SCSA1104 Unit 1

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Introduction to Computer Problem Solving



UNIT – I - Problem Solving Techniques with C and C++


Introduction to Computer Problem Solving


Algorithms, building blocks of algorithms (statements, control flow, functions),

notation (pseudo code, flow chart), algorithmic problem solving for socio
economic conditions in global perspectives, simple strategies for developing
algorithms (iteration, recursion), the efficiency of algorithms.

1.1 Algorithms

An algorithm is a step by step procedure of solving a problem. The word

“algorithm” is derived from the name of the 9th century Persian mathematician Al-

An algorithm is defined as a collection of unambiguous instructions which are

executed in a specific sequence to produce an output in a finite amount of time for a
given set of input data.

An algorithm can be written in English or in any standard representation.

An algorithm must possess the following properties

1. Finiteness: An algorithm must be executed finite number of times.

2. Definiteness: Each step of the algorithm must be accurate and clear.

3. Effectiveness: Each step must be effective, in the sense that it should be

primitive (easily convertible into a program statement) and can be
performed exactly in a finite amount of time.

4. Independent: The algorithm must be independent of any programming


5. Input/output: Each algorithm must take zero or more quantities as input

data and give out one or more output values.
Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Methods for Developing an Algorithm

 List the data needed to solve the problem (input) and know what is the end
result (output).

 Describe the various step to process the input to get the desired output. Break
down the complex processes into simpler statements.

 Finally test the algorithm with different data sets.

Example: Algorithm for Addition of two numbers:

Step1: Start

Step 2: Get two numbers a and b as input

Step 3: Add the numbers a & b and store the result in c

Step 4: Print c

Step 5: Stop.

The above algorithm is to add two numbers a and b. The numbers are the input
provided by the user .After adding the result is stored in a variable c and it is printed.

1.2 Building Blocks of Algorithm: The basic building blocks of an algorithm

are Statements, Control flow and Functions.

1.2.1 Statements: Statement may be a single action in a computer.

In a computer statements might include some of the following actions

 input data-information given to the program

 process data-perform operation on a given input

 output data-processed result

1.2.2 Control flow: The process of executing the statements in the given
sequence is called as control flow.

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

The three ways in executing the control flow are

 Sequence

 Selection

 Iteration


The given set of instructions executed consecutively is called sequence


Example: Algorithm to find the average of three numbers, the algorithm is as follows

Step1: Start

Step2: Get three numbers a, b, c as input

Step3: Find the sum of a, b and c

Step4: Divide the sum by 3

Step5: Store the result in variable d

Step6: Print d

Step7: Stop

The above algorithm finds the average of three numbers a, b and c. The numbers are
the input provided by the user .After adding the total is divided by 3 and the result is
stored in a variable d and it is printed.


A selection statement is transferring the program control to a specific part of the

program based upon the condition.

If the condition is true, one part of the program will be executed, otherwise the other
part of the program will be executed.
Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Example: Algorithm to find the Largest of two numbers, the algorithm is as follows

Step1: Start

Step 2: Get two numbers a and b as input

Step 3: IF a>b THEN

Step 4: PRINT “A is Large”

Step 5: ELSE PRINT “B is Large”

Step 6: ENDIF

Step 7: Stop

The above algorithm is used to find the Largest of two numbers a and b. The numbers
are the input provided by the user .The number a and b are compared, If a is larger
Print “A is Large” or if b is larger print “B is Large”.


Iteration is a type of execution where a certain set of statements are executed

again and again based upon condition. This type of execution is also called as looping
or repetition.

Example: Algorithm to print all natural numbers up to n, the algorithm is as follows

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Get the value of n.

Step 3: Initialize i=1

Step 4: if (i<=n) go to step 5 else go to step 7

Step 5: Print i value and increment i value by 1

Step 6: Go to step 4

Step 7: Stop
Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

The above algorithm is for printing first n natural numbers .The user provides
the input. The first value, i is initialized. A loop is initialized. The first value is
printed and the number is incremented. The i value is checked with n, the user input.
The numbers are printed until i becomes greater than n.

