HIS Activity 3

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Health Information System for Medical Technology

Activity 3

1.List down at least 10 values of a medical technology student and a future registered medical
Medical technologies enable the early and accurate diagnosis of health problems, facilitating
timely intervention and improving outcomes. Innovative products can replace, repair and sustain
failing body functions, while telemedicine and connected devices allow remote monitoring of
patient’s conditions. By accelerating recovery and keeping people healthy, modern medical
technologies support people in living full and active lives.


Timely and accurate diagnostic information empowers healthcare professionals to make clinical
decisions that optimize patient outcomes. By reducing patient recovery times and surgical
complication rates, the medical technology sector helps ease the pressure on healthcare
professionals by reducing demand. In addition, by freeing healthcare professionals to focus on
tasks where they add most value, we support workplace satisfaction.


By helping citizens to stay socially and economically active, and by preventing serious
complications of chronic disease, medical technologies can add value to healthcare systems and
to society. Medical technology innovations help to deliver efficiency and enhance the
sustainability of healthcare. Our industry is facilitating advances in healthcare deliver by bringing
the latest benefits of big data and machine learning to clinics all sizes.

Having the necessary knowledge, ability and skills to do the task given to me a Medical
Technology student and as a future RMT.
Being a compassionate Medical Technology student and future RMT means having the ability to
recognize the sufferings of my fellow student and RMTs and able to take action in solving and
adhere the problem.
We as MT students and future RMTs should be able to choose what is right from wrong and to
be honest at all times. Integrity in the workplace comes in many forms, like having upstanding
character traits and work ethics including sound judgement, dependability, and loyalty
commitment able to dedicate my self to Medical Technology course, being a responsible and
excellent student. As a future RMT, I should practice properly my profession and to do what the
code of ethics wants me to do.
Giving the proper respect to my co-student and future co-workers in Medical Technology,
avoiding miscommunications and to have a good working environment with them.
Problem Solvers
As a Medical Technology student, this is a critical value as there will always be a problem that
arises and needs immediate answers and solutions. A Future RMT should always be ready for
unexpected problems, we should have a calm and collected mindset in order to solve these
unexpected problems.
Critical thinker
A Medical Technology student and future RMT should be able to analyze the facts and evidence
in order to formulate judgement. Sometimes there are problems and in order to solve these
problem we should be able to critically think and immediately come up with solutions to the
Ethical Practice
We Medical Technology students should be obeying school's rules, should have effective
communication skill as we are in the medical field, taking responsibility, accountability,
professionalism, trust and mutual respect for co-student and colleagues at work when we
become RMT.
2. List down your strengths and weaknesses as a medical technology student. How are you
going to use your strengths and how are you going to improve your weaknesses?
We medical technology students have our own strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths
is being resourceful. Since my High School days, I was always being resourceful asking looking for
different ideas for my activities and creating the best one that fits for the task that is given to
me. I always try to ask my co-students and gather information so that I can improve my work.
Now as a Medical Technology student, I should keep on being resourceful looking for other
references for my course subjects and finding different brilliant ideas and creating spectacular
one so that I can consistenly improve every task that is given and become an excellent student of
National University. My other strengths are being competent and hardworking. These two traits
should always be together in order to work in excellence. With these strengths I know I can
handle difficult and challenging tasks when I consistenly work hard for it and apply my skill and
knowledge on it.
As for my weakness, I lack motivation sometimes. There are instances that I lose focus on my
work and tend to get tired immediately. There are times that I don't want to study as I feel so
exhausted. This trait does not fit to be called a Medical Technologist. A Medical Technologist is
someone who is working so hard and does not get tired of taking care of their patients, they
always show a smile on their face despite the endless workload behind their back. In order to
lessen and dispose of this weakness, I should create and find that motivation that will keep that
fire in my heart. I will need to improve my mindset and will focus on those things that really
3. In connection with your activity #1, make your own organizational chart.

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