  This activity shall go through the entire foundation week.
 This will be in collaboration of the other school clubs.
Details soon.

Participants : LPCA Community

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