Corrective Feedback Inventory

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Directions: Rate how much you prefer each type of oral corrective
feedback. Put a check mark in the box that best corresponds to
your preference.

HP Highly You highly prefer this oral corrective feedback type in improving your
Preferred oral communication skills.
MP Moderately You moderately prefer this oral corrective feedback type in improving
Preferred your oral communication skills.
SP Slightly You slightly prefer this oral corrective feedback type in improving your
Preferred oral communication skills.
NP Never You never prefer this oral corrective feedback type in improving your
Preferred oral communication skills.

The teacher repeats what S: Were you suprising by anything in the

01 RECAST the learner has said article?
replacing the error. T: Were you surprised by anything in the

02 EXPLICIT The teacher explicitly S: Were you suprising by anything in the

CORRECTION provides the learner with article?
the correct form.
T: “That is not right. You should say….”

The teacher repeats the

03 REPETITION OF learner’s errors in S: “I going to visit my parents next
ERROR isolation. In most cases, week.”
the teacher adjusts T: I going to…(emphasis)
his/her intonation so as S: I’m going to…
to highlight the error.

The teacher provides the S: Mario and the carabao become good
04 ELICITATION sentence and strategically friends.
pauses to allow the T: Mario and the carabao…
learner to ‘fill in the S: became

The teacher provides S: “When Mario saw the carabao, he was….”

METALINGUISTIC information or questions T: “surprise,
05 FEEDBACK related to an error the surprised,
learner has made without surprising?”
explicitly S: “surprised”
providing the correct

06 CLARIFICATION The teacher asks for T: “What’s your surname?”

REQUEST repetition or reformation S: “Lucy”
of what the learner has T: “pardon me”
said. S: “Lopez”
T: “Excellent!”

The teacher tells the S: Were you suprising by anything in the

07 DENIAL learner that his or her article?
response is incorrect and
asks him or her to say the “That’s not correct. Could you try again?”
sentence without the

Learners work in pairs and read to each

QUESTIONING Learners correct each other a tongue twister. A learner reads
08 (PEER other in a face-to-face the line:
CORRECTION) interaction in a safe
environment. A flea and a fly flew.
She mispronounces the word flew. Her
partner corrects her: A flea and a fly

09 IGNORING The teacher does nothing -------------

when the student makes an
Quinto, J. B. (2020). Corrective feedback in oral communication.
Journal of International Education, 2(1), 1-19.

Q: Which ones have you used? Which one/s do you think are
effective in your classes? Why do you say so?

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