1.2.3 Functions
Function is a sub program which consists of block of instructions that performs
a particular task. For complex problems, the problem is been divided into smaller and
simpler tasks during algorithm design.
Benefits of Using Functions

 Reduction in line of code

 code reuse
 Better readability
 Information hiding
 Easy to debug and test
 Improved maintainability
Example: Algorithm for addition of two numbers using function Main function ()

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Call the function add ()
Step 3: Stop

The above algorithm is to call the function add. This function is called as Main
function or calling function.

Subfunction add ()
Step 1: Function start
Step 2: Get two numbers as input and store it in to a and b
Step 3: Add the numbers a & b and store the result in c
Step 4: Print c

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Step 5: Return.

The above algorithm is called as the called function which is to add two numbers a
and b. The numbers are the input provided by the user .After adding the result is
stored in a variable c and it is printed.


1.3.1 Pseudo Code

Pseudo –False.
Code- Set of Instructions.

Pseudo code means a short, readable set of instructions written in English to explain
an algorithm.

Rules for writing Pseudo code

 Write one statement per line

 Capitalize keywords.
 Indent to hierarchy.
 Keep statements language independent.

Common keywords used in writing a Pseudo code

Comment: //

Start: BEGIN
Stop: END
Selection: IF, ELSE, ENDIF
Example: Pseudo code to Add two numbers
Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

GET a, b
ADD c=a+b


 Pseudo code is program independent.

 It is easily understandable by layman.

 There is no Standard syntax.

 Pseudo code cannot be compiled or executed.

 It is easy to translate pseudo code into a programming language.

 It can be easily modified as compared to flowchart.


 It is not visual.

 We do not get a picture of the design.

 There is no standardized style or format.

 For a beginner, it is more difficult to follow the logic or write pseudo code
as compared to flowchart.

Flow Chart
Flow chart is defined as the graphical or diagrammatical representation of the process
of solving a problem. It represents the steps of a process in a sequential order.

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving


 The flowchart should be clear, neat and easy to follow.

 The flowchart must have a logical start and finish.

 Only one flow line should come out from a process symbol

 Only one flow line should enter a decision symbol. However, two or three
flow lines may leave the decision symbol

 Only one flow line is used with a terminal symbol.

 Within standard symbols, write briefly and precisely.

 Intersection of flow lines should be avoided.

Fig 1.1 Symbols used in Flow chart

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving


 Flowcharts help in communicating the logic of a program in a better way.

 The problems can be analyzed effectively with the help of flowchart.

 Flowcharts serve as good program documentation.

 The flowchart is ablueprint for the programmer to code efficiently.

 Flowcharts help in debugging process.

Fig 1.2 Flowchart for adding two numbers

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving


 The flowcharts are complex and clumsy when the program is large or

 Altering or modifying the flowcharts may require re-drawing completely.

 The cost and time taken to draw a flowchart for larger applications are

Example: Add two numbers

The above flowchart is used for adding two numbers Number1 and Number2.The
numbers are the input provided by the user .After adding, the result is stored in the
variable Sum and is printed.

Example: Print odd numbers from 1 to 100

Fig 1.3 Flowchart to Print odd numbers from 1 to 100

The above flowchart is used for printing all odd numbers up to 100. The first value, i
is initialized as zero. A loop is initialized. Starting from i=0, each value is divided by
Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

2 and the remainder is captured .This operation is called modulo of a number. The
modulo of first value is calculated if the result is not equal to zero then the number is
printed and the number is incremented. The i value is checked with the limit, 100.
The numbers are printed until the value is less than the input value.

Example: Find the largest of two numbers

Fig 1.4 Flowchart to find the largest of two numbers

The above flowchart is to find the Largest of two numbers NO1 and NO2.The
numbers are the input provided by the user .The number NO1 and NO2 are
compared, If NO1 is larger, the number NO1 is printed or if NO2 is larger, the
number NO2 is printed.

Example: Add two numbers using Function

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Fig 1.5a Flowchart of a calling function

Fig 1.5b Flowchart of a Sub function to add two numbers

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

The flowchart 1.5a is for the calling function. This function is also called as
Main function . The flowchart1.5b is called as the called function which is to add two
numbers a and b.The numbers are the input provided by the user .After adding the
result is stored in a variable c and it is printed.

