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is one of Korea's most popular beef dishes that is made from thinly sliced sirloin or
another prime cut of beef (rib eye). It is usually marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, sesame
oil, black pepper, garlic, onions, ginger, and sugar for two to four hours to enhance the flavor
and its tenderization. Bulgogi is traditionally grilled but broiling or pan-cooking is common as
well. Whole cloves of garlic, sliced onions, and chopped green peppers are often grilled or
cooked at the same time. It is often served to non-Koreans as a first taste of Korean cuisine.

This dish is usually served with a side of lettuce, spinach, or other leafy vegetable, which is
used to wrap a slice of cooked meat, often times along with a dab of ssamjang, kimchi, or
other side dishes, and then eaten as a whole. To see a visual illustration, click here.

Korean 101: Bul is the Korean word for fire and gogi is meat, therefore, it translates into fire

meat. However, it's not quite spicy in taste but somewhat on the sweet side.
 1 lb thinly sliced beef (sirloin or rib eye)
 5 tbsp sugar
 ½ cup soy sauce
 2 buds finely chopped garlic (can be crushed but remove buds before serving)
 ¼ tsp salt
 5 tbsp Mirin (sweet sake, optional)
 2 tbsp sesame oil
 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
 1 cup split green onions
 2 cups thinly sliced carrots (optional)

1. Mix all ingredients except carrots. Marinate in refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
2. Cook over medium high heat until meat is just short of desired completion.
3. Add carrots and cook for an additional 3 minutes.
4. Serve with rice.

SuJeongGwa is a Korean traditional beverage made with mainly cinnamon sticks, ginger, and
sugar. Koreans usually drink this beverage as a dessert. Koreans drink it a lot during the
holidays. When you look at the ingredients, it has some healthy qualities. It tastes good both hot
or cold, but I prefer it cold with ice cubes. Once you make it, you can keep it in the refrigerator
quite a long time. If you invite some people over for a Korean meal, this can be a good
beverage for your meal.

Main Ingredients

o 10 Cups Water
o About 12 Cinnamon Sticks (1¾ oz.)
o About ⅓ Cup Ginger (1¾ oz.)
o ½ Cup Sugar
o ½ Cup Dark Brown Sugar
o Some Dried Persimmons
o Some Pine Nuts (to Garnish)


Wash about 12 cinnamon sticks.

Slice about ⅓ cup of ginger.

In a pan, add 5 cups of water and the cinnamon sticks. Boil the cinnamon sticks and
ginger separately on medium-high. If you do not want a strong cinnamon or ginger
flavor, you can cut the amount, but just make sure it is a 1:1 ratio. The reason I boil the
ginger and cinnamon sticks separately is to help keep the flavors from combining in the
final product.

In another pan, add 5 cups of water and the ginger. Once they start to boil, reduce the
temperature to medium-low, and boil for about 30 minutes. Keep them covered.

Drain the cinnamon sticks and ginger and get rid of the small pieces to make the tea
clear. If you have a coffee filter, use it.

Add ½ cup of sugar and ½ cup of dark brown sugar to the tea. Boil for 5 more minutes,
so the sugar dissolves.
Substitute white sugar for the brown sugar if you want a different color. I used both
white sugar and brown sugar, to get a darker color, better taste, and to make it little

healthier. It’s your choice. 

Remove the stems of the dried persimmons. If you don’t have them, you can skip them.

Remove the tops of the pine nuts.

You can drink it hot or cold. If you want it cold, keep it in the refrigerator before serving. Put 1
dried persimmon in SuJeongGwa for at least one hour before you drink it. That is so the
persimmon will become soft. Drop some pine nuts on top when you serve it. If you want a cold
drink, you can add some ice cubes also. Enjoy this Korean dessert drink.

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