Types of Flowcharts

 Process Flowchart
 Data Flowchart
 Business Process Modeling Diagram

Difference between Algorithm, Flowchart and Pseudo code

Algorithm Flowchart Pseudo code

An algorithm is a step by It is a graphical It is a language representation

step procedure to solve a representation of algorithm of algorithm.
User needs knowledge to User does not need User does not need
write algorithm. knowledge of program to knowledge of program
draw or understand language to understand or
flowchart write a pseudo code.

Algorithmic Problem Solving For Socio Economic Conditions in Global

Perspectives: People today have to strive hard to maintain

Providing Food for Everybody

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Estimation of people below poverty line.
Step 3: Recommendation about the type and quantity of food from the food
Step 4: Decide the cost
Step 5: Generation of Revenue to meet the food demand
Step 6: Provide food through public distribution system at all levels.
Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Step 7: Get Feedback from beneficiaries as well as public

Step 8: Go to step 2
Step 9: Stop

Fig 1.6 Flowchart for providing food for Everybody

Process A: The number of people below poverty line in each village is

estimated and the total of people in each district is calculated.

Process B: The food committee will recommend the type of food to be

provided and also the quantity of food.

Process C: From the above inputs, the overall cost is calculated.

Process D: The Finance committee decides how to generate the revenue


Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Process E: Revenue is generated by implementing Tax, Educational Cess,

Import /Export duties etc.

Process F: The distribution of food is carried out through public distribution


Process G: Feedback is provided by the public and beneficiaries which again is

an input to the process to improve the quality of the food provision

Simple Strategies for Developing Algorithms (Iteration, Recursion)


A sequence of statements is executed until a specified condition is true is called


1. For loop

2. While loop

Example: Print n Natural numbers using FOR Loop

Algorithm Pseudo code

Step 1: Start BEGIN

Step 2: Get the value of n. GET n

Step 3: Initialize i=1 INITIALIZE i=1

Step 4: if (i<=n) go to step 5 else go to step 7 FOR (i<=n) DO

Step 5: Print i value and increment i value by 1 PRINT i

Step 6: Go to step 4 i=i+1

Step 7: Stop ENDFOR


Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Example: Print n Natural numbers using WHILE Loop

Algorithm Pseudo code

Step 1: Start BEGIN

Step 2: Get the value of n. GET n
Step 3: Initialize i=1 INITIALIZE i=1
Step 4: if (i<=n) go to step 5 else go to step 7 WHILE(i<=n) DO
Step 5: Print i value and increment i value by 1 PRINT i
Step 6: Go to step 4 i=i+1
Step 7: Stop ENDWHILE

Fig 1.8 Flowchart to print n Natural numbers using WHILE Loop

The above flowchart is to print all natural numbers up to n .The user provides
the input value n. The first value, i is initialized as one. A loop is initialized. The i
value is checked with n, the user input. The numbers are printed until the value is less
than the user input value. When the condition becomes false the loop terminates.

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving


A function that calls itself is known as recursion.

Recursion is a process by which a function calls itself repeatedly until some

specified condition has been satisfied.

Example: Factorial

Algorithm Pseudo code

Main Function() Main Function()

Step1: Start BEGIN

Step2: Get n GET n

Step3: call factorial(n) CALL factorial(n)

Step4: print fact PRINT fact

Step5: Stop END

Sub function factorial(n) Sub function factorial(n)

Step1: if(n==1) then fact=1 return fact IF(n==1) THEN

Step2: else fact=n*factorial(n-1) and return fact=1 RETURN fact


RETURN fact=n*factorial(n-1)

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Fig 1.9 a) Flowchart of a calling function b) Flowchart of a Sub function to

find factorial of a given number

The flowchart 1.9a is to call the function factorial. This function is called as
Main function or calling function. The flowchart1.5b is called as the called function
which is to find the factorial of the number passed from the main function. The loop
exists until the n value becomes one. Factorial is a recursive function where the
function itself is called again and again.

Difference between Iteration and Recursion

Property Iteration Recursion

A set of instructions repeatedly
executed. Function calls itself.
Application For loops. For functions.
When the termination condition
Termination for the iterator ceases to be Through base case, where
satisfied. there will be no function call.

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Property Iteration Recursion

Used when time complexity Used when code size needs to
Usage needs to be balanced against an be small, and time complexity
expanded code size. is not an issue.
Code Size Larger Code Size. Smaller code size
Relatively lower time
Time Complexity
complexity Very high time complexity.

Efficiency of Algorithms: Analysis of an Algorithm

The following are some of the factors which helps in an analyzing an algorithm

 Efficiency
 Simplicity
 Generality
 Range of Growth
 Computing order of growth

The most important factor of all these is efficiency.

Efficiency or Performance Analysis

1. Amount of time required to execute an algorithm(Time Complexity)
2. Amount of storage required by an algorithm(Space Complexity)

Time Complexity

 Time complexity of an algorithm is the total time required by the algorithm to

 To compute time we require two components – Variable part and fixed part.
 Variable Part - Run time
 Fixed Part - Compile time

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Time complexity can be represented as a numerical function T(n), where T(n) can be
measured as the number of steps, provided each step consumes constant time.

Calculation of Time Complexity

We use step count method to calculate the time complexity of an algorithm.

For example
int sum(int a[],int n)
Int sum=0
For (int i=0;i<n;i++)
Return sum

Instruction Step count

int sum(int a[],int n) 0
{ 0
Int sum=0 1
For (int i=0;i<n;i++) n+1
Sum=sum+a[i] N
} 0
Return sum 1
} 0
Total steps=1+n+1+n+1=2n+3

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Space Complexity: Space complexity of an algorithm is the amount of memory

space required by the algorithm to run.

Reason for estimating space before running the program

 To know if the memory is sufficient

 The program must be of lesser size in a multiuser system ,since there will be
multiple copies of the same program

To compute the space we require two components – Variable space and fixed space.

Space complexity S(P) = C + SP,

Where C is a Constant, that is the fixed space and it denotes the amount of space
taken by instructions, simple variables, constants and identifiers.

And SP is the variable space is a space dependent upon instance characteristics.

Space complexity can also be represented as the sum of instruction space, Data
space and Environment stack space.

Instruction space: The memory space required for storing the compiled
instructions. It depends on the Compiler used, compiler options and the target

Data space: The amount of memory space used by Constants, variables,

arrays, structures and other data structures.

Environment stack space: When we use a function, we will require a stack to

store the return address of the main function (Calling function). This space is the
environment stack space.

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Calculation of Space complexity

Type Size
bool, char, unsigned char, signed char, int8 1 byte
int16, short, unsigned short 2 bytes
float, int32, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long 4 bytes
double, int64, long double 8 bytes


int c= a+b

return c

In the above example, variables a, b, and c are all integer types, so they will take up 4
bytes each, so total memory requirement will be (4(3) + 4) = 20 bytes, the additional
4 bytes is for return value. Since this space requirement is fixed for the above
example, it is called Constant Space Complexity.

int sum(int a[],int n)

Int sum=0

For (int i=0;i<n;i++)


Return sum

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

 In the above example, 4*n bytes of space is required for the array a[]
n elements.

 4 bytes each for sum, n, i and the return value.

Hence the total memory requirement will be (4n + 12), which is increasing linearly
with the increase in the input value n, hence it is called as Linear Space Complexity.

Case Studies

 Networked Healthcare

 Clean Water for All

 Generating Energy at Low Costs

 Smart Cities

 Education for all

 Tower of Hanoi Problem

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving


1. Write an algorithm and flowchart for solving quadratic equation (of the
form ax2 + bx + c).
2. M1,M2, M3 are the marks scored in 3 tests. Write an algorithm to find the
average of best 2 marks.
3. Write an algorithm and pseudo code to check whether a given integer is
prime number or not.
4. Write a recursive function to add two numbers a and b.
5. Describe the algorithm for finding sum and average of n numbers.
6. Draw a flow chart for computing factorial of a given number.
7. Draw the flow chart for finding sum of first n natural numbers.
8. Draw a flow chart print all prime number between to intervals.
9. Explain the algorithm to find minimum in a list and Maximum in a list.
10. Develop an algorithm for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice


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